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(Add output of example)
Line 2,412:
writeln("a x(b x c) = " <& vectorTriple(a, b, c));
end func;</lang>
a = (3.0, 4.0, 5.0), b = (4.0, 3.0, 5.0), c = (-5.0, -12.0, -13.0)
a . b = 49.0
a x b = (5.0, 5.0, -7.0)
a .(b x c) = 6.0
a x(b x c) = (-267.0, 204.0, -3.0)

Revision as of 11:44, 17 February 2014

Vector products
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Define a vector having three dimensions as being represented by an ordered collection of three numbers: (X, Y, Z). If you imagine a graph with the x and y axis being at right angles to each other and having a third, z axis coming out of the page, then a triplet of numbers, (X, Y, Z) would represent a point in the region, and a vector from the origin to the point.

Given vectors A = (a1, a2, a3); B = (b1, b2, b3); and C = (c1, c2, c3); then the following common vector products are defined:

  • The dot product
A • B = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3; a scalar quantity
  • The cross product
A x B = (a2b3 - a3b2, a3b1 - a1b3, a1b2 - a2b1); a vector quantity
  • The scalar triple product
A • (B x C); a scalar quantity
  • The vector triple product
A x (B x C); a vector quantity
Task description

Given the three vectors: a = (3, 4, 5); b = (4, 3, 5); c = (-5, -12, -13):

  1. Create a named function/subroutine/method to compute the dot product of two vectors.
  2. Create a function to compute the cross product of two vectors.
  3. Optionally create a function to compute the scalar triple product of three vectors.
  4. Optionally create a function to compute the vector triple product of three vectors.
  5. Compute and display: a • b
  6. Compute and display: a x b
  7. Compute and display: a • b x c, the scaler triple product.
  8. Compute and display: a x b x c, the vector triple product.


not using Ada.Numerics.Real_Arrays, to show some features of the language.

Ada determines which function to call not only on the types of the parameters, but also on the return type. That way we can use the same name for all multiplications (scalar and cross). But, if we add another one to stretch the vector, we get an ambiguity error, since the compiler can't know if A*(B*C) with result-type Vector is meant to be A stretched by the scalar product of B and C, or the cross product of A and the result of the cross product of B and C. Here, I used type qualification to tell the compiler that the result of (B*C) is of type Vector.

vector.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Vector is

  type Float_Vector is array (Positive range <>) of Float;
  package Float_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Float);
  procedure Vector_Put (X : Float_Vector) is
     Ada.Text_IO.Put ("(");
     for I in X'Range loop
        Float_IO.Put (X (I), Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
        if I /= X'Last then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put (", ");
        end if;
     end loop;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put (")");
  end Vector_Put;
  -- cross product
  function "*" (Left, Right : Float_Vector) return Float_Vector is
     if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
        raise Constraint_Error with "vectors of different size in dot product";
     end if;
     if Left'Length /= 3 then
        raise Constraint_Error with "dot product only implemented for R**3";
     end if;
     return Float_Vector'(Left (Left'First + 1) * Right (Right'First + 2) -
                            Left (Left'First + 2) * Right (Right'First + 1),
                          Left (Left'First + 2) * Right (Right'First) -
                            Left (Left'First) * Right (Right'First + 2),
                          Left (Left'First) * Right (Right'First + 1) -
                            Left (Left'First + 1) * Right (Right'First));
  end "*";
  -- scalar product
  function "*" (Left, Right : Float_Vector) return Float is
     Result : Float := 0.0;
     I, J : Positive;
     if Left'Length /= Right'Length then
        raise Constraint_Error with "vectors of different size in scalar product";
     end if;
     I := Left'First; J := Right'First;
     while I <= Left'Last and then J <= Right'Last loop
        Result := Result + Left (I) * Right (J);
        I := I + 1; J := J + 1;
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end "*";
  -- stretching
  function "*" (Left : Float_Vector; Right : Float) return Float_Vector is
     Result : Float_Vector (Left'Range);
     for I in Left'Range loop
        Result (I) := Left (I) * Right;
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end "*";
  A : constant Float_Vector := (3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
  B : constant Float_Vector := (4.0, 3.0, 5.0);
  C : constant Float_Vector := (-5.0, -12.0, -13.0);


  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("A: "); Vector_Put (A); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("B: "); Vector_Put (B); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("C: "); Vector_Put (C); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("A dot B = "); Float_IO.Put (A * B, Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("A x B = "); Vector_Put (A * B);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("A dot (B x C) = "); Float_IO.Put (A * (B * C), Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("A x (B x C) = "); Vector_Put (A * Float_Vector'(B * C));

end Vector;</lang> Output:

A: ( 3.0,  4.0,  5.0)
B: ( 4.0,  3.0,  5.0)
C: (-5.0, -12.0, -13.0)

A dot B = 49.0
A x B = ( 5.0,  5.0, -7.0)
A dot (B x C) =  6.0
A x (B x C) = (-267.0, 204.0, -3.0)


Translation of: Python

Note: This specimen retains the original Python coding style.

Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used.
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny.

<lang algol68>MODE FIELD = INT; FORMAT field fmt = $g(-0)$;

MODE VEC = [3]FIELD; FORMAT vec fmt = $"("f(field fmt)", "f(field fmt)", "f(field fmt)")"$;

PROC crossp = (VEC a, b)VEC:(

   #Cross product of two 3D vectors#
   CO ASSERT(LWB a = LWB b AND UPB a = UPB b AND UPB b = 3 # "For 3D vectors only" #); CO
   (a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2], a[3]*b[1] - a[1]*b[3], a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1])



OP MAXLWB = (VEC a, b)INT: (LWB a<LWB b|LWB a|LWB b); OP MINUPB = (VEC a, b)INT: (UPB a>UPB b|UPB a|UPB b);

PROC dotp = (VEC a, b)FIELD:(

   #Dot product of two vectors#
   FIELD sum := 0;
   FOR i FROM a MAXLWB b TO a MINUPB b DO sum +:= a[i]*b[i] OD;


PROC scalartriplep = (VEC a, b, c)VEC:(

   #Scalar triple product of three vectors: "a . (b x c)"#
   dotp(a, crossp(b, c))


PROC vectortriplep = (VEC a, b, c)VEC:(

   #Vector triple product of three vectors: "a x (b x c)"#
   crossp(a, crossp(b, c))


  1. Declare some useful operators #

PRIO DOT = 5, X = 5; OP (VEC, VEC)FIELD DOT = dotp; OP (VEC, VEC)VEC X = crossp;


   VEC a=(3, 4, 5), b=(4, 3, 5), c=(-5, -12, -13);
   printf(($"a = "f(vec fmt)";  b = "f(vec fmt)";  c = "f(vec fmt)l$ , a, b, c));
   printf($"Using PROCedures:"l$);
   printf(($"a . b = "f(field fmt)l$, dotp(a,b)));
   printf(($"a x b = "f(vec fmt)l$, crossp(a,b)));
   printf(($"a . (b x c) = "f(field fmt)l$, scalartriplep(a, b, c)));
   printf(($"a x (b x c) = "f(vec fmt)l$, vectortriplep(a, b, c)));
   printf($"Using OPerators:"l$);
   printf(($"a . b = "f(field fmt)l$, a DOT b));
   printf(($"a x b = "f(vec fmt)l$, a X b));
   printf(($"a . (b x c) = "f(field fmt)l$, a DOT (b X c)));
   printf(($"a x (b x c) = "f(vec fmt)l$, a X (b X c)))

)</lang> Output:

a = (3, 4, 5);  b = (4, 3, 5);  c = (-5, -12, -13)
Using PROCedures:
a . b = 49
a x b = (5, 5, -7)
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = (-267, 204, -3)
Using OPerators:
a . b = 49
a x b = (5, 5, -7)
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = (-267, 204, -3)


<lang AutoHotkey>V := {a: [3, 4, 5], b: [4, 3, 5], c: [-5, -12, -13]}

for key, val in V Out .= key " = (" val[1] ", " val[2] ", " val[3] ")`n"

CP := CrossProduct(V.a, V.b) VTP := VectorTripleProduct(V.a, V.b, V.c)

MsgBox, % Out "`na • b = " DotProduct(V.a, V.b) "`n" . "a x b = (" CP[1] ", " CP[2] ", " CP[3] ")`n" . "a • b x c = " ScalerTripleProduct(V.a, V.b, V.c) "`n" . "a x b x c = (" VTP[1] ", " VTP[2] ", " VTP[3] ")"

DotProduct(v1, v2) { return, v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2] + v1[3] * v2[3] }

CrossProduct(v1, v2) { return, [v1[2] * v2[3] - v1[3] * v2[2] , v1[3] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[3] , v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1]] }

ScalerTripleProduct(v1, v2, v3) { return, DotProduct(v1, CrossProduct(v2, v3)) }

VectorTripleProduct(v1, v2, v3) { return, CrossProduct(v1, CrossProduct(v2, v3)) }</lang> Output:

a = (3, 4, 5)
b = (4, 3, 5)
c = (-5, -12, -13)

a • b = 49
a x b = (5, 5, -7)
a • b x c = 6
a x b x c = (-267, 204, -3)


<lang awk>#!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN {

    a[1] = 3; a[2]= 4; a[3] = 5; 
    b[1] = 4; b[2]= 3; b[3] = 5; 
    c[1] = -5; c[2]= -12; c[3] = -13; 
    print "a = ",printVec(a);
    print "b = ",printVec(b);
    print "c = ",printVec(c);
    print "a.b = ",dot(a,b);
    ## upper case variables are used as temporary or intermediate results 
    cross(a,b,D);print "a.b = ",printVec(D);
    cross(b,c,D);print "a.(b x c) = ",dot(a,D); 
    cross(b,c,D);cross(a,D,E); print "a x (b x c) = ",printVec(E);


function dot(A,B) {

    return A[1]*B[1]+A[2]*B[2]+A[3]*B[3];


function cross(A,B,C) {

    C[1] = A[2]*B[3]-A[3]*B[2];
    C[2] = A[3]*B[1]-A[1]*B[3];
    C[3] = A[1]*B[2]-A[2]*B[1];


function printVec(C) {

   return "[ "C[1]" "C[2]" "C[3]" ]";

