Input loop

From Rosetta Code
Input loop
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Input loop is part of Short Circuit's Console Program Basics selection.

Read from a text stream either word-by-word or line-by-line until the stream runs out of data. The stream will have an unknown amount of data on it.


This example reads in a text stream from standard input line by line and writes the output to standard output. <lang ada>with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Read_Stream is

  Line : String(1..10);
  Length : Natural;


  while not End_Of_File loop
     Get_Line(Line, Length); -- read up to 10 characters at a time
     -- The current line of input data may be longer than the string receiving the data.
     -- If so, the current input file column number will be greater than 0
     -- and the extra data will be unread until the next iteration.
     -- If not, we have read past an end of line marker and col will be 1
     if Col(Current_Input) = 1 then
     end if;
  end loop;

end Read_Stream;</lang>


<lang aime>void read_stream(file f) {

   text s;
   while (f_line(f, s) != -1) {
       # the read line available as -s-



For file consisting of just one page - a typical linux/unix file: <lang algol68>main:(

 PROC raise logical file end = (REF FILE f) BOOL: ( except logical file end );
 on logical file end(stand in, raise logical file end);
   print(read string);
   read(new line);
   print(new line)
 except logical file end: 

)</lang> For multi page files, each page is seekable with PROC set = (REF FILE file, INT page, line, char)VOID: ~. This allows rudimentary random access where each new page is effectively a new record. <lang algol68>main:(

 PROC raise logical file end = (REF FILE f) BOOL: ( except logical file end );
 on logical file end(stand in, raise logical file end);
   PROC raise page end = (REF FILE f) BOOL: ( except page end );
   on page end(stand in, raise page end);
     print(read string);
     read(new line);
     print(new line)
   except page end: 
     read(new page);
     print(new page)
 except logical file end: 

)</lang> The boolean functions physical file ended(f), logical file ended(f), page ended(f) and line ended(f) are also available to indicate the end of a file, page and line.


<lang amigae>CONST BUFLEN=1024, EOF=-1

PROC consume_input(fh)

   /* even if the line si longer than BUFLEN,
      ReadStr won't overflow; rather the line is
      "splitted" and the remaining part is read in
      the next ReadStr */
   r := ReadStr(fh, buf)
   IF buf[] OR (r <> EOF)
     -> do something


PROC main()

 DEF fh
 fh := Open('basicinputloop.e', OLDFILE)
 IF fh



This example reads the text of a source file line by line and writes the output to a destination file. <lang AutoHotkey>Loop, Read, Input.txt, Output.txt {

  FileAppend, %A_LoopReadLine%`n



This just reads lines from stdin and prints them until EOF is read.

<lang awk>{ print $0 }</lang>

or, more idiomatic:

<lang awk>1</lang>


This specifically relates to console input (stdin). <lang bbcbasic> STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10

     SYS "GetStdHandle", STD_INPUT_HANDLE TO @hfile%(1)
     SYS "GetStdHandle", STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE TO @hfile%(2)
     SYS "SetConsoleMode", @hfile%(1), 0
     *INPUT 13
     *OUTPUT 14
       INPUT A$
       PRINT A$
     UNTIL FALSE</lang>


Reads arbitrarily long line each time and return a null-terminated string. Caller is responsible for freeing the string. <lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>

char *get_line(FILE* fp) { int len = 0, got = 0, c; char *buf = 0;

while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { if (got + 1 >= len) { len *= 2; if (len < 4) len = 4; buf = realloc(buf, len); } buf[got++] = c; if (c == '\n') break; } if (c == EOF && !got) return 0;

buf[got++] = '\0'; return buf; }

int main() { char *s; while ((s = get_line(stdin))) { printf("%s",s); free(s); } return 0; }</lang>


The following functions send the words resp. lines to a generic output iterator <lang cpp>

  1. include <istream>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <vector>
  4. include <algorithm>
  5. include <iostream>
  6. include <iterator>

