Longest common substring

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Revision as of 16:15, 7 January 2016 by Trizen (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: minor edit)
Longest common substring is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Write a function returns the longest common substring of two strings. Use it within a program that demonstrates sample output from the function, which will consist of the longest common substring between "thisisatest" and "testing123testing". Note that substrings are consecutive characters within a string. This distinguishes them from subsequences, which is any sequence of characters within a string, even if there are extraneous characters in between them. Hence, the longest common subsequence between "thisisatest" and "testing123testing" is "tsitest", whereas the longest common substring is just "test".



Using Text Comparison

<lang AutoHotkey>LCS(a, b){ x := i := 1 while StrLen(x) Loop % StrLen(a) IfInString, b, % x := SubStr(a, i:=StrLen(x)=1 ? i+1 : i, n:=StrLen(a)+1-A_Index) res := StrLen(res) > StrLen(x) ? res : x return res }</lang> Examples:<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % LCS("thisisatest", "testing123testing")</lang>



Using RegEx

<lang AutoHotkey>LCS(a, b){ while pos := RegExMatch(a "`n" b, "(.+)(?=.*\R.*\1)", m, pos?pos+StrLen(m):1) res := StrLen(res) > StrLen(m1) ? res : m1 return res }</lang> Examples:<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % LCS("thisisatest", "testing123testing")</lang>




<lang cpp>#include <string>

  1. include <algorithm>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <set>
  4. include <vector>

void findSubstrings ( const std::string & word , std::set<std::string> & substrings ) {

  int l = word.length( ) ;
  for ( int start = 0 ; start < l ; start++ ) {
     for ( int length = 1 ; length < l - start + 1 ; length++ ) {

substrings.insert ( word.substr( start , length ) ) ;



std::string lcs ( const std::string & first , const std::string & second ) {

  std::set<std::string> firstSubstrings , secondSubstrings ;
  findSubstrings ( first , firstSubstrings ) ;
  findSubstrings ( second , secondSubstrings ) ;
  std::set<std::string> common ;
  std::set_intersection ( firstSubstrings.begin( ) , firstSubstrings.end( ) , 

secondSubstrings.begin( ) , secondSubstrings.end( ) , std::inserter ( common , common.begin( ) ) ) ;

  std::vector<std::string> commonSubs ( common.begin( ) , common.end( ) ) ;
  std::sort ( commonSubs.begin( ) , commonSubs.end( ) , []( const std::string &s1 , 

const std::string &s2 ) { return s1.length( ) > s2.length( ) ; } ) ;

  return *(commonSubs.begin( ) ) ;


int main( ) {

  std::string s1 ("thisisatest" ) ;
  std::string s2 ( "testing123testing" ) ;
  std::cout << "The longest common substring of " << s1 << " and " << s2 << " is:\n" ;
  std::cout << lcs ( s1 , s2 ) << " !\n" ;
  return 0 ;


The longest common substring of thisisatest and testing123testing is:
test !


Using dynamic programming

<lang csharp>using System;

namespace LongestCommonSubstring {

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           Console.WriteLine(lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing"));
       public static string lcs(string a, string b)
           var lengths = new int[a.Length, b.Length];
           int greatestLength = 0;
           string output = "";
           for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < b.Length; j++)
                   if (a[i] == b[j])
                       lengths[i, j] = i == 0 || j == 0 ? 1 : lengths[i - 1, j - 1] + 1;
                       if (lengths[i, j] > greatestLength)
                           greatestLength = lengths[i, j];
                           output = a.Substring(i - greatestLength + 1, greatestLength);
                       lengths[i, j] = 0;
           return output;



Searching for smaller substrings of a in b

Translation of: REXX

<lang csharp>//C# program tests the LCSUBSTR (Longest Common Substring) subroutine. using System; namespace LongestCommonSubstring {

