Cartesian product of two or more lists: Difference between revisions

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Content deleted Content added
Line 532: Line 532:
{(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}
{(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}
{(1, 30, 500), (1, 30, 100), (2, 30, 500), (2, 30, 100), (3, 30, 500), (3, 30, 100)}
{(1, 30, 500), (1, 30, 100), (2, 30, 500), (2, 30, 100), (3, 30, 500), (3, 30, 100)}

<lang Clojure>
(ns clojure.examples.product
(:require [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

(defn cart [colls]
"Compute the cartesian product of sets represented as lists of lists"
(if (empty? colls)
(for [more (cart (rest colls))
x (first colls)]
(cons x more))))
<lang clojure>
(doseq [lst [ [[1,2],[3,4]],
[[3,4],[1,2]], [[], [1, 2]],
[[1, 2], []],
[[1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]],
[[1, 2, 3], [30,], [500, 100]],
[[1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100]]
(println lst '=>')
(pp/pprint (cart lst)))

[[1 2] [3 4]] =>'
((1 3) (2 3) (1 4) (2 4))
[[3 4] [1 2]] =>'
((3 1) (4 1) (3 2) (4 2))
[[] [1 2]] =>'
[[1 2] []] =>'
[[1776 1789] [7 12] [4 14 23] [0 1]] =>'
((1776 7 4 0)
(1789 7 4 0)
(1776 12 4 0)
(1789 12 4 0)
(1776 7 14 0)
(1789 7 14 0)
(1776 12 14 0)
(1789 12 14 0)
(1776 7 23 0)
(1789 7 23 0)
(1776 12 23 0)
(1789 12 23 0)
(1776 7 4 1)
(1789 7 4 1)
(1776 12 4 1)
(1789 12 4 1)
(1776 7 14 1)
(1789 7 14 1)
(1776 12 14 1)
(1789 12 14 1)
(1776 7 23 1)
(1789 7 23 1)
(1776 12 23 1)
(1789 12 23 1))
[[1 2 3] [30] [500 100]] =>'
((1 30 500) (2 30 500) (3 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 100) (3 30 100))
[[1 2 3] [] [500 100]] =>'

Revision as of 15:42, 15 December 2019

Cartesian product of two or more lists
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Show one or more idiomatic ways of generating the Cartesian product of two arbitrary lists in your language.

Demonstrate that your function/method correctly returns:

{1, 2} × {3, 4} = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}

and, in contrast:

{3, 4} × {1, 2} = {(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)}

Also demonstrate, using your function/method, that the product of an empty list with any other list is empty.

{1, 2} × {} = {}
{} × {1, 2} = {}

For extra credit, show or write a function returning the n-ary product of an arbitrary number of lists, each of arbitrary length. Your function might, for example, accept a single argument which is itself a list of lists, and return the n-ary product of those lists.

Use your n-ary Cartesian product function to show the following products:

{1776, 1789} × {7, 12} × {4, 14, 23} × {0, 1}
{1, 2, 3} × {30} × {500, 100}
{1, 2, 3} × {} × {500, 100}


Translation of: Go

<lang 11l>F cart_prod(a, b)

  V p = [(0, 0)] * (a.len * b.len)
  V i = 0
  L(aa) a
     L(bb) b
        p[i++] = (aa, bb)
  R p

print(cart_prod([1, 2], [3, 4])) print(cart_prod([3, 4], [1, 2])) [Int] empty_array print(cart_prod([1, 2], empty_array)) print(cart_prod(empty_array, [1, 2]))</lang>

Alternative version

<lang 11l>F cart_prod(a, b)

  R multiloop(a, b, (aa, bb) -> (aa, bb))</lang>
[(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)]
[(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)]


<lang AppleScript>-- CARTESIAN PRODUCTS ---------------------------------------------------------

-- Two lists:

-- cartProd :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] on cartProd(xs, ys)

       on |λ|(x)
               on |λ|(y)
                   x, y
               end |λ|
           end script
           concatMap(result, ys)
       end |λ|
   end script
   concatMap(result, xs)

end cartProd

-- N-ary – a function over a list of lists:

-- cartProdNary :: a -> a on cartProdNary(xss)

       on |λ|(accs, xs)
               on |λ|(x)
                       on |λ|(a)
                           {x & a}
                       end |λ|
                   end script
                   concatMap(result, accs)
               end |λ|
           end script
           concatMap(result, xs)
       end |λ|
   end script
   foldr(result, {{}}, xss)

end cartProdNary

-- TESTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- on run

   set baseExamples to unlines(map(show, ¬
       [cartProd({1, 2}, {3, 4}), ¬
           cartProd({3, 4}, {1, 2}), ¬
           cartProd({1, 2}, {}), ¬
           cartProd({}, {1, 2})]))
   set naryA to unlines(map(show, ¬
       cartProdNary([{1776, 1789}, {7, 12}, {4, 14, 23}, {0, 1}])))
   set naryB to show(cartProdNary([{1, 2, 3}, {30}, {500, 100}]))
   set naryC to show(cartProdNary([{1, 2, 3}, {}, {500, 100}]))
   intercalate(linefeed & linefeed, {baseExamples, naryA, naryB, naryC})

end run

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------

-- concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] on concatMap(f, xs)

   set lst to {}
   set lng to length of xs
   tell mReturn(f)
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set lst to (lst & |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs))
       end repeat
   end tell
   return lst

end concatMap

-- foldr :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a on foldr(f, startValue, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set v to startValue
       set lng to length of xs
       repeat with i from lng to 1 by -1
           set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return v
   end tell

end foldr

-- intercalate :: Text -> [Text] -> Text on intercalate(strText, lstText)

   set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strText}
   set strJoined to lstText as text
   set my text item delimiters to dlm
   return strJoined

end intercalate

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] on map(f, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set lng to length of xs
       set lst to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return lst
   end tell

end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper -- mReturn :: Handler -> Script on mReturn(f)

   if class of f is script then
           property |λ| : f
       end script
   end if

end mReturn

-- show :: a -> String on show(e)

   set c to class of e
   if c = list then
       script serialized
           on |λ|(v)
           end |λ|
       end script
       "[" & intercalate(", ", map(serialized, e)) & "]"
   else if c = record then
       script showField
           on |λ|(kv)
               set {k, ev} to kv
               "\"" & k & "\":" & show(ev)
           end |λ|
       end script
       "{" & intercalate(", ", ¬
           map(showField, zip(allKeys(e), allValues(e)))) & "}"
   else if c = date then
       "\"" & iso8601Z(e) & "\""
   else if c = text then
       "\"" & e & "\""
   else if (c = integer or c = real) then
       e as text
   else if c = class then
           e as text
       on error
           ("«" & c as text) & "»"
       end try
   end if

end show

-- unlines :: [String] -> String on unlines(xs)

   intercalate(linefeed, xs)

end unlines</lang>

[[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
[[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]

[1776, 7, 4, 0]
[1776, 7, 4, 1]
[1776, 7, 14, 0]
[1776, 7, 14, 1]
[1776, 7, 23, 0]
[1776, 7, 23, 1]
[1776, 12, 4, 0]
[1776, 12, 4, 1]
[1776, 12, 14, 0]
[1776, 12, 14, 1]
[1776, 12, 23, 0]
[1776, 12, 23, 1]
[1789, 7, 4, 0]
[1789, 7, 4, 1]
[1789, 7, 14, 0]
[1789, 7, 14, 1]
[1789, 7, 23, 0]
[1789, 7, 23, 1]
[1789, 12, 4, 0]
[1789, 12, 4, 1]
[1789, 12, 14, 0]
[1789, 12, 14, 1]
[1789, 12, 23, 0]
[1789, 12, 23, 1]

[[1, 30, 500], [1, 30, 100], [2, 30, 500], [2, 30, 100], [3, 30, 500], [3, 30, 100]]



Recursive implementation for computing the Cartesian product of lists. In the pursuit of making it as interactive as possible, the parsing function ended up taking the most space. The product set expression must be supplied enclosed by double quotes. Prints out usage on incorrect invocation. <lang C>

  1. include<string.h>
  2. include<stdlib.h>
  3. include<stdio.h>

void cartesianProduct(int** sets, int* setLengths, int* currentSet, int numSets, int times){ int i,j;

if(times==numSets){ printf("("); for(i=0;i<times;i++){ printf("%d,",currentSet[i]); } printf("\b),"); } else{ for(j=0;j<setLengths[times];j++){ currentSet[times] = sets[times][j]; cartesianProduct(sets,setLengths,currentSet,numSets,times+1); } } }

void printSets(int** sets, int* setLengths, int numSets){ int i,j;

printf("\nNumber of sets : %d",numSets);

for(i=0;i<numSets+1;i++){ printf("\nSet %d : ",i+1); for(j=0;j<setLengths[i];j++){ printf(" %d ",sets[i][j]); } } }

void processInputString(char* str){ int **sets, *currentSet, *setLengths, setLength, numSets = 0, i,j,k,l,start,counter=0; char *token,*holder,*holderToken;

for(i=0;str[i]!=00;i++) if(str[i]=='x') numSets++;

if(numSets==0){ printf("\n%s",str); return; }

currentSet = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int),numSets + 1);

setLengths = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int),numSets + 1);

sets = (int**)malloc((numSets + 1)*sizeof(int*));

token = strtok(str,"x");

while(token!=NULL){ holder = (char*)malloc(strlen(token)*sizeof(char));

j = 0;

for(i=0;token[i]!=00;i++){ if(token[i]>='0' && token[i]<='9') holder[j++] = token[i]; else if(token[i]==',') holder[j++] = ' '; } holder[j] = 00;

setLength = 0;

for(i=0;holder[i]!=00;i++) if(holder[i]==' ') setLength++;

if(setLength==0 && strlen(holder)==0){ printf("\n{}"); return; }

setLengths[counter] = setLength+1;

sets[counter] = (int*)malloc((1+setLength)*sizeof(int));

k = 0;

start = 0;

for(l=0;holder[l]!=00;l++){ if(holder[l+1]==' '||holder[l+1]==00){ holderToken = (char*)malloc((l+1-start)*sizeof(char)); strncpy(holderToken,holder + start,l+1-start); sets[counter][k++] = atoi(holderToken); start = l+2; } }

counter++; token = strtok(NULL,"x"); }

printf("\n{"); cartesianProduct(sets,setLengths,currentSet,numSets + 1,0); printf("\b}");


int main(int argC,char* argV[]) { if(argC!=2) printf("Usage : %s <Set product expression enclosed in double quotes>",argV[0]); else processInputString(argV[1]);

return 0; } </lang> Invocation and output :

C:\My Projects\threeJS>cartesianProduct.exe "{1,2} x {3,4}"

C:\My Projects\threeJS>cartesianProduct.exe "{3,4} x {1,2}"

C:\My Projects\threeJS>cartesianProduct.exe "{1,2} x {}"

C:\My Projects\threeJS>cartesianProduct.exe "{} x {1,2}"

C:\My Projects\threeJS>cartesianProduct.exe "{1776, 1789} x {7, 12} x {4, 14, 23} x {0, 1}"

C:\My Projects\threeJS>cartesianProduct.exe "{1, 2, 3} x {30} x {500, 100}"

C:\My Projects\threeJS>cartesianProduct.exe "{1, 2, 3} x {} x {500, 100}"



<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <algorithm>

void print(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& v) {

 std::cout << "{ ";
 for (const auto& p : v) {
   std::cout << "(";
   for (const auto& e : p) {
     std::cout << e << " ";
   std::cout << ") ";
 std::cout << "}" << std::endl;


auto product(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& lists) {

 std::vector<std::vector<int>> result;
 if (std::find_if(std::begin(lists), std::end(lists), 
   [](auto e) -> bool { return e.size() == 0; }) != std::end(lists)) {
   return result;
 for (auto& e : lists[0]) {
   result.push_back({ e });
 for (size_t i = 1; i < lists.size(); ++i) {
   std::vector<std::vector<int>> temp;
   for (auto& e : result) {
     for (auto f : lists[i]) {
       auto e_tmp = e;
   result = temp;
 return result;


int main() {

 std::vector<std::vector<int>> prods[] = {
   { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } },
   { { 3, 4 }, { 1, 2} },
   { { 1, 2 }, { } },
   { { }, { 1, 2 } },
   { { 1776, 1789 }, { 7, 12 }, { 4, 14, 23 }, { 0, 1 } },
   { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 30 }, { 500, 100 } },
   { { 1, 2, 3 }, { }, { 500, 100 } }
 for (const auto& p : prods) {
 return 0;


