Ackermann function

Revision as of 16:36, 1 October 2012 by Hansoft (talk | contribs) (Added optimized Forth version)

The Ackermann function is a classic recursive example in computer science. It is a function that grows very quickly (in its value and in the size of its call tree). It is defined as follows:

Ackermann function
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Its arguments are never negative and it always terminates. Write a function which returns the value of . Arbitrary precision is preferred (since the function grows so quickly), but not required.


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: the four Ackermann values shown are incorrect.

<lang ABAP>report z_ackermann data: lv_local type i,

     lv_y type i,
     lv_x type i.

do 7 times.

 lv_y = sy-index - 1.
 do 5 times.
   lv_x = sy-index - 1.
   perform ackermann using lv_y lv_x changing lv_local.
   write : / 'A(', (1) lv_x, ',', (1) lv_y, ') = ', (4) lv_local left-justified.


form ackermann using iv_x type i iv_y type i changing ev_out type i.

 data: lv_x type i,
       lv_y type i.
 if iv_x is initial.
   ev_out = iv_y + 1.
 lv_x = iv_x - 1.
 if iv_y is initial.
   perform ackermann using lv_x 1 changing ev_out.
 lv_y = iv_y - 1.
 perform ackermann using iv_x lv_y changing lv_y.
 perform ackermann using lv_x lv_y changing ev_out.


Output excerpt:
A( 0 , 3 ) =  5
A( 1 , 3 ) =  13
A( 2 , 3 ) =  29
A( 3 , 3 ) =  61
A( 4 , 3 ) =  125


<lang actionscript>public function ackermann(m:uint, n:uint):uint {

   if (m == 0)
       return n + 1;
   if (n == 0)
       return ackermann(m - 1, 1);
   return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1));



<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_Ackermann is

  function Ackermann (M, N : Natural) return Natural is
     if M = 0 then
        return N + 1;
     elsif N = 0 then
        return Ackermann (M - 1, 1);
        return Ackermann (M - 1, Ackermann (M, N - 1));
     end if;
  end Ackermann;


  for M in 0..3 loop
     for N in 0..6 loop
        Put (Natural'Image (Ackermann (M, N)));
     end loop;
  end loop;

end Test_Ackermann;</lang> The implementation does not care about arbitrary precision numbers because the Ackermann function does not only grow, but also slow quickly, when computed recursively. The example outputs first 4x7 Ackermann's numbers:

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
 5 13 29 61 125 253 509


Translation of: Ada
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>PROC test ackermann = VOID: BEGIN

  PROC ackermann = (INT m, n)INT:
     IF m = 0 THEN
        n + 1
     ELIF n = 0 THEN
        ackermann (m - 1, 1)
        ackermann (m - 1, ackermann (m, n - 1))
  END # ackermann #;
  FOR m FROM 0 TO 3 DO
     FOR n FROM 0 TO 6 DO
        print(ackermann (m, n))
     new line(stand out)

END # test ackermann #; test ackermann</lang>

         +1         +2         +3         +4         +5         +6         +7
         +2         +3         +4         +5         +6         +7         +8
         +3         +5         +7         +9        +11        +13        +15
         +5        +13        +29        +61       +125       +253       +509


Works with: Dyalog APL

<lang APL>ackermann←{



<lang ATS>fun ackermann

 {m,n:nat} .<m,n>.
 (m: int m, n: int n): Nat =
 case+ (m, n) of
 | (0, _) => n+1
 | (_, 0) =>> ackermann (m-1, 1)
 | (_, _) =>> ackermann (m-1, ackermann (m, n-1))

// end of [ackermann]</lang>


Works with: Argile version 1.0.0

<lang Argile>use std

for each (val nat n) from 0 to 6

 for each (val nat m) from 0 to 3
   print "A("m","n") = "(A m n)

.:A <nat m, nat n>:. -> nat

 return (n+1)				if m == 0
 return (A (m - 1) 1)			if n == 0
 A (m - 1) (A m (n - 1))</lang>


<lang AutoHotkey>A(m, n) {

 If (m > 0) && (n = 0)
   Return A(m-1,1)
 Else If (m > 0) && (n > 0)
   Return A(m-1,A(m, n-1))
 Else If (m=0)
   Return n+1



MsgBox, % "A(1,2) = " A(1,2)</lang>


<lang awk>function ackermann(m, n) {

 if ( m == 0 ) { 
   return n+1
 if ( n == 0 ) { 
   return ackermann(m-1, 1)
 return ackermann(m-1, ackermann(m, n-1))



 for(n=0; n < 7; n++) {
   for(m=0; m < 4; m++) {
     print "A(" m "," n ") = " ackermann(m,n)



<lang babel>main:

       {((0 0) (0 1) (0 2)
       (0 3) (0 4) (1 0)
       (1 1) (1 2) (1 3)
       (1 4) (2 0) (2 1)
       (2 2) (2 3) (3 0)
       (3 1) (3 2) (4 0)) 
       { dup
       "A(" << { %d " " . << } ... ") = " <<
   reverse give 
   %d cr << } ... }


   { dup zero?
       { <-> dup zero?
           { <-> 
               1 -
               <- <- 1 - ->
               ack -> 
               ack }
           { <->
               1 - 
               <- 1 -> 
               ack }
       if }
       { zap 1 + }
   if }

zero?!: { 0 = }


A(0 0 ) = 1 A(0 1 ) = 2 A(0 2 ) = 3 A(0 3 ) = 4 A(0 4 ) = 5 A(1 0 ) = 2 A(1 1 ) = 3 A(1 2 ) = 4 A(1 3 ) = 5 A(1 4 ) = 6 A(2 0 ) = 3 A(2 1 ) = 5 A(2 2 ) = 7 A(2 3 ) = 9 A(3 0 ) = 5 A(3 1 ) = 13 A(3 2 ) = 29 A(4 0 ) = 13</lang>


Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5

BASIC runs out of stack space very quickly. The call ack(3, 4) gives a stack error. <lang qbasic>DECLARE FUNCTION ack! (m!, n!)

FUNCTION ack (m!, n!)

      IF m = 0 THEN ack = n + 1
      IF m > 0 AND n = 0 THEN
              ack = ack(m - 1, 1)
      END IF
      IF m > 0 AND n > 0 THEN
              ack = ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1))
      END IF



<lang basic256>dim stack(5000, 3) # BASIC-256 lacks functions (as of ver. stack[0,0] = 3 # M stack[0,1] = 7 # N lev = 0

gosub ackermann print "A("+stack[0,0]+","+stack[0,1]+") = "+stack[0,2] end

ackermann: if stack[lev,0]=0 then stack[lev,2] = stack[lev,1]+1 return end if if stack[lev,1]=0 then lev = lev+1 stack[lev,0] = stack[lev-1,0]-1 stack[lev,1] = 1 gosub ackermann stack[lev-1,2] = stack[lev,2] lev = lev-1 return end if lev = lev+1 stack[lev,0] = stack[lev-1,0] stack[lev,1] = stack[lev-1,1]-1 gosub ackermann stack[lev,0] = stack[lev-1,0]-1 stack[lev,1] = stack[lev,2] gosub ackermann stack[lev-1,2] = stack[lev,2] lev = lev-1 return</lang> Output:

A(3,7) = 1021

Batch File

Had trouble with this, so called in the gurus at StackOverflow. Thanks to Patrick Cuff for pointing out where I was going wrong. <lang dos>::Ackermann.cmd @echo off set depth=0


if %1==0 goto m0 if %2==0 goto n0


set /a n=%2-1 set /a depth+=1 call :ack %1 %n% set t=%errorlevel% set /a depth-=1 set /a m=%1-1 set /a depth+=1 call :ack %m% %t% set t=%errorlevel% set /a depth-=1 if %depth%==0 ( exit %t% ) else ( exit /b %t% )


set/a n=%2+1 if %depth%==0 ( exit %n% ) else ( exit /b %n% )


set /a m=%1-1 set /a depth+=1 call :ack %m% 1 set t=%errorlevel% set /a depth-=1 if %depth%==0 ( exit %t% ) else ( exit /b %t% )</lang> Because of the exit statements, running this bare closes one's shell, so this test routine handles the calling of Ackermann.cmd <lang dos>::Ack.cmd @echo off cmd/c ackermann.cmd %1 %2 echo Ackermann(%1, %2)=%errorlevel%</lang> A few test runs:

D:\Documents and Settings\Bruce>ack 0 4
Ackermann(0, 4)=5

D:\Documents and Settings\Bruce>ack 1 4
Ackermann(1, 4)=6

D:\Documents and Settings\Bruce>ack 2 4
Ackermann(2, 4)=11

D:\Documents and Settings\Bruce>ack 3 4
Ackermann(3, 4)=125


<lang bbcbasic> PRINT FNackermann(3, 7)

     DEF FNackermann(M%, N%)
     IF M% = 0 THEN = N% + 1
     IF N% = 0 THEN = FNackermann(M% - 1, 1)
     = FNackermann(M% - 1, FNackermann(M%, N%-1))</lang>


Requires a bc that supports long names and the print statement.

Works with: OpenBSD bc

<lang bc>define ack(m, n) {

  if ( m == 0 ) return (n+1);
  if ( n == 0 ) return (ack(m-1, 1));
  return (ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1)));


for (n=0; n<7; n++) {

 for (m=0; m<4; m++) {
    print "A(", m, ",", n, ") = ", ack(m,n), "\n"; 

} quit</lang>


<lang BCPL>GET "libhdr"

LET ack(m, n) = m=0 -> n+1,

               n=0 -> ack(m-1, 1),
               ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1))

LET start() = VALOF { FOR i = 0 TO 6 FOR m = 0 TO 3 DO

   writef("ack(%n, %n) = %n*n", m, n, ack(m,n))



Works with: CCBI version 2.1

<lang befunge>r[1&&{0 >v


u>.@ 1> \:v ^ v:\_$1+ \^v_$1\1- u^>1-0fp:1-\0fg101-</lang> The program reads two integers (first m, then n) from command line, idles around funge space, then outputs the result of the Ackerman function. Since the latter is calculated truly recursively, the execution time becomes unwieldy for most m>3.


Three solutions are presented here. The first one is a purely recursive version, only using the formulas at the top of the page. The value of A(4,1) cannot be computed due to stack overflow. It can compute A(3,9) (4093), but probably not A(3,10) <lang bracmat>( Ack = m n

 .   !arg:(?m,?n)
   & ( !m:0&!n+1
     | !n:0&Ack$(!m+-1,1)
     | Ack$(!m+-1,Ack$(!m,!n+-1))

);</lang> The second version is a purely non-recursive solution that easily can compute A(4,1). The program uses a stack for Ackermann function calls that are to be evaluated, but that cannot be computed given the currently known function values - the "known unknowns". The currently known values are stored in a hash table. The Hash table also contains incomplete Ackermann function calls, namely those for which the second argument is not known yet - "the unknown unknowns". These function calls are associated with "known unknowns" that are going to provide the value of the second argument. As soon as such an associated known unknown becomes known, the unknown unknown becomes a known unknown and is pushed onto the stack.