// word by word template<class OutIt> void read_words(std::istream& is, OutIt dest) {

 std::string word;
 while (is >> word)
   // send the word to the output iterator
   *dest = word;


// line by line: template<class OutIt> void read_lines(std::istream& is, OutIt dest) {

 std::string line;
 while (std::getline(is, line))
   // store the line to the output iterator
   *dest = line;


int main() {

 // 1) sending words from std. in std. out (end with Return)
            std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " "));
 // 2) appending lines from std. to vector (end with Ctrl+Z)
 std::vector<std::string> v;
 read_lines(std::cin, std::back_inserter(v));
 return 0;



An alternate way to read words or lines is to use istream iterators:

<lang cpp> template<class OutIt> void read_words(std::istream& is, OutIt dest) {

   typedef std::istream_iterator<std::string> InIt;
   std::copy(InIt(is), InIt(),


namespace detail {

   struct ReadableLine : public std::string 
       friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is, ReadableLine & line)
           return std::getline(is, line);


template<class OutIt> void read_lines(std::istream& is, OutIt dest) {

   typedef std::istream_iterator<detail::ReadableLine> InIt;
   std::copy(InIt(is), InIt(),

} </lang>


<lang csharp>using System; using System.IO;

class Program {

   static void Main(string[] args)
       StreamReader b = new StreamReader("file.txt"); //or any other Stream
       string line = b.ReadLine();
       while (line != null)
           line = b.ReadLine();



<lang lisp>(defn basic-input [fname]

 (line-seq ( ( fname))))</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun basic-input (filename)

   (with-open-file (stream (make-pathname :name filename) :direction :input)
       (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
           while line
           do (format t "~a~%" line))))</lang>


Library: Tango

<lang d>import; import;

void main (char[][] args) {

   foreach (line; new LineIterator!(char)(Cin.input)) {
       // do something with each line


Library: Tango

<lang d>import; import;

void main (char[][] args) {

   foreach (word; new SimpleIterator!(char)(" ", Cin.input)) {
       // do something with each word


Note that foreach variables 'line' and 'word' are transient slices. If you need to retain them for later use, you should .dup them.


<lang Delphi>program InputLoop;


uses SysUtils, Classes;


 lReader: TStreamReader; // Introduced in Delphi XE


 lReader := TStreamReader.Create('input.txt', TEncoding.Default);
   while lReader.Peek >= 0 do



Works with: Eiffel Studio version 6.6

<lang Eiffel> note description : "{ There are several examples included, including input from a text file, simple console input and input from standard input explicitly. See notes in the code for details.

Examples were compile using Eiffel Studio 6.6 with only the default class libraries. }"


create make


make do -- These examples show non-console input (a plain text file) -- with end-of-input handling. read_lines_from_file read_words_from_file

-- These examples use simplified input from 'io', that -- handles the details of whether it's stdin or not -- They terminate on a line (word) of "q" read_lines_from_console_with_termination read_words_from_console_with_termination

-- The next examples show reading stdin explicitly -- as if it were a text file. It expects and end of file -- termination and so will loop indefinitely unless reading -- from a pipe or your console can send an EOF. read_lines_from_stdin read_words_from_stdin

-- These examples use simplified input from 'io', that -- handles the details of whether it's stdin or not, -- but have no explicit termination read_lines_from_console_forever read_words_from_console_forever end


read_lines_from_file -- Read input from a text file -- Echo each line of the file to standard output. -- -- Some language examples omit file open/close operations -- but are included here for completeness. Additional error -- checking would be appropriate in production code. local tf: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do print ("Reading lines from a file%N") create tf.make ("myfile") -- Create a file object tf.open_read -- Open the file in read mode

-- The actual input loop

from until tf.end_of_file loop tf.read_line print (tf.last_string + "%N") end

tf.close -- Close the file end


read_words_from_file -- Read input from a text file -- Echo each word of the file to standard output on a -- separate line. -- -- Some language examples omit file open/close operations -- but are included here for completeness. Additional error -- checking would be appropriate in production code. local tf: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do print ("Reading words from a file%N") create tf.make ("myfile") -- Create a file object tf.open_read -- Open the file in read mode

