Note, 5 Dec 2019: These links are very old. I first posted this list 10 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of them were dead. YMMV.
These are my programming links. The vast majority of them I haven't checked for months, if not years. If you find a broken link, fix it or delete it.
The categories aren't carved in stone. I've found a few links that don't belong here at all. If you find a link in the wrong category, or one that just doesn't belong on RC, fix it.
I'm working on fixing the sorting, but I'm doing it by hand, when the mood strikes me, which means it happens whenever.
Note also that a lot of these links can be found elsewhere on RC. If that bugs you, delete the dupes from this page.
- Points at; actual site now 404
- JWasm
- Lazy Assembler (LZASM)
- libASM
- Linux Assembly HOWTO
- The Netwide Assembler: NASM
- Yasm Modular Assembler
- Alvyn Basic
- bdbbasic
- Blassic: The classic Basic
- bscript
- Remove accent Characters - Dev Shed
- FreeBASIC compiler
- FreeBASIC Games Directory
- BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids
- McClouth Software
- Small Basic
- PBthis! - Affordable custom freelance PowerBasic programming
- Brutus2D Home Page
- Production BASIC : The GNU Business Basic
- Seed7 Program: Basic
- SmallBASIC | One more basic
- bImproved (another B++)
- Exil - GWBasic emulator
- Download CA Realizer 2.0
- Wsbasic Manual
- Run BASIC - Easy and free web programming!
- FBtoC Project & FutureBASIC Freeware
- All Basic
- Basic Compiler Page - BCET
- Big Computer Games
- More BASIC Computer Games
- Basic4ppc
- BCX User Group
- GFXLIB Home Page
- AMOS/STOS sources
- Game Programming Guide
- CocoaBasic
- ERCB: DDJ Programmer's Bookshelf November 1992
- gnbasic: a BASIC interpreter
- Freestyle Basic Script Language (FBSL)
- HotBasic Compiler
- Jabaco
- Mac Basic Update 2008
- Bas - BASIC interpreter
- BASIC Programming and Chipmunk Basic Home Page
- BasicBasic Version 1.52 - Download page
- ProvideX (Sage)
- MoonRock compiler and development language
- sdlBasic Home page
- thinBasic Basic Interpreter
- Vintage BASIC
Lists of compilers
- Free BASIC Compilers -
- Free BASIC Compilers and Interpreters (
- List of Basic compilers for Windows and Linux
- Archive: LINUX Open Source and PowerBASIC - PowerBASIC Forums
- PowerBASIC: Basic Compilers
- PowerBASIC HQ BBS Germany - PowerBASIC Online Cgi Examples
- Download Individual Files | REALbasic 2007
- REAL Software Forums :: View topic - What are the biggest/best applications developed with RB
Visual Basic
- Visual Basic: serial number
- The vbSlacker Project
- Excel Developer Tip: Undoing a VBA Subroutine
- Hardcore Visual Basic on MVPS.ORG
- VBnet™ Visual Basic Developers Resource Centre
- VBnet™ PProfileBasic
- VBnet™ IsWinVersion
- (VBnet Win32 Shell) Undocumented Windows: Overview
- Visual Basic Community - Toolbox for IT
- ActiveVB - ApiViewer (en)
- The Book of VB .NET: Migrating to Visual Basic .NET, Part 1
- Microsoft Download Center: Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
- VisualBasic.NET support - Mono
- Download of MZ-Tools 3.0 for Visual Basic 6.0, 5.0 and VBA
- Visual Basic Secrets
- Get VB Free
- vbAccelerator - IconMenu Control
- VBSInc
- VbsEdit - Award-winning VBScript Editor - VBS Editor - Wscript editor - WSH Editor - Debugger
- TCC : Tiny C Compiler
- Standard C
- Sphinx C--
- Sun Studio Data Sheet
- distcc: a fast, free distributed C/C++ compiler
- CompileFarm - GCC Wiki
- Enquire: Everything about your C Compiler and Machine
- FGA: "void main()" is not legal in C++ but is legal in C
- CIL (C Intermediate Language)
- TenDRA
- GCC Frontend HOWTO
- The Underhanded C Contest
- C-- Home
- Primeval C: two very early compilers
- Digital Mars C, C++ and D Compilers
- Dinkumware, Ltd. - Compleat Libraries Reference
- diet libc - a libc optimized for small size
- Integer Types In C and C++
- LadSoft Home Page
- LADsoft CC386 Page
- V GUI C++ library and VIDE IDE for Win32 and Linux
- 11 Library Functions
- The Newlib Homepage
- Free C / C++ Compilers and Interpreters (
- Turbo Explorer Homepage
- Ultimate++
- Borland C++ 5.5 tutorial
- Groovy
- J Home
- JD-GUI | Java Decompiler
- Java Optimize and Decompile Environment (JODE)
- Program Transformation Wiki / Java Decompilers
- The Scala Programming Language
- AA-project homepage
- Allegro - A game programming library
- CDK - Curses Development Kit (a library of widgets)
- Curses Development Kit
- bashlib - CGI programming with the bash shell
- The FreeImage Project
- LibGD
- PDCurses
- Rx Lib
- SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
- Valkyrie Gamedev Library
- wvWare, library for converting Word documents
- Free Pascal
- Merlyn - Pascal Introduction
- Pascal Implementation
- Project JEDI Portal
- Fix for Borland Pascal "Runtime Error 200" bug on fast PCs
- Learn Pascal tutorial
- Where can I download VP? - Virtual Pascal
- gtk2-perl Home
- macperl
- Pugs - pugscode
- | Your one stop for Rakudo Perl, Parrot and Perl 6 news: Development, docs and more
- Strawberry Perl
- Tomby's VR & 3D page :)
- b a s t a r d
- Boomerang Decompiler
- Buildbot - Trac
- The Caml language: Home
- Developing applications with Objective Caml
- CLOC -- Count Lines of Code
- v-language
- Regular Expression Workbench
- F*cking programming : Codeulate.
