
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 05:22, 26 July 2007 by Ralph (talk | contribs)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The purpose of this task is to create a basic class with a method, a constructor, an instance variable and how to instantiate it.


Class is used in many languages to provide both encapsulation, or grouping of data and actions, and also as type definition. Ada packages provide encapsulation or grouping while type definitions are done using the type reserved word. Types participating in inheritance are named tagged record types.

A package specification has the following form:

package My_Package is
   type My_Type is tagged private;
   procedure Some_Procedure(Item : out My_Type);
    function Set(Value : in Integer) return My_Type;
   type My_Type is tagged record
      Variable : Integer := -12;
   end record;
end My_Package;

The type declaration at the top of the package gives public visibility to the private tagged type My_Type. Since My_Type is declared to be private the public has no visibility to its structure. The type must be treated as a black box. The private section of the package specification includes the actual tagged record definition. Note that the data member Variable is initialized to -12. This corresponds to a default constructor for the type.

The package body must contain the implementation of the procedures and functions declared in the package specification.

package body My_Package is
   procedure Some_Procedure(Item : out My_Type) is
      Item := 2 * Item;
   end Some_Procedure;

   function Set(Value : Integer) return My_Type is
      Temp : My_Type;
      Temp.Variable := Value;
      return Temp;
   end Set;

end My_Package; The Set function acts as a conversion constructor for My_Type.

An instance is typically created outside the package:

with My_Package; use My_Package;

procedure Main is
   Foo : My_Type; -- Foo is created and initialized to -12
   Some_Procedure(Foo); -- Foo is doubled
   Foo := Set(2007); -- Foo.Variable is set to 2007
end Main;


Compiler: QBasic 4.5

 DECLARE SUB MyClassDelete (pthis AS MyClass)
 DECLARE SUB MyClassSomeMethod (pthis AS MyClass)
 DECLARE SUB MyClassInit (pthis AS MyClass)
 TYPE MyClass
   Variable AS INTEGER
 DIM obj AS MyClass
 MyClassInit obj
 MyClassSomeMethod obj
 SUB MyClassInit (pthis AS MyClass)
   pthis.Variable = 0
 SUB MyClassSomeMethod (pthis AS MyClass)
   pthis.Variable = 1


Compiler: GCC 4.0.2

 typedef struct MyClass
   int variable;
 } MyClass;
 struct MyClass*  MyClass_new()
   struct MyClass* pthis = (struct MyClass*)malloc( sizeof(struct MyClass) );
   //memset(pthis, 0, sizeof(struct MyClass) );
   pthis->variable = 0;
   return pthis;
 void MyClass_delete(struct MyClass** pthis)
   if(pthis && *pthis)
     *pthis = NULL;
 struct void MyClass_someMethod(struct MyClass* pthis)
   pthis->variable = 1;
 struct MyClass* obj = MyClass_new();


Compiler: GCC 4.0.2

 class MyClass
   void someMethod(); // member function = method
   MyClass(); // constructor
   int variable; // member variable = instance variable
 // implementation of constructor
   // here could be more code
 // implementation of member function
 void MyClass::someMethod()
   variable = 1; // alternatively: this->variable = 1
 // Create an instance as variable
 MyClass instance;
 // Create an instance on free store
 MyClass* pInstance = new MyClass;
 // Instances allocated with new must be explicitly destroyed when not needed any more:
 delete pInstance;

Note: MyClass instance(); would not define an instance, but declare a function returning an instance. Accidentally declaring functions when object definitions are wanted is a rather common bug in C++.

Functions can also be defined inline:

 class MyClass
   MyClass(): variable(0) {}
   void someMethod() { variable = 1; }
   int variable;

Note that member functions in C++ by default are not polymorphic; if you want a polymorphic member function, you have to mark it as virtual. In that case, you should also add a virtual destructor, even if that is empty. Example:

 class MyClass
   virtual void someMethod(); // this is polymorphic
   virtual ~MyClass(); // destructor


 public class MyClass
   public MyClass()
   public void SomeMethod()
   private int _variable;
   public int Variable
     get { return _variable; }
     set { _variable = value; }
   public static void Main()
     // instantiate it
     MyClass instance = new MyClass();
     // invoke the method
     // set the variable
     instance.Variable = 99;
     // get the variable
     System.Console.WriteLine( "Variable=" + instance.Variable.ToString() );