{ (1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4) }
{ (3 1) (3 2) (4 1) (4 2) }
{ }
{ }
{ (1776 7 4 0) (1776 7 4 1) (1776 7 14 0) (1776 7 14 1) (1776 7 23 0) (1776 7 23 1) (1776 12 4 0) (1776 12 4 1) (1776 12 14 0) (1776 12 14 1) (1776 12 23 0) (1776 12 23 1) (1789 7 4 0) (1789 7 4 1) (1789 7 14 0) (1789 7 14 1) (1789 7 23 0) (1789 7 23 1) (1789 12 4 0) (1789 12 4 1) (1789 12 14 0) (1789 12 14 1) (1789 12 23 0) (1789 12 23 1) }
{ (1 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 500) (2 30 100) (3 30 500) (3 30 100) }
{ }


<lang csharp>using System; public class Program {

   public static void Main()
       int[] empty = new int[0];
       int[] list1 = { 1, 2 };
       int[] list2 = { 3, 4 };
       int[] list3 = { 1776, 1789 };
       int[] list4 = { 7, 12 };
       int[] list5 = { 4, 14, 23 };
       int[] list6 = { 0, 1 };
       int[] list7 = { 1, 2, 3 };
       int[] list8 = { 30 };
       int[] list9 = { 500, 100 };
       foreach (var sequenceList in new [] {
           new [] { list1, list2 },
           new [] { list2, list1 },
           new [] { list1, empty },
           new [] { empty, list1 },
           new [] { list3, list4, list5, list6 },
           new [] { list7, list8, list9 },
           new [] { list7, empty, list9 }
       }) {
           var cart = sequenceList.CartesianProduct()
               .Select(tuple => $"({string.Join(", ", tuple)})");
           Console.WriteLine($"{{{string.Join(", ", cart)}}}");


public static class Extensions {

   public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> CartesianProduct<T>(this IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> sequences) {
       IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> emptyProduct = new[] { Enumerable.Empty<T>() };
       return sequences.Aggregate(
           (accumulator, sequence) =>
           from acc in accumulator
           from item in sequence
           select acc.Concat(new [] { item }));


{(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}
{(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)}
{(1776, 7, 4, 0), (1776, 7, 4, 1), (1776, 7, 14, 0), (1776, 7, 14, 1), (1776, 7, 23, 0), (1776, 7, 23, 1), (1776, 12, 4, 0), (1776, 12, 4, 1), (1776, 12, 14, 0), (1776, 12, 14, 1), (1776, 12, 23, 0), (1776, 12, 23, 1), (1789, 7, 4, 0), (1789, 7, 4, 1), (1789, 7, 14, 0), (1789, 7, 14, 1), (1789, 7, 23, 0), (1789, 7, 23, 1), (1789, 12, 4, 0), (1789, 12, 4, 1), (1789, 12, 14, 0), (1789, 12, 14, 1), (1789, 12, 23, 0), (1789, 12, 23, 1)}
{(1, 30, 500), (1, 30, 100), (2, 30, 500), (2, 30, 100), (3, 30, 500), (3, 30, 100)}

If the number of lists is known, LINQ provides an easier solution: <lang csharp>public static void Main() {

   var cart1 =
       from a in list1
       from b in list2
       select (a, b); // C# 7.0 tuple
   Console.WriteLine($"{{{string.Join(", ", cart1)}}}");
   var cart2 =
       from a in list7
       from b in list8
       from c in list9
       select (a, b, c);
   Console.WriteLine($"{{{string.Join(", ", cart2)}}}");


{(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}
{(1, 30, 500), (1, 30, 100), (2, 30, 500), (2, 30, 100), (3, 30, 500), (3, 30, 100)}


<lang Clojure>

(ns clojure.examples.product

(:gen-class) (:require [clojure.pprint :as pp]))

(defn cart [colls]

 "Compute the cartesian product of sets represented as lists of lists"
 (if (empty? colls)
   (for [more (cart (rest colls))
         x (first colls)]
     (cons x more))))

</lang> Output <lang clojure> (doseq [lst [ [[1,2],[3,4]],

               [[3,4],[1,2]], [[], [1, 2]], 
               [[1, 2], []],
               [[1776, 1789],  [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]],
               [[1, 2, 3], [30,], [500, 100]],
               [[1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100]]
   (println lst '=>')
   (pp/pprint (cart lst)))


[[1 2] [3 4]] =>'
((1 3) (2 3) (1 4) (2 4))
[[3 4] [1 2]] =>'
((3 1) (4 1) (3 2) (4 2))
[[] [1 2]] =>'
[[1 2] []] =>'
[[1776 1789] [7 12] [4 14 23] [0 1]] =>'
((1776 7 4 0)
 (1789 7 4 0)
 (1776 12 4 0)
 (1789 12 4 0)
 (1776 7 14 0)
 (1789 7 14 0)
 (1776 12 14 0)
 (1789 12 14 0)
 (1776 7 23 0)
 (1789 7 23 0)
 (1776 12 23 0)
 (1789 12 23 0)
 (1776 7 4 1)
 (1789 7 4 1)
 (1776 12 4 1)
 (1789 12 4 1)
 (1776 7 14 1)
 (1789 7 14 1)
 (1776 12 14 1)
 (1789 12 14 1)
 (1776 7 23 1)
 (1789 7 23 1)
 (1776 12 23 1)
 (1789 12 23 1))
[[1 2 3] [30] [500 100]] =>'
((1 30 500) (2 30 500) (3 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 100) (3 30 100))
[[1 2 3] [] [500 100]] =>'

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun cartesian-product (s1 s2)

 "Compute the cartesian product of two sets represented as lists"
 (loop for x in s1

nconc (loop for y in s2 collect (list x y)))) </lang>


<lang lisp> CL-USER> (cartesian-product '(1 2) '(3 4)) ((1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4)) CL-USER> (cartesian-product '(3 4) '(1 2)) ((3 1) (3 2) (4 1) (4 2)) CL-USER> (cartesian-product '(1 2) '()) NIL CL-USER> (cartesian-product '() '(1 2)) NIL </lang>

Extra credit:

<lang lisp>(defun n-cartesian-product (l)

 "Compute the n-cartesian product of a list of sets (each of them represented as list).
    If there are no sets, then produce an empty set of tuples;
    otherwise, for all the elements x of the first set, concatenate the sets obtained by
    inserting x at the beginning of each tuple of the n-cartesian product of the remaining sets."
 (if (null l)
     (list nil)
     (loop for x in (car l)
           nconc (loop for y in (n-cartesian-product (cdr l))  
                       collect (cons x y)))))</lang>


<lang lisp>CL-USER> (n-cartesian-product '((1776 1789) (7 12) (4 14 23) (0 1))) ((1776 7 4 0) (1776 7 4 1) (1776 7 14 0) (1776 7 14 1) (1776 7 23 0) (1776 7 23 1) (1776 12 4 0) (1776 12 4 1) (1776 12 14 0) (1776 12 14 1) (1776 12 23 0) (1776 12 23 1) (1789 7 4 0) (1789 7 4 1) (1789 7 14 0) (1789 7 14 1) (1789 7 23 0) (1789 7 23 1) (1789 12 4 0) (1789 12 4 1) (1789 12 14 0) (1789 12 14 1) (1789 12 23 0) (1789 12 23 1)) CL-USER> (n-cartesian-product '((1 2 3) (30) (500 100))) ((1 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 500) (2 30 100) (3 30 500) (3 30 100)) CL-USER> (n-cartesian-product '((1 2 3) () (500 100))) NIL </lang>


<lang D>import std.stdio;

void main() {

   auto a = listProduct([1,2], [3,4]);
   auto b = listProduct([3,4], [1,2]);
   auto c = listProduct([1,2], []);
   auto d = listProduct([], [1,2]);


auto listProduct(T)(T[] ta, T[] tb) {

   struct Result {
       int i, j;
       bool empty() {
           return i>=ta.length
               || j>=tb.length;
       T[] front() {
           return [ta[i], tb[j]];
       void popFront() {
           if (++j>=tb.length) {
   return Result();


[[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
[[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]


The Task

<lang fsharp> //Nigel Galloway February 12th., 2018 let cP2 n g = (fun (n,g)->[n;g]) (List.allPairs n g) </lang>

cP2 [1;2] [3;4] -> [[1; 3]; [1; 4]; [2; 3]; [2; 4]]
cP2 [3;4] [1;2] -> [[3; 1]; [3; 2]; [4; 1]; [4; 2]]
cP2 [1;2] []    -> []
cP2 [] [1;2]    -> []

Extra Credit

<lang fsharp> //Nigel Galloway August 14th., 2018 let cP ng=Seq.foldBack(fun n g->[for n' in n do for g' in g do yield n'::g']) ng [[]] </lang>

cP [[1;2];[3;4]] -> [[1; 3]; [1; 4]; [2; 3]; [2; 4]]
cP [[3;4];[1;2]] -> [[3; 1]; [3; 2]; [4; 1]; [4; 2]]
cP [[3;4];[]] ->[]
cP [[];[1;2]] ->[]
cP [[1776;1789];[7;12];[4;14;23];[0;1]] -> [[1776; 7; 4; 0]; [1776; 7; 4; 1]; [1776; 7; 14; 0]; [1776; 7; 14; 1];
                                            [1776; 7; 23; 0]; [1776; 7; 23; 1]; [1776; 12; 4; 0]; [1776; 12; 4; 1];
                                            [1776; 12; 14; 0]; [1776; 12; 14; 1]; [1776; 12; 23; 0]; [1776; 12; 23; 1];
                                            [1789; 7; 4; 0]; [1789; 7; 4; 1]; [1789; 7; 14; 0]; [1789; 7; 14; 1];
                                            [1789; 7; 23; 0]; [1789; 7; 23; 1]; [1789; 12; 4; 0]; [1789; 12; 4; 1];                                                                                                        
                                            [1789; 12; 14; 0]; [1789; 12; 14; 1]; [1789; 12; 23; 0]; [1789; 12; 23; 1]]
cP [[1;2;3];[30];[500;100]] -> [[1; 30; 500]; [1; 30; 100]; [2; 30; 500]; [2; 30; 100]; [3; 30; 500]; [3; 30; 100]]
cP [[1;2;3];[];[500;100]] -> []


<lang Factor>IN: scratchpad { 1 2 } { 3 4 } cartesian-product . { { { 1 3 } { 1 4 } } { { 2 3 } { 2 4 } } } IN: scratchpad { 3 4 } { 1 2 } cartesian-product . { { { 3 1 } { 3 2 } } { { 4 1 } { 4 2 } } } IN: scratchpad { 1 2 } { } cartesian-product . { { } { } } IN: scratchpad { } { 1 2 } cartesian-product . { }</lang>


In this page you can see the solution of this task.

Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text (more info). Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for transportation effects more than visualization and edition.

The option to show Fōrmulæ programs and their results is showing images. Unfortunately images cannot be uploaded in Rosetta Code.


Basic Task <lang go>package main

import "fmt"

type pair [2]int

func cart2(a, b []int) []pair {

   p := make([]pair, len(a)*len(b))
   i := 0
   for _, a := range a {
       for _, b := range b {
           p[i] = pair{a, b}
   return p


func main() {

   fmt.Println(cart2([]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}))
   fmt.Println(cart2([]int{3, 4}, []int{1, 2}))
   fmt.Println(cart2([]int{1, 2}, nil))
   fmt.Println(cart2(nil, []int{1, 2}))


[[1 3] [1 4] [2 3] [2 4]]
[[3 1] [3 2] [4 1] [4 2]]

Extra credit 1

This solution minimizes allocations and computes and fills the result sequentially. <lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func cartN(a ...[]int) [][]int {

   c := 1
   for _, a := range a {
       c *= len(a)
   if c == 0 {
       return nil
   p := make([][]int, c)
   b := make([]int, c*len(a))
   n := make([]int, len(a))
   s := 0
   for i := range p {
       e := s + len(a)
       pi := b[s:e]
       p[i] = pi
       s = e
       for j, n := range n {
           pi[j] = a[j][n]
       for j := len(n) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
           if n[j] < len(a[j]) {
           n[j] = 0
   return p


func main() {

   fmt.Println(cartN([]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}))
   fmt.Println(cartN([]int{3, 4}, []int{1, 2}))
   fmt.Println(cartN([]int{1, 2}, nil))
   fmt.Println(cartN(nil, []int{1, 2}))
   for _, p := range cartN(
       []int{1776, 1789},
       []int{7, 12},
       []int{4, 14, 23},
       []int{0, 1},
   ) {
       fmt.Println(" ", p)
   fmt.Println(cartN([]int{1, 2, 3}, []int{30}, []int{500, 100}))
   fmt.Println(cartN([]int{1, 2, 3}, []int{}, []int{500, 100}))


[[1 3] [1 4] [2 3] [2 4]]
[[3 1] [3 2] [4 1] [4 2]]

  [1776 7 4 0]
  [1776 7 4 1]
  [1776 7 14 0]
  [1776 7 14 1]
  [1776 7 23 0]
  [1776 7 23 1]
  [1776 12 4 0]
  [1776 12 4 1]
  [1776 12 14 0]
  [1776 12 14 1]
  [1776 12 23 0]
  [1776 12 23 1]
  [1789 7 4 0]
  [1789 7 4 1]
  [1789 7 14 0]
  [1789 7 14 1]
  [1789 7 23 0]
  [1789 7 23 1]
  [1789 12 4 0]
  [1789 12 4 1]
  [1789 12 14 0]
  [1789 12 14 1]
  [1789 12 23 0]
  [1789 12 23 1]
[[1 30 500] [1 30 100] [2 30 500] [2 30 100] [3 30 500] [3 30 100]]


Extra credit 2

Code here is more compact, but with the cost of more garbage produced. It produces the same result as cartN above. <lang go>func cartN(a ...[]int) (c [][]int) {

   if len(a) == 0 {
       return [][]int{nil}
   r := cartN(a[1:]...)
   for _, e := range a[0] {
       for _, p := range r {
           c = append(c, append([]int{e}, p...))

