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Zsigmondy numbers

From Rosetta Code
Zsigmondy numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Zsigmondy numbers n to a, b, are the greatest divisor of an - bn that is coprime to am - bm for all positive integers m < n.


Suppose we set a = 2 and b = 1. (Zs(n,2,1))

For each n, find the divisors of an - bn and return the largest that is coprime to all of am - bm, where m is each of the positive integers 1 to n - 1.

When n = 4, 24 - 14 = 15. The divisors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, and 15.

For m = 1, 2, 3 we get 2-1, 22-12, 23-13, or 1, 3, 7.

The divisors of 15 that are coprime to each are 5 and 1, (1 is always included).

The largest coprime divisor is 5, so Zs(4,2,1) = 5.

When n = 6, 26 - 16 = 63; its divisors are 1, 3, 7, 9, 21, 63. The largest divisor coprime to all of 1, 3, 7, 15, 31 is 1, (1 is always included), so Zs(6,2,1) = 1.

If a particular an - bn is prime, then Zs(n,a,b) will be equal to that prime. 25 - 15 = 31 so Zs(5,2,1) = 31.

  • Write a general routine (function, procedure, whatever) to find the Zsigmondy number sequence given a set of radices.
  • Use that routine to generate the first several elements, (at least 10), for the following radix sets.
  • (2,1)
  • (3,1)
  • (4,1)
  • (5,1)
  • (6,1)
  • (7,1)
  • (3,2)
  • (5,3)
  • (7,3)
  • (7,5)

See also


64-bit integers are needed to show some of the "larger" a, b values, adjust the INTEGER mode and isqrt procedure accordingly, if necessary for your compiler/interpreter.

BEGIN # find some Zsigmondy numbers                                      #

    # integral mode that has precision to suit the task - adjust to suit #
    # returns the square root of n, use the sqrt routine appropriate for #
    #         the INTEGER mode                                           #
    PROC isqrt   = ( INTEGER n )INTEGER: ENTIER long sqrt( n );

    # returns the gcd of m and n                                         #
    PRIO GCD = 1;
    OP   GCD = ( INTEGER m, n )INTEGER:
            INTEGER a := ABS m, b := ABS n;
            WHILE b /= 0 DO
               INTEGER new a = b;
               b            := a MOD b;
               a            := new a
         END # GCD # ;

    # returns TRUE if all m are coprime to n, FALSE otherwise            #
            BOOL     coprime := TRUE;
            FOR i FROM LWB m TO UPB m WHILE coprime := ( m[ i ] GCD n ) = 1 DO SKIP OD;
         END # ALLCOPRIME # ;
    # returns the sequence of Zsigmondy numbers of n to a, b             #
    PROC zsigmondy = ( INT n, a, b )[]INTEGER:
            [ 1 : n - 1 ]INTEGER am minus bm;
            INTEGER am := 1, bm := 1;
            FOR m TO n - 1 DO
                am minus bm[ m ] := ( am *:= a ) - ( bm *:= b )
            INTEGER an := 1, bn := 1;
            [ 1 : n ]INTEGER z;
            FOR i TO n DO
                INTEGER an minus bn      = ( an *:= a ) - ( bn *:= b );
                INTEGER largest divisor := 1;
                IF am minus bm[ 1 : i - 1 ] ALLCOPRIME an minus bn THEN
                    largest divisor := an minus bn
                    INTEGER d     := 1;
                    INTEGER max d := isqrt( an minus bn );
                    INT     step   = IF ODD an minus bn THEN 2 ELSE 1 FI;
                    WHILE ( d +:= step ) <= max d AND largest divisor <= max d DO
                        IF an minus bn MOD d = 0 THEN
                            # d is a divisor of a^n - b^n                #
                            IF d > largest divisor THEN
                                IF am minus bm[ 1 : i - 1 ] ALLCOPRIME d THEN largest divisor := d FI
                            INTEGER other d = an minus bn OVER d;
                            IF other d > d AND other d > largest divisor THEN
                                IF am minus bm[ 1 : i - 1 ] ALLCOPRIME other d THEN
                                    largest divisor := other d
                z[ i ] := largest divisor
         END # zsigmondy # ;

    [,]INT tests = ( ( 2, 1 ), ( 3, 1 ), ( 4, 1 ), ( 5, 1 ), ( 6, 1 )
                   , ( 7, 1 ), ( 3, 2 ), ( 5, 3 ), ( 7, 3 ), ( 7, 5 )
    FOR i FROM LWB tests TO UPB tests DO
        INT a = tests[ i, 1 ], b = tests[ i, 2 ];
        []INTEGER z = zsigmondy( 20, a, b );
        print( ( "zsigmondy( 20, ", whole( a, 0 ), ", ", whole( b, 0 ), " ):", newline, "    " ) );
        FOR z pos FROM LWB z TO UPB z DO print( ( " ", whole( z[ z pos ], 0 ) ) ) OD;
        print( ( newline, newline ) )

zsigmondy( 20, 2, 1 ):
     1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41

zsigmondy( 20, 3, 1 ):
     2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181

zsigmondy( 20, 4, 1 ):
     3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681

zsigmondy( 20, 5, 1 ):
     4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601

zsigmondy( 20, 6, 1 ):
     5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221

zsigmondy( 20, 7, 1 ):
     6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901

zsigmondy( 20, 3, 2 ):
     1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621

zsigmondy( 20, 5, 3 ):
     2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961

zsigmondy( 20, 7, 3 ):
     4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281

zsigmondy( 20, 7, 5 ):
     2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201

Amazing Hopper

#include <basico.h>

#proto zsigmondy(_X_,_Y_,_Z_)

#define TOPE  11

    decimales '0'
    '2,3,4,5,6,7,3,5,7,7' enlistar en 'a'
    '1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,5' enlistar en 'b'
    imprimir( "Zsigmondy  Numbers\n\n")
    iterar para ( k=1, #(k<=10), ++k)
        imprimir ("[11,",#(a[k]),",",#(b[k]),"]   {")
        iterar para( i=1, #(i<=TOPE), ++i )
            imprimir( _zsigmondy(i, #(a[k]), #(b[k])),\
                      solo si ( #(i<TOPE), ","))
        "}\n", imprimir


    si ' #( dn :=( a^i - b^i ) ), es primo? '
        tomar 'dn'
        guardar 'divisores de (dn)' en 'divisores'
        iterar para( m=1, #(m<i), ++m )
            remover según( #(gcd((a^m-b^m),divisores )>1),\
        tomar 'último elemento de (divisores)'
    fin si
Zsigmondy  Numbers

[11,2,1]   {1,3,7,5,31,1,127,17,73,11,2047}
[11,3,1]   {2,1,13,5,121,7,1093,41,757,61,88573}
[11,4,1]   {3,5,7,17,341,13,5461,257,1387,41,1398101}
[11,5,1]   {4,3,31,13,781,7,19531,313,15751,521,12207031}
[11,6,1]   {5,7,43,37,311,31,55987,1297,46873,1111,72559411}
[11,7,1]   {6,1,19,25,2801,43,137257,1201,39331,2101,329554457}
[11,3,2]   {1,5,19,13,211,7,2059,97,1009,11,175099}
[11,5,3]   {2,1,49,17,1441,19,37969,353,19729,421,24325489}
[11,7,3]   {4,5,79,29,4141,37,205339,1241,127639,341,494287399}
[11,7,5]   {2,3,109,37,6841,13,372709,1513,176149,1661,964249309}


zsigmondy: function [a b num][
    map num 'n ->
        first select.first reverse factors (a^n)-(b^n) 'x ->
            every? n-1 'm ->
                one? gcd @[x (a^m)-(b^m)]

