Factors of a Mersenne number: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|PicoLisp}}: optimization of sqrt
→‎{{header|D}}: Added Erlang
Line 691: Line 691:
<pre>Factor of M929: 13007</pre>
<pre>Factor of M929: 13007</pre>


The modpow function is not my original. This is a translation of python, more or less.

<lang erlang>
mf(P) -> merseneFactor(P,math:sqrt(math:pow(2,P)-1),2).
merseneFactor(P,Limit,Acc) when Acc >= Limit -> io:write("None found");
merseneFactor(P,Limit,Acc) ->
Q = 2 * P * Acc + 1,
Isprime = prime(Q),
Mod = modpow(2,P,Q),
Isprime == false ->
Q rem 8 =/= 1 andalso Q rem 8 =/= 7 ->
Mod == 1 ->
io:format("M~w is composite with Factor: ~w~n",[P,Q]);
true -> merseneFactor(P,Limit,Acc+1)
modpow(B, E, M) -> modpow(B, E, M, 1).
modpow(_B, E, _M, R) when E =< 0 -> R;
modpow(B, E, M, R) ->
R1 = case E band 1 =:= 1 of
true -> (R * B) rem M;
false -> R
modpow( (B*B) rem M, E bsr 1, M, R1).
prime(N) -> divisors(N, N-1).

divisors(N, 1) -> true;
divisors(N, C) ->
case N rem C =:= 0 of
true -> false;
false -> divisors(N, C-1)
30> [ mersene2:mf(X) || X <- [37,41,43,47,53,92,929]].
M37 is composite with Factor: 223
M41 is composite with Factor: 13367
M43 is composite with Factor: 431
M47 is composite with Factor: 2351
M53 is composite with Factor: 6361
M92 is composite with Factor: 1657
M929 is composite with Factor: 13007


Revision as of 12:40, 1 October 2015

Factors of a Mersenne number
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A Mersenne number is a number in the form of 2P-1.

If P is prime, the Mersenne number may be a Mersenne prime (if P is not prime, the Mersenne number is also not prime).

In the search for Mersenne prime numbers it is advantageous to eliminate exponents by finding a small factor before starting a, potentially lengthy, Lucas-Lehmer test.

There are very efficient algorithms for determining if a number divides 2P-1 (or equivalently, if 2P mod (the number) = 1). Some languages already have built-in implementations of this exponent-and-mod operation (called modPow or similar).

The following is how to implement this modPow yourself:

For example, let's compute 223 mod 47. Convert the exponent 23 to binary, you get 10111. Starting with square = 1, repeatedly square it. Remove the top bit of the exponent, and if it's 1 multiply square by the base of the exponentiation (2), then compute square modulo 47. Use the result of the modulo from the last step as the initial value of square in the next step:

                 Remove   Optional   
   square        top bit  multiply by 2  mod 47
   ------------  -------  -------------  ------
   1*1 = 1       1  0111  1*2 = 2           2
   2*2 = 4       0   111     no             4
   4*4 = 16      1    11  16*2 = 32        32
   32*32 = 1024  1     1  1024*2 = 2048    27
   27*27 = 729   1        729*2 = 1458      1

Since 223 mod 47 = 1, 47 is a factor of 2P-1. (To see this, subtract 1 from both sides: 223-1 = 0 mod 47.) Since we've shown that 47 is a factor, 223-1 is not prime. Further properties of Mersenne numbers allow us to refine the process even more. Any factor q of 2P-1 must be of the form 2kP+1, k being a positive integer or zero. Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8. Finally any potential factor q must be prime. As in other trial division algorithms, the algorithm stops when 2kP+1 > sqrt(N).

These primality tests only work on Mersenne numbers where P is prime. For example, M4=15 yields no factors using these techniques, but factors into 3 and 5, neither of which fit 2kP+1.


Using the above method find a factor of 2929-1 (aka M929)

See also

360 Assembly

Translation of: BBC BASIC

Use of bitwise operations (TM (Test under Mask), SLA (Shift Left Arithmetic),SRA (Shift Right Arithmetic)). <lang>* Factors of a Mersenne number 11/09/2015 MERSENNE CSECT

        MVC    Q,=F'929'          q=929   (M929=2**929-1) 
        LA     R6,1               k=1

LOOPK C R6,=F'1048576' do k=1 to 2**20

        BNL    ELOOPK
        LR     R5,R6              k
        M      R4,Q               *q
        SLA    R5,1               *2   by shift left 1
        LA     R5,1(R5)           +1
        ST     R5,P               p=k*q*2+1
        L      R2,P               p
        N      R2,=F'7'           p&7
        C      R2,=F'1'           if    ((p&7)=1)    p='*001'
        BE     OK
        C      R2,=F'7'           or if ((p&7)=7)    p='*111'
        BNE    NOTOK

OK MVI PRIME,X'00' then prime=false is prime?

        LA     R2,2               loop count=2
        LA     R1,2               j=2 and after j=3

J2J3 L R4,P p

        SRDA   R4,32              r4>>r5
        DR     R4,R1              p/j
        LTR    R4,R4              if p//j=0 
        BZ     NOTPRIME           then goto notprime
        LA     R1,1(R1)           j=j+1
        BCT    R2,J2J3
        LA     R7,5               d=5


        MR     R4,R7              *d
        C      R5,P               do while(d*d<=p)
        BH     EWHILED
        LA     R2,2               loop count=2
        LA     R1,2               j=2 and after j=4

J2J4 L R4,P p

        SRDA   R4,32              r4>>r5
        DR     R4,R7              /d
        LTR    R4,R4              if p//d=0 
        BZ     NOTPRIME           then goto notprime
        AR     R7,R1              d=d+j
        LA     R1,2(R1)           j=j+2
        BCT    R2,J2J4
        B      WHILED

EWHILED MVI PRIME,X'01' prime=true so is prime NOTPRIME L R8,Q i=q

        MVC    Y,=F'1'            y=1
        MVC    Z,=F'2'            z=2

WHILEI LTR R8,R8 do while(i^=0)

        BZ     EWHILEI
        ST     R8,PG              i
        TM     PG+3,B'00000001'   if first bit of i not 1
        BZ     NOTFIRST           
        L      R5,Y               y
        M      R4,Z               *z
        LA     R4,0
        D      R4,P               /p
        ST     R4,Y               y=(y*z)//p


        M      R4,Z               *z
        LA     R4,0
        D      R4,P               /p
        ST     R4,Z               z=(z*z)//p
        SRA    R8,1               i=i/2   by shift right 1
        B      WHILEI

EWHILEI CLI PRIME,X'01' if prime

        BNE    NOTOK
        CLC    Y,=F'1'            and if y=1
        BNE    NOTOK
        MVC    FACTOR,P           then factor=p
        B      OKFACTOR

NOTOK LA R6,1(R6) k=k+1

        B      LOOPK


        XDECO  R1,PG              edit q
        L      R1,FACTOR
        XDECO  R1,PG+12           edit factor
        XPRNT  PG,24              print
        XR     R15,R15
        BR     R14

PRIME DS X flag for prime Q DS F P DS F Y DS F Z DS F FACTOR DS F a factor of q PG DS CL24 buffer

        END    MERSENNE</lang>
         929       13007


mersenne.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; -- reuse Is_Prime from Primality by Trial Division with Is_Prime;

procedure Mersenne is

  function Is_Set (Number : Natural; Bit : Positive) return Boolean is
     return Number / 2 ** (Bit - 1) mod 2 = 1;
  end Is_Set;
  function Get_Max_Bit (Number : Natural) return Natural is
     Test : Natural := 0;
     while 2 ** Test <= Number loop
        Test := Test + 1;
     end loop;
     return Test;
  end Get_Max_Bit;
  function Modular_Power (Base, Exponent, Modulus : Positive) return Natural is
     Maximum_Bit : constant Natural := Get_Max_Bit (Exponent);
     Square      : Natural := 1;
     for Bit in reverse 1 .. Maximum_Bit loop
        Square := Square ** 2;
        if Is_Set (Exponent, Bit) then
           Square := Square * Base;
        end if;
        Square := Square mod Modulus;
     end loop;
     return Square;
  end Modular_Power;
  Not_A_Prime_Exponent : exception;
  function Get_Factor (Exponent : Positive) return Natural is
     Factor : Positive;
     if not Is_Prime (Exponent) then
        raise Not_A_Prime_Exponent;
     end if;
     for K in 1 .. 16384 / Exponent loop
        Factor := 2 * K * Exponent + 1;
        if Factor mod 8 = 1 or else Factor mod 8 = 7 then
           if Is_Prime (Factor) and then Modular_Power (2, Exponent, Factor) = 1 then
              return Factor;
           end if;
        end if;
     end loop;
     return 0;
  end Get_Factor;
  To_Test : constant Positive := 929;
  Factor  : Natural;


