Discordian date

Revision as of 11:53, 7 February 2019 by Cbrt74088 (talk | contribs) (C# turned it into an extension method)

Convert a given date from the   Gregorian calendar   to the   Discordian calendar.

Discordian date
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.



discordian.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Calendar.Arithmetic; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO; with Ada.Command_Line;

procedure Discordian is

  use Ada.Calendar;
  use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  use Ada.Command_Line;
  package UStr_IO renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
  subtype Year_Number is Integer range 3067 .. 3565;
  type Seasons is (Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy, The_Aftermath);
  type Days_Of_Week is (Sweetmorn, Boomtime, Pungenday,
                        Prickle_Prickle, Setting_Orange);
  subtype Day_Number is Integer range 1 .. 73;

  type Discordian_Date is record
     Year        : Year_Number;
     Season      : Seasons;
     Day         : Day_Number;
     Week_Day    : Days_Of_Week;
     Is_Tibs_Day : Boolean := False;
  end record;
  function Week_Day_To_Str(Day : Days_Of_Week) return Unbounded_String is
     s : Unbounded_String;
     case Day is
        when Sweetmorn       => s := To_Unbounded_String("Sweetmorn");
        when Boomtime        => s := To_Unbounded_String("Boomtime");
        when Pungenday       => s := To_Unbounded_String("Pungenday");
        when Prickle_Prickle => s := To_Unbounded_String("Prickle-Prickle");
        when Setting_Orange  => s := To_Unbounded_String("Setting Orange");
     end case;
     return s;
  end Week_Day_To_Str;
  function Holiday(Season: Seasons) return Unbounded_String is
     s : Unbounded_String;
     case Season is
        when Chaos         => s := To_Unbounded_String("Chaoflux");
        when Discord       => s := To_Unbounded_String("Discoflux");
        when Confusion     => s := To_Unbounded_String("Confuflux");
        when Bureaucracy   => s := To_Unbounded_String("Bureflux");
        when The_Aftermath => s := To_Unbounded_String("Afflux");
     end case;
     return s;
  end Holiday;
  function Apostle(Season: Seasons) return Unbounded_String is
     s : Unbounded_String;
     case Season is
        when Chaos         => s := To_Unbounded_String("Mungday");
        when Discord       => s := To_Unbounded_String("Mojoday");
        when Confusion     => s := To_Unbounded_String("Syaday");
        when Bureaucracy   => s := To_Unbounded_String("Zaraday");
        when The_Aftermath => s := To_Unbounded_String("Maladay");
     end case;
     return s;
  end Apostle;
  function Season_To_Str(Season: Seasons) return Unbounded_String is
     s : Unbounded_String;
     case Season is
        when Chaos         => s := To_Unbounded_String("Chaos");
        when Discord       => s := To_Unbounded_String("Discord");
        when Confusion     => s := To_Unbounded_String("Confusion");
        when Bureaucracy   => s := To_Unbounded_String("Bureaucracy");
        when The_Aftermath => s := To_Unbounded_String("The Aftermath");
     end case;
     return s;
  end Season_To_Str;
  procedure Convert (From : Time; To : out Discordian_Date) is
     use Ada.Calendar.Arithmetic;
     First_Day   : Time;
     Number_Days : Day_Count;
     Leap_Year   : boolean;
     First_Day   := Time_Of (Year => Year (From), Month => 1, Day => 1);
     Number_Days := From - First_Day;

     To.Year        := Year (Date => From) + 1166;
     To.Is_Tibs_Day := False;
     Leap_Year := False;
     if Year (Date => From) mod 4 = 0 then
         if Year (Date => From) mod 100 = 0 then
             if Year (Date => From) mod 400 = 0 then
                 Leap_Year := True;
             end if;
             Leap_Year := True;
         end if;
     end if;
     if Leap_Year then
        if Number_Days > 59 then
           Number_Days := Number_Days - 1;
        elsif Number_Days = 59 then
           To.Is_Tibs_Day := True;
        end if;
     end if;
     To.Day := Day_Number (Number_Days mod 73 + 1);
     case Number_Days / 73 is
        when 0 => To.Season := Chaos;
        when 1 => To.Season := Discord;
        when 2 => To.Season := Confusion;
        when 3 => To.Season := Bureaucracy;
        when 4 => To.Season := The_Aftermath;
        when others => raise Constraint_Error;
     end case;
     case Number_Days mod 5 is
        when 0 => To.Week_Day := Sweetmorn;
        when 1 => To.Week_Day := Boomtime;
        when 2 => To.Week_Day := Pungenday;
        when 3 => To.Week_Day := Prickle_Prickle;
        when 4 => To.Week_Day := Setting_Orange;
        when others => raise Constraint_Error;
     end case;
  end Convert;

  procedure Put (Item : Discordian_Date) is
     if Item.Is_Tibs_Day then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put ("St. Tib's Day");
        UStr_IO.Put (Week_Day_To_Str(Item.Week_Day));
        Ada.Text_IO.Put (", day" & Integer'Image (Item.Day));
        Ada.Text_IO.Put (" of ");
        UStr_IO.Put (Season_To_Str (Item.Season));
        if Item.Day = 5 then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put (", ");
           UStr_IO.Put (Apostle(Item.Season));
        elsif Item.Day = 50 then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put (", ");
           UStr_IO.Put (Holiday(Item.Season));
        end if;
     end if;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put (" in the YOLD" & Integer'Image (Item.Year));
  end Put;

  Test_Day  : Time;
  Test_DDay : Discordian_Date;
  Year : Integer;
  Month : Integer;
  Day : Integer;
  YYYYMMDD : Integer;


  if Argument_Count = 0 then
     Test_Day := Clock;
     Convert (From => Test_Day, To => Test_DDay);
     Put (Test_DDay);
  end if;
  for Arg in 1..Argument_Count loop
     if Argument(Arg)'Length < 8 then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put("ERROR: Invalid Argument : '" & Argument(Arg) & "'");
        Ada.Text_IO.Put("Input format YYYYMMDD");
        raise Constraint_Error;
     end if;
        YYYYMMDD := Integer'Value(Argument(Arg));
        when Constraint_Error =>
           Ada.Text_IO.Put("ERROR: Invalid Argument : '" & Argument(Arg) & "'");
     Day := YYYYMMDD mod 100;
     if Day < Day_Number'First or Day > Day_Number'Last then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put("ERROR: Invalid Day:" & Integer'Image(Day));
        raise Constraint_Error;
     end if;
     Month := ((YYYYMMDD - Day) / 100) mod 100;
     if Month < Month_Number'First or Month > Month_Number'Last then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put("ERROR: Invalid Month:" & Integer'Image(Month));
        raise Constraint_Error;
     end if;
     Year := ((YYYYMMDD - Day - Month * 100) / 10000);
     if Year < 1901 or Year > 2399 then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put("ERROR: Invalid Year:" & Integer'Image(Year));
        raise Constraint_Error;
     end if;
     Test_Day := Time_Of (Year => Year, Month => Month, Day => Day);
     Convert (From => Test_Day, To => Test_DDay);
     Put (Test_DDay);
  end loop;

end Discordian; </lang>

$ ./discordian 21001231 20120228 20120229 20120301 20100722 20120902 20121231
Setting Orange, day 73 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3266
Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
St. Tib's Day in the YOLD 3178
Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
Setting Orange, day 26 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3178
Setting Orange, day 73 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3178


<lang AWK>

  1. DDATE.AWK - Gregorian to Discordian date contributed by Dan Nielsen
  3. examples:
  4. GAWK -f DDATE.AWK today
  5. GAWK -f DDATE.AWK 20110722 one date
  6. GAWK -f DDATE.AWK 20110722 20120229 two dates
  7. GAWK -f DDATE.AWK 2012 yearly calendar


   split("Chaos,Discord,Confusion,Bureaucracy,The Aftermath",season_arr,",")
   split("Sweetmorn,Boomtime,Pungenday,Prickle-Prickle,Setting Orange",weekday_arr,",")
   split("31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31",days_in_month,",") # days per month in non leap year
   split("0   31  59  90  120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334",rdt," ") # relative day table
  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
   if (ARGV[1] == "") { # use current date
     ARGV[ARGC++] = strftime("%Y%m%d") # GAWK only
   # ARGV[ARGC++] = dos_date() # any AWK
   # timetab(arr); ARGV[ARGC++] = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",arr["YEAR"],arr["MONTH"],arr["DAY"]) # TAWK only
   for (argno=1; argno<=ARGC-1; argno++) { # validate command line arguments
     x = toupper(ARGV[argno])
     if (x ~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][01][0-9][0-3][0-9]$/) { # YYYYMMDD
     else if (x ~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$/) { # YYYY-MM-DD
     else if (x ~ /^[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) { # MM-DD-YYYY
       main(substr(x,7,4) substr(x,1,2) substr(x,4,2))
     else if (x ~ /^[0-3][0-9](JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC)[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) { # DDMMMYYYY
     else if (x ~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) { # YYYY
     else {
   if (errors == 0) { exit(0) } else { exit(1) }

} function main(x, d,dyear,m,season_day,season_nbr,text,weekday_nbr,y,year_day) {

   y = substr(x,1,4) + 0
   m = substr(x,5,2) + 0
   d = substr(x,7,2) + 0
   days_in_month[2] = (leap_year(y) == 1) ? 29 : 28
   if (m < 1 || m > 12 || d < 1 || d > days_in_month[m]+0) {
   year_day = rdt[m] + d
   dyear = y + 1166 # Discordian year
   season_nbr = int((year_day - 1 ) / 73) + 1
   season_day = ((year_day - 1) % 73) + 1
   weekday_nbr = ((year_day - 1 ) % 5) + 1
   if (season_day == 5) {
     text = ", " apostle_holyday_arr[season_nbr]
   else if (season_day == 50) {
     text = ", " season_holyday_arr[season_nbr]
   if (leap_year(y) && m == 2 && d == 29) {
     printf("%04d-%02d-%02d is St. Tib's day, Year of Our Lady of Discord %s\n",y,m,d,dyear)
   else {
     printf("%04d-%02d-%02d is %s, %s %s, Year of Our Lady of Discord %s%s\n",

} function leap_year(y) { # leap year: 0=no, 1=yes

   return (y % 400 == 0 || (y % 4 == 0 && y % 100)) ? 1 : 0

} function yearly_calendar(y, d,m) {

   days_in_month[2] = (leap_year(y) == 1) ? 29 : 28
   for (m=1; m<=12; m++) {
     for (d=1; d<=days_in_month[m]; d++) {

} function dos_date( arr,cmd,d,x) { # under Microsoft Windows

  1. XP - The current date is: MM/DD/YYYY
  2. 8 - The current date is: DOW MM/DD/YYYY
   cmd = "DATE <NUL"
   cmd | getline x
   close(cmd) # close pipe
   d = arr[split(x,arr," ")]
   return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",substr(d,7,4),substr(d,1,2),substr(d,4,2))

} function error(x) {

   printf("error: argument %d is invalid, %s, in %s\n",argno,ARGV[argno],x)

} </lang>

2011-08-22 is Prickle-Prickle, Bureaucracy 15, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3177

GAWK -f DDATE.AWK 20110722 20120229
2011-07-22 is Pungenday, Confusion 57, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3177
2012-02-29 is St. Tib's day, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3178


Works with: FreeBASIC
Translation of: PowerBASIC

<lang qbasic>#INCLUDE "datetime.bi"


SeasonNames: DATA "Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath" Weekdays: DATA "Setting Orange", "Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle" DaysPreceding1stOfMonth: ' jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec DATA 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334



   tmpdate = DATEVALUE(COMMAND$)


   tmpdate = FIX(NOW())

END IF dyear = YEAR(tmpdate) + 1166 IF (2 = MONTH(tmpdate)) AND (29 = DAY(tmpdate)) THEN

   result = "Saint Tib's Day, " & STR$(dyear) & " YOLD"


   jday = julian(tmpdate)
   RESTORE SeasonNames
   FOR L0 = 1 TO ((jday - 1) \ 73) + 1
   	READ dseason
   dday = (jday MOD 73)
   IF 0 = dday THEN dday = 73
   RESTORE Weekdays
   FOR L0 = 1 TO (jday MOD 5) + 1
       READ dweekday
   result = dweekday & ", " & dseason & " " & TRIM$(STR$(dday)) & ", " & TRIM$(STR$(dyear)) & " YOLD"


? result END


   'doesn't account for leap years (not needed for ddate)
   RESTORE DaysPreceding1stOfMonth
   FOR L1 = 1 TO MONTH(d)
       READ tmp
   FUNCTION = tmp + DAY(d)


