GUI component interaction
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Almost every application needs to communicate with the user in some way. Therefore, a substantial part of the code deals with the interaction of program logic with GUI components.
Typically, the following is needed:
- put values into input fields under program control
- read and check input from the user
- pop up dialogs to query the user for further information
The task: For a minimal "application", write a program that presents a form with three components to the user: A numeric input field ("Value") and two buttons ("increment" and "random").
The field is initialized to zero. The user may manually enter a new value into the field, or increment its value with the "increment" button. Entering a non-numeric value should be either impossible, or issue an error message.
Pressing the "random" button presents a confirmation dialog, and resets the field's value to a random value if the answer is "Yes".
(This task may be regarded as an extension of the task Simple windowed application).
interaction.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Gtk.Main; with Gtk.Handlers; with Gtk.Button; with Gtk.Window; with Gtk.GEntry; with Gtk.Editable; with Gtk.Box; with Gtk.Widget; with Glib.Values; with Gtkada.Dialogs;
procedure Interaction is
The_Value : Natural := 0;
package Natural_Random is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Natural); RNG : Natural_Random.Generator;
Main_Window : Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window; Content : Gtk.Box.Gtk_Vbox; Increment_Button : Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button; Random_Button : Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button; Entry_Field : Gtk.GEntry.Gtk_Entry;
package Entry_Callbacks is new Gtk.Handlers.Callback (Gtk.GEntry.Gtk_Entry_Record);
package Button_Callbacks is new Gtk.Handlers.Callback (Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button_Record);
package Window_Callbacks is new Gtk.Handlers.Return_Callback (Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record, Boolean);
-- update displayed text procedure Update_Entry is begin Gtk.GEntry.Set_Text (The_Entry => Entry_Field, Text => Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim (Source => Natural'Image (The_Value), Side => Ada.Strings.Both)); end Update_Entry;
-- read from text entry procedure Update_Value is begin The_Value := Natural'Value (Gtk.GEntry.Get_Text (Entry_Field)); exception when Constraint_Error => The_Value := 0; end Update_Value;
-- make sure that only numbers are entered procedure On_Insert_Text (Object : access Gtk.GEntry.Gtk_Entry_Record'Class; Params : Glib.Values.GValues) is Length : constant Glib.Gint := Glib.Values.Get_Int (Glib.Values.Nth (Params, 2)); Text : constant String := Glib.Values.Get_String (Glib.Values.Nth (Params, 1), Length); begin declare Number : Natural; begin Number := Natural'Value (Text); exception when Constraint_Error => -- refuse values that are not parsable Gtk.Handlers.Emit_Stop_By_Name (Object => Object, Name => Gtk.Editable.Signal_Insert_Text); end; end On_Insert_Text;
-- Callback for click event procedure On_Increment_Click (Object : access Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button_Record'Class) is begin Update_Value; The_Value := The_Value + 1; Update_Entry; end On_Increment_Click;
-- Callback for click event procedure On_Random_Click (Object : access Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button_Record'Class) is use type Gtkada.Dialogs.Message_Dialog_Buttons; begin if Gtkada.Dialogs.Message_Dialog (Msg => "Really reset to random value?", Dialog_Type => Gtkada.Dialogs.Confirmation, Buttons => Gtkada.Dialogs.Button_Yes or Gtkada.Dialogs.Button_No, Default_Button => Gtkada.Dialogs.Button_Yes) = Gtkada.Dialogs.Button_Yes then The_Value := Natural_Random.Random (RNG); Update_Entry; end if; end On_Random_Click;
-- Callback for delete event function On_Main_Window_Delete (Object : access Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record'Class) return Boolean is begin Gtk.Main.Main_Quit; return True; end On_Main_Window_Delete;
-- initialize random number generator Natural_Random.Reset (RNG);
Gtk.GEntry.Gtk_New (Widget => Entry_Field); Update_Entry; Entry_Callbacks.Connect (Widget => Entry_Field, Name => Gtk.Editable.Signal_Insert_Text, Cb => On_Insert_Text'Access);
Gtk.Button.Gtk_New (Button => Increment_Button, Label => "Increment"); Gtk.Button.Gtk_New (Button => Random_Button, Label => "Random");
Button_Callbacks.Connect (Widget => Increment_Button, Name => Gtk.Button.Signal_Clicked, Marsh => Button_Callbacks.To_Marshaller (On_Increment_Click'Access)); Button_Callbacks.Connect (Widget => Random_Button, Name => Gtk.Button.Signal_Clicked, Marsh => Button_Callbacks.To_Marshaller (On_Random_Click'Access));
Gtk.Box.Gtk_New_Vbox (Box => Content); Gtk.Box.Add (Container => Content, Widget => Entry_Field); Gtk.Box.Add (Container => Content, Widget => Increment_Button); Gtk.Box.Add (Container => Content, Widget => Random_Button);
Gtk.Window.Gtk_New (Window => Main_Window); Gtk.Window.Add (Container => Main_Window, Widget => Content);
Window_Callbacks.Connect (Widget => Main_Window, Name => Gtk.Widget.Signal_Delete_Event, Cb => On_Main_Window_Delete'Access); Gtk.Window.Show_All (Widget => Main_Window);
end Interaction;</lang>
<lang AutoHotkey>GUI, add, Edit,Number w50 vUserInput gMakeSure, 0 ; Number Specifies Numbers-only, but other characters can still be pasted in, ; Making our own check necessary. (MakeSure)
GUI, add, Button, gIncrement, Increment ; Instead of an increment button, the UpDown control could be used, but this was not specified. GUI, add, Button, gRando, Random Gui, Show, W200 y200, Title ; Shows the GUI with a width and height of 200px return ; End Auto-Execute Section
Gui, Submit, NoHide
- The above line assigns all variables associated with controls to the state of that control, but leaves the GUI visible.