-- The actual input loop

from until tf.end_of_file loop -- This instruction is the only difference between this -- example and the read_lines_from_file example tf.read_word print (tf.last_string + "%N") end

tf.close -- Close the file end


read_lines_from_console_with_termination -- Read lines from console and echo them back to output -- until the line contains only the termination key 'q' -- -- 'io' is acquired through inheritance from class ANY, -- the top of all inheritance hierarchies. local the_cows_come_home: BOOLEAN do print ("Reading lines from console%N") from until the_cows_come_home loop io.read_line if io.last_string ~ "q" then the_cows_come_home := True print ("Mooooo!%N") else print (io.last_string) io.new_line end end end


read_words_from_console_with_termination -- Read words from console and echo them back to output, one -- word per line, until the line contains only the -- termination key 'q' -- -- 'io' is acquired through inheritance from class ANY, -- the top of all inheritance hierarchies. local the_cows_come_home: BOOLEAN do print ("Reading words from console%N") from until the_cows_come_home loop io.read_word if io.last_string ~ "q" then the_cows_come_home := True print ("Mooooo!%N") else print (io.last_string) io.new_line end end end


read_lines_from_console_forever -- Read lines from console and echo them back to output -- until the program is terminated externally -- -- 'io' is acquired through inheritance from class ANY, -- the top of all inheritance hierarchies. do print ("Reading lines from console (no termination)%N") from until False loop io.read_line print (io.last_string + "%N") end end


read_words_from_console_forever -- Read words from console and echo them back to output, one -- word per line until the program is terminated externally -- -- 'io' is acquired through inheritance from class ANY, -- the top of all inheritance hierarchies. do print ("Reading words from console (no termination)%N") from until False loop io.read_word print (io.last_string + "%N") end end


read_lines_from_stdin -- Read input from a stream on standard input -- Echo each line of the file to standard output. -- Note that we treat standard input as if it were a plain -- text file local tf: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do print ("Reading lines from stdin (EOF termination)%N") tf := io.input

from until tf.end_of_file loop tf.read_line print (tf.last_string + "%N") end end


read_words_from_stdin -- Read input from a stream on standard input -- Echo each word of the file to standard output on a new -- line -- Note that we treat standard input as if it were a plain -- text file local tf: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do print ("Reading words from stdin (EOF termination)%N") tf := io.input

from until tf.end_of_file loop tf.read_line print (tf.last_string + "%N") end end




<lang erlang>% Implemented by Arjun Sunel -module(read_files). -export([main/0]).

main() -> Read = fun (Filename) -> {ok, Data} = file:read_file(Filename), Data end, Lines = string:tokens(binary_to_list(Read("read_files.erl")), "\n"), lists:foreach(fun (Y) -> io:format("~s~n", [Y]) end, lists:zipwith(fun(X,_)->X end, Lines, lists:seq(1, length(Lines)))). </lang>


Process text stream line-by-line: <lang Euphoria>procedure process_line_by_line(integer fn)

   object line
   while 1 do
       line = gets(fn)
       if atom(line) then
       end if
       -- process the line
   end while

end procedure</lang>


Using a sequence expression: <lang fsharp> let lines_of_file file =

 seq { use stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead file
       use reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream)
       while not reader.EndOfStream do
         yield reader.ReadLine() }

</lang> The file is reopened every time the sequence is traversed and lines are read on-demand so this can handle arbitrarily-large files.


<lang factor>"file.txt" utf8 [ [ process-line ] each-line ] with-file-reader</lang>


An input stream can be from a string or from a file. The method eachLine will divide the stream by linebreaks. The method readStrToken takes two arguments: a maximum size to read, and a function to decide when to stop reading - by default, it stops when it finds a white space.