"Discordian date.exe" 19-10-2015 
Boomtime, Bureaucracy 73, 3181 YOLD

Batch File

<lang dos>@echo off goto Parse

Discordian Date Converter:


ddate ddate /v ddate /d isoDate ddate /v /d isoDate


shift if "%0"=="" goto Prologue if "%0"=="/v" set Verbose=1 if "%0"=="/d" set dateToTest=%1 if "%0"=="/d" shift goto Parse


if "%dateToTest%"=="" set dateToTest=%date% for %%a in (GYear GMonth GDay GMonthName GWeekday GDayThisYear) do set %%a=fnord for %%a in (DYear DMonth DDay DMonthName DWeekday) do set %%a=MUNG goto Start


for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/:;-. " %%a in ('echo %dateToTest%') do ( set GYear=%%a set GMonth=%%b set GDay=%%c ) goto GMonthName


if %GMonth% EQU 1 set GMonthName=January if %GMonth% EQU 2 set GMonthName=February if %GMonth% EQU 3 set GMonthName=March if %GMonth% EQU 4 set GMonthName=April if %GMonth% EQU 5 set GMonthName=May if %GMonth% EQU 6 set GMonthName=June if %GMonth% EQU 7 set GMonthName=July if %GMonth% EQU 8 set GMonthName=August if %GMonth% EQU 9 set GMonthName=September if %GMonth% EQU 10 set GMonthName=October if %GMonth% EQU 11 set GMonthName=November if %GMonth% EQU 12 set GMonthName=December goto GLeap


set /a CommonYear=GYear %% 4 set /a CommonCent=GYear %% 100 set /a CommonQuad=GYear %% 400 set GLeap=0 if %CommonYear% EQU 0 set GLeap=1 if %CommonCent% EQU 0 set GLeap=0 if %CommonQuad% EQU 0 set GLeap=1 goto GDayThisYear


set GDayThisYear=%GDay% if %GMonth% GTR 11 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+30 if %GMonth% GTR 10 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+31 if %GMonth% GTR 9 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+30 if %GMonth% GTR 8 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+31 if %GMonth% GTR 7 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+31 if %GMonth% GTR 6 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+30 if %GMonth% GTR 5 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+31 if %GMonth% GTR 4 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+30 if %GMonth% GTR 3 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+31 if %GMonth% GTR 2 if %GLeap% EQU 1 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+29 if %GMonth% GTR 2 if %GLeap% EQU 0 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+28 if %GMonth% GTR 1 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%+31 goto DYear


set /a DYear=GYear+1166 goto DMonth


set DMonth=1 set DDay=%GDayThisYear% if %DDay% GTR 73 ( set /a DDay=%DDay%-73 set /a DMonth=%DMonth%+1 ) if %DDay% GTR 73 ( set /a DDay=%DDay%-73 set /a DMonth=%DMonth%+1 ) if %DDay% GTR 73 ( set /a DDay=%DDay%-73 set /a DMonth=%DMonth%+1 ) if %DDay% GTR 73 ( set /a DDay=%DDay%-73 set /a DMonth=%DMonth%+1 ) goto DDay


if %GLeap% EQU 1 ( if %GDayThisYear% GEQ 61 ( set /a DDay=%DDay%-1 ) ) if %DDay% EQU 0 ( set /a DDay=73 set /a DMonth=%DMonth%-1 ) goto DMonthName


if %DMonth% EQU 1 set DMonthName=Chaos if %DMonth% EQU 2 set DMonthName=Discord if %DMonth% EQU 3 set DMonthName=Confusion if %DMonth% EQU 4 set DMonthName=Bureaucracy if %DMonth% EQU 5 set DMonthName=Aftermath goto DTib


set DTib=0 if %GDayThisYear% EQU 60 if %GLeap% EQU 1 set DTib=1 if %GLeap% EQU 1 if %GDayThisYear% GTR 60 set /a GDayThisYear=%GDayThisYear%-1 set DWeekday=%GDayThisYear% goto DWeekday


if %DWeekday% LEQ 5 goto _DWeekday set /a DWeekday=%DWeekday%-5 goto DWeekday


if %DWeekday% EQU 1 set DWeekday=Sweetmorn if %DWeekday% EQU 2 set DWeekday=Boomtime if %DWeekday% EQU 3 set DWeekday=Pungenday if %DWeekday% EQU 4 set DWeekday=Prickle-Prickle if %DWeekday% EQU 5 set DWeekday=Setting Orange goto GWeekday


goto GEnding


set GEnding=th for %%a in (1 21 31) do if %GDay% EQU %%a set GEnding=st for %%a in (2 22) do if %GDay% EQU %%a set GEnding=nd for %%a in (3 23) do if %GDay% EQU %%a set GEnding=rd goto DEnding


set DEnding=th for %%a in (1 21 31 41 51 61 71) do if %Dday% EQU %%a set DEnding=st for %%a in (2 22 32 42 52 62 72) do if %Dday% EQU %%a set DEnding=nd for %%a in (3 23 33 43 53 63 73) do if %Dday% EQU %%a set DEnding=rd goto Display


if "%Verbose%"=="1" goto Display2 echo. if %DTib% EQU 1 ( echo St. Tib's Day, %DYear% ) else echo %DWeekday%, %DMonthName% %DDay%%DEnding%, %DYear% goto Epilogue


echo. echo Gregorian: %GMonthName% %GDay%%GEnding%, %GYear% if %DTib% EQU 1 ( echo Discordian: St. Tib's Day, %DYear% ) else echo Discordian: %DWeekday%, %DMonthName% %DDay%%DEnding%, %DYear% goto Epilogue


set Verbose= set dateToTest= echo.




Pungenday, Confusion 12th, 3182

H:\>ddate /v

 Gregorian: June 07th, 2016
Discordian: Pungenday, Confusion 12th, 3182

H:\>ddate /d 2016-02-28

Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59th, 3182

H:\>ddate /v /d 2016-02-28

 Gregorian: February 28th, 2016
Discordian: Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59th, 3182

H:\>ddate /v /d 2016-02-29

 Gregorian: February 29th, 2016
Discordian: St. Tib's Day, 3182

H:\>ddate /d 2016-02-29

St. Tib's Day, 3182


This program assumes the date is in ISO order (yyyy-mm-dd) and has leading zeros. It also assumes the system date is similarly formatted, which is atypical on Windows machines.

Built on CMD.EXE version 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111).


<lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"DATELIB"

     PRINT "01/01/2011 -> " FNdiscordian("01/01/2011")
     PRINT "05/01/2011 -> " FNdiscordian("05/01/2011")
     PRINT "28/02/2011 -> " FNdiscordian("28/02/2011")
     PRINT "01/03/2011 -> " FNdiscordian("01/03/2011")
     PRINT "22/07/2011 -> " FNdiscordian("22/07/2011")
     PRINT "31/12/2011 -> " FNdiscordian("31/12/2011")
     PRINT "01/01/2012 -> " FNdiscordian("01/01/2012")
     PRINT "05/01/2012 -> " FNdiscordian("05/01/2012")
     PRINT "28/02/2012 -> " FNdiscordian("28/02/2012")
     PRINT "29/02/2012 -> " FNdiscordian("29/02/2012")
     PRINT "01/03/2012 -> " FNdiscordian("01/03/2012")
     PRINT "22/07/2012 -> " FNdiscordian("22/07/2012")
     PRINT "31/12/2012 -> " FNdiscordian("31/12/2012")
     DEF FNdiscordian(date$)
     LOCAL Season$(), Weekday$(), mjd%, year%, day%
     DIM Season$(4), Weekday$(4)
     Season$() =  "Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"
     Weekday$() = "Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"
     mjd% = FN_readdate(date$, "dmy", 2000)
     year% = FN_year(mjd%)
     IF FN_month(mjd%)=2 AND FN_day(mjd%)=29 THEN
       = "St. Tib's Day, YOLD " + STR$(year% + 1166)
     IF FN_month(mjd%) < 3 THEN
       day% = mjd% - FN_mjd(1, 1, year%)
       day% = mjd% - FN_mjd(1, 3, year%) + 59
     = Weekday$(day% MOD 5) + ", " + STR$(day% MOD 73 + 1) + " " + \
     \ Season$(day% DIV 73) + ", YOLD " + STR$(year% + 1166)</lang>
01/01/2011 -> Sweetmorn, 1 Chaos, YOLD 3177
05/01/2011 -> Setting Orange, 5 Chaos, YOLD 3177
28/02/2011 -> Prickle-Prickle, 59 Chaos, YOLD 3177
01/03/2011 -> Setting Orange, 60 Chaos, YOLD 3177
22/07/2011 -> Pungenday, 57 Confusion, YOLD 3177
31/12/2011 -> Setting Orange, 73 The Aftermath, YOLD 3177
01/01/2012 -> Sweetmorn, 1 Chaos, YOLD 3178
05/01/2012 -> Setting Orange, 5 Chaos, YOLD 3178
28/02/2012 -> Prickle-Prickle, 59 Chaos, YOLD 3178
29/02/2012 -> St. Tib's Day, YOLD 3178
01/03/2012 -> Setting Orange, 60 Chaos, YOLD 3178
22/07/2012 -> Pungenday, 57 Confusion, YOLD 3178
31/12/2012 -> Setting Orange, 73 The Aftermath, YOLD 3178


Reads the date to convert from stdin as three separate numeric inputs (year, month, and day).

<lang befunge>0" :raeY">:#,_&>\" :htnoM">:#,_&>04p" :yaD">:#,_$&>55+,1-:47*v v"f I".+1%,,,,"Day I":$_:#<0#!4#:p#-4#1g4-#0+#<<_v#!*!-2g40!-< >"o",,,/:5+*66++:4>g#<:#44#:9#+*#1-#,_$$0 v_v#!< >$ 0 "yaD " v @,+55.+*+92"j"$_,#!>#:<", in the YOLD"*84 <.>,:^ :"St. Tib's"< $# #"#"##"#"Chaos$Discord$Confusion$Bureaucracy$The Aftermath$</lang>


(multiple runs)

Year: 2015
Month: 10
Day: 19

Day 73 of Bureaucracy, in the YOLD 3181

Year: 2012
Month: 2
Day: 29

St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178

Year: 2010
Month: 7
Day: 22

Day 57 of Confusion, in the YOLD 3176


For the source code of ddate in util-linux package, see [[1]].

<lang C>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <time.h>
  1. define day_of_week( x ) ((x) == 1 ? "Sweetmorn" :\
                         (x) == 2 ? "Boomtime" :\
                         (x) == 3 ? "Pungenday" :\
                         (x) == 4 ? "Prickle-Prickle" :\
                         "Setting Orange")

  1. define season( x ) ((x) == 0 ? "Chaos" :\
                   (x) == 1 ? "Discord" :\
                   (x) == 2 ? "Confusion" :\
                   (x) == 3 ? "Bureaucracy" :\
                   "The Aftermath")

  1. define date( x ) ((x)%73 == 0 ? 73 : (x)%73)
  1. define leap_year( x ) ((x) % 400 == 0 || (((x) % 4) == 0 && (x) % 100))

char * ddate( int y, int d ){

 int dyear = 1166 + y;
 char * result = malloc( 100 * sizeof( char ) );

 if( leap_year( y ) ){
   if( d == 60 ){
     sprintf( result, "St. Tib's Day, YOLD %d", dyear );
     return result;
   } else if( d >= 60 ){
     -- d;

 sprintf( result, "%s, %s %d, YOLD %d",
          day_of_week(d%5), season(((d%73)==0?d-1:d)/73 ), date( d ), dyear );

 return result;


int day_of_year( int y, int m, int d ){

 int month_lengths[ 12 ] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

 for( ; m > 1; m -- ){
   d += month_lengths[ m - 2 ];
   if( m == 3 && leap_year( y ) ){
     ++ d;
 return d;


int main( int argc, char * argv[] ){

 time_t now;
 struct tm * now_time;
 int year, doy;

 if( argc == 1 ){
   now = time( NULL );
   now_time = localtime( &now );
   year = now_time->tm_year + 1900; doy = now_time->tm_yday + 1;
 } else if( argc == 4 ){
   year = atoi( argv[ 1 ] ); doy = day_of_year( atoi( argv[ 1 ] ), atoi( argv[ 2 ] ), atoi( argv[ 3 ] ) );

 char * result = ddate( year, doy );
 puts( result );
 free( result );

 return 0;



$ ./ddate 2015 10 19
Boomtime, Bureaucracy 73, YOLD 3181
$ ./ddate 7 1 2011
Sweetmorn, The Aftermath 40, YOLD 1173
$ ./ddate 2011 1 7
Boomtime, Chaos 7, YOLD 3177
$ ./ddate 2012 2 28
Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59, YOLD 3178
$ ./ddate 2012 2 29
St. Tib's Day, YOLD 3178
$ ./ddate 2012 3 1
Setting Orange, Chaos 60, YOLD 3178
$ ./ddate 2010 7 22
Pungenday, Confusion 57, YOLD 3176
$ ./ddate # today is Jan 4, 2016
Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 4, YOLD 3182


<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <algorithm>
  3. include <vector>
  4. include <sstream>
  5. include <iterator>

using namespace std; class myTuple { public:

   void set( int a, int b, string c ) { t.first.first = a; t.first.second = b; t.second = c; }
   bool operator == ( pair<int, int> p ) { return p.first == t.first.first && p.second == t.first.second; }
   string second() { return t.second; }


   pair<pair<int, int>, string> t;