Compiler: GCC 4.0.1 (apple)

The declaration:

@interface MyClass : NSObject
    /* member variables */
    int variable;

/* method declarations */
- init;
- (void)someMethod;


The implementation:

@implementation MyClass
/* method implementations */

- init    /* designated constructor */
    if (self = [super init])
        variable = 0;
    return self;

- (void)someMethod
    variable = 1;


A C function that uses the class:

void example()
    MyClass *mc = [[MyClass alloc] init];
    [mc someMethod];
    [mc release];      /* explicitly decrement reference count */

Common Lisp

Common Lisp sense of object-orientation is different from many other languages. First off, all classes derive from implicitly from a single root class called T. In other languages, like C++ and Java, a method is invoked on a particular object, and the class of that object determines what code runs. This style is called message-passing, where a message is conceptually sent to an object and the class looks up the appropriate method based on the arguments passed in. Common Lisp differs by employing a concept called generic functions. Generic functions defines an abstract operation that has no body. For example, at a REPL:

CL-USER> (defgeneric say-hello (class)
            (:documentation "Says hello!")) 

A generic function is useless by itself. So, we need to define a class:

CL-USER> (defclass person ()
            ((name :initarg :person-name)))

A class called person is defined that does not have an explicit base class. There is one member called name, which will be explained later. Now, we can create an implementation of say-hello that specializes on class person:

CL-USER> (defmethod say-hello ((class person))
            (format t "Hello!")

The call-next-method is needed because Common Lisp allows for a chain a methods to be called through the generic function facility. When the generic function say-hello is invoked, the system compares the arguments against the different specializations and finds the applicable methods that fit the pattern. Cmmon Lisp may call one or more method may be called as a result. Common Lisp defines a standard method combination that handles most cases, but more details on this subject is beyond the scope of this article. Sticking to a simplified model, if I had an instance of person available called *me*, all I need to invoke the generic function:

CL-USER> (say-hello *me*)

The standard method combination will execute the most specific method first. To see the specialization at work, let's define a class cowboy that derives from person:

CL-USER> (defclass cowboy (person) ())

And then, define the say-hello method that specializes on cowboy:

CL-USER> (defmethod say-hello ((class cowboy))
            (format t "Howdy!")

Let's say that *clint** is an instance of cowboy:

CL-USER> (say-hello *clint*)

With the basics of method creation handled, how do you create an instance? Common Lisp defines a standard function called make-instance. So, the instance *me* was created like this:

CL-USER> (defvar *me* (make-instance 'person))

Remember that class person had a member called name? There was a key property called :initarg. The class person defined :person-name You can use this to pass information to make-instance:

CL-USER> (setf *clint* (make-instance 'cowboy :person-name "Clint Eastwood"))
#<COWBOY #x19F7CC81>
CL-USER> (slot-value *clint* 'name)
"Clint Eastwood"


In E, classes, constructors, and instance variables are not built into the language. This is an example of the basic convention; different cases may call for objects built in different ways.

def makeColor(name :String) {
    def color {
        to colorize(thing :String) {
          return `$name $thing`
    return color

Example interactive session creating and using it:

? def red := makeColor("red")
# value: <color>
? red.colorize("apple")
# value: "red apple"


Interpreter: WinForth

ANSI Forth has no object oriented features, but as Forth is a very easy language to extend, many object oriented programming systems have been implemented for it over the years. WinForth has one such system, which is described here.

Declare a class

:class MyClass <super Object

  int memvar

  :m ClassInit: ( -- )
       ClassInit: super
       1 to memvar ;m

  :m ~: ( -- )  ." Final " show: [ Self ] ;m

  :m set: ( n -- )  to memvar ;m
  :m show: ( -- ) ." Memvar = " memvar . ;m


Allocate a static object

MyClass newInstance

Allocate a dynamic object, saving its pointer in a global variable.

New> MyClass  value newInstance

Call member functions

10 set: newInstance
show: newInstance

Free a dynamically allocated object

newInstance dispose
0 to newInstance   \ no dangling pointers!