  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("2 **" & Integer'Image (To_Test) & " - 1 ");
     Factor := Get_Factor (To_Test);
     if Factor = 0 then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("is prime.");
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("has factor" & Integer'Image (Factor));
     end if;
     when Not_A_Prime_Exponent =>
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("is not a Mersenne number");

end Mersenne;</lang>

2 ** 929 - 1 has factor 13007


Translation of: Fortran
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - with prelude inserted manually
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>MODE ISPRIMEINT = INT; PR READ "prelude/is_prime.a68" PR;

MODE POWMODSTRUCT = INT; PR READ "prelude/pow_mod.a68" PR;

PROC m factor = (INT p)INT:BEGIN

 INT m factor;
 INT max k, msb, n, q;
 FOR i FROM bits width - 2 BY -1 TO 0 WHILE ( BIN p SHR i AND 2r1 ) = 2r0 DO
     msb := i
 max k := ENTIER sqrt(max int) OVER p; # limit for k to prevent overflow of max int #
 FOR k FROM 1 TO max k DO
   q := 2*p*k + 1;
   IF NOT is prime(q) THEN
   ELIF q MOD 8 /= 1 AND q MOD 8 /= 7 THEN
     n := pow mod(2,p,q);
     IF n = 1 THEN
       m factor := q;
 m factor := 0;
   m factor



 INT exponent, factor;
 print("Enter exponent of Mersenne number:");
 IF NOT is prime(exponent) THEN
   print(("Exponent is not prime: ", exponent, new line))
   factor := m factor(exponent);
   IF factor = 0 THEN
     print(("No factor found for M", exponent, new line))
     print(("M", exponent, " has a factor: ", factor, new line))

END</lang> Example:

Enter exponent of Mersenne number:929
M       +929 has a factor:      +13007


ahk discussion <lang autohotkey>MsgBox % MFact(27)  ;-1: 27 is not prime MsgBox % MFact(2)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(3)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(5)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(7)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(11)  ; 23 MsgBox % MFact(13)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(17)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(19)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(23)  ; 47 MsgBox % MFact(29)  ; 233 MsgBox % MFact(31)  ; 0 MsgBox % MFact(37)  ; 223 MsgBox % MFact(41)  ; 13367 MsgBox % MFact(43)  ; 431 MsgBox % MFact(47)  ; 2351 MsgBox % MFact(53)  ; 6361 MsgBox % MFact(929) ; 13007

MFact(p) { ; blank if 2**p-1 can be prime, otherwise a prime divisor < 2**32

  If !IsPrime32(p)
     Return -1                      ; Error (p must be prime)
  Loop % 2.0**(p<64 ? p/2-1 : 31)/p ; test prime divisors < 2**32, up to sqrt(2**p-1)
     If (((q:=2*p*A_Index+1)&7 = 1 || q&7 = 7) && IsPrime32(q) && PowMod(2,p,q)=1)
        Return q
  Return 0


IsPrime32(n) { ; n < 2**32

  If n in 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97
     Return 1
  If (!(n&1)||!mod(n,3)||!mod(n,5)||!mod(n,7)||!mod(n,11)||!mod(n,13)||!mod(n,17)||!mod(n,19))
     Return 0
  n1 := d := n-1, s := 0
  While !(d&1)
     d>>=1, s++
  Loop 3 {
     x := PowMod( A_Index=1 ? 2 : A_Index=2 ? 7 : 61, d, n)
     If (x=1 || x=n1)
     Loop % s-1
        If (1 = x:=PowMod(x,2,n))
           Return 0
        Else If (x = n1)
     IfLess x,%n1%, Return 0
  Return 1


PowMod(x,n,m) { ; x**n mod m

  y := 1, i := n, z := x
  While i>0
     y := i&1 ? mod(y*z,m) : y, z := mod(z*z,m), i >>= 1
  Return y



<lang bbcbasic> PRINT "A factor of M929 is "; FNmersenne_factor(929)

     PRINT "A factor of M937 is "; FNmersenne_factor(937)
     DEF FNmersenne_factor(P%)
     LOCAL K%, Q%
     IF NOT FNisprime(P%) THEN = -1
     FOR K% = 1 TO 1000000
       Q% = 2*K%*P% + 1
       IF (Q% AND 7) = 1 OR (Q% AND 7) = 7 THEN
         IF FNisprime(Q%) IF FNmodpow(2, P%, Q%) = 1 THEN = Q%
     NEXT K%
     = 0
     DEF FNisprime(N%)
     LOCAL D%
     IF N% MOD 2=0 THEN = (N% = 2)
     IF N% MOD 3=0 THEN = (N% = 3)
     D% = 5
     WHILE D% * D% <= N%
       IF N% MOD D% = 0 THEN = FALSE
       D% += 2
       IF N% MOD D% = 0 THEN = FALSE
       D% += 4
     = TRUE
     DEF FNmodpow(X%, N%, M%)
     LOCAL I%, Y%, Z%
     I% = N% : Y% = 1 : Z% = X%
     WHILE I%
       IF I% AND 1 THEN Y% = (Y% * Z%) MOD M%
       Z% = (Z% * Z%) MOD M%
       I% = I% >>> 1
     = Y%


A factor of M929 is 13007
A factor of M937 is 28111


<lang Bracmat>( ( modPow

 =   square P divisor highbit log 2pow
   .   !arg:(?P.?divisor)
     & 1:?square
     & 2\L!P:#%?log+?
     & 2^!log:?2pow
     &   whl
       ' (     mod
             $ (   ( div$(!P.!2pow):1&2
                   | 1
                 * !square^2
               . !divisor
           : ?square
         & mod$(!P.!2pow):?P
         & 1/2*!2pow:~/:?2pow
     & !square

& ( isPrime

 =   incs nextincs primeCandidate nextPrimeCandidate quotient
   .     1 1 2 2 (4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6:?incs)
       : ?nextincs
     & 1:?primeCandidate
     & ( nextPrimeCandidate
       =   ( !nextincs:&!incs:?nextincs
         & !nextincs:%?inc ?nextincs
         & !inc+!primeCandidate:?primeCandidate
     &   whl
       ' ( (!nextPrimeCandidate:?divisor)^2:~>!arg
         & !arg*!divisor^-1:?quotient:/
     & !quotient:/

& ( Factors-of-a-Mersenne-Number

 =   P k candidate bignum
   .   !arg:?P
     & 2^!P+-1:?bignum
     & 0:?k
     &   whl
       ' ( 2*(1+!k:?k)*!P+1:?candidate
         & !candidate^2:~>!bignum
         & ( ~(mod$(!candidate.8):(1|7))
           | ~(isPrime$!candidate)
           | modPow$(!P.!candidate):?mp:~1
     & !mp:1
     & (!candidate.(2^!P+-1)*!candidate^-1)

& ( Factors-of-a-Mersenne-Number$929:(?divisorA.?divisorB)

   &   out
     $ ( str
       $ ("found some divisors of 2^" !P "-1 : " !divisorA " and " !divisorB)
 | out$"no divisors found"


found some divisors of 2^!P-1 : 13007 and 348890248924938259750454781163390930305120269538278042934009621348894657205785


<lang C>int isPrime(int n){ if (n%2==0) return n==2; if (n%3==0) return n==3; int d=5; while(d*d<=n){ if(n%d==0) return 0; d+=2; if(n%d==0) return 0; d+=4;} return 1;}

main() {int i,d,p,r,q=929; if (!isPrime(q)) return 1; r=q; while(r>0) r<<=1; d=2*q+1; do { for(p=r, i= 1; p; p<<= 1){ i=((long long)i * i) % d; if (p < 0) i *= 2; if (i > d) i -= d;} if (i != 1) d += 2*q; else break; } while(1); printf("2^%d - 1 = 0 (mod %d)\n", q, d);}</lang>


<lang csharp>using System;

namespace prog { class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { int q = 929; if ( !isPrime(q) ) return; int r = q; while( r > 0 ) r <<= 1; int d = 2 * q + 1; do { int i = 1; for( int p=r; p!=0; p<<=1 ) { i = (i*i) % d; if (p < 0) i *= 2; if (i > d) i -= d; } if (i != 1) d += 2 * q; else break; } while(true);

Console.WriteLine("2^"+q+"-1 = 0 (mod "+d+")"); }

static bool isPrime(int n) { if ( n % 2 == 0 ) return n == 2; if ( n % 3 == 0 ) return n == 3; int d = 5; while( d*d <= n ) { if ( n % d == 0 ) return false; d += 2; if ( n % d == 0 ) return false; d += 4; } return true; } } }</lang>


