Penrose tiling: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added syntax colouring, marked p2js compatible)
Line 383:
'''Adapted from [[#Perl|Perl]]'''
{{works with|jq}}
''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
The SVG viewBox parameters are computed dynamically.
<lang jq>def pi: 4 * (1|atan);
def rules:
{A : "",
M : "OA++PA----NA[-OA----MA]++",
N : "+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+",
O : "-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-",
P : "--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA",
"": "[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]" } ;
# Apply the rules
def penrose($count):
rules as $rules
| def repeat($count):
if $count <= 0 then .
else gsub("M";"m") | gsub("N";"n") | gsub("O";"o") | gsub("P";"p")
| gsub("A"; $rules["A"])
| gsub("m"; $rules["M"])
| gsub("n"; $rules["N"])
| gsub("o"; $rules["O"])
| gsub("p"; $rules["P"])
| repeat($count-1)
$rules[""] | repeat($count) ;
# Update {svg, x, y, theta, stack, minx, maxx, miny, maxy}
def interpret($z):
def rnd: 1000*.|round/1000;
def minmax:
.minx = ([.minx, .x]|min)
| .miny = ([.miny, .y]|min)
| .maxx = ([.maxx, .x]|max)
| .maxy = ([.maxy, .y]|max) ;
if $z == "+" then .theta += pi/5
elif $z == "-" then .theta -= pi/5
elif $z == "[" then .stack += [ {x, y, theta} ]
elif $z == "]" then .stack[-1] as {$x, $y, $theta}
| .x = $x | .y = $y | .theta = $theta
| .stack |= .[:-1]
elif $z == "A"
then minmax
| .r as $r
|.svg += "<line x1='\(.x|rnd)' y1='\(.y|rnd)' "
| .x += $r * (.theta|cos)
| .y += $r * (.theta|sin)
| .svg += "x2='\(.x|rnd)' y2='\(.y|rnd)' "
| .svg += "style='stroke:rgb(255,165,0)'/>\n"
| minmax
else .
end ;
def penrose_tiling($n):
| split("")
| reduce .[] as $action (
{x:160, y:160, theta: (pi/5), r: 20,
minx: infinite, miny: infinite,
maxx: -infinite, maxy: -infinite,
svg: "", stack: []};
interpret($action) ) ;
# viewBox = <min-x> <min-y> <width> <height>
# Input: {svg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy}
def svg:
([.minx, .miny] | min - 2 | floor) as $min
| ([.maxx - .minx, .maxy - .miny] | max + 2 | ceil) as $size
| "<svg viewBox=\"\($min) \($min) \($size) \($size)\" xmlns=\"\">",
| svg</lang>

Revision as of 07:21, 16 January 2022

Penrose tiling is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

A Penrose tiling can cover an entire plane without creating a pattern that periodically repeats.

There are many tile sets that can create non-periodic tilings, but those can typically also be used to create a periodic tiling. What makes Penrose tiles special is that they can only be used to produce non-periodic tilings.

The two best-known Penrose tile sets are Kite and Dart (P2) and Thin Rhombus and Fat Rhombus (P3)

These so-called prototiles are usually depicted with smooth edges, but in reality Penrose tiles have interlocking tabs and cut-outs like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. For convenience these deformations are often replaced with matching rules, which ensure that the tiles are only connected in ways that guarantee a non-periodic tiling. (Otherwise, for instance, you could combine the kite and dart to form a rhombus, and easily create a periodic tiling from there.)

You can construct a Penrose tiling by setting up some prototiles, and adding tiles through trial and error, backtracking whenever you get stuck.

More commonly a method is used that takes advantage of the fact that Penrose tilings, like fractals, have a self-similarity on different levels. When zooming out it can be observed that groups of tiles are enclosed in areas that form exactly the same pattern as the tiles on the lower level. Departing from an inflated level, the prototiles can be subdivided into smaller tiles, always observing the matching rules. The subdivision may have to be repeated several times, before the desired level of detail is reached. This process is called deflation.

More information can be found through the links below.

The task: fill a rectangular area with a Penrose tiling.