}; class discordian { public:

   discordian() {
       myTuple t;
       t.set( 5, 1, "Mungday" ); holyday.push_back( t ); t.set( 19, 2, "Chaoflux" ); holyday.push_back( t );
       t.set( 29, 2, "St. Tib's Day" ); holyday.push_back( t ); t.set( 19, 3, "Mojoday" ); holyday.push_back( t );
       t.set( 3, 5, "Discoflux" ); holyday.push_back( t ); t.set( 31, 5, "Syaday" ); holyday.push_back( t );
       t.set( 15, 7, "Confuflux" ); holyday.push_back( t ); t.set( 12, 8, "Zaraday" ); holyday.push_back( t ); 
       t.set( 26, 9, "Bureflux" ); holyday.push_back( t ); t.set( 24, 10, "Maladay" ); holyday.push_back( t ); 
       t.set( 8, 12, "Afflux" ); holyday.push_back( t ); 
       seasons.push_back( "Chaos" ); seasons.push_back( "Discord" ); seasons.push_back( "Confusion" ); 
       seasons.push_back( "Bureaucracy" ); seasons.push_back( "The Aftermath" );
       wdays.push_back( "Setting Orange" ); wdays.push_back( "Sweetmorn" ); wdays.push_back( "Boomtime" );
       wdays.push_back( "Pungenday" ); wdays.push_back( "Prickle-Prickle" ); 
   void convert( int d, int m, int y ) {
       if( d == 0 || m == 0 || m > 12 || d > getMaxDay( m, y ) ) { 
           cout << "\nThis is not a date!"; 
       vector<myTuple>::iterator f = find( holyday.begin(), holyday.end(), make_pair( d, m ) ); 
       int dd = d, day, wday, sea,  yr = y + 1166;
       for( int x = 1; x < m; x++ )
           dd += getMaxDay( x, 1 );
       day = dd % 73; if( !day ) day = 73; 
       wday = dd % 5; 
       sea  = ( dd - 1 ) / 73;
       if( d == 29 && m == 2 && isLeap( y ) ) { 
           cout << ( *f ).second() << " " << seasons[sea] << ", Year of Our Lady of Discord " << yr; 
       cout << wdays[wday] << " " << seasons[sea] << " " << day;
       if( day > 10 && day < 14 ) cout << "th"; 
       else switch( day % 10) { 
           case 1: cout << "st"; break; 
           case 2: cout << "nd"; break; 
           case 3: cout << "rd"; break; 
           default: cout << "th"; 
       cout << ", Year of Our Lady of Discord " << yr;
       if( f != holyday.end() ) cout << " - " << ( *f ).second();


   int getMaxDay( int m, int y ) { 
       int dd[] = { 0, 31, isLeap( y ) ? 29 : 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; return dd[m]; 
   bool isLeap( int y ) { 
       bool l = false; 
       if( !( y % 4 ) ) { 
           if( y % 100 ) l = true; 
           else if( !( y % 400 ) ) l = true; 
       return l; 
   vector<myTuple> holyday; vector<string> seasons, wdays;

}; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   string date; discordian disc;
   while( true ) {
       cout << "Enter a date (dd mm yyyy) or 0 to quit: "; getline( cin, date ); if( date == "0" ) break;
       if( date.length() == 10 ) {
           istringstream iss( date ); 
           vector<string> vc;
           copy( istream_iterator<string>( iss ), istream_iterator<string>(), back_inserter<vector<string> >( vc ) );
           disc.convert( atoi( vc[0].c_str() ), atoi( vc[1].c_str() ), atoi( vc[2].c_str() ) ); 
           cout << "\n\n\n";
       } else cout << "\nIs this a date?!\n\n";
   return 0;

} </lang>


Enter a date (dd mm yyyy) or 0 to quit: 19 10 2015 Boomtime, Bureaucracy 73rd, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3181

Enter a date (dd mm yyyy) or 0 to quit: 08 06 2015 Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 13th, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3181

Enter a date (dd mm yyyy) or 0 to quit: 23 06 2015 Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 28th, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3181

Enter a date (dd mm yyyy) or 0 to quit: 29 02 2016 St. Tib's Day, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3182

Enter a date (dd mm yyyy) or 0 to quit: 05 01 2016 Setting Orange, Chaos 5th, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3182 - Mungday

Enter a date (dd mm yyyy) or 0 to quit: 26 08 2016 Pungenday, Bureaucracy 19th, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3182


<lang csharp>using System;

public static class DiscordianDate {

   static readonly string[] seasons = { "Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath" };
   static readonly string[] weekdays = { "Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange" };
   static readonly string[] apostles = { "Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday", "Zaraday", "Maladay" };
   static readonly string[] holidays = { "Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux", "Bureflux", "Afflux" };
   public static string Discordian(this DateTime date) {
       string yold = $" in the YOLD {date.Year + 1166}.";
       int dayOfYear = date.DayOfYear;
       if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(date.Year)) {
           if (dayOfYear == 60) return "St. Tib's day" + yold;
           else if (dayOfYear > 60) dayOfYear--;
       int seasonDay = dayOfYear % 73 + 1;
       int seasonNr = dayOfYear / 73;
       int weekdayNr = dayOfYear % 5;
       string holyday = "";
       if (seasonDay == 5)       holyday = $" Celebrate {apostles[seasonNr]}!";
       else if (seasonDay == 50) holyday = $" Celebrate {holidays[seasonNr]}!";
       return $"{weekdays[weekdayNr]}, day {seasonDay} of {seasons[seasonNr]}{yold}{holyday}";
   public static void Main() {
       foreach (var (day, month, year) in new [] {
           (1, 1, 2010),
           (5, 1, 2010),
           (19, 2, 2011),
           (28, 2, 2012),
           (29, 2, 2012),
           (1, 3, 2012),
           (19, 3, 2013),
           (3, 5, 2014),
           (31, 5, 2015),
           (22, 6, 2016),
           (15, 7, 2016),
           (12, 8, 2017),
           (19, 9, 2018),
           (26, 9, 2018),
           (24, 10, 2019),
           (8, 12, 2020),
           (31, 12, 2020)
           Console.WriteLine($"{day:00}-{month:00}-{year:00} = {new DateTime(year, month, day).Discordian()}");


01-01-2010 = Sweetmorn, day 1 of Chaos in the YOLD 3176.
05-01-2010 = Setting Orange, day 5 of Chaos in the YOLD 3176. Celebrate Mungday!
19-02-2011 = Setting Orange, day 50 of Chaos in the YOLD 3177. Celebrate Chaoflux!
28-02-2012 = Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178.
29-02-2012 = St. Tib's day in the YOLD 3178.
01-03-2012 = Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178.
19-03-2013 = Pungenday, day 5 of Discord in the YOLD 3179. Celebrate Mojoday!
03-05-2014 = Pungenday, day 50 of Discord in the YOLD 3180. Celebrate Discoflux!
31-05-2015 = Sweetmorn, day 5 of Confusion in the YOLD 3181. Celebrate Syaday!
22-06-2016 = Pungenday, day 27 of Confusion in the YOLD 3182.
15-07-2016 = Sweetmorn, day 50 of Confusion in the YOLD 3182. Celebrate Confuflux!
12-08-2017 = Prickle-Prickle, day 5 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3183. Celebrate Zaraday!
19-09-2018 = Boomtime, day 43 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3184.
26-09-2018 = Prickle-Prickle, day 50 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3184. Celebrate Bureflux!
24-10-2019 = Boomtime, day 5 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3185. Celebrate Maladay!
08-12-2020 = Boomtime, day 50 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3186. Celebrate Afflux!
31-12-2020 = Setting Orange, day 73 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3186.


<lang clojure>(require '[clj-time.core :as tc])

(def seasons ["Chaos" "Discord" "Confusion" "Bureaucracy" "The Aftermath"]) (def weekdays ["Sweetmorn" "Boomtime" "Pungenday" "Prickle-Prickle" "Setting Orange"]) (def year-offset 1166)

(defn leap-year? [year]

 (= 29 (tc/number-of-days-in-the-month year 2)))

(defn discordian-day [day leap]

 (let [offset (if (and leap (>= day 59)) 1 0)
       day-off (- day offset)
       day-num (inc (rem day-off 73))
       season (seasons (quot day-off 73))
       weekday (weekdays (mod day-off 5))]
   (if (and (= day 59) (= offset 1))
     "St. Tib's Day"
     (str weekday ", " season " " day-num))))

(defn discordian-date [year month day]

 (let [day-of-year (dec (.getDayOfYear (tc/date-time year month day)))
       dday (discordian-day day-of-year (leap-year? year))]
   (format "%s, YOLD %s" dday (+ year year-offset))))</lang>
user=> (discordian-date 2010 7 22)
"Pungenday, Confusion 57, YOLD 3176"
user=> (discordian-date 2012 2 28)
"Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59, YOLD 3178"
user=> (discordian-date 2012 2 29)
"St. Tib's Day, YOLD 3178"
user=> (discordian-date 2012 3 1)
"Setting Orange, Chaos 60, YOLD 3178"
user=> (discordian-date 2012 12 31)
"Setting Orange, The Aftermath 73, YOLD 3178"
user=> (discordian-date 2013 12 31)
"Setting Orange, The Aftermath 73, YOLD 3179"


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.datetime, std.conv, std.string;

immutable seasons = ["Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion",

                    "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"],
         weekday = ["Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday",
                    "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"],
         apostle = ["Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday",
                    "Zaraday", "Maladay"],
         holiday = ["Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux",
                    "Bureflux", "Afflux"];

string discordianDate(in Date date) pure {

   immutable dYear = text(date.year + 1166);

   immutable isLeapYear = date.isLeapYear;
   if (isLeapYear && date.month == 2 && date.day == 29)
       return "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD " ~ dYear;

   immutable doy = (isLeapYear && date.dayOfYear >= 60) ?
                   date.dayOfYear - 1 :

   immutable dsDay = (doy % 73)==0? 73:(doy % 73); // Season day.
   if (dsDay == 5)
       return apostle[doy / 73] ~ ", in the YOLD " ~ dYear;
   if (dsDay == 50)
       return holiday[doy / 73] ~ ", in the YOLD " ~ dYear;

   immutable dSeas = seasons[(((doy%73)==0)?doy-1:doy) / 73];
   immutable dWday = weekday[(doy - 1) % 5];

   return format("%s, day %s of %s in the YOLD %s",
                 dWday, dsDay, dSeas, dYear);


unittest {

   assert(Date(2010, 7, 22).discordianDate ==
          "Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176");
   assert(Date(2012, 2, 28).discordianDate ==
          "Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178");
   assert(Date(2012, 2, 29).discordianDate ==
          "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178");
   assert(Date(2012, 3, 1).discordianDate ==
          "Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178");
   assert(Date(2010, 1, 5).discordianDate ==
          "Mungday, in the YOLD 3176");
   assert(Date(2011, 5, 3).discordianDate ==
          "Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177");


void main(string args[]) {

   int yyyymmdd, day, mon, year, sign;
   if (args.length == 1) {
   foreach (i, arg; args) {
       if (i > 0) {
           //writef("%d: %s: ", i, arg);
           yyyymmdd = to!int(arg);
           if (yyyymmdd < 0) {
               sign = -1;
               yyyymmdd = -yyyymmdd;
           else {
               sign = 1;
           day = yyyymmdd % 100;
           if (day == 0) {
              day = 1;
           mon = ((yyyymmdd - day) / 100) % 100;
           if (mon == 0) {
              mon = 1;
           year = sign * ((yyyymmdd - day - 100*mon) / 10000);
           writefln("%s", Date(year, mon, day).discordianDate);


$ ./ddate 20100722 20120228 20120229 20120301 20100105 20110503 20151019 00000101 -11660101
Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
Mungday, in the YOLD 3176
Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177
Boomtime, day 73 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3181
Sweetmorn, day 1 of Chaos in the YOLD 1166
Sweetmorn, day 1 of Chaos in the YOLD 0


Translation of: D

<lang euphoria>function isLeapYear(integer year)

   return remainder(year,4)=0 and remainder(year,100)!=0 or remainder(year,400)=0

end function

constant YEAR = 1, MONTH = 2, DAY = 3, DAY_OF_YEAR = 8

constant month_lengths = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31} function dayOfYear(sequence Date)

   integer d
   if length(Date) = DAY_OF_YEAR then
       d = Date[DAY_OF_YEAR]
       d = Date[DAY]
       for i = Date[MONTH]-1 to 1 by -1 do
           d += month_lengths[i]
           if i = 2 and isLeapYear(Date[YEAR]) then
               d += 1
           end if
       end for
   end if
   return d

end function

constant seasons = {"Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"} constant weekday = {"Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"} constant apostle = {"Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday", "Zaraday", "Maladay"} constant holiday = {"Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux", "Bureflux", "Afflux"}

function discordianDate(sequence Date)

   sequence dyear, dseas, dwday
   integer  leap, doy, dsday
   dyear = sprintf("%d",Date[YEAR]+1166)
   leap = isLeapYear(Date[YEAR])
   if leap and Date[MONTH] = 2 and Date[DAY] = 29 then
       return "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD " & dyear
   end if
   doy = dayOfYear(Date)
   if leap and doy >= 60 then
       doy -= 1
   end if
   dsday = remainder(doy,73)
   if dsday = 5 then
       return apostle[doy/73+1] & ", in the YOLD " & dyear
   elsif dsday = 50 then
       return holiday[doy/73+1] & ", in the YOLD " & dyear
   end if
   dseas = seasons[doy/73+1]
   dwday = weekday[remainder(doy-1,5)+1]
   return sprintf("%s, day %d of %s in the YOLD %s", {dwday, dsday, dseas, dyear})

end function

sequence today today = date() today[YEAR] += 1900 puts(1, discordianDate(today))</lang>


<lang fsharp>open System

let seasons = [| "Chaos"; "Discord"; "Confusion"; "Bureaucracy"; "The Aftermath" |]

let ddate (date:DateTime) =

   let dyear = date.Year + 1166
   let leapYear = DateTime.IsLeapYear(date.Year)
   if leapYear && date.Month = 2 && date.Day = 29 then
       sprintf "St. Tib's Day, %i YOLD" dyear
       // compensate for St. Tib's Day
       let dayOfYear = (if leapYear && date.DayOfYear >= 60 then date.DayOfYear - 1 else date.DayOfYear) - 1
       let season, dday = Math.DivRem(dayOfYear, 73)
       sprintf "%s %i, %i YOLD" seasons.[season] (dday+1) dyear