}</lang> Extra credit 3

This is a compact recursive version like Extra credit 2 but the result list is ordered differently. This is still a correct result if you consider a cartesian product to be a set, which is an unordered collection. Note that the set elements are still ordered lists. A cartesian product is an unordered collection of ordered collections. It draws attention though to the gloss of using list representations as sets. Any of the functions here will accept duplicate elements in the input lists, and then produce duplicate elements in the result. <lang go>func cartN(a ...[]int) (c [][]int) {

   if len(a) == 0 {
       return [][]int{nil}
   last := len(a) - 1
   l := cartN(a[:last]...)
   for _, e := range a[last] {
       for _, p := range l {
           c = append(c, append(p, e))



The following CartesianCategory class allows for modification of regular Iterable interface behavior, overloading Iterable's multiply (*) operator to perform a Cartesian Product when the second operand is also an Iterable. <lang groovy>class CartesianCategory {

   static Iterable multiply(Iterable a, Iterable b) {
       assert [a,b].every { it != null }
       def (m,n) = [a.size(),b.size()]
       (0..<(m*n)).inject([]) { prod, i -> prod << [a[i.intdiv(n)], b[i%n]].flatten() }

}</lang> Test:
The mixin method call is necessary to make the multiply (*) operator work. <lang groovy>Iterable.metaClass.mixin CartesianCategory

println "\nCore Solution:" println "[1, 2] × [3, 4] = ${[1, 2] * [3, 4]}" println "[3, 4] × [1, 2] = ${[3, 4] * [1, 2]}" println "[1, 2] × [] = ${[1, 2] * []}" println "[] × [1, 2] = ${[] * [1, 2]}"

println "\nExtra Credit:" println "[1776, 1789] × [7, 12] × [4, 14, 23] × [0, 1] = ${[1776, 1789] * [7, 12] * [4, 14, 23] * [0, 1]}" println "[1, 2, 3] × [30] × [500, 100] = ${[1, 2, 3] * [30] * [500, 100]}" println "[1, 2, 3] × [] × [500, 100] = ${[1, 2, 3] * [] * [500, 100]}"

println "\nNon-Numeric Example:" println "[John,Paul,George,Ringo] × [Emerson,Lake,Palmer] × [Simon,Garfunkle] = [" ( ["John","Paul","George","Ringo"] * ["Emerson","Lake","Palmer"] * ["Simon","Garfunkle"] ).each { println "\t${it}," } println "]"</lang> Output:

Core Solution:
[1, 2] × [3, 4] = [[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
[3, 4] × [1, 2] = [[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]
[1, 2] × [] = []
[] × [1, 2] = []

Extra Credit:
[1776, 1789] × [7, 12] × [4, 14, 23] × [0, 1] = [[1776, 7, 4, 0], [1776, 7, 4, 1], [1776, 7, 14, 0], [1776, 7, 14, 1], [1776, 7, 23, 0], [1776, 7, 23, 1], [1776, 12, 4, 0], [1776, 12, 4, 1], [1776, 12, 14, 0], [1776, 12, 14, 1], [1776, 12, 23, 0], [1776, 12, 23, 1], [1789, 7, 4, 0], [1789, 7, 4, 1], [1789, 7, 14, 0], [1789, 7, 14, 1], [1789, 7, 23, 0], [1789, 7, 23, 1], [1789, 12, 4, 0], [1789, 12, 4, 1], [1789, 12, 14, 0], [1789, 12, 14, 1], [1789, 12, 23, 0], [1789, 12, 23, 1]]
[1, 2, 3] × [30] × [500, 100] = [[1, 30, 500], [1, 30, 100], [2, 30, 500], [2, 30, 100], [3, 30, 500], [3, 30, 100]]
[1, 2, 3] × [] × [500, 100] = []

Non-Numeric Example:
[John,Paul,George,Ringo] × [Emerson,Lake,Palmer] × [Simon,Garfunkle] = [
	[John, Emerson, Simon],
	[John, Emerson, Garfunkle],
	[John, Lake, Simon],
	[John, Lake, Garfunkle],
	[John, Palmer, Simon],
	[John, Palmer, Garfunkle],
	[Paul, Emerson, Simon],
	[Paul, Emerson, Garfunkle],
	[Paul, Lake, Simon],
	[Paul, Lake, Garfunkle],
	[Paul, Palmer, Simon],
	[Paul, Palmer, Garfunkle],
	[George, Emerson, Simon],
	[George, Emerson, Garfunkle],
	[George, Lake, Simon],
	[George, Lake, Garfunkle],
	[George, Palmer, Simon],
	[George, Palmer, Garfunkle],
	[Ringo, Emerson, Simon],
	[Ringo, Emerson, Garfunkle],
	[Ringo, Lake, Simon],
	[Ringo, Lake, Garfunkle],
	[Ringo, Palmer, Simon],
	[Ringo, Palmer, Garfunkle],


Various routes can be taken to Cartesian products in Haskell. For the product of two lists we could write: <lang Haskell>cartProd :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] cartProd xs ys =

 [ (x, y)
 | x <- xs 
 , y <- ys ]</lang>

more directly: <lang Haskell>cartProd :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] cartProd xs ys = xs >>= \x -> ys >>= \y -> [(x, y)]</lang>

applicatively: <lang Haskell>cartProd :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] cartProd xs ys = (,) <$> xs <*> ys</lang>

parsimoniously: <lang Haskell>cartProd :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] cartProd = (<*>) . fmap (,)</lang>

We might test any of these with: <lang haskell>main :: IO () main =

 mapM_ print $
 uncurry cartProd <$>
 [([1, 2], [3, 4]), ([3, 4], [1, 2]), ([1, 2], []), ([], [1, 2])]</lang>

For the n-ary Cartesian product of an arbitrary number of lists, we could apply the Prelude's standard sequence function to a list of lists, <lang haskell>cartProdN :: a -> a cartProdN = sequence

main :: IO () main = print $ cartProdN [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]</lang>


or we could define ourselves an equivalent function over a list of lists in terms of a fold, for example as: <lang haskell>cartProdN :: a -> a cartProdN = foldr (\xs as -> xs >>= (<$> as) . (:)) [[]]</lang> or, equivalently, as: <lang haskell>cartProdN :: a -> a cartProdN = foldr

   (\xs as ->
       [ x : a
       | x <- xs
       , a <- as ])

testing any of these with something like: <lang haskell>main :: IO () main = do

 mapM_ print $ 
   cartProdN [[1776, 1789], [7,12], [4, 14, 23], [0,1]]
 putStrLn ""
 print $ cartProdN [[1,2,3], [30], [500, 100]]
 putStrLn ""
 print $ cartProdN [[1,2,3], [], [500, 100]]</lang>




The J primitive catalogue { forms the Cartesian Product of two or more boxed lists. The result is a multi-dimensional array (which can be reshaped to a simple list of lists if desired). <lang j> { 1776 1789 ; 7 12 ; 4 14 23 ; 0 1 NB. result is 4 dimensional array with shape 2 2 3 2 ┌────────────┬────────────┐ │1776 7 4 0 │1776 7 4 1 │ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1776 7 14 0 │1776 7 14 1 │ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1776 7 23 0 │1776 7 23 1 │ └────────────┴────────────┘

┌────────────┬────────────┐ │1776 12 4 0 │1776 12 4 1 │ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1776 12 14 0│1776 12 14 1│ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1776 12 23 0│1776 12 23 1│ └────────────┴────────────┘

┌────────────┬────────────┐ │1789 7 4 0 │1789 7 4 1 │ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1789 7 14 0 │1789 7 14 1 │ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1789 7 23 0 │1789 7 23 1 │ └────────────┴────────────┘

┌────────────┬────────────┐ │1789 12 4 0 │1789 12 4 1 │ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1789 12 14 0│1789 12 14 1│ ├────────────┼────────────┤ │1789 12 23 0│1789 12 23 1│ └────────────┴────────────┘

  { 1 2 3 ; 30 ; 50 100    NB. result is a 2-dimensional array with shape 2 3

┌───────┬────────┐ │1 30 50│1 30 100│ ├───────┼────────┤ │2 30 50│2 30 100│ ├───────┼────────┤ │3 30 50│3 30 100│ └───────┴────────┘

  { 1 2 3 ;  ; 50 100    NB. result is an empty 3-dimensional array with shape 3 0 2



Works with: Java Virtual Machine version 1.8

<lang Java> import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Optional.of; import static;

import java.util.List;

public class CartesianProduct {

   public List<?> product(List<?>... a) {
       if (a.length >= 2) {
           List<?> product = a[0];
           for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) {
               product = product(product, a[i]);
           return product;
       return emptyList();
   private <A, B> List<?> product(List<A> a, List b) {
       return of(
               .map(e1 -> of( -> asList(e1, e2)).collect(toList())).orElse(emptyList()))

} </lang>




Cartesian products fall quite naturally out of concatMap (Array.flatMap), and its argument-flipped twin bind.

For the Cartesian product of just two lists: <lang JavaScript>(() => {

   // CARTESIAN PRODUCT OF TWO LISTS ---------------------
   // cartProd :: [a] -> [b] -> a, b
   const cartProd = xs => ys =>
       xs.flatMap(x => => [x, y]))

   // TEST -----------------------------------------------
   return [
       cartProd([1, 2])([3, 4]),
       cartProd([3, 4])([1, 2]),
       cartProd([1, 2])([]),
       cartProd([])([1, 2]),



Abstracting a little more, we can define the cartesian product quite economically in terms of a general applicative operator: <lang Javascript>(() => {

   // CARTESIAN PRODUCT OF TWO LISTS ---------------------
   // cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
   const cartesianProduct = xs =>

   // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------
   // e.g. [(*2),(/2), sqrt] <*> [1,2,3]
   // -->  ap([dbl, hlf, root], [1, 2, 3])
   // -->  [2,4,6,0.5,1,1.5,1,1.4142135623730951,1.7320508075688772]
   // Each member of a list of functions applied to each
   // of a list of arguments, deriving a list of new values.
   // ap (<*>) :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b]
   const ap = fs => xs =>
       // The sequential application of each of a list
       // of functions to each of a list of values.
           f =>
   // Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
   const Tuple = a => b => [a, b];
   // TEST -----------------------------------------------
   return [
           cartesianProduct([1, 2])([3, 4]),
           cartesianProduct([3, 4])([1, 2]),
           cartesianProduct([1, 2])([]),
           cartesianProduct([])([1, 2]),



For the n-ary Cartesian product over a list of lists: <lang JavaScript>(() => {

   const main = () => {
       // n-ary Cartesian product of a list of lists.
       // cartProdN :: a -> a
       const cartProdN = foldr(
           xs => as =>
               x => bind(xs)(
                   a => [
       // TEST -------------------------------------------
       return intercalate('\n\n')([
                   [1776, 1789],
                   [7, 12],
                   [4, 14, 23],
                   [0, 1]
               [1, 2, 3],
               [50, 100]
               [1, 2, 3],
               [50, 100]
   // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------
   // bind ::  [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
   const bind = xs => f => xs.flatMap(f);
   // foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
   const foldr = f => a => xs =>
       xs.reduceRight((a, x) => f(x)(a), a);
   // intercalate :: String -> [a] -> String
   const intercalate = s => xs => xs.join(s);
   // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
   const map = f => xs =>;
   // show :: a -> String
   const show = x => JSON.stringify(x);
   return main();






Imperative implementations of Cartesian products are inevitably less compact and direct, but we can certainly write an iterative translation of a fold over nested applications of bind or concatMap:

<lang JavaScript>(() => {

   // n-ary Cartesian product of a list of lists
   // ( Imperative implementation )
   // cartProd :: [a] -> [b] -> a, b
   const cartProd = lists => {
       let ps = [],
           acc = [
           i = lists.length;
       while (i--) {
           let subList = lists[i],
               j = subList.length;
           while (j--) {
               let x = subList[j],
                   k = acc.length;
               while (k--) ps.push([x].concat(acc[k]))
           acc = ps;
           ps = [];
       return acc.reverse();
   // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------
   // intercalate :: String -> [a] -> String
   const intercalate = (s, xs) => xs.join(s);
   // map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
   const map = (f, xs) =>;
   // show :: a -> String
   const show = x => JSON.stringify(x);
   // unlines :: [String] -> String
   const unlines = xs => xs.join('\n');
   // TEST -------------------------------------------------------------------
   return intercalate('\n\n', [show(cartProd([
           [1, 2],
           [3, 4]
           [3, 4],
           [1, 2]
           [1, 2],
           [1, 2]
       unlines(map(show, cartProd([
           [1776, 1789],
           [7, 12],
           [4, 14, 23],
           [0, 1]
           [1, 2, 3],
           [50, 100]
           [1, 2, 3],
           [50, 100]










jq is stream-oriented and so we begin by defining a function that will emit a stream of the elements of the Cartesian product of two arrays: <lang jq> def products: .[0][] as $x | .[1][] as $y | [$x,$y]; </lang>

To generate an array of these arrays, one would in practice most likely simply write `[products]`, but to comply with the requirements of this article, we can define `product` as: <lang jq> def product: [products]; </lang>

For the sake of brevity, two illustrations should suffice:

   [ [1,2], [3,4] ] | products

produces the stream:


And <lang jq> [[1,2], []] | product </lang> produces:


n-way Cartesian Product

Given an array of two or more arrays as input, `cartesians` as defined here produces a stream of the components of their Cartesian product:

<lang jq> def cartesians:

 if length <= 2 then products
 else .[0][] as $x
 | (.[1:] | cartesians) as $y
 | [$x] + $y


Again for brevity, in the following, we will just show the number of items in the Cartesian products:

   [ [1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]] | [cartesians] | length
   # 24
   [[1, 2, 3], [30], [500, 100] ] | [cartesians] | length
   # 6
   [[1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100] ] | [cartesians] | length
   # 0


<lang julia>

  1. Product {1, 2} × {3, 4}

collect(product([1, 2], [3, 4]))

  1. Product {3, 4} × {1, 2}

collect(product([3, 4], [1, 2]))

  1. Product {1, 2} × {}

collect(product([1, 2], []))

  1. Product {} × {1, 2}

collect(product([], [1, 2]))

  1. Product {1776, 1789} × {7, 12} × {4, 14, 23} × {0, 1}

collect(product([1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]))

  1. Product {1, 2, 3} × {30} × {500, 100}

collect(product([1, 2, 3], [30], [500, 100]))

  1. Product {1, 2, 3} × {} × {500, 100}

collect(product([1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100])) </lang>


<lang scala>// version 1.1.2

fun flattenList(nestList: List<Any>): List<Any> {

   val flatList = mutableListOf<Any>()
   fun flatten(list: List<Any>) {
       for (e in list) {
           if (e !is List<*>)
               flatten(e as List<Any>)
   return flatList


operator fun List<Any>.times(other: List<Any>): List<List<Any>> {

   val prod = mutableListOf<List<Any>>()
   for (e in this) {
       for (f in other) {
           prod.add(listOf(e, f))
   return prod


fun nAryCartesianProduct(lists: List<List<Any>>): List<List<Any>> {

   require(lists.size >= 2)
   return lists.drop(2).fold(lists[0] * lists[1]) { cp, ls -> cp * ls }.map { flattenList(it) }


fun printNAryProduct(lists: List<List<Any>>) {

   println("${lists.joinToString(" x ")} = ")
   println(nAryCartesianProduct(lists).joinToString("\n    ", "    "))


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

  println("[1, 2] x [3, 4] = ${listOf(1, 2) * listOf(3, 4)}")
  println("[3, 4] x [1, 2] = ${listOf(3, 4) * listOf(1, 2)}")
  println("[1, 2] x []     = ${listOf(1, 2) * listOf()}")
  println("[]     x [1, 2] = ${listOf<Any>() * listOf(1, 2)}")
  println("[1, a] x [2, b] = ${listOf(1, 'a') * listOf(2, 'b')}")
  printNAryProduct(listOf(listOf(1776, 1789), listOf(7, 12), listOf(4, 14, 23), listOf(0, 1)))
  printNAryProduct(listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(30), listOf(500, 100)))
  printNAryProduct(listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf<Int>(), listOf(500, 100)))
  printNAryProduct(listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(30), listOf('a', 'b')))


[1, 2] x [3, 4] = [[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
[3, 4] x [1, 2] = [[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]
[1, 2] x []     = []
[]     x [1, 2] = []
[1, a] x [2, b] = [[1, 2], [1, b], [a, 2], [a, b]]

[1776, 1789] x [7, 12] x [4, 14, 23] x [0, 1] = 
    [1776, 7, 4, 0]
    [1776, 7, 4, 1]
    [1776, 7, 14, 0]
    [1776, 7, 14, 1]
    [1776, 7, 23, 0]
    [1776, 7, 23, 1]
    [1776, 12, 4, 0]
    [1776, 12, 4, 1]
    [1776, 12, 14, 0]
    [1776, 12, 14, 1]
    [1776, 12, 23, 0]
    [1776, 12, 23, 1]
    [1789, 7, 4, 0]
    [1789, 7, 4, 1]
    [1789, 7, 14, 0]
    [1789, 7, 14, 1]
    [1789, 7, 23, 0]
    [1789, 7, 23, 1]
    [1789, 12, 4, 0]
    [1789, 12, 4, 1]
    [1789, 12, 14, 0]
    [1789, 12, 14, 1]
    [1789, 12, 23, 0]
    [1789, 12, 23, 1]

[1, 2, 3] x [30] x [500, 100] = 
    [1, 30, 500]
    [1, 30, 100]
    [2, 30, 500]
    [2, 30, 100]
    [3, 30, 500]
    [3, 30, 100]

[1, 2, 3] x [] x [500, 100] = 

[1, 2, 3] x [30] x [a, b] = 
    [1, 30, a]
    [1, 30, b]
    [2, 30, a]
    [2, 30, b]
    [3, 30, a]
    [3, 30, b]



An iterator is created to output the product items. <lang lua> local pk,upk = table.pack, table.unpack

 local getn = function(t)return #t end
 local const = function(k)return function(e) return k end end
 local function attachIdx(f)-- one-time-off function modifier
   local idx = 0
   return function(e)idx=idx+1 ; return f(e,idx)end
 local function reduce(t,acc,f)
   for i=1,t.n or #t do acc=f(acc,t[i])end
   return acc
 local function imap(t,f)
   local r = {n=t.n or #t, r=reduce, u=upk, m=imap}
   for i=1,r.n do r[i]=f(t[i])end
   return r
 local function prod(...)
   local ts = pk(...)
   local limit = imap(ts,getn)
   local idx, cnt = imap(limit,const(1)),  0
   local max = reduce(limit,1,function(a,b)return a*b end)
   local function ret(t,i)return t[idx[i]] end
   return function()
     if cnt>=max then return end -- no more output
     if cnt==0 then -- skip for 1st
       cnt = cnt + 1 
       cnt, idx[#idx] = cnt + 1, idx[#idx] + 1 
       for i=#idx,2,-1 do -- update index list
         if idx[i]<=limit[i] then 
           break -- no further update need
         else -- propagate limit overflow
           idx[i],idx[i-1] = 1, idx[i-1]+1
     return cnt,imap(ts,attachIdx(ret)):u()

--- test

 for i,a,b in prod({1,2},{3,4}) do
 for i,a,b in prod({3,4},{1,2}) do


1	1	3
2	1	4
3	2	3
4	2	4

1	3	1
2	3	2
3	4	1
4	4	2

Using coroutines

I have not benchmarked this, but I believe that this should run faster than the functional implementation and also likely the imperative implementation, it has significantly fewer function calls per iteration, and only the stack changes during iteration (no garbage collection during iteration). On the other hand due to avoiding garbage collection, result is reused between returns, so mutating the returned result is unsafe.

It is possible that specialising descend by depth may yield a further improvement in performance, but it would only be able to eliminate the lookup of sets[depth] and the if test, because the reference to result[depth] is required; I doubt the increase in complexity would be worth the (potential) improvement in performance. <lang lua>local function cartesian_product(sets)

 local result = {}
 local set_count = #sets

--[[ I believe that this should make the below go very slightly faster, because it doesn't need to lookup yield in coroutine each time it

    yields, though perhaps the compiler optimises the lookup away? ]]
 local yield = coroutine.yield 
 local function descend(depth)
   if depth == set_count then
     for k,v in pairs(sets[depth]) do
       result[depth] = v
     for k,v in pairs(sets[depth]) do
       result[depth] = v
       descend(depth + 1)
 return coroutine.wrap(function() descend(1) end)


--- tests local test_cases = {

 {{1, 2}, {3, 4}},
 {{3, 4}, {1, 2}},
 {{1776, 1789}, {7, 12}, {4, 14, 23}, {0,1}},
 {{1,2,3}, {30}, {500, 100}},
 {{1,2,3}, {}, {500, 100}}


local function format_nested_list(list)

 if list[1] and type(list[1]) == "table" then
   local formatted_items = {}
   for i, item in ipairs(list) do
     formatted_items[i] = format_nested_list(item)
   return format_nested_list(formatted_items)
   return "{" .. table.concat(list, ",") .. "}"


for _,test_case in ipairs(test_cases) do

 for product in cartesian_product(test_case) do
   print("  " .. format_nested_list(product))


Imperative iterator

The functional implementation restated as an imperative iterator, also adjusted to not allocate a new result table on each iteration; this saves time, but makes mutating the returned table unsafe. <lang lua>local function cartesian_product(sets)

 local item_counts = {}
 local indices = {}
 local results = {}
 local set_count = #sets
 local combination_count = 1
 for set_index=set_count, 1, -1 do
   local set = sets[set_index]
   local item_count = #set
   item_counts[set_index] = item_count
   indices[set_index] = 1
   results[set_index] = set[1]
   combination_count = combination_count * item_count
 local combination_index = 0
 return function()
   if combination_index >= combination_count then return end -- no more output
   if combination_index == 0 then goto skip_update end -- skip first index update
   indices[set_count] = indices[set_count] + 1
   for set_index=set_count, 1, -1 do -- update index list
     local set = sets[set_index]
     local index = indices[set_index]
     if index <= item_counts[set_index] then
       results[set_index] = set[index]
       break -- no further update needed
     else -- propagate item_counts overflow
       results[set_index] = set[1]
       indices[set_index] = 1
       if set_index > 1 then
         indices[set_index - 1] = indices[set_index - 1] + 1
   combination_index = combination_index + 1
   return combination_index, results

end --- tests local test_cases = {

 {{1, 2}, {3, 4}},
 {{3, 4}, {1, 2}},
 {{1776, 1789}, {7, 12}, {4, 14, 23}, {0,1}},
 {{1,2,3}, {30}, {500, 100}},
 {{1,2,3}, {}, {500, 100}}


local function format_nested_list(list)

 if list[1] and type(list[1]) == "table" then
   local formatted_items = {}
   for i, item in ipairs(list) do
     formatted_items[i] = format_nested_list(item)
   return format_nested_list(formatted_items)
   return "{" .. table.concat(list, ",") .. "}"


for _,test_case in ipairs(test_cases) do

 for i, product in cartesian_product(test_case) do
   print(i, format_nested_list(product))



<lang Maple> cartmulti := proc ()

local m, v;
if [] in {args} then
return [];

m := Iterator:-CartesianProduct(args);

for v in m do
printf("%{}a\n", v);
end do;
end if;
end proc;



<lang Mathematica>cartesianProduct[args__] := Flatten[Outer[List, args], Length[{args}] - 1]</lang>


<lang modula2>MODULE CartesianProduct; FROM FormatString IMPORT FormatString; FROM Terminal IMPORT WriteString,WriteLn,ReadChar;


   FormatString("%i", buf, a);

END WriteInt;


   FOR i:=0 TO HIGH(a) DO
       FOR j:=0 TO HIGH(b) DO
           IF (i>0) OR (j>0) THEN

END Cartesian;


   E = ARRAY[0..0] OF INTEGER;


   a,b : AP;


   a := AP{1,2};
   b := AP{3,4};
   a := AP{3,4};
   b := AP{1,2};
   (* If there is a way to create an empty array, I do not know of it *)