Although all known values are stored in the hash table, the converse is not true: an element in the hash table is either a "known known" or an "unknown unknown" associated with an "known unknown". <lang bracmat> ( A

 =     m n value key eq chain
     , find insert future stack va val
   .   ( chain
       =   key future skey
         .   !arg:(?key.?future)
           & str$!key:?skey
           & (cache..insert)$(!skey..!future)
     & (find=.(cache..find)$(str$!arg))
     & ( insert
       =   key value future v futureeq futurem skey
         .   !arg:(?key.?value)
           & str$!key:?skey
           & (   (cache..find)$!skey:(?key.?v.?future)
               & (cache..remove)$!skey
               & (cache..insert)$(!skey.!value.)
               & (   !future:(?futurem.?futureeq)
                   & (!futurem,!value.!futureeq)
             | (cache..insert)$(!skey.!value.)&
     & !arg:(?m,?n)
     & !n+1:?value
     & :?eq:?stack
     &   whl
       ' ( (!m,!n):?key
         &     (   find$!key:(?.#%?value.?future)
                 & insert$(!eq.!value) !future
               |   !m:0
                 & !n+1:?value
                 & ( !eq:&insert$(!key.!value)
                   |   insert$(!key.!value) !stack:?stack
                     & insert$(!eq.!value)
               |   !n:0
                 &   (!m+-1,1.!key)
               |   find$(!m,!n+-1):(?.?val.?)
                 & (   !val:#%
                     & (   find$(!m+-1,!val):(?.?va.?)
                         & !va:#%
                         & insert$(!key.!va)
                       |   (!m+-1,!val.!eq)
               |   chain$(!m,!n+-1.!m+-1.!key)
                 &   (!m,!n+-1.)
           : (?m,?n.?eq) ?stack
     & !value

& new$hash:?cache</lang>

Some results:

The last solution is a recursive solution that employs some extra formulas, inspired by the Common Lisp solution further down. <lang bracmat>( AckFormula = m n

 .   !arg:(?m,?n)
   & ( !m:0&!n+1
     | !m:1&!n+2
     | !m:2&2*!n+3
     | !m:3&2^(!n+3)+-3
     | !n:0&AckFormula$(!m+-1,1)
     | AckFormula$(!m+-1,AckFormula$(!m,!n+-1))

)</lang> Template:Some results


The last computation costs about 0,03 seconds.


<lang brat>ackermann = { m, n | when { m == 0 } { n + 1 } { m > 0 && n == 0 } { ackermann(m - 1, 1) } { m > 0 && n > 0 } { ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1)) } }

p ackermann 3, 4 #Prints 125</lang>


Straightforward implementation per Ackermann definition: <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

int ackermann(int m, int n) {

       if (!m) return n + 1;
       if (!n) return ackermann(m - 1, 1);
       return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1));


int main() {

       int m, n;
       for (m = 0; m <= 4; m++)
               for (n = 0; n < 6 - m; n++)
                       printf("A(%d, %d) = %d\n", m, n, ackermann(m, n));
       return 0;


A(0, 0) = 1
A(0, 1) = 2
A(0, 2) = 3
A(0, 3) = 4
A(0, 4) = 5
A(0, 5) = 6
A(1, 0) = 2
A(1, 1) = 3
A(1, 2) = 4
A(1, 3) = 5
A(1, 4) = 6
A(2, 0) = 3
A(2, 1) = 5
A(2, 2) = 7
A(2, 3) = 9
A(3, 0) = 5
A(3, 1) = 13
A(3, 2) = 29
A(4, 0) = 13
<program chokes at this point>

Ackermann function makes a lot of recursive calls, so the above program is a bit naive. We need to be slightly less naive, by doing some simple caching: <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>

int m_bits, n_bits; int *cache;

int ackermann(int m, int n) {

       int idx, res;
       if (!m) return n + 1;
       if (n >= 1<<n_bits) {
               printf("%d, %d\n", m, n);
               idx = 0;
       } else {
               idx = (m << n_bits) + n;
               if (cache[idx]) return cache[idx];
       if (!n) res = ackermann(m - 1, 1);
       else    res = ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1));
       if (idx) cache[idx] = res;
       return res;

} int main() {

       int m, n;
       m_bits = 3;
       n_bits = 20;  /* can save n values up to 2**20 - 1, that's 1 meg */
       cache = malloc(sizeof(int) * (1 << (m_bits + n_bits)));
       memset(cache, 0, sizeof(int) * (1 << (m_bits + n_bits)));
       for (m = 0; m <= 4; m++)
               for (n = 0; n < 6 - m; n++) {
                       printf("A(%d, %d) = %d\n", m, n, ackermann(m, n));
       return 0;


A(0, 0) = 1
A(0, 1) = 2
A(0, 2) = 3
A(0, 3) = 4
A(0, 4) = 5
A(0, 5) = 6
A(1, 0) = 2
A(1, 1) = 3
A(1, 2) = 4
A(1, 3) = 5
A(1, 4) = 6
A(2, 0) = 3
A(2, 1) = 5
A(2, 2) = 7
A(2, 3) = 9
A(3, 0) = 5
A(3, 1) = 13
A(3, 2) = 29
A(4, 0) = 13
A(4, 1) = 65533

Whee. Well, with some extra work, we calculated one more n value, big deal, right? But see, A(4, 2) = A(3, A(4, 1)) = A(3, 65533) = A(2, A(3, 65532)) = ... you can see how fast it blows up. In fact, no amount of caching will help you calculate large m values; on the machine I use A(4, 2) segfaults because the recursions run out of stack space--not a whole lot I can do about it. At least it runs out of stack space quickly, unlike the first solution...


<lang csharp>using System; class Program {

   public static long Ackermann(long m, long n)
       if(m > 0)
           if (n > 0)
               return Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1));
           else if (n == 0)
               return Ackermann(m - 1, 1);
       else if(m == 0)
           if(n >= 0) 
               return n + 1;
       throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
   static void Main()
       for (long m = 0; m <= 3; ++m)
           for (long n = 0; n <= 4; ++n)
               Console.WriteLine("Ackermann({0}, {1}) = {2}", m, n, Ackermann(m, n));


Ackermann(0, 0) = 1
Ackermann(0, 1) = 2
Ackermann(0, 2) = 3
Ackermann(0, 3) = 4
Ackermann(0, 4) = 5
Ackermann(1, 0) = 2
Ackermann(1, 1) = 3
Ackermann(1, 2) = 4
Ackermann(1, 3) = 5
Ackermann(1, 4) = 6
Ackermann(2, 0) = 3
Ackermann(2, 1) = 5
Ackermann(2, 2) = 7
Ackermann(2, 3) = 9
Ackermann(2, 4) = 11
Ackermann(3, 0) = 5
Ackermann(3, 1) = 13
Ackermann(3, 2) = 29
Ackermann(3, 3) = 61
Ackermann(3, 4) = 125


<lang cpp>#include <iostream> using namespace std; long ackermann(long x, long y) {

    if (x == 0)        return y+1;    
    else if (y == 0)        return ackermann(x-1, 1);    
    else return ackermann(x-1, ackermann(x, y-1));


int main() {

       long x,y;
       cout << "x ve y..:";
       return 0;



<lang Clay>ackermann(m, n) {

   if(m == 0)
     return n + 1;
   if(n == 0)
     return ackermann(m - 1, 1);
   return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1));



Functional solution <lang clips>(deffunction ackerman

 (?m ?n)
 (if (= 0 ?m)
   then (+ ?n 1)
   else (if (= 0 ?n)
     then (ackerman (- ?m 1) 1)
     else (ackerman (- ?m 1) (ackerman ?m (- ?n 1)))


Example usage:
CLIPS> (ackerman 0 4)
CLIPS> (ackerman 1 4)
CLIPS> (ackerman 2 4)
CLIPS> (ackerman 3 4)

Fact-based solution <lang clips>(deffacts solve-items

 (solve 0 4)
 (solve 1 4)
 (solve 2 4)
 (solve 3 4)


(defrule acker-m-0

 ?compute <- (compute 0 ?n)
 (retract ?compute)
 (assert (ackerman 0 ?n (+ ?n 1)))


(defrule acker-n-0-pre

 (compute ?m&:(> ?m 0) 0)
 (not (ackerman =(- ?m 1) 1 ?))
 (assert (compute (- ?m 1) 1))


(defrule acker-n-0

 ?compute <- (compute ?m&:(> ?m 0) 0)
 (ackerman =(- ?m 1) 1 ?val)
 (retract ?compute)
 (assert (ackerman ?m 0 ?val))


(defrule acker-m-n-pre-1

 (compute ?m&:(> ?m 0) ?n&:(> ?n 0))
 (not (ackerman ?m =(- ?n 1) ?))
 (assert (compute ?m (- ?n 1)))


(defrule acker-m-n-pre-2

 (compute ?m&:(> ?m 0) ?n&:(> ?n 0))
 (ackerman ?m =(- ?n 1) ?newn)
 (not (ackerman =(- ?m 1) ?newn ?))
 (assert (compute (- ?m 1) ?newn))


(defrule acker-m-n

 ?compute <- (compute ?m&:(> ?m 0) ?n&:(> ?n 0))
 (ackerman ?m =(- ?n 1) ?newn)
 (ackerman =(- ?m 1) ?newn ?val)
 (retract ?compute)
 (assert (ackerman ?m ?n ?val))


(defrule acker-solve

 (solve ?m ?n)
 (not (compute ?m ?n))
 (not (ackerman ?m ?n ?))
 (assert (compute ?m ?n))


(defrule acker-solved

 ?solve <- (solve ?m ?n)
 (ackerman ?m ?n ?result)
 (retract ?solve)
 (printout t "A(" ?m "," ?n ") = " ?result crlf)

)</lang> When invoked, each required A(m,n) needed to solve the requested (solve ?m ?n) facts gets generated as its own fact. Below shows the invocation of the above, as well as an excerpt of the final facts list. Regardless of how many input (solve ?m ?n) requests are made, each possible A(m,n) is only solved once.

CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-1     (solve 0 4)
f-2     (solve 1 4)
f-3     (solve 2 4)
f-4     (solve 3 4)
For a total of 5 facts.
CLIPS> (run)
A(3,4) = 125
A(2,4) = 11
A(1,4) = 6
A(0,4) = 5
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0     (initial-fact)
f-15    (ackerman 0 1 2)
f-16    (ackerman 1 0 2)
f-18    (ackerman 0 2 3)
f-632   (ackerman 1 123 125)
f-633   (ackerman 2 61 125)
f-634   (ackerman 3 4 125)
For a total of 316 facts.


<lang clojure>(defn ackermann [m n]

 (cond (zero? m) (inc n)
       (zero? n) (ackermann (dec m) 1)
       :else (ackermann (dec m) (ackermann m (dec n)))))</lang>


<lang coffeescript>ackermann = (m, n) ->

 if m is 0 then n + 1
 else if m > 0 and n is 0 then ackermann m - 1, 1
 else ackermann m - 1, ackermann m, n - 1</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun ackermann (m n)

 (cond ((zerop m) (1+ n))
       ((zerop n) (ackermann (1- m) 1))
       (t         (ackermann (1- m) (ackermann m (1- n))))))</lang>

More elaborately: <lang lisp>(defun ackermann (m n)

 (case m ((0) (1+ n))
   ((1) (+ 2 n))
   ((2) (+ n n 3))
   ((3) (- (expt 2 (+ 3 n)) 3))
   (otherwise (ackermann (1- m) (if (zerop n) 1 (ackermann m (1- n)))))))

(loop for m from 0 to 4 do

     (loop for n from (- 5 m) to (- 6 m) do

(format t "A(~d, ~d) = ~d~%" m n (ackermann m n))))</lang>

A(0, 5) = 6

A(0, 6) = 7 A(1, 4) = 6 A(1, 5) = 7 A(2, 3) = 9 A(2, 4) = 11 A(3, 2) = 29 A(3, 3) = 61 A(4, 1) = 65533

A(4, 2) = 2003529930 <... skipping a few digits ...> 56733


Basic version

<lang d>ulong ackermann(in ulong m, in ulong n) pure nothrow {

   if (m == 0)
       return n + 1;
   if (n == 0)
       return ackermann(m - 1, 1);
   return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1));


void main() {

   assert(ackermann(2, 4) == 11);


More efficient version

Translation of: Mathematica

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.bigint, std.conv;

/*pure nothrow*/ BigInt ipow(/*in*/ BigInt base, /*in*/ BigInt exp){

   auto result = BigInt(1);
   //while (exp) {
   while (exp != 0) {
       //if (exp & 1)
       if (exp % 2)
           result *= base;
       exp >>= 1;
       base *= base;
   return result;


/*pure nothrow*/ BigInt ackermann(in int m, in int n) in {

   assert(m >= 0 && n >= 0);

} out(result) {

   //assert(result >= 0);
   assert(cast()result >= 0);