[<EntryPoint>] let main argv =

   let p = Int32.Parse
   Seq.ofArray("2012-02-28 2012-02-29 2012-03-01 2010-07-22 2015-10-19 2015-10-20".Split())
   |> Seq.map(fun (s:string) ->
       let d = s.Split('-')
       (s, DateTime(p(d.[0]),p(d.[1]),p(d.[2]))))
   |> Seq.iter(fun (s,d) -> printfn "%s is %s" s (ddate d))


2012-02-28 is Chaos 59, 3178 YOLD
2012-02-29 is St. Tib's Day, 3178 YOLD
2012-03-01 is Chaos 60, 3178 YOLD
2010-07-22 is Confusion 57, 3176 YOLD
2015-10-19 is Bureaucracy 73, 3181 YOLD
2015-10-20 is The Aftermath 1, 3181 YOLD


<lang FORTRAN> program discordianDate

   implicit none
   ! Declare variables
   character(32) :: arg
   character(15) :: season,day,holyday
   character(80) :: Output,fmt1,fmt2,fmt3
   character(2) :: dayfix,f1,f2,f3,f4
   integer :: i,j,k,daysofyear,dayofweek,seasonnum,yold,dayofseason,t1,t2,t3
   integer,dimension(8) :: values
   integer, dimension(12) :: daysinmonth
   logical  :: isleapyear, isholyday, Pleapyear
   ! Get the current date
   call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
   ! Set some values up to defaults
   daysinmonth = (/ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 /)
   isleapyear = .false.
   isholyday = .false.
   ! process any command line arguments
   ! using arguments dd mm yyyy 
   j = iargc()
   do i = 1, iargc()
     call getarg(i, arg)  ! fetches argument as a character string
     if (j==3) then
       if (i==1) then
         read(arg,'(i2)') values(3)  ! convert to integer
       if (i==2) then
         read(arg,'(i2)') values(2)  ! convert to integer
       if (i==3) then
         read(arg,'(i4)') values(1)  ! convert to integer

     if (j==2) then  ! arguments dd mm
       if (i==1) then
         read(arg,'(i2)') values(3)  ! convert to integer
       if (i==2) then
         read(arg,'(i2)') values(2)  ! convert to integer
     if (j==1) then ! argument dd
       read(arg,'(i2)') values(3)  ! convert to integer
   end do

   !Start the number crunching here 
   yold = values(1) + 1166
   daysofyear = 0
   if (values(2)>1) then 
   do i=1 , values(2)-1 , 1
       daysofyear = daysofyear + daysinmonth(i)
    end do
  end if
   daysofyear = daysofyear + values(3)
   isholyday = .false.
   isleapyear = Pleapyear(yold)
   dayofweek = mod (daysofyear, 5)
   seasonnum = ((daysofyear - 1) / 73) + 1 
   dayofseason = daysofyear - ((seasonnum - 1)  * 73)
   k = mod(dayofseason,10)  ! just to get the day number postfix
   select case (k)
     case (1)
     case (2)
     case (3)
     case default
   end select
   ! except between 10th and 20th  where we always have 'th'
   if (((dayofseason > 10) .and. (dayofseason < 20)) .eqv. .true.) then
     dayfix = 'th'
   end if
   select case (Seasonnum)
     case (1) 
       season ='Choas'
       f4 = '5'
     case (2) 
       season ='Discord'
       f4 = '7'
     case (3) 
       season ='Confusion'
       f4 = '9'
     case (4) 
       season ='Bureaucracy'
       f4 = '10'
     case (5) 
       season ='The Aftermath'
       f4 = '13'
   end select
   select case (dayofweek)
      case (0) 
        day='Setting Orange'
        f2 = '14'
      case (1) 
        day ='Sweetmorn'
        f2 = '9'
      case (2) 
        day = 'Boomtime'
        f2 = '8'
      case (3) 
        day = 'Pungenday'
        f2 = '9'
      case (4) 
        day = 'Prickle-Prickle'
        f2 = '15'
   end select
   ! check for holydays
   select case (dayofseason)
     case (5)
       isholyday = .true.
       select case (seasonnum)
         case (1)
            holyday ='Mungday'
            f1 = '7'
         case (2)
            holyday = 'Mojoday'
            f1 = '7'
         case (3)
           holyday = 'Syaday'
           f1 = '6'
         case (4)
            holyday = 'Zaraday'
            f1 = '7'
         case (5)
           holyday = 'Maladay'
           f1 = '7'
        end select
     Case (50)
       isholyday = .true.
       select case (seasonnum)
         case (1)
           holyday = 'Chaoflux'
           f1 = '8'
         case (2)
           holyday = 'Discoflux'
           f1 = '9'
         case (3)
           holyday = 'Confuflux'
           f1 = '9'
         case (4)
           holyday = 'Bureflux'
           f1 = '8'
         case (5)
           holyday = 'Afflux'
           f1 = '6'
        end select
   end select
   ! Check if it is St. Tibbs day
   if (isleapyear .eqv. .true.) then 
     if ((values(2) == 2) .and. (values(3) == 29)) then
        isholyday = .true.
     end if
   end if
   ! Construct our format strings
   f3 = "2"
   if (dayofseason < 10) then
     f3 = "1"
   end if
   fmt1 = "(a,i4)"
   fmt2 = "(A,a" // f1 // ",A,A" // f2 // ",A,I" // f3 // ",A2,A,A" // f4 // ",A,I4)"
   fmt3 = "(A,A" // f2 // ",A,I" // f3 //",A2,A,A" // f4 // ",A,I4)"
   ! print an appropriate line
   if (isholyday .eqv. .true.) then
     if (values(3) == 29) then
        print fmt1,'Celebrate for today is St. Tibbs Day in the YOLD ',yold
        print fmt2, 'Today is ',holyday, ' on ',day,' the ',dayofseason,dayfix,' day of ',season,' in the YOLD ',yold 
      end if
    else   ! not a holyday
        print fmt3, 'Today is ',day,' the ',dayofseason,dayfix, ' day of ',season,' in the YOLD ',yold
    end if
   end program discordianDate
   ! Function to check to see if this is a leap year returns true or false!
   function Pleapyear(dloy) result(leaper)
   implicit none
   integer, intent(in) :: dloy
   logical :: leaper
   leaper = .false.
   if (mod((dloy-1166),4) == 0)  then
     leaper = .true.
   end if
   if (mod((dloy-1166),100) == 0) then
       leaper = .false.
       if (mod((dloy-1166),400)==0) then
          leaper = .true.
       end if
   end if 
   end function Pleapyear


compiled as ddate.
useage ./ddate
       ./ddate dd mm yyyy
Today is Pungenday the 56th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3184
./ddate 29 02 2020
Celebrate for today is St. Tibbs Day in the YOLD 3186


A package modeled after the time package in the Go standard library <lang go>package ddate

import (



// Predefined formats for DiscDate.Format const (

   DefaultFmt = "Pungenday, Discord 5, 3131 YOLD"
   OldFmt     = `Today is Pungenday, the 5th day of Discord in the YOLD 3131

Celebrate Mojoday` )

// Formats passed to DiscDate.Format are protypes for formated dates. // Format replaces occurrences of prototype elements (the constant strings // listed here) with values corresponding to the date being formatted. // If the date is St. Tib's Day, the string from the first date element // through the last is replaced with "St. Tib's Day". const (

   protoLongSeason  = "Discord"
   protoShortSeason = "Dsc"
   protoLongDay     = "Pungenday"
   protoShortDay    = "PD"
   protoOrdDay      = "5"
   protoCardDay     = "5th"
   protoHolyday     = "Mojoday"
   protoYear        = "3131"


var (

   longDay = []string{"Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday",
       "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"}
   shortDay   = []string{"SM", "BT", "PD", "PP", "SO"}
   longSeason = []string{
       "Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"}
   shortSeason = []string{"Chs", "Dsc", "Cfn", "Bcy", "Afm"}
   holyday     = [][]string{{"Mungday", "Chaoflux"}, {"Mojoday", "Discoflux"},
       {"Syaday", "Confuflux"}, {"Zaraday", "Bureflux"}, {"Maladay", "Afflux"}}


type DiscDate struct {

   StTibs bool
   Dayy   int // zero based day of year, meaningless if StTibs is true
   Year   int // gregorian + 1166


func New(eris time.Time) DiscDate {

   t := time.Date(eris.Year(), 1, 1, eris.Hour(), eris.Minute(),
       eris.Second(), eris.Nanosecond(), eris.Location())
   bob := int(eris.Sub(t).Hours()) / 24
   raw := eris.Year()
   hastur := DiscDate{Year: raw + 1166}
   if raw%4 == 0 && (raw%100 != 0 || raw%400 == 0) {
       if bob > 59 {
       } else if bob == 59 {
           hastur.StTibs = true
           return hastur
   hastur.Dayy = bob
   return hastur


func (dd DiscDate) Format(f string) (r string) {

   var st, snarf string
   var dateElement bool
   f6 := func(proto, wibble string) {
       if !dateElement {
           snarf = r
           dateElement = true
       if st > "" {
           r = ""
       } else {
           r += wibble
       f = f[len(proto):]
   f4 := func(proto, wibble string) {
       if dd.StTibs {
           st = "St. Tib's Day"
       f6(proto, wibble)
   season, day := dd.Dayy/73, dd.Dayy%73
   for f > "" {
       switch {
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoLongDay):
           f4(protoLongDay, longDay[dd.Dayy%5])
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoShortDay):
           f4(protoShortDay, shortDay[dd.Dayy%5])
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoCardDay):
           funkychickens := "th"
           if day/10 != 1 {
               switch day % 10 {
               case 0:
                   funkychickens = "st"
               case 1:
                   funkychickens = "nd"
               case 2:
                   funkychickens = "rd"
           f4(protoCardDay, strconv.Itoa(day+1)+funkychickens)
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoOrdDay):
           f4(protoOrdDay, strconv.Itoa(day+1))
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoLongSeason):
           f6(protoLongSeason, longSeason[season])
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoShortSeason):
           f6(protoShortSeason, shortSeason[season])
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoHolyday):
           if day == 4 {
               r += holyday[season][0]
           } else if day == 49 {
               r += holyday[season][1]
           f = f[len(protoHolyday):]
       case strings.HasPrefix(f, protoYear):
           r += strconv.Itoa(dd.Year)
           f = f[4:]
           r += f[:1]
           f = f[1:]
   if st > "" { 
       r = snarf + st + r

} </lang> Example program using above package <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   pi := 1
   fnord := ddate.DefaultFmt
   if len(os.Args) > 1 {
       switch os.Args[1][0] {
       case '+':
           fnord = os.Args[1][1:]
       case '-':
   var eris time.Time
   switch len(os.Args) - pi {
   case 0:
       eris = time.Now()
   case 3:
       var err error
       eris, err = time.Parse("2 1 2006", strings.Join(os.Args[pi:pi+3], " "))
       if err != nil {


func usage() {

   fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: %s [+format] [day month year]\n", os.Args[0])


> ddate
Pungenday, Confusion 62, 3177 YOLD

> ddate 29 2 2012
St. Tib's Day, 3178 YOLD


<lang haskell>import Data.Time (isLeapYear) import Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay (monthAndDayToDayOfYear) import Text.Printf (printf)

type Year = Integer type Day = Int type Month = Int

data DDate = DDate Weekday Season Day Year

          | StTibsDay Year deriving (Eq, Ord)

data Season = Chaos

           | Discord
           | Confusion
           | Bureaucracy
           | TheAftermath
           deriving (Show, Enum, Eq, Ord, Bounded)

data Weekday = Sweetmorn

            | Boomtime
            | Pungenday
            | PricklePrickle
            | SettingOrange
            deriving (Show, Enum, Eq, Ord, Bounded)

instance Show DDate where

 show (StTibsDay y) = printf "St. Tib's Day, %d YOLD" y
 show (DDate w s d y) = printf "%s, %s %d, %d YOLD" (show w) (show s) d y

fromYMD :: (Year, Month, Day) -> DDate fromYMD (y, m, d)

 | leap && dayOfYear == 59 = StTibsDay yold
 | leap && dayOfYear >= 60 = mkDDate $ dayOfYear - 1 
 | otherwise               = mkDDate dayOfYear
   yold = y + 1166
   dayOfYear = monthAndDayToDayOfYear leap m d - 1
   leap = isLeapYear y
   mkDDate dayOfYear = DDate weekday season dayOfSeason yold
       weekday = toEnum $ dayOfYear `mod` 5
       season = toEnum $ dayOfYear `div` 73
       dayOfSeason = 1 + dayOfYear `mod` 73</lang>


<lang haskell>test = mapM_ display dates

   display d = putStr (show d ++ " -> ") >> print (fromYMD d)
   dates = [(2012,2,28)
λ> test
(2012,2,28) -> PricklePrickle, Chaos 59, 3178 YOLD
(2012,2,29) -> St. Tib's Day, 3178 YOLD
(2012,3,1) -> SettingOrange, Chaos 60, 3178 YOLD
(2012,3,14) -> Pungenday, Chaos 73, 3178 YOLD
(2012,3,15) -> PricklePrickle, Discord 1, 3178 YOLD
(2010,9,2) -> SettingOrange, Bureaucracy 26, 3176 YOLD
(2010,12,31) -> SettingOrange, TheAftermath 73, 3176 YOLD
(2011,1,1) -> Sweetmorn, Chaos 1, 3177 YOLD

In GHCi we can also execute shell commands.