<lang fantom> class Main {

 public static Void main ()
   // example of reading by line
   str := "first\nsecond\nthird\nword"
   inputStream :=
   inputStream.eachLine |Str line|
     echo ("Line is: $line")
   // example of reading by word
   str = "first second third word"
   inputStream =
   word := inputStream.readStrToken // reads up to but excluding next space
   while (word != null)
     echo ("Word: $word")
     inputStream.readChar // skip over the preceding space!
     word = inputStream.readStrToken

} </lang>


Works with: GNU Forth

<lang forth>4096 constant max-line

 begin  stdin pad max-line read-line throw
 while  pad swap   \ addr len is the line of data, excluding newline
 repeat ;</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

The code read line-by-line, but the maximum length of the line is limited (by a parameter)

<lang fortran>program BasicInputLoop

 implicit none
 integer, parameter        :: in = 50, &
                              linelen = 1000
 integer                   :: ecode
 character(len=linelen)    :: l
 open(in, file="afile.txt", action="read", status="old", iostat=ecode)
 if ( ecode == 0 ) then
       read(in, fmt="(A)", iostat=ecode) l
       if ( ecode /= 0 ) exit
       write(*,*) trim(l)
    end do
 end if

end program BasicInputLoop</lang>


The following gnuplot script echoes standard input to standard output line-by-line until the end of the stream. <lang gnuplot>!cat</lang> It makes use of the ability of gnuplot to spawn shell commands. In that sense it might be considered cheating. Nevertheless, this is a valid gnuplot script that does meet the requirements of the task description.

It seems impossible to complete this task with just standard gnuplot commands.


The following reads a line at a time from stdin. The variable s is the line returned from stdin. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   in := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
   for {
       s, err := in.ReadString('\n')
       if err != nil {
       _ = s



Solution: <lang groovy>def lineMap = [:] { line, i ->

   lineMap[i] = line

} lineMap.each { println it }</lang>


$ groovy -e 'def lineMap = [:]
> { line, i ->
>     lineMap[i] = line
> }
> lineMap.each { println it }' <<EOF
> Whose woods these are I think I know
> His house is in the village tho'
> He will not see me stopping here
> To watch his woods fill up with snow


2=Whose woods these are I think I know
3=His house is in the village tho'
4=He will not see me stopping here
5=To watch his woods fill up with snow


The whole contents of a file can be read lazily. The standard functions lines and words convert that lazily into the lists of lines resp. words. Usually, one wouldn't use extra routines for that, but just use readFile and then put 'lines' or words somewhere in the next processing step.

<lang haskell>import System.IO

readLines :: Handle -> IO [String] readLines h = do

 s <- hGetContents h
 return $ lines s

readWords :: Handle -> IO [String] readWords h = do

 s <- hGetContents h
 return $ words s</lang>


<lang HicEst>CHARACTER name='myfile.txt', string*1000

  OPEN(FIle=name, OLD, LENgth=bytes, IOStat=errorcode, ERror=9)
  DO line = 1, bytes  ! loop terminates with end-of-file error at the latest
     READ(FIle=name, IOStat=errorcode, ERror=9) string
     WRITE(StatusBar) string
9 WRITE(Messagebox, Name) line, errorcode</lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>link str2toks

  1. call either words or lines depending on what you want to do.

procedure main()



procedure lines()

  while write(read())


procedure words()

  local line
  while line := read() do line ? every write(str2toks())


See str2toks


Script "read-input-until-eof.ijs": <lang J>#!/Applications/j602/bin/jconsole NB. read input until EOF ((1!:1) 3)(1!:2) 4 exit </lang> Example: <lang J>$ ./read-input-to-eof.ijs <<EOF > abc > def > ghi > now is the time for all good men ... > EOF abc def ghi now is the time for all good men ...</lang>