END CartesianProduct.</lang>


The double semicolons are necessary only for the toplevel

Naive but more readable version <lang ocaml> let rec product l1 l2 =

   match l1, l2 with
   | [], _ | _, [] -> []
   | h1::t1, h2::t2 -> (h1,h2)::(product [h1] t2)@(product t1 l2)

product [1;2] [3;4];; (*- : (int * int) list = [(1, 3); (1, 4); (2, 3); (2, 4)]*) product [3;4] [1;2];; (*- : (int * int) list = [(3, 1); (3, 2); (4, 1); (4, 2)]*) product [1;2] [];; (*- : (int * 'a) list = []*) product [] [1;2];; (*- : ('a * int) list = []*) </lang>

Implementation with a bit more tail-call optimization, inroducing a helper function. The order of the result is changed but it should not be an issue for most uses. <lang ocaml> let product' l1 l2 =

   let rec aux ~acc l1' l2' = 
       match l1', l2' with
       | [], _ | _, [] -> acc
       | h1::t1, h2::t2 -> 
           let acc = (h1,h2)::acc in
           let acc = aux ~acc t1 l2' in
           aux ~acc [h1] t2
   in aux [] l1 l2

product' [1;2] [3;4];; (*- : (int * int) list = [(1, 4); (2, 4); (2, 3); (1, 3)]*) product' [3;4] [1;2];; (*- : (int * int) list = [(3, 2); (4, 2); (4, 1); (3, 1)]*) product' [1;2] [];; (*- : (int * 'a) list = []*) product' [] [1;2];; (*- : ('a * int) list = []*) </lang> Implemented using nested folds: <lang ocaml> let cart_prod l1 l2 =

 List.fold_left (fun acc1 ele1 ->
   List.fold_left (fun acc2 ele2 -> (ele1,ele2)::acc2) acc1 l2) [] l1 ;;

cart_prod [1; 2; 3] ['a'; 'b'; 'c'] ;; (*- : (int * char) list = [(3, 'c'); (3, 'b'); (3, 'a'); (2, 'c'); (2, 'b'); (2, 'a'); (1, 'c'); (1, 'b'); (1, 'a')]*) cart_prod [1; 2; 3] [] ;; (*- : ('a * int) list = [] *) </lang>

Extra credit function. Since in OCaml a function can return only one type, and because tuples of different arities are different types, this returns a list of lists rather than a list of tuples. <lang ocaml> let rec product l =

   (* We need to do the cross product of our current list and all the others
    * so we define a helper function for that *)
   let rec aux ~acc l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
   | [], _ | _, [] -> acc
   | h1::t1, h2::t2 -> 
       let acc = (h1::h2)::acc in
       let acc = (aux ~acc t1 l2) in
       aux ~acc [h1] t2
   (* now we can do the actual computation *)
   in match l with
   | [] -> []
   | [l1] -> (fun x -> [x]) l1
   | l1::tl ->
       let tail_product = product tl in
       aux ~acc:[] l1 tail_product

product [[1;2];[3;4]];; (*- : int list list = [[1; 4]; [2; 4]; [2; 3]; [1; 3]]*) product [[3;4];[1;2]];; (*- : int list list = [[3; 2]; [4; 2]; [4; 1]; [3; 1]]*) product [[1;2];[]];; (*- : int list list = []*) product [[];[1;2]];; (*- : int list list = []*) product [[1776; 1789];[7; 12];[4; 14; 23];[0; 1]];; (* - : int list list =

[[1776; 7; 4; 1]; [1776; 12; 4; 1]; [1776; 12; 14; 1]; [1776; 12; 23; 1];

[1776; 12; 23; 0]; [1776; 12; 14; 0]; [1776; 12; 4; 0]; [1776; 7; 14; 1];
[1776; 7; 23; 1]; [1776; 7; 23; 0]; [1776; 7; 14; 0]; [1789; 7; 4; 1];
[1789; 12; 4; 1]; [1789; 12; 14; 1]; [1789; 12; 23; 1]; [1789; 12; 23; 0];
[1789; 12; 14; 0]; [1789; 12; 4; 0]; [1789; 7; 14; 1]; [1789; 7; 23; 1];
[1789; 7; 23; 0]; [1789; 7; 14; 0]; [1789; 7; 4; 0]; [1776; 7; 4; 0]]
  • )

product [[1; 2; 3];[30];[500; 100]];; (* - : int list list =

[[1; 30; 500]; [2; 30; 500]; [3; 30; 500]; [3; 30; 100]; [2; 30; 100];

[1; 30; 100]]
  • )

product [[1; 2; 3];[];[500; 100]];; (*- : int list list = []*)


Better type

In the latter example, our function has this signature: <lang ocaml> val product : 'a list list -> 'a list list = <fun> </lang> This lacks clarity as those two lists are not equivalent since one replaces a tuple. We can get a better signature by creating a tuple type: <lang ocaml> type 'a tuple = 'a list

let rec product (l:'a list tuple) =

   (* We need to do the cross product of our current list and all the others
    * so we define a helper function for that *)
   let rec aux ~acc l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
   | [], _ | _, [] -> acc
   | h1::t1, h2::t2 ->
       let acc = (h1::h2)::acc in
       let acc = (aux ~acc t1 l2) in
       aux ~acc [h1] t2
   (* now we can do the actual computation *)
   in match l with
   | [] -> []
   | [l1] -> ~f:(fun x -> ([x]:'a tuple)) l1
   | l1::tl ->
       let tail_product = product tl in
       aux ~acc:[] l1 tail_product

type 'a tuple = 'a list val product : 'a list tuple -> 'a tuple list = <fun> </lang>



Nested loops, with a short-circuit to quit early if any term is an empty set. <lang perl>sub cartesian {

   my $sets = shift @_;
   for (@$sets) { return [] unless @$_ }
   my $products = [[]];
   for my $set (reverse @$sets) {
       my $partial = $products;
       $products = [];
       for my $item (@$set) {
           for my $product (@$partial) {
               push @$products, [$item, @$product];


sub product {

   my($s,$fmt) = @_;
   my $tuples;
   for $a ( @{ cartesian( \@$s ) } ) { $tuples .= sprintf "($fmt) ", @$a; }
   $tuples . "\n";


print product([[1, 2], [3, 4] ], '%1d %1d' ). product([[3, 4], [1, 2] ], '%1d %1d' ). product([[1, 2], [] ], '%1d %1d' ). product([[], [1, 2] ], '%1d %1d' ). product([[1,2,3], [30], [500,100] ], '%1d %1d %3d' ). product([[1,2,3], [], [500,100] ], '%1d %1d %3d' ). product([[1776,1789], [7,12], [4,14,23], [0,1]], '%4d %2d %2d %1d')</lang>

(1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4)
(3 1) (3 2) (4 1) (4 2)

(1 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 500) (2 30 100) (3 30 500) (3 30 100)

(1776  7  4 0) (1776  7  4 1) (1776  7 14 0) (1776  7 14 1) (1776  7 23 0) (1776  7 23 1) (1776 12  4 0) (1776 12  4 1) (1776 12 14 0) (1776 12 14 1) (1776 12 23 0) (1776 12 23 1) (1789  7  4 0) (1789  7  4 1) (1789  7 14 0) (1789  7 14 1) (1789  7 23 0) (1789  7 23 1) (1789 12  4 0) (1789 12  4 1) (1789 12 14 0) (1789 12 14 1) (1789 12 23 0) (1789 12 23 1)


This being Perl, there's more than one way to do it. A quick demonstration of how glob, more typically used for filename wildcard expansion, can solve the task. <lang perl>$tuples = [ map { [split /:/] } glob '{1,2,3}:{30}:{500,100}' ];

for $a (@$tuples) { printf "(%1d %2d %3d) ", @$a; }</lang>

(1 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 500) (2 30 100) (3 30 500) (3 30 100)


A variety of modules can do this correctly for an arbitrary number of lists (each of independent length). Arguably using modules is very idiomatic Perl. <lang perl>use ntheory qw/forsetproduct/; forsetproduct { say "@_" } [1,2,3],[qw/a b c/],[qw/@ $ !/];

use Set::Product qw/product/; product { say "@_" } [1,2,3],[qw/a b c/],[qw/@ $ !/];

use Math::Cartesian::Product; cartesian { say "@_" } [1,2,3],[qw/a b c/],[qw/@ $ !/];

use Algorithm::Loops qw/NestedLoops/; NestedLoops([[1,2,3],[qw/a b c/],[qw/@ $ !/]], sub { say "@_"; });</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.06

The cross meta operator X will return the cartesian product of two lists. To apply the cross meta-operator to a variable number of lists, use the reduce cross meta operator [X].

<lang perl6># cartesian product of two lists using the X cross meta-operator say (1, 2) X (3, 4); say (3, 4) X (1, 2); say (1, 2) X ( ); say ( ) X ( 1, 2 );

  1. cartesian product of variable number of lists using
  2. the [X] reduce cross meta-operator

say [X] (1776, 1789), (7, 12), (4, 14, 23), (0, 1); say [X] (1, 2, 3), (30), (500, 100); say [X] (1, 2, 3), (), (500, 100);</lang>

((1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4))
((3 1) (3 2) (4 1) (4 2))
((1776 7 4 0) (1776 7 4 1) (1776 7 14 0) (1776 7 14 1) (1776 7 23 0) (1776 7 23 1) (1776 12 4 0) (1776 12 4 1) (1776 12 14 0) (1776 12 14 1) (1776 12 23 0) (1776 12 23 1) (1789 7 4 0) (1789 7 4 1) (1789 7 14 0) (1789 7 14 1) (1789 7 23 0) (1789 7 23 1) (1789 12 4 0) (1789 12 4 1) (1789 12 14 0) (1789 12 14 1) (1789 12 23 0) (1789 12 23 1))
((1 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 500) (2 30 100) (3 30 500) (3 30 100))


<lang Phix>function cart(sequence s) sequence res = {}

   for n=2 to length(s) do
       for i=1 to length(s[1]) do
           for j=1 to length(s[2]) do
               res = append(res,s[1][i]&s[2][j])
           end for
       end for
       if length(s)=2 then exit end if
       s[1..2] = {res}
       res = {}
   end for
   return res

end function

?cart({{1,2},{3,4}}) ?cart({{3,4},{1,2}}) ?cart({{1,2},{}}) ?cart({{},{1,2}}) ?cart({{1776, 1789},{7, 12},{4, 14, 23},{0, 1}}) ?cart({{1, 2, 3},{30},{500, 100}}) ?cart({{1, 2, 3},{},{500, 100}})</lang>



<lang PicoLisp>(de 2lists (L1 L2)

           '((A) ((if (atom A) list cons) I A))
           L2 ) )
     L1 ) )

(de reduce (L . @)

  (ifn (rest) L (2lists L (apply reduce (rest)))) )

(de cartesian (L . @)

  (and L (rest) (pass reduce L)) )


  (cartesian (1 2)) )


  (cartesian NIL (1 2)) )


  (cartesian (1 2) (3 4)) )


  (cartesian (3 4) (1 2)) )


  (cartesian (1776 1789) (7 12) (4 14 23) (0 1)) )


  (cartesian (1 2 3) (30) (500 100)) )


  (cartesian (1 2 3) NIL (500 100)) )</lang>
((1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4))
((3 1) (3 2) (4 1) (4 2))
((1776 7 4 0) (1776 7 4 1) (1776 7 14 0) (1776 7 14 1) (1776 7 23 0) (1776 7 23 1) (1776 12 4 0) (1776 12 4 1) (1776 12 14 0) (1776 12 14 1) (1776 12 23 0) (1776 12 23 1) (1789 7 4 0) (1789 7 4 1) (1789 7 14 0) (1789 7 14 1) (1789 7 23 0) (1789 7 23 1) (1789 12 4 0) (1789 12 4 1) (1789 12 14 0) (1789 12 14 1) (1789 12 23 0) (1789 12 23 1))
((1 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 500) (2 30 100) (3 30 500) (3 30 100))


Using itertools

<lang python>import itertools

def cp(lsts):

   return list(itertools.product(*lsts))

if __name__ == '__main__':

   from pprint import pprint as pp
   for lists in [[[1,2],[3,4]], [[3,4],[1,2]], [[], [1, 2]], [[1, 2], []],
                 ((1776, 1789),  (7, 12), (4, 14, 23), (0, 1)),
                 ((1, 2, 3), (30,), (500, 100)),
                 ((1, 2, 3), (), (500, 100))]:
       print(lists, '=>')
       pp(cp(lists), indent=2)


[[1, 2], [3, 4]] =>
[(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)]
[[3, 4], [1, 2]] =>
[(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)]
[[], [1, 2]] =>
[[1, 2], []] =>
((1776, 1789), (7, 12), (4, 14, 23), (0, 1)) =>
[ (1776, 7, 4, 0),
  (1776, 7, 4, 1),
  (1776, 7, 14, 0),
  (1776, 7, 14, 1),
  (1776, 7, 23, 0),
  (1776, 7, 23, 1),
  (1776, 12, 4, 0),
  (1776, 12, 4, 1),
  (1776, 12, 14, 0),
  (1776, 12, 14, 1),
  (1776, 12, 23, 0),
  (1776, 12, 23, 1),
  (1789, 7, 4, 0),
  (1789, 7, 4, 1),
  (1789, 7, 14, 0),
  (1789, 7, 14, 1),
  (1789, 7, 23, 0),
  (1789, 7, 23, 1),
  (1789, 12, 4, 0),
  (1789, 12, 4, 1),
  (1789, 12, 14, 0),
  (1789, 12, 14, 1),
  (1789, 12, 23, 0),
  (1789, 12, 23, 1)]
((1, 2, 3), (30,), (500, 100)) =>
[ (1, 30, 500),
  (1, 30, 100),
  (2, 30, 500),
  (2, 30, 100),
  (3, 30, 500),
  (3, 30, 100)]
((1, 2, 3), (), (500, 100)) =>

Using the 'Applicative' abstraction

This task calls for alternative approaches to defining cartesian products, and one particularly compact alternative route to a native cartesian product (in a more mathematically reasoned idiom of programming) is through the Applicative abstraction (see Applicative Functor), which is slightly more general than the possibly better known monad structure. Applicative functions are provided off-the-shelf by languages like Agda, Idris, Haskell and Scala, and can usefully be implemented in any language, including Python, which supports higher-order functions.