}</lang> Output:

a =  [ 3 4 5 ]
b =  [ 4 3 5 ]
c =  [ -5 -12 -13 ]
A.b =  49
a.b =  [ 5 5 -7 ]
a.(b x c) =  6
a x (b x c) =  [ -267 204 -3 ]


Works with: BASIC256

<lang basic256>


print "A.B = "+dot_product(ref(a),ref(b)) call cross_product(ref(a),ref(b),ref(y)) Print "AxB = ("+y[0]+","+y[1]+","+y[2]+")" print "A.(BxC) = "+s_tri(ref(a),ref(b),ref(c)) call v_tri(ref(a),ref(b),ref(c),ref(x),ref(y)) Print "A x (BxC) = ("+y[0]+","+y[1]+","+y[2]+")"

function dot_product(ref(x1),ref(x2))

   dot_product= 0
  for t = 0 to 2
     dot_product += x1[t]*x2[t]
  next t

end function

subroutine cross_product(ref(x1),ref(x2),ref(y1))


end subroutine

function s_tri(ref(x1),ref(x2),ref(x3))

  call cross_product(ref(x2),ref(x3),ref(y1))

end function

subroutine v_tri(ref(x1),ref(x2),ref(x3),ref(y1),ref(y2))

 call cross_product(ref(x2),ref(x3),ref(y1))
 call cross_product(ref(x1),ref(y1),ref(y2))

end subroutine



A.B = 49
AxB = (5,5,-7)
A.(BxC) = 6
A x (BxC) = (-267,204,-3)


<lang bbcbasic> DIM a(2), b(2), c(2), d(2)

     a() = 3, 4, 5
     b() = 4, 3, 5
     c() = -5, -12, -13
     PRINT "a . b = "; FNdot(a(),b())
     PRINT "a x b = (";d(0)", ";d(1)", ";d(2)")"
     PRINT "a . (b x c) = "; FNscalartriple(a(),b(),c())
     PRINT "a x (b x c) = (";d(0)", ";d(1)", ";d(2)")"
     DEF FNdot(A(),B())
     LOCAL C() : DIM C(0,0)
     C() = A().B()
     = C(0,0)
     DEF PROCcross(A(),B(),C())
     C() = A(1)*B(2)-A(2)*B(1), A(2)*B(0)-A(0)*B(2), A(0)*B(1)-A(1)*B(0)
     DEF FNscalartriple(A(),B(),C())
     LOCAL D() : DIM D(2)
     = FNdot(A(),D())
     DEF PROCvectortriple(A(),B(),C(),D())


a . b = 49
a x b = (5, 5, -7)
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = (-267, 204, -3)


<lang c>#include<stdio.h>

typedef struct{ float i,j,k; }Vector;

Vector a = {3, 4, 5},b = {4, 3, 5},c = {-5, -12, -13};

float dotProduct(Vector a, Vector b) { return a.i*b.i+a.j*b.j+a.k*b.k; }

Vector crossProduct(Vector a,Vector b) { Vector c = {a.j*b.k - a.k*b.j, a.k*b.i - a.i*b.k, a.i*b.j - a.j*b.i};

return c; }

float scalarTripleProduct(Vector a,Vector b,Vector c) { return dotProduct(a,crossProduct(b,c)); }

Vector vectorTripleProduct(Vector a,Vector b,Vector c) { return crossProduct(a,crossProduct(b,c)); }

void printVector(Vector a) { printf("( %f, %f, %f)",a.i,a.j,a.k); }

int main() { printf("\n a = "); printVector(a); printf("\n b = "); printVector(b); printf("\n c = "); printVector(c); printf("\n a . b = %f",dotProduct(a,b)); printf("\n a x b = "); printVector(crossProduct(a,b)); printf("\n a . (b x c) = %f",scalarTripleProduct(a,b,c)); printf("\n a x (b x c) = "); printVector(vectorTripleProduct(a,b,c));

return 0; }</lang> Output:

 a = ( 3.000000, 4.000000, 5.000000)
 b = ( 4.000000, 3.000000, 5.000000)
 c = ( -5.000000, -12.000000, -13.000000)
 a . b = 49.000000
 a x b = ( 5.000000, 5.000000, -7.000000)
 a . (b x c) = 6.000000
 a x (b x c) = ( -267.000000, 204.000000, -3.000000)


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;

class VectorProducts {

   static double ScalarTripleProduct(Vector3D a, Vector3D b, Vector3D c)
       return Vector3D.DotProduct(a, Vector3D.CrossProduct(b, c));
   static Vector3D VectorTripleProduct(Vector3D a, Vector3D b, Vector3D c)
       return Vector3D.CrossProduct(a, Vector3D.CrossProduct(b, c));
   static void Main()
       var a = new Vector3D(3, 4, 5);
       var b = new Vector3D(4, 3, 5);
       var c = new Vector3D(-5, -12, -13);
       Console.WriteLine(Vector3D.DotProduct(a, b));
       Console.WriteLine(Vector3D.CrossProduct(a, b));
       Console.WriteLine(ScalarTripleProduct(a, b, c));
       Console.WriteLine(VectorTripleProduct(a, b, c));

}</lang> Output:



<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

template< class T > class D3Vector {

template< class U > friend std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & , const D3Vector & ) ;

public :

  D3Vector( T a , T b , T c ) {
     x = a ;
     y = b ;
     z = c ;
  T dotproduct ( const D3Vector & rhs ) {
     T scalar = x * rhs.x + y * rhs.y + z * rhs.z ;
     return scalar ;
  D3Vector crossproduct ( const D3Vector & rhs ) {
     T a = y * rhs.z - z * rhs.y ;
     T b = z * rhs.x - x * rhs.z ;
     T c = x * rhs.y - y * rhs.x ;
     D3Vector product( a , b , c ) ;
     return product ;
  D3Vector triplevec( D3Vector & a , D3Vector & b ) {
     return crossproduct ( a.crossproduct( b ) ) ;
  T triplescal( D3Vector & a, D3Vector & b ) {
     return dotproduct( a.crossproduct( b ) ) ;

private :

  T x , y , z ;  

} ;

template< class T > std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os , const D3Vector<T> & vec ) {

  os << "( "  << vec.x << " ,  " << vec.y << " ,  " << vec.z << " )" ;
  return os ;


int main( ) {

  D3Vector<int> a( 3 , 4 , 5 ) , b ( 4 , 3 , 5 ) , c( -5 , -12 , -13 ) ;
  std::cout << "a . b : " << a.dotproduct( b ) << "\n" ;
  std::cout << "a x b : " << a.crossproduct( b ) << "\n" ;
  std::cout << "a . b x c : " << a.triplescal( b , c ) << "\n" ;
  std::cout << "a x b x c : " << a.triplevec( b , c ) << "\n" ;
  return 0 ;



a . b : 49
a x b : ( 5 , 5 , -7 )
a . b x c : 6
a x b x c : ( -267 , 204 , -3 )


<lang clojure>(defrecord Vector [x y z])

(defn dot

 [U V]
 (+ (* (:x U) (:x V))
    (* (:y U) (:y V))
    (* (:z U) (:z V))))

(defn cross

 [U V]
 (new Vector
      (- (* (:y U) (:z V)) (* (:z U) (:y V)))
      (- (* (:z U) (:x V)) (* (:x U) (:z V)))
      (- (* (:x U) (:y V)) (* (:y U) (:x V)))))

(let [a (new Vector 3 4 5)

     b (new Vector 4 3 5)
     c (new Vector -5 -12 -13)]
   [prod (list
           (dot a b)
           (cross a b)
           (dot a (cross b c))
           (cross a (cross b c)))]
   (println prod)))</lang>


#:user.Vector{:x 5, :y 5, :z -7}
#:user.Vector{:x -267, :y 204, :z -3}

Common Lisp

Using the Common Lisp Object System.

<lang lisp>(defclass 3d-vector ()

 ((x :type number :initarg :x)
  (y :type number :initarg :y)
  (z :type number :initarg :z)))

(defmethod print-object ((object 3d-vector) stream)

 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
   (with-slots (x y z) object
     (format stream "~a ~a ~a" x y z))))

(defun make-3d-vector (x y z)

 (make-instance '3d-vector :x x :y y :z z))

(defmethod dot-product ((a 3d-vector) (b 3d-vector))

 (with-slots ((a1 x) (a2 y) (a3 z)) a
   (with-slots ((b1 x) (b2 y) (b3 z)) b
     (+ (* a1 b1) (* a2 b2) (* a3 b3)))))

(defmethod cross-product ((a 3d-vector)

                                (b 3d-vector))
 (with-slots ((a1 x) (a2 y) (a3 z)) a
   (with-slots ((b1 x) (b2 y) (b3 z)) b
     (make-instance '3d-vector
                    :x (- (* a2 b3) (* a3 b2))
                    :y (- (* a3 b1) (* a1 b3))
                    :z (- (* a1 b2) (* a2 b1))))))

(defmethod scalar-triple-product ((a 3d-vector)

                                 (b 3d-vector)
                                 (c 3d-vector))
 (dot-product a (cross-product b c)))

(defmethod vector-triple-product ((a 3d-vector)

                                 (b 3d-vector)
                                 (c 3d-vector))
 (cross-product a (cross-product b c)))

(defun vector-products-example ()

 (let ((a (make-3d-vector 3 4 5))
       (b (make-3d-vector 4 3 5))
       (c (make-3d-vector -5 -12 -13)))
   (values (dot-product a b)
           (cross-product a b)
           (scalar-triple-product a b c)
           (vector-triple-product a b c))))</lang>