Some people prefer Scanner or BufferedReader, so a way with each is presented. <lang java>import java.util.Scanner; ... Scanner in = new Scanner(;//stdin //new Scanner(new FileInputStream(filename)) for a file //new Scanner(socket.getInputStream()) for a network stream while(in.hasNext()){ String input =; //in.nextLine() for line-by-line //process the input here }</lang> Or <lang java>import; import; import; ... try{ BufferedReader inp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;//stdin //new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)) for a file //new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())) for a network stream while(inp.ready()){ String input = inp.readLine();//line-by-line only // for character-by-character //process the input here } } catch (IOException e) { //There was an input error }</lang>


Works with: SpiderMonkey
Works with: OSSP js

These implementations of JavaScript define a readline() function, so:

$ js -e 'while (line = readline()) { do_something_with(line); }' < inputfile
Works with: JScript

As above, this operates on standard input <lang javascript>var text_stream = WScript.StdIn; var i = 0;

while ( ! text_stream.AtEndOfStream ) {

   var line = text_stream.ReadLine();
   // do something with line
   WScript.echo(++i + ": " + line);



<lang lang5>: read-lines do read . "\n" . eof if break then loop ;

   '< swap open 'fh set fh fin read-lines fh close ;

'file.txt ==>contents</lang>

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb> filedialog "Open","*.txt",file$ if file$="" then end open file$ for input as #f while not(eof(#f))

   line input #f, t$
   print t$

wend close #f end </lang>

There are several words which will return a line of input.

  • readline - returns a line as a list of words
  • readword - returns a line as a single word, or an empty list if it reached the end of file
  • readrawline - returns a line as a single word, with no characters escaped

<lang logo>while [not eof?] [print readline]</lang>


LSL doesn't have a File System, but it does have Notecards that function as read-only text files, and can be use as configuration files or data sources.

To test it yourself; rez a box on the ground, add the following as a New Script, create a notecard named "Input_Loop_Data_Source.txt", and put what ever data you want in it (in this case I just put a copy of the source code.) <lang LSL>string sNOTECARD = "Input_Loop_Data_Source.txt"; default { integer iNotecardLine = 0; state_entry() { llOwnerSay("Reading '"+sNOTECARD+"'"); llGetNotecardLine(sNOTECARD, iNotecardLine); } dataserver(key kRequestId, string sData) { if(sData==EOF) { llOwnerSay("EOF"); } else { llOwnerSay((string)iNotecardLine+": "+sData); llGetNotecardLine(sNOTECARD, ++iNotecardLine); } } }</lang> Output:

Reading 'Input_Loop_Data_Source.txt'
0: string sNOTECARD = "Input_Loop_Data_Source.txt";
1: default {
2: 	integer iNotecardLine = 0;
3: 	state_entry() {
4: 		llOwnerSay("Reading '"+sNOTECARD+"'"); 
5: 		llGetNotecardLine(sNOTECARD, iNotecardLine);
6: 	}
7: 	dataserver(key kRequestId, string sData) {
8: 		if(sData==EOF) {
9: 			llOwnerSay("EOF");
10: 		} else {
11: 			llOwnerSay((string)iNotecardLine+": "+sData);
12: 			llGetNotecardLine(sNOTECARD, ++iNotecardLine);
13: 		}
14: 	}
15: }


<lang lua>lines = {} str = while str do

   str =


Via generic for loop

Reads line-by-line via an iterator (from stdin). Substitute io.lines() with, "r"):lines() to read from a file.

<lang lua>lines = {}

for line in io.lines() do

   table.insert(lines, line) -- add the line to the list of lines



<lang Mathematica>stream = OpenRead["file.txt"]; While[a != EndOfFile, Read[stream, Word]]; Close[stream]</lang>


this function will read a file line by line. <lang MAXScript>fn ReadAFile FileName = ( local in_file = openfile FileName while not eof in_file do ( --Do stuff in here-- print (readline in_file) ) close in_file )</lang>



- module input_loop.
- interface.
- import_module io.
- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
- implementation.

main(!IO) :-

   io.stdin_stream(Stdin, !IO),
   io.stdout_stream(Stdout, !IO),
   read_and_print_lines(Stdin, Stdout, !IO).
- pred read_and_print_lines(io.text_input_stream::in,
   io.text_output_stream::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.