See also


Translation of: Nim

<lang cpp>#include <cmath>

  1. include <cstdlib>
  2. include <fstream>
  3. include <iomanip>
  4. include <iostream>
  5. include <set>
  6. include <sstream>
  7. include <stack>
  8. include <string>
  9. include <tuple>

int main() {

   std::ofstream out("penrose_tiling.svg");
   if (!out) {
       std::cerr << "Cannot open output file.\n";
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
   std::string penrose("[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]");
   for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
       std::string next;
       for (char ch : penrose) {
           switch (ch) {
           case 'A':
           case 'M':
               next += "OA++PA----NA[-OA----MA]++";
           case 'N':
               next += "+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+";
           case 'O':
               next += "-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-";
           case 'P':
               next += "--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA";
               next += ch;
       penrose = std::move(next);
   const double r = 30;
   const double pi5 = 0.628318530717959;
   double x = r * 8, y = r * 8, theta = pi5;
   std::set<std::string> svg;
   std::stack<std::tuple<double, double, double>> stack;
   for (char ch : penrose) {
       switch (ch) {
       case 'A': {
           double nx = x + r * std::cos(theta);
           double ny = y + r * std::sin(theta);
           std::ostringstream line;
           line << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "<line x1='" << x
                << "' y1='" << y << "' x2='" << nx << "' y2='" << ny << "'/>";
           x = nx;
           y = ny;
       } break;
       case '+':
           theta += pi5;
       case '-':
           theta -= pi5;
       case '[':
           stack.push({x, y, theta});
       case ']':
           std::tie(x, y, theta) =;
   out << "<svg xmlns='' height='" << r * 16
       << "' width='" << r * 16 << "'>\n"
       << "<rect height='100%' width='100%' fill='black'/>\n"
       << "<g stroke='rgb(255,165,0)'>\n";
   for (const auto& line : svg)
       out << line << '\n';
   out << "</g>\n</svg>\n";
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;



Writes a file in SVG format similar to that produced by the Perl solution.


Library: Go Graphics
Translation of: Java

<lang go>package main

import (



type tiletype int

const (

   kite tiletype = iota


type tile struct {

   tt          tiletype
   x, y        float64
   angle, size float64


var gr = (1 + math.Sqrt(5)) / 2 // golden ratio

const theta = math.Pi / 5 // 36 degrees in radians

func setupPrototiles(w, h int) []tile {

   var proto []tile
   // sun
   for a := math.Pi/2 + theta; a < 3*math.Pi; a += 2 * theta {
       ww := float64(w / 2)
       hh := float64(h / 2)
       proto = append(proto, tile{kite, ww, hh, a, float64(w) / 2.5})
   return proto


func distinctTiles(tls []tile) []tile {

   tileset := make(map[tile]bool)
   for _, tl := range tls {
       tileset[tl] = true
   distinct := make([]tile, len(tileset))
   for tl, _ := range tileset {
       distinct = append(distinct, tl)
   return distinct


func deflateTiles(tls []tile, gen int) []tile {

   if gen <= 0 {
       return tls
   var next []tile
   for _, tl := range tls {
       x, y, a, size := tl.x, tl.y, tl.angle, tl.size/gr
       var nx, ny float64
       if == dart {
           next = append(next, tile{kite, x, y, a + 5*theta, size})
           for i, sign := 0, 1.0; i < 2; i, sign = i+1, -sign {
               nx = x + math.Cos(a-4*theta*sign)*gr*tl.size
               ny = y - math.Sin(a-4*theta*sign)*gr*tl.size
               next = append(next, tile{dart, nx, ny, a - 4*theta*sign, size})
       } else {
           for i, sign := 0, 1.0; i < 2; i, sign = i+1, -sign {
               next = append(next, tile{dart, x, y, a - 4*theta*sign, size})
               nx = x + math.Cos(a-theta*sign)*gr*tl.size
               ny = y - math.Sin(a-theta*sign)*gr*tl.size
               next = append(next, tile{kite, nx, ny, a + 3*theta*sign, size})
   // remove duplicates
   tls = distinctTiles(next)
   return deflateTiles(tls, gen-1)


func drawTiles(dc *gg.Context, tls []tile) {

   dist := [2][3]float64{{gr, gr, gr}, {-gr, -1, -gr}}
   for _, tl := range tls {
       angle := tl.angle - theta
       dc.MoveTo(tl.x, tl.y)
       ord :=
       for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
           x := tl.x + dist[ord][i]*tl.size*math.Cos(angle)
           y := tl.y - dist[ord][i]*tl.size*math.Sin(angle)
           dc.LineTo(x, y)
           angle += theta
       if ord == kite {
           dc.SetHexColor("FFA500") // orange
       } else {
           dc.SetHexColor("FFFF00") // yellow
       dc.SetHexColor("A9A9A9") // dark gray


func main() {

   w, h := 700, 450
   dc := gg.NewContext(w, h)
   dc.SetRGB(1, 1, 1)
   tiles := deflateTiles(setupPrototiles(w, h), 5)
   drawTiles(dc, tiles)


Image same as Java entry.


Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import java.util.List; import java.awt.geom.Path2D; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import static java.lang.Math.*; import static;

public class PenroseTiling extends JPanel {

   // ignores missing hash code
   class Tile {
       double x, y, angle, size;
       Type type;
       Tile(Type t, double x, double y, double a, double s) {
           type = t;
           this.x = x;
           this.y = y;
           angle = a;
           size = s;
       public boolean equals(Object o) {
           if (o instanceof Tile) {
               Tile t = (Tile) o;
               return type == t.type && x == t.x && y == t.y && angle == t.angle;
           return false;
   enum Type {
       Kite, Dart
   static final double G = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2; // golden ratio
   static final double T = toRadians(36); // theta
   List<Tile> tiles = new ArrayList<>();
   public PenroseTiling() {
       int w = 700, h = 450;
       setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h));
       tiles = deflateTiles(setupPrototiles(w, h), 5);
   List<Tile> setupPrototiles(int w, int h) {
       List<Tile> proto = new ArrayList<>();
       // sun
       for (double a = PI / 2 + T; a < 3 * PI; a += 2 * T)
           proto.add(new Tile(Type.Kite, w / 2, h / 2, a, w / 2.5));
       return proto;
   List<Tile> deflateTiles(List<Tile> tls, int generation) {
       if (generation <= 0)
           return tls;
       List<Tile> next = new ArrayList<>();
       for (Tile tile : tls) {
           double x = tile.x, y = tile.y, a = tile.angle, nx, ny;
           double size = tile.size / G;
           if (tile.type == Type.Dart) {
               next.add(new Tile(Type.Kite, x, y, a + 5 * T, size));
               for (int i = 0, sign = 1; i < 2; i++, sign *= -1) {
                   nx = x + cos(a - 4 * T * sign) * G * tile.size;
                   ny = y - sin(a - 4 * T * sign) * G * tile.size;
                   next.add(new Tile(Type.Dart, nx, ny, a - 4 * T * sign, size));
           } else {
               for (int i = 0, sign = 1; i < 2; i++, sign *= -1) {
                   next.add(new Tile(Type.Dart, x, y, a - 4 * T * sign, size));
                   nx = x + cos(a - T * sign) * G * tile.size;
                   ny = y - sin(a - T * sign) * G * tile.size;
                   next.add(new Tile(Type.Kite, nx, ny, a + 3 * T * sign, size));
       // remove duplicates
       tls =;
       return deflateTiles(tls, generation - 1);
   void drawTiles(Graphics2D g) {
       double[][] dist = {{G, G, G}, {-G, -1, -G}};
       for (Tile tile : tiles) {
           double angle = tile.angle - T;
           Path2D path = new Path2D.Double();
           path.moveTo(tile.x, tile.y);
           int ord = tile.type.ordinal();
           for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
               double x = tile.x + dist[ord][i] * tile.size * cos(angle);
               double y = tile.y - dist[ord][i] * tile.size * sin(angle);
               path.lineTo(x, y);
               angle += T;
           g.setColor(ord == 0 ? : Color.yellow);
   public void paintComponent(Graphics og) {
       Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) og;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
           JFrame f = new JFrame();
           f.setTitle("Penrose Tiling");
           f.add(new PenroseTiling(), BorderLayout.CENTER);



Adapted from Perl

Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'

The SVG viewBox parameters are computed dynamically. <lang jq>def pi: 4 * (1|atan);

def rules:

 {A : "",
  M : "OA++PA----NA[-OA----MA]++",
  N : "+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+",
  O : "-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-",
  P : "--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA",
  "": "[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]" } ;
  1. Apply the rules

def penrose($count):

 rules as $rules
 | def repeat($count):
     if $count <= 0 then .
     else gsub("M";"m") | gsub("N";"n") | gsub("O";"o")  | gsub("P";"p")
     | gsub("A"; $rules["A"])
     | gsub("m"; $rules["M"])
     | gsub("n"; $rules["N"])
     | gsub("o"; $rules["O"])
     | gsub("p"; $rules["P"])
     | repeat($count-1)
 $rules[""] | repeat($count) ;
  1. Update {svg, x, y, theta, stack, minx, maxx, miny, maxy}

def interpret($z):

 def rnd: 1000*.|round/1000;
 def minmax:
     .minx = ([.minx, .x]|min)
   | .miny = ([.miny, .y]|min)
   | .maxx = ([.maxx, .x]|max)
   | .maxy = ([.maxy, .y]|max) ;
 if   $z == "+" then .theta += pi/5
 elif $z == "-" then .theta -= pi/5
 elif $z == "[" then .stack += [ {x, y, theta} ]
 elif $z == "]" then .stack[-1] as {$x, $y, $theta}
 | .x = $x | .y = $y | .theta = $theta
 | .stack |= .[:-1]
 elif $z == "A"
 then minmax
 | .r as $r
 |.svg += "<line x1='\(.x|rnd)' y1='\(.y|rnd)' "
 | .x += $r * (.theta|cos)
 | .y += $r * (.theta|sin)
 | .svg += "x2='\(.x|rnd)' y2='\(.y|rnd)' " 
 | .svg += "style='stroke:rgb(255,165,0)'/>\n"
 | minmax
 else .
 end ;

def penrose_tiling($n):

 | split("") 
 | reduce .[] as $action (
     {x:160, y:160, theta: (pi/5), r: 20,
      minx: infinite, miny: infinite,
      maxx: -infinite, maxy: -infinite,
     svg: "", stack: []};
     interpret($action) ) ;
  1. viewBox = <min-x> <min-y> <width> <height>
  2. Input: {svg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy}

def svg:

 ([.minx, .miny] | min - 2 | floor) as $min
 | ([.maxx - .minx,  .maxy - .miny] | max + 2 | ceil) as $size
 | "<svg viewBox=\"\($min) \($min) \($size) \($size)\" xmlns=\"\">",

penrose_tiling(5) | svg</lang>


Translation of: Perl

<lang julia>using Printf

function drawpenrose()

   lindenmayer_rules = Dict("A" => "",
       "M" => "OA++PA----NA[-OA----MA]++", "N" => "+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+",
       "O" => "-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-", "P" => "--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA")
   rul(x) = lindenmayer_rules[x]
   penrose = replace(replace(replace(replace("[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]",
       r"[AMNOP]" => rul), r"[AMNOP]" => rul), r"[AMNOP]" => rul), r"[AMNOP]" => rul)
   x, y, theta, r, svglines, stack = 160, 160, π / 5, 20.0, String[], Vector{Real}[]
   for c in split(penrose, "")
       if c == "A"
           xx, yy = x + r * cos(theta), y + r * sin(theta)
           line = @sprintf("<line x1='%.1f' y1='%.1f' x2='%.1f' y2='%.1f' style='stroke:rgb(255,165,0)'/>\n", x, y, xx, yy)
           x, y = xx, yy
           push!(svglines, line)
       elseif c == "+"
           theta += π / 5
       elseif c == "-"
           theta -= π / 5
       elseif c == "["
           push!(stack, [x, y, theta])
       elseif c == "]"
           x, y, theta = pop!(stack)
   svg = join(unique(svglines), "\n")
   fp = open("penrose_tiling.svg", "w")
   write(fp, """<svg xmlns="" height="350" width="350"> <rect height="100%" """ *
             """width="100%" style="fill:black" />""" * "\n$svg</svg>")


drawpenrose() </lang>


Translation of: Java

<lang scala>// version 1.1.2

import java.awt.* import java.awt.geom.Path2D import javax.swing.*

class PenroseTiling(w: Int, h: Int) : JPanel() {

   private enum class Type {
       KITE, DART
   private class Tile(
       val type: Type, 
       val x: Double, 
       val y: Double, 
       val angle: Double, 
       val size: Double 
   ) {
       override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
           if (other == null || other !is Tile) return false
           return type == other.type && x == other.x && y == other.y &&
                  angle == other.angle && size == other.size
   private companion object {
       val G = (1.0 + Math.sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0  // golden ratio 
       val T = Math.toRadians(36.0)          // theta
   private val tiles: List<Tile>
   init {
       preferredSize = Dimension(w, h)
       background = Color.white 
       tiles = deflateTiles(setupPrototiles(w, h), 5)
   private fun setupPrototiles(w: Int, h: Int): List<Tile> {
       val proto = mutableListOf<Tile>()
       var a = Math.PI / 2.0 + T
       while (a < 3.0 * Math.PI) {
           proto.add(Tile(Type.KITE, w / 2.0, h / 2.0, a, w / 2.5))
           a += 2.0 * T
       return proto
   private fun deflateTiles(tls: List<Tile>, generation: Int): List<Tile> {
       if (generation <= 0) return tls
       val next = mutableListOf<Tile>()

       for (tile in tls) {
           val x = tile.x
           val y = tile.y
           val a = tile.angle
           var nx: Double 
           var ny: Double
           val size = tile.size / G