CL-USER> (vector-products-example)
#<3D-VECTOR 5 5 -7>
#<3D-VECTOR -267 204 -3>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.conv, std.numeric;

struct V3 {

   union {
       immutable static struct { double x, y, z; }
       immutable double[3] v;
   double dot(in V3 rhs) /*@safe*/ const pure nothrow {
       return dotProduct(v, rhs.v);
   V3 cross(in V3 rhs) @safe const pure nothrow {
       return V3(y * rhs.z - z * rhs.y,
                 z * rhs.x - x * rhs.z,
                 x * rhs.y - y * rhs.x);
   string toString() /*@safe*/ const { return text(v); }


double scalarTriple(in V3 a, in V3 b, in V3 c) /*@safe*/ pure nothrow {

   // function vector_products.V3.cross (const(V3) rhs) immutable
   // is not callable using argument types (const(V3)) const


V3 vectorTriple(in V3 a, in V3 b, in V3 c) @safe pure nothrow {

   return a.cross(b.cross(c));


void main() {

   immutable V3 a = {3, 4, 5},
                b = {4, 3, 5},
                c = {-5, -12, -13};
   writeln("a = ", a);
   writeln("b = ", b);
   writeln("c = ", c);
   writeln("a . b = ",;
   writeln("a x b = ", a.cross(b));
   writeln("a . (b x c) = ", scalarTriple(a, b, c));
   writeln("a x (b x c) = ", vectorTriple(a, b, c));


a = [3, 4, 5]
b = [4, 3, 5]
c = [-5, -12, -13]
a . b = 49
a x b = [5, 5, -7]
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = [-267, 204, -3]


<lang euphoria>constant X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3

function dot_product(sequence a, sequence b)

   return a[X]*b[X] + a[Y]*b[Y] + a[Z]*b[Z]

end function

function cross_product(sequence a, sequence b)

   return { a[Y]*b[Z] - a[Z]*b[Y],
            a[Z]*b[X] - a[X]*b[Z],
            a[X]*b[Y] - a[Y]*b[X] }

end function

function scalar_triple(sequence a, sequence b, sequence c)

   return dot_product( a, cross_product( b, c ) )

end function

function vector_triple( sequence a, sequence b, sequence c)

   return cross_product( a, cross_product( b, c ) )

end function

constant a = { 3, 4, 5 }, b = { 4, 3, 5 }, c = { -5, -12, -13 }

puts(1,"a = ") ? a puts(1,"b = ") ? b puts(1,"c = ") ? c puts(1,"a dot b = ") ? dot_product( a, b ) puts(1,"a x b = ") ? cross_product( a, b ) puts(1,"a dot (b x c) = ") ? scalar_triple( a, b, c ) puts(1,"a x (b x c) = ") ? vector_triple( a, b, c )</lang> Output:

a = {3,4,5}
b = {4,3,5}
c = {-5,-12,-13}
a dot b = 49
a x b = {5,5,-7}
a dot (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = {-267,204,-3}


<lang fantom>class Main {

 Int dot_product (Int[] a, Int[] b)
   a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]
 Int[] cross_product (Int[] a, Int[] b)
   [a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1], a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2], a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0]]
 Int scalar_triple_product (Int[] a, Int[] b, Int[] c)
   dot_product (a, cross_product (b, c))
 Int[] vector_triple_product (Int[] a, Int[] b, Int[] c)
   cross_product (a, cross_product (b, c))
 Void main ()
   a := [3, 4, 5]
   b := [4, 3, 5]
   c := [-5, -12, -13]
   echo ("a . b = " + dot_product (a, b))
   echo ("a x b = [" + cross_product(a, b).join (", ") + "]")
   echo ("a . (b x c) = " + scalar_triple_product (a, b, c))
   echo ("a x (b x c) = [" + vector_triple_product(a, b, c).join (", ") + "]")

}</lang> Output:

a . b = 49
a x b = [5, 5, -7]
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = [-267, 204, -3]


Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

Specialized for 3-dimensional vectors. <lang fortran>program VectorProducts

 real, dimension(3)  :: a, b, c
 a = (/ 3, 4, 5 /)
 b = (/ 4, 3, 5 /)
 c = (/ -5, -12, -13 /)
 print *, dot_product(a, b)
 print *, cross_product(a, b)
 print *, s3_product(a, b, c)
 print *, v3_product(a, b, c)


 function cross_product(a, b)
   real, dimension(3) :: cross_product
   real, dimension(3), intent(in) :: a, b
   cross_product(1) = a(2)*b(3) - a(3)*b(2)
   cross_product(2) = a(3)*b(1) - a(1)*b(3)
   cross_product(3) = a(1)*b(2) - b(1)*a(2)
 end function cross_product
 function s3_product(a, b, c)
   real :: s3_product
   real, dimension(3), intent(in) :: a, b, c
   s3_product = dot_product(a, cross_product(b, c))
 end function s3_product
 function v3_product(a, b, c)
   real, dimension(3) :: v3_product
   real, dimension(3), intent(in) :: a, b, c
   v3_product = cross_product(a, cross_product(b, c))
 end function v3_product

end program VectorProducts</lang> Output

     5.00000         5.00000        -7.00000
    -267.000         204.000        -3.00000


<lang gap>DotProduct := function(u, v) return u*v; end;

CrossProduct := function(u, v) return [ u[2]*v[3] - u[3]*v[2], u[3]*v[1] - u[1]*v[3], u[1]*v[2] - u[2]*v[1] ]; end;

ScalarTripleProduct := function(u, v, w) return DotProduct(u, CrossProduct(v, w)); end;

VectorTripleProduct := function(u, v, w) return CrossProduct(u, CrossProduct(v, w)); end;

a := [3, 4, 5]; b := [4, 3, 5]; c := [-5, -12, -13];

DotProduct(a, b);

  1. 49

CrossProduct(a, b);

  1. [ 5, 5, -7 ]

ScalarTripleProduct(a, b, c);

  1. 6
  1. Another way to get it

Determinant([a, b, c]);

  1. 6

VectorTripleProduct(a, b, c);

  1. [ -267, 204, -3 ]</lang>


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

type vector struct {

   x, y, z float64


var (

   a = vector{3, 4, 5}
   b = vector{4, 3, 5}
   c = vector{-5, -12, -13}


func dot(a, b vector) float64 {

   return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z


func cross(a, b vector) vector {

   return vector{a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x}


func s3(a, b, c vector) float64 {

   return dot(a, cross(b, c))


func v3(a, b, c vector) vector {

   return cross(a, cross(b, c))


func main() {

   fmt.Println(dot(a, b))
   fmt.Println(cross(a, b))
   fmt.Println(s3(a, b, c))
   fmt.Println(v3(a, b, c))

}</lang> Output:

{5 5 -7}
{-267 204 -3}


Dot Product Solution: <lang groovy>def pairwiseOperation = { x, y, Closure binaryOp ->

   assert x && y && x.size() == y.size()
   [x, y].transpose().collect(binaryOp)


def pwMult = pairwiseOperation.rcurry { it[0] * it[1] }

def dotProduct = { x, y ->

   assert x && y && x.size() == y.size()
   pwMult(x, y).sum()

}</lang> Cross Product Solution, using scalar operations: <lang groovy>def crossProductS = { x, y ->

   assert x && y && x.size() == 3 && y.size() == 3
   [x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1], x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2] , x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0]]

}</lang> Cross Product Solution, using "vector" operations: <lang groovy>def rotR = {

   assert it && it.size() > 2
   [it[-1]] + it[0..-2]


def rotL = {

   assert it && it.size() > 2
   it[1..-1] + [it[0]]


def pwSubtr = pairwiseOperation.rcurry { it[0] - it[1] }

def crossProductV = { x, y ->

   assert x && y && x.size() == 3 && y.size() == 3
   pwSubtr(pwMult(rotL(x), rotR(y)), pwMult(rotL(y), rotR(x)))

}</lang> Test program (including triple products): <lang groovy>def test = { crossProduct ->

   def scalarTripleProduct = { x, y, z ->
       dotProduct(x, crossProduct(y, z))
   def vectorTripleProduct = { x, y, z ->
       crossProduct(x, crossProduct(y, z))
   def a = [3, 4, 5]
   def b = [4, 3, 5]
   def c = [-5, -12, -13]
   println("      a . b = " + dotProduct(a,b))
   println("      a x b = " + crossProduct(a,b))
   println("a . (b x c) = " + scalarTripleProduct(a,b,c))
   println("a x (b x c) = " + vectorTripleProduct(a,b,c))


test(crossProductS) test(crossProductV)</lang> Output:

      a . b = 49
      a x b = [5, 5, -7]
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = [-267, 204, -3]

      a . b = 49
      a x b = [5, 5, -7]
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = [-267, 204, -3]


<lang haskell>type Vector a = [a] type Scalar a = a

a,b,c,d :: Vector Int a = [ 3, 4, 5 ] b = [ 4, 3, 5 ] c = [-5,-12,-13 ] d = [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]

dot :: (Num t) => Vector t -> Vector t -> Scalar t dot u v | length u == length v = sum $ zipWith (*) u v

       | otherwise = error "Dotted Vectors must be of equal dimension."

cross :: (Num t) => Vector t -> Vector t -> Vector t cross u v | length u == 3 && length v == 3 =

            [u !! 1 * v !! 2 - u !! 2 * v !! 1,
             u !! 2 * v !! 0 - u !! 0 * v !! 2,
             u !! 0 * v !! 1 - u !! 1 * v !! 0]
         | otherwise = error "Crossed Vectors must both be three dimensional."

scalarTriple :: (Num t) => Vector t -> Vector t -> Vector t -> Scalar t scalarTriple q r s = dot q $ cross r s

vectorTriple :: (Num t) => Vector t -> Vector t -> Vector t -> Vector t vectorTriple q r s = cross q $ cross r s

main = do

  mapM_ putStrLn [ "a . b     = " ++ (show $ dot a b)
                 , "a x b     = " ++ (show $ cross a b)
                 , "a . b x c = " ++ (show $ scalarTriple a b c)
                 , "a x b x c = " ++ (show $ vectorTriple a b c) 
                 , "a . d     = " ++ (show $ dot a d) ]</lang>


a . b     = 49
a x b     = [5,5,-7]
a . b x c = 6
a x b x c = [-267,204,-3]
a . d     = *** Exception: Dotted Vectors must be of equal dimension.