Works with: node.js
Translation of: Ruby

<lang coffeescript>mersenneFactor = (p) ->

   limit = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2,p) - 1)
   k = 1
   while (2*k*p - 1) < limit
       q = 2*k*p + 1
       if isPrime(q) and (q % 8 == 1 or q % 8 == 7) and trialFactor(2,p,q)
           return q
   return null

isPrime = (value) ->

   for i in [2...value]
       return false if value % i == 0
       return true  if value % i != 0

trialFactor = (base, exp, mod) ->

   square = 1
   bits = exp.toString(2).split()
   for bit in bits
       square = Math.pow(square, 2) * (if +bit is 1 then base else 1) % mod
   return square == 1

checkMersenne = (p) ->

   factor = mersenneFactor(+p)
   console.log "M#{p} = 2^#{p}-1 is #{if factor is null then "prime" else "composite with #{factor}"}"

checkMersenne(prime) for prime in ["2","3","4","5","7","11","13","17","19","23","29","31","37","41","43","47","53","929"] </lang>

M2 = 2^2-1 is prime
M3 = 2^3-1 is prime
M4 = 2^4-1 is prime
M5 = 2^5-1 is prime
M7 = 2^7-1 is prime
M11 = 2^11-1 is composite with 23
M13 = 2^13-1 is prime
M17 = 2^17-1 is prime
M19 = 2^19-1 is prime
M23 = 2^23-1 is composite with 47
M29 = 2^29-1 is composite with 233
M31 = 2^31-1 is prime
M37 = 2^37-1 is composite with 223
M41 = 2^41-1 is composite with 13367
M43 = 2^43-1 is composite with 431
M47 = 2^47-1 is composite with 2351
M53 = 2^53-1 is composite with 6361
M929 = 2^929-1 is composite with 13007

Common Lisp

Translation of: Maxima

<lang lisp>(defun mersenne-fac (p &aux (m (1- (expt 2 p))))

 (loop for k from 1
       for n = (1+ (* 2 k p))
       until (zerop (mod m n))
       finally (return n)))

(print (mersenne-fac 929))</lang>


Version 2

We can use a primality test from the Primality by Trial Division task.

<lang lisp>(defun primep (n)

 "Is N prime?"
 (and (> n 1) 
      (or (= n 2) (oddp n))
      (loop for i from 3 to (isqrt n) by 2

never (zerop (rem n i)))))</lang>

Specific to this task, we define modulo-power and mersenne-prime-p.

<lang lisp>(defun modulo-power (base power modulus)

 (loop with square = 1
       for bit across (format nil "~b" power)
       do (setf square (* square square))
       when (char= bit #\1) do (setf square (* square base))
       do (setf square (mod square modulus))
       finally (return square)))

(defun mersenne-prime-p (power)

 (do* ((N (1- (expt 2 power)))
       (sqN (isqrt N))
       (k 1 (1+ k))
       (q (1+ (* 2 power k)) (1+ (* 2 power k)))
       (m (mod q 8) (mod q 8)))
     ((> q sqN) (values t))
   (when (and (or (= 1 m) (= 7 m))
              (primep q)
              (= 1 (modulo-power 2 power q)))
     (return (values nil q)))))</lang>

We can run the same tests from the Ruby entry.

> (loop for p in '(2 3 4 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 929)
        do (multiple-value-bind (primep factor) 
               (mersenne-prime-p p)
             (format t "~&M~w = 2**~:*~w-1 is ~:[composite with factor ~w~;prime~]."
                     p primep factor)))
M2 = 2**2-1 is prime.
M3 = 2**3-1 is prime.
M4 = 2**4-1 is prime.
M5 = 2**5-1 is prime.
M7 = 2**7-1 is prime.
M11 = 2**11-1 is composite with factor 23.
M13 = 2**13-1 is prime.
M17 = 2**17-1 is prime.
M19 = 2**19-1 is prime.
M23 = 2**23-1 is composite with factor 47.
M29 = 2**29-1 is composite with factor 233.
M31 = 2**31-1 is prime.
M37 = 2**37-1 is composite with factor 223.
M41 = 2**41-1 is composite with factor 13367.
M43 = 2**43-1 is composite with factor 431.
M47 = 2**47-1 is composite with factor 2351.
M53 = 2**53-1 is composite with factor 6361.
M929 = 2**929-1 is composite with factor 13007.


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.math, std.traits;

ulong mersenneFactor(in ulong p) pure nothrow @nogc {

   static bool isPrime(T)(in T n) pure nothrow @nogc {
       if (n < 2 || n % 2 == 0)
           return n == 2;
       for (Unqual!T i = 3; i ^^ 2 <= n; i += 2)
           if (n % i == 0)
               return false;
       return true;
   static long modPow(in long cb, in long ce,in long m)
   pure nothrow @nogc {
       long b = cb;
       long result = 1;
       for (long e = ce; e > 0; e >>= 1) {
           if ((e & 1) == 1)
               result = (result * b) % m;
           b = (b ^^ 2) % m;
       return result;
   immutable ulong limit = cast(ulong)real(2 ^^ p - 1).sqrt;
   for (ulong k = 1; (2 * p * k - 1) < limit; k++) {
       immutable ulong q = 2 * p * k + 1;
       if (isPrime(q) && (q % 8 == 1 || q % 8 == 7) &&
           modPow(2, p, q) == 1)
           return q;
   return 0;


void main() {

   writefln("Factor of M929: %s", 929.mersenneFactor);


Factor of M929: 13007


The modpow function is not my original. This is a translation of python, more or less.

<lang erlang> -module(mersene2). -export([prime/1,modpow/3,mf/1]).

mf(P) -> merseneFactor(P,math:sqrt(math:pow(2,P)-1),2).

merseneFactor(P,Limit,Acc) when Acc >= Limit -> io:write("None found"); merseneFactor(P,Limit,Acc) ->

       Q = 2 * P * Acc + 1,                                                  
       Isprime = prime(Q),                                                   
       Mod = modpow(2,P,Q),                                                  
           Isprime == false ->                                               
           Q rem 8 =/= 1 andalso Q rem 8 =/= 7 ->                            
            Mod == 1 ->                                                      
               io:format("M~w is composite with Factor: ~w~n",[P,Q]);        
           true -> merseneFactor(P,Limit,Acc+1)                              

modpow(B, E, M) -> modpow(B, E, M, 1).

modpow(_B, E, _M, R) when E =< 0 -> R; modpow(B, E, M, R) ->

   R1 = case E band 1 =:= 1 of                                               
            true -> (R * B) rem M;                                           
            false  -> R                                                      
   modpow( (B*B) rem M, E bsr 1, M, R1).                                     

prime(N) -> divisors(N, N-1).

       divisors(N, 1) -> true;                 

divisors(N, C) ->

  case N rem C =:= 0 of                
     true  -> false;                   
     false -> divisors(N, C-1)         


   30> [ mersene2:mf(X) || X <- [37,41,43,47,53,92,929]].
M37 is composite with Factor: 223
M41 is composite with Factor: 13367
M43 is composite with Factor: 431
M47 is composite with Factor: 2351
M53 is composite with Factor: 6361
M92 is composite with Factor: 1657
M929 is composite with Factor: 13007


<lang forth>: prime? ( odd -- ? )

 begin 2dup dup * >=
 while 2dup mod 0=
       if 2drop false exit
       then 2 +
 repeat   2drop true ;
2-exp-mod { e m -- 2^e mod m }
 0 30 do
   e 1 i lshift >= if
     dup *
     e 1 i lshift and if 2* then
     m mod
 -1 +loop ;
factor-mersenne ( exponent -- factor )
 16384 over /  dup 2 < abort" Exponent too large!"
 1 do
   dup i * 2* 1+      ( q )
   dup prime? if
     dup 7 and  dup 1 = swap 7 = or if
       2dup 2-exp-mod 1 = if
         nip unloop exit
   then drop
 loop drop 0 ;
929 factor-mersenne .  \ 13007

4423 factor-mersenne . \ 0</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>PROGRAM EXAMPLE

 INTEGER :: exponent, factor
 WRITE(*,*) "Enter exponent of Mersenne number"
 READ(*,*) exponent
 factor = Mfactor(exponent)
 IF (factor == 0) THEN
   WRITE(*,*) "No Factor found"
   WRITE(*,"(A,I0,A,I0)") "M", exponent, " has a factor: ", factor


FUNCTION isPrime(number) ! code omitted - see Primality by Trial Division END FUNCTION