If UserInput is not Number { MsgBox, %userInput% is not a number. GUIControl,,UserInput, 0 ; Reset the Edit control to 0 } Else { UserInput++ GUIControl,, UserInput, %UserInput% ; Sets the value of the Edit control } return
Rando: MsgBox, 4, Title, Are you sure you want to randomize? ; Specify your own title. 4 means YesNo IfMsgBox, Yes { Random, UserInput, 1, 999 ; random number from 1-999 GUIControl,, UserInput, %UserInput% ; Sets the value of the Edit control } return
MakeSure: Gui, Submit, NoHide If UserInput is not Number { If (UserInput<>"") { Msgbox Error! Numbers Only! GUIControl,, UserInput, 0 } } return
GUIClose: ExitApp ; Makes sure the script exits when the window is closed, ; Otherwise the script is persistent because it contains ; a timer.</lang>
<lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB2"
INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB5" IDYES = 6 ES_NUMBER = 8192 MB_YESNO = 4 form% = FN_newdialog("Rosetta Code", 100, 100, 100, 52, 8, 1000) PROC_static(form%, "Value:", 100, 10, 10, 24, 14, 0) PROC_editbox(form%, "0", 101, 40, 8, 52, 14, ES_NUMBER) PROC_pushbutton(form%, "Increment", FN_setproc(PROCinc), 7, 30, 40, 16, 0) PROC_pushbutton(form%, "Random", FN_setproc(PROCrandom), 52, 30, 40, 16, 0) PROC_showdialog(form%) REPEAT WAIT 1 UNTIL !form% = 0 QUIT DEF PROCinc LOCAL number% SYS "GetDlgItemInt", !form%, 101, 0, 1 TO number% SYS "SetDlgItemInt", !form%, 101, number% + 1, 1 ENDPROC DEF PROCrandom LOCAL reply% SYS "MessageBox", !form%, "Set to a random value?", "Confirm", MB_YESNO TO reply% IF reply% = IDYES THEN SYS "SetDlgItemInt", !form%, 101, RND(10000), 1 ENDPROC</lang>
- Output:
with library Qt 4.4 , using (under Linux) first qmake -project and then qmake -o Makefile <projectfile>, then make
file interaction.h
<lang cpp>#ifndef INTERACTION_H
- include <QWidget>
class QPushButton ; class QLineEdit ; class QVBoxLayout ; class MyWidget : public QWidget {
public :
MyWidget( QWidget *parent = 0 ) ;
private :
QLineEdit *entryField ; QPushButton *increaseButton ; QPushButton *randomButton ; QVBoxLayout *myLayout ;
private slots :
void doIncrement( ) ; void findRandomNumber( ) ;
} ;
- endif</lang>
file interaction.cpp
<lang cpp>#include <QPushButton>
- include <QLineEdit>
- include <QMessageBox>
- include <QString>
- include <QRegExpValidator>
- include <QVBoxLayout>
- include <QRegExp>
- include <ctime> //for the srand initialization
- include <cstdlib> //for the random number
- include "interaction.h"
MyWidget::MyWidget (QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) {
myLayout = new QVBoxLayout( ) ; entryField = new QLineEdit( "0" ) ; QRegExp rx( "\\d+" ) ; QValidator *myvalidator = new QRegExpValidator( rx , this ) ; entryField->setValidator( myvalidator ) ; increaseButton = new QPushButton( "increase" ) ; connect( increaseButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ) ,
this , SLOT( doIncrement( ) )) ;
randomButton = new QPushButton( "random" ) ; connect( randomButton , SIGNAL( clicked( ) ) ,
this , SLOT ( findRandomNumber( ) )) ;
myLayout->addWidget( entryField ) ; myLayout->addWidget( increaseButton ) ; myLayout->addWidget( randomButton ) ; setLayout( myLayout ) ;
void MyWidget::doIncrement( ) {
bool ok ; int zahl = entryField->text( ).toInt( &ok, 10 ) ; entryField->setText( QString( "%1").arg( ++zahl ) ) ;
void MyWidget::findRandomNumber( ) {
QMessageBox msgBox( this ) ; msgBox.setText( "Do you want to create a random number ?" ) ; msgBox.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) ; int ret = msgBox.exec( ) ; switch ( ret ) { case QMessageBox::Yes :
srand( time( 0 ) ) ; int zahl = random( ) ; entryField->setText( QString( "%1" ).arg( zahl )) ; break ;
file main.cpp
<lang cpp>#include <QApplication>
- include "interaction.h"
int main( int argc , char *argv[ ] ) {
QApplication app( argc, argv ) ; MyWidget theWidget ; ) ; return app.exec( ) ;
with library Qt 5.4, using (under Linux) first run qmake -project, add CONFIG+=c++11 and QT+=widgets to the resulting .pro file, and then run make.
<lang cpp>#include <QApplication>
- include <QWidget>
- include <QVBoxLayout>
- include <QPushButton>
- include <QLineEdit>
- include <QIntValidator>
- include <QMessageBox>
- include <QTime>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
auto *edit = new QLineEdit("0"); edit->setValidator(new QIntValidator());
auto *incButton = new QPushButton("&Increment"); QObject::connect(incButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [edit]() { edit->setText( QString::number(edit->text().toInt() + 1)); } );
auto *rndButton = new QPushButton("&Random"); QObject::connect(rndButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [edit]() { auto result = QMessageBox( QMessageBox::Warning, "Random", "Overwrite current value with a random number ?", QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ).exec();
if (result == QMessageBox::Ok) edit->setText( QString::number(qrand())); } );
auto *vbox = new QVBoxLayout; vbox->addWidget(edit); vbox->addWidget(incButton); vbox->addWidget(rndButton);
QWidget mainWindow; mainWindow.setLayout(vbox);;
return app.exec();
C# 3.0 with Windows Forms; compile as csc -t:winexe Program.cs on MS.NET or as gmcs -t:winexe Program.cs on Mono. <lang csharp>using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms;
class RosettaInteractionForm : Form {
// Model used for DataBinding. // Notifies bound controls about Value changes. class NumberModel: INotifyPropertyChanged {
Random rnd = new Random();
// initialize event with empty delegate to avoid checks on null public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate {};
int _value; public int Value { get { return _value; } set { _value = value; // Notify bound control about value change PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Value")); } }
public void ResetToRandom(){ Value = rnd.Next(5000); } }
NumberModel model = new NumberModel{ Value = 0}; RosettaInteractionForm() { //MaskedTextBox is a TextBox variety with built-in input validation var tbNumber = new MaskedTextBox { Mask="0000", // allow 4 decimal digits only ResetOnSpace = false, // don't enter spaces Dock = DockStyle.Top // place at the top of form }; // bound TextBox.Text to NumberModel.Value; tbNumber.DataBindings.Add("Text", model, "Value");
var btIncrement = new Button{Text = "Increment", Dock = DockStyle.Bottom}; btIncrement.Click += delegate { model.Value++; }; var btDecrement = new Button{Text = "Decrement", Dock = DockStyle.Bottom}; btDecrement.Click += delegate { model.Value--; }; var btRandom = new Button{ Text="Reset to Random", Dock = DockStyle.Bottom }; btRandom.Click += delegate { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Are you sure?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) model.ResetToRandom(); }; Controls.Add(tbNumber); Controls.Add(btIncrement); Controls.Add(btDecrement); Controls.Add(btRandom); } static void Main() { Application.Run(new RosettaInteractionForm()); }
} </lang>
Common Lisp
<lang lisp>
- Using the LTK library...