} body {

   /*pure nothrow*/ static BigInt ack(in int m, /*in*/ BigInt n) {
       switch (m) {
           case 0: return n + 1;
           case 1: return n + 2;
           case 2: return 3 + 2 * n;
           //case 3: return 5 + 8 * (2 ^^ n - 1);
           case 3: return 5 + 8 * (ipow(BigInt(2), n) - 1);
           default: if (n == 0)
                       return ack(m - 1, BigInt(1));
                       return ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1));
   return ack(m, BigInt(n));


void main() {

   foreach (m; 1 .. 4)
       foreach (n; 1 .. 9)
           writefln("ackermann(%d, %d): %s", m, n, ackermann(m, n));
   writefln("ackermann(4, 1): %s", ackermann(4, 1));
   auto a = text(ackermann(4, 2));
   writefln("ackermann(4, 2)) (%d digits):\n%s...\n%s",
            a.length, a[0 .. 94], a[$-96 .. $]);


ackermann(1, 1): 3
ackermann(1, 2): 4
ackermann(1, 3): 5
ackermann(1, 4): 6
ackermann(1, 5): 7
ackermann(1, 6): 8
ackermann(1, 7): 9
ackermann(1, 8): 10
ackermann(2, 1): 5
ackermann(2, 2): 7
ackermann(2, 3): 9
ackermann(2, 4): 11
ackermann(2, 5): 13
ackermann(2, 6): 15
ackermann(2, 7): 17
ackermann(2, 8): 19
ackermann(3, 1): 13
ackermann(3, 2): 29
ackermann(3, 3): 61
ackermann(3, 4): 125
ackermann(3, 5): 253
ackermann(3, 6): 509
ackermann(3, 7): 1021
ackermann(3, 8): 2045
ackermann(4, 1): 65533
ackermann(4, 2)) (19729 digits):


no caching, the implementation takes ages even for A(4,1) <lang dart>int A(int m, int n) => m==0 ? n+1 : n==0 ? A(m-1,1) : A(m-1,A(m,n-1));

main() {




<lang delphi>function Ackermann(m,n:Int64):Int64; begin

   if m = 0 then
       Result := n + 1
   else if n = 0 then
       Result := Ackermann(m-1, 1)
       Result := Ackermann(m-1, Ackermann(m, n - 1));



<lang delphi>function Ackermann(m, n : Integer) : Integer; begin

   if m = 0 then
       Result := n+1
   else if n = 0 then
       Result := Ackermann(m-1, 1)
   else Result := Ackermann(m-1, Ackermann(m, n-1));



<lang dylan>define method ack(m == 0, n :: <integer>)

  n + 1

end; define method ack(m :: <integer>, n :: <integer>)

  ack(m - 1, if (n == 0) 1 else ack(m, n - 1) end)



<lang e>def A(m, n) {

   return if (m <=> 0)          { n+1              } \
     else if (m > 0 && n <=> 0) { A(m-1, 1)        } \
     else                       { A(m-1, A(m,n-1)) }



<lang Eiffel>note description: "Example of Ackerman function" URI: ""


create make

feature {NONE} -- Initialization

make do print ("%N A(0,0):" + ackerman (0, 0).out) print ("%N A(1,0):" + ackerman (1, 0).out) print ("%N A(0,1):" + ackerman (0, 1).out) print ("%N A(1,1):" + ackerman (1, 1).out) print ("%N A(2,0):" + ackerman (2, 0).out) print ("%N A(2,1):" + ackerman (2, 1).out) print ("%N A(2,2):" + ackerman (2, 2).out) print ("%N A(0,2):" + ackerman (0, 2).out) print ("%N A(1,2):" + ackerman (1, 2).out) print ("%N A(3,3):" + ackerman (3, 3).out) print ("%N A(3,4):" + ackerman (3, 4).out) end

feature -- Access

ackerman (m: NATURAL; n: NATURAL): NATURAL do if m = 0 then Result := n + 1 elseif m > 0 and n = 0 then Result := ackerman (m - 1, 1) elseif m > 0 and n > 0 then Result := ackerman (m - 1, ackerman (m, n - 1)) end end



<lang ela>ack 0 n = n+1 ack m 0 = ack (m-1) 1 ack m n = ack (m-1) <| ack m <| n-1</lang>


<lang elena>#define std'dictionary'*.

  1. define std'patterns'*.
  1. subject m, n.

// --- Ackermann function ---

  1. symbol Ackermann &m:anM &n:anN =


   #if anM
       ifequal:0 [ ^ anN + 1. ]
       | greater:0 ?
           #if anN
               ifequal:0 [ ^ Ackermann &&m:(anM - 1) &n:1. ]
               | greater:0 ? [ ^ Ackermann &&m:(anM - 1) &n:(Ackermann &&m:anM &n:(anN - 1)). ].
   control fail.


  1. symbol Program =


   loop &&from:0 &to:3 run: anM =
       loop &&from:0 &to:5 run: anN =
           'program'output << "A(" << anM << "," << anN << ")=" << (Ackermann &&m:anM &n:anN) << "%n".
   'program'Input get.



<lang erlang>-module(main). -export([main/1]).

main( [ A | [ B |[]]]) ->


toi(E) -> element(1,string:to_integer(E)).

ack(0,N) -> N + 1; ack(M,0) -> ack(M-1, 1); ack(M,N) -> ack(M-1,ack(M,N-1)).</lang>

It can be used with

|escript ./ack.erl 3 4


This is based on the VBScript example. <lang Euphoria>function ack(atom m, atom n)

   if m = 0 then 
       return n + 1
   elsif m > 0 and n = 0 then
       return ack(m - 1, 1)
       return ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1))
   end if

end function

for i = 0 to 3 do

   for j = 0 to 6 do
       printf( 1, "%5d", ack( i, j ) )
   end for
   puts( 1, "\n" )

end for</lang>


The following program implements the Ackermann function in F# but is not tail-recursive and so runs out of stack space quite fast. <lang fsharp>let rec ackermann m n =

   match m, n with
   | 0, n -> n + 1
   | m, 0 -> ackermann (m - 1) 1
   | m, n -> ackermann (m - 1) ackermann m (n - 1)


   printfn "%A" (ackermann (int fsi.CommandLineArgs.[1]) (int fsi.CommandLineArgs.[2]))</lang>

Transforming this into continuation passing style avoids limited stack space by permitting tail-recursion. <lang fsharp>let ackermann M N =

   let rec acker (m, n, k) =
       match m,n with
           | 0, n -> k(n + 1)
           | m, 0 -> acker ((m - 1), 1, k)
           | m, n -> acker (m, (n - 1), (fun x -> acker ((m - 1), x, k)))
   acker (M, N, (fun x -> x))</lang>


<lang factor>USING: kernel math locals combinators ; IN: ackermann

ackermann ( m n -- u )
       { [ m 0 = ] [ n 1 + ] } 
       { [ n 0 = ] [ m 1 - 1 ackermann ] } 
       [ m 1 - m n 1 - ackermann ackermann ] 
   } cond ;</lang>


<lang falcon>function ackermann( m, n )

if m == 0:  return( n + 1 )
if n == 0:  return( ackermann( m - 1, 1 ) )
return( ackermann( m - 1, ackermann( m, n - 1 ) ) )


for M in [ 0:4 ]

for N in [ 0:7 ]
  >> ackermann( M, N ), " "

end</lang> The above will output the below. Formating options to make this pretty are available but for this example only basic output is used.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 
5 13 29 61 125 253 509 


<lang false>[$$[%

    1-\$@@a;!  { i j -> A(i-1, A(i, j-1)) }
    %1         { i 0 -> A(i-1, 1) }


 %1+           { 0 j -> j+1 }
]?]a: { j i }

3 3 a;! . { 61 }</lang>


<lang fantom>class Main {

 // assuming m,n are positive
 static Int ackermann (Int m, Int n)
   if (m == 0)
     return n + 1
   else if (n == 0)
     return ackermann (m - 1, 1)
     return ackermann (m - 1, ackermann (m, n - 1))
 public static Void main ()
   (0..3).each |m|
     (0..6).each |n|
       echo ("Ackerman($m, $n) = ${ackermann(m, n)}")


Ackerman(0, 0) = 1
Ackerman(0, 1) = 2
Ackerman(0, 2) = 3
Ackerman(0, 3) = 4
Ackerman(0, 4) = 5
Ackerman(0, 5) = 6
Ackerman(0, 6) = 7
Ackerman(1, 0) = 2
Ackerman(1, 1) = 3
Ackerman(1, 2) = 4
Ackerman(1, 3) = 5
Ackerman(1, 4) = 6
Ackerman(1, 5) = 7
Ackerman(1, 6) = 8
Ackerman(2, 0) = 3
Ackerman(2, 1) = 5
Ackerman(2, 2) = 7
Ackerman(2, 3) = 9
Ackerman(2, 4) = 11
Ackerman(2, 5) = 13
Ackerman(2, 6) = 15
Ackerman(3, 0) = 5
Ackerman(3, 1) = 13
Ackerman(3, 2) = 29
Ackerman(3, 3) = 61
Ackerman(3, 4) = 125
Ackerman(3, 5) = 253
Ackerman(3, 6) = 509


<lang forth>: acker ( m n -- u ) over 0= IF nip 1+ EXIT THEN swap 1- swap ( m-1 n -- ) dup 0= IF 1+ recurse EXIT THEN 1- over 1+ swap recurse recurse ;</lang>

Example of use:
FORTH> 0 0 acker . 1  ok
FORTH> 3 4 acker . 125  ok

An optimized version: <lang forth>: ackermann ( m n -- u )

 over                                 ( case statement) 
 0 over = if drop nip 1+     else
 1 over = if drop nip 2 +    else
 2 over = if drop nip 2* 3 + else
 3 over = if drop swap drop 1 swap 3 + lshift 3 - else
   drop swap 1- swap dup
     1- over 1+ swap recurse recurse exit
     1+ recurse exit                  \ allow tail recursion
 then then then then


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>PROGRAM EXAMPLE


 INTEGER :: i, j

 DO i = 0, 3
   DO j = 0, 6
      WRITE(*, "(I10)", ADVANCE="NO") Ackermann(i, j)


   INTEGER :: ack, m, n
   IF (m == 0) THEN
     ack = n + 1
   ELSE IF (n == 0) THEN
     ack = Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
     ack = Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))



<lang gap>ack := function(m, n)

 if m = 0 then
   return n + 1;
 elif (m > 0) and (n = 0) then
   return ack(m - 1, 1);
 elif (m > 0) and (n > 0) then
   return ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1));
   return fail;



<lang genyris>def A (m n)

     (equal? m 0)
         + n 1
     (equal? n 0) 
         A (- m 1) 1
         A (- m 1)
            A m (- n 1)</lang>


for a function named "ackermann": <lang GML>m=argument0 n=argument1 if(m=0)

   return (n+1)

else if(n=0)

   return (ackermann(m-1,1,1))


   return (ackermann(m-1,ackermann(m,n-1,2),1))</lang>


<lang gnuplot>A (m, n) = m == 0 ? n + 1 : n == 0 ? A (m - 1, 1) : A (m - 1, A (m, n - 1)) print A (0, 4) print A (1, 4) print A (2, 4) print A (3, 4)</lang>

stack overflow


Classic version <lang go>func Ackermann(m, n uint) uint {

 switch {
   case m == 0:
     return n + 1
   case n == 0:
     return Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
 return Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))

}</lang> Expanded version <lang go>func Ackermann2(m, n uint) uint {

 switch {
   case m == 0:
     return n + 1
   case m == 1:
     return n + 2
   case m == 2:
     return 2*n + 3
   case m == 3:
     return 8 << n - 3
   case n == 0:
     return Ackermann2(m - 1, 1)
 return Ackermann2(m - 1, Ackermann2(m, n - 1))