- dexrow: wingraph extended
- Computers > Programming > Compilers
- Google Directory - Computers > Programming > Disassemblers
- Google Directory - Computers > Programming > Languages > Forth > Implementations
- d y n e . o r g :: software
- Linker
- Source lines of code
- Shakespeare authorship question
- Fenix
- FUSE: Filesystem in Userspace
- GtkSourceView
- haXe - Welcome to haXe !
- FGA: Only ask questions with yes/no answers if you want "yes" or "no" as the answer.
- Interactive Decompiler
- INF-Tool - create smaller setups for your programs/updates/demos!
- IronPython
- Праграмаванне спасылкі
- This is a link page in Belarusian. Most of the pages linked to are in English. Not my fault if you can't read Belarusian. I mean, geez, can't everybody?
- Jasmin Home Page
- BPL: Batch Programming Language Interpreter
- RedBlack Balanced Tree Searching and Sorting Library
- Makepp Home Page -- Compatible but improved replacement for make
- Sending Keys to Dos Applications
- Mind.Forth AI Engine for Robots Equipped with Artificial Intelligence
- Version 0.6.6 does not expire
- Index of /pub/ai/attic
- MMC 2.0 Programmer's Guide (Windows)
- HTC Reference
- Introduction to HTML Applications (HTAs)
- SendMessage Function ()
- Using Run-Time Dynamic Linking (Windows)
- System Error Codes (Windows)
- Comparison of free x86 linkers
- NekoVM
- Parchive: Parity Archive Tool
- Jam - PDWiki
- Q - Equational Programming Language
- F# - Microsoft Research
- Welcome to Reg Research
- Building GTK apps for MS Windows on Linux
- DRAKON + Oberon = DRON visual programming language
- zzuf - multi-purpose fuzzer
- GTK+ 2.0 Tree View Tutorial
- Perl::Critic - Critique Perl source code for best-practices -
- ArchC Architecture Description Language
- BF Debugger
- CaRaCaL
- Linux Real Mode Interface
- Open Computer Vision Library
- Shedskin Python-to-C++
- GDB and Reversible Debugging
- Amit's A* Pages
- The TinyCOBOL Project Home Page - Index
- Designing Integrated High Quality Linux Applications
- Vanilla Perl
- Adept Software - PLC
- Adobe - Flex 2 - Application Development, Web Application Development, Application Development Software, Application Development Tool
- Abyss
- * Arachnophilia
- TNT Delphi Unicode Components
- Programming Optimization: Techniques, examples and discussion
- REC Decompiler Home Page
- .NET Interoperability: .NET <-> Win32
- Boost Software License Background
- PythonD 32bit Python for DOS and Windows
- The Search for Self-Documenting Code
- How to Report Bugs Effectively
- CMake - Cross Platform Make
- Homepage of Crimson Editor - Free Text Editor, Html Editor, Programmers Editor for Windows
- The Mercury Project
- Programming.Source.Windows
- Open Source High-level Languages in Your Neighborhood
- Open Directory - Computers: Programming: Languages
- DGD Home Page
- home
- Eclipse Downloads
- ECMAScript
- Don’t invent, evolve |
- ExactCODE: Openbench
- Pow! Homepage
- Browsing Demos :. GarageGames
- DotGNU Project
- Pentium Compiler Group
- The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
- HtaEdit - HTA Editor
- The MiniTrue Home Page
- Linkers and Loaders
- Welcome to!
- io
- Ionic Wind Software
- Iron Spring Software
- Home of Iron Spring PL/I.
- Resourceable and Retargetable Binary Translation
- S-Lang Library Information Page
- Please Sir May I Have a Linker? - Joel on Software
- // Jordan Russell's Software
- Open Source Code Search Engine - Koders
- Krugle - Code Search for Developers
- EMC Compile Farm
- Visual Studio Express
- The Mozart Programming System
- fp
- Neural Network Software
- OpenRCE
- Jam -- Perforce Software
- PostgreSQL BuildFarm
- PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
- retrodev: Sega CD and more
- Pandora Engine
- The R Project for Statistical Computing
- Ruby Programming Language
- Runtime Revolution
- Scintilla and SciTE
- Scirra: Home of open-source game creator, Construct
- CACK (Crap Adventure Construction Kit)
- SharpDevelop @ic#code
- simplemachines' compile farm
- ExifTool by Phil Harvey
- Software
- TileStack - Your Creative Playground
- TIOBE Software - The Coding Standards Company
- TLViewer: turbo Object Browser for Scripting
- Visual Basic to C/GTK Convertor
- gameswf library -- free SWF player code, intended for game UIs
- Ubercode
- XN Resource Editor
- wxWidgets
- bash critic
- Windows NT has secret APIs