(defun gui-test ()
"the main window for the input test" (ltk:with-ltk () (ltk:wm-title ltk:*tk* "GUI Test") (ltk:bind ltk:*tk* "<Alt-q>" (lambda (evt)
(declare (ignore evt)) (setf ltk:*exit-mainloop* t)))
(let* (;; Initializing random generator
(*random-state* (make-random-state t)) ;; Creating widgets (the-input (make-instance 'ltk:entry :text "0" :validate :key)) (f (make-instance 'ltk:frame)) (btn1 (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "random" :master f)) (btn2 (make-instance 'ltk:button :text "increment" :master f)))
;; Associating actions with widgets (ltk:bind btn1 "<Button-1>"
(lambda (evt) (declare (ignore evt)) (when (ltk:ask-yesno "Really reset to random?" :title "Question") (setf (ltk:text the-input) (write-to-string (random 10000))))))
(ltk:bind btn2 "<Button-1>"
(lambda (evt) (declare (ignore evt)) (setf (ltk:text the-input) (write-to-string (1+ (parse-integer (ltk:text the-input)))))))
(ltk:format-wish "~A configure -validatecommand {string is int %P}"
(ltk:widget-path the-input))
(ltk:focus the-input) ;; Placing widgets on the window (ltk:pack the-input :side :top) (ltk:pack f :side :bottom) (ltk:pack btn1 :side :left) (ltk:pack btn2 :side :right))))
<lang Delphi>FILE: Unit1.pas</lang> <lang Delphi> unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm) EditInputField: TEdit; ButtonRandom: TButton; ButtonIncrement: TButton; procedure EditInputFieldChange(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonIncrementClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonRandomClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.EditInputFieldChange(Sender: TObject); begin
TRY StrToInt(EditInputField.Text); EXCEPT ShowMessage('Error! The Input Value is not numeric!'); EditInputField.Text := '0'; END;
procedure TForm1.ButtonIncrementClick(Sender: TObject); begin
EditInputField.text := IntToStr(StrToInt(EditInputField.Text) + 1);
procedure TForm1.ButtonRandomClick(Sender: TObject); begin
Randomize; EditInputField.Text := IntToStr(Random(High(Integer)));
end.</lang> <lang Delphi>FILE: Unit1.dfm (No manual interaction!!! Will automatically be generated/modified when editing the GUI)</lang> <lang Delphi> object Form1: TForm1
Left = 1899 Top = 212 Width = 266 Height = 172 Caption = 'Form1' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object EditInputField: TEdit Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 121 Height = 21 TabOrder = 0 Text = '0' OnChange = EditInputFieldChange end object ButtonRandom: TButton Left = 96 Top = 56 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Random' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = ButtonRandomClick end object ButtonIncrement: TButton Left = 16 Top = 56 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Increment' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = ButtonIncrementClick end
end </lang>
<lang elena>#import system.
- import forms.
- import extensions.
- class Window
#field form. #field btmIncrement. #field btmRandom. #field txtNumber. #constructor new [ form := SDIDialog new. btmIncrement := Button new. btmRandom := Button new. txtNumber := Edit new. form controls += btmIncrement += btmRandom += txtNumber. form set &caption:"Rosseta Code". form set &x:100 &y:100. form set &width:160 &height:120. txtNumber set &x:7 &y:7. txtNumber set &width:140 &height:25. txtNumber set &caption:"0". btmIncrement set &x:7 &y:35. btmIncrement set &width:140 &height:25. btmIncrement set &caption:"Increment". btmIncrement set &onClick:args
[ $self $onButtonIncrementClick. ]. btmRandom set &x:7 &y:65. btmRandom set &width:140 &height:25. btmRandom set &caption:"Random". btmRandom set &onClick:args
[ $self $onButtonRandomClick. ]. ] #method $onButtonIncrementClick [ #var number := txtNumber value toInt. number := number + 1. $self $changeTextBoxValue:number. ] #method $onButtonRandomClick [ (messageDialog open &caption:"Inf" &question:"Really reset to random value?")? [ $self $changeTextBoxValue:(randomGenerator eval:99999999). ]. ] #method $changeTextBoxValue : number [ txtNumber set &caption:(number literal). ] #method => form.
<lang fantom> using fwt using gfx
class GuiComponent {
public static Void main () { Window { title = "Rosetta Code: Gui component" size = Size(350, 200) textField := Text { onModify.add |Event e| { Text thisText := e.widget if (thisText.text != "") // if nonempty string { try (thisText.text.toInt) // try converting to int catch thisText.text = "" // clear field if does not work } } } GridPane { numCols = 1 textField, Button { text = "increment" onAction.add |Event e| { // make sure there is a number to increment, else set field to 0 if (textField.text == "") { textField.text = "0" } else { try { Int x := textField.text.toInt textField.text = (x+1).toStr } catch { textField.text = "0" } } } }, Button { text = "random" onAction.add |Event e| { if (Dialog.openQuestion(e.window, "Make number random?", null, Dialog.yesNo) == Dialog.yes) { textField.text = Int.random(1..10000).toStr } } }, }, }.open }
} </lang>
<lang Haskell>import Graphics.UI.WX import System.Random
main :: IO () main = start $ do
frm <- frame [text := "Interact"] fld <- textEntry frm [text := "0", on keyboard := checkKeys] inc <- button frm [text := "increment", on command := increment fld] ran <- button frm [text := "random", on command := (randReplace fld frm)] set frm [layout := margin 5 $ floatCentre $ column 2 [centre $ widget fld, row 2 [widget inc, widget ran]]]
increment :: Textual w => w -> IO () increment field = do
val <- get field text when ((not . null) val) $ set field [text := show $ 1 + read val]
checkKeys :: EventKey -> IO () checkKeys (EventKey key _ _) =
when (elem (show key) $ "Backspace" : map show [0..9]) propagateEvent
randReplace :: Textual w => w -> Window a -> IO () randReplace field frame = do
answer <- confirmDialog frame "Random" "Generate a random number?" True when answer $ getStdRandom (randomR (1,100)) >>= \num -> set field [text := show (num :: Int)]</lang>
Icon and Unicon
This example uses the Unicon gui library, and so will not work in Icon.
<lang Unicon> import gui $include "guih.icn"
- Provides a basic message dialog
class MessageDialog : Dialog (message)
method component_setup () label := Label ("label="||message, "pos=20,20") add (label) button := TextButton("label=OK", "pos=100,60") button.connect (self, "dispose", ACTION_EVENT) add (button)
connect (self, "dispose", CLOSE_BUTTON_EVENT) attrib ("size=200,100", "bg=light gray") end
initially (message) self.Dialog.initially() self.message := message
- Provides a basic yes/no question dialog
class QuestionDialog : Dialog (answer, message)
method answered_yes () return answer == "yes" end
method answer_yes () answer := "yes" dispose () end
method answer_no () answer := "no" dispose () end
method component_setup () label := Label ("label="||message, "pos=20,20") add (label) buttonYes := TextButton("label=Yes", "pos=40,60") buttonYes.connect (self, "answer_yes", ACTION_EVENT) add (buttonYes) buttonNo := TextButton("label=No", "pos=120,60") buttonNo.connect (self, "answer_no", ACTION_EVENT) add (buttonNo)
connect (self, "dispose", CLOSE_BUTTON_EVENT) attrib ("size=200,100", "bg=light gray") end
initially (message) self.Dialog.initially() self.answer := "no" self.message := message
- The main window, displays the different components
class WindowApp : Dialog (field, value)
method increment () value +:= 1 field.set_contents (string(value)) end
method random () query := QuestionDialog ("Set to random?") query.show_modal () if query.answered_yes () then { value := ?100 field.set_contents (string(value)) } end
method handle_text_field () if not(integer(field.get_contents ())) then { warning := MessageDialog ("Not a number") warning.show_modal () field.set_contents (string(value)) } else { value := integer(field.get_contents ()) } end
method component_setup () value := 0 field := TextField("contents="||value, "pos=20,20", "size=150") field.connect (self, "handle_text_field", TEXTFIELD_CHANGED_EVENT) add (field) button1 := TextButton("label=Increment", "pos=20,60", "size=70") button1.connect (self, "increment", ACTION_EVENT) add (button1) button2 := TextButton("label=Random", "pos=100,60", "size=70") button2.connect (self, "random", ACTION_EVENT) add (button2)
connect (self, "dispose", CLOSE_BUTTON_EVENT) attrib ("size=200,100", "bg=light gray") end
- create and show the window
procedure main ()
w := WindowApp () w.show_modal ()
end </lang>
<lang j>INTERACT=: noun define pc interact; cc Value edit center; cc increment button;cn "Increment"; cc random button;cn "Random"; pas 6 6;pcenter; )
interact_run=: verb define
wd INTERACT wd 'set Value text 0;' wd 'pshow;'
interact_cancel=: interact_close=: verb define
interact_Value_button=: verb define
wd 'set Value text ' , ": {. 0 ". Value
interact_increment_button=: verb define
wd 'set Value text ' , ": 1 + {. 0 ". Value
interact_random_button=: verb define
if. 2 = 2 3 wdquery 'Confirm';'Reset to random number?' do. wd 'set Value text ' , ": ?100 end.