}</lang> Expanded version with arbitrary precision and demonstration program <lang go>package main

import (



var one = big.NewInt(1) var two = big.NewInt(2) var three = big.NewInt(3) var eight = big.NewInt(8) var u uint var uBits = int(unsafe.Sizeof(u))*8 - 1

func Ackermann2(m, n *big.Int) *big.Int {

   if m.Cmp(three) <= 0 {
       switch m.Int64() {
       case 0:
           return new(big.Int).Add(n, one)
       case 1:
           return new(big.Int).Add(n, two)
       case 2:
           r := new(big.Int).Lsh(n, 1)
           return r.Add(r, three)
       case 3:
           if n.BitLen() > uBits {
               panic("way too big")
           r := new(big.Int).Lsh(eight, uint(n.Int64()))
           return r.Sub(r, three)
   if n.BitLen() == 0 {
       return Ackermann2(new(big.Int).Sub(m, one), one)
   return Ackermann2(new(big.Int).Sub(m, one),
       Ackermann2(m, new(big.Int).Sub(n, one)))


func main() {

   show(0, 0)
   show(1, 2)
   show(2, 4)
   show(3, 100)
   show(4, 1)
   show(4, 3)


func show(m, n int64) {

   fmt.Printf("A(%d, %d) = ", m, n)
   fmt.Println(Ackermann2(big.NewInt(m), big.NewInt(n)))


A(0, 0) = 1
A(1, 2) = 4
A(2, 4) = 11
A(3, 100) = 10141204801825835211973625643005
A(4, 1) = 65533
A(4, 3) = panic: way too big

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.Ackermann2(0xf84001a480, 0xf84001a5a0, 0xf84001a5a0, 0xf84001a4a0, 0xf84001a460, ...)
        a.go:28 +0x2c3
main.Ackermann2(0xf84001a440, 0xf84001a460, 0x2b91c7e9ff50, 0x200000002, 0xa, ...)
        a.go:37 +0x1fb, 0x3, 0x40cee3, 0x0)
        a.go:51 +0x145
        a.go:46 +0x9b


<lang golfscript>{

 :_n; :_m;
 _m 0= {_n 1+}
       {_n 0= {_m 1- 1 ack}
              {_m 1- _m _n 1- ack ack}



<lang groovy>def ack ( m, n ) {

   assert m >= 0 && n >= 0 : 'both arguments must be non-negative'
   m == 0 ? n + 1 : n == 0 ? ack(m-1, 1) : ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1))

}</lang> Test program: <lang groovy>def ackMatrix = (0..3).collect { m -> (0..8).collect { n -> ack(m, n) } } ackMatrix.each { it.each { elt -> printf "%7d", elt }; println() }</lang>

      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9
      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10
      3      5      7      9     11     13     15     17     19
      5     13     29     61    125    253    509   1021   2045

Note: In the default groovyConsole configuration for WinXP, "ack(4,1)" caused a stack overflow error!


<lang haskell>ack 0 n = n + 1 ack m 0 = ack (m-1) 1 ack m n = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))</lang>

Example of use:
 Prelude> ack 0 0
 Prelude> ack 3 4

Generating a list instead: <lang haskell>-- everything here are [Int] or Int, which would overflow -- * had it not overrun the stack first * ackermann = iterate ack [1..] where ack a = s where s = a!!1 : f (tail a) (zipWith (-) s (1:s)) f a (b:bs) = (head aa) : f aa bs where aa = drop b a

main = mapM_ print $ map (\n -> take (6 - n) $ ackermann !! n) [0..5]</lang>


<lang haXe>class RosettaDemo {

   static public function main()
       neko.Lib.print(ackermann(3, 4));
   static function ackermann(m : Int, n : Int)
       if (m == 0)
           return n + 1;
       else if (n == 0)
           return ackermann(m-1, 1);
       return ackermann(m-1, ackermann(m, n-1));


Icon and Unicon

Taken from the public domain Icon Programming Library's acker in memrfncs, written by Ralph E. Griswold. <lang Icon>procedure acker(i, j)

  static memory
  initial {
     memory := table()
     every memory[0 to 100] := table()
  if i = 0 then return j + 1
  if j = 0 then /memory[i][j] := acker(i - 1, 1)
  else /memory[i][j] := acker(i - 1, acker(i, j - 1))
  return memory[i][j]


procedure main()

  every m := 0 to 3 do {
     every n := 0 to 8 do {
        writes(acker(m, n) || " ")


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 
5 13 29 61 125 253 509 1021 2045


Translation of: Clojure

<lang ioke>ackermann = method(m,n,

   m zero?, n succ,
   n zero?, ackermann(m pred, 1),
   ackermann(m pred, ackermann(m, n pred)))



As posted at the J wiki <lang j>ack=: c1`c1`c2`c3 @. (#.@,&*) M. c1=: >:@] NB. if 0=x, 1+y c2=: <:@[ ack 1: NB. if 0=y, (x-1) ack 1 c3=: <:@[ ack [ ack <:@] NB. else, (x-1) ack x ack y-1</lang>

Example use:

<lang j> 0 ack 3 4

  1 ack 3


  2 ack 3


  3 ack 3

61</lang> J's stack was too small for me to compute 4 ack 1.

Alternative Primitive Recursive Version

This version works by first generating verbs (functions) and then applying them to compute the rows of the related Buck function; then the Ackermann function is obtained in terms of the Buck function. It uses extended precision to be able to compute 4 Ack 2.

The Ackermann function derived in this fashion is primitive recursive. This is possible because in J (as in some other languages) functions, or representations of them, are first-class values. <lang j> Ack=. 3 -~ [ ({&(2 4$'>: 2x&+') ::(,&'&1'&'2x&*'@:(-&2))"0@:[ 128!:2 ]) 3 + ]</lang>

Example use:

<lang j> 0 1 2 3 Ack 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 5 13 29 61 125 253 509 1021

  3 4 Ack 0 1 2
5    13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ...

13 65533 2003529930406846464979072351560255750447825475569751419265016973710894059556311453089506130880933348101038234342907263181822949382118812668869506364761547029165041871916351587966347219442930927982084309104855990570159318959639524863372367203002916...

  4 # @: ": @: Ack 2 NB. Number of digits of 4 Ack 2


  5 Ack 0

65533 </lang>

A structured derivation of Ack follows:

<lang j> o=. @: NB. Composition of verbs (functions)

  x=. o[ NB. Composing the left noun (argument)
  (rows2up=. ,&'&1'&'2x&*') o i. 4 

2x&* 2x&*&1 2x&*&1&1 2x&*&1&1&1

  NB. 2's multiplication, exponentiation, tetration, pentation, etc.
  0 1 2 (BuckTruncated=. (rows2up  x apply ]) f.) 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 2 4 6 8 ... 1 2 4 8 16 ... 1 2 4 16 65536 2003529930406846464979072351560255750447825475569751419265016973710894059556311453089506130880933348101038234342907263181822949382118812668869506364761547029165041871916351587966347219442930927982084309104855990570159318959639524863372367203...

  NB. Buck truncated function (missing the first two rows)
  BuckTruncated NB. Buck truncated function-level code

,&'&1'&'2x&*'@:[ 128!:2 ]

  (rows01=. {&('>:',:'2x&+')) 0 1 NB. The missing first two rows

>: 2x&+

  Buck=. (rows01 :: (rows2up o (-&2)))"0 x apply ]
  (Ack=. (3 -~ [ Buck 3 + ])f.)  NB. Ackermann function-level code

3 -~ [ ({&(2 4$'>: 2x&+') ::(,&'&1'&'2x&*'@:(-&2))"0@:[ 128!:2 ]) 3 + ]</lang>


<lang java>import java.math.BigInteger;

public static BigInteger ack(BigInteger m, BigInteger n) {

   return m.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)
           ? n.add(BigInteger.ONE)
           : ack(m.subtract(BigInteger.ONE),
                       n.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? BigInteger.ONE : ack(m, n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)));



<lang javascript>function ack(m, n) {

return m === 0 ? n + 1 : ack(m - 1, n === 0  ? 1 : ack(m, n - 1));



From here <lang joy>DEFINE ack == [ [ [pop null] popd succ ]

               [ [null]  pop pred 1 ack ] 
               [ [dup pred swap] dip pred ack ack ] ] 

another using a combinator <lang joy>DEFINE ack == [ [ [pop null] [popd succ] ] [ [null] [pop pred 1] [] ] [ [[dup pred swap] dip pred] [] [] ] ]


Whenever there are two definitions with the same name, the last one is the one that is used, when invoked.


See the K wiki <lang k>ack:{:[0=x;y+1;0=y;_f[x-1;1];_f[x-1;_f[x;y-1]]]} ack[2;2]</lang>

Kdf9 Usercode

<lang kdf9 usercode>V6; W0; YS26000; RESTART; J999; J999; PROGRAM; (main program);

  V1 = B1212121212121212; (radix 10 for FRB);
  V2 = B2020202020202020; (high bits for decimal digits);
  V3 = B0741062107230637; ("A[3,"  in Flexowriter code);
  V4 = B0727062200250007; ("7] = " in Flexowriter code);
  V5 = B7777777777777777;
     ZERO; NOT; =M1;      (Q1 := 0/0/-1);
     SETAYS0; =M2; I2=2;  (Q2 := 0/2/AYS0: M2 is the stack pointer);
     SET 3; =RC7;         (Q7 := 3/1/0: C7 = m);
     SET 7; =RC8;         (Q8 := 7/1/0: C8 = n);
  JSP1;                   (call Ackermann function);
     V1; REV; FRB;        (convert result to base 10);
     V2; OR;              (convert decimal digits to characters);
     V5; REV;
     SHLD+24; =V5; ERASE; (eliminate leading zeros);
     SETAV5; =RM9;
     SETAV3; =I9;
     POAQ9;               (write result to Flexowriter);

999; ZERO; OUT; (terminate run);

P1; (To compute A[m, n]);

     J1C7NZ;           (to 1 if m ± 0);
        I8; =+C8;      (n := n + 1);
        C8;            (result to NEST);
     EXIT 1;           (return);
     J2C8NZ;           (to 2 if n ± 0);
        I8; =C8;       (n := 1);
        DC7;           (m := m - 1);
     J99;              (tail recursion for A[m-1, 1]);
        LINK; =M0M2;   (push return address);
        C7; =M0M2QN;   (push m);
        DC8;           (n := n - 1);
     JSP1;             (full recursion for A[m, n-1]);
        =C8;           (n := A[m, n-1]);
        M1M2; =C7;     (m := top of stack);
        DC7;           (m := m - 1);
        M-I2;          (pop stack);
        M0M2; =LINK;   (return address := top of stack);
     J99;              (tail recursion for A[m-1, A[m, n-1]]);


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>Print Ackermann(1, 2)

   Function Ackermann(m, n)
       Select Case
           Case (m < 0) Or (n < 0)
               Exit Function
           Case (m = 0)
               Ackermann = (n + 1)
           Case (m > 0) And (n = 0)
               Ackermann = Ackermann((m - 1), 1)
           Case (m > 0) And (n > 0)
               Ackermann = Ackermann((m - 1), Ackermann(m, (n - 1)))
       End Select
   End Function</lang>

<lang logo>to ack :i :j

 if :i = 0 [output :j+1]
 if :j = 0 [output ack :i-1 1]
 output ack :i-1 ack :i :j-1



<lang logtalk>ack(0, N, V) :-

   V is N + 1.

ack(M, 0, V) :-

   M2 is M - 1,
   ack(M2, 1, V).

ack(M, N, V) :-

   M2 is M - 1,
   N2 is N - 1,
   ack(M, N2, V2),
   ack(M2, V2, V).</lang>


<lang lua>function ack(M,N)

   if M == 0 then return N + 1 end
   if N == 0 then return ack(M-1,1) end
   return ack(M-1,ack(M, N-1))



<lang lucid>ack(m,n)

 ack(m,n) = if m eq 0 then n+1
                      else if n eq 0 then ack(m-1,1)
                                     else ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1)) fi


<lang M4>define(`ack',`ifelse($1,0,`incr($2)',`ifelse($2,0,`ack(decr($1),1)',`ack(decr($1),ack($1,decr($2)))')')')dnl ack(3,3)</lang>



Two possible implementations would be: <lang Mathematica>$RecursionLimit=Infinity Ackermann1[m_,n_]:=