n: 20
loop [[2 1][3 1][4 1][5 1][6 1][7 1][3 2][5 3][7 3][7 5]] 'pair [
    [a,b]: pair
    print ["Zsigmondy(" n "," a "," b "):" join.with:", " zsigmondy a b n "\n"]
Zsigmondy( 20 , 2 , 1 ): 1, 3, 7, 5, 31, 1, 127, 17, 73, 11, 2047, 13, 8191, 43, 151, 257, 131071, 19, 524287, 41 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 3 , 1 ): 2, 1, 13, 5, 121, 7, 1093, 41, 757, 61, 88573, 73, 797161, 547, 4561, 3281, 64570081, 703, 581130733, 1181 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 4 , 1 ): 3, 5, 7, 17, 341, 13, 5461, 257, 1387, 41, 1398101, 241, 22369621, 3277, 49981, 65537, 5726623061, 4033, 91625968981, 61681 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 5 , 1 ): 4, 3, 31, 13, 781, 7, 19531, 313, 15751, 521, 12207031, 601, 305175781, 13021, 315121, 195313, 190734863281, 5167, 4768371582031, 375601 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 6 , 1 ): 5, 7, 43, 37, 311, 31, 55987, 1297, 46873, 1111, 72559411, 1261, 2612138803, 5713, 1406371, 1679617, 3385331888947, 46441, 121871948002099, 1634221 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 7 , 1 ): 6, 1, 19, 25, 2801, 43, 137257, 1201, 39331, 2101, 329554457, 2353, 16148168401, 102943, 4956001, 2882401, 38771752331201, 117307, 1899815864228857, 1129901 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 3 , 2 ): 1, 5, 19, 13, 211, 7, 2059, 97, 1009, 11, 175099, 61, 1586131, 463, 3571, 6817, 129009091, 577, 1161737179, 4621 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 5 , 3 ): 2, 1, 49, 17, 1441, 19, 37969, 353, 19729, 421, 24325489, 481, 609554401, 10039, 216001, 198593, 381405156481, 12979, 9536162033329, 288961 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 7 , 3 ): 4, 5, 79, 29, 4141, 37, 205339, 1241, 127639, 341, 494287399, 2041, 24221854021, 82573, 3628081, 2885681, 58157596211761, 109117, 2849723505777919, 4871281 
Zsigmondy( 20 , 7 , 5 ): 2, 3, 109, 37, 6841, 13, 372709, 1513, 176149, 1661, 964249309, 1801, 47834153641, 75139, 3162961, 3077713, 115933787267041, 30133, 5689910849522509, 3949201


#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

uint64_t ipow(uint64_t n, uint64_t p) {
    if (n == 1 || p == 0) return 1;
    uint64_t x = ipow(n, p>>1);
    return p&1 ? x*x*n : x*x;

uint64_t gcd(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
    return b ? gcd(b, a%b) : a;

bool all_coprime(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t d, uint64_t n) {
    for (uint64_t m = 1; m < n; m++) {
        uint64_t dm = ipow(a,m)-ipow(b,m);
        if (gcd(dm, d) != 1) return false;

    return true;

uint64_t zsigmondy(uint64_t n, uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
    uint64_t dn = ipow(a,n) - ipow(b,n);

    uint64_t maxdiv = 0;
    for (uint64_t d = 1; d*d <= dn; d++) {
        if (dn % d != 0) continue;
        if (all_coprime(a, b, d, n))
            maxdiv = d > maxdiv ? d : maxdiv;

        uint64_t dnd = dn/d;
        if (all_coprime(a, b, dnd, n))
            maxdiv = dnd > maxdiv ? dnd : maxdiv;

    return maxdiv;

void zsig_row(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
    printf("zsigmondy(n, %lu, %lu):\n", a, b);
    for (uint64_t n = 1; n <= 18; n++) {
        printf("%lu ", zsigmondy(n, a, b));

int main(void) {
    uint64_t pairs[][2] = {
        {2, 1}, {3, 1}, {4, 1}, {5, 1}, {6, 1}, {7, 1},
        {3, 2}, {5, 3}, {7, 3}, {7, 5}

    for (size_t pair=0; pair<sizeof(pairs)/sizeof(*pairs); pair++) {
        zsig_row(pairs[pair][0], pairs[pair][1]);

    return 0;
zsigmondy(n, 2, 1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19
zsigmondy(n, 3, 1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703
zsigmondy(n, 4, 1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033
zsigmondy(n, 5, 1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167
zsigmondy(n, 6, 1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441
zsigmondy(n, 7, 1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307
zsigmondy(n, 3, 2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577
zsigmondy(n, 5, 3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979
zsigmondy(n, 7, 3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117
zsigmondy(n, 7, 5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133


#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

std::vector<uint64_t> divisors(uint64_t n) {
    std::vector<uint64_t> result{1};
    uint64_t power = 2;
    for (; (n & 1) == 0; power <<= 1, n >>= 1)
    for (uint64_t p = 3; p * p <= n; p += 2) {
        size_t size = result.size();
        for (power = p; n % p == 0; power *= p, n /= p)
            for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i)
                result.push_back(power * result[i]);
    if (n > 1) {
        size_t size = result.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i)
            result.push_back(n * result[i]);
    sort(result.begin(), result.end());
    return result;

uint64_t ipow(uint64_t base, uint64_t exp) {
    if (exp == 0)
        return 1;
    if ((exp & 1) == 0)
        return ipow(base * base, exp >> 1);
    return base * ipow(base * base, (exp - 1) >> 1);

uint64_t zsigmondy(uint64_t n, uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
    auto p = ipow(a, n) - ipow(b, n);
    auto d = divisors(p);
    if (d.size() == 2)
        return p;
    std::vector<uint64_t> dms(n - 1);
    for (uint64_t m = 1; m < n; ++m)
        dms[m - 1] = ipow(a, m) - ipow(b, m);
    for (auto i = d.rbegin(); i != d.rend(); ++i) {
        uint64_t z = *i;
        if (all_of(dms.begin(), dms.end(),
                   [z](uint64_t x) { return std::gcd(x, z) == 1; }))
            return z;
    return 1;

void test(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
    std::cout << "Zsigmondy(n, " << a << ", " << b << "):\n";
    for (uint64_t n = 1; n <= 20; ++n) {
        std::cout << zsigmondy(n, a, b) << ' ';
    std::cout << "\n\n";

int main() {
    test(2, 1);
    test(3, 1);
    test(4, 1);
    test(5, 1);
    test(6, 1);
    test(7, 1);
    test(3, 2);
    test(5, 3);
    test(7, 3);
    test(7, 5);
Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41 

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181 

Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681 

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601 

Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901 

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621 

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201 


Translation of: Java
internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        //record Pair(int a, int b) { }
        List<KeyValuePair<int, int>> pairs =
            KeyValuePair.Create(2, 1),
            KeyValuePair.Create(3, 1),
            KeyValuePair.Create(4, 1),
            KeyValuePair.Create(5, 1),
            KeyValuePair.Create(6, 1),
            KeyValuePair.Create(7, 1),
            KeyValuePair.Create(3, 2),
            KeyValuePair.Create(5, 3),
            KeyValuePair.Create(7, 3),
            KeyValuePair.Create(7, 5),

        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> pair in pairs)
            Console.WriteLine("Zsigmondy(n, " + pair.Key + ", " + pair.Value + ")");
            for (int n = 1; n <= 18; n++)
                Console.Write(ZsigmondyNumber(n, pair.Key, pair.Value) + " ");


    private static long ZsigmondyNumber(int n, int a, int b)
        long dn = (long)(Math.Pow(a, n) - Math.Pow(b, n));
        if (IsPrime(dn))
            return dn;