read_and_print_lines(InFile, OutFile, !IO) :-

   io.read_line_as_string(InFile, Result, !IO),
       Result = ok(Line),
       io.write_string(OutFile, Line, !IO),
       read_and_print_lines(InFile, OutFile, !IO)
       Result = eof
       Result = error(IOError),
       Msg = io.error_message(IOError),
       io.stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
       io.write_string(Stderr, Msg, !IO),
       io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)


mIRC Scripting Language

<lang mirc>var %n = 1 while (%n <= $lines(input.txt)) {

 write output.txt $read(input.txt,%n)
 inc %n



The very nature of ML/I is that its default behaviour is to copy from input to output until it reaches end of file. <lang ML/I></lang>


<lang modula2>PROCEDURE ReadName (VAR str : ARRAY OF CHAR);


       ch, endch       : CHAR;


     InOut.Read (ch);
     Exhausted := InOut.EOF ();
     IF  Exhausted  THEN  RETURN  END
  UNTIL  ch > ' ';             (* Eliminate whitespace         *)
  IF  ch = '['  THEN  endch := ']'  ELSE  endch := ch  END;
  n := 0;
     InOut.Read (ch);
     Exhausted := InOut.EOF ();
     IF  Exhausted  THEN  RETURN  END;
     IF  n <= HIGH (str)  THEN  str [n] := ch  ELSE  ch := endch  END;
     INC (n)
  UNTIL ch = endch;
  IF  n <= HIGH (str)  THEN  str [n-1] := 0C  END;
  lastCh := ch

END ReadName;</lang>


<lang modula3>MODULE Output EXPORTS Main;

IMPORT Rd, Wr, Stdio;

VAR buf: TEXT;



 WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(Stdio.stdin) DO
   buf := Rd.GetLine(Stdio.stdin);
   Wr.PutText(Stdio.stdout, buf);

END Output.</lang>


Using NetRexx ASK Special Variable

<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

-- Read from default input stream (console) until end of data lines = lines[0] = 0 lineNo = 0

loop label ioloop forever

 inLine = ask
 if inLine =  null  then leave ioloop -- stop on EOF
 lineNo = lineNo + 1
 lines[0] = lineNo
 lines[lineNo] = inLine
 end ioloop

loop l_ = 1 to lines[0]

 say l_.right(4)':' lines[l_]
 end l_

return </lang>

Using Java Scanner

<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

-- Read from default input stream (console) until end of data lines = lines[0] = 0

inScanner = Scanner( loop l_ = 1 while inScanner.hasNext()

 inLine = inScanner.nextLine()
 lines[0] = l_
 lines[l_] = inLine
 end l_


loop l_ = 1 to lines[0]

 say l_.right(4)':' lines[l_]
 end l_

return </lang>


<lang objeck> use IO;

bundle Default {

 class Test {
   function : Main(args : System.String[]) ~ Nil {
     f := FileReader->New("in.txt");
     if(f->IsOpen()) {
       string := f->ReadString();
       while(string->Size() > 0) {
         string := f->ReadString();

} </lang>


<lang ocaml>let rec read_lines ic =

 try let line = input_line ic in
   line :: read_lines ic
 with End_of_file ->

The version above will work for small files, but it is not tail-recursive.
Below will be more scalable:

<lang ocaml>let read_line ic =

 try Some (input_line ic)
 with End_of_file -> None

let read_lines ic =

 let rec loop acc =
   match read_line ic with
   | Some line -> loop (line :: acc)
   | None -> List.rev acc
 loop []

Or with a higher order function:

<lang ocaml>let read_lines f ic =

 let rec loop () =
   try f(input_line ic); loop()
   with End_of_file -> ()

read_lines print_endline (open_in Sys.argv.(1))</lang>


<lang oz>%% Returns a list of lines. %% Text: an instance of Open.text (a mixin class) fun {ReadAll Text}

  case {Text getS($)} of false then nil
  [] Line then Line|{ReadAll Text}



<lang pascal>{ for stdio }


s : string ;



 until s = "" ;