 If[ n==0,Ackermann1[m-1,1],

Note that the second implementation is quite a bit faster, as doing 'if' comparisons is slower than the built-in pattern matching algorithms. Examples: <lang Mathematica>Flatten[#,1]&@Table[{"Ackermann2["<>ToString[i]<>","<>ToString[j]<>"] =",Ackermann2[i,j]},{i,3},{j,8}]//Grid</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>Ackermann2[1,1] = 3 Ackermann2[1,2] = 4 Ackermann2[1,3] = 5 Ackermann2[1,4] = 6 Ackermann2[1,5] = 7 Ackermann2[1,6] = 8 Ackermann2[1,7] = 9 Ackermann2[1,8] = 10 Ackermann2[2,1] = 5 Ackermann2[2,2] = 7 Ackermann2[2,3] = 9 Ackermann2[2,4] = 11 Ackermann2[2,5] = 13 Ackermann2[2,6] = 15 Ackermann2[2,7] = 17 Ackermann2[2,8] = 19 Ackermann2[3,1] = 13 Ackermann2[3,2] = 29 Ackermann2[3,3] = 61 Ackermann2[3,4] = 125 Ackermann2[3,5] = 253 Ackermann2[3,6] = 509 Ackermann2[3,7] = 1021 Ackermann2[3,8] = 2045</lang> If we would like to calculate Ackermann[4,1] or Ackermann[4,2] we have to optimize a little bit: <lang Mathematica>Clear[Ackermann3] $RecursionLimit=Infinity; Ackermann3[0,n_]:=n+1; Ackermann3[1,n_]:=n+2; Ackermann3[2,n_]:=3+2n; Ackermann3[3,n_]:=5+8 (2^n-1); Ackermann3[m_,0]:=Ackermann3[m-1,1]; Ackermann3[m_,n_]:=Ackermann3[m-1,Ackermann3[m,n-1]]</lang> Now computing Ackermann[4,1] and Ackermann[4,2] can be done quickly (<0.01 sec): Examples 2: <lang Mathematica>Ackermann3[4, 1] Ackermann3[4, 2]</lang> gives back:

<lang Mathematica>65533 2003529930406846464979072351560255750447825475569751419265016973710894059556311453089506130880........699146577530041384717124577965048175856395072895337539755822087777506072339445587895905719156733</lang>

Ackermann[4,2] has 19729 digits, several thousands of digits omitted in the result above for obvious reasons. Ackermann[5,0] can be computed also quite fast, and is equal to 65533. Summarizing Ackermann[0,n_], Ackermann[1,n_], Ackermann[2,n_], and Ackermann[3,n_] can all be calculated for n>>1000. Ackermann[4,0], Ackermann[4,1], Ackermann[4,2] and Ackermann[5,0] are only possible now. Maybe in the future we can calculate higher Ackermann numbers efficiently and fast. Although showing the results will always be a problem.


<lang MATLAB>function A = ackermannFunction(m,n)

   if m == 0
       A = n+1;
   elseif (m > 0) && (n == 0)
       A = ackermannFunction(m-1,1);
       A = ackermannFunction( m-1,ackermannFunction(m,n-1) );



<lang maxima>ackermann(m, n) := if integerp(m) and integerp(n) then ackermann[m, n] else 'ackermann(m, n)$

ackermann[m, n] := if m = 0 then n + 1

                  elseif m = 1 then 2 + (n + 3) - 3
                  elseif m = 2 then 2 * (n + 3) - 3
                  elseif m = 3 then 2^(n + 3) - 3
                  elseif n = 0 then ackermann[m - 1, 1]
                  else ackermann[m - 1, ackermann[m, n - 1]]$

tetration(a, n) := if integerp(n) then block([b: a], for i from 2 thru n do b: a^b, b) else 'tetration(a, n)$

/* this should evaluate to zero */ ackermann(4, n) - (tetration(2, n + 3) - 3); subst(n = 2, %); ev(%, nouns);</lang>


Use with caution. Will cause a stack overflow for m > 3. <lang maxscript>fn ackermann m n = (

   if m == 0 then
       return n + 1
   else if n == 0 then
       ackermann (m-1) 1
       ackermann (m-1) (ackermann m (n-1))



ML/I loves recursion, but runs out of its default amount of storage with larger numbers than those tested here!


<lang ML/I>MCSKIP "WITH" NL "" Ackermann function "" Will overflow when it reaches implementation-defined signed integer limit MCSKIP MT,<> MCINS %. MCDEF ACK WITHS ( , ) AS <MCSET T1=%A1. MCSET T2=%A2. MCGO L1 UNLESS T1 EN 0 %%T2.+1.MCGO L0 %L1.MCGO L2 UNLESS T2 EN 0 ACK(%%T1.-1.,1)MCGO L0 %L2.ACK(%%T1.-1.,ACK(%T1.,%%T2.-1.))> "" Macro ACK now defined, so try it out a(0,0) => ACK(0,0) a(0,1) => ACK(0,1) a(0,2) => ACK(0,2) a(0,3) => ACK(0,3) a(0,4) => ACK(0,4) a(0,5) => ACK(0,5) a(1,0) => ACK(1,0) a(1,1) => ACK(1,1) a(1,2) => ACK(1,2) a(1,3) => ACK(1,3) a(1,4) => ACK(1,4) a(2,0) => ACK(2,0) a(2,1) => ACK(2,1) a(2,2) => ACK(2,2) a(2,3) => ACK(2,3) a(3,0) => ACK(3,0) a(3,1) => ACK(3,1) a(3,2) => ACK(3,2) a(4,0) => ACK(4,0)</lang>


<lang ML/I>a(0,0) => 1 a(0,1) => 2 a(0,2) => 3 a(0,3) => 4 a(0,4) => 5 a(0,5) => 6 a(1,0) => 2 a(1,1) => 3 a(1,2) => 4 a(1,3) => 5 a(1,4) => 6 a(2,0) => 3 a(2,1) => 5 a(2,2) => 7 a(2,3) => 9 a(3,0) => 5 a(3,1) => 13 a(3,2) => 29 a(4,0) => 13</lang>


<lang modula2>MODULE ackerman;



       string          : ARRAY [0..19] OF CHAR;
       OK              : BOOLEAN;



 IF    x = 0  THEN  RETURN  y + 1
 ELSIF y = 0  THEN  RETURN  Ackerman (x - 1 , 1)
   RETURN  Ackerman (x - 1 , Ackerman (x , y - 1))

END Ackerman;


 FOR  m := 0  TO  3  DO
   FOR  n := 0  TO  6  DO
     NumConv.Num2Str (Ackerman (m, n), 10, string, OK);
     IF  OK  THEN
       InOut.WriteString (string)
       InOut.WriteString ("* Error in number * ")
     InOut.Write (ASCII.HT)

END ackerman.</lang>

jan@Beryllium:~/modula/rosetta$ ackerman

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

5 13 29 61 125 253 509


The type CARDINAL is defined in Modula-3 as [0..LAST(INTEGER)], in other words, it can hold all positive integers. <lang modula3>MODULE Ack EXPORTS Main;



   IF m = 0 THEN 
     RETURN n + 1;
   ELSIF n = 0 THEN
     RETURN Ackermann(m - 1, 1);
     RETURN Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1));
 END Ackermann;


 FOR m := 0 TO 3 DO
   FOR n := 0 TO 6 DO
     Put(Int(Ackermann(m, n)) & " ");

END Ack.</lang>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
3 5 7 9 11 13 15 
5 13 29 61 125 253 509 


<lang MUMPS>Ackermann(m,n) ; If m=0 Quit n+1 If m>0,n=0 Quit $$Ackermann(m-1,1) If m>0,n>0 Quit $$Ackermann(m-1,$$Ackermann(m,n-1)) Set $Ecode=",U13-Invalid parameter for Ackermann: m="_m_", n="_n_","

Write $$Ackermann(1,8) ; 10 Write $$Ackermann(2,8) ; 19 Write $$Ackermann(3,5) ; 253</lang>


<lang nial>ack is fork [

  = [0 first, first], +[last, 1 first],
  = [0 first, last], ack [ -[first, 1 first], 1 first],
  ack[ -[first,1 first], ack[first, -[last,1 first]]]



<lang nimrod>proc Ackermann(m, n: int64): int64 =

 if m == 0:
   result = n + 1
 elif n == 0:
   result = Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
   result = Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))</lang>


<lang ocaml>let rec a m n =

 if m=0 then (n+1) else
 if n=0 then (a (m-1) 1) else
 (a (m-1) (a m (n-1)))</lang>

or: <lang ocaml>let rec a = function

 | 0, n -> (n+1)
 | m, 0 -> a(m-1, 1)
 | m, n -> a(m-1, a(m, n-1))</lang>

with memoization using an hash-table: <lang ocaml>let h = Hashtbl.create 4001

let a m n =

 try Hashtbl.find h (m, n)
 with Not_found ->
   let res = a (m, n) in
   Hashtbl.add h (m, n) res;

taking advantage of the memoization we start calling small values of m and n in order to reduce the recursion call stack: <lang ocaml>let a m n =

 for _m = 0 to m do
   for _n = 0 to n do
     ignore(a _m _n);
 (a m n)</lang>

Arbitrary precision

With arbitrary-precision integers (Big_int module): <lang ocaml>open Big_int let one = unit_big_int let zero = zero_big_int let succ = succ_big_int let pred = pred_big_int let eq = eq_big_int

let rec a m n =

 if eq m zero then (succ n) else
 if eq n zero then (a (pred m) one) else
 (a (pred m) (a m (pred n)))</lang>

compile with:

ocamlopt -o acker nums.cmxa


Here is a tail-recursive version: <lang ocaml>let rec find_option h v =

 try Some(Hashtbl.find h v)
 with Not_found -> None

let rec a bounds caller todo m n =

 match m, n with
 | 0, n ->
     let r = (n+1) in
     ( match todo with
       | [] -> r
       | (m,n)::todo ->
           List.iter (fun k ->
             if not(Hashtbl.mem bounds k)
             then Hashtbl.add bounds k r) caller;
           a bounds [] todo m n )
 | m, 0 ->
     a bounds caller todo (m-1) 1
 | m, n ->
     match find_option bounds (m, n-1) with
     | Some a_rec ->
         let caller = (m,n)::caller in
         a bounds caller todo (m-1) a_rec
     | None ->
         let todo = (m,n)::todo
         and caller = [(m, n-1)] in
         a bounds caller todo m (n-1)

let a = a (Hashtbl.create 42 (* arbitrary *) ) [] [] ;;</lang> This one uses the arbitrary precision, the tail-recursion, and the optimisation explain on the Wikipedia page about (m,n) = (3,_). <lang ocaml>open Big_int let one = unit_big_int let zero = zero_big_int let succ = succ_big_int let pred = pred_big_int let add = add_big_int let sub = sub_big_int let eq = eq_big_int let three = succ(succ one) let power = power_int_positive_big_int

let eq2 (a1,a2) (b1,b2) =

 (eq a1 b1) && (eq a2 b2)

module H = Hashtbl.Make

    type t = Big_int.big_int * Big_int.big_int
    let equal = eq2
    let hash (x,y) = Hashtbl.hash
      (Big_int.string_of_big_int x ^ "," ^
         Big_int.string_of_big_int y)
      (* probably not a very good hash function *)

let rec find_option h v =

 try Some (H.find h v)
 with Not_found -> None

let rec a bounds caller todo m n =

 let may_tail r =
   let k = (m,n) in
   match todo with
   | [] -> r
   | (m,n)::todo ->
       List.iter (fun k ->
                    if not (H.mem bounds k)
                    then H.add bounds k r) (k::caller);
       a bounds [] todo m n
 match m, n with
 | m, n when eq m zero ->
     let r = (succ n) in
     may_tail r

 | m, n when eq n zero ->
     let caller = (m,n)::caller in
     a bounds caller todo (pred m) one

 | m, n when eq m three ->
     let r = sub (power 2 (add n three)) three in
     may_tail r
 | m, n ->
     match find_option bounds (m, pred n) with
     | Some a_rec ->
         let caller = (m,n)::caller in
         a bounds caller todo (pred m) a_rec
     | None ->
         let todo = (m,n)::todo in
         let caller = [(m, pred n)] in
         a bounds caller todo m (pred n)

let a = a (H.create 42 (* arbitrary *)) [] [] ;;

let () =

 let m, n =
     big_int_of_string Sys.argv.(1),
     big_int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)
   with _ ->
     Printf.eprintf "usage: %s <int> <int>\n" Sys.argv.(0);
     exit 1
 let r = a m n in
 Printf.printf "(a %s %s) = %s\n"
     (string_of_big_int m)
     (string_of_big_int n)
     (string_of_big_int r);