        List<long> divisors = Divisors(dn);

        for (int m = 1; m < n; m++)
            long dm = (long)(Math.Pow(a, m) - Math.Pow(b, m));
            divisors.RemoveAll(d => GCD(dm, d) > 1);

        return divisors[divisors.Count() - 1];

    private static List<long> Divisors(long number)
        List<long> result = new List<long>();
        for (long d = 1; d * d <= number; d++)
            if (number % d == 0)

                if (d * d < number)
                    result.Add(number / d);

        return result;

    private static bool IsPrime(long number)
        if (number < 2)
            return false;

        if (number % 2 == 0)
            return number == 2;

        if (number % 3 == 0)
            return number == 3;

        int delta = 2;
        long k = 5;

        while (k * k <= number)
            if (number % k == 0)
                return false;

            k += delta;
            delta = 6 - delta;

        return true;

    private static long GCD(long a, long b)
        while (b != 0)
            long temp = a; a = b; b = temp % b;

        return a;
Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1)
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19
Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1)
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703
Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1)
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033
Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1)
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167
Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1)
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441
Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1)
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307
Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2)
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577
Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3)
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979
Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3)
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117
Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5)
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133


isqrt = proc (n: int) returns (int)
    x0: int := n/2
    if x0=0 then return(n) end
    x1: int := (x0 + n/x0)/2
    while x1 < x0 do
        x0, x1 := x1, (x1 + n/x1)/2
end isqrt

divisors = iter (n: int) yields (int)
    for d: int in int$from_to(1, isqrt(n)) do
        if n//d ~= 0 then continue end
        if n/d ~= d then yield(n/d) end
end divisors

gcd = proc (a, b: int) returns (int)
    if b=0 then return(a) else return(gcd(b, a//b)) end
end gcd

zsigmondy = proc (n, a, b: int) returns (int)
    dn: int := a**n - b**n

    dms: array[int] := array[int]$predict(1, n-1)
    for m: int in int$from_to(1, n-1) do
        array[int]$addh(dms, a**m - b**m)

    maxdiv: int := 0
    for d: int in divisors(dn) do
            for m: int in int$from_to(1, n-1) do
                if gcd(dms[m], d) ~= 1 then exit not_coprime end
            if d > maxdiv then maxdiv := d end
        end except when not_coprime: end

end zsigmondy

zsig_row = proc (po: stream, a, b: int)
    stream$putl(po, "zsigmondy(n, " || int$unparse(a) || ", " || int$unparse(b) || "):")
    for n: int in int$from_to(1, 18) do
        stream$puts(po, int$unparse(zsigmondy(n, a, b)) || " ")
    stream$putl(po, "")
end zsig_row

start_up = proc ()
    pair = struct[a, b: int]

    po: stream := stream$primary_output()
    pairs: sequence[pair] := sequence[pair]$[
        pair${a:2, b:1}, pair${a:3, b:1}, pair${a:4, b:1}, pair${a:5, b:1},
        pair${a:6, b:1}, pair${a:7, b:1}, pair${a:3, b:2}, pair${a:5, b:3},
        pair${a:7, b:3}, pair${a:7, b:5}

    for p: pair in sequence[pair]$elements(pairs) do
        zsig_row(po, p.a, p.b)
end start_up
zsigmondy(n, 2, 1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19
zsigmondy(n, 3, 1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703
zsigmondy(n, 4, 1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033
zsigmondy(n, 5, 1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167
zsigmondy(n, 6, 1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441
zsigmondy(n, 7, 1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307
zsigmondy(n, 3, 2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577
zsigmondy(n, 5, 3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979
zsigmondy(n, 7, 3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117
zsigmondy(n, 7, 5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133


The biggest integer type that Cowgol supports is 32 bits, so this program prints the values for n from 1 upto 12.

include "cowgol.coh";

sub ipow(base: uint32, exp: uint32): (result: uint32) is
    result := 1;
        if (exp & 1) == 1 then
            result := result * base;
        end if;
        exp := exp >> 1;
        if exp == 0 then
        end if;
        base := base * base;
    end loop;
end sub;

sub gcd(a: uint32, b: uint32): (result: uint32) is
    while b>0 loop 
        result := a;
        a := b;
        b := result % b;
    end loop;
    result := a;
end sub;

sub max(a: uint32, b: uint32): (result: uint32) is
    if a>b then
        result := a;
        result := b;
    end if;
end sub;

sub all_coprime(a: uint32, b: uint32, d: uint32, n: uint32): (result: uint8) is
    result := 1;
    var m: uint32 := 1;
    while m<n loop
        var dm: uint32 := ipow(a,m) - ipow(b,m);
        if (gcd(dm, d) != 1) then
            result := 0;
        end if;
        m := m+1;
    end loop;
end sub;

sub zsigmondy(n: uint32, a: uint32, b: uint32): (maxdiv: uint32) is
    var dn: uint32 := ipow(a,n) - ipow(b,n);
    var d: uint32 := 1;
    maxdiv := 0;
    while d*d <= dn loop
        if dn % d == 0 then
            if all_coprime(a, b, d, n) != 0 then
                maxdiv := max(maxdiv, d);
            end if;
            var dnd := dn/d;
            if all_coprime(a, b, dnd, n) != 0 then
                maxdiv := max(maxdiv, dnd);
            end if;
        end if;
        d := d + 1;
    end loop;
end sub;

sub zsig_row(a: uint32, b: uint32) is
    print("zsigmondy(n, ");
    print(", ");
    var n: uint32 := 1;
    while n <= 12 loop
        print_i32(zsigmondy(n, a, b));
        print_char(' ');
        n := n + 1;
    end loop;
end sub;

record Pair is
    a: uint32;
    b: uint32;
end record;

var pairs: Pair[] := {
    {2, 1}, {3, 1}, {4, 1}, {5, 1}, {6, 1}, {7, 1},
    {3, 2}, {5, 3}, {7, 3}, {7, 5}

var pair: @indexof pairs := 0;
while pair < @sizeof pairs loop
    zsig_row(pairs[pair].a, pairs[pair].b);
    pair := pair + 1;
end loop;
zsigmondy(n, 2, 1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13
zsigmondy(n, 3, 1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73
zsigmondy(n, 4, 1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241
zsigmondy(n, 5, 1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601
zsigmondy(n, 6, 1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261
zsigmondy(n, 7, 1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 9962347
zsigmondy(n, 3, 2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61
zsigmondy(n, 5, 3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481
zsigmondy(n, 7, 3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 59740867
zsigmondy(n, 7, 5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 14838431


Translation of: Phix
func isprim num .
   if num < 2
      return 0
   i = 2
   while i <= sqrt num
      if num mod i = 0
         return 0
      i += 1
   return 1
proc sort . d[] .
   for i = 1 to len d[] - 1
      for j = i + 1 to len d[]
         if d[j] < d[i]
            swap d[j] d[i]
proc divisors num . res[] .
   res[] = [ ]
   d = 1
   while d <= sqrt num
      if num mod d = 0
         res[] &= d
         if d <> sqrt num
            res[] &= num / d
      d += 1
   sort res[]
func gcd a b .
   while b <> 0
      h = b
      b = a mod b
      a = h
   return a
func zsigmo n a b .
   dn = pow a n - pow b n
   if isprim dn = 1
      return dn
   divisors dn divs[]
   for m = 1 to n - 1
      dms[] &= pow a m - pow b m
   for i = len divs[] downto 1
      d = divs[i]
      for m = 1 to n - 1
         if gcd dms[m] d <> 1
            break 1
      if m = n
         return d
   return 1
proc test . .
   test[][] = [ [ 2 1 ] [ 3 1 ] [ 4 1 ] [ 5 1 ] [ 6 1 ] [ 7 1 ] [ 3 2 ] [ 5 3 ] [ 7 3 ] [ 7 5 ] ]
   for i to len test[][]
      a = test[i][1]
      b = test[i][2]
      write "Zsigmondy(n, " & a & ", " & b & "):"
      for n = 1 to 10
         write " " & zsigmo n a b
      print ""


Function GCD(n As Ulongint, d As Ulongint) As Ulongint
    Return Iif(d = 0, n, GCD(d, n Mod d))
End Function

Sub SortInt(array() As Ulongint)
    Dim As Integer i, j
    Dim As Integer lb = Lbound(array), ub = Ubound(array)
    For i = lb To ub - 1
        For j = i + 1 To ub
            If array(i) > array(j) Then Swap array(i), array(j)
        Next j
    Next i
End Sub

Sub divisors(n As Ulongint, result() As Ulongint)
    Dim As Integer i, size
    Redim result(0)
    result(0) = 1
    If n > 1 Then
        Redim Preserve result(1)
        result(1) = n
    End If
    For i As Ulongint = 2 To Sqr(n)
        If n Mod i = 0 Then
            Redim Preserve result(Ubound(result) + 1)
            result(Ubound(result)) = i
            If i * i <> n Then
                Redim Preserve result(Ubound(result) + 1)
                result(Ubound(result)) = n \ i
            End If
        End If
End Sub