<lang j>INTERACT=: 0 : 0 pc interact closeok; xywh 6 6 48 12;cc Value edit; xywh 6 18 48 12;cc increment button;cn "+"; xywh 6 30 48 12;cc random button;cn "?"; pas 6 6;pcenter; rem form end; )
interact_run=: 3 : 0
wd INTERACT wd 'set Value 0;' wd 'pshow;'
interact_close=: 3 : 0
interact_Value_button=: 3 : 0
wd 'set Value ' , ": {. 0 ". Value
interact_increment_button=: 3 : 0
wd 'set Value ' , ": 1 + {. 0 ". Value
interact_random_button=: 3 : 0
if. 0 = 2 wdquery 'Confirm';'Reset to random number?' do. wd 'set Value ' , ": ?100 end.
Note: I used an edit box for the value, and edit boxes do not get onChange events, so rejection of non-numeric values will be delayed until the use of a button (or pressing enter).
Example use:
<lang j>interact_run</lang>
There are nice GUI editors in some IDEs (Netbeans has a notoriously good one), but this GUI was not built automatically, so it's a little easier to understand. <lang java>import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField;
public class Interact extends JFrame{ final JTextField numberField; final JButton incButton, randButton;
public Interact(){ //stop the GUI threads when the user hits the X button setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
numberField = new JTextField(); incButton = new JButton("Increment"); randButton = new JButton("Random");
numberField.setText("0");//start at 0
//listen for button presses in the text field numberField.addKeyListener(new KeyListener(){ @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { //if the entered character is not a digit if(!Character.isDigit(e.getKeyChar())){ //eat the event (i.e. stop it from being processed) e.consume(); } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){} @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){} });
//listen for button clicks on the increment button incButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String text = numberField.getText(); if(text.isEmpty()){ numberField.setText("1"); }else{ numberField.setText((Long.valueOf(text) + 1) + ""); } } });
//listen for button clicks on the random button randButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //show a dialog and if they answer "Yes" if(JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Are you sure?") == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){ //set the text field text to a random positive long numberField.setText(Long.toString((long)(Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE))); } } });
//arrange the components in a grid with 2 rows and 1 column setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
//a secondary panel for arranging both buttons in one grid space in the window JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
//the buttons are in a grid with 1 row and 2 columns buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); //add the buttons buttonPanel.add(incButton); buttonPanel.add(randButton);
//put the number field on top of the buttons add(numberField); add(buttonPanel); //size the window appropriately pack();
public static void main(String[] args){ new Interact().setVisible(true); } }</lang>
<lang java5>import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
public interface FunctionalKeyListener extends KeyListener {
@Override public default void keyPressed(KeyEvent event) {} @Override public default void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) {} @Override public default void keyReleased(KeyEvent event) {}
@FunctionalInterface public static interface Pressed extends FunctionalKeyListener { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent event); }
@FunctionalInterface public static interface Typed extends FunctionalKeyListener { @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event); }
@FunctionalInterface public static interface Released extends FunctionalKeyListener { @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent event); }
}</lang> <lang java5>import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField;
public interface Interact {
public static final JFrame FRAME = new JFrame(); public static final JTextField FIELD = new JTextField(); public static final JPanel PANEL = new JPanel(); public static void setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame frame) { frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }
public static void setText(JTextField field) { field.setText("0"); }
public static void setEditable(JTextField field) { field.setEditable(false); }
public static boolean isDigitKeyChar(KeyEvent event) { return !Character.isDigit(event.getKeyChar()); }
public static void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) { Stream.of(event) .parallel() .filter(Interact::isDigitKeyChar) .forEach(KeyEvent::consume) ; }
public static void addKeyListener(JTextField field) { field.addKeyListener((FunctionalKeyListener.Typed) Interact::keyTyped); }
public static String mapText(String text) { return text.isEmpty() ? "1" : String.valueOf(Long.valueOf(text) + 1) ; }
public static void actionPerformedOnIncrementButton(ActionEvent event) { Stream.of(FIELD) .parallel() .map(JTextField::getText) .map(Interact::mapText) .forEach(FIELD::setText) ; }
public static void addActionListenerToIncrementButton(JButton button) { button.addActionListener(Interact::actionPerformedOnIncrementButton); }
public static void addIncrementButton(JPanel panel) { Stream.of("Increment") .parallel() .map(JButton::new) .peek(Interact::addActionListenerToIncrementButton) .forEach(panel::add) ; }
public static int showConfirmDialog(String question) { return JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, question); }
public static void setFieldText(int integer) { FIELD.setText( String.valueOf( (long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE)) ) ; }
public static void actionPerformedOnRandomButton(ActionEvent event) { Stream.of("Are you sure?") .parallel() .map(Interact::showConfirmDialog) .filter(Predicate.isEqual(JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)) .forEach(Interact::setFieldText) ; }
public static void addActionListenerToRandomButton(JButton button) { button.addActionListener(Interact::actionPerformedOnRandomButton); }
public static void addRandomButton(JPanel panel) { Stream.of("Random") .parallel() .map(JButton::new) .peek(Interact::addActionListenerToRandomButton) .forEach(panel::add) ; }
public static void acceptField(Consumer<JTextField> consumer) { consumer.accept(FIELD); }
public static void prepareField(JTextField field) { Stream.<Consumer<JTextField>>of( Interact::setEditable, Interact::setText, Interact::addKeyListener ) .parallel() .forEach(Interact::acceptField) ; }
public static void addField(JFrame frame) { Stream.of(FIELD) .parallel() .peek(Interact::prepareField) .forEach(frame::add) ; }
public static void acceptPanel(Consumer<JPanel> consumer) { consumer.accept(PANEL); }
public static void processPanel(JPanel panel) { Stream.<Consumer<JPanel>>of( Interact::setLayout, Interact::addIncrementButton, Interact::addRandomButton ) .parallel() .forEach(Interact::acceptPanel) ; }
public static void addPanel(JFrame frame) { Stream.of(PANEL) .parallel() .peek(Interact::processPanel) .forEach(frame::add) ; }
public static void setLayout(JFrame frame) { frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); }
public static void setLayout(JPanel panel) { panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); }
public static void setVisible(JFrame frame) { frame.setVisible(true); }
public static void acceptFrame(Consumer<JFrame> consumer) { consumer.accept(FRAME); }
public static void processField(JFrame frame) { Stream.<Consumer<JFrame>>of( Interact::setDefaultCloseOperation, Interact::setLayout, Interact::addField, Interact::addPanel, Interact::setVisible ) .parallel() .forEach(Interact::acceptFrame) ; } public static void main(String... arguments) { Stream.of(FRAME) .parallel() .peek(Interact::processField) .forEach(JFrame::pack) ; }
<lang julia> using Tk w = Toplevel("Component Interaction Example") fr = Frame(w) pack(fr, {:expand=>true, :fill => "both"})
- The task: For a minimal "application", write a program that
- presents a form with three components to the user: A numeric input
- field ("Value") and two buttons ("increment" and "random").