{ for a file }


f : text ;
s : string ;


 while not eof(f) do



The angle brackets operator ( <...> ) reads one line at a time from a filehandle in scalar context: <lang perl>open FH, "< $filename" or die "can't open file: $!"; while (my $line = <FH>) {

   chomp $line; # removes trailing newline
   # process $line

} close FH or die "can't close file: $!";</lang>

Or you can get a list of all lines when you use it in list context: <lang perl>@lines = <FH>;</lang>

Or a simpler program for lines of files entered as command line arguments or standard input: <lang perl>while (<>) {

   # $_ contains a line


Invoking perl with the -p or -n option implies the above loop, executing its code once per input line, with the line stored in $_. -p will print $_ automatically at the end of each iteration, -n will not.

$ seq 5 | perl -pe '$_ = "Hello $_"'
Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3
Hello 4
Hello 5
$ seq 5 | perl -ne 'print "Hello $_"'
Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3
Hello 4
Hello 5

Perl 6

<lang perl6>my $handle = open "filename.txt"; # $handle could be $*IN to read from standard input

for $handle.lines -> $line { # iterates the lines of the $handle

   # line endings are automatically stripped
   for $line.words -> $word { # iterates the words of the line
          # are considered words groups of non-whitespace characters

} </lang>


<lang php>$fh = fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($fh) {

   while (!feof($fh)) {
       $line = rtrim(fgets($fh)); # removes trailing newline
       # process $line


Or you can get an array of all the lines in the file: <lang php>$lines = file($filename);</lang>

Or you can get the entire file as a string: <lang php>$contents = file_get_contents($filename);</lang>


This reads all lines in a file, and returns them as a list of lists <lang PicoLisp>(in "file.txt"

     (until (eof)
        (link (line)) ) ) )</lang>


<lang PL/I> declare line character (200) varying;

open file (in) title ('/TEXT.DAT,type(text),recsize(200)' ); on endfile (in) stop;

do forever;

  get edit (line) (L);
  put skip list (line);

end; </lang>


File objects can be read bytewise, characterwise (ASCII or UNICODE), floatwise, doublewise, integerwise, linewise ... <lang PureBasic>If OpenConsole()

 ; file based line wise
 If ReadFile(0, "Text.txt")  
   While Eof(0) = 0          
     Debug ReadString(0)      ; each line until eof
 ; file based byte wise
 If ReadFile(1, "Text.bin")  
   While Eof(1) = 0          
     Debug ReadByte(1)      ; each byte until eof



Python file objects can be iterated like lists:

<lang python>my_file = open(filename, 'r') try:

   for line in my_file:
       pass # process line, includes newline



One can open a new stream for read and have it automatically close when done, with a new "with" statement: <lang python>from __future__ import with_statement

with open(filename, 'r') as f:

   for line in f:
       pass # process line, includes newline</lang>

You can also get lines manually from a file: <lang python>line = my_file.readline() # returns a line from the file lines = my_file.readlines() # returns a list of the rest of the lines from the file</lang> This does not mix well with the iteration, however.

When (multiple) filenames are given on the command line: <lang python>import fileinput for line in fileinput.input():

   pass # process line, includes newline</lang>

The fileinput module can also do inplace file editing, follow line counts, and the name of the current file being read etc.


Note that read.csv and read.table provide alternatives for files with 'dataset' style contents. <lang R>lines <- readLines("file.txt")</lang>


The following prints input lines from standard input to standard output:

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(copy-port (current-input-port) (current-output-port)) </lang>


<lang REBOL>REBOL [ Title: "Basic Input Loop" Author: oofoe Date: 2009-12-06 URL: ]

Slurp the whole file in

x: read %file.txt

Bring the file in by lines

x: read/lines %file.txt

Read in first 10 lines

x: read/lines/part %file.txt 10

Read data a line at a time

f: open/lines %file.txt while [not tail? f][ print f/1 f: next f ; Advance to next line. ] close f</lang>


version 1

Works with: oorexx

Reading line by line from the standard input using linein and lines did not work. <lang rexx>do while stream(stdin, "State") <> "NOTREADY"

 call charout ,charin(stdin)


version 2

Works with: ARexx

<lang rexx>/* -- AREXX -- */ do until eof(stdin)

 l = readln(stdin)
 say l


version 3

Note that if REXX is reading from the default (console) input stream, there is no well-
defined e-o-f (end of file), so to speak.