  • Using Linux utility ddate
*Main> :! ddate
Today is Setting Orange, the 26th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3176

*Main> :! ddate 29 2 2012
Sint Tibs

*Main> :! ddate 2 9 2010
Setting Orange, Bureaucracy 26, 3176 YOLD

Icon and Unicon

This version is loosely based on a modified translation of the original ddate.c and like the original the leap year functionality is Julian not Gregorian. <lang Icon>link printf

procedure main()



procedure Demo(y,m,d) #: demo display

  printf("%i-%i-%i = %s\n",y,m,d,DiscordianDateString(DiscordianDate(y,m,d)))


record DiscordianDateRecord(year,yday,season,sday,holiday)

procedure DiscordianDate(year,month,day) #: Convert normal date to Discordian static cal initial cal := [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]

  ddate := DiscordianDateRecord(year+1166)
  every (ddate.yday := day - 1) +:= cal[1 to month-1]   # zero origin
  ddate.sday := ddate.yday
  if ddate.year % 4 = 2 &  month = 2 & day = 29 then 
     ddate.holiday := 1   # Note: st tibs is outside of weekdays
  else {
     ddate.season  := (ddate.yday / 73) + 1   
     ddate.sday := (ddate.yday % 73) + 1
     ddate.holiday := 1 + ddate.season * case ddate.sday of { 5 : 1; 50 : 2}    
  return ddate


procedure DiscordianDateString(ddate) #: format a Discordian Date String static days,seasons,holidays initial {

  days := ["Sweetmorn","Boomtime","Pungenday","Prickle-Prickle","Setting Orange"]
  seasons := ["Chaos","Discord","Confusion","Bureaucracy","The Aftermath"]
  holidays := ["St. Tib's Day","Mungday","Chaoflux","Mojoday","Discoflux",
  return (( holidays[\ddate.holiday] || "," ) |
          ( days[1+ddate.yday%5] || ", day " || 
            ddate.sday || " of " || seasons[ddate.season])) ||
         " in the YOLD " || ddate.year


2010-1-1 = Sweetmorn, day 1 of Chaos in the YOLD 3176
2010-7-22 = Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
2012-2-28 = Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2012-2-29 = St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
2012-3-1 = Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2010-1-5 = Mungday, in the YOLD 3176
2011-5-3 = Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177
2012-2-28 = Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2012-2-29 = St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
2012-3-1 = Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2010-7-22 = Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
2012-12-22 = Sweetmorn, day 64 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3178


<lang j>require'dates' leap=: _1j1 * 0 -/@:= 4 100 400 |/ {.@] bs=: ((#:{.) + 0 j. *@[ * {:@]) +. disc=: ((1+0 73 bs[ +^:(58<]) -/@todayno@(,: 1 1,~{.)@]) ,~1166+{.@])~ leap</lang>

Example use:

<lang> disc 2012 2 28 3178 1 59

  disc 2012 2 29

3178 1 59j1

  disc 2012 3 1

3178 1 60j1

  disc 2012 12 31

3178 5 73j1

  disc 2013 1 1

3179 1 1

  disc 2100 12 31

3266 5 73

  disc 2015 10 19

3181 4 73

  disc 2000 3 13

3166 1 72j1</lang>

see talk page. But, in essence, this version uses season ordinals with a single imaginary day after the 59th of the first season, on leap years. This is implemented so that that imaginary day has been passed for all remaining days of a leap year.


<lang java>import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

public class DiscordianDate {

   final static String[] seasons = {"Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion",
       "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"};
   final static String[] weekday = {"Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday",
       "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"};
   final static String[] apostle = {"Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday",
       "Zaraday", "Maladay"};
   final static String[] holiday = {"Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux",
       "Bureflux", "Afflux"};
   public static String discordianDate(final GregorianCalendar date) {
       int y = date.get(Calendar.YEAR);
       int yold = y + 1166;
       int dayOfYear = date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
       if (date.isLeapYear(y)) {
           if (dayOfYear == 60)
               return "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD " + yold;
           else if (dayOfYear > 60)
       int seasonDay = dayOfYear % 73 + 1;
       if (seasonDay == 5)
           return apostle[dayOfYear / 73] + ", in the YOLD " + yold;
       if (seasonDay == 50)
           return holiday[dayOfYear / 73] + ", in the YOLD " + yold;
       String season = seasons[dayOfYear / 73];
       String dayOfWeek = weekday[dayOfYear % 5];
       return String.format("%s, day %s of %s in the YOLD %s",
               dayOfWeek, seasonDay, season, yold);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       System.out.println(discordianDate(new GregorianCalendar()));
       test(2010, 6, 22, "Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176");
       test(2012, 1, 28, "Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178");
       test(2012, 1, 29, "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178");
       test(2012, 2, 1, "Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178");
       test(2010, 0, 5, "Mungday, in the YOLD 3176");
       test(2011, 4, 3, "Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177");
       test(2015, 9, 19, "Boomtime, day 73 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3181");
   private static void test(int y, int m, int d, final String result) {
       assert (discordianDate(new GregorianCalendar(y, m, d)).equals(result));


Setting Orange, day 4 of Confusion in the YOLD 3180


<lang javascript> /**

* All Hail Discordia! - this script prints Discordian date using system date.
* lang: JavaScript
* author: jklu
* contributors: JamesMcGuigan
* changelog:
* - Modified to return same output syntax as unix ddate + module.exports - James McGuigan, 2/Chaos/3183
* source: https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Discordian_date#JavaScript

var seasons = [

 "Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion",
 "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"

]; var weekday = [

 "Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday",
 "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"


var apostle = [

 "Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday",
 "Zaraday", "Maladay"


var holiday = [

 "Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux",
 "Bureflux", "Afflux"


Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function() {

 var year = this.getFullYear();
 if( (year & 3) !== 0 ) { return false; }
 return ((year % 100) !== 0 || (year % 400) === 0);


// Get Day of Year Date.prototype.getDOY = function() {

 var dayCount  = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334];
 var mn        = this.getMonth();
 var dn        = this.getDate();
 var dayOfYear = dayCount[mn] + dn;
 if( mn > 1 && this.isLeapYear() ) { dayOfYear++; }
 return dayOfYear;


Date.prototype.isToday = function() {

 var today = new Date();
 return this.getDate()     === today.getDate()
     && this.getMonth()    === today.getMonth()
     && this.getFullYear() === today.getFullYear()


function discordianDate(date) {

 if( !date ) { date = new Date(); }
 var y                = date.getFullYear();
 var yold             = y + 1166;
 var dayOfYear        = date.getDOY();
 var celebrateHoliday = null;
 if( date.isLeapYear() ) {
   if( dayOfYear == 60 ) {
     celebrateHoliday = "St. Tib's Day";
   else if( dayOfYear > 60 ) {
 var divDay = Math.floor(dayOfYear / 73);
 var seasonDay = (dayOfYear % 73) + 1;
 if( seasonDay == 5 ) {
   celebrateHoliday = apostle[divDay];
 if( seasonDay == 50 ) {
   celebrateHoliday = holiday[divDay];
 var season    = seasons[divDay];
 var dayOfWeek = weekday[dayOfYear % 5];
 var nth = (seasonDay % 10 == 1) ? 'st'
         : (seasonDay % 10 == 2) ? 'nd'
         : (seasonDay % 10 == 3) ? 'rd'
                                 : 'th';
 return "" //(date.isToday() ? "Today is " : )
        + dayOfWeek
        + ", the " + seasonDay + nth
        + " day of " + season
        + " in the YOLD " + yold
        + (celebrateHoliday ? ". Celebrate " + celebrateHoliday + "!" : )


function test(y, m, d, result) {

 console.assert((discordianDate(new Date(y, m, d)) == result), [y, m, d, discordianDate(new Date(y, m, d)), result]);


// Only run test code if node calls this file directly if( require.main === module ) {

 console.log(discordianDate(new Date(Date.now())));
 test(2010, 6, 22, "Pungenday, the 57th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3176");
 test(2012, 1, 28, "Prickle-Prickle, the 59th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178");
 test(2012, 1, 29, "Setting Orange, the 60th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178. Celebrate St. Tib's Day!");
 test(2012, 2,  1, "Setting Orange, the 60th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178");
 test(2010, 0,  5, "Setting Orange, the 5th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3176. Celebrate Mungday!");
 test(2011, 4,  3, "Pungenday, the 50th day of Discord in the YOLD 3177. Celebrate Discoflux!");
 test(2015, 9, 19, "Boomtime, the 73rd day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3181");


module.exports = discordianDate; </lang>

Example use:

<lang javascript> console.log(discordianDate(new Date(Date.now()))); "Boomtime, the 2nd day of Chaos in the YOLD 3183" </lang>

look at calendar; learn about holydays


<lang jotacode>@print(

 "Today is ",
 "1/29","St. Tib's Day",
   4,"Setting Orange"),
 ", ",
   4,"The Aftermath"),
 " ",
 ", YOLD ",



Works with: Julia version 0.6

<lang julia>using Base.Dates

function discordiandate(year::Integer, month::Integer, day::Integer)

   discordianseasons = ["Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"]
   holidays = Dict(
       "Chaos 5" => "Mungday",
       "Chaos 50" => "Chaoflux",
       "Discord 5" => "Mojoday",
       "Discord 50" => "Discoflux",
       "Confusion 5" => "Syaday",
       "Confusion 50" => "Confuflux",
       "Bureaucracy 5" => "Zaraday",
       "Bureaucracy 50" => "Bureflux",
       "The Aftermath 5" => "Maladay",
       "The Aftermath 50" => "Afflux")
   today = Date(year, month, day)
   isleap = isleapyear(year)
   if isleap && month == 2 && day == 29
       rst = "St. Tib's Day, YOLD " * string(year + 1166)
       dy = dayofyear(today)
       if isleap && dy >= 60
           dy -= 1
       rst = string(discordianseasons[div(dy, 73) + 1], " ", rem(dy, 73)) # day
       if haskey(holidays, rst)
           rst *= " ($(holidays[rst]))" # if holiday
       rst *= ", YOLD $(year + 1166)" # year
   return rst


@show discordiandate(2017, 08, 15) @show discordiandate(1996, 02, 29) @show discordiandate(1996, 02, 19)</lang>

discordiandate(2017, 8, 15) = "Bureaucracy 8, YOLD 3183"
discordiandate(1996, 2, 29) = "St. Tib's Day, YOLD 3162"
discordiandate(1996, 2, 19) = "Chaos 50 (Chaoflux), YOLD 3162"


Translation of: Java

<lang scala>import java.util.Calendar import java.util.GregorianCalendar

enum class Season {

   Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy, Aftermath;
   companion object { fun from(i: Int) = values()[i / 73] }

} enum class Weekday {

   Sweetmorn, Boomtime, Pungenday, Prickle_Prickle, Setting_Orange;
   companion object { fun from(i: Int) = values()[i % 5] }

} enum class Apostle {

   Mungday, Mojoday, Syaday, Zaraday, Maladay;
   companion object { fun from(i: Int) = values()[i / 73] }

} enum class Holiday {

   Chaoflux, Discoflux, Confuflux, Bureflux, Afflux;
   companion object { fun from(i: Int) = values()[i / 73] }


fun GregorianCalendar.discordianDate(): String {

   val y = get(Calendar.YEAR)
   val yold = y + 1166
   var dayOfYear = get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)
   if (isLeapYear(y)) {
       if (dayOfYear == 60)
           return "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD " + yold
       else if (dayOfYear > 60)
   val seasonDay = --dayOfYear % 73 + 1
   return when (seasonDay) {
       5 -> "" + Apostle.from(dayOfYear) + ", in the YOLD " + yold
       50 -> "" + Holiday.from(dayOfYear) + ", in the YOLD " + yold
       else -> "" + Weekday.from(dayOfYear) + ", day " + seasonDay + " of " + Season.from(dayOfYear) + " in the YOLD " + yold


internal fun test(y: Int, m: Int, d: Int, result: String) {

   assert(GregorianCalendar(y, m, d).discordianDate() == result)


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   test(2010, 6, 22, "Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176")
   test(2012, 1, 28, "Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178")
   test(2012, 1, 29, "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178")
   test(2012, 2, 1, "Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178")
   test(2010, 0, 5, "Mungday, in the YOLD 3176")
   test(2011, 4, 3, "Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177")
   test(2015, 9, 19, "Boomtime, day 73 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3181")



<lang maple>convertDiscordian := proc(year, month, day) local days31, days30, daysThisYear, i, dYear, dMonth, dDay, seasons, week, dayOfWeek; days31 := [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]; days30 := [4, 6, 9, 11]; if month < 1 or month >12 then error "Invalid month: %1", month; end if; if (member(month, days31) and day > 31) or (member(month, days30) and day > 30) or (month = 2 and day > 29) or day < 1 then error "Invalid date: %1", day; end if; dYear := year + 1166; if month = 2 and day = 29 then printf("The date is St. Tib's Day, YOLD %a.\n", dYear); else seasons := ["Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"]; week := ["Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"]; daysThisYear := 0; for i to month-1 do if member(i, days31) then daysThisYear := daysThisYear + 31; elif member(i, days30) then daysThisYear := daysThisYear + 30; else daysThisYear := daysThisYear + 28; end if; end do; daysThisYear := daysThisYear + day -1; dMonth := seasons[trunc((daysThisYear) / 73)+1]; dDay := daysThisYear mod 73 +1; dayOfWeek := week[daysThisYear mod 5 +1]; printf("The date is %s %s %s, YOLD %a.\n", dayOfWeek, dMonth, convert(dDay, ordinal), dYear); end if; end proc:

convertDiscordian (2016, 1, 1); convertDiscordian (2016, 2, 29); convertDiscordian (2016, 12, 31);</lang>

The date is Sweetmorn Chaos first, YOLD 3182.
The date is St. Tib's Day, YOLD 3182.
The date is Setting Orange The Aftermath 73rd, YOLD 3182.