           if (tile.type == Type.DART) {
               next.add(Tile(Type.KITE, x, y, a + 5.0 * T, size))
               var sign = 1
               for (i in 0..1) {
                   nx = x + Math.cos(a - 4.0 * T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   ny = y - Math.sin(a - 4.0 * T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   next.add(Tile(Type.DART, nx, ny, a - 4.0 * T * sign, size))
                   sign *= -1
           else { 
               var sign = 1
               for (i in 0..1) {
                   next.add(Tile(Type.DART, x, y, a - 4.0 * T * sign, size))
                   nx = x + Math.cos(a - T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   ny = y - Math.sin(a - T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   next.add(Tile(Type.KITE, nx, ny, a + 3.0 * T * sign, size))
                   sign *= -1
       // remove duplicates and deflate 
       return deflateTiles(next.distinct(), generation - 1)
   private fun drawTiles(g: Graphics2D) {
       val dist = arrayOf(
           doubleArrayOf(G, G, G),
           doubleArrayOf(-G, -1.0, -G)
       for (tile in tiles) {
           var angle = tile.angle - T
           val path = Path2D.Double()
           path.moveTo(tile.x, tile.y) 
           val ord = tile.type.ordinal
           for (i in 0..2) {
               val x = tile.x + dist[ord][i] * tile.size * Math.cos(angle)
               val y = tile.y - dist[ord][i] * tile.size * Math.sin(angle)
               path.lineTo(x, y)
               angle += T
           with(g) {
               color = if (ord == 0) else
               color = Color.darkGray
   override fun paintComponent(og: Graphics) {
       val g = og as Graphics2D 


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   SwingUtilities.invokeLater {
       val f = JFrame()
       with (f) {
           defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
           title = "Penrose Tiling"
           isResizable = false
           add(PenroseTiling(700, 450), BorderLayout.CENTER)
           isVisible = true



Translation of: Phix

This is a translation of the Lindenmayer Phix version translated itself from Perl. <lang Nim>import math, strformat, tables

const Lindenmayer = {'A': "",

                    'M': "OA++PA----NA[-OA----MA]++",
                    'N': "+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+",
                    'O': "-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-",
                    'P': "--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA"}.toTable

var penrose = "[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]"

for _ in 1..4:

 var next = ""
 for ch in penrose:
   next.add Lindenmayer.getOrDefault(ch, $ch)
 penrose = move(next)


 x, y = 160.0
 theta = PI / 5
 r = 20.0

var svg = "" var stack: seq[(float, float, float)]

for ch in penrose:

 case ch
 of 'A':
   let (nx, ny) = (x + r * cos(theta), y + r * sin(theta))
   svg.add &"<line x1='{x:.1f}' y1='{y:.1f}' x2='{nx:.1f}' y2='{ny:.1f}'"
   svg.add " style='stroke:rgb(255,165,0)'/>\n"
   (x, y) = (nx, ny)
 of '+':
   theta += PI / 5
 of '-':
   theta -= PI / 5
 of '[':
   stack.add (x, y, theta)
 of ']':
   (x, y, theta) = stack.pop()

let svgFile = "penrose_tiling.svg".open(fmWrite) svgFile.write """ <svg xmlns="" height="350" width="350"> <rect height="100%%" width="100%%" style="fill:black" /> """ svgFile.write svg, "</svg>" svgFile.close()</lang>


Same output as Perl.


<lang perl>use constant pi => 2 * atan2(1, 0);

  1. Generated with a P3 tile set using a Lindenmayer system.

%rules = (

   A => ,
   M => 'OA++PA----NA[-OA----MA]++',
   N => '+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+',
   O => '-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-',
   P => '--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA'

); $penrose = '[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]'; $penrose =~ s/([AMNOP])/$rules{$1}/eg for 1..4;

  1. Draw the curve in SVG

($x, $y) = (160, 160); $theta = pi/5; $r = 20;

for (split //, $penrose) {

   if (/A/) {
       $line  = sprintf "<line x1='%.1f' y1='%.1f' ", $x, $y;
       $line .= sprintf "x2='%.1f' ", $x += $r * cos($theta);
       $line .= sprintf "y2='%.1f' ", $y += $r * sin($theta);
       $line .= "style='stroke:rgb(255,165,0)'/>\n";
       $SVG{$line} = 1;
   } elsif (/\+/) { $theta += pi/5
   } elsif (/\-/) { $theta -= pi/5
   } elsif (/\[/) { push @stack, [$x, $y, $theta]
   } elsif (/\]/) { ($x, $y, $theta) = @{pop @stack} }

} $svg .= $_ for keys %SVG; open $fh, '>', 'penrose_tiling.svg'; print $fh qq{<svg xmlns="" height="350" width="350"> <rect height="100%" width="100%" style="fill:black" />\n$svg</svg>}; close $fh;</lang> Penrose tiling (offsite image)


Translation of the original Python code. Output can be toggled to look like the java or perl output.

Library: Phix/pGUI
Library: Phix/online

You can run this online here.