value = Entry(fr, "") increment = Button(fr, "Increment") random = Button(fr, "Random")
formlayout(value, "Value:") formlayout(increment, " ") formlayout(random, " ")
set_value(value, "0") ## The field is initialized to zero.
tk_bind(increment, "command") do path ## increment its value with the "increment" button.
val = get_value(value) | float set_value(value, string(val + 1))
function validate_command(path, P)
try if length(P) > 0 parsefloat(P) end tcl("expr", "TRUE") catch e tcl("expr", "FALSE") end
end function invalid_command(path, W)
println("Invalid value") tcl(W, "delete", "@0", "end")
tk_configure(value, {:validate=>"key", :validatecommand=>validate_command, :invalidcommand=>invalid_command })
- Pressing the "random" button presents a confirmation dialog, and resets the field's value to a random value if the answer is "Yes".
tk_bind(random, "command") do path
out = Messagebox(w, "Randomize input", "Select a new random number?") if out == "ok" new_value = floor(100*rand(1))[1] set_value(value, string(new_value)) end
end </lang>
<lang kotlin>import java.awt.GridLayout import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.ActionListener import java.awt.event.KeyEvent import java.awt.event.KeyListener
import java.lang.Long // jet.Long doesn't suit our needs here import javax.swing.JButton import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JOptionPane import javax.swing.JPanel import javax.swing.JTextField
class Interact : JFrame() {
val numberField = JTextField() val incButton = JButton("Increment") val randButton = JButton("Random") val buttonPanel = JPanel();
{ setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) numberField setText "0"
numberField addKeyListener(object : KeyListener { public override fun keyTyped(e : KeyEvent) : Unit = if(!Character.isDigit(e.getKeyChar())) e.consume() public override fun keyReleased(e : KeyEvent?) {} public override fun keyPressed(e : KeyEvent) {} });
incButton addActionListener(object : ActionListener { public override fun actionPerformed(e : ActionEvent) { val num = Long.parseLong(numberField.getText() ?: "") numberField setText (num + 1).toString() } });
randButton addActionListener(object : ActionListener { fun proceedOrNot() = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(randButton, "Are you sure?") public override fun actionPerformed(e : ActionEvent) { if(proceedOrNot() == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) numberField setText Long.toString((Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE).toLong()) } });
setLayout(GridLayout(2, 1)) buttonPanel setLayout GridLayout(1, 2) buttonPanel add incButton buttonPanel add randButton add(numberField) add(buttonPanel) pack() }
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
Interact() setVisible(true)
Liberty BASIC
Input Verification
<lang lb>nomainwin
textbox #demo.val, 20, 50, 90, 24 button, "Increment", [btnIncrement], UL, 20, 90, 90, 24 button #demo.rnd, "Random", [btnRandom], UL, 20, 120, 90, 24 open "Rosetta Task: GUI component interaction" for window as #demo #demo "trapclose [quit]" validNum$ = "0123456789." #demo.val 0
close #demo
#demo.val "!contents? nVal$" nVal$ = trim$(nVal$) if left$(nVal$, 1) = "-" then neg = 1 nVal$ = mid$(nVal$, 2) else neg = 0 end if validNum = 1 nDecs = 0 for i = 1 to len(nVal$) if instr(validNum$, mid$(nVal$, i, 1)) = 0 then validNum = 0 end if if mid$(nVal$, i, 1) = "." then nDecs = nDecs + 1 end if next i if nDecs > 1 then validNum = 0 end if if neg = 1 then nVal$ = "-";nVal$ end if if validNum = 0 then notice nVal$;" does not appear to be a valid number. " + _ "(Commas are not allowed.)" else nVal = val(nVal$) nVal = nVal + 1 end if #demo.val nVal
confirm "Reset value to random number";yn$ if yn$ = "yes" then nVal = int(rnd(1) * 100) + 1 #demo.val nVal end if
Impossible to type non-numeric characters
<lang lb>nomainwin
stylebits #demo.val, _ES_NUMBER, 0, 0, 0 textbox #demo.val, 20, 50, 90, 24 button, "Increment", [btnIncrement], UL, 20, 90, 90, 24 button #demo.rnd, "Random", [btnRandom], UL, 20, 120, 90, 24 open "Rosetta Task: GUI component interaction" for window as #demo #demo "trapclose [quit]" #demo.val 0
close #demo
#demo.val "!contents? nVal" nVal = nVal + 1 #demo.val nVal
confirm "Reset value to random number";yn$ if yn$ = "yes" then nVal = int(rnd(1) * 100) + 1 #demo.val nVal end if
Mathematica / Wolfram Language
<lang>Manipulate[Null, {{value, 0}, InputField[Dynamic[value], Number] &},
Row@{Button["increment", value++], Button["random", If[DialogInput[ Column@{"Are you sure?", Row@{Button["Yes", DialogReturn[True]], Button["No", DialogReturn[False]]}}], value = RandomInteger@10000], Method -> "Queued"]}]</lang>
<lang nim>import
gtk2, gdk2, glib2, strutils, math
gtk2, gdk2, glib2, strutils, math
var valu: int = 0 var chngd_txt_hndler: gulong = 0
proc thisDestroy(widget: PWidget, data: Pgpointer) {.cdecl.} =
randomize() nim_init() var win = window_new(gtk2.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) var content = vbox_new(true,10) var hbox1 = hbox_new(true,10) var hbox2 = hbox_new(false,1) var lbl = label_new("Value:") var entry_fld = entry_new() entry_fld.set_text("0") var btn_quit = button_new("Quit") var btn_inc = button_new("Increment") var btn_rnd = button_new("Random") add(hbox2,lbl) add(hbox2,entry_fld) add(hbox1,btn_inc) add(hbox1,btn_rnd) pack_start(content, hbox2, true, true, 0) pack_start(content, hbox1, true, true, 0) pack_start(content, btn_quit, true, true, 0) set_border_width(win, 5) add(win, content)
proc on_question_clicked: bool =
var dialog = win.message_dialog_new(0, MESSAGE_QUESTION, BUTTONS_YES_NO, "Use a Random number?") var response = if response == RESPONSE_YES: result = true elif response == RESPONSE_NO: result = false dialog.destroy()
proc thisInc(widget: PWidget, data: Pgpointer){.cdecl.} =
inc(valu) entry_fld.set_text($valu)
proc thisRnd(widget: PWidget, data: Pgpointer){.cdecl.} =