Icon and Unicon

<lang icon># record type to store a 3D vector record Vector3D(x, y, z)

  1. procedure to display vector as a string

procedure toString (vector)

 return "(" || vector.x || ", " || vector.y || ", " || vector.z || ")"


procedure dotProduct (a, b)

 return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z


procedure crossProduct (a, b)

 x := a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y
 y := a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z
 z := a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
 return Vector3D(x, y, z)


procedure scalarTriple (a, b, c)

 return dotProduct (a, crossProduct (b, c))


procedure vectorTriple (a, b, c)

 return crossProduct (a, crossProduct (b, c))


  1. main procedure, to run given test

procedure main ()

 a := Vector3D(3, 4, 5)
 b := Vector3D(4, 3, 5)
 c := Vector3D(-5, -12, -13)
 writes ("A.B : " || toString(a) || "." || toString(b) || " = ")
 write (dotProduct (a, b))
 writes ("AxB : " || toString(a) || "x" || toString(b) || " = ")
 write (toString(crossProduct (a, b)))
 writes ("A.(BxC) : " || toString(a) || ".(" || toString(b) || "x" || toString(c) || ") = ")
 write (scalarTriple (a, b, c))
 writes ("Ax(BxC) : " || toString(a) || "x(" || toString(b) || "x" || toString(c) || ") = ")
 write (toString(vectorTriple (a, b, c)))

end</lang> Output:

A.B : (3, 4, 5).(4, 3, 5) = 49
AxB : (3, 4, 5)x(4, 3, 5) = (5, 5, -7)
A.(BxC) : (3, 4, 5).((4, 3, 5)x(-5, -12, -13)) = 6
Ax(BxC) : (3, 4, 5)x((4, 3, 5)x(-5, -12, -13)) = (-267, 204, -3)


Based on j:Essays/Complete Tensor: <lang j>CT=: C.!.2 @ (#:i.) @ $~ ip=: +/ .* NB. inner product cross=: ] ip CT@#@[ ip [</lang> An alternative definition for cross (based on finding the determinant of a 3 by 3 matrix where one row is unit vectors) could be: <lang j>cross=: [: > [: -&.>/ .(*&.>) (<"1=i.3) , ,:&:(<"0)</lang> Implementation: <lang j>a=: 3 4 5 b=: 4 3 5 c=: -5 12 13

A=: 0 {:: ] NB. contents of the first box on the right B=: 1 {:: ] NB. contents of the second box on the right C=: 2 {:: ] NB. contents of the third box on the right

dotP=: A ip B crossP=: A cross B scTriP=: A ip B cross C veTriP=: A cross B cross C</lang> Required example: <lang j> dotP a;b 49

  crossP a;b

5 5 _7

  scTriP a;b;c


  veTriP a;b;c

_267 204 _3</lang>


Works with: Java version 1.5+

All operations which return vectors give vectors containing Doubles. <lang java5>public class VectorProds{

   public static class Vector3D<T extends Number>{
       private T a, b, c;
       public Vector3D(T a, T b, T c){
           this.a = a;
           this.b = b;
           this.c = c;
       public double dot(Vector3D<?> vec){
           return (a.doubleValue() * vec.a.doubleValue() +
                   b.doubleValue() * vec.b.doubleValue() +
                   c.doubleValue() * vec.c.doubleValue());
       public Vector3D<Double> cross(Vector3D<?> vec){
           Double newA = b.doubleValue()*vec.c.doubleValue() - c.doubleValue()*vec.b.doubleValue();
           Double newB = c.doubleValue()*vec.a.doubleValue() - a.doubleValue()*vec.c.doubleValue();
           Double newC = a.doubleValue()*vec.b.doubleValue() - b.doubleValue()*vec.a.doubleValue();
           return new Vector3D<Double>(newA, newB, newC);
       public double scalTrip(Vector3D<?> vecB, Vector3D<?> vecC){
       public Vector3D<Double> vecTrip(Vector3D<?> vecB, Vector3D<?> vecC){
           return this.cross(vecB.cross(vecC));
       public String toString(){
           return "<" + a.toString() + ", " + b.toString() + ", " + c.toString() + ">";
   public static void main(String[] args){
       Vector3D<Integer> a = new Vector3D<Integer>(3, 4, 5);
       Vector3D<Integer> b = new Vector3D<Integer>(4, 3, 5);
       Vector3D<Integer> c = new Vector3D<Integer>(-5, -12, -13);
       System.out.println(a.scalTrip(b, c));
       System.out.println(a.vecTrip(b, c));

}</lang> Output:

<5.0, 5.0, -7.0>
<-267.0, 204.0, -3.0>


The dotProduct() function is generic and will create a dot product of any set of vectors provided they are all the same dimension. The crossProduct() function expects two 3D vectors. <lang javascript>function dotProduct() {

 var len = arguments[0] && arguments[0].length;
 var argsLen = arguments.length;
 var i, j = len;
 var prod, sum = 0;
 // If no arguments supplied, return undefined
 if (!len) {
 // If all vectors not same length, return undefined
 i = argsLen;
 while (i--) {
   if (arguments[i].length != len) {
     return;  // return undefined
 // Sum terms
 while (j--) {
   i = argsLen;
   prod = 1;
   while (i--) {
     prod *= arguments[i][j];
   sum += prod;
 return sum;


function crossProduct(a, b) {

 // Check lengths
 if (a.length != 3 || b.length != 3) {
 return [a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1],
         a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2],
         a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]];


function scalarTripleProduct(a, b, c) {

 return dotProduct(a, crossProduct(b, c));


function vectorTripleProduct(a, b, c) {

 return crossProduct(a, crossProduct(b, c));


// Run tests (function () {

 var a = [3, 4, 5];
 var b = [4, 3, 5];
 var c = [-5, -12, -13];
   'A . B: ' + dotProduct(a, b) +
   '\n' +
   'A x B: ' + crossProduct(a, b) +
   '\n' +
   'A . (B x C): ' + scalarTripleProduct(a, b, c) +
   '\n' +
   'A x (B x C): ' + vectorTripleProduct(a, b, c)

}());</lang> Output:

A . B: 49
A x B: 5,5,-7
A . (B x C): 6
A x (B x C): -267,204,-3

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb> print "Vector products of 3-D vectors"

   print "Dot   product of 3,4,5 and 4,3,5 is "
   print DotProduct(   "3,4,5", "4,3,5")
   print "Cross product of 3,4,5 and 4,3,5 is "
   print CrossProduct$( "3,4,5", "4,3,5")
   print "Scalar triple product of 3,4,5,    4,3,5    -5, -12, -13 is "
   print ScalarTripleProduct( "3,4,5", "4,3,5", "-5, -12, -13")
   print "Vector triple product of 3,4,5,    4,3,5    -5, -12, -13 is "
   print VectorTripleProduct$( "3,4,5", "4,3,5", "-5, -12, -13")

   function DotProduct( i$, j$)
       ix =val( word$( i$, 1, ","))
       iy =val( word$( i$, 2, ","))
       iz =val( word$( i$, 3, ","))
       jx =val( word$( j$, 1, ","))
       jy =val( word$( j$, 2, ","))
       jz =val( word$( j$, 3, ","))
       DotProduct = ix *jx +iy *jy + iz *jz
   end function
   function CrossProduct$( i$, j$)
       ix =val( word$( i$, 1, ","))
       iy =val( word$( i$, 2, ","))
       iz =val( word$( i$, 3, ","))
       jx =val( word$( j$, 1, ","))
       jy =val( word$( j$, 2, ","))
       jz =val( word$( j$, 3, ","))
       cpx =iy *jz -iz *jy
       cpy =iz *jx -ix *jz
       cpz =ix *jy -iy *jx
       CrossProduct$ =str$( cpx); ","; str$( cpy); ","; str$( cpz)
   end function
   function ScalarTripleProduct( i$, j$, k$))
       ScalarTripleProduct =DotProduct( i$, CrossProduct$( j$, k$))
   end function
   function VectorTripleProduct$( i$, j$, k$))
       VectorTripleProduct$ =CrossProduct$( i$, CrossProduct$( j$, k$))
   end function
END SUB</lang>


<lang lua>Vector = {} function _x, _y, _z )

   return { x=_x, y=_y, z=_z }


function A, B )

   return A.x*B.x + A.y*B.y + A.z*B.z


function Vector.cross( A, B )

   return { x = A.y*B.z - A.z*B.y,
            y = A.z*B.x - A.x*B.z,
            z = A.x*B.y - A.y*B.x }


function Vector.scalar_triple( A, B, C )

   return A, Vector.cross( B, C ) )


function Vector.vector_triple( A, B, C )

   return Vector.cross( A, Vector.cross( B, C ) )


A = 3, 4, 5 ) B = 4, 3, 5 ) C = -5, -12, -13 )

print( A, B ) )

r = Vector.cross(A, B ) print( r.x, r.y, r.z )

print( Vector.scalar_triple( A, B, C ) )

r = Vector.vector_triple( A, B, C ) print( r.x, r.y, r.z )</lang>

5	5	-7
-267	204	-3


<lang Mathematica>a={3,4,5}; b={4,3,5}; c={-5,-12,-13}; a.b Cross[a,b] a.Cross[b,c] Cross[a,Cross[b,c]]</lang> Output


MATLAB / Octave

Matlab / Octave use double precesion numbers per default, and pi is a builtin constant value. Arbitrary precision is only implemented in some additional toolboxes (e.g. symbolic toolbox). <lang MATLAB>% Create a named function/subroutine/method to compute the dot product of two vectors.