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>DiscordianDate[y_, m_, d_] := Module[{year = ToString[y + 1166], month = m, day = d},

 DMONTHS = {"Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"};
 DDAYS = {"Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"};
 DayOfYear = DateDifference[{y} ,{y, m, d}] + 1;
 LeapYearQ = (Mod[#, 4]== 0 && (Mod[#, 100] != 0 || Mod[#, 400] == 0))&@ y;
 If [ LeapYearQ && month == 2 && day == 29,
   Print["Today is St. Tib's Day, YOLD ", ]
   If [ LeapYearQ && DayOfYear >= 60, DayOfYear -= 1 ];
    {season, dday} = {Quotient[DayOfYear, 73], Mod[DayOfYear, 73]};
    Print["Today is ", DDAYS[[Mod[dday,4] + 1]],", ",DMONTHSseason+1," ",dday,", YOLD ",year]


-> Today is Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59, YOLD 3178

-> Today is St. Tib's Day, YOLD 3178

-> Today is Setting Orange, Chaos 60, YOLD 3178


<lang Pascal> program ddate; { This program is free software, it's done it's time and paid for it's crime. You can copy, edit and use this software under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 or later.

Copyright Pope Englebert Finklestien, On this day Boomtime, the 71st day of Confusion in the YOLD 3183

This program will print out the current date in Erisian format as specified in

                 P R I N C I P I A   D I S C O R D I A   

If you run it with a date it the command line in european format (dd mm yy) it will print the equvolent Discordian date. If you omit the year and month the current Anerisiean month and year as assumed.

POPE Englebert Finklestien. } uses Sysutils;


 YY,MM,DD : word;
 YOLD : Boolean;
 Hedgehog: integer;
 Eris: string;
 snub: string;
 chaotica: string;
 midget: string;
 bob: string;

 Anerisiandaysinmonth: array[1..12] of integer = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);

procedure anerisiandate; { tHIS JUST GETS THE DATE INTO THE DD,MM,YY VARIABLES } begin



procedure BORIS; { This just tests to see if we are in a leap year } var

 snafu : boolean;


 snafu := False;
 if (yy mod 4 = 0) then snafu := True;
 if ((yy mod 100 = 0) and (yy mod 400 <> 0)) then snafu := False;
 if ((snafu) and (mm = 2 ) and (dd=29)) then YOLD := True;


function hodgepodge: integer; { This returns the total number of days since the year began. It doesn't bother with leap years at all. I get a wierd optical illusion looking at the until in this } var

 fnord : integer;


  Hedgehog := 1;
  hodgepodge := 0;
  fnord :=0;
  if (mm > 1) then repeat
            fnord := fnord + Anerisiandaysinmonth[Hedgehog];
            Hedgehog := Hedgehog +1;
      until Hedgehog = mm;
  fnord := fnord + dd;
  hodgepodge := fnord;

function treesaregreen(): string; {Returns the YOLD as a string}


   treesaregreen := IntTOStr(yy+1166);


procedure GRAYFACE; {This calculates everything, but does not bother much about leap years} var

  wrestle: integer;
  Thwack: string;


   Hedgehog := hodgepodge;
   wrestle := 0;
   Thwack := 'th';
   {set bob to the name of the holyday or St. Tibs day }
   bob := 'St. Tibs Day';         
   if (Hedgehog = 5 )  then bob := 'Mungday';
   if (Hedgehog = 50 ) then bob := 'Chaoflux';
   if (Hedgehog = 78 ) then bob := 'Mojoday';
   if (Hedgehog = 123) then bob := 'Discoflux';
   if (Hedgehog = 151) then bob := 'Syaday';
   if (Hedgehog = 196) then bob := 'Confuflux';
   if (Hedgehog = 224) then bob := 'Zaraday';
   if (Hedgehog = 269) then bob := 'Bureflux';
   if (Hedgehog = 297) then bob := 'Maladay';
   if (Hedgehog = 342) then bob := 'Afflux';
   {Not doing things the usual way
   Lets find the week day and count the number of

5 day weeks all at the same time}

   while (Hedgehog > 5) do begin 
     Hedgehog := Hedgehog -5;
     wrestle := Wrestle + 1;
   if (Hedgehog = 1) then snub := 'Sweetmorn'  ;
   if (Hedgehog = 2) then snub := 'BoomTime';
   if (Hedgehog = 3) then snub := 'Pungenday';
   if (Hedgehog = 4) then snub := 'Prickle-Prickle';
   if (Hedgehog = 5) then snub := 'Setting Orange';

{Now to set the Season name}

   chaotica:='The Aftermath';
   if (wrestle <=57) then chaotica := 'Bureaucracy';
   if ((wrestle = 58) and (Hedgehog < 3)) then chaotica := 'Bureaucracy';
   if (wrestle <= 42) then chaotica := 'Confusion';
   if ((wrestle = 43) and (Hedgehog < 5)) then chaotica := 'Confusion';
   if (wrestle <=28) then chaotica := 'Discord';
   if ((wrestle = 29) and (Hedgehog < 2)) then chaotica := 'Discord';
   if (wrestle <=13) then chaotica := 'Chaos';
   if ((wrestle = 14) and (Hedgehog < 4)) then chaotica := 'Chaos';

{Now all we need the day of the season}

   wrestle := (wrestle*5)+Hedgehog;
   while (wrestle >73) do wrestle := wrestle -73;

{pick the appropriate day postfix, allready set to th}

   if (wrestle in [1,21,31,41,51,61,71]) then Thwack:='st';
   if (wrestle in [2,22,32,42,52,62,72]) then Thwack:='nd';
   if (wrestle in [3,23,33,43,53,63,73]) then Thwack:='rd';

{Check to see if it is a holy day, if so bob will have the right holyday name already, including St Tibs Day}

   if (wrestle in [5,50]) then YOLD := True;

{I love this line of code}

   midget := IntToStr(wrestle) + Thwack;


{The main program starts here} begin

   if (ParamCount >=1) then dd := StrTOInt(ParamStr(1));
   if (ParamCount >=2) then mm := StrToInt(ParamStr(2));
   if (ParamCount =3) then yy := StrToInt(ParamStr(3));

{ The only thing to bother about is holy days and St Tibs day }

   Eris := 'Today is: ' + snub +' the ' + midget +' day of the season of ' + chaotica;
   if (YOLD) then begin 

Eris := 'Celebrate for today, ' + snub + ' the ' + midget + ' day of ' +chaotica + ' is the holy day of ' + bob;


{The only place we deal with St. Tibs Day}

   if ((YOLD) and ((mm=2) and (dd=29))) then Eris := 'Celebrate ' + bob + ' Chaos';

{This next line applies to all possibilities}

   Eris := Eris + ' YOLD ' + treesaregreen;

end. </lang>


Today is: Setting Orange the 1st day of the season of The Aftermath YOLD 3183
./ddate 12
Celebrate for today, Prickle-Prickle the 5th day of The Aftermath is the holy day of Zaraday YOLD 3183
./ddate 13 5
Today is: Pungenday the 60th day of the season of Confusion YOLD 3183
./ddate 29 2 2020
Celebrate St. Tibs Day Chaos YOLD 3186


Translation of: Perl6

<lang perl>use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use Time::Piece ();

my @seasons = (qw< Chaos Discord Confusion Bureaucracy >, 'The Aftermath'); my @week_days = (qw< Sweetmorn Boomtime Pungenday Prickle-Prickle >, 'Setting Orange');

sub ordinal { my ($n) = @_; return $n . "th" if int($n/10) == 1; return $n . ((qw< th st nd rd th th th th th th>)[$n % 10]); }

sub ddate { my $d = Time::Piece->strptime( $_[0], '%Y-%m-%d' ); my $yold = 'in the YOLD ' . ($d->year + 1166);

my $day_of_year0 = $d->day_of_year;

if( $d->is_leap_year ) { return "St. Tib's Day, $yold" if $d->mon == 2 and $d->mday == 29; $day_of_year0-- if $day_of_year0 >= 60; # Compensate for St. Tib's Day }

my $weekday = $week_days[ $day_of_year0 % @week_days ]; my $season = $seasons[ $day_of_year0 / 73 ]; my $season_day = ordinal( $day_of_year0 % 73 + 1 );

return "$weekday, the $season_day day of $season $yold"; }

say "$_ is " . ddate($_) for qw< 2010-07-22 2012-02-28 2012-02-29 2012-03-01 >; </lang>

2010-07-22 is Pungenday, the 57th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
2012-02-28 is Prickle-Prickle, the 59th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2012-02-29 is St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
2012-03-01 is Setting Orange, the 60th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178

Perl 6

Works with: rakudo version 2015-11-04

<lang perl6>my @seasons = << Chaos Discord Confusion Bureaucracy 'The Aftermath' >>; my @days = << Sweetmorn Boomtime Pungenday Prickle-Prickle 'Setting Orange' >>; sub ordinal ( Int $n ) { $n ~ ( $n % 100 == 11|12|13

   ?? 'th' !! < th st nd rd th th th th th th >[$n % 10] ) }

sub ddate ( Str $ymd ) {

   my $d = DateTime.new: "{$ymd}T00:00:00Z" or die;
   my $yold = 'in the YOLD ' ~ $d.year + 1166;
   my $day_of_year0 = $d.day-of-year - 1;
   if $d.is-leap-year {
       return "St. Tib's Day, $yold" if $d.month == 2 and $d.day == 29;
       $day_of_year0-- if $day_of_year0 >= 60; # Compensate for St. Tib's Day
   my $weekday    = @days[    $day_of_year0 mod  5     ];
   my $season     = @seasons[ $day_of_year0 div 73     ];
   my $season_day = ordinal(  $day_of_year0 mod 73 + 1 );
   return "$weekday, the $season_day day of $season $yold";


say "$_ is {.&ddate}" for < 2010-07-22 2012-02-28 2012-02-29 2012-03-01 >; </lang>

2010-07-22 is Pungenday, the 57th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
2012-02-28 is Prickle-Prickle, the 59th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2012-02-29 is St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
2012-03-01 is Setting Orange, the 60th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178


<lang Phix>constant seasons = {"Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"} constant weekday = {"Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"} constant apostle = {"Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday", "Zaraday", "Maladay"} constant holiday = {"Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux", "Bureflux", "Afflux"}

function discordianDate(sequence dt) string dyear, dseas, dwday integer leap, doy, dsday,dseason integer {y,m,d} = dt

   dyear = sprintf("%d",y+1166)
   leap = isleapyear(y)
   if leap and m=2 and d=29 then
       return "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD " & dyear
   end if

   doy = day_of_year(y,m,d)-1
   if leap and doy>=60 then
       doy -= 1
   end if

   dsday = remainder(doy,73)+1
   dseason = floor(doy/73+1)
   if dsday=5 then
       return apostle[dseason] & ", in the YOLD " & dyear
   elsif dsday=50 then
       return holiday[dseason] & ", in the YOLD " & dyear
   end if

   dseas = seasons[dseason]
   dwday = weekday[remainder(doy,5)+1]

   return sprintf("%s, day %d of %s in the YOLD %s", {dwday, dsday, dseas, dyear})

end function</lang> test code <lang Phix>sequence dt = {2015,1,1,0,0,0,0,0} include timedate.e atom oneday = timedelta(days:=1) set_timedate_formats({"DD/MM/YYYY: "}) for i=1 to 5 do

   dt = adjust_timedate(dt,oneday*72)
   dt = adjust_timedate(dt,oneday)

end for</lang>

"01/01/2015: Sweetmorn, day 1 of Chaos in the YOLD 3181"
"14/03/2015: Pungenday, day 73 of Chaos in the YOLD 3181"
"15/03/2015: Prickle-Prickle, day 1 of Discord in the YOLD 3181"
"26/05/2015: Sweetmorn, day 73 of Discord in the YOLD 3181"
"27/05/2015: Boomtime, day 1 of Confusion in the YOLD 3181"
"07/08/2015: Prickle-Prickle, day 73 of Confusion in the YOLD 3181"
"08/08/2015: Setting Orange, day 1 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3181"
"19/10/2015: Boomtime, day 73 of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3181"
"20/10/2015: Pungenday, day 1 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3181"
"31/12/2015: Setting Orange, day 73 of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3181"


<lang PHP> <?php

   $Anerisia = array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
   $MONTHS = array("Choas","Discord","Confusion","Bureacracy","The Aftermath");
   $DAYS = array("Setting Orange","Sweetmorn","BoomTime","Pungenday","Prickle-Prickle");
   $Dsuff = array('th','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th');
   $Holy5 = array("Mungday","MojoDay","Syaday","Zaraday","Maladay");
   $Holy50 = array("Chaoflux","Discoflux","Confuflux","Bureflux","Afflux");

   // Get the current system date and assign to some variables

$edate = explode(" ",date('Y m j L')); $usery = $edate[0]; $userm = $edate[1]; $userd = $edate[2]; $IsLeap = $edate[3];