if on_question_clicked(): valu = random(20) entry_fld.set_text($valu)
proc thisTextChanged(widget: PWidget, data: Pgpointer) {.cdecl.} =
#signal_handler_block(entry_fld, chngd_txt_hndler) try: valu = parseInt($entry_fld.get_text()) except EInvalidValue: valu = 0 entry_fld.set_text($valu) #signal_handler_unblock(entry_fld, chngd_txt_hndler) #signal_emit_stop(entry_fld, signal_lookup("changed",TYPE_EDITABLE()),0)
discard signal_connect(win, "destroy", SIGNAL_FUNC(thisDestroy), nil) discard signal_connect(btn_quit, "clicked", SIGNAL_FUNC(thisDestroy), nil) discard signal_connect(btn_inc, "clicked", SIGNAL_FUNC(thisInc), nil) discard signal_connect(btn_rnd, "clicked", SIGNAL_FUNC(thisRnd), nil) chngd_txt_hndler = signal_connect(entry_fld, "changed", SIGNAL_FUNC(thisTextChanged), nil)
win.show_all() main()</lang>
<lang nim>import
iup, strutils, math
- assumes you have the iup .dll or .so installed
randomize() discard,nil)
var lbl = Label("Value:")
var valu = Text(nil) SetAttribute(valu, "PADDING", "2x2") SetAttribute(valu, "VALUE", "0")
proc toCB(fp: proc): ICallback =
return cast[ICallback](fp)
- Click handler for Click button
proc incClick(ih:PIhandle): cint {.cdecl.} =
var s: string = $(GetAttribute(valu,"VALUE")) var x: int = 0 try: x = 1 + parseInt(s) except: x = 1 # default to 1 if non-numeric entry setAttribute(valu,"VALUE", $x) return IUP_DEFAULT
- Click handler for Random button
proc randClick(ih:PIhandle): cint {.cdecl.} =
if Iup.Alarm("Random Value?", "Set value to a random numer < 100 ?","Yes","No",nil) == 1: setAttribute(valu,"VALUE", $random(100)) return IUP_DEFAULT
- Key handler to check for Esc pressed
proc key_cb(ih:PIhandle, c: cint):cint {.cdecl.} =
#echo c if (c == Iup.K_esc) and (Iup.Alarm("Exit?", "Had enough?","Yes","Keep going",nil) == 1): return IUP_CLOSE # Exit application return IUP_CONTINUE
var txtBox = Hbox(lbl, valu, nil)
SetAttribute(txtBox, "MARGIN", "10x10")
var incBtn = Button("&Increment", "") var randBtn = Button("&Randomize", "") var btnBox = Vbox(incBtn, randBtn, nil) SetAttribute(btnBox, "MARGIN", "5x5")
var contents = Hbox(txtBox, btnBox, nil) SetAttribute(contents, "MARGIN", "2x2")
discard setCallback(incBtn,"ACTION", toCB(incClick)) discard setCallback(randBtn,"ACTION", toCB(randClick)) discard setCallback(contents,"K_ANY", toCB(key_cb))
var dlg = Dialog(contents) discard discard mainloop() iup.close()</lang>
Using Mozart's standard GUI library, building a small desktop application: <lang oz>declare
[QTk] = { ['x-oz://system/wp/QTk.ozf']}
proc {Main} MaxValue = 1000 NumberWidget GUI = lr( numberentry(init:1 min:0 max:MaxValue handle:NumberWidget) button(text:"Increase" action:proc {$} OldVal = {NumberWidget get($)} in {NumberWidget set(OldVal+1)} end) button(text:"Random" action:proc {$} if {Ask "Reset to random?"} then Rnd = {OS.rand} * MaxValue div {OS.randLimits _} in {NumberWidget set(Rnd)} end end) ) Window = { GUI} in {Window show} end
fun {Ask Msg} Result Box = { td(message(init:Msg) lr(button(text:"Yes" action:proc {$} Result=true {Box close} end) button(text:"No" action:proc {$} Result=false {Box close} end) ))} in {Box show} {Box wait} Result end
As a web application, using the "Roads" web programming library. Connect your browser to http://localhost:8080/start after starting the program. <lang oz>declare
[Roads] = { ['x-ozlib://wmeyer/roads/Roads.ozf']}
MaxValue = 1000
fun {Start Session} {Page 0} end
fun {Page Val} html( body( %% numerical input with an HTML form local NewVal in form( {NumberInput Val NewVal} input(type:submit) method:post action:fun {$ _} {Page NewVal} end ) end %% link with button functionality a("Increase" href:fun {$ _} {Page Val+1} end) " " %% another "button-link" a("Random" href:fun {$ S} p("Reset to random? - " a("Yes" href:fun {$ _} Rnd = {OS.rand} * MaxValue div {OS.randLimits _} in {Page Rnd} end) " " a("No" href:fun {$ _} {Page Val} end) ) end) )) end
%% a "formlet", managing input of an integer value fun {NumberInput OldVal NewVal} input(type:text validate:int_in(0 MaxValue) value:{Int.toString OldVal} bind:proc {$ Str} NewVal = {String.toInt Str.escaped} end ) end
{Roads.registerFunction 'start' Start} {}</lang>
The standard PicoLisp GUI is HTTP based. Connect your browser to http://localhost:8080 after starting the following script. <lang PicoLisp>#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
(load "@ext.l" "@lib/http.l" "@lib/xhtml.l" "@lib/form.l")
(de start ()
(and (app) (zero *Number)) (action (html 0 "Increment" "@lib.css" NIL (form NIL (gui '(+Var +NumField) '*Number 20 "Value") (gui '(+JS +Button) "increment" '(inc '*Number) ) (gui '(+Button) "random" '(ask "Reset to a random value?" (setq *Number (rand)) ) ) ) ) ) )
(server 8080 "!start") (wait)</lang>
Works with SWI-Prolog and XPCE. <lang Prolog>dialog('GUI_Interaction',
[ object :=
GUI_Interaction, parts := [ GUI_Interaction := dialog('Rosetta Code'), Input_field := text_item(input_field), Increment := button(increment), Random := button(random) ], modifications := [ Input_field := [ label := 'Value :', length := 28 ] ], layout := [ area(Input_field, area(54, 24, 251, 24)), area(Increment, area(54, 90, 80, 24)), area(Random, area(230, 90, 80, 24)) ], behaviour :=
[ Increment := [ message := message(@prolog, increment, Input_field ) ], Random := [ message := message(@prolog, my_random, Input_field) ], Input_field := [ message := message(@prolog, input, GUI_Interaction, Increment, @receiver, @arg1) ] ]
gui_component :- make_dialog(S, 'GUI_Interaction'), send(S, open).
increment(Input) :-
get(Input, selection, V),
atom_number(V, Val),
Val1 is Val + 1,
send(Input, selection, Val1).
my_random(Input) :-
new(D, dialog('GUI Interaction')), send(D, append(label(lbl,'Confirm your choice !'))), send(D, append(button(ok, message(D, return, ok)))), send(D, append(button(cancel, message(D, return, ko)))), send(D, default_button(ok)), get(D, confirm, Rval), free(D), ( Rval = ok
-> X is random(10000), send(Input, selection, X) ).