Function ipow(base_ As Ulongint, exp_ As Ulongint) As Ulongint
    Dim As Ulongint result = 1
    While exp_ > 0
        If (exp_ And 1) Then result *= base_
        base_ *= base_
        exp_ Shr= 1
    Return result
End Function

Function zsigmondy(n As Ulongint, a As Ulongint, b As Ulongint) As Ulongint
    Dim As Ulongint p = ipow(a, n) - ipow(b, n)
    Dim As Ulongint d()
    divisors(p, d())
    For i As Integer = Ubound(d) To 0 Step -1
        Dim As Ulongint z = d(i)
        Dim As Integer all_coprime = 1
        For m As Ulongint = 1 To n - 1
            If GCD(ipow(a, m) - ipow(b, m), z) <> 1 Then
                all_coprime = 0
                Exit For
            End If
        If all_coprime Then Return z
    Return 1
End Function

Dim As Uinteger avs(1 To 10, 1 To 2) = {{2,1}, {3,1}, {4,1}, {5,1}, {6,1}, {7,1}, {3,2}, {5,3}, {7,3}, {7,5}}

For ab As Integer = 1 To Ubound(avs)
    Dim As Uinteger a = avs(ab,1), b = avs(ab,2)
    Dim As Uinteger lim = 20
    Print Using "Zsigmondy(n, #_, #) - first ## terms:"; a; b; lim
    Print " "; Zsigmondy(lim, a, b);
    Print Chr(10)
Next ab

Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1) - first 20 terms:
 1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1) - first 20 terms:
 2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181

Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1) - first 20 terms:
 3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1) - first 20 terms:
 4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601

Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1) - first 20 terms:
 5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1) - first 20 terms:
 6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2) - first 20 terms:
 1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3) - first 20 terms:
 2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3) - first 20 terms:
 4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5) - first 20 terms:
 2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201



dp=: -/@:(^/) NB. (a,b) dp n  is (a^n)-(b^n)
Zsigmondy=: dp (-.,)&.:q: (dp 1 }. i.)

In other words, 2 1 dp 1 2 3 4 is 1 3 7 15. And coprime is sequence difference (not set difference, since prime factors may repeat) under factorization (generate the sequence of prime factors for each number, remove any common factors and form the product of any that remain).

Task examples:

   Zs=: Zsigmondy"1 0&(1x+i.20) NB. first 20 in sequence
   Zs 2 1
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41
   Zs 3 1
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181
   Zs 4 1
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681
   Zs 5 1
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601
   Zs 6 1
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221
   Zs 7 1
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901
   Zs 3 2
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621
   Zs 5 3
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961
   Zs 7 3
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281
   Zs 7 5
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public final class ZsigmondyNumbers {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		record Pair(int a, int b) {}
		List<Pair> pairs = List.of( new Pair(2, 1), new Pair(3, 1), new Pair(4, 1), new Pair(5, 1),
			new Pair(6, 1), new Pair(7, 1), new Pair(3, 2), new Pair(5, 3), new Pair(7, 3), new Pair(7, 5) );	
		for ( Pair pair : pairs ) {
			System.out.println("Zsigmondy(n, " + pair.a + ", " + pair.b + ")");
		    for ( int n = 1; n <= 18; n++ ) {
		        System.out.print(zsigmondyNumber(n, pair.a, pair.b) + " ");
	private static long zsigmondyNumber(int n, int a, int b) {
		final long dn = (long) ( Math.pow(a, n) - Math.pow(b, n) );
		if ( isPrime(dn) ) {
			return dn;
		List<Long> divisors = divisors(dn);
		for ( int m = 1; m < n; m++ ) {
		    long dm = (long) ( Math.pow(a, m) - Math.pow(b, m) );
		    divisors.removeIf( d -> gcd(dm, d) > 1 );
		return divisors.get(divisors.size() - 1);
	private static List<Long> divisors(long number) {
		List<Long> result = new ArrayList<Long>();
		for ( long d = 1; d * d <= number; d++ ) {
			if ( number % d == 0 ) {
			    if ( d * d < number ) {
			    	result.add(number / d);
		return result;
	private static boolean isPrime(long number) {
		if ( number < 2 ) {
			return false;
		if ( number % 2 == 0 ) {
			return number == 2;
		if ( number % 3 == 0 ) {
			return number == 3;
		int delta = 2;
		long k = 5;
		while ( k * k <= number ) {
		    if ( number % k == 0 ) {
		    	return false;
		    k += delta;
		    delta = 6 - delta;
		return true;
	private static long gcd(long a, long b) {
		while ( b != 0 ) {
			long temp = a; a = b; b = temp % b;
		return a;

Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1)
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1)
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 

Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1)
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1)
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 

Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1)
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1)
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2)
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3)
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3)
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5)
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 


Adapted from Wren

Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq, and with fq.

The integer arithmetic precision of the C implementation of jq is limited, but is sufficient for the specific set of tasks defined in this entry.

Generic Functions

# Input: an integer
def isPrime:
  . as $n
  | if   ($n < 2)       then false
    elif ($n % 2 == 0)  then $n == 2
    elif ($n % 3 == 0)  then $n == 3
    else 5
    | until( . <= 0;
        if .*. > $n then -1
	elif ($n % . == 0) then 0
        else . + 2
        |  if ($n % . == 0) then 0
           else . + 4
    | . == -1

# divisors as an unsorted stream
def divisors:
  if . == 1 then 1
  else . as $n
  | label $out
  | range(1; $n) as $i
  | ($i * $i) as $i2
  | if $i2 > $n then break $out
    else if $i2 == $n
         then $i
         elif ($n % $i) == 0
         then $i, ($n/$i)
         else empty

def gcd(a; b):
  # subfunction expects [a,b] as input
  # i.e. a ~ .[0] and b ~ .[1]
  def rgcd: if .[1] == 0 then .[0]
         else [.[1], .[0] % .[1]] | rgcd
  [a,b] | rgcd;

# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);

The Zsigmondy Function

# Input: $n
def zs($a; $b):
  . as $n
  | (($a|power($n)) - ($b|power($n))) as $dn
  | if ($dn|isPrime) then $dn
    else ([$dn|divisors]|sort) as $divs
    | [range(1; $n) as $m | ($a|power($m)) - ($b|power($m))] as $dms
    | first( range( $divs|length-1; 0 ; -1) as $i
        | if (all($dms[]; gcd(.; $divs[$i]) == 1 )) then $divs[$i] else empty end)
       // 1

The Task

def abs:
  [ [2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1], [3, 2], [5, 3], [7, 3], [7, 5] ];

abs[] as [$a, $b]
| (if ($a == 7 and $b != 3) then 18 else 20 end) as $lim
  | "Zsigmony(\($a), \($b)) - first \($lim) terms:",
     [range(1; $lim+1) | zs($a; $b)]

Invocation: gojq -nrcf zsigmondy-numbers.jq

Zsigmony(2, 1) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(3, 1) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(4, 1) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(5, 1) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(6, 1) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(7, 1) - first 18 terms:
Zsigmony(3, 2) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(5, 3) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(7, 3) - first 20 terms:
Zsigmony(7, 5) - first 18 terms:


""" Rosetta code task: rosettacode.org/wiki/Zsigmondy_numbers """

using Primes

function divisors(n)
    f = [one(n)]
    for (p,e) in factor(n)
        f = reduce(vcat, [f*p^j for j in 1:e], init=f)
    return length(f) == 1 ? [one(n), n] : sort!(f)

function Zs(n, a, b)
    @assert a > b
    dexpms = map(i -> a^i - b^i, 1:n-1)
    dexpn = a^n - b^n
    return maximum(filter(d -> all(k -> gcd(k, d) == 1, dexpms), divisors(dexpn)))

tests = [(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1), (7, 1), (3, 2), (5, 3), (7, 3), (7, 5)]
for (a, b) in tests
    println("\nZsigmondy(n, $a, $b): ", join([Zs(n, a, b) for n in 1:20], ", "))
Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1): 1, 3, 7, 5, 31, 1, 127, 17, 73, 11, 2047, 13, 8191, 43, 151, 257, 131071, 19, 524287, 41