If we write ourselves a re-usable Python ap function for the case of lists (applicative functions for other 'data containers' can also be written – this one applies a list of functions to a list of values):

<lang python># ap (<*>) :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b] def ap(fs):

   return lambda xs: foldl(
       lambda a: lambda f: a + foldl(
           lambda a: lambda x: a + [f(x)])([])(xs)

then one simple use of it will be to define the cartesian product of two lists (of possibly different type) as:

<lang python>ap(map(Tuple, xs))</lang>

where Tuple is a constructor, and xs is bound to the first of two lists. The returned value is a function which can be applied to a second list.

For an nAry product, we can then use a fold (catamorphism) to lift the basic function over two lists cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] to a function over a list of lists:

<lang python># nAryCartProd :: [[a], [b], [c] ...] -> [(a, b, c ...)] def nAryCartProd(xxs):

   return foldl1(cartesianProduct)(

For example:

<lang python># Two lists -> list of tuples

  1. cartesianProduct :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]

def cartesianProduct(xs):

   return ap(map(Tuple, xs))

  1. List of lists -> list of tuples
  1. nAryCartProd :: [[a], [b], [c] ...] -> [(a, b, c ...)]

def nAryCartProd(xxs):

   return foldl1(cartesianProduct)(

  1. main :: IO ()

def main():

   # Product of lists of different types
   print (
       'Product of two lists of different types:'
       cartesianProduct(['a', 'b', 'c'])(
           [1, 2]
       '\nSpecified tests of products of two lists:'
       cartesianProduct([1, 2])([3, 4]),
       ' <--> ',
       cartesianProduct([3, 4])([1, 2])
   print (
       cartesianProduct([1, 2])([]),
       ' <--> ',
       cartesianProduct([])([1, 2])
   print('\nSpecified tests of nAry products:')
   for xs in nAryCartProd([[1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]]):
   for xs in (
               [[1, 2, 3], [30], [500, 100]],
               [[1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100]]
  1. GENERIC -------------------------------------------------

  1. Applicative function for lists
  1. ap (<*>) :: [(a -> b)] -> [a] -> [b]

def ap(fs):

   return lambda xs: foldl(
       lambda a: lambda f: a + foldl(
           lambda a: lambda x: a + [f(x)])([])(xs)

  1. foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

def foldl(f):

   def go(v, xs):
       a = v
       for x in xs:
           a = f(a)(x)
       return a
   return lambda acc: lambda xs: go(acc, xs)

  1. foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a

def foldl1(f):

   return lambda xs: foldl(f)(xs[0])(
   ) if xs else None

  1. map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

def map_(f):

   return lambda xs: list(map(f, xs))

  1. Tuple :: a -> b -> (a, b)

def Tuple(x):

   return lambda y: (
       x + (y,)
   ) if tuple is type(x) else (x, y)

  1. TEST ----------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':

Product of two lists of different types:
[('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 1), ('c', 2)]

Specified tests of products of two lists:
[(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)]  <-->  [(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)]
[]  <-->  []

Specified tests of nAry products:
(1776, 7, 4, 0)
(1776, 7, 4, 1)
(1776, 7, 14, 0)
(1776, 7, 14, 1)
(1776, 7, 23, 0)
(1776, 7, 23, 1)
(1776, 12, 4, 0)
(1776, 12, 4, 1)
(1776, 12, 14, 0)
(1776, 12, 14, 1)
(1776, 12, 23, 0)
(1776, 12, 23, 1)
(1789, 7, 4, 0)
(1789, 7, 4, 1)
(1789, 7, 14, 0)
(1789, 7, 14, 1)
(1789, 7, 23, 0)
(1789, 7, 23, 1)
(1789, 12, 4, 0)
(1789, 12, 4, 1)
(1789, 12, 14, 0)
(1789, 12, 14, 1)
(1789, 12, 23, 0)
(1789, 12, 23, 1)
[(1, 30, 500), (1, 30, 100), (2, 30, 500), (2, 30, 100), (3, 30, 500), (3, 30, 100)]


<lang R> one_w_many <- function(one, many) lapply(many, function(x) c(one,x))

  1. Let's define an infix operator to perform a cartesian product.

"%p%" <- function( a, b ) {

 p = c( sapply(a, function (x) one_w_many(x, b) ) )
 if (is.null(unlist(p))) list() else p}

display_prod <-

 function (xs) { for (x in xs) cat( paste(x, collapse=", "), "\n" ) }

fmt_vec <- function(v) sprintf("(%s)", paste(v, collapse=', '))

go <- function (...) {

 cat("\n", paste( sapply(list(...),fmt_vec), collapse=" * "), "\n")
 prod = Reduce( '%p%', list(...) )
 display_prod( prod ) }


Simple tests:

<lang R> > display_prod( c(1, 2) %p% c(3, 4) ) 1, 3 1, 4 2, 3 2, 4 > display_prod( c(3, 4) %p% c(1, 2) ) 3, 1 3, 2 4, 1 4, 2 > display_prod( c(3, 4) %p% c() ) > </lang>

Tougher tests:

<lang R> go( c(1776, 1789), c(7, 12), c(4, 14, 23), c(0, 1) ) go( c(1, 2, 3), c(30), c(500, 100) ) go( c(1, 2, 3), c(), c(500, 100) ) </lang>

 (1776, 1789) * (7, 12) * (4, 14, 23) * (0, 1)
1776, 7, 4, 0
1776, 7, 4, 1
1776, 7, 14, 0
1776, 7, 14, 1
1776, 7, 23, 0
1776, 7, 23, 1
1776, 12, 4, 0
1776, 12, 4, 1
1776, 12, 14, 0
1776, 12, 14, 1
1776, 12, 23, 0
1776, 12, 23, 1
1789, 7, 4, 0
1789, 7, 4, 1
1789, 7, 14, 0
1789, 7, 14, 1
1789, 7, 23, 0
1789, 7, 23, 1
1789, 12, 4, 0
1789, 12, 4, 1
1789, 12, 14, 0
1789, 12, 14, 1
1789, 12, 23, 0
1789, 12, 23, 1

 (1, 2, 3) * (30) * (500, 100)
1, 30, 500
1, 30, 100
2, 30, 500
2, 30, 100
3, 30, 500
3, 30, 100

 (1, 2, 3) * () * (500, 100)


Racket has a built-in "cartesian-product" function:

<lang>#lang racket/base (require rackunit

        ;; usually, included in "racket", but we're using racket/base so we
        ;; show where this comes from
        (only-in racket/list cartesian-product))
these tests will pass silently

(check-equal? (cartesian-product '(1 2) '(3 4))

            '((1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4)))

(check-equal? (cartesian-product '(3 4) '(1 2))

            '((3 1) (3 2) (4 1) (4 2)))

(check-equal? (cartesian-product '(1 2) '()) '()) (check-equal? (cartesian-product '() '(1 2)) '())

these will print

(cartesian-product '(1776 1789) '(7 12) '(4 14 23) '(0 1)) (cartesian-product '(1 2 3) '(30) '(500 100)) (cartesian-product '(1 2 3) '() '(500 100))</lang>

'((1776 7 4 0)
  (1776 7 4 1)
  (1776 7 14 0)
  (1776 7 14 1)
  (1776 7 23 0)
  (1776 7 23 1)
  (1776 12 4 0)
  (1776 12 4 1)
  (1776 12 14 0)
  (1776 12 14 1)
  (1776 12 23 0)
  (1776 12 23 1)
  (1789 7 4 0)
  (1789 7 4 1)
  (1789 7 14 0)
  (1789 7 14 1)
  (1789 7 23 0)
  (1789 7 23 1)
  (1789 12 4 0)
  (1789 12 4 1)
  (1789 12 14 0)
  (1789 12 14 1)
  (1789 12 23 0)
  (1789 12 23 1))
'((1 30 500) (1 30 100) (2 30 500) (2 30 100) (3 30 500) (3 30 100))


version 1

This REXX version isn't limited by the number of lists or the number of sets within a list. <lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates the Cartesian product of two arbitrary-sized lists. */ @.= /*assign the default value to @. array*/ parse arg @.1 /*obtain the optional value of @.1 */ if @.1= then do; @.1= "{1,2} {3,4}" /*Not specified? Then use the defaults*/

                    @.2= "{3,4} {1,2}"          /* "      "         "   "   "      "   */
                    @.3= "{1,2} {}"             /* "      "         "   "   "      "   */
                    @.4= "{}    {3,4}"          /* "      "         "   "   "      "   */
                    @.5= "{1,2} {3,4,5}"        /* "      "         "   "   "      "   */
                                                /* [↓]  process each of the  @.n values*/
 do n=1  while @.n \=                         /*keep processing while there's a value*/
 z= translate( space( @.n, 0),  ,  ',')         /*translate the  commas  to blanks.    */
    do #=1  until z==                         /*process each elements in first list. */
    parse var  z   '{'  x.#  '}'   z            /*parse the list  (contains elements). */
    end   /*#*/
    do       i=1   for #-1                      /*process the subsequent lists.        */
      do     a=1   for words(x.i)               /*obtain the elements of the first list*/
        do   j=i+1 for #-1                      /*   "    "  subsequent lists.         */
          do b=1   for words(x.j)               /*   "    " elements of subsequent list*/
          $=$',('word(x.i, a)","word(x.j, b)')' /*append partial Cartesian product ──►$*/
          end   /*b*/
        end     /*j*/
      end       /*a*/
    end         /*i*/
 say 'Cartesian product of '       space(@.n)       " is ───► {"substr($, 2)'}'
 end            /*n*/                           /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */</lang>
output   when using the default lists:
Cartesian product of  {1,2} {3,4}  is ───► {(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)}
Cartesian product of  {3,4} {1,2}  is ───► {(3,1),(3,2),(4,1),(4,2)}
Cartesian product of  {1,2} {}  is ───► {}
Cartesian product of  {} {3,4}  is ───► {}
Cartesian product of  {1,2} {3,4,5}  is ───► {(1,3),(1,4),(1,5),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)}

version 2

<lang rexx>/* REXX computes the Cartesian Product of up to 4 sets */ Call cart '{1, 2} x {3, 4}' Call cart '{3, 4} x {1, 2}' Call cart '{1, 2} x {}' Call cart '{} x {1, 2}' Call cart '{1776, 1789} x {7, 12} x {4, 14, 23} x {0, 1}' Call cart '{1, 2, 3} x {30} x {500, 100}' Call cart '{1, 2, 3} x {} x {500, 100}' Exit


 Parse Arg sl
 Say sl
 Do i=1 By 1 while pos('{',sl)>0
   Parse Var sl '{' list '}' sl
   Do j=1 By 1 While list<>
     Parse Var list e.i.j . ',' list
   If n.i=0 Then Do /* an empty set */
     Say '{}'
 Do i=1 To n.1
   Do j=1 To n.2
     ct2.z=e.1.i e.2.j
 If n<3 Then
   Return output(2)
 Do i=1 To ct2.0
   Do k=1 To n.3
     ct3.z=ct2.i e.3.k
 If n<4 Then
   Return output(3)
 Do i=1 To ct3.0
   Do l=1 To n.4
     ct4.z=ct3.i e.4.l
 Return output(4)