Example of dynamic allocation and local variable use"

: test { \ obj -- }
    New> MyClass to obj
      show: obj
      1000 set: obj
    obj dispose ;


Platform: J2SE/

 public class MyClass {
   // instance variable
   private int variable;  // Note: instance variables are usually "private"
   * The constructor
   public MyClass() {
     // creates a new instance
   * A method
   public void someMethod() {
    this.variable = 1; // Note: "this." is optional
                       // variable = 1; works also


Interpreter: Firefox 2.0

function MyClass(initVal) {
    //instance variable
    if(initVal == undefined) {
        this.number = 1;
    else {
        this.number = initVal;

//method of MyClass
MyClass.prototype.getDouble = function() {
    return this.number * 2;

var instance1 = new MyClass; //or "new MyClass();"
instance1.number = 5;
alert( instance1.getDouble() ); //10

var instance2 = new MyClass(3);
alert( instance2.getDouble() ); //6


Compiler: OO2C 2.1.11


      T = POINTER TO TDesc;
      TDesc = RECORD
         x: INTEGER

   PROCEDURE New*(): T;
      VAR t: T;
      NEW(t); t.x := 0;
      RETURN t
   END New;

   PROCEDURE (t: T) Increment*;
   END Increment;


Exported procedures are marked with an asterisk (*). There is nothing special about the constructor New, it is just a function that returns a new object of type T. The name of the method receiver can also be chosen freely. INC is a predeclared procedure that increments its argument.


Interpreter: perl 5.8.6

The implementation (there are no declarations):

     # a class is a package (i.e. a namespace) with methods in it
    package MyClass;

     # a constructor is a function that returns a blessed reference
    sub new {
        my $class = shift;
        bless {variable => 0}, $class;
         # the instance object is a hashref in disguise.
         # (it can be a ref to anything.)

     # an instance method is a function that takes an object as first argument.
     # the -> invocation syntax takes care of that nicely, see Usage paragraph below.
    sub someMethod {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{variable} = 1;

Using the class:

my $instance = MyClass->new;    # invoke constructor method

$instance->someMethod;    # invoke method on object instance
 # instance deallocates when the last reference falls out of scope


Object system is implemented as a library, so we must first load it.

uses objectclass;
define :class MyClass;
    slot value = 1;

Defining class MyClass automatically defines two constructors, newMyClass and consMyClass and slot (instance variable) accessors, so we can immediately start using our new class:

;;; Construct instance with default slot values
lvars instance1 = newMyClass();
;;; Construct instance with explicitely given slot values
lvars instance2 = consMyClass(15);
;;; Print slot value using dot notation
instance1.value =>
instance2.value =>
;;; Print slot value using funtional notation
value(instance1) =>
;;; Change slot value
12 -> value(instance1);
;;; Print it
value(instance1) =>

We can add methods at any time (even after creating an instance):

define :method reset(x : MyClass);
   0 -> value(x);
;;; Print it
instance1 =>


Interpreter: Python 2.5

class MyClass:
    name2 = 2 # Class attribute

    def __init__(self):
        self.name1 = 0 # Instance attribute
    def someMethod(self):
        self.name1 = 1
        MyClass.name2 = 3
myclass = MyClass()

for new-style classes (correct me if i'm wrong), in order to make good use of properties, class methods and the like :

class MyClass(object):


class MyClass
  def initialize
    @instanceVar = 0
  def someMethod
    @instanceVar = 1
    @@classVar = 3
myclass =

Turbo Pascal

Note: This is not part of standard Pascal, but Turbo Pascal specific Compiler: Turbo Pascal 6.0

 MyClass = object
            variable: integer;
            constructor init;
            destructor done;
            procedure someMethod;

constructor MyClass.init;
  variable := 0;

procedure MyClass.someMethod;
  variable := 1;

 instance: MyClass; { as variable }
 pInstance: ^MyClass; { on free store }

 { create instances }
 new(pInstance, init); { alternatively: pInstance := new(MyClass, init); }
 { call method }
 { get rid of the objects }
 dispose(pInstance, done);