% Create a function to compute the cross product of two vectors.


% Optionally create a function to compute the scalar triple product of three vectors.


% Optionally create a function to compute the vector triple product of three vectors.


% Compute and display: a • b


% Compute and display: a x b


% Compute and display: a • b x c, the scaler triple product.


% Compute and display: a x b x c, the vector triple product.


Code for testing:

A = [ 3.0,  4.0,  5.0]
B = [ 4.0,  3.0,  5.0]
C = [-5.0, -12.0, -13.0]



>> A = [ 3.0,  4.0,  5.0]
>> B = [ 4.0,  3.0,  5.0]
>> C = [-5.0, -12.0, -13.0]

>> dot(A,B)
ans =  49
>> cross(A,B)
ans =
   5   5  -7
>> dot(A,cross(B,C))
ans =  6
>> cross(A,cross(B,C))
ans =
  -267   204    -3


<lang>:- module vector_product.

- interface.
- import_module io.
- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
- implementation.
- import_module int, list, string.

main(!IO) :-

   A = vector3d(3, 4, 5),
   B = vector3d(4, 3, 5),
   C = vector3d(-5, -12, -13),
   io.format("A . B = %d\n", [i(A `dot_product` B)], !IO),
   io.format("A x B = %s\n", [s(to_string(A `cross_product` B))], !IO),
   io.format("A . (B x C) = %d\n", [i(scalar_triple_product(A, B, C))], !IO),
   io.format("A x (B x C) = %s\n", [s(to_string(vector_triple_product(A, B, C)))], !IO).
- type vector3d ---> vector3d(int, int, int).
- func dot_product(vector3d, vector3d) = int.

dot_product(vector3d(A1, A2, A3), vector3d(B1, B2, B3)) =

   A1 * B1 + A2 * B2 + A3 * B3.
- func cross_product(vector3d, vector3d) = vector3d.

cross_product(vector3d(A1, A2, A3), vector3d(B1, B2, B3)) =

   vector3d(A2 * B3 - A3 * B2, A3 * B1 - A1 * B3, A1 * B2 - A2 * B1).
- func scalar_triple_product(vector3d, vector3d, vector3d) = int.

scalar_triple_product(A, B, C) = A `dot_product` (B `cross_product` C).

- func vector_triple_product(vector3d, vector3d, vector3d) = vector3d.

vector_triple_product(A, B, C) = A `cross_product` (B `cross_product` C).

- func to_string(vector3d) = string.

to_string(vector3d(X, Y, Z)) =

   string.format("(%d, %d, %d)", [i(X), i(Y), i(Z)]).</lang>


<lang Nemerle>using System.Console;

module VectorProducts3d {

   Dot(x : int * int * int, y : int * int * int) : int
       def (x1, x2, x3) = x;
       def (y1, y2, y3) = y;
       (x1 * y1) + (x2 * y2) + (x3 * y3)
   Cross(x : int * int * int, y : int * int * int) : int * int * int
       def (x1, x2, x3) = x;
       def (y1, y2, y3) = y;
       ((x2 * y3 - x3 * y2), (x3 * y1 - x1 * y3), (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1))
   ScalarTriple(a : int * int * int, b : int * int * int, c : int * int * int) : int
       Dot(a, Cross(b, c))
   VectorTriple(a : int * int * int, b : int * int * int, c : int * int * int) : int * int * int
       Cross(a, Cross(b, c))
   Main() : void
       def a = (3, 4, 5); def b = (4, 3, 5); def c = (-5, -12, -13);
       WriteLine(Dot(a, b)); WriteLine(Cross(a, b));
       WriteLine(ScalarTriple(a, b, c));
       WriteLine(VectorTriple(a, b, c));

}</lang> Outputs

(5, 5, -7)
(-267, 204, -3)


<lang objeck>bundle Default {

 class VectorProduct {
   function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
     a := Vector3D->New(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
     b := Vector3D->New(4.0, 3.0, 5.0);
     c := Vector3D->New(-5.0, -12.0, -13.0);
     a->ScaleTrip(b, c)->Print();
     a->VectorTrip(b, c)->Print();
 class Vector3D {
   @a : Float;
   @b : Float;
   @c : Float;
   New(a : Float, b : Float, c : Float) {
     @a := a;
     @b := b;
     @c := c;
   method :  GetA() ~ Float {
     return @a;
   method : GetB() ~ Float {
     return @b;
   method : GetC() ~ Float {
     return @c;
   method : public : Dot(vec : Vector3D) ~ Float {
     return @a * vec->GetA() + @b * vec->GetB() + @c * vec->GetC();
   method : public : Cross(vec : Vector3D) ~ Vector3D {
     newA := @b * vec->GetC() - @c * vec->GetB();
     newB := @c * vec->GetA() - @a * vec->GetC();
     newC := @a * vec->GetB() - @b * vec->GetA();
     return Vector3D->New(newA, newB, newC);
   method : public : ScaleTrip(vec_b: Vector3D, vec_c : Vector3D) ~ Float {
     return Dot(vec_b->Cross(vec_c));
   method : public : Print() ~ Nil {
     IO.Console->Print('<')->Print(@a)->Print(" ,")
       ->Print(@b)->Print(", ")->Print(@c)->PrintLine('>');  
   method : public : VectorTrip(vec_b: Vector3D, vec_c : Vector3D) ~ Vector3D {
     return Cross(vec_b->Cross(vec_c));

} </lang>


49<5 ,5, -7>
6<-267 ,204, -3>


<lang ocaml>let a = (3.0, 4.0, 5.0) let b = (4.0, 3.0, 5.0) let c = (-5.0, -12.0, -13.0)

let string_of_vector (x,y,z) =

 Printf.sprintf "(%g, %g, %g)" x y z

let dot (a1, a2, a3) (b1, b2, b3) =

 (a1 *. b1) +. (a2 *. b2) +. (a3 *. b3)

let cross (a1, a2, a3) (b1, b2, b3) =

 (a2 *. b3 -. a3 *. b2,
  a3 *. b1 -. a1 *. b3,
  a1 *. b2 -. a2 *. b1)

let scalar_triple a b c =

 dot a (cross b c)

let vector_triple a b c =

 cross a (cross b c)

let () =

 Printf.printf "a: %s\n" (string_of_vector a);
 Printf.printf "b: %s\n" (string_of_vector b);
 Printf.printf "c: %s\n" (string_of_vector c);
 Printf.printf "a . b = %g\n" (dot a b);
 Printf.printf "a x b = %s\n" (string_of_vector (cross a b));
 Printf.printf "a . (b x c) = %g\n" (scalar_triple a b c);
 Printf.printf "a x (b x c) = %s\n" (string_of_vector (vector_triple a b c));


a: (3, 4, 5)
b: (4, 3, 5)
c: (-5, -12, -13)
a . b = 49
a x b = (5, 5, -7)
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = (-267, 204, -3)


Octave handles naturally vectors / matrices. <lang octave>a = [3, 4, 5]; b = [4, 3, 5]; c = [-5, -12, -13];

function r = s3prod(a, b, c)

 r = dot(a, cross(b, c));


function r = v3prod(a, b, c)

 r = cross(a, cross(b, c));


% 49 dot(a, b) % or matrix-multiplication between row and column vectors a * b'

% 5 5 -7 cross(a, b) % only for 3d-vectors

% 6 s3prod(a, b, c)

% -267 204 -3 v3prod(a, b, c)</lang>


<lang ooRexx> a = .vector~new(3, 4, 5); b = .vector~new(4, 3, 5); c = .vector~new(-5, -12, -13);

say a~dot(b) say a~cross(b) say a~scalarTriple(b, c) say a~vectorTriple(b, c)

class vector
method init
 expose x y z
 use arg x, y, z
attribute x get
attribute y get
attribute z get

-- dot product operation

method dot
 expose x y z
 use strict arg other
 return x * other~x + y * other~y + z * other~z

-- cross product operation

method cross
 expose x y z
 use strict arg other
 newX = y * other~z - z * other~y
 newY = z * other~x - x * other~z
 newZ = x * other~y - y * other~x
 return self~class~new(newX, newY, newZ)

-- scalar triple product

method scalarTriple
 use strict arg vectorB, vectorC
 return self~dot(vectorB~cross(vectorC))

-- vector triple product

method vectorTriple
 use strict arg vectorB, vectorC
 return self~cross(vectorB~cross(vectorC))
method string
 expose x y z
 return "<"||x", "y", "z">"

</lang> Output:

<5, 5, -7>
<-267, 204, -3>


<lang parigp>dot(u,v)={


}; cross(u,v)={

 [u[2]*v[3] - u[3]*v[2], u[3]*v[1] - u[1]*v[3], u[1]*v[2] - u[2]*v[1]]

}; striple(a,b,c)={


}; vtriple(a,b,c)={



a = [3,4,5]; b = [4,3,5]; c = [-5,-12,-13]; dot(a,b) cross(a,b) striple(a,b,c) vtriple(a,b,c)</lang> Output:

[5, 5, -7]
[-267, 204, -3]


<lang pascal>Program VectorProduct (output);


