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From Rosetta Code
My Favorite Languages
Language Proficiency
ABC ---
AMPL ---
Answer Set Programming ---
APL ---
AWK ---
B-Prolog ---
BLOG ---
C ---
C++ ---
C sharp ---
Common Lisp ---
Commodore BASIC ---
Eiffel ---
Emacs Lisp ---
Frink ---
Icon ---
GAP ---
Groovy ---
Haskell ---
J ---
JavaScript ---
Julia ---
K ---
Maple ---
Mathematica ---
MiniZinc ---
Modula-3 ---
NetLogo ---
OCaml ---
Oz ---
Pascal ---
PHP ---
Perl ---
Perl 6 ---
Picat ---
PL/SQL ---
Pop11 ---
Prolog ---
PSI ---
Python ---
Q ---
R ---
REXX ---
Ruby ---
Sage ---
Scala ---
Scheme ---
SETL ---
SQL ---
Unicon ---
WebPPL ---
Z3 ---

Hakan Kjellerstrand, Swedish software developer (retired), Independent researcher.

Interests: programming languages, (math) puzzles, constraint programming, logic programming, probabilistic programming, AI

Personal site: www.hakank.org

My language pages

My Constraint Programming (and related paradigms) pages

Common constraint programming problems, lists problems (and links to models/programs) which are solved in at least two CP systems

Probabilistic programming languages

My blogs (not very active anymore)

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