-- demo\rosetta\Penrose_tiling.exw
-- ===============================
--  Resizeable. Press space to iterate/subdivide, C to toggle colour scheme
bool yellow_orange = true   -- false = magenta on black, outlines only

with javascript_semantics
constant title = "Penrose tiling"
include pGUI.e

Ihandle dlg, canvas
cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas

include builtins\complex.e
constant golden_ratio = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2

function subdivide(sequence triangles)
    sequence result = {}
    integer colour
    complex A, B, C, P, Q, R
    for i=1 to length(triangles) do
        {colour, A, B, C} = triangles[i]
        if colour == 0 then
            -- Subdivide orange triangle
            P = complex_add(A,complex_div(complex_sub(B,A),golden_ratio))
            result &= {{0, C, P, B}, {1, P, C, A}}
            -- Subdivide yellow triangle
            Q = complex_add(B,complex_div(complex_sub(A,B),golden_ratio))
            R = complex_add(B,complex_div(complex_sub(C,B),golden_ratio))
            result &= {{1, R, C, A}, {1, Q, R, B}, {0, R, Q, A}}
        end if
    end for
    return result
end function

function initial_wheel()
-- Create an initial wheel of yellow triangles around the origin
    sequence triangles = {}
    complex B, C
    atom phi
    for i=0 to 9 do
        phi = (2*i-1)*PI/10
        B = {cos(phi),sin(phi)}
        phi = (2*i+1)*PI/10
        C = {cos(phi),sin(phi)}
        if mod(i,2)==0 then
            {B, C} = {C, B}  -- mirror every second triangle
        end if
        triangles &= {{0, {0,0}, B, C}}
    end for
    return subdivide(triangles) -- ... and iterate once
end function

sequence triangles = initial_wheel()

integer hw, hh, h

procedure draw_one(sequence triangle, integer colour, mode)
    if yellow_orange then
        cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, colour)
    end if
    cdCanvasBegin(cddbuffer, mode)
    for i=2 to 4 do
        atom {x,y} = triangle[i]
        cdCanvasVertex(cddbuffer, x*h+hw, y*h+hh) 
    end for
end procedure

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, /*posy*/)
    {hw, hh} = sq_floor_div(IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE"),2)
    h = min(hw,hh)
    if yellow_orange then
        cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_WHITE)
        cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_BLACK)
        cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, CD_MAGENTA)
    end if
    for i=1 to length(triangles) do
        sequence triangle = triangles[i]
        if yellow_orange then
            integer colour = iff(triangle[1]?CD_ORANGE:CD_YELLOW)
        end if
    end for
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
    cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
    cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

function key_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)
    if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
    if c=' ' then
        if length(triangles)<=6100 then -- sane limit
            triangles = subdivide(triangles)
            IupSetAttribute(dlg,"TITLE",title & " (sane limit reached)")
        end if
    elsif upper(c)='C' then
        yellow_orange = not yellow_orange
    end if
    return IUP_CONTINUE
end function

procedure main()
    canvas = IupCanvas("RASTERSIZE=600x600")
    IupSetCallbacks(canvas, {"MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"),
                             "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb")})
    dlg = IupDialog(canvas, `TITLE="%s"`,{title})
    IupSetCallback(dlg, "KEY_CB", Icallback("key_cb"))
    IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL) -- release the minimum limitation
    if platform()!=JS then
    end if
end procedure



Translation of: Perl

Same output, obviously the resulting file can be opened in a separate browser.

without js
constant Lindenmayer = new_dict({{'A',""},
string penrose = "[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]"
for n=1 to 4 do
    string next = ""
    for i=1 to length(penrose) do
        integer ch = penrose[i]
        object l = getd(ch,Lindenmayer)
        next &= iff(l=NULL?ch:l)
    end for
    penrose = next
end for

atom x=160, y=160, theta=PI/5, r = 20
string svg = ""
constant line = "<line x1='%.1f' y1='%.1f' x2='%.1f' y2='%.1f' style='stroke:rgb(255,165,0)'/>\n"
sequence stack = {}
for i=1 to length(penrose) do
    integer ch = penrose[i]
    switch ch do
        case 'A':   atom nx = x+r*cos(theta),
                         ny = y+r*sin(theta)
                    svg &= sprintf(line,{x,y,nx,ny})
                    {x,y} = {nx,ny}
        case '+':   theta += PI/5
        case '-':   theta -= PI/5
        case '[':   stack = append(stack,{x,y,theta})
        case ']':   {x,y,theta} = stack[$]
                    stack = stack[1..$-1]
    end switch
end for
constant svgfmt = """
<svg xmlns="" height="350" width="350">
 <rect height="100%%" width="100%%" style="fill:black" />
integer fn = open("penrose_tiling.svg","w")


Translation of: Perl

<lang racket>#lang racket

(require racket/draw)

(define rules '([M . (O A + + P A - - - - N A < - O A - - - - M A > + +)]