 Parse Arg u
 Do v=1 To value('ct'u'.0')
   res='{'translate(value('ct'u'.'v),',',' ')'}'
   Say res
 Say ' '
 Return 0</lang>
{1, 2} x {3, 4}

{3, 4} x {1, 2}

{1, 2} x {}

{} x {1, 2}

{1776, 1789} x {7, 12} x {4, 14, 23} x {0, 1}

{1, 2, 3} x {30} x {500, 100}

{1, 2, 3} x {} x {500, 100}


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Cartesian product of two or more lists

list1 = [[1,2],[3,4]] list2 = [[3,4],[1,2]] cartesian(list1) cartesian(list2)

func cartesian(list1)

    for n = 1 to len(list1[1])
        for m = 1 to len(list1[2])
            see "(" + list1[1][n] + ", " + list1[2][m] + ")" + nl
     see nl

</lang> Output:

(1, 3)
(1, 4)
(2, 3)
(2, 4)

(3, 1)
(3, 2)
(4, 1)
(4, 2)


"product" is a method of arrays. It takes one or more arrays as argument and results in the Cartesian product: <lang ruby>p [1, 2].product([3, 4]) p [3, 4].product([1, 2]) p [1, 2].product([]) p [].product([1, 2]) p [1776, 1789].product([7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]) p [1, 2, 3].product([30], [500, 100]) p [1, 2, 3].product([], [500, 100]) </lang>

[[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]

[[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]] [] [] [[1776, 7, 4, 0], [1776, 7, 4, 1], [1776, 7, 14, 0], [1776, 7, 14, 1], [1776, 7, 23, 0], [1776, 7, 23, 1], [1776, 12, 4, 0], [1776, 12, 4, 1], [1776, 12, 14, 0], [1776, 12, 14, 1], [1776, 12, 23, 0], [1776, 12, 23, 1], [1789, 7, 4, 0], [1789, 7, 4, 1], [1789, 7, 14, 0], [1789, 7, 14, 1], [1789, 7, 23, 0], [1789, 7, 23, 1], [1789, 12, 4, 0], [1789, 12, 4, 1], [1789, 12, 14, 0], [1789, 12, 14, 1], [1789, 12, 23, 0], [1789, 12, 23, 1]] [[1, 30, 500], [1, 30, 100], [2, 30, 500], [2, 30, 100], [3, 30, 500], [3, 30, 100]] []


<lang rust>type List = Vec<Vec<u32>>;

fn cartesian_product(lists: &List) -> List {

   let mut res: List = vec![];
   if lists.len() < 2 || lists.iter().any(|x| x.len() == 0) {
       return res
   let mut list_iter = lists.iter();
   if let Some(first_list) = {
       for &i in first_list {
   for l in list_iter {
       let mut tmp: List = List::new();
       for r in res {
           for &el in l {
               let mut tmp_el = r.clone();
       res = tmp;


fn print_list(list: &List) {

   print!("{{ ");
   for inner_list in list {
       print!("( ");
       for el in inner_list {
           print!("{} ", el);
       print!(") ");


fn main() {

   println!("Template:1, 2 x Template:3, 4");
   print_list(&cartesian_product(&vec![vec![1, 2], vec![3, 4]]));
   println!("\nTemplate:3, 4 x Template:1, 2");
   print_list(&cartesian_product(&vec![vec![3, 4], vec![1, 2]]));
   println!("\nTemplate:1, 2 x {{}}");
   print_list(&cartesian_product(&vec![vec![1, 2], vec![]]));
   println!("\n{{}} x Template:1, 2");
   print_list(&cartesian_product(&vec![vec![], vec![1, 2]]));
   println!("\nTemplate:1776, 1789 × Template:7, 12 × Template:4, 14, 23 × Template:0, 1");
   print_list(&cartesian_product(&vec![vec![1776, 1789], vec![7, 12], vec![4, 14, 23], vec![0, 1]]));
   println!("\nTemplate:1, 2, 3 × Template:30 × Template:500, 100");
   print_list(&cartesian_product(&vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![30], vec![500, 100]]));
   println!("\nTemplate:1, 2, 3 × {{}} × Template:500, 100");
   print_list(&cartesian_product(&vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![], vec![500, 100]]));

} </lang>

{1, 2} x {3, 4}

{ ( 1 3 ) ( 1 4 ) ( 2 3 ) ( 2 4 ) }

{3, 4} x {1, 2} { ( 3 1 ) ( 3 2 ) ( 4 1 ) ( 4 2 ) }

{1, 2} x {} { }

{} x {1, 2} { }

{1776, 1789} × {7, 12} × {4, 14, 23} × {0, 1} { ( 1776 7 4 0 ) ( 1776 7 4 1 ) ( 1776 7 14 0 ) ( 1776 7 14 1 ) ( 1776 7 23 0 ) ( 1776 7 23 1 ) ( 1776 12 4 0 ) ( 1776 12 4 1 ) ( 1776 12 14 0 ) ( 1776 12 14 1 ) ( 1776 12 23 0 ) ( 1776 12 23 1 ) ( 1789 7 4 0 ) ( 1789 7 4 1 ) ( 1789 7 14 0 ) ( 1789 7 14 1 ) ( 1789 7 23 0 ) ( 1789 7 23 1 ) ( 1789 12 4 0 ) ( 1789 12 4 1 ) ( 1789 12 14 0 ) ( 1789 12 14 1 ) ( 1789 12 23 0 ) ( 1789 12 23 1 ) }

{1, 2, 3} × {30} × {500, 100} { ( 1 30 500 ) ( 1 30 100 ) ( 2 30 500 ) ( 2 30 100 ) ( 3 30 500 ) ( 3 30 100 ) }

{1, 2, 3} × {} × {500, 100} { }


Function returning the n-ary product of an arbitrary number of lists, each of arbitrary length:

<lang scala>def cartesianProduct[T](lst: List[T]*): List[List[T]] = {

   * Prepend single element to all lists of list
   * @param e single elemetn
   * @param ll list of list
   * @param a accumulator for tail recursive implementation
   * @return list of lists with prepended element e
 def pel(e: T,
         ll: List[List[T]],
         a: List[List[T]] = Nil): List[List[T]] =
   ll match {
     case Nil => a.reverse
     case x :: xs => pel(e, xs, (e :: x) :: a )
 lst.toList match {
   case Nil => Nil
   case x :: Nil => List(x)
   case x :: _ =>
     x match {
       case Nil => Nil
       case _ =>
         lst.par.foldRight(List(x))( (l, a) =>
           l.flatMap(pel(_, a))

}</lang> and usage: <lang scala>cartesianProduct(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))

 .map(_.mkString("(", ", ", ")")).mkString("{",", ","}")</lang> 
{(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}

<lang scala>cartesianProduct(List(3, 4), List(1, 2))

 .map(_.mkString("(", ", ", ")")).mkString("{",", ","}")</lang> 
{(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)}

<lang scala>cartesianProduct(List(1, 2), List.empty)

 .map(_.mkString("(", ", ", ")")).mkString("{",", ","}")</lang> 

<lang scala>cartesianProduct(List.empty, List(1, 2))

 .map(_.mkString("(", ", ", ")")).mkString("{",", ","}")</lang> 

<lang scala>cartesianProduct(List(1776, 1789), List(7, 12), List(4, 14, 23), List(0, 1))

 .map(_.mkString("(", ", ", ")")).mkString("{",", ","}")</lang> 
{(1776, 7, 4, 0), (1776, 7, 4, 1), (1776, 7, 14, 0), (1776, 7, 14, 1), (1776, 7, 23, 0), (1776, 7, 23, 1), (1776, 12, 4, 0), (1776, 12, 4, 1), (1776, 12, 14, 0), (1776, 12, 14, 1), (1776, 12, 23, 0), (1776, 12, 23, 1), (1789, 7, 4, 0), (1789, 7, 4, 1), (1789, 7, 14, 0), (1789, 7, 14, 1), (1789, 7, 23, 0), (1789, 7, 23, 1), (1789, 12, 4, 0), (1789, 12, 4, 1), (1789, 12, 14, 0), (1789, 12, 14, 1), (1789, 12, 23, 0), (1789, 12, 23, 1)}

<lang scala>cartesianProduct(List(1, 2, 3), List(30), List(500, 100))

 .map(_.mkString("(", ", ", ")")).mkString("{",", ","}")</lang> 
{(1, 30, 500), (1, 30, 100), (2, 30, 500), (2, 30, 100), (3, 30, 500), (3, 30, 100)}

<lang scala>cartesianProduct(List(1, 2, 3), List.empty, List(500, 100))

 .map(_.mkString("[", ", ", "]")).mkString("\n")</lang>


In Sidef, the Cartesian product of an arbitrary number of arrays is built-in as Array.cartesian(): <lang ruby>cartesian([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]).say cartesian([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]], {|*arr| say arr })</lang>

Alternatively, a simple recursive implementation: <lang ruby>func cartesian_product(*arr) {

   var c = []
   var r = []
   func {
       if (c.len < arr.len) {
           for item in (arr[c.len]) {
       else {
   return r


Completing the task: <lang ruby>say cartesian_product([1,2], [3,4]) say cartesian_product([3,4], [1,2])</lang>

[[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
[[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]

The product of an empty list with any other list is empty: <lang ruby>say cartesian_product([1,2], []) say cartesian_product([], [1,2])</lang>


Extra credit: <lang ruby>cartesian_product([1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]).each{ .say }</lang>

[1776, 7, 4, 0]
[1776, 7, 4, 1]
[1776, 7, 14, 0]
[1776, 7, 14, 1]
[1776, 7, 23, 0]
[1776, 7, 23, 1]
[1776, 12, 4, 0]
[1776, 12, 4, 1]
[1776, 12, 14, 0]
[1776, 12, 14, 1]
[1776, 12, 23, 0]
[1776, 12, 23, 1]
[1789, 7, 4, 0]
[1789, 7, 4, 1]
[1789, 7, 14, 0]
[1789, 7, 14, 1]
[1789, 7, 23, 0]
[1789, 7, 23, 1]
[1789, 12, 4, 0]
[1789, 12, 4, 1]
[1789, 12, 14, 0]
[1789, 12, 14, 1]
[1789, 12, 23, 0]
[1789, 12, 23, 1]

<lang ruby>say cartesian_product([1, 2, 3], [30], [500, 100]) say cartesian_product([1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100])</lang>

[[1, 30, 500], [1, 30, 100], [2, 30, 500], [2, 30, 100], [3, 30, 500], [3, 30, 100]]


If we create lists as tables with one column, cartesian product is easy. <lang sql>-- set up list 1 create table L1 (value integer); insert into L1 values (1); insert into L1 values (2); -- set up list 2 create table L2 (value integer); insert into L2 values (3); insert into L2 values (4); -- get the product select * from L1, L2;</lang>

     VALUE      VALUE
---------- ----------
         1          3
         1          4
         2          3
         2          4

You should be able to be more explicit should get the same result:<lang sql>select * from L1 cross join L2;</lang>

Product with an empty list works as expected (using the tables created above): <lang sql>delete from L2; select * from L1, L2;</lang>

no rows selected

I don't think "extra credit" is meaningful here because cartesian product is so hard-baked into SQL, so here's just one of the extra credit examples (again using the tables created above):<lang sql>insert into L1 values (3); insert into L2 values (30); create table L3 (value integer); insert into L3 values (500); insert into L3 values (100); -- product works the same for as many "lists" as you'd like select * from L1, L2, L3;</lang>

     VALUE      VALUE      VALUE
---------- ---------- ----------
         1         30        500
         2         30        500
         3         30        500
         1         30        100
         2         30        100
         3         30        100

Standard ML

<lang sml>fun prodList (nil, _) = nil

 | prodList ((x::xs), ys) = map (fn y => (x,y)) ys @ prodList (xs, ys)

fun naryProdList zs = foldl (fn (xs, ys) => map op:: (prodList (xs, ys))) [[]] (rev zs)</lang>

- prodList ([1, 2], [3, 4]);
val it = [(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)] : (int * int) list
- prodList ([3, 4], [1, 2]);
val it = [(3,1),(3,2),(4,1),(4,2)] : (int * int) list
- prodList ([1, 2], []);
stdIn:8.1-8.22 Warning: type vars not generalized because of
   value restriction are instantiated to dummy types (X1,X2,...)
val it = [] : (int * ?.X1) list
- naryProdList [[1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]];
val it =
  : int list list
- naryProdList [[1, 2, 3], [30], [500, 100]];
val it = [[1,30,500],[1,30,100],[2,30,500],[2,30,100],[3,30,500],[3,30,100]]
  : int list list
- naryProdList [[1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100]];
val it = [] : int list list


In Stata, the command fillin may be used to expand a dataset with all combinations of a number of variables. Thus it's easy to compute a cartesian product.