<lang oberon2>MODULE ackerman;


VAR m, n  : INTEGER;



 IF    x = 0  THEN  RETURN  y + 1
 ELSIF y = 0  THEN  RETURN  Ackerman (x - 1 , 1)
   RETURN  Ackerman (x - 1 , Ackerman (x , y - 1))

END Ackerman;


 FOR  m := 0  TO  3  DO
   FOR  n := 0  TO  6  DO
     Out.Int (Ackerman (m, n), 10);
     Out.Char (9X)

END ackerman.</lang>


<lang octave>function r = ackerman(m, n)

 if ( m == 0 )
   r = n + 1;
 elseif ( n == 0 )
   r = ackerman(m-1, 1);
   r = ackerman(m-1, ackerman(m, n-1));


for i = 0:3

 disp(ackerman(i, 4));



<lang ooRexx> loop m = 0 to 3

   loop n = 0 to 6
       say "Ackermann("m", "n") =" ackermann(m, n)


routine ackermann
 use strict arg m, n
 -- give us some precision room
 numeric digits 10000
 if m = 0 then return n + 1
 else if n = 0 then return ackermann(m - 1, 1)
 else return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1))

</lang> Output:

Ackermann(0, 0) = 1
Ackermann(0, 1) = 2
Ackermann(0, 2) = 3
Ackermann(0, 3) = 4
Ackermann(0, 4) = 5
Ackermann(0, 5) = 6
Ackermann(0, 6) = 7
Ackermann(1, 0) = 2
Ackermann(1, 1) = 3
Ackermann(1, 2) = 4
Ackermann(1, 3) = 5
Ackermann(1, 4) = 6
Ackermann(1, 5) = 7
Ackermann(1, 6) = 8
Ackermann(2, 0) = 3
Ackermann(2, 1) = 5
Ackermann(2, 2) = 7
Ackermann(2, 3) = 9
Ackermann(2, 4) = 11
Ackermann(2, 5) = 13
Ackermann(2, 6) = 15
Ackermann(3, 0) = 5
Ackermann(3, 1) = 13
Ackermann(3, 2) = 29
Ackermann(3, 3) = 61
Ackermann(3, 4) = 125
Ackermann(3, 5) = 253
Ackermann(3, 6) = 509


<lang c>#include <order/interpreter.h>

  1. define ORDER_PP_DEF_8ack ORDER_PP_FN( \

8fn(8X, 8Y, \

   8cond((8is_0(8X), 8inc(8Y))           \
         (8is_0(8Y), 8ack(8dec(8X), 1))  \
         (8else, 8ack(8dec(8X), 8ack(8X, 8dec(8Y)))))))

ORDER_PP(8to_lit(8ack(3, 4))) // 125</lang>


Oz has arbitrary precision integers. <lang oz>declare

 fun {Ack M N}
    if     M == 0 then N+1
    elseif N == 0 then {Ack M-1 1}
    else               {Ack M-1 {Ack M N-1}}


 {Show {Ack 3 7}}</lang>


Naive implementation. <lang parigp>A(m,n)={

     A(m-1, A(m,n-1))



<lang pascal>Program Ackerman;

function ackermann(m, n: Integer) : Integer; begin

  if m = 0 then
     ackermann := n+1
  else if n = 0 then
     ackermann := ackermann(m-1, 1)
     ackermann := ackermann(m-1, ackermann(m, n-1));



  m, n	: Integer;


  for n := 0 to 6 do
     for m := 0 to 3 do

WriteLn('A(', m, ',', n, ') = ', ackermann(m,n)); end.</lang>


We memoize calls to A to make A(2, n) and A(3, n) feasible for larger values of n. <lang perl>{

   my @memo;
   sub A {
       my( $m, $n ) = @_;
       $memo[ $m ][ $n ] and return $memo[ $m ][ $n ];
       $m or return $n + 1;
       return $memo[ $m ][ $n ] = (
              ? A( $m - 1, A( $m, $n - 1 ) )
              : A( $m - 1, 1 )


Perl 6

An implementation using ternary chaining: <lang perl6>sub A(Int $m, Int $n) {

$m == 0  ?? $n + 1  !! $n == 0  ?? A($m - 1, 1 )  !! A($m - 1, A($m, $n - 1));

}</lang> An implementation using multiple dispatch: <lang perl6>multi sub A(0, Int $n) { $n + 1 } multi sub A(Int $m, 0 ) { A($m - 1, 1) } multi sub A(Int $m, Int $n) { A($m - 1, A($m, $n - 1)) }</lang> Note that in either case, Int is defined to be arbitrary precision in Perl 6.

Here's a caching version of that, written in the sigilless style, with liberal use of Unicode, and the extra optimizing terms to make A(4,2) possible: <lang perl6>proto A(Int \𝑚, Int \𝑛) { (state @)[𝑚][𝑛] //= {*} }

multi A(0, Int \𝑛) { 𝑛 + 1 } multi A(1, Int \𝑛) { 𝑛 + 2 } multi A(2, Int \𝑛) { 3 + 2 * 𝑛 } multi A(3, Int \𝑛) { 5 + 8 * (2 ** 𝑛 - 1) }

multi A(Int \𝑚, 0 ) { A(𝑚 - 1, 1) } multi A(Int \𝑚, Int \𝑛) { A(𝑚 - 1, A(𝑚, 𝑛 - 1)) }</lang> Testing: <lang perl6>say A(4,1); say .chars, " digits starting with ", .substr(0,50), "..." given A(4,2);</lang>

19729 digits starting with 20035299304068464649790723515602557504478254755697...


<lang php>function ackermann( $m , $n ) {

   if ( $m==0 )
       return $n + 1;
   elseif ( $n==0 )
       return ackermann( $m-1 , 1 );
   return ackermann( $m-1, ackermann( $m , $n-1 ) );


echo ackermann( 3, 4 ); // prints 125</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de ack (X Y)

     ((=0 X) (inc Y))
     ((=0 Y) (ack (dec X) 1))
     (T (ack (dec X) (ack X (dec Y)))) ) )</lang>


<lang pike>int main(){

  write(ackermann(3,4) + "\n");


int ackermann(int m, int n){

  if(m == 0){
     return n + 1;
  } else if(n == 0){
     return ackermann(m-1, 1);
  } else {
     return ackermann(m-1, ackermann(m, n-1));



<lang PL/I>Ackerman: procedure (m, n) returns (fixed (30)) recursive;

  declare (m, n) fixed (30);
  if m = 0 then return (n+1);
  else if m > 0 & n = 0 then return (Ackerman(m-1, 1));
  else if m > 0 & n > 0 then return (Ackerman(m-1, Ackerman(m, n-1)));
  return (0);

end Ackerman;</lang>


<lang postscript>/ackermann{ /n exch def /m exch def %PostScript takes arguments in the reverse order as specified in the function definition m 0 eq{ n 1 add }if m 0 gt n 0 eq and { m 1 sub 1 ackermann }if m 0 gt n 0 gt and{ m 1 sub m n 1 sub ackermann ackermann }if }def</lang>

Library: initlib

<lang postscript>/A { [/.m /.n] let {

   {.m 0 eq} {.n succ} is?
   {.m 0 gt .n 0 eq and} {.m pred 1 A} is?
   {.m 0 gt .n 0 gt and} {.m pred .m .n pred A A} is?

} cond end}.</lang>


<lang powerbasic>FUNCTION PBMAIN () AS LONG

   m = ABS(VAL(INPUTBOX$("Enter a whole number.")))
   n = ABS(VAL(INPUTBOX$("Enter another whole number.")))
   MSGBOX STR$(Ackermann(m, n))



   IF 0 = m THEN
       FUNCTION = n + 1
   ELSEIF 0 = n THEN
       FUNCTION = Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
   ELSE    ' m > 0; n > 0
       FUNCTION = Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))



Translation of: PHP

<lang powershell>function ackermann ([long] $m, [long] $n) {

   if ($m -eq 0) {
       return $n + 1
   if ($n -eq 0) {
       return (ackermann ($m - 1) 1)
   return (ackermann ($m - 1) (ackermann $m ($n - 1)))

}</lang> Building an example table (takes a while to compute, though, especially for the last three numbers; also it fails with the last line in Powershell v1 since the maximum recursion depth is only 100 there): <lang powershell>foreach ($m in 0..3) {

   foreach ($n in 0..6) {
       Write-Host -NoNewline ("{0,5}" -f (ackermann $m $n))


    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
    3    5    7    9   11   13   15
    5   13   29   61  125  253  509


Works with: SWI Prolog

<lang prolog>ack(0, N, Ans) :- Ans is N+1. ack(M, 0, Ans) :- M>0, X is M-1, ack(X, 1, Ans). ack(M, N, Ans) :- M>0, N>0, X is M-1, Y is N-1, ack(M, Y, Ans2), ack(X, Ans2, Ans).</lang>


<lang pure>A 0 n = n+1; A m 0 = A (m-1) 1 if (m > 0); A m n = A (m-1) (A m (n-1)) if (m > 0) and (n > 0);</lang>


<lang PureBasic>Procedure.q Ackermann(m, n)

 If m = 0
   ProcedureReturn n + 1
 ElseIf  n = 0
   ProcedureReturn Ackermann(m - 1, 1)
   ProcedureReturn Ackermann(m - 1, Ackermann(m, n - 1))


Debug Ackermann(3,4)</lang>


<lang Purity>data Iter = f => FoldNat <const $f One, $f> data Ackermann = FoldNat <const Succ, Iter></lang>


Works with: Python version 2.5

<lang python>def ack1(M, N):

  return (N + 1) if M == 0 else (
     ack1(M-1, 1) if N == 0 else ack1(M-1, ack1(M, N-1)))</lang>

Another version: <lang python>def ack2(M, N):

   if M == 0:
       return N + 1
   elif N == 0:
       return ack1(M - 1, 1)
       return ack1(M - 1, ack1(M, N - 1))</lang>
Example of use:

<lang python>>>> import sys >>> sys.setrecursionlimit(3000) >>> ack1(0,0) 1 >>> ack1(3,4) 125 >>> ack2(0,0) 1 >>> ack2(3,4) 125</lang> From the Mathematica ack3 example: <lang python>def ack2(M, N):

  return (N + 1)   if M == 0 else (
         (N + 2)   if M == 1 else (
         (2*N + 3) if M == 2 else (
         (8*(2**N - 1) + 5) if M == 3 else (
         ack2(M-1, 1) if N == 0 else ack2(M-1, ack2(M, N-1))))))</lang>

Results confirm those of Mathematica for ack(4,1) and ack(4,2)


<lang R>ackermann <- function(m, n) {

 if ( m == 0 ) {
 } else if ( n == 0 ) {
   ackermann(m-1, 1)
 } else {
   ackermann(m-1, ackermann(m, n-1))

}</lang> <lang R>for ( i in 0:3 ) {

 print(ackermann(i, 4))



ackermann: func [m n] [
    case [
        m = 0 [n + 1]
        n = 0 [ackermann m - 1 1]
        true [ackermann m - 1 ackermann m n - 1]


no optimization

<lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates/shows some values for the Ackermann function. */

                    /*Note: the Ackermann function (as implemented) is */
                    /*      higly recursive and is limited by the      */
                    /*      biggest number that can have "1" added to  */
                    /*      a number (successfully, accurately).       */


        do j=0 to 3;   say
             do k=0 to high%(max(1,j))
             call Ackermann_tell j,k
             end   /*k*/
        end        /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────ACKERMANN_TELL subroutine───────────*/ ackermann_tell: parse arg mm,nn; calls=0 /*display an echo message.*/ nnn=right(nn,length(high)) say 'Ackermann('mm","nnn')='right(ackermann(mm,nn),high),