FUNCTION Mfactor(p)

 INTEGER :: Mfactor
 INTEGER :: i, k,  maxk, msb, n, q
 DO i = 30, 0 , -1
   IF(BTEST(p, i)) THEN
     msb = i

 maxk = 16384  / p     ! limit for k to prevent overflow of 32 bit signed integer
 DO k = 1, maxk
   q = 2*p*k + 1
   IF (.NOT. isPrime(q)) CYCLE
   IF (MOD(q, 8) /= 1 .AND. MOD(q, 8) /= 7) CYCLE
   n = 1
   DO i = msb, 0, -1
     IF (BTEST(p, i)) THEN
       n = MOD(n*n*2, q)
       n = MOD(n*n, q)
   IF (n == 1) THEN
     Mfactor = q
 Mfactor = 0


M929 has a factor: 13007


<lang gap>MersenneSmallFactor := function(n)

   local k, m, d;
   if IsPrime(n) then
       d := 2*n;
       m := 1;
       for k in [1 .. 1000000] do
           m := m + d;
           if PowerModInt(2, n, m) = 1 then
               return m;
   return fail;


  1. If n is not prime, fail immediately


  1. fail


  1. 13007


  1. 3454817
  1. We stop at k = 1000000 in 2*k*n + 1, so it may fail if 2^n - 1 has only larger factors


  1. fail


  1. [ 7432339208719, 341117531003194129 ]</lang>


<lang go>package main

import (



// limit search to small primes. really this is higher than // you'd want it, but it's fun to factor M67. const qlimit = 2e8

func main() {



func mtest(m int32) {

   // the function finds odd prime factors by
   // searching no farther than sqrt(N), where N = 2^m-1.
   // the first odd prime is 3, 3^2 = 9, so M3 = 7 is still too small.
   // M4 = 15 is first number for which test is meaningful.
   if m < 4 {
       fmt.Printf("%d < 4.  M%d not tested.\n", m, m)
   flimit := math.Sqrt(math.Pow(2, float64(m)) - 1)
   var qlast int32
   if flimit < qlimit {
       qlast = int32(flimit)
   } else {
       qlast = qlimit
   composite := make([]bool, qlast+1)
   sq := int32(math.Sqrt(float64(qlast)))


   for q := int32(3); ; {
       if q <= sq {
           for i := q * q; i <= qlast; i += q {
               composite[i] = true
       if q8 := q % 8; (q8 == 1 || q8 == 7) && modPow(2, m, q) == 1 {
           fmt.Printf("M%d has factor %d\n", m, q)
       for {
           q += 2
           if q > qlast {
               break loop
           if !composite[q] {
   fmt.Printf("No factors of M%d found.\n", m)


// base b to power p, mod m func modPow(b, p, m int32) int32 {

   pow := int64(1)
   b64 := int64(b)
   m64 := int64(m)
   bit := uint(30)
   for 1<<bit&p == 0 {
   for {
       pow *= pow
       if 1<<bit&p != 0 {
           pow *= b64
       pow %= m64
       if bit == 0 {
   return int32(pow)


No factors of M31 found.
M67 has factor 193707721
M929 has factor 13007


Using David Amos module Primes [1] for prime number testing:

<lang haskell>import Data.List import HFM.Primes(isPrime) import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow

int2bin = reverse.unfoldr(\x -> if x==0 then Nothing

                               else Just ((uncurry.flip$(,))$divMod x 2))

trialfac m = take 1. dropWhile ((/=1).(\q -> foldl (((`mod` q).).pm) 1 bs)) $ qs

 where qs = filter (liftM2 (&&) (liftM2 (||) (==1) (==7) .(`mod`8)) isPrime ).
             map (succ.(2*m*)). enumFromTo 1 $ m `div` 2
       bs = int2bin m
       pm n b = 2^b*n*n</lang>

<lang haskell>*Main> trialfac 929 [13007]</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Translation of: PHP

The following works in both languages: <lang unicon>procedure main(A)

   p := integer(A[1]) | 929
   write("M",p," has a factor ",mfactor(p))


procedure mfactor(p)

   if isPrime(p) then {
       limit := sqrt(2^p)-1
       k := 1
       while 2*p*k-1 < limit do {
           q := 2*p*k+1
           if isPrime(q) & (q%8 = (1|7)) & btest(p,q) then return q
           k +:= 1


procedure btest(p, q)

  return (2^p % q) = 1


procedure isPrime(n)

   if n%(i := 2|3) = 0 then return n = i;
   d := 5
   while d*d <= n do {
       if n%d = 0 then fail
       d +:= 2
       if n%d = 0 then fail
       d +:= 4


Sample runs:

M929 has a factor 13007
->fmn 41
M41 has a factor 13367


<lang j>trialfac=: 3 : 0

 qs=. (#~8&(1=|+.7=|))(#~1&p:)1+(*(1x+i.@<:@<.)&.-:)y
 qs#~1=qs&|@(2&^@[**:@])/ 1,~ |.#: y



<lang j>trialfac 929 13007</lang> <lang j>trialfac 44497</lang> Empty output --> No factors found.


<lang java> import java.math.BigInteger;

class MersenneFactorCheck {

 private final static BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2);
 public static boolean isPrime(long n)
   if (n == 2)
     return true;
   if ((n < 2) || ((n & 1) == 0))
     return false;
   long maxFactor = (long)Math.sqrt((double)n);
   for (long possibleFactor = 3; possibleFactor <= maxFactor; possibleFactor += 2)
     if ((n % possibleFactor) == 0)
       return false;
   return true;
 public static BigInteger findFactorMersenneNumber(int primeP)
   if (primeP <= 0)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException();
   BigInteger bigP = BigInteger.valueOf(primeP);
   BigInteger m = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(primeP).subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
   // There are more complicated ways of getting closer to sqrt(), but not that important here, so go with simple
   BigInteger maxFactor = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft((primeP + 1) >>> 1);
   BigInteger twoP = BigInteger.valueOf(primeP << 1);
   BigInteger possibleFactor = BigInteger.ONE;
   int possibleFactorBits12 = 0;
   int twoPBits12 = primeP & 3;
   while ((possibleFactor = possibleFactor.add(twoP)).compareTo(maxFactor) <= 0)
     possibleFactorBits12 = (possibleFactorBits12 + twoPBits12) & 3;
     // "Furthermore, q must be 1 or 7 mod 8". We know it's odd due to the +1 done above, so bit 0 is set. Therefore, we only care about bits 1 and 2 equaling 00 or 11
     if ((possibleFactorBits12 == 0) || (possibleFactorBits12 == 3))
       if (TWO.modPow(bigP, possibleFactor).equals(BigInteger.ONE))
         return possibleFactor;
   return null;
 public static void checkMersenneNumber(int p)
   if (!isPrime(p))
     System.out.println("M" + p + " is not prime");
   BigInteger factor = findFactorMersenneNumber(p);
   if (factor == null)
     System.out.println("M" + p + " is prime");
     System.out.println("M" + p + " is not prime, has factor " + factor);
 public static void main(String[] args)
   for (int p = 1; p <= 50; p++)

} </lang>

M1 is not prime
M2 is prime
M3 is prime
M4 is not prime
M5 is prime
M6 is not prime
M7 is prime
M8 is not prime
M9 is not prime
M10 is not prime
M11 is not prime, has factor 23
M12 is not prime
M13 is prime
M14 is not prime
M47 is not prime, has factor 2351
M48 is not prime
M49 is not prime
M50 is not prime
M929 is not prime, has factor 13007


<lang javascript>function mersenne_factor(p){

 var limit, k, q
 limit = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2,p) - 1)
 k = 1
 while ((2*k*p - 1) < limit){
   q = 2*k*p + 1
   if (isPrime(q) && (q % 8 == 1 || q % 8 == 7) && trial_factor(2,p,q)){
     return q // q is a factor of 2**p-1
 return null


function isPrime(value){

 for (var i=2; i < value; i++){
   if (value % i == 0){
     return false
   if (value % i != 0){
     return true;




function trial_factor(base, exp, mod){

 var square, bits
 square = 1
 bits = exp.toString(2).split()
 for (var i=0,ln=bits.length; i<ln; i++){
   square = Math.pow(square, 2) * (bits[i] == 1 ? base : 1) % mod
 return (square == 1)


function check_mersenne(p){

 var f, result
 console.log("M"+p+" = 2^"+p+"-1 is ")
 f = mersenne_factor(p)
 console.log(f == null ? "prime" : "composite with factor "+f)


> check_mersenne(3)
"M3 = 2**3-1 is prime"
> check_mersenne(23)
"M23 = 2**23-1 is composite with factor 47"
> check_mersenne(929)
"M929 = 2**929-1 is composite with factor 13007"


Believe it or not, this type of test runs faster in Mathematica than the squaring version described above.

