If it's not listed, it's read-only... at best
Language Proficiency
BASIC My preferred language family
PowerBASIC My overall favorite BASIC,
and my overall-preferred IDE
FreeBASIC The compiler I actually use for almost everything
Visual Basic What I use for Windows GUI... for now
VBA Where I do most of my paying work
QuickBASIC My preferred DOS IDE
REALbasic Nice language, but I don't use it for much.
Batch File Somewhere between "okay" and "decent"
UNIX Shell Nowhere near as good as I need to be
VBScript I'm... okay...
JavaScript ...learning
C I usually write in BASIC, then translate
C++ I usually write in BASIC, then translate
Pascal Read-only, for the most part
Assembly Read-only
PHP Minimal knowledge
GML Minimal knowledge
Befunge Shrug
Don't I look happy?

Somewhat obviously, my name is Erik Siers. I'm one of the BASIC cheerleaders on RC. (I can do other languages, but I prefer BASIC by a lot.) I've been a member of RC for a long time -- I created my account in 2009 -- but I am not one of the original crew, not by a few years. I don't really do any edits any more; my last meaningful edit (besides this page) was in mid-2018.

Current events

I'm looking for suggestions/recommendations for a development system that supports both Android and iOS, hopefully with a RAD IDE. (RAD is optional but strongly preferred.) The only language I have and am comfortable using is extremely game-oriented and always uses 3D space, even if you don't need it, and I'm working on an app where that's a deal breaker.

I'm open to literally anything, preferably free (open source optional). Development can happen on Windows, Linux, or x86_64 (x64) Mac. Right now I'm looking into various things, but I haven't moved beyond "looking" and would like some opinions.

Leave a comment on my talk page if you have a suggestion/etc.

Operating Systems

I use a lot of OS's, depending on which physical system we're talking about...

My workstation:

  • Windows 10, for now. Considering my options. Work happens in various systems under emulation.

My server:

  • Slackware Linux v15, for now. Probably Possibly going to switch to OpenBSD in the near future. (Maybe move the fileserver to my Raspberry Pi? Undecided.)

My MacBook:

My iMac:

My G4 Mac:

My ThinkPad:

It's funny that I own so many Macs, since I consider pre-X Macs to be overpriced toys, but since modern macOS is built on top of a *nix system... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I also toy around with numerous other operating systems under emulation, including systems most people have never even heard of.

My code contributions

Unless otherwise specifically indicated, I disclaim any rights I might have to any code that I have posted to Rosetta Code, and assign any appropriate copyright to Michael Mol. (Everything posted to RC is automatically covered by the GNU FDL anyway.) This specifically applies to code that I have posted. Other people's code that I have made changes to belongs to them, not me, and I disclaim any rights I might have to those changes. (See Rosetta Code:Copyrights for RC's copyright policy.)

I've only created a single task, Sorting algorithms/Pancake sort, and I think it's unlikely that I'll create any more at this point.


It should be noted that all REALbasic examples that I've written (which can be found by looking through my user contributions page) were written in REALbasic 5.5.5, which is several years old. (For comparison, this might be considered somewhat akin to writing in C99 instead of the current standard, or writing for the original VB.Net instead of the current release -- my examples will probably work under modern versions... but they might not. YMMV.)

Unsorted Code

Some stuff that I wanted to put up here, but don't have any idea how to categorize (or else they don't fit any one category very well, or whatever).


I put up my programming links on their own page. They haven't been updated in a very long time.

This is my Wikipedia user page.

This is my Sourceforge profile.

This is what passes for my home page... not that I actually do anything with it. (Never even finished writing the pages; just kind of stopped halfway through...)

This is a short essay about why I use my real name as my username instead of remaining anonymous or using a pseudonym (on my Wikipedia user page).


Some pages that graphically display various sorting algorithms.

My Sourceforge projects

  • EEShell2 -- a replacement shell for 32-bit Windows.
    • Haven't worked on this for several years. Not really meant for NT6+. (Even has some oddities under XP.) Effectively abandoned.
  • IgrokYa -- a file type identifier (like file(1) or TrID; originally part of Proxlat (below)).
    • The only project I make any pretense of actively working on.
  • KanjiFinder -- a tool to help English-speaking users find Japanese kanji.
    • Program's done, but data files are nowhere near complete. Effectively abandoned.
  • Proxlat -- a general-purpose binary translator.
    • Abandoned as impossible. I might restart this with a narrower scope at some point in the future.
  • QuickRun -- a simple program launcher (started as part of EEShell2).
  • Visible -- a Visual Basic-to-C++ translator.
    • Slowly progressing. Very slowly.
  • Erik's tools -- a small handful of tiny very-specific-purpose utilities I wrote some time ago.

Quote of the Day

The world is full of nice people, if you can't find one be one.