                            left(,12) 'calls='right(calls,high)

return /*──────────────────────────────────ACKERMANN subroutine────────────────*/ ackermann: procedure expose calls /*compute the Ackerman function. */ parse arg m,n; calls=calls+1 if m==0 then return n+1 if n==0 then return ackermann(m-1,1)

            return ackermann(m-1,ackermann(m,n-1))</lang>
Ackermann(0, 0)=                       1              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 1)=                       2              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 2)=                       3              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 3)=                       4              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 4)=                       5              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 5)=                       6              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 6)=                       7              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 7)=                       8              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 8)=                       9              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0, 9)=                      10              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,10)=                      11              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,11)=                      12              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,12)=                      13              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,13)=                      14              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,14)=                      15              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,15)=                      16              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,16)=                      17              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,17)=                      18              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,18)=                      19              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,19)=                      20              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,20)=                      21              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,21)=                      22              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,22)=                      23              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,23)=                      24              calls=                       1
Ackermann(0,24)=                      25              calls=                       1

Ackermann(1, 0)=                       2              calls=                       2
Ackermann(1, 1)=                       3              calls=                       4
Ackermann(1, 2)=                       4              calls=                       6
Ackermann(1, 3)=                       5              calls=                       8
Ackermann(1, 4)=                       6              calls=                      10
Ackermann(1, 5)=                       7              calls=                      12
Ackermann(1, 6)=                       8              calls=                      14
Ackermann(1, 7)=                       9              calls=                      16
Ackermann(1, 8)=                      10              calls=                      18
Ackermann(1, 9)=                      11              calls=                      20
Ackermann(1,10)=                      12              calls=                      22
Ackermann(1,11)=                      13              calls=                      24
Ackermann(1,12)=                      14              calls=                      26
Ackermann(1,13)=                      15              calls=                      28
Ackermann(1,14)=                      16              calls=                      30
Ackermann(1,15)=                      17              calls=                      32
Ackermann(1,16)=                      18              calls=                      34
Ackermann(1,17)=                      19              calls=                      36
Ackermann(1,18)=                      20              calls=                      38
Ackermann(1,19)=                      21              calls=                      40
Ackermann(1,20)=                      22              calls=                      42
Ackermann(1,21)=                      23              calls=                      44
Ackermann(1,22)=                      24              calls=                      46
Ackermann(1,23)=                      25              calls=                      48
Ackermann(1,24)=                      26              calls=                      50

Ackermann(2, 0)=                       3              calls=                       5
Ackermann(2, 1)=                       5              calls=                      14
Ackermann(2, 2)=                       7              calls=                      27
Ackermann(2, 3)=                       9              calls=                      44
Ackermann(2, 4)=                      11              calls=                      65
Ackermann(2, 5)=                      13              calls=                      90
Ackermann(2, 6)=                      15              calls=                     119
Ackermann(2, 7)=                      17              calls=                     152
Ackermann(2, 8)=                      19              calls=                     189
Ackermann(2, 9)=                      21              calls=                     230
Ackermann(2,10)=                      23              calls=                     275
Ackermann(2,11)=                      25              calls=                     324
Ackermann(2,12)=                      27              calls=                     377

Ackermann(3, 0)=                       5              calls=                      15
Ackermann(3, 1)=                      13              calls=                     106
Ackermann(3, 2)=                      29              calls=                     541
Ackermann(3, 3)=                      61              calls=                    2432
Ackermann(3, 4)=                     125              calls=                   10307
Ackermann(3, 5)=                     253              calls=                   42438
Ackermann(3, 6)=                     509              calls=                  172233
Ackermann(3, 7)=                    1021              calls=                  693964
Ackermann(3, 8)=                    2045              calls=                 2785999

optimized for m<3

<lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates/shows some values for the Ackermann function. */ high=24

        do j=0 to 3;   say
             do k=0 to high%(max(1,j))
             call Ackermann_tell j,k
             end   /*k*/
        end        /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────ACKERMANN_TELL subroutine───────────*/ ackermann_tell: parse arg mm,nn; calls=0 /*display an echo message.*/ nnn=right(nn,length(high)) say 'Ackermann('mm","nnn')='right(ackermann(mm,nn),high),

                            left(,12) 'calls='right(calls,10)

return /*──────────────────────────────────ACKERMANN subroutine────────────────*/ ackermann: procedure expose calls /*compute the Ackerman function. */ parse arg m,n; calls=calls+1 if m==0 then return n+1 if n==0 then return ackermann(m-1,1) if m==2 then return n*2+3

            return ackermann(m-1,ackermann(m,n-1))</lang>
Ackermann(0, 0)=                       1              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 1)=                       2              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 2)=                       3              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 3)=                       4              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 4)=                       5              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 5)=                       6              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 6)=                       7              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 7)=                       8              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 8)=                       9              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 9)=                      10              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,10)=                      11              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,11)=                      12              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,12)=                      13              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,13)=                      14              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,14)=                      15              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,15)=                      16              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,16)=                      17              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,17)=                      18              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,18)=                      19              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,19)=                      20              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,20)=                      21              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,21)=                      22              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,22)=                      23              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,23)=                      24              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,24)=                      25              calls=         1

Ackermann(1, 0)=                       2              calls=         2
Ackermann(1, 1)=                       3              calls=         4
Ackermann(1, 2)=                       4              calls=         6
Ackermann(1, 3)=                       5              calls=         8
Ackermann(1, 4)=                       6              calls=        10
Ackermann(1, 5)=                       7              calls=        12
Ackermann(1, 6)=                       8              calls=        14
Ackermann(1, 7)=                       9              calls=        16
Ackermann(1, 8)=                      10              calls=        18
Ackermann(1, 9)=                      11              calls=        20
Ackermann(1,10)=                      12              calls=        22
Ackermann(1,11)=                      13              calls=        24
Ackermann(1,12)=                      14              calls=        26
Ackermann(1,13)=                      15              calls=        28
Ackermann(1,14)=                      16              calls=        30
Ackermann(1,15)=                      17              calls=        32
Ackermann(1,16)=                      18              calls=        34
Ackermann(1,17)=                      19              calls=        36
Ackermann(1,18)=                      20              calls=        38
Ackermann(1,19)=                      21              calls=        40
Ackermann(1,20)=                      22              calls=        42
Ackermann(1,21)=                      23              calls=        44
Ackermann(1,22)=                      24              calls=        46
Ackermann(1,23)=                      25              calls=        48
Ackermann(1,24)=                      26              calls=        50

Ackermann(2, 0)=                       3              calls=         5
Ackermann(2, 1)=                       5              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 2)=                       7              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 3)=                       9              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 4)=                      11              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 5)=                      13              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 6)=                      15              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 7)=                      17              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 8)=                      19              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 9)=                      21              calls=         1
Ackermann(2,10)=                      23              calls=         1
Ackermann(2,11)=                      25              calls=         1
Ackermann(2,12)=                      27              calls=         1

Ackermann(3, 0)=                       5              calls=         2
Ackermann(3, 1)=                      13              calls=         4
Ackermann(3, 2)=                      29              calls=         6
Ackermann(3, 3)=                      61              calls=         8
Ackermann(3, 4)=                     125              calls=        10
Ackermann(3, 5)=                     253              calls=        12
Ackermann(3, 6)=                     509              calls=        14
Ackermann(3, 7)=                    1021              calls=        16
Ackermann(3, 8)=                    2045              calls=        18

optimized for m<5

This REXX version takes advantage that some of the lower Ackermann numbers have direct formulas.

If the NUMERIC DIGITS 100 were to be increased to 20,000, then Ackermann(4,2) would be presented with the full 19,729 digits. <lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates/shows some values for the Ackermann function. */ high=24 numeric digits 100 /*have REXX to use up to 100 digit integers.*/

                         /*When REXX raises a number to a power  (via  */
                         /*  the   **  operator), the power must be an */
                         /*  integer  (positive,  zero,  or negative). */
      do j=0 to 4;  say  /*Ackermann(5,1) is a bit impractical to calc.*/
            do k=0 to high%(max(1,j))
            call Ackermann_tell j,k
            if j==4 & k==2 then leave    /*no sense in going overboard.*/
            end   /*k*/
      end         /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────ACKERMANN_TELL subroutine───────────*/ ackermann_tell: parse arg mm,nn; calls=0 /*display an echo message.*/ nnn=right(nn,length(high)) say 'Ackermann('mm","nnn')='right(ackermann(mm,nn),high),

                            left(,12) 'calls='right(calls,10)

return /*──────────────────────────────────ACKERMANN subroutine────────────────*/ ackermann: procedure expose calls /*compute the Ackerman function. */ parse arg m,n; calls=calls+1 if m==0 then return n+1 if m==1 then return n+2 if m==2 then return n+n+3 if m==3 then return 2**(n+3)-3 if m==4 then do; a=2

                        do (n+3)-1     /*ugh!*/
            return a-3

if n==0 then return ackermann(m-1,1)

            return ackermann(m-1,ackermann(m,n-1))</lang>
Ackermann(0, 0)=                       1              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 1)=                       2              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 2)=                       3              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 3)=                       4              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 4)=                       5              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 5)=                       6              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 6)=                       7              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 7)=                       8              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 8)=                       9              calls=         1
Ackermann(0, 9)=                      10              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,10)=                      11              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,11)=                      12              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,12)=                      13              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,13)=                      14              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,14)=                      15              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,15)=                      16              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,16)=                      17              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,17)=                      18              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,18)=                      19              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,19)=                      20              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,20)=                      21              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,21)=                      22              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,22)=                      23              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,23)=                      24              calls=         1
Ackermann(0,24)=                      25              calls=         1

Ackermann(1, 0)=                       2              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 1)=                       3              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 2)=                       4              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 3)=                       5              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 4)=                       6              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 5)=                       7              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 6)=                       8              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 7)=                       9              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 8)=                      10              calls=         1
Ackermann(1, 9)=                      11              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,10)=                      12              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,11)=                      13              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,12)=                      14              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,13)=                      15              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,14)=                      16              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,15)=                      17              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,16)=                      18              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,17)=                      19              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,18)=                      20              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,19)=                      21              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,20)=                      22              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,21)=                      23              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,22)=                      24              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,23)=                      25              calls=         1
Ackermann(1,24)=                      26              calls=         1

Ackermann(2, 0)=                       3              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 1)=                       5              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 2)=                       7              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 3)=                       9              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 4)=                      11              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 5)=                      13              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 6)=                      15              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 7)=                      17              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 8)=                      19              calls=         1
Ackermann(2, 9)=                      21              calls=         1
Ackermann(2,10)=                      23              calls=         1
Ackermann(2,11)=                      25              calls=         1
Ackermann(2,12)=                      27              calls=         1

Ackermann(3, 0)=                       5              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 1)=                      13              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 2)=                      29              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 3)=                      61              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 4)=                     125              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 5)=                     253              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 6)=                     509              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 7)=                    1021              calls=         1
Ackermann(3, 8)=                    2045              calls=         1

Ackermann(4, 0)=                      13              calls=         1
Ackermann(4, 1)=                   65533              calls=         1
Ackermann(4, 2)=89506130880933368E+19728              calls=         1


Translation of: Ada

<lang ruby>def ack(m, n)

 if m == 0
   n + 1
 elsif n == 0
   ack(m-1, 1)
   ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1))

end</lang> Example: <lang ruby>(0..3).each do |m|

 (0..6).each { |n| print ack(m, n), ' ' }


 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 
 5 13 29 61 125 253 509


<lang runbasic>print ackermann(1, 2)

function ackermann(m, n)

  if (m < 0) or (n < 0)  then exit function
  if (m = 0)             then ackermann = (n + 1)
  if (m > 0) and (n = 0) then ackermann = ackermann((m - 1), 1)
  if (m > 0) and (n > 0) then ackermann = ackermann((m - 1), ackermann(m, (n - 1)))

end function</lang>


<lang sather>class MAIN is

 ackermann(m, n:INT):INT
   pre m >= 0 and n >= 0
   if m = 0 then return n + 1; end;
   if n = 0 then return ackermann(m-1, 1); end;
   return ackermann(m-1, ackermann(m, n-1));
 main is
   n, m :INT;
   loop n := 0.upto!(6);
     loop m := 0.upto!(3);
       #OUT + "A(" + m + ", " + n + ") = " + ackermann(m, n) + "\n";

end;</lang> Instead of INT, the class INTI could be used, even though we need to use a workaround since in the GNU Sather v1.2.3 compiler the INTI literals are not implemented yet. <lang sather>class MAIN is

 ackermann(m, n:INTI):INTI is
   zero ::= 0.inti; -- to avoid type conversion each time
   one  ::= 1.inti;
   if m = zero then return n + one; end;
   if n = zero then return ackermann(m-one, one); end;
   return ackermann(m-one, ackermann(m, n-one));
 main is
   n, m :INT;
   loop n := 0.upto!(6);
     loop m := 0.upto!(3);
       #OUT + "A(" + m + ", " + n + ") = " + ackermann(m.inti, n.inti) + "\n";