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           string a = args.Length >= 1 ? args[0] : "";                                             /*get two arguments (strings).   */
           string b = args.Length == 2 ? args[1] : "";
           if (a == "") a = "thisisatest";                                                         /*use this string for a default. */
           if (b == "") b = "testing123testing";                                                   /* "    "     "    "  "    "     */
           Console.WriteLine("string A = {0}", a);                                                 /*echo string  A  to screen.     */
           Console.WriteLine("string B = {0}", b);                                                 /*echo string  B  to screen.     */
           Console.WriteLine("LCsubstr = {0}", LCsubstr(a, b));                                    /*tell Longest Common Substring. */
       }                                                                                           /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
       /*─────────────────────────────────LCSUBSTR subroutine─────────────────────────────────*/
       public static string LCsubstr(string x, string y)                                           /*Longest Common Substring.      */
           string output = "";
           int lenx = x.Length;                                                                    /*shortcut for using the X length*/
           for (int j = 0; j < lenx; j++)                                                          /*step through start points in X.*/
               for (int k = lenx - j; k > -1; k--)                                                 /*step through string lengths.   */
                   string common = x.Substring(j, k);                                              /*extract a common substring.    */
                   if (y.IndexOf(common) > -1 && common.Length > output.Length) output = common;   /*longest?*/
               }                                                                                   /*k*/
           }                                                                                       /*j*/
           return output;                                                                          /*$  is "" if no common string.  */

}</lang> output when using the default inputs:

   string A = thisisatest
   string B = testing123testing
   LCsubstr = test

Searching for smaller substrings of a in b (simplified)

Translation of: zkl

<lang csharp>//C# program tests the LCS (Longest Common Substring) subroutine. using System; namespace LongestCommonSubstring {

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           string a = args.Length >= 1 ? args[0] : "";                                             /*get two arguments (strings).   */
           string b = args.Length == 2 ? args[1] : "";
           if (a == "") a = "thisisatest";                                                         /*use this string for a default. */
           if (b == "") b = "testing123testing";                                                   /* "    "     "    "  "    "     */
           Console.WriteLine("string A = {0}", a);                                                 /*echo string  A  to screen.     */
           Console.WriteLine("string B = {0}", b);                                                 /*echo string  B  to screen.     */
           Console.WriteLine("LCS = {0}", lcs(a, b));                                              /*tell Longest Common Substring. */
       }                                                                                           /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
       /*─────────────────────────────────LCS subroutine─────────────────────────────────*/
       private static string lcs(string a, string b)
          if(b.Length<a.Length){ string t=a; a=b; b=t; }
          for (int n = a.Length; n > 0; n--)
             for (int m = a.Length-n; m <= a.Length-n; m++)
                 string s=a.Substring(m,n);
                 if(b.Contains(s)) return(s);
          return "";

</lang> output when using the default inputs:

   string A = thisisatest
   string B = testing123testing
   LCS = test


<lang elixir>defmodule LCS do

 def longest_common_substring(a,b) do
   alist = to_char_list(a)
   blist = to_char_list(b)
   lengths = (for i <- 0..length(alist)-1, j <- 0..length(blist), do: {{i,j},0})
             |> Enum.into(Map.new)
   {_,_,output} = Enum.reduce(Enum.with_index(alist), {lengths,0,""}, fn {x,i},acc ->
     Enum.reduce(Enum.with_index(blist), acc, fn {y,j},{map,gleng,output} ->
       if x==y do
         len = if i==0 or j==0, do: 1, else: map[{i-1,j-1}]+1
         map = Dict.put(map, {i,j}, len)
         if len > gleng do
           {map, len, String.slice(a, i - len + 1, len)}
           {map, gleng, output}
         {map, gleng, output}


IO.puts LCS.longest_common_substring("thisisatest", "testing123testing")</lang>



Translation of: C#

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func lcs(a, b string) (output string) {

   lengths := make([]int, len(a)*len(b))
   greatestLength := 0
   for i, x := range a {
       for j, y := range b {
           if x == y {
               if i == 0 || j == 0 {
                   lengths[i*len(b)+j] = 1
               } else {
                   lengths[i*len(b)+j] = lengths[(i-1)*len(b)+j-1] + 1
               if lengths[i*len(b)+j] > greatestLength {
                   greatestLength = lengths[i*len(b)+j]
                   output = a[i-greatestLength+1 : i+1]


func main() {

   fmt.Println(lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing"))




<lang Haskell>module Longest


import Data.List ( maximumBy , intersect )

substrings :: String -> [String] substrings thestring = [take howmany $ drop start thestring | start <- [0..length thestring - 1] , howmany <- [1..length thestring - start]]

longestCommon :: String -> String -> String longestCommon first second = maximumBy mycompare $ intersect ( substrings first ) ( substrings second )

     mycompare :: String -> String -> Ordering
     mycompare m n = compare ( length m ) ( length n )</lang>
longestCommon "testing123testing" "thisisatest"


This algorithm starts by comparing each character in the one string to each character in the other, and then iterates on this result until it finds the length of the longest common substring. So if Lx is the length of one argument string, Ly is the length of the other argument string, and Lr is the length of the result string, this algorithm uses space on the order of Lx*Ly and time on the order of Lx*Ly*Lr.