 Tvector = record
   x, y, z: double

function dotProduct(a, b: Tvector): double; begin

 dotProduct := a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z;


function crossProduct(a, b: Tvector): Tvector; begin

 crossProduct.x := a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y;
 crossProduct.y := a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z;
 crossProduct.z := a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;


function scalarTripleProduct(a, b, c: Tvector): double; begin

 scalarTripleProduct := dotProduct(a, crossProduct(b, c));


function vectorTripleProduct(a, b, c: Tvector): Tvector; begin

 vectorTripleProduct := crossProduct(a, crossProduct(b, c));


procedure printVector(a: Tvector); begin

 writeln(a.x:15:8, a.y:15:8, a.z:15:8);



 a: Tvector = (x: 3; y:  4; z:  5);
 b: Tvector = (x: 4; y:  3; z:  5);
 c: Tvector = (x:-5; y:-12; z:-13);


 write('a: '); printVector(a);
 write('b: '); printVector(b);
 write('c: '); printVector(c);
 writeln('a . b: ', dotProduct(a,b):15:8);
 write('a x b: '); printVector(crossProduct(a,b));
 writeln('a . (b x c): ', scalarTripleProduct(a,b,c):15:8);
 write('a x (b x c): '); printVector(vectorTripleProduct(a,b,c));

end.</lang> Output:

a:      3.00000000     4.00000000     5.00000000
b:      4.00000000     3.00000000     5.00000000
c:     -5.00000000   -12.00000000   -13.00000000
a . b:     49.00000000
a x b:      5.00000000     5.00000000    -7.00000000
a . (b x c):      6.00000000
a x (b x c):   -267.00000000   204.00000000    -3.00000000


<lang Perl>package Vector; use List::Util 'sum'; use List::MoreUtils 'pairwise';

sub new { shift; bless [@_] }

use overload (

       '""'    => sub { "(@{+shift})" },
       '&'     => sub { sum pairwise { $a * $b } @{+shift}, @{+shift} },
       '^'     => sub {
                               my @a = @{+shift};
                               my @b = @{+shift};
                               bless [ $a[1]*$b[2] - $a[2]*$b[1],
                                       $a[2]*$b[0] - $a[0]*$b[2],
                                       $a[0]*$b[1] - $a[1]*$b[0] ]


package main; my $a = Vector->new(3, 4, 5); my $b = Vector->new(4, 3, 5); my $c = Vector->new(-5, -12, -13);

print "a = $a b = $b c = $c\n"; print "$a . $b = ", $a & $b, "\n"; print "$a x $b = ", $a ^ $b, "\n"; print "$a . ($b x $c) = ", $a & ($b ^ $c), "\n"; print "$a x ($b x $c) = ", $a ^ ($b ^ $c), "\n";</lang>


a = (3 4 5) b = (4 3 5) c = (-5 -12 -13)
(3 4 5) . (4 3 5) = 49
(3 4 5) x (4 3 5) = (5 5 -7)
(3 4 5) . ((4 3 5) x (-5 -12 -13)) = 6
(3 4 5) x ((4 3 5) x (-5 -12 -13)) = (-267 204 -3)

Perl 6

<lang perl6>sub infix:<⋅> { [+] @^a »*« @^b }

sub infix:<⨯>([$a1, $a2, $a3], [$b1, $b2, $b3]) {

   [ $a2*$b3 - $a3*$b2,
     $a3*$b1 - $a1*$b3,
     $a1*$b2 - $a2*$b1 ];


sub scalar-triple-product { @^a ⋅ (@^b ⨯ @^c) } sub vector-triple-product { @^a ⨯ (@^b ⨯ @^c) }

my @a = <3 4 5>; my @b = <4 3 5>; my @c = <-5 -12 -13>;

say (:@a, :@b, :@c).perl; say "a ⋅ b = { @a ⋅ @b }"; say "a ⨯ b = <{ @a ⨯ @b }>"; say "a ⋅ (b ⨯ c) = { scalar-triple-product(@a, @b, @c) }"; say "a ⨯ (b ⨯ c) = <{ vector-triple-product(@a, @b, @c) }>";</lang> Output:

("a" => ["3", "4", "5"], "b" => ["4", "3", "5"], "c" => ["-5", "-12", "-13"])
a ⋅ b = 49
a ⨯ b = <5 5 -7>
a ⋅ (b ⨯ c) = 6
a ⨯ (b ⨯ c) = <-267 204 -3>


<lang PHP><?php

class Vector { private $values;

public function setValues(array $values) { if (count($values) != 3) throw new Exception('Values must contain exactly 3 values'); foreach ($values as $value) if (!is_int($value) && !is_float($value)) throw new Exception('Value "' . $value . '" has an invalid type'); $this->values = $values; }

public function getValues() { if ($this->values == null) $this->setValues(array ( 0, 0, 0 )); return $this->values; }

public function Vector(array $values) { $this->setValues($values); }

public static function dotProduct(Vector $va, Vector $vb) { $a = $va->getValues(); $b = $vb->getValues(); return ($a[0] * $b[0]) + ($a[1] * $b[1]) + ($a[2] * $b[2]); }

public static function crossProduct(Vector $va, Vector $vb) { $a = $va->getValues(); $b = $vb->getValues(); return new Vector(array ( ($a[1] * $b[2]) - ($a[2] * $b[1]), ($a[2] * $b[0]) - ($a[0] * $b[2]), ($a[0] * $b[1]) - ($a[1] * $b[0]) )); }

public static function scalarTripleProduct(Vector $va, Vector $vb, Vector $vc) { return self::dotProduct($va, self::crossProduct($vb, $vc)); }

public static function vectorTrippleProduct(Vector $va, Vector $vb, Vector $vc) { return self::crossProduct($va, self::crossProduct($vb, $vc)); } }

class Program {

public function Program() { $a = array ( 3, 4, 5 ); $b = array ( 4, 3, 5 ); $c = array ( -5, -12, -13 ); $va = new Vector($a); $vb = new Vector($b); $vc = new Vector($c);

$result1 = Vector::dotProduct($va, $vb); $result2 = Vector::crossProduct($va, $vb)->getValues(); $result3 = Vector::scalarTripleProduct($va, $vb, $vc); $result4 = Vector::vectorTrippleProduct($va, $vb, $vc)->getValues();

printf("\n"); printf("A = (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", $a[0], $a[1], $a[2]); printf("B = (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", $b[0], $b[1], $b[2]); printf("C = (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", $c[0], $c[1], $c[2]); printf("\n"); printf("A · B = %0.2f\n", $result1); printf("A × B = (%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", $result2[0], $result2[1], $result2[2]); printf("A · (B × C) = %0.2f\n", $result3); printf("A × (B × C) =(%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)\n", $result4[0], $result4[1], $result4[2]); } }

new Program(); ?> </lang>


A = (3.00, 4.00, 5.00)
B = (4.00, 3.00, 5.00)
C = (-5.00, -12.00, -13.00)

A · B = 49.00
A × B = (5.00, 5.00, -7.00)
A · (B × C) = 6.00
A × (B × C) =(-267.00, 204.00, -3.00)


<lang PicoLisp>(de dotProduct (A B)

  (sum * A B) )

(de crossProduct (A B)

     (- (* (cadr A) (caddr B)) (* (caddr A) (cadr B)))
     (- (* (caddr A) (car B)) (* (car A) (caddr B)))
     (- (* (car A) (cadr B)) (* (cadr A) (car B))) ) )

(de scalarTriple (A B C)

  (dotProduct A (crossProduct B C)) )

(de vectorTriple (A B C)

  (crossProduct A (crossProduct B C)) )</lang>


   A ( 3   4   5)
   B ( 4   3   5)
   C (-5 -12 -13) )

: (dotProduct A B)
-> 49

: (crossProduct A B)
-> (5 5 -7)

: (scalarTriple A B C)
-> 6

: (vectorTriple A B C)
-> (-267 204 -3)


<lang PL/I>/* dot product, cross product, etc. 4 June 2011 */

test_products: procedure options (main);

  declare a(3) fixed initial (3, 4, 5);
  declare b(3) fixed initial (4, 3, 5);
  declare c(3) fixed initial (-5, -12, -13);
  declare e(3) fixed;
  put skip list ('a . b =', dot_product(a, b));
  call cross_product(a, b, e);  put skip list ('a x b =', e);
  put skip list ('a . (b x c) =',  scalar_triple_product(a, b, c));
  call vector_triple_product(a, b, c, e); put skip list ('a x (b x c) =', e);

dot_product: procedure (a, b) returns (fixed);

  declare (a, b) (*) fixed;
  return (sum(a*b));

end dot_product;

cross_product: procedure (a, b, c);

  declare (a, b, c) (*) fixed;
  c(1) = a(2)*b(3) - a(3)*b(2);
  c(2) = a(3)*b(1) - a(1)*b(3);
  c(3) = a(1)*b(2) - a(2)*b(1);

end cross_product;

scalar_triple_product: procedure (a, b, c) returns (fixed);

  declare (a, b, c)(*) fixed;
  declare t(hbound(a, 1)) fixed;
  call cross_product(b, c, t);
  return (dot_product(a, t));

end scalar_triple_product;

vector_triple_product: procedure (a, b, c, e);

  declare (a, b, c, e)(*) fixed;
  declare t(hbound(a,1))  fixed;
  call cross_product(b, c, t);
  call cross_product(a, t, e);

end vector_triple_product;

end test_products;</lang> Results:

a . b =                       49
a x b =                        5                       5                      -7
a . (b x c) =                  6
a x (b x c) =               -267                     204                      -3