<lang mathematica> For[i = 2, i < Prime[1000000], i = NextPrime[i],

If[Mod[2^44497, i] == 1, 
 Print["divisible by "<>i]]]; Print["prime test passed; call Lucas and Lehmer"]</lang>


<lang maxima>mersenne_fac(p) := block([m: 2^p - 1, k: 1],

  while mod(m, 2 * k * p + 1) # 0 do k: k + 1,
  2 * k * p + 1


mersenne_fac(929); /* 13007 */</lang>


Translation of: C

<lang nim>import math

proc isPrime(a: int): bool =

 if a == 2: return true
 if a < 2 or a mod 2 == 0: return false
 for i in countup(3, int sqrt(float a), 2):
   if a mod i == 0:
     return false
 return true

const q = 929 if not isPrime q: quit 1 var r = q while r > 0: r = r shl 1 var d = 2 * q + 1 while true:

 var i = 1
 var p = r
 while p != 0:
   i = (i * i) mod d
   if p < 0: i *= 2
   if i > d: i -= d
   p = p shl 1
 if i != 1: d += 2 * q
 else: break

echo "2^",q," - 1 = 0 (mod ",d,")"</lang>

2^929 - 1 = 0 (mod 13007)


Translation of: Fortran

(GNU Octave has a isprime built-in test)

<lang octave>% test a bit; lsb is 1 (like built-in bit* ops) function b = bittst(n, p)

 b = bitand(n, 2^(p-1)) > 0;


function f = Mfactor(p)

 % msb is the index of the first non-zero bit
 [b, msb] = max(bitand(p, 2 .^ [32:-1:1]) > 0);
 maxk = floor(sqrt(intmax()) / p);
 for k = 1 : maxk
   q = 2*p*k + 1;
   if ( ! isprime(q) )
   if ( (mod(q, 8) != 1) && ( mod(q, 8) != 7) )
   n = 1;
   for i = msb:-1:1
     if ( bittst(p, i) )

n = mod(n*n*2, q);


n = mod(n*n, q);

   if ( n==1 )
     f = q;
 f = 0;


printf("%d\n", Mfactor(929));</lang>


This version takes about 15 microseconds to find a factor of 2929 − 1. <lang parigp>factorMersenne(p)={

   [1,0,0,0,0,0,1][q%8] && Mod(2, q)^p==1 && return(q)

}; factorMersenne(929)</lang>

This implementation seems to be broken: <lang parigp>TM(p) = local(status=1, i=1, len=0, S=0);{ printp("Test TM \t..."); S=2*p+1; len = length(binary(p)); B = Vecsmall(binary(p)); q = B[i]*B[i]; while( i<=len & status ==1,

      if( B[i] != 0,
          q = q*2;
      r = q%S;     
      q = r*r;
      if( i == len & r == 1,
          status = 0; 
          printp("Not Prime!");

); return(status); }</lang>


Translation of: Fortran

<lang pascal>program FactorsMersenneNumber(input, output);

function isPrime(n: longint): boolean;

   d: longint;
   isPrime := true;
   if (n mod 2) = 0 then
     isPrime := (n = 2);
   if (n mod 3) = 0 then
     isPrime := (n = 3);
   d := 5;
   while d*d <= n do
     if (n mod d) = 0 then

isPrime := false; exit;

     d := d + 2;

function btest(n, pos: longint): boolean;

   btest := (n shr pos) mod 2 = 1;

function MFactor(p: longint): longint;

   i, k,  maxk, msb, n, q: longint;
   for i := 30 downto 0 do
     if btest(p, i) then

msb := i; break;

   maxk := 16384 div p;     // limit for k to prevent overflow of 32 bit signed integer
   for k := 1 to maxk do
     q := 2*p*k + 1;
     if not isprime(q) then


     if ((q mod 8) <> 1) and ((q mod 8) <> 7) then


     n := 1;
     for i := msb downto 0 do

if btest(p, i) then n := (n*n*2) mod q else n := (n*n) mod q;

     if n = 1 then

mfactor := q; exit;

   mfactor := 0;


 exponent, factor: longint;


 write('Enter the exponent of the Mersenne number (suggestion: 929): ');
 if not isPrime(exponent) then
   writeln('M', exponent, ' (2**', exponent, ' - 1) is not prime.');
 factor := MFactor(exponent);
 if factor = 0 then
   writeln('M', exponent, ' (2**', exponent, ' - 1) has no factor.')
   writeln('M', exponent, ' (2**', exponent, ' - 1) has the factor: ', factor);


:> ./FactorsMersenneNumber
Enter the exponent of the Mersenne number (suggestion: 929): 929
M929 (2**929 - 1) has the factor: 13007


<lang perl>use strict; use utf8;

sub factors { my $n = shift; my $p = 2; my @out;

while ($n >= $p * $p) { while ($n % $p == 0) { push @out, $p; $n /= $p; } $p = next_prime($p); } push @out, $n if $n > 1 || !@out; @out; }

sub next_prime { my $p = shift; do { $p = $p == 2 ? 3 : $p + 2 } until is_prime($p); $p; }

my %pcache; sub is_prime { my $x = shift; $pcache{$x} //= (factors($x) == 1) }

sub mtest { my @bits = split "", sprintf("%b", shift); my $p = shift; my $sq = 1; while (@bits) { $sq = $sq * $sq; $sq *= 2 if shift @bits; $sq %= $p; } $sq == 1; }

for my $m (2 .. 60, 929) { next unless is_prime($m); use bigint;

my ($f, $k, $x) = (0, 0, 2**$m - 1);

my $q; while (++$k) { $q = 2 * $k * $m + 1; next if (($q & 7) != 1 && ($q & 7) != 7); next unless is_prime($q); last if $q * $q > $x; last if $f = mtest($m, $q); }

print $f? "M$m = $x = $q × @{[$x / $q]}\n" : "M$m = $x is prime\n"; }</lang>

M2 = 3 is prime
M2 = 3 is prime
M3 = 7 is prime
M5 = 31 is prime
M7 = 127 is prime
M11 = 2047 = 23  × 89
M13 = 8191 is prime
M53 = 9007199254740991 = 6361 × 1416003655831
M59 = 576460752303423487 = 179951 × 3203431780337
M929 = 4538..<yadda yadda>..8911 = 13007 × 348890..<blah blah>..84273

Following the task introduction, this uses GMP's modular exponentiation and simple probable prime test for the small numbers, then looks for small factors before doing a Lucas-Lehmer test. For ranges above about p=2000, looking for small factors this way saves time (the amount of testing should be adjusted based on the input size and platform -- this example just uses a fixed amount). Note as well that the Lucas-Lehmer test shown here is ignoring the large speedup we can get by optimizing the modulo operation, but that's a different task. <lang perl>use Math::GMP;

  1. Use GMP's simple probable prime test.

sub is_prime { Math::GMP->new(shift)->probab_prime(20); }

  1. Lucas-Lehmer test, deterministic for 2^p-1 given p

sub is_mersenne_prime {

 my($p, $mp, $s) = ($_[0], Math::GMP->new(2)**$_[0]-1, Math::GMP->new(4));
 return 1 if $p == 2;
 $s = ($s * $s - 2) % $mp  for 3 .. $p;
 $s == 0;


for my $p (2 .. 100, 929) {

 next unless is_prime($p);
 my $mp = Math::GMP->new(2) ** $p - 1;
 my $lim = $mp->bsqrt();
 $lim = 1000000 if $lim > 1000000;   # We're using it as a pre-test
 my $factor;
 for (my $q = Math::GMP->new(2*$p+1);  $q <= $lim && !$factor;  $q += 2*$p) {
   next unless ($q & 7) == 1 || ($q & 7) == 7;
   next unless is_prime($q);
   $factor = $q if Math::GMP->new(2)->powm_gmp($p,$q) == 1;  #  $mp % $q == 0
 if ($factor) {
   print "M$p = $factor * ",$mp/$factor,"\n";
 } else {
   print "M$p is ", is_mersenne_prime($p) ? "prime" : "composite", "\n";