<lang stata>. list

    | a   b |
 1. | 1   3 |
 2. | 2   4 |

. fillin a b . list

    | a   b   _fillin |
 1. | 1   3         0 |
 2. | 1   4         1 |
 3. | 2   3         1 |
 4. | 2   4         0 |

The other way around:

<lang stata>. list

    | a   b |
 1. | 3   1 |
 2. | 4   2 |

. fillin a b . list

    | a   b   _fillin |
 1. | 3   1         0 |
 2. | 3   2         1 |
 3. | 4   1         1 |
 4. | 4   2         0 |

Note, however, that this is not equivalent to a cartesian product when one of the variables is "empty" (that is, only contains missing values).

<lang stata>. list

    | a   b |
 1. | 1   . |
 2. | 2   . |

. fillin a b . list

    | a   b   _fillin |
 1. | 1   .         0 |
 2. | 2   .         0 |

This command works also if the varaibles have different numbers of nonmissing elements. However, this requires additional code to remove the observations with missing values.

<lang stata>. list

    | a   b   c |
 1. | 1   4   6 |
 2. | 2   5   . |
 3. | 3   .   . |

. fillin a b c . list

    | a   b   c   _fillin |
 1. | 1   4   6         0 |
 2. | 1   4   .         1 |
 3. | 1   5   6         1 |
 4. | 1   5   .         1 |
 5. | 1   .   6         1 |
 6. | 1   .   .         1 |
 7. | 2   4   6         1 |
 8. | 2   4   .         1 |
 9. | 2   5   6         1 |
10. | 2   5   .         0 |
11. | 2   .   6         1 |
12. | 2   .   .         1 |
13. | 3   4   6         1 |
14. | 3   4   .         1 |
15. | 3   5   6         1 |
16. | 3   5   .         1 |
17. | 3   .   6         1 |
18. | 3   .   .         0 |

. foreach var of varlist _all {

         quietly drop if missing(`var')

. list

    | a   b   c   _fillin |
 1. | 1   4   6         0 |
 2. | 1   5   6         1 |
 3. | 2   4   6         1 |
 4. | 2   5   6         1 |
 5. | 3   4   6         1 |
 6. | 3   5   6         1 |


Translation of: Scala

<lang swift>func + <T>(el: T, arr: [T]) -> [T] {

 var ret = arr
 ret.insert(el, at: 0)
 return ret


func cartesianProduct<T>(_ arrays: [T]...) -> T {

 guard let head = arrays.first else {
   return []
 let first = Array(head)
 func pel(
   _ el: T,
   _ ll: T,
   _ a: T = []
 ) -> T {
   switch ll.count {
   case 0:
     return a.reversed()
   case _:
     let tail = Array(ll.dropFirst())
     let head = ll.first!
     return pel(el, tail, el + head + a)
 return arrays.reversed()
   .reduce([first], {res, el in el.flatMap({ pel($0, res) }) })
   .map({ $0.dropLast(first.count) })


print(cartesianProduct([1, 2], [3, 4])) print(cartesianProduct([3, 4], [1, 2])) print(cartesianProduct([1, 2], [])) print(cartesianProduct([1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1])) print(cartesianProduct([1, 2, 3], [30], [500, 100])) print(cartesianProduct([1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100])</lang>

[[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
[[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]
[[1776, 7, 4, 0], [1776, 7, 4, 1], [1776, 7, 14, 0], [1776, 7, 14, 1], [1776, 7, 23, 0], [1776, 7, 23, 1], [1776, 12, 4, 0], [1776, 12, 4, 1], [1776, 12, 14, 0], [1776, 12, 14, 1], [1776, 12, 23, 0], [1776, 12, 23, 1], [1789, 7, 4, 0], [1789, 7, 4, 1], [1789, 7, 14, 0], [1789, 7, 14, 1], [1789, 7, 23, 0], [1789, 7, 23, 1], [1789, 12, 4, 0], [1789, 12, 4, 1], [1789, 12, 14, 0], [1789, 12, 14, 1], [1789, 12, 23, 0], [1789, 12, 23, 1]]
[[1, 30, 500], [1, 30, 100], [2, 30, 500], [2, 30, 100], [3, 30, 500], [3, 30, 100]]


<lang tailspin> templates cartesianProduct

 { product: [$(1)... -> [$]], rest: $(2..-1) } -> #
 <{ rest: <[](0)> }> $.product !
 <> def m: $.rest(1);
    { product: [$.product... -> (def n: $; $m... -> [$n..., $] !)], rest: $.rest(2..-1) } -> #

end cartesianProduct

'{1,2}x{3,4} = $:[[1,2],[3,4]] -> cartesianProduct; ' -> !OUT::write

'{3,4}x{1,2} = $:[[3,4],[1,2]] -> cartesianProduct; ' -> !OUT::write

'{1,2}x{} = $:[[1,2],[]] -> cartesianProduct; ' -> !OUT::write

'{}x{1,2} = $:[[],[1,2]] -> cartesianProduct; ' -> !OUT::write

'{1776, 1789} × {7, 12} × {4, 14, 23} × {0, 1} = $:[[1776, 1789], [7, 12], [4, 14, 23], [0, 1]] -> cartesianProduct; ' -> !OUT::write

'{1, 2, 3} × {30} × {500, 100} = $:[[1, 2, 3], [30], [500, 100]] -> cartesianProduct; ' -> !OUT::write

'{1, 2, 3} × {} × {500, 100} = $:[[1, 2, 3], [], [500, 100]] -> cartesianProduct; ' -> !OUT::write </lang>

{1,2}x{3,4} = [[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]]
{3,4}x{1,2} = [[3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2]]
{1,2}x{} = []
{}x{1,2} = []
{1776, 1789} × {7, 12} × {4, 14, 23} × {0, 1} = [[1776, 7, 4, 0], [1776, 7, 4, 1], [1776, 7, 14, 0], [1776, 7, 14, 1], [1776, 7, 23, 0], [1776, 7, 23, 1], [1776, 12, 4, 0], [1776, 12, 4, 1], [1776, 12, 14, 0], [1776, 12, 14, 1], [1776, 12, 23, 0], [1776, 12, 23, 1], [1789, 7, 4, 0], [1789, 7, 4, 1], [1789, 7, 14, 0], [1789, 7, 14, 1], [1789, 7, 23, 0], [1789, 7, 23, 1], [1789, 12, 4, 0], [1789, 12, 4, 1], [1789, 12, 14, 0], [1789, 12, 14, 1], [1789, 12, 23, 0], [1789, 12, 23, 1]]
{1, 2, 3} × {30} × {500, 100} = [[1, 30, 500], [1, 30, 100], [2, 30, 500], [2, 30, 100], [3, 30, 500], [3, 30, 100]]
{1, 2, 3} × {} × {500, 100} = []


<lang tcl> proc cartesianProduct {l1 l2} {

 set result {}
 foreach el1 $l1 {
   foreach el2 $l2 {
     lappend result [list $el1 $el2]
 return $result


puts "simple" puts "result: [cartesianProduct {1 2} {3 4}]" puts "result: [cartesianProduct {3 4} {1 2}]" puts "result: [cartesianProduct {1 2} {}]" puts "result: [cartesianProduct {} {3 4}]"

proc cartesianNaryProduct {lists} {

 set result {{}}
 foreach l $lists {
   set res {}
   foreach comb $result {
     foreach el $l {
       lappend res [linsert $comb end $el]
   set result $res
 return $result


puts "n-ary" puts "result: [cartesianNaryProduct {{1776 1789} {7 12} {4 14 23} {0 1}}]" puts "result: [cartesianNaryProduct {{1 2 3} {30} {500 100}}]" puts "result: [cartesianNaryProduct {{1 2 3} {} {500 100}}]"


result: {1 3} {1 4} {2 3} {2 4}
result: {3 1} {3 2} {4 1} {4 2}
result: {1776 7 4 0} {1776 7 4 1} {1776 7 14 0} {1776 7 14 1} {1776 7 23 0} {1776 7 23 1} {1776 12 4 0} {1776 12 4 1} {1776 12 14 0} {1776 12 14 1} {1776 12 23 0} {1776 12 23 1} {1789 7 4 0} {1789 7 4 1} {1789 7 14 0} {1789 7 14 1} {1789 7 23 0} {1789 7 23 1} {1789 12 4 0} {1789 12 4 1} {1789 12 14 0} {1789 12 14 1} {1789 12 23 0} {1789 12 23 1}
result: {1 30 500} {1 30 100} {2 30 500} {2 30 100} {3 30 500} {3 30 100}

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: C#

<lang vbnet>Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Module Module1

   Function CartesianProduct(Of T)(sequences As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T))) As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T))
       Dim emptyProduct As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T)) = {Enumerable.Empty(Of T)}
       Return sequences.Aggregate(emptyProduct, Function(accumulator, sequence) From acc In accumulator From item In sequence Select acc.Concat({item}))
   End Function
   Sub Main()
       Dim empty(-1) As Integer
       Dim list1 = {1, 2}
       Dim list2 = {3, 4}
       Dim list3 = {1776, 1789}
       Dim list4 = {7, 12}
       Dim list5 = {4, 14, 23}
       Dim list6 = {0, 1}
       Dim list7 = {1, 2, 3}
       Dim list8 = {30}
       Dim list9 = {500, 100}
       For Each sequnceList As Integer()() In {
           ({list1, list2}),
           ({list2, list1}),
           ({list1, empty}),
           ({empty, list1}),
           ({list3, list4, list5, list6}),
           ({list7, list8, list9}),
           ({list7, empty, list9})
           Dim cart = sequnceList.CartesianProduct().Select(Function(tuple) $"({String.Join(", ", tuple)})")
           Console.WriteLine($"{{{String.Join(", ", cart)}}}")
   End Sub

End Module</lang>

{(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}
{(3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2)}
{(1776, 7, 4, 0), (1776, 7, 4, 1), (1776, 7, 14, 0), (1776, 7, 14, 1), (1776, 7, 23, 0), (1776, 7, 23, 1), (1776, 12, 4, 0), (1776, 12, 4, 1), (1776, 12, 14, 0), (1776, 12, 14, 1), (1776, 12, 23, 0), (1776, 12, 23, 1), (1789, 7, 4, 0), (1789, 7, 4, 1), (1789, 7, 14, 0), (1789, 7, 14, 1), (1789, 7, 23, 0), (1789, 7, 23, 1), (1789, 12, 4, 0), (1789, 12, 4, 1), (1789, 12, 14, 0), (1789, 12, 14, 1), (1789, 12, 23, 0), (1789, 12, 23, 1)}
{(1, 30, 500), (1, 30, 100), (2, 30, 500), (2, 30, 100), (3, 30, 500), (3, 30, 100)}


Cartesian product is build into iterators or can be done with nested loops. <lang zkl>zkl: Walker.cproduct(List(1,2),List(3,4)).walk().println(); L(L(1,3),L(1,4),L(2,3),L(2,4)) zkl: foreach a,b in (List(1,2),List(3,4)){ print("(%d,%d) ".fmt(a,b)) } (1,3) (1,4) (2,3) (2,4)

zkl: Walker.cproduct(List(3,4),List(1,2)).walk().println(); L(L(3,1),L(3,2),L(4,1),L(4,2))</lang>

The walk method will throw an error if used on an empty iterator but the pump method doesn't. <lang zkl>zkl: Walker.cproduct(List(3,4),List).walk().println(); Exception thrown: TheEnd(Ain't no more)

zkl: Walker.cproduct(List(3,4),List).pump(List).println(); L() zkl: Walker.cproduct(List,List(3,4)).pump(List).println(); L()</lang> <lang zkl>zkl: Walker.cproduct(L(1776,1789),L(7,12),L(4,14,23),L(0,1)).walk().println(); L(L(1776,7,4,0),L(1776,7,4,1),L(1776,7,14,0),L(1776,7,14,1),L(1776,7,23,0),L(1776,7,23,1),L(1776,12,4,0),L(1776,12,4,1),L(1776,12,14,0),L(1776,12,14,1),L(1776,12,23,0),L(1776,12,23,1),L(1789,7,4,0),L(1789,7,4,1),L(1789,7,14,0),L(1789,7,14,1),L(1789,7,23,0),L(1789,7,23,1),L(1789,12,4,0),L(1789,12,4,1),...)

zkl: Walker.cproduct(L(1,2,3),L(30),L(500,100)).walk().println(); L(L(1,30,500),L(1,30,100),L(2,30,500),L(2,30,100),L(3,30,500),L(3,30,100))

zkl: Walker.cproduct(L(1,2,3),List,L(500,100)).pump(List).println(); L()</lang>