 // If the user supplied us with a date overide the one we got from the system.
 // If you could get the date from users browser via javascript and then call
 // this script with the users date. ddate.php?y=year&m=month&d=day mostly it
 // won't matter but if the server is in a different time zone to the user
 // There will be occasional incorrect results from the users POV. 
   if (isset($_GET['y']) && isset($_GET['m']) && isset($_GET['d'])) {
       $usery = $_GET['y'];
       $userm = $_GET['m'];
       $userd = $_GET['d'];
       $IsLeap = 0;
       if (($usery%4 == 0) && ($usery%100 >0)) $IsLeap =1;
       if ($usery%400 == 0) $IsLeap = 1;
// We need to know the total number of days in the year so far
   $userdays = 0;
   $i = 0;
   while ($i < ($userm-1)) {
       $userdays = $userdays + $Anerisia[$i];
       $i = $i +1;
   $userdays = $userdays + $userd;
   // We can now work out the full discordian date for most dates
   // PHP does not do integer division, so we use 73.2 as a divisor
   // the value 73.2 works, larger values cause an off-by-one on season
   // changes for the later seasons .
   // This is not needed with the mod operator.
   $IsHolyday = 0;
   $dyear = $usery + 1166;
   $dmonth = $MONTHS[$userdays/73.2];
   $dday = $userdays%73;

if (0 == $dday) $dday = 73;

   $Dname = $DAYS[$userdays%5];
   $Holyday = "St. Tibs Day";
   if ($dday == 5) {
       $Holyday = $Holy5[$userdays/73.2];
       $IsHolyday =1;
   if ($dday == 50) {
       $Holyday = $Holy50[$userdays/73.2];
       $IsHolyday =1;
 if (($IsLeap ==1) && ($userd ==29) and ($userm ==2)) $IsHolyday = 2;
  // work out the suffix to the day number
  $suff = $Dsuff[$dday%10] ;
  if ((11 <= $dday) && (19 >= $dday)) $suff='th';
   // code to display the date ...
if ($IsHolyday ==2)
     echo "
Celeberate ",$Holyday," ",$dmonth," YOLD ",$dyear; if ($IsHolyday ==1) echo "
Celeberate for today ", $Dname , " The ", $dday,"",$suff,"", " day of ", $dmonth , " YOLD " , $dyear , " is the holy day of " , $Holyday; if ($IsHolyday == 0) echo "
Today is " , $Dname , " the " , $dday ,"",$suff, " day of " , $dmonth , " YOLD " , $dyear;


ddate.php #23 November 2011
Today is Boomtime the 35th day of The Aftermath YOLD 3177

Today is Prickle-Prickle the 59th day of Chaos YOLD 3178

Celeberate St. Tibs Day, Chaos YOLD 3178

Celeberate for today Prickle-Prickle The 5th day of Bureacracy YOLD 3183 is the holy day of Zaraday


Translation of: Python

<lang PicoLisp>(de disdate (Year Month Day)

  (let? Date (date Year Month Day)
     (let (Leap (date Year 2 29)  D (- Date (date Year 1 1)))
        (if (and Leap (= 2 Month) (= 29 Day))
           (pack "St. Tib's Day, YOLD " (+ Year 1166))
           (and Leap (>= D 60) (dec 'D))
                 '("Chaos" "Discord" "Confusion" "Bureaucracy" "The Aftermath")
                 (inc (/ D 73)) )
              " "
              (inc (% D 73))
              ", YOLD "
              (+ Year 1166) ) ) ) ) )</lang>


Pike includes a Discordian calendar. dates can be converted from any calendar to any other. <lang Pike>> Calendar.Discordian.now()->format_ext_ymd();

Result: "Pungenday, 59 Bureaucracy 3177"

> Calendar.Discordian.Day(Calendar.Day(2011,11,11))->format_ext_ymd();

Result: "Setting Orange, 23 The Aftermath 3177"

> Calendar.Discordian.Day(Calendar.Badi.Day(168,13,9))->format_ext_ymd();

Result: "Setting Orange, 23 The Aftermath 3177"

> Calendar.Day((Calendar.Discordian.Month()+1)->day(1));

Result: Day(Thu 20 Oct 2011)</lang>


<lang powerbasic>#COMPILE EXE

  1. DIM ALL

'change this for systems that use a different character $DATESEP = "-"


   'date is same format as date$
   DIM tmpdash1 AS LONG, tmpdash2 AS LONG
   tmpdash1 = INSTR(date, $DATESEP)
   tmpdash2 = INSTR(-1, date, $DATESEP)
   FUNCTION = VAL(MID$(date, tmpdash1 + 1, tmpdash2 - tmpdash1 - 1))



   'date is same format as date$
   DIM tmpdash AS LONG
   tmpdash = INSTR(date, $DATESEP)
   FUNCTION = VAL(LEFT$(date, tmpdash - 1))



   'date is same format as date$
   DIM tmpdash AS LONG
   tmpdash = INSTR(-1, date, $DATESEP)
   FUNCTION = VAL(MID$(date, tmpdash + 1))



   'date is same format as date$
   'doesn't account for leap years (not needed for ddate)
   'days preceding 1st of month
   '   jan feb mar apr may  jun  jul  aug  sep  oct  nov  dec
   DATA 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334
   FUNCTION = VAL(READ$(month(date))) + day(date)



   'Season names
   DATA "Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"
   DATA "Setting Orange", "Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle"
   DIM dyear AS LONG, dseason AS STRING, dday AS LONG, dweekday AS STRING
   DIM tmpdate AS STRING, jday AS LONG, result AS STRING
       tmpdate = COMMAND$
       tmpdate = DATE$
   dyear = year(tmpdate) + 1166
   IF (2 = month(tmpdate)) AND (29 = day(tmpdate)) THEN
       result = "Saint Tib's Day, " & STR$(dyear) & " YOLD"
       jday = julian(tmpdate)
       dseason = READ$((jday \ 73) + 1)
       dday = (jday MOD 73)
       IF 0 = dday THEN dday = 73
       dweekday = READ$((jday MOD 5) + 6)
       result = dweekday & ", " & dseason & " " & TRIM$(STR$(dday)) & ", " & TRIM$(STR$(dyear)) & " YOLD"
   ? result



Works with: powershell version 2

<lang powershell> function ConvertTo-Discordian ( [datetime]$GregorianDate ) { $DayOfYear = $GregorianDate.DayOfYear $Year = $GregorianDate.Year + 1166 If ( [datetime]::IsLeapYear( $GregorianDate.Year ) -and $DayOfYear -eq 60 )

   { $Day = "St. Tib's Day" }


   If ( [datetime]::IsLeapYear( $GregorianDate.Year ) -and $DayOfYear -gt 60 )
       { $DayOfYear-- }
   $Weekday = @( 'Sweetmorn', 'Boomtime', 'Pungenday', 'Prickle-Prickle', 'Setting Orange' )[(($DayOfYear - 1 ) % 5 )]
   $Season  = @( 'Chaos', 'Discord', 'Confusion', 'Bureaucracy', 'The Aftermath' )[( [math]::Truncate( ( $DayOfYear - 1 ) / 73 ) )]
   $DayOfSeason = ( $DayOfYear - 1 ) % 73 + 1
   $Day = "$Weekday, $Season $DayOfSeason"

$DiscordianDate = "$Day, $Year YOLD" return $DiscordianDate }

ConvertTo-Discordian ([datetime]'1/5/2016') ConvertTo-Discordian ([datetime]'2/29/2016') ConvertTo-Discordian ([datetime]'12/8/2016') </lang>

Setting Orange, Chaos 5, 3182 YOLD
St. Tib's Day, 3182 YOLD
Boomtime, The Aftermath 50, 3182 YOLD


<lang PureBasic>Procedure.s Discordian_Date(Y, M, D)

 Protected DoY=DayOfYear(Date(Y,M,D,0,0,0)), Yold$=Str(Y+1166)
 Dim S.s(4)
 S(0)="Chaos": S(1)="Discord": S(2)="Confusion": S(3)="Bureaucracy"
 S(4)="The Aftermath"
 If (Y%4=0 And Y%100) Or Y%400=0
   If M=2 And D=29
     ProcedureReturn "St. Tib's Day, YOLD " + Yold$
   ElseIf DoY>=2*30
 ProcedureReturn S(DoY/73)+" "+Str(DoY%73)+", Yold "+Yold$



<lang python>import datetime, calendar

DISCORDIAN_SEASONS = ["Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"]

def ddate(year, month, day):

   today = datetime.date(year, month, day)
   is_leap_year = calendar.isleap(year)
   if is_leap_year and month == 2 and day == 29:
       return "St. Tib's Day, YOLD " + (year + 1166)
   day_of_year = today.timetuple().tm_yday - 1
   if is_leap_year and day_of_year >= 60:
       day_of_year -= 1 # Compensate for St. Tib's Day
   season, dday = divmod(day_of_year, 73)
   return "%s %d, YOLD %d" % (DISCORDIAN_SEASONS[season], dday + 1, year + 1166)



Translation of: D

<lang racket>#lang racket/base

Derived from 'D' Implementation

(require racket/date racket/match)

(define seasons '(Chaos Discord Confusion Bureaucracy |The Aftermath|)) (define weekday '(Sweetmorn Boomtime Pungenday Prickle-Prickle |Setting Orange|)) (define apostle '(Mungday Mojoday Syaday Zaraday Maladay)) (define holiday '(Chaoflux Discoflux Confuflux Bureflux Afflux))

(define (ymd->date y m d) (seconds->date (find-seconds 0 0 0 d m y))) (define (leap-year? y) (with-handlers ((exn? (λ (x) #f))) (= 29 (date-day (ymd->date y 2 29)))))

(define (discordian-date d)

 (define leap? (leap-year? (date-year d)))
 (define year-day (match* (leap? (date-year-day d))
                    [(#t (? (λ (D) (>= D 59)) d0)) d0]
                    [(_ d0) (add1 d0)]))
 (define season-day (modulo year-day 73)) ; season day
 (define (list-ref-season l)
   (define season-index (quotient year-day 73))
   (symbol->string (list-ref l season-index)))
  (match* (season-day leap? (date-month d) (date-day d))
    [( _ #t 2 29) "St. Tib's Day,"]
    [((app (match-lambda
             (5 apostle) (50 holiday) (_ #f))
           (and (not #f) special)) _ _  _)
     (string-append (list-ref-season special) ",")]
    [( _  _ _  _)
     (define week-day-name (list-ref weekday (modulo (sub1 year-day) 5)))
     (format "~a, day ~a of ~a" week-day-name season-day (list-ref-season seasons))])
  " in the YOLD " (number->string (+ (date-year d) 1166))))

(displayln (discordian-date (current-date)))

passing these tests makes me consistent with D implementation

(module+ test

 (require rackunit)
 (define discordian/ymd (compose discordian-date ymd->date))
 (check-equal? (discordian/ymd 2010 7 22) "Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176")
 (check-equal? (discordian/ymd 2012 2 28) "Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178")
 (check-equal? (discordian/ymd 2012 2 29) "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178");
 (check-equal? (discordian/ymd 2012 3  1) "Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178")
 (check-equal? (discordian/ymd 2010 1  5) "Mungday, in the YOLD 3176")
 (check-equal? (discordian/ymd 2011 5  3) "Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177"))
Pungenday, day 47 of Confusion in the YOLD 3179


This REXX version allows the   mm   or   dd   to be one or two digits.

Also, the year can be two or four digits, or it may be omitted.

If the Gregorian date is omitted or specified as an asterisk   (*),   the current date is used. <lang rexx>/*REXX program converts a mm/dd/yyyy Gregorian date ───► a Discordian date. */

@day.1= 'Sweetness'                             /*define the 1st day─of─Discordian─week*/
@day.2= 'Boomtime'                              /*   "    "  2nd  "   "      "       " */
@day.3= 'Pungenday'                             /*   "    "  3rd  "   "      "       " */
@day.4= 'Prickle-Prickle'                       /*   "    "  4th  "   "      "       " */
@day.5= 'Setting Orange'                        /*   "    "  5th  "   "      "       " */

@seas.0= "St. Tib's day," /*define the leap─day of Discordian yr.*/ @seas.1= 'Chaos' /* " 1st season─of─Discordian─year.*/ @seas.2= 'Discord' /* " 2nd " " " " */ @seas.3= 'Confusion' /* " 3rd " " " " */ @seas.4= 'Bureaucracy' /* " 4th " " " " */ @seas.5= 'The Aftermath' /* " 5th " " " " */

parse arg gM '/' gD "/" gY . /*obtain the specified Gregorian date. */ if gM== | gM=="," | gM=='*' then parse value date("U") with gM '/' gD "/" gY .

gY=left( right( date(), 4), 4 - length(Gy) )gY /*adjust for two─digit year or no year.*/

                                                /* [↓]  day─of─year,  leapyear adjust. */

doy= date('d', gY || right(gM, 2, 0)right(gD ,2, 0), "s") - (leapyear(gY) & gM>2)

dW= doy//5; if dW==0 then dW= 5 /*compute the Discordian weekday. */ dS= (doy-1) % 73 + 1 /* " " " season. */ dD= doy//73; if dD==0 then dD= 73 /* " " " day─of─month. */ if leapyear(gY) & gM==2 & gD==29 then ds= 0 /*is this St. Tib's day (leapday) ? */ if ds==0 then dD= /*adjust for the Discordian leap day. */

say space(@day.dW',' @seas.dS dD"," gY + 1166) /*display Discordian date to terminal. */ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ leapyear: procedure; parse arg y /*obtain a four─digit Gregorian year. */

         if y//4  \==  0  then return 0         /*Not  ÷  by 4?   Then not a leapyear. */
         return y//100 \== 0  |  y//400 == 0    /*apply the  100  and  400  year rules.*/</lang>
input   when using the (various) following inputs of:
output   when using the above (various) inputs:
Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59, 3178
Setting Orange, St. Tib's day, 3178
Setting Orange, Chaos 60, 3178
Pungenday, Confusion 57, 3176
Setting Orange, Bureaucracy 26, 3178
Setting Orange, The Aftermath 73, 3177
Boomtime, Bureaucracy 73, 3181
Setting Orange, The Aftermath 73, 3266