In other words: this can be suitable for small problems, but you might want something better if you're comparing gigabyte length strings with high commonality.

<lang J>lcstr=:4 :0

 C=. ({.~ 1+$) x=/y
 M=. >./ (* * * >. * + (_1&|.)@:|:^:2)^:_  C
 N=. >./ M
 y {~ (M i. N)-i.-N


Intermedate results:

   C shows which characters are in common between the two strings.
   M marks the length of the longest common substring ending at each position in the right argument
   N is the length of the longest common substring

Example use:

<lang J> 'thisisatest' lcs 'testing123testing' test</lang>


Translation of: C#, Go, Ruby
Works with: jq version 1.4

Utility functions: <lang jq># Create an m x n matrix def matrix(m; n; init):

 if m == 0 then []
 elif m == 1 then [range(0;n) | init]
 elif m > 0 then
   matrix(1;n;init) as $row
   | [range(0;m) | $row ]
 else error("matrix\(m);_;_) invalid")

def set(i;j; value):

 setpath([i,j]; value);</lang>

Longest Common Substring: <lang jq>def lcs(a; b):

 matrix(a|length; b|length; 0) as $lengths
 # state: [ $lengths, greatestLength, answer ]
 | [$lengths, 0]
 | reduce range(0; a|length) as $i 
      reduce range(0; b|length) as $j 
          if a[$i:$i+1] == b[$j:$j+1] then
           (if $i == 0 or $j == 0 then 1
            else .[0][$i-1][$j-1] + 1
	     end) as $x
           | .[0] |= set($i; $j; $x)
           | if $x > .[1] then
               .[1] = $x
               | .[2] = a[1+$i - $x : 1+$i] # output
             else .
         else .
         end )) | .[2];</lang>

Example: <lang jq>lcs("thisisatest"; "testing123testing")</lang>


<lang sh>$ jq -n -f Longest_common_substring.jq "test"</lang>


The function LongestCommonSubsequence returns the longest common substring, and LongestCommonSequence returns the longest common subsequence. <lang Mathematica>Print[LongestCommonSubsequence["thisisatest", "testing123testing"]];</lang>



<lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl use strict ; use warnings ;

sub longestCommonSubstr {

  my $first = shift ;
  my $second = shift ;
  my %firstsubs = findSubstrings ( $first );
  my %secondsubs = findSubstrings ( $second ) ;
  my @commonsubs ;
  foreach my $subst ( keys %firstsubs ) {
     if ( exists $secondsubs{ $subst } ) {

push ( @commonsubs , $subst ) ;

  my @sorted = sort { length $b <=> length $a } @commonsubs ;
  return $sorted[0] ;


sub findSubstrings {

  my $string = shift ;
  my %substrings ;
  my $l = length $string ;
  for ( my $start = 0 ; $start < $l ; $start++ ) {
     for ( my $howmany = 1 ; $howmany < $l - $start + 1 ; $howmany++) {

$substrings{substr( $string , $start , $howmany) } = 1 ;

  return %substrings ;


my $longest = longestCommonSubstr( "thisisatest" ,"testing123testing" ) ; print "The longest common substring of <thisisatest> and <testing123testing> is $longest !\n" ; </lang>

The longest common substring of <thisisatest> and <testing123testing> is test !

Perl 6

<lang Perl 6>use v6;

sub createSubstrings( Str $word --> Array ) {

  my $length = $word.chars ;
  my @substrings ;
  for (0..$length - 1) -> $start {
     for (1..$length - $start) -> $howmany {

@substrings.push( $word.substr( $start , $howmany ) ) ;

  return @substrings ;


sub findLongestCommon( Str $first , Str $second --> Str ) {

  my @substringsFirst = createSubstrings( $first ) ;
  my @substringsSecond = createSubstrings( $second ) ;
  my $firstset = set( @substringsFirst ) ;
  my $secondset = set( @substringsSecond ) ;
  my $common = $firstset (&) $secondset ;
  return $common.keys.sort({$^b.chars <=> $^a.chars})[0] ;


sub MAIN( Str $first , Str $second ) {

  my $phrase = "The longest common substring of $first and $second is " ~
  "{findLongestCommon( $first , $second ) } !" ;
  $phrase.say ;


The longest common substring of thisisatest and testing123testing is test !