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1): 2, 1, 13, 5, 121, 7, 1093, 41, 757, 61, 88573, 73, 797161, 547, 4561, 3281, 64570081, 703, 581130733, 1181

Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1): 3, 5, 7, 17, 341, 13, 5461, 257, 1387, 41, 1398101, 241, 22369621, 3277, 49981, 65537, 5726623061, 4033, 91625968981, 61681

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1): 4, 3, 31, 13, 781, 7, 19531, 313, 15751, 521, 12207031, 601, 305175781, 13021, 315121, 195313, 190734863281, 5167, 4768371582031, 375601

Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1): 5, 7, 43, 37, 311, 31, 55987, 1297, 46873, 1111, 72559411, 1261, 2612138803, 5713, 1406371, 1679617, 3385331888947, 46441, 121871948002099, 1634221

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1): 6, 1, 19, 25, 2801, 43, 137257, 1201, 39331, 2101, 329554457, 2353, 16148168401, 102943, 4956001, 2882401, 38771752331201, 117307, 1899815864228857, 1129901

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2): 1, 5, 19, 13, 211, 7, 2059, 97, 1009, 11, 175099, 61, 1586131, 463, 3571, 6817, 129009091, 577, 1161737179, 4621

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3): 2, 1, 49, 17, 1441, 19, 37969, 353, 19729, 421, 24325489, 481, 609554401, 10039, 216001, 198593, 381405156481, 12979, 9536162033329, 288961

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3): 4, 5, 79, 29, 4141, 37, 205339, 1241, 127639, 341, 494287399, 2041, 24221854021, 82573, 3628081, 2885681, 58157596211761, 109117, 2849723505777919, 4871281

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5): 2, 3, 109, 37, 6841, 13, 372709, 1513, 176149, 1661, 964249309, 1801, 47834153641, 75139, 3162961, 3077713, 115933787267041, 30133, 5689910849522509, 3949201

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

The Function: Return the Zsigmondy-number to a,b,n integer: Program:

Attributes[zsigmondy] = Listable;
zsigmondy[a_Integer, b_Integer, 1] := a - b /; a >= b;
zsigmondy[a_Integer, b_Integer, n_Integer] := (
    hatvanyok = a^Range[n] - b^Range[n];
   kishatvany = a^Range[n - 1] - b^Range[n - 1];
   biggestelement = Part[hatvanyok, n];
   divisors = Divisors[biggestelement];
   divisorpairs = Join @@ (Thread[{#, kishatvany}] & /@ divisors);
   coprimepairs = Select[divisorpairs, CoprimeQ[#[[1]], #[[2]]] &];
   firstelement = coprimepairs[[All, 1]];
   revesedelements = ReverseSort[firstelement];
   Commonest[revesedelements, 1]) /; a >= b
data2 = MapThread[
   zsigmondy, {{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 5, 7, 7}, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 
     3, 3, 5}, {Range[10], Range[10], Range[10], Range[10], Range[10],
      Range[10], Range[10], Range[10], Range[10], Range[10]}}];
data1 = List["Zsigmondy:2,1,n", "Zsigmondy:3,1,n", "Zsigmondy:4,1,n", 
   "Zsigmondy:5,1,n", "Zsigmondy:6,1,n", "Zsigmondy:7,1,n", 
   "Zsigmondy:3,2,n", "Zsigmondy:5,3,n", "Zsigmondy:7,3,n", 
Grid[Transpose@{data1, data2}~
  Prepend~{"pair of numbers", "Zsigmondy numbers"}, 
 Dividers -> {All, {1 -> True, 2 -> True}}]


pair of numbers   Zsigmondy numbers

Zsigmondy:2,1,n   {1, {3}, {7}, {5}, {31}, {1}, {127}, {17}, {73}, {11}}

Zsigmondy:3,1,n   {2, {1}, {13}, {5}, {121}, {7}, {1093}, {41}, {757}, {61}}

Zsigmondy:4,1,n   {3, {5}, {7}, {17}, {341}, {13}, {5461}, {257}, {1387}, {41}}

Zsigmondy:5,1,n   {4, {3}, {31}, {13}, {781}, {7}, {19531}, {313}, {15751}, {521}}

Zsigmondy:6,1,n   {5, {7}, {43}, {37}, {311}, {31}, {55987}, {1297}, {46873}, {1111}}

Zsigmondy:7,1,n   {6, {1}, {19}, {25}, {2801}, {43}, {137257}, {1201}, {39331}, {2101}}

Zsigmondy:3,2,n   {1, {5}, {19}, {13}, {211}, {7}, {2059}, {97}, {1009}, {11}}

Zsigmondy:5,3,n   {2, {1}, {49}, {17}, {1441}, {19}, {37969}, {353}, {19729}, {421}}

Zsigmondy:7,3,n   {4, {5}, {79}, {29}, {4141}, {37}, {205339}, {1241}, {127639}, {341}}

Zsigmondy:7,5,n   {2, {3}, {109}, {37}, {6841}, {13}, {372709}, {1513}, {176149}, {1661}}


main = [Stdout (zsig_row a b) | (a,b)<-pairs]
       where pairs = [(2,1),(3,1),(4,1),(5,1),(6,1),(7,1),

zsig_row :: num->num->[char]
zsig_row a b = lay [title, show zsigs, ""]
               where title = "zsigmondy n " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b ++ ":"
                     zsigs = [zsigmondy n a b | n<-[1..18]]

zsigmondy :: num->num->num->num
zsigmondy n a b = max [d | d<-divisors dn; and [dm $gcd d = 1 | dm<-dms]]
                  where dn  = a^n - b^n
                        dms = [a^m - b^m | m <- [1..n-1]]

divisors :: num->[num]
divisors n = concat [unique [d, n div d] | d<-[1..entier (sqrt n)]; n mod d=0]

gcd :: num->num->num
gcd a 0 = a
gcd a b = gcd b (a mod b)

unique :: [*]->[*]
unique = unique' []
         where unique' acc []     = acc
               unique' acc (a:as) = unique' acc as, if a $in acc
                                  = unique' (a:acc) as, otherwise

in :: *->[*]->bool
in a []     = False
in a (a:as) = True
in a (b:as) = a $in as
zsigmondy n 2 1:

zsigmondy n 3 1:

zsigmondy n 4 1:

zsigmondy n 5 1:

zsigmondy n 6 1:

zsigmondy n 7 1:

zsigmondy n 3 2:

zsigmondy n 5 3:

zsigmondy n 7 3:

zsigmondy n 7 5:


import std/[algorithm, math, strformat]

func isPrime(n: Natural): bool =
  if n < 2: return false
  if (n and 1) == 0: return n == 2
  if n mod 3 == 0: return n == 3
  var k = 5
  var delta = 2
  while k * k <= n:
    if n mod k == 0: return false
    inc k, delta
    delta = 6 - delta
  result = true

func divisors(n: Positive): seq[int] =
  for d in 1..sqrt(n.toFloat).int:
    if n mod d == 0:
      result.add d
      if n div d != d:
        result.add n div d

func zs(n, a, b: Positive): int =
  let dn = a^n - b^n
  if dn.isPrime: return dn
  var divs = dn.divisors
  for m in 1..<n:
    let dm = a^m - b^m
    for i in countdown(divs.high, 1):
      if gcd(dm, divs[i]) != 1:
        divs.delete i
  result = divs[^1]

const N = 15
for (a, b) in [(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1), (7, 1), (3, 2), (5, 3), (7, 3), (7, 5)]:
  echo &"Zsigmondy(n, {a}, {b}) – First {N} terms:"
  for n in 1..N:
    stdout.write zs(n, a, b), ' '
  echo '\n'
Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1) – First 15 terms:
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1) – First 15 terms:
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 

Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1) – First 15 terms:
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1) – First 15 terms:
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 

Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1) – First 15 terms:
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1) – First 15 terms:
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2) – First 15 terms:
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3) – First 15 terms:
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3) – First 15 terms:
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5) – First 15 terms:
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 


Translation of: Raku
Library: ntheory
use v5.36;
use experimental 'for_list';
use ntheory <gcd divisors vecall>;

sub Zsigmondy ($A, $B, $c) {
    my @aexp = map { $A ** $_ } 0..$c;
    my @bexp = map { $B ** $_ } 0..$c;
    my @z;
    for my $n (1..$c) {
        for my $d (sort { $b <=> $a } divisors $aexp[$n] - $bexp[$n]) {
            push @z, $d and last if vecall { gcd($aexp[$_] - $bexp[$_], $d) == 1 } 1..$n-1
        return @z if 20 == @z

for my($name,$a,$b) (
    'A064078: Zsigmondy(n,2,1)', 2,1,
    'A064079: Zsigmondy(n,3,1)', 3,1,
    'A064080: Zsigmondy(n,4,1)', 4,1,
    'A064081: Zsigmondy(n,5,1)', 5,1,
    'A064082: Zsigmondy(n,6,1)', 6,1,
    'A064083: Zsigmondy(n,7,1)', 7,1,
    'A109325: Zsigmondy(n,3,2)', 3,2,
    'A109347: Zsigmondy(n,5,3)', 5,3,
    'A109348: Zsigmondy(n,7,3)', 7,3,
    'A109349: Zsigmondy(n,7,5)', 7,5,
) {
    say "\n$name:\n" . join ' ', Zsigmondy($a, $b, 20)
A064078: Zsigmondy(n,2,1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41

A064079: Zsigmondy(n,3,1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181

A064080: Zsigmondy(n,4,1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681

A064081: Zsigmondy(n,5,1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601

A064082: Zsigmondy(n,6,1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221

A064083: Zsigmondy(n,7,1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901

A109325: Zsigmondy(n,3,2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621

A109347: Zsigmondy(n,5,3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961

A109348: Zsigmondy(n,7,3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281

A109349: Zsigmondy(n,7,5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201


Translation of: Wren
with javascript_semantics
function Zsigmondy(integer n, a, b)
    atom dn = power(a,n) - power(b,n)
    if is_prime(dn) then return dn end if
    sequence dms = repeat(0,n-1)
    for m=1 to n-1 do
        dms[m] = power(a,m)-power(b,m)
    end for
    for d in reverse(factors(dn)) do
        for m=1 to n-1 do
            if gcd(dms[m],d)!=1 then exit end if
            if m=n-1 then return d end if
        end for
    end for
    return 1
end function

for ab in {{2,1},{3,1},{4,1},{5,1},{6,1},{7,1},{3,2},{5,3},{7,3},{7,5}} do
    integer {a,b} = ab, lim = iff(machine_bits()=32 and a=7?18:20)
    string res = join(apply(true,Zsigmondy,{tagset(lim),a,b}),fmt:="%d")
    printf(1,"Zsigmondy(1..%d,%d,%d): %s\n",{lim,a,b,res})
end for

As per Wren, 719 exceeds 253 (plus is_prime/factors actually crash, as they should when precision is exceeded) and hence 32-bit limits itself to 18 entries when a=7.

Zsigmondy(1..20,2,1): 1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 89 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41
Zsigmondy(1..20,3,1): 2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181
Zsigmondy(1..20,4,1): 3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681
Zsigmondy(1..20,5,1): 1 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601
Zsigmondy(1..20,6,1): 5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221
Zsigmondy(1..20,7,1): 1 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901
Zsigmondy(1..20,3,2): 1 5 19 13 211 7 71 97 1009 11 7613 61 29927 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 745181 4621
Zsigmondy(1..20,5,3): 2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961
Zsigmondy(1..20,7,3): 1 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281
Zsigmondy(1..20,7,5): 2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201


''' Rosetta code task: rosettacode.org/wiki/Zsigmondy_numbers '''

from math import gcd
from sympy import divisors

def zsig(num, aint, bint):
    ''' Get Zs(n, a, b) in task. '''
    assert aint > bint
    dexpms = [aint**i - bint**i for i in range(1, num)]
    dexpn = aint**num - bint**num
    return max([d for d in divisors(dexpn) if all(gcd(k, d) == 1 for k in dexpms)])

tests = [(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1),
         (7, 1), (3, 2), (5, 3), (7, 3), (7, 5)]
for (a, b) in tests:
    print(f'\nZsigmondy(n, {a}, {b}):', ', '.join(
        [str(zsig(n, a, b)) for n in range(1, 21)]))
Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1): 1, 3, 7, 5, 31, 1, 127, 17, 73, 11, 2047, 13, 8191, 43, 151, 257, 131071, 19, 524287, 41

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1): 2, 1, 13, 5, 121, 7, 1093, 41, 757, 61, 88573, 73, 797161, 547, 4561, 3281, 64570081, 703, 581130733, 1181

Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1): 3, 5, 7, 17, 341, 13, 5461, 257, 1387, 41, 1398101, 241, 22369621, 3277, 49981, 65537, 5726623061, 4033, 91625968981, 61681

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1): 4, 3, 31, 13, 781, 7, 19531, 313, 15751, 521, 12207031, 601, 305175781, 13021, 315121, 195313, 190734863281, 5167, 4768371582031, 375601

Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1): 5, 7, 43, 37, 311, 31, 55987, 1297, 46873, 1111, 72559411, 1261, 2612138803, 5713, 1406371, 1679617, 3385331888947, 46441, 121871948002099, 1634221

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1): 6, 1, 19, 25, 2801, 43, 137257, 1201, 39331, 2101, 329554457, 2353, 16148168401, 102943, 4956001, 2882401, 38771752331201, 117307, 1899815864228857, 1129901

Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2): 1, 5, 19, 13, 211, 7, 2059, 97, 1009, 11, 175099, 61, 1586131, 463, 3571, 6817, 129009091, 577, 1161737179, 4621

Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3): 2, 1, 49, 17, 1441, 19, 37969, 353, 19729, 421, 24325489, 481, 609554401, 10039, 216001, 198593, 381405156481, 12979, 9536162033329, 288961

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3): 4, 5, 79, 29, 4141, 37, 205339, 1241, 127639, 341, 494287399, 2041, 24221854021, 82573, 3628081, 2885681, 58157596211761, 109117, 2849723505777919, 4871281

Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5): 2, 3, 109, 37, 6841, 13, 372709, 1513, 176149, 1661, 964249309, 1801, 47834153641, 75139, 3162961, 3077713, 115933787267041, 30133, 5689910849522509, 3949201


First twenty elements of each.

use Prime::Factor;

sub Zsigmondy ($a, $b) {
    my @aexp = 1, * × $a … *;
    my @bexp = 1, * × $b … *;
    (1..∞).map: -> $n {
        (@aexp[$n] - @bexp[$n]).&divisors.sort(-*).first: -> $d {
            all (1..^$n).map: { (@aexp[$_] - @bexp[$_]) gcd $d == 1 }

for '064078', (2,1), '064079', (3,1), '064080', (4,1), '064081', (5,1), '064082', (6,1),
    '064083', (7,1), '109325', (3,2), '109347', (5,3), '109348', (7,3), '109349', (7,5)
  -> $oeis, $seq {
    say "\nA$oeis: Zsigmondy(n,$seq[0],$seq[1]):\n" ~ Zsigmondy(|$seq)[^20]
A064078: Zsigmondy(n,2,1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41

A064079: Zsigmondy(n,3,1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181

A064080: Zsigmondy(n,4,1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681

A064081: Zsigmondy(n,5,1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601

A064082: Zsigmondy(n,6,1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221

A064083: Zsigmondy(n,7,1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901

A109325: Zsigmondy(n,3,2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621

A109347: Zsigmondy(n,5,3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961

A109348: Zsigmondy(n,7,3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281

A109349: Zsigmondy(n,7,5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201


    = <Each (ZsigRow) <Pairs>>;