               [N . (+ O A - - P A < - - - M A - - N A > +)]
               [O . (- M A + + N A < + + + O A + + P A > -)]
               [P . (- - O A + + + + M A < + P A + + + + N A > - - N A)]
               [S . (< N > + + < N > + + < N > + + < N > + + < N >)]))

(define (get-cmds n cmd)

   [(= 0 n) (list cmd)]
   [else (append-map (curry get-cmds (sub1 n))
                     (dict-ref rules cmd (list cmd)))]))


 (define target (make-bitmap DIM DIM))
 (define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap target]))
 (send dc set-background BACKGROUND-COLOR)
 (send dc set-pen COLOR 1 'solid)
 (send dc clear)
 (for/fold ([x 160] [y 160] [θ (/ pi 5)] [S '()])
           ([cmd (in-list (get-cmds N 'S))])
   (define (draw/values x* y* θ* S*)
     (send/apply dc draw-line (map (curry + OFFSET) (list x y x* y*)))
     (values x* y* θ* S*))
   (match cmd
     ['A (draw/values (+ x (* R (cos θ))) (+ y (* R (sin θ))) θ S)]
     ['+ (values x y (+ θ (/ pi 5)) S)]
     ['- (values x y (- θ (/ pi 5)) S)]
     ['<  (values x y θ (cons (list x y θ) S))]
     ['> (match-define (cons (list x y θ) S*) S)
         (values x y θ S*)]
     [_ (values x y θ S)]))

(make-curve 500 4 20 80 (make-color 255 255 0) (make-color 0 0 0))</lang>


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.05

Generated with a P3 tile set using a Lindenmayer system.

<lang perl6>use SVG;

role Lindenmayer {

   has %.rules;
   method succ { { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules)



my $penrose = '[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]' but Lindenmayer(

       A => ,
       M => 'OA++PA----NA[-OA----MA]++',
       N => '+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+',
       O => '-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-',
       P => '--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA'


$penrose++ xx 4;

my @lines; my @stack;

for $penrose.comb {

   state ($x, $y) = 300, 200;
   state $d = 55 + 0i;
   when 'A' { @lines.push: 'line' => [:x1($x.round(.01)), :y1($y.round(.01)), :x2(($x += $, :y2(($y += $] }
   when '[' { @stack.push: ($x.clone, $y.clone, $d.clone) }
   when ']' { ($x, $y, $d) = @stack.pop }
   when '+' { $d *= cis -π/5 }
   when '-' { $d *= cis  π/5 }
   default { }


say SVG.serialize(

   svg => [
       :600width, :400height, :style<stroke:rgb(250,12,210)>,
       :rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<black>],

);</lang> See: Penrose tiling image


Java Swing Interoperability

Works with: Scala version 2.13

<lang Scala>import java.awt.{BorderLayout, Color, Dimension, Graphics, Graphics2D, RenderingHints} import java.awt.geom.Path2D

import javax.swing.{JFrame, JPanel}

import scala.math._

object PenroseTiling extends App {

 private val (φ, ϑ) = ((1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, toRadians(36)) // golden ratio and 36 degrees
 private val dist: Array[Array[Double]] = Array(Array(φ, φ, φ), Array(-φ, -1, -φ))
 class PenroseTiling extends JPanel {
   private val (w, h) = (700, 450)
   private val tiles: Set[Tile] = deflateTiles(setupPrototiles(w, h), 5)
   override def paintComponent(og: Graphics): Unit = {
     def drawTiles(g: Graphics2D): Unit =
       for (tile <- tiles) {
         val path: Path2D = new Path2D.Double()
         val distL = dist(
         path.moveTo(tile.x, tile.y)
         for {i <- 0 until 3
              ω = tile.α + (i - 1) * ϑ}
             tile.x + distL(i) * tile.size * cos(ω),
             tile.y - distL(i) * tile.size * sin(ω))
         g.setColor(if (tile.tileType == Type.Kite) else Color.yellow)
     val g: Graphics2D = og.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
     g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)
   private def setupPrototiles(w: Int, h: Int): Set[Tile] = (0 to 5).map(n =>
     Tile(Type.Kite, (w / 2).toDouble, (h / 2).toDouble, Pi / 2 + ϑ + n * 2 * ϑ, w / 2.5)).toSet
   private def deflateTiles(tls: Set[Tile], generation: Int): Set[Tile] =
     if (generation > 0) {
       val next = for {
         tile <- tls
         size = tile.size / φ
       } yield {
         def nx(factor: Int) = tile.x + cos(tile.α - factor * ϑ) * φ * tile.size
         def ny(factor: Int) = tile.y - sin(tile.α - factor * ϑ) * φ * tile.size
         tile.tileType match {
           case Type.Dart =>
             Seq(Tile(Type.Kite, tile.x, tile.y, tile.α + 5 * ϑ, size)) ++
               (for (sign <- -1 to 1 by 2)
                 yield Tile(Type.Dart, nx(sign * 4), ny(sign * 4), tile.α - 4 * ϑ * sign, size))
           case Type.Kite => (for (sign <- 1 to -1 by -2) yield {
             Seq(Tile(Type.Dart, tile.x, tile.y, tile.α - 4 * ϑ * sign, size),
               Tile(Type.Kite, nx(sign), ny(sign), tile.α + 3 * ϑ * sign, size))
       deflateTiles(next.flatten, generation - 1)
     } else tls
   private case class Tile(tileType: Type.Type, x: Double, y: Double, α: Double, size: Double)
   private object Type extends Enumeration {
     type Type = Value
     val Kite, Dart = Value
   setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h))
 new JFrame("Penrose Tiling") {
   add(new PenroseTiling(), BorderLayout.CENTER)