M2 is prime
M3 is prime
M5 is prime
M7 is prime
M11 = 23 * 89
M13 is prime
M17 is prime
M19 is prime
M23 = 47 * 178481
M29 = 233 * 2304167
M31 is prime
M37 = 223 * 616318177
M41 = 13367 * 164511353
M43 = 431 * 20408568497
M47 = 2351 * 59862819377
M53 = 6361 * 1416003655831
M59 = 179951 * 3203431780337
M61 is prime
M67 is composite
M71 = 228479 * 10334355636337793
M73 = 439 * 21514198099633918969
M79 = 2687 * 224958284260258499201
M83 = 167 * 57912614113275649087721
M89 is prime
M97 = 11447 * 13842607235828485645766393
M929 = 13007 * 348890248924[.....]64184273

Perl 6

Works with: rakudo version 2015-09-10

<lang perl6>my @primes = 2, 3, -> $n is copy {

   repeat { $n += 2 } until $n %% none do for @primes -> $p {
       last if $p > sqrt($n);

} ... *;

multi factors(1) { 1 } multi factors(Int $remainder is copy) {

 gather for @primes -> $factor {
   if $factor * $factor > $remainder {
     take $remainder if $remainder > 1;
   while $remainder %% $factor {
       take $factor;
       last if ($remainder div= $factor) === 1;


sub is_prime($x) { (state %){$x} //= factors($x) == 1 }

sub mtest($bits, $p) {

   my @bits = $bits.base(2).comb;
   loop (my $sq = 1; @bits; $sq %= $p) {

$sq *= $sq; $sq += $sq if @bits.shift;

   $sq == 1;


for flat 2 .. 60, 929 -> $m {

   next unless is_prime($m);
   my $f = 0;
   my $x = 2**$m - 1;
   my $q;
   for 1..* -> $k {

$q = 2 * $k * $m + 1; next unless $q % 8 == 1|7 or is_prime($q); last if $q * $q > $x or $f = mtest($m, $q);

   say $f ?? "M$m = $x\n\t= $q × { $x div $q }"
          !! "M$m = $x is prime";


M2 = 3 is prime
M3 = 7 is prime
M5 = 31 is prime
M7 = 127 is prime
M11 = 2047
	= 23 × 89
M13 = 8191 is prime
M17 = 131071 is prime
M19 = 524287 is prime
M23 = 8388607
	= 47 × 178481
M29 = 536870911
	= 233 × 2304167
M31 = 2147483647 is prime
M37 = 137438953471
	= 223 × 616318177
M41 = 2199023255551
	= 13367 × 164511353
M43 = 8796093022207
	= 431 × 20408568497
M47 = 140737488355327
	= 2351 × 59862819377
M53 = 9007199254740991
	= 6361 × 1416003655831
M59 = 576460752303423487
	= 179951 × 3203431780337
M929 = 4538015467766671944574165338592225830478699345884382504442663144885072806275648112625635725391102144133907238129251016389326737199538896813326509341743147661691195191795226666084858428449394948944821764472508048114220424520501343042471615418544488778723282182172070046459244838911
	= 13007 × 348890248924938259750454781163390930305120269538278042934009621348894657205785201247454118966026150852149399410259938217062100192168747352450719561908445272675574320888385228421992652298715687625495638077382028762529439880103124705348782610789919949159935587158612289264184273


Translation of: D

Requires bcmath <lang php>echo 'M929 has a factor: ', mersenneFactor(929), '

function mersenneFactor($p) {

   $limit = sqrt(pow(2, $p) - 1);
   for ($k = 1; 2 * $p * $k - 1 < $limit; $k++) { 
       $q = 2 * $p * $k + 1;
       if (isPrime($q) && ($q % 8 == 1 || $q % 8 == 7) && bcpowmod("2", "$p", "$q") == "1") {
           return $q;
   return 0;


function isPrime($n) {

   if ($n < 2 || $n % 2 == 0) return $n == 2;
   for ($i = 3; $i * $i <= $n; $i += 2) {
       if ($n % $i == 0) {
           return false;
   return true;


M929 has a factor: 13007


<lang PicoLisp>(de **Mod (X Y N)

  (let M 1
        (when (bit? 1 Y)
           (setq M (% (* M X) N)) )
        (T (=0 (setq Y (>> 1 Y)))
           M )
        (setq X (% (* X X) N)) ) ) )

(de prime? (N)

     (= N 2)
        (> N 1)
        (bit? 1 N)
        (let S (sqrt N)
           (for (D 3  T  (+ D 2))
              (T (> D S) T)
              (T (=0 (% N D)) NIL) ) ) ) ) )

(de mFactor (P)

  (let (Lim (sqrt (dec (** 2 P)))  K 0  Q)
        (setq Q (inc (* 2 (inc 'K) P)))
        (T (>= Q Lim) NIL)
              (member (% Q 8) (1 7))
              (prime? Q)
              (= 1 (**Mod 2 P Q)) )
           Q ) ) ) )</lang>
: (for P (2 3 4 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 929)
      "M" P " = 2**" P "-1 is "
         ((not (prime? P)) "not prime")
         ((mFactor P) (pack "composite with factor " @))
         (T "prime") ) ) )
M2 = 2**2-1 is prime
M3 = 2**3-1 is prime
M4 = 2**4-1 is not prime
M5 = 2**5-1 is prime
M7 = 2**7-1 is prime
M11 = 2**11-1 is composite with factor 23
M13 = 2**13-1 is prime
M17 = 2**17-1 is prime
M19 = 2**19-1 is prime
M23 = 2**23-1 is composite with factor 47
M29 = 2**29-1 is composite with factor 233
M31 = 2**31-1 is prime
M37 = 2**37-1 is composite with factor 223
M41 = 2**41-1 is composite with factor 13367
M43 = 2**43-1 is composite with factor 431
M47 = 2**47-1 is composite with factor 2351
M53 = 2**53-1 is composite with factor 6361
M929 = 2**929-1 is composite with factor 13007


<lang python>def is_prime(number):

   return True # code omitted - see Primality by Trial Division

def m_factor(p):

   max_k = 16384 / p # arbitrary limit; since Python automatically uses long's, it doesn't overflow
   for k in xrange(max_k):
       q = 2*p*k + 1
       if not is_prime(q):
       elif q % 8 != 1 and q % 8 != 7:
       elif pow(2, p, q) == 1:
           return q
   return None

if __name__ == '__main__':

   exponent = int(raw_input("Enter exponent of Mersenne number: "))
   if not is_prime(exponent):
       print "Exponent is not prime: %d" % exponent
       factor = m_factor(exponent)
       if not factor:
           print "No factor found for M%d" % exponent
           print "M%d has a factor: %d" % (exponent, factor)</lang>
Enter exponent of Mersenne number: 929
M929 has a factor: 13007


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (number->digits n)

 (map (compose1 string->number string)
      (string->list (number->string n 2))))

(define (modpow exp base)

 (for/fold ([square 1])
   ([d (number->digits exp)])
   (modulo (* (if (= d 1) 2 1) square square) base)))

Search through all integers from 1 on to find the first divisor.
Returns #f if 2^p-1 is prime.

(define (mersenne-factor p)

 (for/first ([i (in-range 1 (floor (expt 2 (quotient p 2))) (* 2 p))]
             #:when (and (member (modulo i 8) '(1 7))
                         (= 1 (modpow p i))))

(mersenne-factor 929) </lang>


<lang racket> 13007 </lang>


REXX practically has no limit on decimal digits (precision). <lang rexx>/*REXX program uses exponent─&─mod operator to test possible Mersenne numbers.*/ numeric digits 500 /*dealing with some ginormous numbers. */

     do j=1  to 61;  z=j              /*when J reaches 61, it turns into 929.*/
     if z==61        then z=929       /*now, a switcheroo, 61 turns into 929.*/
     if \isPrime(z)  then iterate     /*if  Z  isn't a prime,  keep plugging.*/
     r=testM(z)                       /*If Z is prime, give Z the 3rd degree.*/
     if r==0   then  say right('M'z,8)     "──────── is a Mersenne prime."
               else  say right('M'z,48)    "is composite, a factor:"        r
     end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isPrime: procedure; parse arg x; if wordpos(x,'2 3 5 7')\==0 then return 1

        if x<11  then return 0;          if x//2==0 | x//3    ==0 then return 0
             do j=5 by 6;                if x//j==0 | x//(j+2)==0 then return 0
             if j*j>x   then return 1
             end   /*j*/

/*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; r=0; q=1; do while q<=x; q=q*4; end

        do while q>1; q=q%4; _=x-r-q; r=r%2; if _>=0 then do;x=_;r=r+q; end;end
      return r

/*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ modPow: procedure; parse arg base,n,div; sq=1; $=x2b(d2x(n))+0

                      do  until $==;      sq=sq**2
                      if left($,1)  then sq=sq*base//div;   $=substr($,2)
                      end   /*until ··· */
       return sq