<lang PL/I>/* This version uses the ability of PL/I to return arrays. */

/* dot product, cross product, etc. 6 June 2011 */

test_products: procedure options (main);

  define structure 1 vector, 2 vec(3) fixed;
  declare (a, b, c) type(vector);
  a.vec(1) =  3; a.vec(2) =   4; a.vec(3) =   5;
  b.vec(1) =  4; b.vec(2) =   3; b.vec(3) =   5;
  c.vec(1) = -5; c.vec(2) = -12; c.vec(3) = -13;
  put skip list ('a . b =',       dot_product  (a, b) );
  put skip list ('a x b =',       cross_product(a, b).vec);
  put skip list ('a . (b x c) =', scalar_triple_product(a, b, c) );
  put skip list ('a x (b x c) =', vector_triple_product(a, b, c).vec);

dot_product: procedure (a, b) returns (fixed);

  declare (a, b) type(vector);
  return (sum(a.vec*b.vec));

end dot_product;

cross_product: procedure (a, b) returns (type(vector));

  declare (a, b) type(vector);
  declare c type vector;
  c.vec(1) = a.vec(2)*b.vec(3) - a.vec(3)*b.vec(2);
  c.vec(2) = a.vec(3)*b.vec(1) - a.vec(1)*b.vec(3);
  c.vec(3) = a.vec(1)*b.vec(2) - a.vec(2)*b.vec(1);
  return (c);

end cross_product;

scalar_triple_product: procedure (a, b, c) returns (fixed);

  declare (a, b, c) type(vector);
  declare t type (vector);
  t =  cross_product(b, c);
  return (dot_product(a, t));

end scalar_triple_product;

vector_triple_product: procedure (a, b, c) returns (type(vector));

  declare (a, b, c) type(vector);
  declare (t, e) type (vector);
  t = cross_product(b, c);
  e = cross_product(a, t);
  return (e);

end vector_triple_product;

end test_products;</lang> The output is:

a . b =                       49 
a x b =                        5                       5                      -7 
a . (b x c) =                  6 
a x (b x c) =               -267                     204                      -3 


<lang PureBasic>Structure vector



convert vector to a string for display

Procedure.s toString(*v.vector)

 ProcedureReturn "[" + StrF(*v\x, 2) + ", " + StrF(*v\y, 2) + ", " + StrF(*v\z, 2) + "]"


Procedure.f dotProduct(*a.vector, *b.vector)

 ProcedureReturn *a\x * *b\x + *a\y * *b\y + *a\z * *b\z


Procedure crossProduct(*a.vector, *b.vector, *r.vector)

 *r\x = *a\y * *b\z - *a\z * *b\y
 *r\y = *a\z * *b\x - *a\x * *b\z
 *r\z = *a\x * *b\y - *a\y * *b\x


Procedure.f scalarTriple(*a.vector, *b.vector, *c.vector)

 Protected r.vector
 crossProduct(*b, *c, r)
 ProcedureReturn dotProduct(*a, r)


Procedure vectorTriple(*a.vector, *b.vector, *c.vector, *r.vector)

 Protected r.vector
 crossProduct(*b, *c, r)
 crossProduct(*a, r, *r)


If OpenConsole()

 Define.vector a, b, c, r
 a\x = 3: a\y = 4: a\z = 5
 b\x = 4: b\y = 3: b\z = 5
 c\x = -5: c\y = -12: c\z = -13
 PrintN("a = " + toString(a) + ", b = " + toString(b) + ", c = " + toString(c))
 PrintN("a . b = " + StrF(dotProduct(a, b), 2))
 crossProduct(a, b, r)
 PrintN("a x b = " + toString(r))
 PrintN("a . b x c  = " + StrF(scalarTriple(a, b, c), 2))
 vectorTriple(a, b, c, r)
 PrintN("a x b x c = " + toString(r))
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

a = [3.00, 4.00, 5.00], b = [4.00, 3.00, 5.00], c = [-5.00, -12.00, -13.00]
a . b = 49.00
a x b = [5.00, 5.00, -7.00]
a . b x c  = 6.00
a x b x c = [-267.00, 204.00, -3.00]


The solution is in the form of an Executable library. <lang python>def crossp(a, b):

   Cross product of two 3D vectors
   assert len(a) == len(b) == 3, 'For 3D vectors only'
   a1, a2, a3 = a
   b1, b2, b3 = b
   return (a2*b3 - a3*b2, a3*b1 - a1*b3, a1*b2 - a2*b1)

def dotp(a,b):

   Dot product of two eqi-dimensioned vectors
   assert len(a) == len(b), 'Vector sizes must match'
   return sum(aterm * bterm for aterm,bterm in zip(a, b))

def scalartriplep(a, b, c):

   Scalar triple product of three vectors: "a . (b x c)"
   return dotp(a, crossp(b, c))

def vectortriplep(a, b, c):

   Vector triple product of three vectors: "a x (b x c)"
   return crossp(a, crossp(b, c))

if __name__ == '__main__':

   a, b, c = (3, 4, 5), (4, 3, 5), (-5, -12, -13)
   print("a = %r;  b = %r;  c = %r" % (a, b, c))
   print("a . b =", dotp(a,b))
   print("a x b =", crossp(a,b))
   print("a . (b x c) =", scalartriplep(a, b, c))
   print("a x (b x c) =", vectortriplep(a, b, c))</lang>
Sample output
a = (3, 4, 5);  b = (4, 3, 5);  c = (-5, -12, -13)
a . b = 49
a x b = (5, 5, -7)
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = (-267, 204, -3)

The popular numpy package has functions for dot and cross products.


<lang r>a <- c( 3.0, 4.0, 5.0) b <- c( 4.0, 3.0, 5.0)

cross <- function(a, b)

  c(a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2],
    a[3]*b[1] - a[1]*b[3],
    a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1])

cross(a, b)

  1. [1] 5 5 -7</lang>


<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (dot-product X Y)

 (for/sum ([x (in-vector X)] [y (in-vector Y)]) (* x y)))

(define (cross-product X Y)

 (define len (vector-length X))
 (for/vector ([n len])
   (define (ref V i) (vector-ref V (modulo (+ n i) len)))
   (- (* (ref X 1) (ref Y 2)) (* (ref X 2) (ref Y 1)))))

(define (scalar-triple-product X Y Z)

 (dot-product X (cross-product Y Z)))

(define (vector-triple-product X Y Z)

 (cross-product X (cross-product Y Z)))

(define A '#(3 4 5)) (define B '#(4 3 5)) (define C '#(-5 -12 -13))

(printf "A = ~s\n" A) (printf "B = ~s\n" B) (printf "C = ~s\n" C) (newline)

(printf "A . B = ~s\n" (dot-product A B)) (printf "A x B = ~s\n" (cross-product A B)) (printf "A . B x C = ~s\n" (scalar-triple-product A B C)) (printf "A x B x C = ~s\n" (vector-triple-product A B C)) </lang>


<lang rexx>/*REXX program computes the products: the dot product, */ /* the cross product, */ /* the scalar triple product, and*/ /* the vector triple product. */

a = 3 4 5 /*positive numbers don't need " */ b = 4 3 5 c = "-5 -12 -13"

call tellV 'vector A =',a /*show the A vector, aligned #s*/ call tellV 'vector B =',b /*show the B vector, aligned #s*/ call tellV 'vector C =',c /*show the C vector, aligned #s*/ say call tellV ' dot product [A∙B] =',dot(a,b) call tellV 'cross product [AxB] =',cross(a,b) call tellV 'scalar triple product [A∙(BxC)] =',dot(a,cross(b,c)) call tellV 'vector triple product [Ax(BxC)] =',cross(a,cross(b,c)) exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*─────────────────────────────────────cross subroutine─────────────────*/ cross: procedure; parse arg x1 x2 x3,y1 y2 y3 /*the CROSS product.*/

      return x2*y3-x3*y2 x3*y1-x1*y3 x1*y2-x2*y1   /*a vector quantity.*/

/*─────────────────────────────────────dot subroutine───────────────────*/ dot: procedure; parse arg x1 x2 x3,y1 y2 y3 /*the DOT product.*/

    return x1*y1 + x2*y2 + x3*y3                   /*a scaler quantity.*/

/*─────────────────────────────────────tellV subroutine─────────────────*/ tellV: procedure; parse arg name,x y z /*display the vector*/

      w=max(4,length(x),length(y),length(z))       /*max width of nums.*/
      say right(name,40) right(x,w) right(y,w) right(z,w)


                              vector A =    3    4    5
                              vector B =    4    3    5
                              vector C =   -5  -12  -13

                     dot product [A∙B] =   49
                   cross product [AxB] =    5    5   -7
       scalar triple product [A∙(BxC)] =    6
       vector triple product [Ax(BxC)] = -267  204   -3


Dot product is also known as inner product. The standard library already defines Vector#inner_product, so this program only defines the other three methods. <lang ruby>require 'matrix'

class Vector

 def cross_product(v)
   unless size == 3 && v.size == 3
     raise ArgumentError, "Vectors must have size 3"
   Vector[self[1] * v[2] - self[2] * v[1],
          self[2] * v[0] - self[0] * v[2],
          self[0] * v[1] - self[1] * v[0]]
 def scalar_triple_product(b, c)
   self.inner_product(b.cross_product c)
 def vector_triple_product(b, c)
   self.cross_product(b.cross_product c)


a = Vector[3, 4, 5] b = Vector[4, 3, 5] c = Vector[-5, -12, -13]

puts "a dot b = #{a.inner_product b}" puts "a cross b = #{a.cross_product b}" puts "a dot (b cross c) = #{a.scalar_triple_product b, c}" puts "a cross (b cross c) = #{a.vector_triple_product b, c}"</lang>


a dot b = 49
a cross b = Vector[5, 5, -7]
a dot (b cross c) = 6
a cross (b cross c) = Vector[-267, 204, -3]


<lang scala>case class Vector3D(x:Double, y:Double, z:Double) {

 def dot(v:Vector3D):Double=x*v.x + y*v.y + z*v.z;
 def cross(v:Vector3D)=Vector3D(y*v.z - z*v.y, z*v.x - x*v.z, x*v.y - y*v.x)
 def scalarTriple(v1:Vector3D, v2:Vector3D)=this dot (v1 cross v2)
 def vectorTriple(v1:Vector3D, v2:Vector3D)=this cross (v1 cross v2)


object VectorTest {

 def main(args:Array[String])={
   val a=Vector3D(3,4,5)
   val b=Vector3D(4,3,5)
   val c=Vector3D(-5,-12,-13)
   println("      a . b : " + (a dot b))
   println("      a x b : " + (a cross b))
   println("a . (b x c) : " + (a scalarTriple(b, c)))
   println("a x (b x c) : " + (a vectorTriple(b, c)))		


      a . b : 49.0
      a x b : Vector3D(5.0,5.0,-7.0)
a . (b x c) : 6.0
a x (b x c) : Vector3D(-267.0,204.0,-3.0)