input(Gui, Btn, Input, Selection) :-
catch( (term_to_atom(T, Selection), number(T), send(Gui, focus, Btn)),
( send(@display, inform, 'Please type a number !'),
<lang PureBasic>Enumeration
#StringGadget #Increment #Random
If OpenWindow(0,#PB_Ignore,#PB_Ignore,180,50,"PB-GUI",#PB_Window_SystemMenu)
StringGadget(#StringGadget,5,5,170,20,"",#PB_String_Numeric) ButtonGadget(#Increment,5,25,80,20, "Increment") ButtonGadget(#Random, 90,25,80,20, "Random") Repeat Event=WaitWindowEvent() If Event=#PB_Event_Gadget Select EventGadget() Case #Increment CurrentVal=Val(GetGadgetText(#StringGadget)) SetGadgetText(#StringGadget,Str(CurrentVal+1)) Case #Random Flag=#PB_MessageRequester_YesNo Answer=MessageRequester("Randomize","Are you sure?",Flag) If Answer=#PB_MessageRequester_Yes SetGadgetText(#StringGadget,Str(Random(#MAXLONG))) EndIf EndSelect EndIf Until Event=#PB_Event_CloseWindow CloseWindow(0)
Perl 6
<lang perl6>use GTK::Simple;
my GTK::Simple::App $app .= new(title => 'GUI component interaction');
my $box = my $value = => '0'), my $increment = => 'Increment'), my $random = => 'Random'), )
$app.size_request(400, 100); $app.border_width = 20; $box.spacing = 10;
$value.changed.tap: {
($value.text ||= '0') ~~ s:g/<-[0..9]>//;
$increment.clicked.tap: {
$value.text += 1;
$random.clicked.tap: {
# Dirty hack to work around the fact that GTK::Simple doesn't provide # access to GTK message dialogs yet :P if run «zenity --question --text "Reset to random value?"» { $value.text = (^100).pick; }
W/out class and using grid layout
<lang python> import random, tkMessageBox from Tkinter import * window = Tk() window.geometry("300x50+100+100") options = { "padx":5, "pady":5} s=StringVar() s.set(1) def increase():
def rand():
if tkMessageBox.askyesno("Confirmation", "Reset to random value ?"): s.set(random.randrange(0,5000))
def update(e):
if not e.char.isdigit(): tkMessageBox.showerror('Error', 'Invalid input !') return "break"
e = Entry(text=s) e.grid(column=0, row=0, **options) e.bind('<Key>', update) b1 = Button(text="Increase", command=increase, **options ) b1.grid(column=1, row=0, **options) b2 = Button(text="Random", command=rand, **options) b2.grid(column=2, row=0, **options) mainloop()</lang>
<lang python>import random from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.counter = 0 self.contents = StringVar() self.contents.set(str(self.counter)) self.pack(expand=True, fill='both', padx=10, pady=15) self.create_widgets()
def increment(self, *args): self.counter += 1 self.update_entry()
def random(self): if tkMessageBox.askyesno("Confirmation", "Reset to random value ?"): self.counter = random.randint(0, 5000) self.update_entry()
def entry_updated(self, event, *args): if not event.char: return 'break' if not event.char.isdigit(): tkMessageBox.showerror('Error', 'Invalid input !') return 'break' self.counter = int('%s%s' % (self.contents.get(), event.char))
def update_entry(self): self.contents.set(str(self.counter)) self.entry['textvariable'] = self.contents
def create_widgets(self): options = {'expand': True, 'fill': 'x', 'side': 'left', 'padx': 5} self.entry = Entry(self) self.entry.bind('<Key>', self.entry_updated) self.entry.pack(**options) self.update_entry() self.increment_button = Button(self, text='Increment', command=self.increment) self.increment_button.pack(**options) self.random_button = Button(self, text='Random', command=self.random) self.random_button.pack(**options)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk() try: app = Application(master=root) app.master.title("Rosetta code") app.mainloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: root.destroy()</lang>
<lang R> library(gWidgets) options(guiToolkit="RGtk2") ## using gWidgtsRGtk2
w <- gwindow("Interaction")
g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE) e <- gedit(0, cont=g, coerce.with=as.numeric) bg <- ggroup(cont=g)
inc_btn <- gbutton("increment", cont=bg) rdm_btn <- gbutton("random", cont=bg)
addHandlerChanged(e, handler=function(h,...) {
val <- svalue(e) if( galert("You need to enter a number", parent=w)
addHandlerChanged(inc_btn, handler=function(h,...) {
val <- svalue(e) if( galert("Can't increment if not a number", parent=w) else svalue(e) <- val + 1
addHandlerChanged(rdm_btn, handler=function(h,...) {
if(gconfirm("Really replace value?")) svalue(e) <- sample(1:1000, 1)
}) </lang>
<lang racket>
- lang racket/gui
(define frame (new frame% [label "Interaction Demo"]))
(define inp
(new text-field% [label "Value"] [parent frame] [init-value "0"] [callback (λ(f ev) (define v (send f get-value)) (unless (string->number v) (send f set-value (regexp-replace* #rx"[^0-9]+" v ""))))]))
(define buttons (new horizontal-pane% [parent frame])) (define inc-b
(new button% [parent buttons] [label "Increment"] [callback (λ (b e) (let* ([v (string->number (send inp get-value))] [v (number->string (add1 v))]) (send inp set-value v)))]))
(define rand-b
(new button% [parent buttons] [label "Random"] [callback (λ (b e) (when (message-box "Confirm" "Are you sure?" frame '(yes-no)) (send inp set-value (~a (random 10000)))))]))
(send frame show #t) </lang>
<lang ruby> "GUI component interaction") do
stack do textbox = edit_line textbox.change do textbox.text = textbox.text.gsub(/[^\d]/, ) and alert "Input must be a number!" if textbox.text !~ /^\d*$/ end flow do button "Increment" do textbox.text = textbox.text.to_i + 1 end button "Random" do textbox.text = rand 5000 if confirm "Do you want a random number?" end end end
<lang runbasic>dim dd$(5) ' drop down box for i = 1 to 5
dd$(i) = "Drop ";i
next i value$ = "1234" notes$ = "Rosetta Code is good"
bf$ = ""
[screen] cls
html bf$;"
Rosetta Code | |
Value: | "
textbox #val,value$,5html " |
Radio | "
radiogroup #rdo,"1,2,3,4,5",rdo$ #rdo horizontal(1)html " |
Drop Down | "
listbox #dd,dd$(),1html " |
Notes | "
textarea #notes,notes$,25,3html " |
button #inc, "Increment", [incr] button #rnd, "Random", [rand] button #ex, "Exit", [exit]html " |
[incr] value = val(#val contents$()) value$ = str$(value + 1) goto [screen]
[rand] value$ = str$(int(rnd(1) * 10000)) goto [screen]
<lang Scala>import scala.swing._ import scala.swing.Swing._ import scala.swing.event._
object Interact extends SimpleSwingApplication {
def top = new MainFrame { title = "Rosetta Code >>> Task: component interaction | Language: Scala"
val numberField = new TextField { text = "0" // start at 0 horizontalAlignment = Alignment.Right }
val incButton = new Button { text = "Increment" } val randButton = new Button { text = "Random" }
// arrange buttons in a grid with 1 row, 2 columns val buttonPanel = new GridPanel(1, 2) { contents ++= List(incButton, randButton) }
// arrange text field and button panel in a grid with 2 row, 1 column contents = new GridPanel(2, 1) { contents ++= List(numberField, buttonPanel) }
// listen for keys pressed in numberField and button clicks listenTo(numberField.keys, incButton, randButton) reactions += { case kt: KeyTyped if (!kt.char.isDigit) => // if the entered char isn't a digit … kt.consume // … eat the event (i.e. stop it from being processed) case ButtonClicked(`incButton`) => if (numberField.text.isEmpty) numberField.text = "0" // we use BigInt to avoid long overflow/number format exception numberField.text = (BigInt(numberField.text) + 1).toString case ButtonClicked(`randButton`) => import Dialog._ numberField.text = showOptions(buttonPanel, message = "Are you sure?", title = "Choose an option!", entries = List("Yes", "No", "Cancel"), initial = 2) match { case Result.Yes => (Long.MaxValue * math.random).toLong.toString case _ => numberField.text } } centerOnScreen() }
<lang smalltalk>|top input vh incButton rndButton|
vh := ValueHolder with:0.