/*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ testM: procedure; parse arg x /*test a possible Mersenne prime*/

      sqRoot=iSqrt(2**x)                     /*iSqrt is:  integer square root*/
                                             /*─────      ─       ──  ─  ─   */
        do k=1;              q=2*k*x + 1     /*      _____                   */
        if q>sqRoot          then leave      /*Is q>√(2^x) ?  Then we're done*/
        _=q // 8                             /*perform modulus arithmetic.   */
        if _\==1 & _\==7     then iterate    /*must be either one or seven.  */
        if \isPrime(q)       then iterate    /*N prime? Then keep on truckin'*/
        if modPow(2,x,q)==1  then return q   /*Not a prime?  Return a factor.*/
        end   /*k*/

return 0 /*it's a Mersenne prime, by gum.*/</lang> Program note:   the   iSqrt   function computes the integer square root of a non-negative integer without using any floating point, just integers.

output   when using the default input:

      M2 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
      M3 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
      M5 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
      M7 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
                                             M11 is composite, a factor: 23
     M13 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
     M17 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
     M19 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
                                             M23 is composite, a factor: 47
                                             M29 is composite, a factor: 233
     M31 ──────── is a Mersenne prime.
                                             M37 is composite, a factor: 223
                                             M41 is composite, a factor: 13367
                                             M43 is composite, a factor: 431
                                             M47 is composite, a factor: 2351
                                             M53 is composite, a factor: 6361
                                             M59 is composite, a factor: 179951
                                            M929 is composite, a factor: 13007


Works with: Ruby version 1.9.3+

<lang ruby>require 'prime'

def mersenne_factor(p)

 limit = Math.sqrt(2**p - 1)
 k = 1
 while (2*k*p - 1) < limit
   q = 2*k*p + 1
   if q.prime? and (q % 8 == 1 or q % 8 == 7) and trial_factor(2,p,q)
     # q is a factor of 2**p-1
     return q
   k += 1


def trial_factor(base, exp, mod)

 square = 1
 ("%b" % exp).each_char {|bit| square = square**2 * (bit == "1" ? base : 1) % mod}
 (square == 1)


def check_mersenne(p)

 print "M#{p} = 2**#{p}-1 is "
 f = mersenne_factor(p)
 if f.nil?
   puts "prime"
   puts "composite with factor #{f}"


Prime.each(53) { |p| check_mersenne p } check_mersenne 929</lang>

M2 = 2**2-1 is prime
M3 = 2**3-1 is prime
M5 = 2**5-1 is prime
M7 = 2**7-1 is prime
M11 = 2**11-1 is composite with factor 23
M13 = 2**13-1 is prime
M17 = 2**17-1 is prime
M19 = 2**19-1 is prime
M23 = 2**23-1 is composite with factor 47
M29 = 2**29-1 is composite with factor 233
M31 = 2**31-1 is prime
M37 = 2**37-1 is composite with factor 223
M41 = 2**41-1 is composite with factor 13367
M43 = 2**43-1 is composite with factor 431
M47 = 2**47-1 is composite with factor 2351
M53 = 2**53-1 is composite with factor 6361
M929 = 2**929-1 is composite with factor 13007


Library: Scala

Full-blown version

<lang Scala>/** Find factors of a Mersenne number

*  The implementation finds factors for M929 and further.
*  @example  M59 = 2^059 - 1 =             576460752303423487  (   2 msec)
*  @example        = 179951 × 3203431780337.

object FactorMersenne extends App {

 val two: BigInt = 2
 def sieve(nums: Stream[Int]): Stream[Int] =
   Stream.cons(nums.head, sieve((nums.tail) filter (_ % nums.head != 0)))
 // An infinite stream of primes, lazy evaluation and memo-ized
 val oddPrimes = sieve(Stream.from(3, 2))
 def primes = sieve(2 #:: oddPrimes)
 def mersenne(p: Int) = (two pow p) - 1
 def factorMersenne(p: Int): Option[Long] = {
   val limit = (mersenne(p) - 1 min Int.MaxValue).toLong
   def factorTest(p: Long, q: Long): Boolean = {
     (List(1, 7) contains (q % 8)) && two.modPow(p, q) == 1 && BigInt(q).isProbablePrime(7)
   // Build a stream of factors from (2*p+1) step-by (2*p)
   def s(a: Long): Stream[Long] = a #:: s(a + (2 * p)) // Build stream of possible factors
   // Limit and Filter Stream and then take the head element
   val e = s(2 * p + 1).takeWhile(_ < limit).filter(factorTest(p, _))
 // Test
 (primes takeWhile (_ <= 97)) ++ List(929, 937) foreach { p =>
   { // Needs some intermediate results for nice formatting
     val nMersenne = mersenne(p); val lit = f"${nMersenne}%30d"
     val preAmble = f"${s"M${p}"}%4s = 2^$p%03d - 1 = ${lit}%s"
     val datum = System.nanoTime
     val result = factorMersenne(p)
     val mSec = ((System.nanoTime - datum) / 1.e+6).round
     def decStr = { if (lit.length > 30) f"(M has ${lit.length}%3d dec)" else "" }
     def sPrime = { if (result.isEmpty) " is a Mersenne prime number." else " " * 28 }
     println(f"$preAmble${sPrime} ${f"($mSec%,1d"}%13s msec)")
     if (!result.isEmpty)
       println(f"${decStr}%-17s = ${result.get} × ${nMersenne / result.get}")


  M2 = 2^002 - 1 =                              3 is a Mersenne prime number.           (63 msec)
  M3 = 2^003 - 1 =                              7 is a Mersenne prime number.            (0 msec)
  M5 = 2^005 - 1 =                             31 is a Mersenne prime number.            (1 msec)
  M7 = 2^007 - 1 =                            127 is a Mersenne prime number.            (2 msec)
 M11 = 2^011 - 1 =                           2047                                    (2.097 msec)
                  = 23 × 89
 M13 = 2^013 - 1 =                           8191 is a Mersenne prime number.           (33 msec)
 M17 = 2^017 - 1 =                         131071 is a Mersenne prime number.          (254 msec)
 M19 = 2^019 - 1 =                         524287 is a Mersenne prime number.          (524 msec)
 M23 = 2^023 - 1 =                        8388607                                        (0 msec)
                  = 47 × 178481
 M29 = 2^029 - 1 =                      536870911                                        (0 msec)
                  = 233 × 2304167
 M31 = 2^031 - 1 =                     2147483647 is a Mersenne prime number.       (31.484 msec)
 M37 = 2^037 - 1 =                   137438953471                                        (0 msec)
                  = 223 × 616318177
 M41 = 2^041 - 1 =                  2199023255551                                        (0 msec)
                  = 13367 × 164511353
 M43 = 2^043 - 1 =                  8796093022207                                        (0 msec)
                  = 431 × 20408568497
 M47 = 2^047 - 1 =                140737488355327                                        (0 msec)
                  = 2351 × 59862819377
 M53 = 2^053 - 1 =               9007199254740991                                        (0 msec)
                  = 6361 × 1416003655831
 M59 = 2^059 - 1 =             576460752303423487                                        (1 msec)
                  = 179951 × 3203431780337
 M61 = 2^061 - 1 =            2305843009213693951 is a Mersenne prime number.       (16.756 msec)
 M67 = 2^067 - 1 =          147573952589676412927                                    (1.435 msec)
                  = 193707721 × 761838257287
 M71 = 2^071 - 1 =         2361183241434822606847                                        (2 msec)
                  = 228479 × 10334355636337793
 M73 = 2^073 - 1 =         9444732965739290427391                                        (0 msec)
                  = 439 × 21514198099633918969
 M79 = 2^079 - 1 =       604462909807314587353087                                        (0 msec)
                  = 2687 × 224958284260258499201
 M83 = 2^083 - 1 =      9671406556917033397649407                                        (0 msec)
                  = 167 × 57912614113275649087721
 M89 = 2^089 - 1 =    618970019642690137449562111 is a Mersenne prime number.       (11.097 msec)
 M97 = 2^097 - 1 = 158456325028528675187087900671                                        (0 msec)
                  = 11447 × 13842607235828485645766393
M929 = 2^929 - 1 = 4538015467766671944574165338592225830478699345884382504442663144885072806275648112625635725391102144133907238129251016389326737199538896813326509341743147661691195191795226666084858428449394948944821764472508048114220424520501343042471615418544488778723282182172070046459244838911                                        (0 msec)
(M has 280 dec)   = 13007 × 348890248924938259750454781163390930305120269538278042934009621348894657205785201247454118966026150852149399410259938217062100192168747352450719561908445272675574320888385228421992652298715687625495638077382028762529439880103124705348782610789919949159935587158612289264184273
M937 = 2^937 - 1 = 1161731959748268017810986326679609812602547032546401921137321765090578638406565916832162745700122148898280252961088260195667644723081957584211586391486245801392945969099578026517723757683045106929874371704962060317240428677248343818872733547147389127353160238636049931893566678761471                                        (0 msec)
(M has 283 dec)   = 28111 × 41326596696960905617409068573854000661753300577937530544531385048222355604801178073784737138491058621119143856891902109340387916583613446131819799775399160520541637405271175928203328152077304504637841830776637626453716647477796727931156257235508844486256634009321971181870679761


This works with PLT Scheme, other implementations only need to change the inclusion.