<lang scala>def ack(m: BigInt, n: BigInt): BigInt = {

 if (m==0) n+1
 else if (n==0) ack(m-1, 1)
 else ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1))



<lang scala>scala> for ( m <- 0 to 3; n <- 0 to 6 ) yield ack(m,n) res0: Seq.Projection[BigInt] = RangeG(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 5, 13, 29, 61, 125, 253, 509)</lang>


<lang scheme>(define (A m n)

       ((= m 0) (+ n 1))
       ((= n 0) (A (- m 1) 1))
       (else (A (- m 1) (A m (- n 1))))))</lang>
Works with: Racket

(moved from the Racket language entry, may be redundant)

<lang scheme>#lang racket

(define (ackermann m n)

     ((zero? m) (add1 n))
     ((and (> m 0) (zero? n)) (ackermann (sub1 m) 1))
     ((and (> m 0) (> n 0)) (ackermann (sub1 m) (ackermann m (sub1 n))))))</lang>


<lang seed7>const func integer: ackermann (in integer: m, in integer: n) is func

   var integer: result is 0;
   if m = 0 then
     result := succ(n);
   elsif n = 0 then
     result := ackermann(pred(m), 1);
     result := ackermann(pred(m), ackermann(m, pred(n)));
   end if;
 end func;</lang>

Original source: [1]


<lang SETL>program ackermann;

(for m in [0..3])

 print(+/ [rpad( + ack(m, n), 4): n in [0..6]]);


proc ack(m, n);

 return {[0,n+1]}(m) ? ack(m-1, {[0,1]}(n) ? ack(m, n-1));

end proc;

end program;</lang>


<lang slate>m@(Integer traits) ackermann: n@(Integer traits) [

 m isZero
   ifTrue: [n + 1]
     [n isZero

ifTrue: [m - 1 ackermann: n] ifFalse: [m - 1 ackermann: (m ackermann: n - 1)]] ].</lang>


<lang smalltalk>|ackermann| ackermann := [ :n :m |

 (n = 0) ifTrue: [ (m + 1) ]
         ifFalse: [
          (m = 0) ifTrue: [ ackermann value: (n-1) value: 1 ]
                  ifFalse: [
                       ackermann value: (n-1)
                                 value: ( ackermann value: n
                                                    value: (m-1) )


(ackermann value: 0 value: 0) displayNl. (ackermann value: 3 value: 4) displayNl.</lang>


Works with: Macro Spitbol

Both Snobol4+ and CSnobol stack overflow, at ack(3,3) and ack(3,4), respectively. <lang SNOBOL4>define('ack(m,n)') :(ack_end) ack ack = eq(m,0) n + 1 :s(return)

       ack = eq(n,0) ack(m - 1,1) :s(return)
       ack = ack(m - 1,ack(m,n - 1)) :(return)


  • # Test and display ack(0,0) .. ack(3,6)

L1 str = str ack(m,n) ' '

       n = lt(n,6) n + 1 :s(L1)
       output = str; str = 
       n = 0; m = lt(m,3) m + 1 :s(L1)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 5 7 9 11 13 15
5 13 29 61 125 253 509


<lang snusp> /==!/==atoi=@@@-@-----#

  |   |                          Ackermann function
  |   |       /=========\!==\!====\  recursion:

$,@/>,@/==ack=!\?\<+# | | | A(0,j) -> j+1

j   i           \<?\+>-@/#  |     |   A(i,0) -> A(i-1,1)
                   \@\>@\->@/@\<-@/#  A(i,j) -> A(i-1,A(i,j-1))
                     |  |     |
           #      #  |  |     |             /+<<<-\  
           /-<<+>>\!=/  \=====|==!/========?\>>>=?/<<#
           ?      ?           |   \<<<+>+>>-/
           #      #</lang>

One could employ tail recursion elimination by replacing "@/#" with "/" in two places above.

Standard ML

<lang sml>fun a (0, n) = n+1

 | a (m, 0) = a (m-1, 1)
 | a (m, n) = a (m-1, a (m, n-1))</lang>



Translation of: Ruby

<lang tcl>proc ack {m n} {

   if {$m == 0} {
       expr {$n + 1}
   } elseif {$n == 0} {
       ack [expr {$m - 1}] 1
   } else {
       ack [expr {$m - 1}] [ack $m [expr {$n - 1}]]


With Tail Recursion

With Tcl 8.6, this version is preferred (though the language supports tailcall optimization, it does not apply it automatically in order to preserve stack frame semantics): <lang tcl>proc ack {m n} {

   if {$m == 0} {
       expr {$n + 1}
   } elseif {$n == 0} {
       tailcall ack [expr {$m - 1}] 1
   } else {
       tailcall ack [expr {$m - 1}] [ack $m [expr {$n - 1}]]


To Infinity… and Beyond!

If we want to explore the higher reaches of the world of Ackermann's function, we need techniques to really cut the amount of computation being done.

Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

  1. A memoization engine, from

oo::class create cache {

   filter Memoize
   variable ValueCache
   method Memoize args {
       # Do not filter the core method implementations
       if {[lindex [self target] 0] eq "::oo::object"} {
           return [next {*}$args]
       # Check if the value is already in the cache
       set key [self target],$args
       if {[info exist ValueCache($key)]} {
           return $ValueCache($key)
       # Compute value, insert into cache, and return it
       return [set ValueCache($key) [next {*}$args]]
   method flushCache {} {
       unset ValueCache
       # Skip the cacheing
       return -level 2 ""


  1. Make an object, attach the cache engine to it, and define ack as a method

oo::object create cached oo::objdefine cached {

   mixin cache
   method ack {m n} {
       if {$m==0} {
           expr {$n+1}
       } elseif {$m==1} {
           # From the Mathematica version
           expr {$m+2}
       } elseif {$m==2} {
           # From the Mathematica version
           expr {2*$n+3}
       } elseif {$m==3} {
           # From the Mathematica version
           expr {8*(2**$n-1)+5}
       } elseif {$n==0} {
           tailcall my ack [expr {$m-1}] 1
       } else {
           tailcall my ack [expr {$m-1}] [my ack $m [expr {$n-1}]]


  1. Some small tweaks...

interp recursionlimit {} 100000 interp alias {} ack {} cacheable ack</lang> But even with all this, you still run into problems calculating   as that's kind-of large…


<lang TSESAL>// library: math: get: ackermann: recursive <description></description> <version></version> <version control></version control> (filenamemacro=getmaare.s) [kn, ri, tu, 27-12-2011 14:46:59] INTEGER PROC FNMathGetAckermannRecursiveI( INTEGER mI, INTEGER nI )

IF ( mI == 0 )
 RETURN( nI + 1 )
IF ( nI == 0 )
 RETURN( FNMathGetAckermannRecursiveI( mI - 1, 1 ) )
RETURN( FNMathGetAckermannRecursiveI( mI - 1, FNMathGetAckermannRecursiveI( mI, nI - 1 ) ) )


PROC Main() STRING s1[255] = "2" STRING s2[255] = "3" IF ( NOT ( Ask( "math: get: ackermann: recursive: m = ", s1, _EDIT_HISTORY_ ) ) AND ( Length( s1 ) > 0 ) ) RETURN() ENDIF IF ( NOT ( Ask( "math: get: ackermann: recursive: n = ", s2, _EDIT_HISTORY_ ) ) AND ( Length( s2 ) > 0 ) ) RETURN() ENDIF

Message( FNMathGetAckermannRecursiveI( Val( s1 ), Val( s2 ) ) ) // gives e.g. 9



<lang ti89b>Define A(m,n) = when(m=0, n+1, when(n=0, A(m-1,1), A(m-1, A(m, n-1))))</lang>

UNIX Shell

Works with: Bash

<lang bash>ack() {

 local m=$1
 local n=$2
 if [ $m -eq 0 ]; then
   echo -n $((n+1))
 elif [ $n -eq 0 ]; then
   ack $((m-1)) 1
   ack $((m-1)) $(ack $m $((n-1)))

}</lang> Example: <lang bash>for ((m=0;m<=3;m++)); do

 for ((n=0;n<=6;n++)); do
   ack $m $n
   echo -n " "


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 5 7 9 11 13 15
5 13 29 61 125 253 509


Anonymous recursion is the usual way of doing things like this. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

ackermann =

~&al^?\successor@ar ~&ar?(

  ^R/~&f ^/predecessor@al ^|R/~& ^|/~& predecessor,
  ^|R/~& ~&\1+ predecessor@l)</lang>

test program for the first 4 by 7 numbers: <lang Ursala>#cast %nLL

test = block7 ackermann*K0 iota~~/4 7</lang>



Translation of: Joy

<lang v>[ack

      [ [pop zero?] [popd succ]
        [zero?]     [pop pred 1 ack]
        [true]      [[dup pred swap] dip pred ack ack ]
      ] when].</lang>

using destructuring view <lang v>[ack

      [ [pop zero?] [ [m n : [n succ]] view i]
        [zero?]     [ [m n : [m pred 1 ack]] view i]
        [true]      [ [m n : [m pred m n pred ack ack]] view i]
      ] when].</lang>


Based on BASIC version. Uncomment all the lines referring to depth and see just how deep the recursion goes.


<lang vb>option explicit '~ dim depth function ack(m, n) '~ wscript.stdout.write depth & " " if m = 0 then '~ depth = depth + 1 ack = n + 1 '~ depth = depth - 1 elseif m > 0 and n = 0 then '~ depth = depth + 1 ack = ack(m - 1, 1) '~ depth = depth - 1 '~ elseif m > 0 and n > 0 then else '~ depth = depth + 1 ack = ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1)) '~ depth = depth - 1 end if

end function</lang>


<lang vb>wscript.echo ack( 1, 10 ) '~ depth = 0 wscript.echo ack( 2, 1 ) '~ depth = 0 wscript.echo ack( 4, 4 )</lang>

C:\foo\ackermann.vbs(16, 3) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Out of stack space: 'ack'


<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes;

func Ackermann(M, N); int M, N; [if M=0 then return N+1;

if N=0 then return Ackermann(M-1, 1);

return Ackermann(M-1, Ackermann(M, N-1)); ]; \Ackermann

int M, N; [for M:= 0 to 3 do

   [for N:= 0 to 7 do
       [IntOut(0, Ackermann(M, N));  ChOut(0,9\tab\)];

]</lang> Recursion overflows the stack if either M or N is extended by a single count.

1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       
2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       
3       5       7       9       11      13      15      17      
5       13      29      61      125     253     509     1021    


<lang yorick>func ack(m, n) {

   if(m == 0)
       return n + 1;
   else if(n == 0)
       return ack(m - 1, 1);
       return ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1));

}</lang> Example invocation: <lang yorick>for(m = 0; m <= 3; m++) {

   for(n = 0; n <= 6; n++)
       write, format="%d ", ack(m, n);
   write, "";


1 2 3 4 5 6 7  
2 3 4 5 6 7 8  
3 5 7 9 11 13 15  
5 13 29 61 125 253 509


<lang ZED>("ackermann") m n 0 3 (zero?) m (add1) n

("ackermann") m n 2 0 (and) (positive?) m (zero?) n ("ackermann") (sub1) m 1

("ackermann") m n 2 3 (and) (positive?) m (positive?) n ("ackermann") (sub1) m ("ackermann") m (sub1) n</lang>