top := StandardSystemView label:'Rosetta GUI interaction'. top extent:300@100. top add:((Label label:'Value:') origin: 0 @ 10 corner: 100 @ 40). top add:(input := EditField origin: 102 @ 10 corner: 1.0 @ 40). input model:(TypeConverter onNumberValue:vh). input acceptOnLostFocus:true; acceptOnReturn:true.
top add:((incButton := Button label:'Inc') origin: 10 @ 50 corner: 100 @ 80). top add:((rndButton := Button label:'Rnd') origin: 110 @ 50 corner: 210 @ 80).
incButton action:[ vh value: (vh value + 1) ]. rndButton action:[ vh value: Random nextInteger ].
top open</lang>
- Output:
<lang tcl>package require Tk
- --- Our data Model! ---###
- A single variable will do just fine
set field 0
- --- Lay out the GUI components in our View ---###
- We use the Ttk widget set here; it looks much better on Windows and OSX
- First, a quick hack to make things look even nicer
place [ttk::frame .bg] -relwidth 1 -relheight 1
- A labelled frame containing an entry field constrained to use numbers
pack [ttk::labelframe .val -text "Value"] pack [ttk::entry .val.ue -textvariable field \ -validate key -invalidcommand bell \ -validatecommand {string is integer %P}]
- Now, a pair of buttons
pack [ttk::button .inc -text "increment" -command step] pack [ttk::button .rnd -text "random" -command random]
- --- Now we define the behaviors, the Controller ---###
- How to respond to a click on the "increment" button
proc step {} {
global field incr field
- How to respond to a click on the "random" button
proc random {} {
global field if {[tk_messageBox -type yesno -parent . \
-message "Reset to random?"] eq "yes"} { set field [expr {int(rand() * 5000)}]
Visual Basic
In VB, windows are usually created in the IDE. The generated code is hidden from the programmer unless viewed outside of the IDE. For the sake of this task, I have included that code.
Note that there are other methods of validating the entered value. The method used is dependant on the program's requirements.
<lang vb>VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form Form1
Caption = "Form1" ClientHeight = 2265 ClientLeft = 60 ClientTop = 600 ClientWidth = 2175 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 2265 ScaleWidth = 2175 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRnd Caption = "Random" Height = 495 Left = 120 TabIndex = 2 Top = 1680 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdInc Caption = "Increment" Height = 495 Left = 120 TabIndex = 1 Top = 1080 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.TextBox txtValue Height = 495 Left = 120 TabIndex = 0 Text = "0" Top = 240 Width = 1215 End
End Attribute VB_Name = "Form1" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '-----user-written code begins here; everything above this line is hidden in the IDE----- Private Sub Form_Load()
Randomize Timer
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRnd_Click()
If MsgBox("Random?", vbYesNo) Then txtValue.Text = Int(Rnd * 11)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdInc_Click()
If Val(txtValue.Text) < 10 Then txtValue.Text = Val(txtValue.Text) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub txtValue_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii Case 8, 43, 45, 48 To 57 'backspace, +, -, or number Case Else KeyAscii = 0 End Select
End Sub</lang>
Web 68
Web 68 uses an include file to use the Xforms library. <lang web68>@1Rosetta code program. @aPROGRAM guicomponent CONTEXT VOID USE standard BEGIN @<Included declarations@> @<Modes in the outer reach@> @<Names in the outer reach@> @<Callback procedures@> @<Other routines@> @<Main logic@> END FINISH
@ This file contains all the macros for the Xforms library procedures. Only macros which are called will actually generate code.
@ Initialise the Xforms library, create the form, set the value in the input field, show the form and hand control to the Xforms library.
@<Main...@>= open(argf,"",arg channel); fl initialize(argc,argv,"GUI interact",NIL,0); main form:=create form main; fl set input(main input OF main form,float(value,10,5,2)); fl show form(main OF main form,fl place center,fl fullborder,"GUI interact"); fl do forms
@ The input value will be stored in !value!.
@<Names...@>= REF FDMAIN main form; REAL value:=0; FILE argf;
@1The form. The following section contains declarations for the form. It was output by the program 'fdtow68' using the file output by the 'fdesign' program.
@2Modes. This is the mode declaration for form !main!.
@<Modes...@>= MODE FDMAIN = STRUCT(
REF FLFORM main, REF FLOBJECT main increment, REF FLOBJECT main input, REF FLOBJECT main random);
@ This procedure creates form !main!.
@<Other...@>= PROC create form main = REF FDMAIN: BEGIN
REF FLOBJECT obj; REF FDMAIN fdui:=HEAP FDMAIN; OP(REF FDMAIN)CBPTR TOCBPTR = BIOP 99; main OF fdui:=fl bgn form(fl no box,259,126); obj:=fl add box(fl up box,0,0,259,126,""); fl set object color(obj,fl col1,fl col1); main input OF fdui:=obj:=fl add input(fl float input,78,18,160,35,"Value"); fl set object lsize(obj,fl normal size); fl set object callback(obj,main cb,1); fl set object return(obj,fl return end changed); main increment OF fdui:=obj:=fl add button(fl normal button,20,70,100,40,"Increment"); fl set object lsize(obj,fl normal size); fl set object callback(obj,main cb,2); fl set button mouse buttons(obj,BIN 7); main random OF fdui:=obj:=fl add button(fl normal button,140,70,100,40,"Random"); fl set object lsize(obj,fl normal size); fl set object callback(obj,main cb,3); fl set button mouse buttons(obj,BIN 7); fl end form; fl adjust form size(main OF fdui); fdui OF main OF fdui:=TOCBPTR fdui; fdui
END; #create form main#
@2Callback procedures. There is only one callback procedure.
@<Callback...@>= PROC main cb = (REF FLOBJECT obj,INT data)VOID: CASE data IN #input# BEGIN FILE mf; open(mf,fl get input(main input OF main form)+blank,mem channel); get(mf,value); #convert the input to binary# close(mf) END , #increment# ( value +:= 1; fl set input(main input OF main form,float(value,10,5,2)) ) , #random# ( value:=random; fl set input(main input OF main form,float(value,10,5,2)) ) ESAC; #main cb#
@2Macro calls. Here are all the Xforms macro calls in alphabetical order.
@<Include...@>= macro fl add box; macro fl add button; macro fl add input; macro fl adjust form size; macro fl bgn form; macro fl do forms; macro fl end form; macro fl get border width; macro fl get input; macro fl initialize; macro fl set border width; macro fl set button mouse buttons; macro fl set input; macro fl set object callback; macro fl set object color; macro fl set object lsize; macro fl set object return; macro fl show form;
@ The end.</lang>
- Programming Tasks
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- Web 68