<lang scheme>

  1. lang scheme
this needs to be changed for other R6RS implementations

(require rnrs/arithmetic/bitwise-6)

modpow, as per the task description.

(define (modpow exponent base)

 (let loop ([square 1] [index (- (bitwise-length exponent) 1)])
   (if (< index 0)
       (loop (modulo (* (if (bitwise-bit-set? exponent index) 2 1)
                     square square) base)
             (- index 1)))))
search through all integers from 1 on to find the first divisor
returns #f if 2^p-1 is prime

(define (mersenne-factor p)

 (for/first ((i (in-range 1 (floor (expt 2 (quotient p 2))) (* 2 p)))
             #:when (and (or (= 1 (modulo i 8)) (= 7 (modulo i 8)))
                         (= 1 (modpow p i))))


> (mersenne-factor 929)
> (mersenne-factor 23)
> (mersenne-factor 3)


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const func boolean: isPrime (in integer: number) is func

   var boolean: prime is FALSE;
   var integer: upTo is 0;
   var integer: testNum is 3;
   if number = 2 then
     prime := TRUE;
   elsif odd(number) and number > 2 then
     upTo := sqrt(number);
     while number rem testNum <> 0 and testNum <= upTo do
       testNum +:= 2;
     end while;
     prime := testNum > upTo;
   end if;
 end func;

const func integer: modPow (in var integer: base,

   in var integer: exponent, in integer: modulus) is func
   var integer: power is 1;
   if exponent < 0 or modulus < 0 then
     raise RANGE_ERROR;
     while exponent > 0 do
       if odd(exponent) then
         power := (power * base) mod modulus;
       end if;
       exponent >>:= 1;
       base := base ** 2 mod modulus;
     end while;
   end if;
 end func;

const func integer: mersenneFactor (in integer: exponent) is func

   var integer: factor is 0;
   var integer: maxk is 0;
   var integer: k is 1;
   var boolean: searching is TRUE;
   maxk := 16384 div exponent; # Limit for k to prevent overflow of 32 bit signed integer
   while k <= maxk and searching do
     factor := 2 * exponent * k + 1;
     if (factor mod 8 = 1 or factor mod 8 = 7) and
         isPrime(factor) and modPow(2, exponent, factor) = 1 then
       searching := FALSE;
     end if;
   end while;
   if searching then
     factor := 0;
   end if;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   writeln("Factor of M929: " <& mersenneFactor(929));
 end func;</lang>

Original source: isPrime, modPow (modified to use integer instead of bigInteger).

Factor of M929: 13007


For primes::is_prime see Prime decomposition#Tcl <lang tcl>proc int2bits {n} {

   binary scan [binary format I1 $n] B* binstring
   return [split [string trimleft $binstring 0] ""]
   # another method
   if {$n == 0} {return 0}
   set bits [list]
   while {$n > 0} {
       lappend bits [expr {$n % 2}]
       set n [expr {$n / 2}]
   return [lreverse $bits]


proc trial_factor {base exp mod} {

   set square 1
   foreach bit [int2bits $exp] {
       set square [expr {($square ** 2) * ($bit == 1 ? $base : 1) % $mod}]
   return [expr {$square == 1}]


proc m_factor p {

   set limit [expr {sqrt(2**$p - 1)}]
   for {set k 1} {2 * $k * $p - 1 < $limit} {incr k} {
       set q [expr {2 * $k * $p + 1}]
       if { ! [primes::is_prime $q]} {
       } elseif { ! ($q % 8 == 1 || $q % 8 == 7)} {
           # optimization
       } elseif {[trial_factor 2 $p $q]} {
           # $q is a factor of 2**$p-1
           return $q
   return -1


set exp 929 if {[set fact [m_factor 929]] > 0} {

   puts "M$exp has a factor: $fact"

} else {

   puts "no factor found for M$exp"



Translation of: BBC BASIC
Works with: TI-83 BASIC version TI-84Plus 2.55MP

The program uses the new remainder function from OS 2.53MP, if not available it can be replaced by: <lang ti83b>remainder(A,B) equivalent to iPart(B*fPart(A/B))</lang>Due to several problems, no Goto has been used. As a matter of fact the version is clearer. <lang ti83b>Prompt Q 1→K:0→T While K≤2^20 and T=0 2KQ+1→P remainder(P,8)→W If W=1 or W=7 Then 0→E:0→M If remainder(P,2)=0:1→M If remainder(P,3)=0:1→M 5→D While M=0 and DD≤P If remainder(P,D)=0:1→M D+2→D If remainder(P,D)=0:1→M D+4→D End If M=0:1→E Q→I:1→Y:2→Z While I≠0 If remainder(I,2)=1:remainder(YZ,P)→Y remainder(ZZ,P)→Z iPart(I/2)→I End If E=1 and Y=1 Then P→F:1→T End End K+1→K End If T=0:0→F Disp Q,F</lang>



Translation of: REXX

<lang vb>' Factors of a Mersenne number

   for i=1 to 59
       if z=59 then z=929  ':) 61 turns into 929.
       if isPrime(z) then 
           zz=left("M" & z & space(4),4)
           if r=0 then 
               Wscript.echo zz & " prime."
               Wscript.echo zz & " not prime, a factor: " & r
           end if
       end if

function modPow(base,n,div)

   dim i,y,z
   i = n : y = 1 : z = base
   do while i
       if i and 1 then y = (y * z) mod div
       z = (z * z) mod div
       i = i \ 2
   modPow= y

end function

function isPrime(x)

   dim i
   if x=2 or x=3 or _
      x=5 or x=7 _
                 then isPrime=1: exit function
   if x<11       then isPrime=0: exit function
   if x mod 2=0  then isPrime=0: exit function
   if x mod 3=0  then isPrime=0: exit function
       if (x mod i)     =0 or _
          (x mod (i+2)) =0 _
                 then isPrime=0: exit function
       if i*i>x  then isPrime=1: exit function

end function

function testM(x)

   dim sqroot,k,q
       if q>sqroot then exit do
       if (q and 7)=1 or (q and 7)=7 then
           if isPrime(q) then
               if modPow(2,x,q)=1 then 
                   exit function
               end if
           end if
       end if

end function</lang>

M2   prime.
M3   prime.
M5   prime.
M7   prime.
M11  not prime, a factor: 23
M13  prime.
M17  prime.
M19  prime.
M23  not prime, a factor: 47
M29  not prime, a factor: 233
M31  prime.
M37  not prime, a factor: 223
M41  not prime, a factor: 13367
M43  not prime, a factor: 431
M47  not prime, a factor: 2351
M53  not prime, a factor: 6361
M929 not prime, a factor: 13007

Visual Basic

Translation of: BBC BASIC
Works with: Visual Basic version VB6 Standard

<lang vb>Sub mersenne()

   Dim q As Long, k As Long, p As Long, d As Long
   Dim factor As Long, i As Long, y As Long, z As Long
   Dim prime As Boolean
   q = 929   'input value
   For k = 1 To 1048576   '2**20
       p = 2 * k * q + 1
       If (p And 7) = 1 Or (p And 7) = 7 Then    'p=*001 or p=*111
           'p is prime?
           prime = False
           If p Mod 2 = 0 Then GoTo notprime
           If p Mod 3 = 0 Then GoTo notprime
           d = 5
           Do While d * d <= p
               If p Mod d = 0 Then GoTo notprime
               d = d + 2
               If p Mod d = 0 Then GoTo notprime
               d = d + 4
           prime = True
       notprime:   'modpow
           i = q: y = 1: z = 2
           Do While i   'i <> 0
               On Error GoTo okfactor
               If i And 1 Then y = (y * z) Mod p  'test first bit
               z = (z * z) Mod p
               On Error GoTo 0
               i = i \ 2
           If prime And y = 1 Then factor = p: GoTo okfactor
       End If
   Next k
   factor = 0


   Debug.Print "M" & q, "factor=" & factor

End Sub</lang>

M47           factor=2351