Pairs {
    = (2 1) (3 1) (4 1) (5 1) (6 1) (7 1) (3 2) (5 3) (7 3) (7 5);

ZsigRow {
    s.A s.B =
        <Prout 'zsigmondy(n, ' <Symb s.A> ', ' <Symb s.B> '):'>
        <Prout <Each (Zsigmondy s.A s.B) <Iota 1 18>>>

Zsigmondy {
    s.A s.B s.N,
        <ZsD s.A s.B s.N>: s.DN,
        <Divs s.DN>: e.Divs,
        <Each (ZsD s.A s.B) <Iota 1 <Sub s.N 1>>>: e.DMs,
        <FilterAllCoprime (e.Divs) e.DMs>: e.1 s.MaxDiv
        = s.MaxDiv;

ZsD {
    s.A s.B s.N = <Sub <Pow s.A s.N> <Pow s.B s.N>>;

FilterAllCoprime {
    () e.DMs = ;
    (s.D e.Divs) e.DMs, <AllCoprime s.D e.DMs>: {
        True = s.D <FilterAllCoprime (e.Divs) e.DMs>;
        False = <FilterAllCoprime (e.Divs) e.DMs>;

AllCoprime {
    s.D = True;
    s.D s.DM e.DMs, <Gcd s.D s.DM>: {
        1   = <AllCoprime s.D e.DMs>;
        s.N = False;

Isqrt {
    s.N s.X0,
        <Div <Add s.X0 <Div s.N s.X0>> 2>: s.X1,
        <Compare s.X1 s.X0>: {
            '-' = <Isqrt s.N s.X1>;
            s.C = s.X0;
    s.N, <Div s.N 2>: {
        0    = s.N;
        s.X0 = <Isqrt s.N s.X0>;

Iota {
    s.E s.E = s.E;
    s.S s.E, <Compare s.S s.E>: '+' = ;
    s.S s.E = s.S <Iota <Add 1 s.S> s.E>;

Each {
    (e.F) = ;
    (e.F) s.X e.Xs = <Mu e.F s.X> <Each (e.F) e.Xs>;
    (e.F) (e.X) e.Xs = <Mu e.F e.X> <Each (e.F) e.Xs>;

Gcd {
    s.A 0   = s.A;
    s.A s.B = <Gcd s.B <Mod s.A s.B>>;

Divs {
    s.N s.D s.Max, <Compare s.D s.Max>: '+' = ;
    s.N s.D s.Max,
        <Mod s.N s.D>: {
            0, <Div s.N s.D>: {
                s.D  = s.D <Divs s.N <Add 1 s.D> s.Max>;
                s.D2 = s.D <Divs s.N <Add 1 s.D> s.Max> s.D2;
            s.M = <Divs s.N <Add 1 s.D> s.Max>;
    s.N = <Divs s.N 1 <Isqrt s.N>>;

Pow {
    s.N 0 = 1;
    s.N s.P, <Divmod s.P 2>: {
        (s.P2) 0, <Pow s.N s.P2>: s.X = <Mul s.X s.X>;
        (s.P2) 1, <Pow s.N s.P2>: s.X = <Mul s.N <Mul s.X s.X>>;
zsigmondy(n, 2, 1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19

zsigmondy(n, 3, 1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703

zsigmondy(n, 4, 1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033

zsigmondy(n, 5, 1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167

zsigmondy(n, 6, 1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441

zsigmondy(n, 7, 1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307

zsigmondy(n, 3, 2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577

zsigmondy(n, 5, 3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979

zsigmondy(n, 7, 3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117

zsigmondy(n, 7, 5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133


use itertools::{max, all};
use gcd::Gcd;
use divisors::get_divisors;

fn zsigmondy(a: u64, b: u64, n: u64) -> u64 {
    assert!(a > b);
    let dexpms: Vec<u64> = (1..(n as u32)).map(|i| a.pow(i) - b.pow(i)).collect();
    let dexpn: u64 = a.pow(n as u32) - b.pow(n as u32);
    let mut divisors = get_divisors(dexpn).to_vec(); // get_divisors(n) does not include 1 and n
    divisors.append(&mut [1, dexpn].to_vec());       // so add those
    let z = divisors.iter().filter(|d| all(dexpms.clone(), |k| Gcd::gcd(k, **d) == 1));
    return *max(z).unwrap();

fn main() {
    for (name, a, b) in [
        ("A064078: Zsigmondy(n,2,1)", 2, 1,),
        ("A064079: Zsigmondy(n,3,1)", 3, 1,),
        ("A064080: Zsigmondy(n,4,1)", 4, 1,),
        ("A064081: Zsigmondy(n,5,1)", 5, 1,),
        ("A064082: Zsigmondy(n,6,1)", 6, 1,),
        ("A064083: Zsigmondy(n,7,1)", 7, 1,),
        ("A109325: Zsigmondy(n,3,2)", 3, 2,),
        ("A109347: Zsigmondy(n,5,3)", 5, 3,),
        ("A109348: Zsigmondy(n,7,3)", 7, 3,),
        ("A109349: Zsigmondy(n,7,5)", 7, 5,),] {
        for n in 1..21 {
            print!("{} ", zsigmondy(a, b, n));
A064078: Zsigmondy(n,2,1):
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41 
A064079: Zsigmondy(n,3,1):
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181 
A064080: Zsigmondy(n,4,1):
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681 
A064081: Zsigmondy(n,5,1):
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601
A064082: Zsigmondy(n,6,1):
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221
A064083: Zsigmondy(n,7,1):
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901
A109325: Zsigmondy(n,3,2):
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621
A109347: Zsigmondy(n,5,3):
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961 
A109348: Zsigmondy(n,7,3):
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281
A109349: Zsigmondy(n,7,5):
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201


Translation of: Java
program zsigmondy;
    pairs := [[2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1],
              [3, 2], [5, 3], [7, 3], [7, 5]];

    loop for [a, b] in pairs do
        print("Zsigmondy(n, " + str a + ", " + str b + ")");
        loop for n in [1..18] do
            putchar(str zs(n, a, b) + " ");
        end loop;
    end loop;

    proc zs(n,a,b);
        dn := a**n - b**n;
        divs := divisors(dn);
        if #divs = 1 then return dn; end if;

        loop for m in [1..n-1] do
            dm := a**m - b**m;
            divs -:= {d : d in divs | gcd(dm, d) > 1};
        end loop;
        return max/divs;
    end proc;

    proc divisors(n);
        ds := {d : d in {1..floor(sqrt(n))} | n mod d=0};
        return ds + {n div d : d in ds};
    end proc;

    proc gcd(a,b);
        loop while b/=0 do
            [a, b] := [b, a mod b];
        end loop;
        return a;
    end proc;
end program;
Zsigmondy(n, 2, 1)
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19
Zsigmondy(n, 3, 1)
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703
Zsigmondy(n, 4, 1)
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033
Zsigmondy(n, 5, 1)
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167
Zsigmondy(n, 6, 1)
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441
Zsigmondy(n, 7, 1)
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307
Zsigmondy(n, 3, 2)
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577
Zsigmondy(n, 5, 3)
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979
Zsigmondy(n, 7, 3)
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117
Zsigmondy(n, 7, 5)
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133


Translation of: Perl
func zsigmondy (a, b, c) {

    var aexp = (0..c -> map {|k| a**k })
    var bexp = (0..c -> map {|k| b**k })

    var z = []
    for n in (1 .. c) {
        divisors(aexp[n] - bexp[n]).flip.each {|d|
            1 ..^ n -> all {|k|
                aexp[k] - bexp[k] -> is_coprime(d)
            } && (z << d; break)
    return z

for name,a,b in ([
    'A064078: Zsigmondy(n,2,1)', 2,1,
    'A064079: Zsigmondy(n,3,1)', 3,1,
    'A064080: Zsigmondy(n,4,1)', 4,1,
    'A064081: Zsigmondy(n,5,1)', 5,1,
    'A064082: Zsigmondy(n,6,1)', 6,1,
    'A064083: Zsigmondy(n,7,1)', 7,1,
    'A109325: Zsigmondy(n,3,2)', 3,2,
    'A109347: Zsigmondy(n,5,3)', 5,3,
    'A109348: Zsigmondy(n,7,3)', 7,3,
    'A109349: Zsigmondy(n,7,5)', 7,5,
].slices(3)) {
    say ("\n#{name}:\n", zsigmondy(a, b, 20))
A064078: Zsigmondy(n,2,1):
[1, 3, 7, 5, 31, 1, 127, 17, 73, 11, 2047, 13, 8191, 43, 151, 257, 131071, 19, 524287, 41]