Works with: Guile
Works with: Gauche

Using modified dot-product function from the Dot product task. <lang scheme>(define (dot-product A B)

   (apply + (map * (vector->list A) (vector->list B))))

(define (cross-product A B) (define len (vector-length A)) (define xp (make-vector (vector-length A) #f)) (let loop ((n 0)) (vector-set! xp n (- (* (vector-ref A (modulo (+ n 1) len)) (vector-ref B (modulo (+ n 2) len))) (* (vector-ref A (modulo (+ n 2) len)) (vector-ref B (modulo (+ n 1) len))))) (if (eqv? len (+ n 1)) xp (loop (+ n 1)))))

(define (scalar-triple-product A B C) (dot-product A (cross-product B C)))

(define (vector-triple-product A B C) (cross-product A (cross-product B C)))

(define A #( 3 4 5)) (define B #(4 3 5)) (define C #(-5 -12 -13))

(display "A = ")(display A)(newline) (display "B = ")(display B)(newline) (display "C = ")(display C)(newline) (newline) (display "A . B = ")(display (dot-product A B))(newline) (display "A x B = ")(display (cross-product A B))(newline) (display "A . B x C = ")(display (scalar-triple-product A B C))(newline) (display "A x B x C = ") (display (vector-triple-product A B C))(newline)</lang>


A = #(3 4 5)
B = #(4 3 5)
C = #(-5 -12 -13)

A . B = 49
A x B = #(5 5 -7)
A . B x C = 6
A x B x C = #(-267 204 -3)


The program below uses Seed7s capaibility to define operator symbols. The operators dot and X are defined with with priority 6 and assiciativity left-to-right. <lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "float.s7i";

const type: vec3 is new struct

   var float: x is 0.0;
   var float: y is 0.0;
   var float: z is 0.0;
 end struct;

const func vec3: vec3 (in float: x, in float: y, in float: z) is func

   var vec3: aVector is vec3.value;
   aVector.x := x;
   aVector.y := y;
   aVector.z := z;
 end func;

$ syntax expr: .(). dot .() is -> 6; const func float: (in vec3: a) dot (in vec3: b) is

 return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z;

$ syntax expr: .(). X .() is -> 6; const func vec3: (in vec3: a) X (in vec3: b) is

 return vec3(a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y,
             a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z,
             a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x);

const func string: str (in vec3: v) is

 return "(" <& v.x <& ", " <& v.y <& ", " <& v.z <& ")";


const func float: scalarTriple (in vec3: a, in vec3: b, in vec3: c) is

 return a dot (b X c);

const func vec3: vectorTriple (in vec3: a, in vec3: b, in vec3: c) is

 return a X (b X c);

const proc: main is func

   const vec3: a is vec3(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
   const vec3: b is vec3(4.0, 3.0, 5.0);
   const vec3: c is vec3(-5.0, -12.0, -13.0);
   writeln("a = " <& a <& ", b = " <& b <& ", c = " <& c);
   writeln("a . b      = " <& a dot b);
   writeln("a x b      = " <& a X b);
   writeln("a .(b x c) = " <& scalarTriple(a, b, c));
   writeln("a x(b x c) = " <& vectorTriple(a, b, c));
 end func;</lang>
a = (3.0, 4.0, 5.0), b = (4.0, 3.0, 5.0), c = (-5.0, -12.0, -13.0)
a . b      = 49.0
a x b      = (5.0, 5.0, -7.0)
a .(b x c) = 6.0
a x(b x c) = (-267.0, 204.0, -3.0)


<lang tcl>proc dot {A B} {

   lassign $A a1 a2 a3
   lassign $B b1 b2 b3
   expr {$a1*$b1 + $a2*$b2 + $a3*$b3}

} proc cross {A B} {

   lassign $A a1 a2 a3
   lassign $B b1 b2 b3
   list [expr {$a2*$b3 - $a3*$b2}] \

[expr {$a3*$b1 - $a1*$b3}] \ [expr {$a1*$b2 - $a2*$b1}] } proc scalarTriple {A B C} {

   dot $A [cross $B $C]

} proc vectorTriple {A B C} {

   cross $A [cross $B $C]

}</lang> Demonstrating: <lang tcl>set a {3 4 5} set b {4 3 5} set c {-5 -12 -13} puts "a • b = [dot $a $b]" puts "a x b = [cross $a $b]" puts "a • b x c = [scalarTriple $a $b $c]" puts "a x b x c = [vectorTriple $a $b $c]"</lang>


a • b = 49
a x b = 5 5 -7
a • b x c = 6
a x b x c = -267 204 -3

Visual Basic .NET

Class: Vector3D <lang vbnet>Public Class Vector3D

   Private _x, _y, _z As Double
   Public Sub New(ByVal X As Double, ByVal Y As Double, ByVal Z As Double)
       _x = X
       _y = Y
       _z = Z
   End Sub
   Public Property X() As Double
           Return _x
       End Get
       Set(ByVal value As Double)
           _x = value
       End Set
   End Property
   Public Property Y() As Double
           Return _y
       End Get
       Set(ByVal value As Double)
           _y = value
       End Set
   End Property
   Public Property Z() As Double
           Return _z
       End Get
       Set(ByVal value As Double)
           _z = value
       End Set
   End Property
   Public Function Dot(ByVal v2 As Vector3D) As Double
       Return (X * v2.X) + (Y * v2.Y) + (Z * v2.Z)
   End Function
   Public Function Cross(ByVal v2 As Vector3D) As Vector3D
       Return New Vector3D((Y * v2.Z) - (Z * v2.Y), _
                           (Z * v2.X) - (X * v2.Z), _
                           (X * v2.Y) - (Y * v2.X))
   End Function
   Public Function ScalarTriple(ByVal v2 As Vector3D, ByVal v3 As Vector3D) As Double
       Return Me.Dot(v2.Cross(v3))
   End Function
   Public Function VectorTriple(ByRef v2 As Vector3D, ByVal v3 As Vector3D) As Vector3D
       Return Me.Cross(v2.Cross(v3))
   End Function
   Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
       Return String.Format("({0}, {1}, {2})", _x, _y, _z)
   End Function

End Class</lang> Module: Module1 <lang vbnet>Module Module1

   Sub Main()
       Dim v1 As New Vector3D(3, 4, 5)
       Dim v2 As New Vector3D(4, 3, 5)
       Dim v3 As New Vector3D(-5, -12, -13)
       Console.WriteLine("v1: {0}", v1.ToString())
       Console.WriteLine("v2: {0}", v2.ToString())
       Console.WriteLine("v3: {0}", v3.ToString())
       Console.WriteLine("v1 . v2 = {0}", v1.Dot(v2))
       Console.WriteLine("v1 x v2 = {0}", v1.Cross(v2).ToString())
       Console.WriteLine("v1 . (v2 x v3) = {0}", v1.ScalarTriple(v2, v3))
       Console.WriteLine("v1 x (v2 x v3) = {0}", v1.VectorTriple(v2, v3))
   End Sub

End Module</lang> Output:

v1: (3, 4, 5)
v2: (4, 3, 5)
v3: (-5, -12, -13)

v1 . v2 = 49
v1 x v2 = (5, 5, -7)
v1 . (v2 x v3) = 6
v1 x (v2 x v3) = (-267, 204, -3)


<lang wortel>@let {

 dot &[a b] @sum @mapm ^* [a b]
 cross &[a b] [[
   -*a.1 b.2 *a.2 b.1
   -*a.2 b.0 *a.0 b.2
   -*a.0 b.1 *a.1 b.0
 scalarTripleProduct &[a b c] !!dot a !!cross b c
 vectorTripleProduct &[a b c] !!cross a !!cross b c
 a [3 4 5]
 b [4 3 5]
 c [5N 12N 13N]
   !!dot a b
   !!cross a b
   @!scalarTripleProduct [a b c]
   @!vectorTripleProduct [a b c]

}</lang> Returns:

[49 [5 5 -7] 6 [-267 204 -3]]


<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations

func DotProd(A, B); \Return the dot product of two 3D vectors int A, B; \A ù B return A(0)*B(0) + A(1)*B(1) + A(2)*B(2);

proc CrossProd(A, B, C); \Calculate the cross product of two 3D vectors int A, B, C; \C:= A x B [C(0):= A(1)*B(2) - A(2)*B(1);

C(1):= A(2)*B(0) - A(0)*B(2);
C(2):= A(0)*B(1) - A(1)*B(0);

]; \CrossProd

func ScalarTriProd(A, B, C); \Return the scalar triple product int A, B, C; \A ù (B x C) int D(3); [CrossProd(B, C, D); return DotProd(A, D); ]; \ScalarTriProd

proc VectTriProd(A, B, C, D); \Calculate the vector triple product int A, B, C, D; \D:= A x (B x C) int E(3); [CrossProd(B, C, E);

CrossProd(A, E, D);

]; \CrossProd

int A, B, C, D(3); [A:= [3, 4, 5]; B:= [4, 3, 5]; C:= [-5, -12, -13];

IntOut(0, DotProd(A,B)); CrLf(0);

CrossProd(A, B, D); IntOut(0, D(0)); ChOut(0, 9\tab\); IntOut(0, D(1)); ChOut(0, 9\tab\); IntOut(0, D(2)); CrLf(0);

IntOut(0, ScalarTriProd(A,B,C)); CrLf(0);

VectTriProd(A, B, C, D); IntOut(0, D(0)); ChOut(0, 9\tab\); IntOut(0, D(1)); ChOut(0, 9\tab\); IntOut(0, D(2)); CrLf(0); ]</lang>


5       5       -7
-267    204     -3