A chance to show off how to use HashTable types in typed/racket

<lang racket>#lang typed/racket (: lcs (String String -> String)) (define (lcs a b)

 (: all-substrings# (String -> (HashTable String Boolean)))
 (define (all-substrings# str)
   (define l (string-length str))
   (for*/hash : (HashTable String Boolean)
     ((s (in-range 0 l)) (e (in-range (add1 s) (add1 l))))
     (values (substring str s e) #t)))
 (define a# (all-substrings# a))
 (define b# (all-substrings# b))
 (define-values (s l)
   (for/fold : (Values String Nonnegative-Integer)
   ((s "") (l : Nonnegative-Integer 0))
   ((a_ (in-hash-keys a#))
    #:when (and (> (string-length a_) l) (hash-ref b# a_ #f)))
   (values a_ (string-length a_))))

(module+ test

 ("thisisatest" . lcs . "testing123testing"))</lang>


<lang rexx>/*REXX program determines the LCSUBSTR (Longest Common Substring) subroutine.*/ parse arg a b . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if a== then a= "thisisatest" /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if b== then b= "testing123testing" /* " " " " " " */ say ' string A =' a /*echo string A to the terminal screen.*/ say ' string B =' b /* " " B " " " " */ say ' LCsubstr =' LCsubstr(a,b) /*display the Longest Common Substring.*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ LCsubstr: procedure; parse arg x,y,,$ /*LCsubstr: Longest Common Substring. */ L=length(x) /*a placeholder for string length of X*/

           do   j=1         for L     /*step through start points in string X*/
             do k=L  by -1  for L     /*step through string lengths.         */
             _=strip(substr(x,j,k))   /*extract a common substring.          */
             if pos(_,y)\==0 & length(_)>length($)  then $=_      /*longest? */
             end   /*k*/              /* [↑]  see if this string is longer.  */
           end     /*j*/

return $ /*$: (null if there isn't common str.)*/</lang> output when using the default inputs:

   string A = thisisatest
   string B = testing123testing
   LCsubstr = test


Translation of: C#

<lang ruby>def longest_common_substring(a,b)

 lengths = Array.new(a.length){Array.new(b.length, 0)}
 greatestLength = 0
 output = ""
 a.each_char.with_index do |x,i|
   b.each_char.with_index do |y,j|
     next if x != y
     lengths[i][j] = (i.zero? || j.zero?) ? 1 : lengths[i-1][j-1] + 1
     if lengths[i][j] > greatestLength
       greatestLength = lengths[i][j]
       output = a[i - greatestLength + 1, greatestLength]


p longest_common_substring("thisisatest", "testing123testing")</lang>



Translation of: Perl 6

<lang ruby>func createSubstrings(String word) -> Array {

  var length = word.len
  var substrings = []
  length.range.each { |start|
     1.to(length - start).each { |howmany|
        substrings << word.substr(start, howmany)
  return substrings


func findLongestCommon(String first, String second) -> String {

  var substringsFirst = createSubstrings(first)
  var substringsSecond = createSubstrings(second)
  var common = (substringsFirst & substringsSecond)
  common.max_by { .len }


say findLongestCommon("thisisatest", "testing123testing")</lang>



<lang swift>func lComSubStr<

 S0: Sliceable, S1: Sliceable, T: Equatable where
 S0.Generator.Element == T, S1.Generator.Element == T,
 S0.Index.Distance == Int, S1.Index.Distance == Int
 >(w1: S0, _ w2: S1) -> S0.SubSlice {
   var (len, end) = (0, 0)
   let empty = Array(Repeat(count: w2.count + 1, repeatedValue: 0))
   var mat: Int = Array(Repeat(count: w1.count + 1, repeatedValue: empty))
   for (i, sLett) in w1.enumerate() {
     for (j, tLett) in w2.enumerate() where tLett == sLett {
       let curLen = mat[i][j] + 1
       mat[i + 1][j + 1] = curLen
       if curLen > len {
         len = curLen
         end = i
   return w1[advance(w1.startIndex, (end + 1) - len)...advance(w1.startIndex, end)]


func lComSubStr(w1: String, _ w2: String) -> String {

 return String(lComSubStr(w1.characters, w2.characters))



<lang swift>lComSubStr("thisisatest", "testing123testing") // "test"</lang>


<lang zkl>fcn lcd(a,b){

  if(b.len()<a.len()){ t:=a; a=b; b=t; }
  foreach n,m in ([a.len()..1,-1],a.len()-n+1){
     if(b.holds(s)) return(s);

}</lang> <lang zkl>lcd("testing123testing","thisisatest").println();</lang>