A064079: Zsigmondy(n,3,1):
[2, 1, 13, 5, 121, 7, 1093, 41, 757, 61, 88573, 73, 797161, 547, 4561, 3281, 64570081, 703, 581130733, 1181]

A064080: Zsigmondy(n,4,1):
[3, 5, 7, 17, 341, 13, 5461, 257, 1387, 41, 1398101, 241, 22369621, 3277, 49981, 65537, 5726623061, 4033, 91625968981, 61681]

A064081: Zsigmondy(n,5,1):
[4, 3, 31, 13, 781, 7, 19531, 313, 15751, 521, 12207031, 601, 305175781, 13021, 315121, 195313, 190734863281, 5167, 4768371582031, 375601]

A064082: Zsigmondy(n,6,1):
[5, 7, 43, 37, 311, 31, 55987, 1297, 46873, 1111, 72559411, 1261, 2612138803, 5713, 1406371, 1679617, 3385331888947, 46441, 121871948002099, 1634221]

A064083: Zsigmondy(n,7,1):
[6, 1, 19, 25, 2801, 43, 137257, 1201, 39331, 2101, 329554457, 2353, 16148168401, 102943, 4956001, 2882401, 38771752331201, 117307, 1899815864228857, 1129901]

A109325: Zsigmondy(n,3,2):
[1, 5, 19, 13, 211, 7, 2059, 97, 1009, 11, 175099, 61, 1586131, 463, 3571, 6817, 129009091, 577, 1161737179, 4621]

A109347: Zsigmondy(n,5,3):
[2, 1, 49, 17, 1441, 19, 37969, 353, 19729, 421, 24325489, 481, 609554401, 10039, 216001, 198593, 381405156481, 12979, 9536162033329, 288961]

A109348: Zsigmondy(n,7,3):
[4, 5, 79, 29, 4141, 37, 205339, 1241, 127639, 341, 494287399, 2041, 24221854021, 82573, 3628081, 2885681, 58157596211761, 109117, 2849723505777919, 4871281]

A109349: Zsigmondy(n,7,5):
[2, 3, 109, 37, 6841, 13, 372709, 1513, 176149, 1661, 964249309, 1801, 47834153641, 75139, 3162961, 3077713, 115933787267041, 30133, 5689910849522509, 3949201]


Normal arithmetic

Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-fmt

Shows the first 20 terms for each radix set apart from [7, 1], [7, 3] and [7, 5] where I've had to limit the number of terms to 18 for now. This is because the 19th term is being calculated incorrectly due to 7^19 exceeding Wren's safe integer limit of 2^53.

import "./math" for Int
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var zs = Fn.new { |n, a, b|
    var dn = a.pow(n) - b.pow(n)
    if (Int.isPrime(dn)) return dn
    var divs = Int.divisors(dn)
    var dms = (1...n).map { |m| a.pow(m) - b.pow(m) }.toList
    for (i in divs.count-1..1) {
        if (dms.all { |dm| Int.gcd(dm, divs[i]) == 1 }) return divs[i]
    return 1

var abs = [ [2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1], [3, 2], [5, 3], [7, 3], [7, 5] ]
for (ab in abs) {
    var a = ab[0]
    var b = ab[1]
    var lim = 20
    if (a == 7 && b != 3) lim = 18
    System.print("Zsigmony(n, %(a), %(b)) - first %(lim) terms:")
    Fmt.print("$d", (1..lim).map { |n| zs.call(n, a, b) }.toList)
Zsigmony(n, 2, 1) - first 20 terms:
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41

Zsigmony(n, 3, 1) - first 20 terms:
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181

Zsigmony(n, 4, 1) - first 20 terms:
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681

Zsigmony(n, 5, 1) - first 20 terms:
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601

Zsigmony(n, 6, 1) - first 20 terms:
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221

Zsigmony(n, 7, 1) - first 18 terms:
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307

Zsigmony(n, 3, 2) - first 20 terms:
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621

Zsigmony(n, 5, 3) - first 20 terms:
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961

Zsigmony(n, 7, 3) - first 18 terms:
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117

Zsigmony(n, 7, 5) - first 18 terms:
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133


Library: Wren-big
Library: Wren-seq

However, we can deal with integers of any size by switching to BigInt.

import "./big" for BigInt
import "./seq" for Lst
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var divisors = Fn.new { |n|
    var factors = BigInt.primeFactors(n)
    var divs = [BigInt.one]
    for (p in factors) {
        for (i in 0...divs.count) divs.add(divs[i]*p)
    return Lst.prune(divs.sort { |i, j| i >= j })

var zs = Fn.new { |n, a, b|
    a = BigInt.new(a)
    b = BigInt.new(b)
    var dn = a.pow(n) - b.pow(n)
    if (dn.isPrime) return dn
    var divs = divisors.call(dn)
    var dms = (1...n).map { |m| a.pow(m) - b.pow(m) }.toList
    for (div in divs) {
        if (dms.all { |dm| BigInt.gcd(dm, div) == 1 }) return div
    return BigInt.one

var abs = [ [2, 1], [3, 1], [4, 1], [5, 1], [6, 1], [7, 1], [3, 2], [5, 3], [7, 3], [7, 5] ]
var lim = 20
for (ab in abs) {
    var a = ab[0]
    var b = ab[1]
    System.print("Zsigmony(n, %(a), %(b)) - first %(lim) terms:")
    Fmt.print("$i", (1..lim).map { |n| zs.call(n, a, b) }.toList)
Zsigmony(n, 2, 1) - first 20 terms:
1 3 7 5 31 1 127 17 73 11 2047 13 8191 43 151 257 131071 19 524287 41

Zsigmony(n, 3, 1) - first 20 terms:
2 1 13 5 121 7 1093 41 757 61 88573 73 797161 547 4561 3281 64570081 703 581130733 1181

Zsigmony(n, 4, 1) - first 20 terms:
3 5 7 17 341 13 5461 257 1387 41 1398101 241 22369621 3277 49981 65537 5726623061 4033 91625968981 61681

Zsigmony(n, 5, 1) - first 20 terms:
4 3 31 13 781 7 19531 313 15751 521 12207031 601 305175781 13021 315121 195313 190734863281 5167 4768371582031 375601

Zsigmony(n, 6, 1) - first 20 terms:
5 7 43 37 311 31 55987 1297 46873 1111 72559411 1261 2612138803 5713 1406371 1679617 3385331888947 46441 121871948002099 1634221

Zsigmony(n, 7, 1) - first 20 terms:
6 1 19 25 2801 43 137257 1201 39331 2101 329554457 2353 16148168401 102943 4956001 2882401 38771752331201 117307 1899815864228857 1129901

Zsigmony(n, 3, 2) - first 20 terms:
1 5 19 13 211 7 2059 97 1009 11 175099 61 1586131 463 3571 6817 129009091 577 1161737179 4621

Zsigmony(n, 5, 3) - first 20 terms:
2 1 49 17 1441 19 37969 353 19729 421 24325489 481 609554401 10039 216001 198593 381405156481 12979 9536162033329 288961

Zsigmony(n, 7, 3) - first 20 terms:
4 5 79 29 4141 37 205339 1241 127639 341 494287399 2041 24221854021 82573 3628081 2885681 58157596211761 109117 2849723505777919 4871281

Zsigmony(n, 7, 5) - first 20 terms:
2 3 109 37 6841 13 372709 1513 176149 1661 964249309 1801 47834153641 75139 3162961 3077713 115933787267041 30133 5689910849522509 3949201
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