<lang ruby>require 'date'

class DiscordianDate

 SEASON_NAMES = ["Chaos","Discord","Confusion","Bureaucracy","The Aftermath"]
 DAY_NAMES = ["Sweetmorn","Boomtime","Pungenday","Prickle-Prickle","Setting Orange"]
 def initialize(year, month, day)
   gregorian_date = Date.new(year, month, day)
   @day_of_year = gregorian_date.yday
   @st_tibs = false
   if gregorian_date.leap?
     if @day_of_year == ST_TIBS_DAY_OF_YEAR
       @st_tibs = true
     elsif @day_of_year > ST_TIBS_DAY_OF_YEAR
       @day_of_year -= 1
   @season, @day = (@day_of_year-1).divmod(DAYS_PER_SEASON)
   @day += 1     #←              ↑ fixes of-by-one error (only visible at season changes)
   @year = gregorian_date.year + YEAR_OFFSET
 attr_reader :year, :day
 def season
 def weekday
   if @st_tibs
     "St. Tib's Day"
     DAY_NAMES[(@day_of_year - 1) % DAYS_PER_WEEK]
 def to_s
   %Q{#{@st_tibs ? "St. Tib's Day" : "%s, %s %d" % [weekday, season, day]}, #{year} YOLD}


Testing: <lang ruby>[[2012, 2, 28], [2012, 2, 29], [2012, 3, 1], [2011, 10, 5], [2015, 10, 19]].each do |date|

 dd = DiscordianDate.new(*date)
 puts "#{"%4d-%02d-%02d" % date} => #{dd}"


2012-02-28 => Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59, 3178 YOLD
2012-02-29 => St. Tib's Day, 3178 YOLD
2012-03-01 => Setting Orange, Chaos 60, 3178 YOLD
2011-10-05 => Pungenday, Bureaucracy 59, 3177 YOLD
2015-10-19 => Boomtime, Bureaucracy 73, 3181 YOLD


Compiler: Rust (1.21.0)

Library: chrono
Library: ddate

This example is taken in large part from the ddate crate and used with the permission of the author.

<lang rust>extern crate chrono;

use chrono::NaiveDate; use std::str::FromStr;

fn main() {

   let date = std::env::args().nth(1).expect("Please provide a YYYY-MM-DD date.");
   println!("{} is {}", date, NaiveDate::from_str(&date).unwrap().to_poee());


// The necessary constants for the seasons, weekdays, and holydays. const APOSTLES: [&str; 5] = ["Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday", "Zaraday", "Maladay"]; const HOLYDAYS: [&str; 5] = ["Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux", "Bureflux", "Afflux"]; const SEASONS: [&str; 5] = ["Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"]; const WEEKDAYS: [&str; 5] = ["Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"];

// The necessary constants for the conversion. const APOSTLE_HOLYDAY: usize = 5; const CURSE_OF_GREYFACE: i32 = 1166; const SEASON_DAYS: usize = 73; const SEASON_HOLYDAY: usize = 50; const ST_TIBS_DAY: usize = 59; const WEEK_DAYS: usize = 5;

// This extends the `Datelike` trait of Rust's Chrono crate with a method that // prints any Datelike type as a String. impl<T: Datelike> DiscordianDate for T {} pub trait DiscordianDate: Datelike {

   fn to_poee(&self) -> String {
       let day = self.ordinal0() as usize;
       let leap = self.year() % 4 == 0 && self.year() % 100 != 0 || self.year() % 400 == 0;
       let year = self.year() + CURSE_OF_GREYFACE;
       if leap && day == ST_TIBS_DAY { return format!("St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD {}", year); }
       let day_offset = if leap && day > ST_TIBS_DAY { day - 1 } else { day };
       let day_of_season = day_offset % SEASON_DAYS + 1;
       let season = SEASONS[day_offset / SEASON_DAYS];
       let weekday = WEEKDAYS[day_offset % WEEK_DAYS];
       let holiday = if day_of_season == APOSTLE_HOLYDAY {
           format!("\nCelebrate {}", APOSTLES[day_offset / SEASON_DAYS])
       } else if day_of_season == SEASON_HOLYDAY {
           format!("\nCelebrate {}", HOLYDAYS[day_offset / SEASON_DAYS])
       } else {
       format!("{}, the {} day of {} in the YOLD {}{}",
           weekday, ordinalize(day_of_season), season, year, holiday)


/// A helper function to ordinalize a numeral. fn ordinalize(num: usize) -> String {

   let s = format!("{}", num);
   let suffix = if s.ends_with('1') && !s.ends_with("11") {
   } else if s.ends_with('2') && !s.ends_with("12") {
   } else if s.ends_with('3') && !s.ends_with("13") {
   } else {
   format!("{}{}", s, suffix)

} </lang>

$ ./ddate -1166-1-1

-1166-1-1 is Sweetmorn, the 1st day of Chaos in the YOLD 0 $ ./ddate 2000-2-28 2000-2-28 is Prickle-Prickle, the 59th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3166 $ ./ddate -4004-2-29 -4004-2-29 is St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD -2838 $ ./ddate 1066-2-28 1066-2-28 is Prickle-Prickle, the 59th day of Chaos in the YOLD 2232 $ ./ddate 1492-3-1 1492-3-1 is Setting Orange, the 60th day of Chaos in the YOLD 2658 $ ./ddate 1492-9-26 1492-9-26 is Prickle-Prickle, the 50th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 2658 Celebrate Bureflux $ ./ddate 2012-10-24 2012-10-24 is Boomtime, the 5th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3178 Celebrate Maladay $


Translation of: Python

<lang scala>package rosetta

import java.util.GregorianCalendar import java.util.Calendar

object DDate extends App {

 private val DISCORDIAN_SEASONS = Array("Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath")
 // month from 1-12; day from 1-31
 def ddate(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int): String = {
   val date = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day)
   val dyear = year + 1166

   val isLeapYear = date.isLeapYear(year)
   if (isLeapYear && month == 2 && day == 29) // 2 means February
     "St. Tib's Day " + dyear + " YOLD"
   else {
     var dayOfYear = date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - 1
     if (isLeapYear && dayOfYear >= 60)
       dayOfYear -= 1 // compensate for St. Tib's Day

     val dday = dayOfYear % 73
     val season = dayOfYear / 73
     "%s %d, %d YOLD".format(DISCORDIAN_SEASONS(season), dday + 1, dyear)
 if (args.length == 3)
   println(ddate(args(2).toInt, args(1).toInt, args(0).toInt))
 else if (args.length == 0) {
   val today = Calendar.getInstance
   println(ddate(today.get(Calendar.YEAR), today.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1, today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)))
 } else
   println("usage: DDate [day month year]")

}</lang> Test: <lang scala>scala rosetta.DDate 2010 7 22 Confusion 57, 3176 YOLD scala rosetta.DDate 28 2 2012 Chaos 59, 3178 YOLD scala rosetta.DDate 29 2 2012 St. Tib's Day 3178 YOLD scala rosetta.DDate 1 3 2012 Chaos 60, 3178 YOLD scala rosetta.DDate 19 10 2015 Bureaucracy 73, 3181 YOLD </lang>


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "time.s7i";

const array string: seasons is [0] ("Chaos", "Discord", "Confusion", "Bureaucracy", "The Aftermath"); const array string: weekday is [0] ("Sweetmorn", "Boomtime", "Pungenday", "Prickle-Prickle", "Setting Orange"); const array string: apostle is [0] ("Mungday", "Mojoday", "Syaday", "Zaraday", "Maladay"); const array string: holiday is [0] ("Chaoflux", "Discoflux", "Confuflux", "Bureflux", "Afflux");

const func string: discordianDate (in time: date) is func

   var string: discordianDate is "";
   var integer: dyear is 0;
   var integer: doy is 0;
   var integer: dsday is 0;
   dyear := date.year + 1166;
   if isLeapYear(date.year) and date.month = 2 and date.day = 29 then
     discordianDate := "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD " <& dyear;
     doy := dayOfYear(date);
     if isLeapYear(date.year) and doy >= 60 then
     end if;
     dsday := doy rem 73; # season day
     if dsday = 5 then
       discordianDate := apostle[doy div 73] <& ", in the YOLD " <& dyear;
     elsif dsday = 50 then
       discordianDate := holiday[doy div 73] <& ", in the YOLD " <& dyear;
       discordianDate := weekday[pred(doy) rem 5] <&
                         ", day " <& dsday <&
                         " of " <& seasons[doy div 73] <&
                         " in the YOLD " <& dyear;
     end if;
   end if;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var time: today is time.value;
   today := time(NOW);
   writeln(strDate(today) <& " as Discordian date: " <& discordianDate(today));
   if  discordianDate(date(2010, 7, 22)) = "Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176" and
       discordianDate(date(2012, 2, 28)) = "Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178" and
       discordianDate(date(2012, 2, 29)) = "St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178" and
       discordianDate(date(2012, 3,  1)) = "Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178" and
       discordianDate(date(2010, 1,  5)) = "Mungday, in the YOLD 3176" and
       discordianDate(date(2011, 5,  3)) = "Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177" then
     writeln("Discordian date computation works.");
   end if;
 end func;</lang>
2013-05-12 as Discordian date: Boomtime, day 59 of Discord in the YOLD 3179
Discordian date computation works.


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>require('Time::Piece');

var seasons = %w(Chaos Discord Confusion Bureaucracy The\ Aftermath); var week_days = %w(Sweetmorn Boomtime Pungenday Prickle-Prickle Setting\ Orange);

func ordinal (n) {

   "#{n}" + (n % 100 ~~ [11,12,13] ? 'th'

 : [n % 10])


func ddate(ymd) {

   var d = %s'Time::Piece'.strptime(ymd, '%Y-%m-%d');
   var yold = "in the YOLD #{d.year + 1166}";
   var day_of_year0 = d.day_of_year;
   if (d.is_leap_year) {
       return "St. Tib's Day, #{yold}" if ([d.mon, d.mday] == [2, 29]);
       day_of_year0-- if (day_of_year0 >= 60); # Compensate for St. Tib's Day
   var weekday = week_days[day_of_year0 % week_days.len];
   var season = seasons[day_of_year0 / 73];
   var season_day = ordinal(day_of_year0 % 73 + 1);
   return "#{weekday}, the #{season_day} day of #{season} #{yold}";


%w(2010-07-22 2012-02-28 2012-02-29 2012-03-01).each { |ymd|

   say "#{ymd} is #{ddate(ymd)}"


2010-07-22 is Pungenday, the 57th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
2012-02-28 is Prickle-Prickle, the 59th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2012-02-29 is St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
2012-03-01 is Setting Orange, the 60th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 proc disdate {year month day} {

   # Get the day of the year
   set now [clock scan [format %02d-%02d-%04d $day $month $year] -format %d-%m-%Y]
   scan [clock format $now -format %j] %d doy
   # Handle leap years
   if {!($year%4) && (($year%100) || !($year%400))} {

if {$doy == 60} { return "St. Tib's Day, [expr {$year + 1166}] YOLD" } elseif {$doy > 60} { incr doy -1 }

   # Main conversion to discordian format now that special cases are handled
   incr doy -1; # Allow div/mod to work right
   set season [lindex {Chaos Discord Confusion Bureaucracy {The Aftermath}} \

[expr {$doy / 73}]]

   set dos [expr {$doy % 73 + 1}]
   incr year 1166
   return "$season $dos, $year YOLD"

}</lang> Demonstrating: <lang tcl>puts [disdate 2010 7 22]; # Today puts [disdate 2012 2 28] puts [disdate 2012 2 29] puts [disdate 2012 3 1]</lang>

Confusion 57, 3176 YOLD
Chaos 59, 3178 YOLD
St. Tib's Day, 3178 YOLD
Chaos 60, 3178 YOLD


Translation of: D

<lang zkl>fcn discordianDate(y,m,d){

  var [const]
  seasons=T("Chaos","Discord","Confusion","Bureaucracy","The Aftermath"),
  weekday=T("Sweetmorn","Boomtime","Pungenday","Prickle-Prickle","Setting Orange"),

  dYear,isLeapYear := y + 1166, Time.Date.isLeapYear(y);
  if(isLeapYear and m==2 and d==29)
     return("St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD " + dYear);
   if(isLeapYear and doy>=60) doy-=1;
   dsDay:=(if(doy%73==0) 73 else doy%73); // Season day.
   if(dsDay==5)  return(String(apostle[doy/73],", in the YOLD ",dYear));
   if(dsDay==50) return(String(holiday[doy/73],", in the YOLD ",dYear));

   dSeas:=seasons[(if(doy%73==0) doy-1 else doy)/73];
   dWday:=weekday[(doy - 1)%5];
   "%s, day %s of %s in the YOLD %s".fmt(dWday,dsDay,dSeas,dYear);

}</lang> <lang zkl>foreach y,m,d in (T(T(2010,7,22), T(2012,2,28), T(2012,2,29), T(2012,3,1), T(2010,1, 5), T(2011,5, 3))){

  "%d-%02d-%02d is -->%s".fmt(y,m,d,discordianDate(y,m,d)).println();


2010-07-22 is -->Pungenday, day 57 of Confusion in the YOLD 3176
2012-02-28 is -->Prickle-Prickle, day 59 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2012-02-29 is -->St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
2012-03-01 is -->Setting Orange, day 60 of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
2010-01-05 is -->Mungday, in the YOLD 3176
2011-05-03 is -->Discoflux, in the YOLD 3177