Therefore, the following two REXX programs use the presence of a null line to indicate e-o-f. <lang rexx>/*REXX program to read from the (console) default input stream until nul*/

      do  until _==
      parse pull _
      end   /*until ...*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

version 4

/*REXX program to read from the (console) default input stream until nul*/

      do  until _==
      end   /*until ...*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/


Ruby input streams are IO objects. One can use IO#each or IO#each_line to iterate lines from a stream.

<lang ruby>stream = $stdin stream.each do |line|

 # process line


IO objects are also Enumerable (like Array or Range), and have methods like Enumerable#map, which call IO#each to loop through lines from a stream.

<lang ruby># Create an array of lengths of every line. ary = {|line| line.chomp.length}</lang>

To open a new stream for reading, see Read a file line by line#Ruby.


<lang runbasic>open "\testFile.txt" for input as #f while not(eof(#f)) line input #f, a$ print a$ wend close #f</lang>


Works with: Scala version 2.7

<lang scala> {

 line => // do something


Works with: Scala version 2.8

<lang scala> {

 line => // do something



<lang slate>(File newNamed: 'README') reader sessionDo: [| :input | input lines do: [| :line | inform: line]].</lang>


Sed by default loops over each line and executes its given script on it:

$ seq 5 | sed ''

The automatic printing can be suppressed with -n, and performed manually with p:

$ seq 5 | sed -n p


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func

   var string: line is "";
   while hasNext(IN) do
     writeln("LINE: " <& line);
   end while;
 end func;</lang>


<lang smalltalk>|f| f := FileStream open: 'afile.txt' mode: FileStream read. [ f atEnd ] whileFalse: [ (f nextLine) displayNl ] .</lang>


<lang snobol>loop output = input :s(loop) end</lang>


<lang tcl>set fh [open $filename] while {[gets $fh line] != -1} {

   # process $line

} close $fh</lang> For “small” files, it is often more common to do this: <lang tcl>set fh [open $filename] set data [read $fh] close $fh foreach line [split $data \n] {

   # process line



<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT file="a.txt" ERROR/STOP OPEN (file,READ,-std-) ACCESS source: READ/RECORDS/UTF8 $file s,text LOOP

   READ/NEXT/EXIT source
   PRINT text

ENDLOOP ENDACCESS source </lang>


the pipe 'yes XXX' produces a sequence

read by lines <lang bash>yes 'A B C D ' | while read x ; do echo -$x- ; done</lang> read by words <lang bash>yes 'A B C D ' | while read -d\ a ; do echo -$a- ; done</lang>

UNIX Shell

When there is something to do with the input, here is a loop: <lang bash>while read line ; do

 # examine or do something to the text in the "line" variable
 echo "$line"

done</lang> The following echoes standard input to standard output line-by-line until the end of the stream. <lang bash>cat < /dev/stdin > /dev/stdout</lang> Since cat defaults to reading from standard input and writing to standard output, this can be further simplified to the following. <lang bash>cat</lang>


<lang vala>int main() {

       string? s;
       while((s = stdin.read_line()) != null) {
               stdout.printf("%s\n", s);
       return 0;


Visual Basic .NET

This reads a stream line by line, outputing each line to the screen.

<lang vbnet>Sub Consume(ByVal stream As IO.StreamReader)

   Dim line = stream.ReadLine
   Do Until line Is Nothing
       line = stream.ReadLine

End Sub</lang>