Using the LSystem class defined at Hilbert curve. <lang ruby>var rules = Hash(

   a => 'cE++dE----bE[-cE----aE]++',
   b => '+cE--dE[---aE--bE]+',
   c => '-aE++bE[+++cE++dE]-',
   d => '--cE++++aE[+dE++++bE]--bE',
   E => ,


var lsys = LSystem(

   width:  1000,
   height: 1000,
   scale: 1,
   xoff: -500,
   yoff: -500,
   len:   40,
   angle: 36,
   color: 'dark blue',


lsys.execute('[b]++[b]++[b]++[b]++[b]', 5, "penrose_tiling.png", rules)</lang>

Output image: Penrose tiling


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: DOME
Library: Wren-dynamic
Library: Wren-set
Library: Wren-polygon

<lang ecmascript>import "graphics" for Canvas, Color import "dome" for Window import "math" for Math import "./dynamic" for Enum, Tuple import "./set" for Set import "./polygon" for Polygon

var Type = Enum.create("Type", ["KITE", "DART"])

var Tile = Tuple.create("Tile", ["type", "x", "y", "angle", "size"])

var DistinctTiles = { |tiles|

   var tileStr = { |t| t.toString }.toList
   var tileSet =
   var tileDst = []
   for (tile in tiles) {
       var str = tile.toString
       if (tileSet.contains(str)) {
   return tileDst


var Radians = { |d| d * Num.pi / 180 }

var G = (1 + 5.sqrt) / 2 // golden ratio var T = // theta

class PenroseTiling {

   construct new(width, height) {
       Window.title = "Penrose Tiling"
       Window.resize(width, height)
       Canvas.resize(width, height)
       _w = width
       _h = height
   init() {
       var tiles = deflateTiles_(setupPrototiles_(_w, _h), 5)
   setupPrototiles_(w, h) {
       var proto = []
       var a = Num.pi / 2 + T
       while (a < 3 * Num.pi) {
           proto.add(, w / 2, h / 2, a, w / 2.5))
           a = a + 2 * T
       return proto
   deflateTiles_(tiles, generation) {
       if (generation <= 0) return tiles
       var next = []
       for (tile in tiles) {
           var x = tile.x
           var y = tile.y
           var a = tile.angle
           var nx
           var ny
           var size = tile.size / G
           if (tile.type == Type.DART) {
               next.add(, x, y, a + 5 * T, size))
               var sign = 1
               for (i in 0..1) {
                   nx = x + Math.cos(a - 4 * T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   ny = y - Math.sin(a - 4 * T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   next.add(, nx, ny, a - 4 * T * sign, size))
                   sign = -sign
           } else {
               var sign = 1
               for (i in 0..1) {
                   next.add(, x, y, a - 4 * T * sign, size))
                   nx = x + Math.cos(a - T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   ny = y - Math.sin(a - T * sign) * G * tile.size
                   next.add(, nx, ny, a + 3 * T * sign, size))
                   sign = -sign
       // remove duplicates and deflate
       return deflateTiles_(, generation - 1)
   drawTiles(tiles) {
       var dist = [ [G, G, G], [-G, -1, -G] ]
       for (tile in tiles) {
           var angle = tile.angle - T
           var x0 = tile.x
           var y0 = tile.y
           var ord = tile.type
           var vertices = x0, y0
           for (i in 0..2) {
               var x1 = tile.x + dist[ord][i] * tile.size * Math.cos(angle)
               var y1 = tile.y - dist[ord][i] * tile.size * Math.sin(angle)
               vertices.add([x1, y1])
               angle = angle + T
               x0 = x1
               y0 = y1
           var poly = Polygon.quick(vertices)
           poly.drawfill((ord == 0) ? : Color.yellow)
   update() {}
   draw(alpha) {}


var Game =, 450)</lang>