Send email

Revision as of 19:46, 8 April 2016 by rosettacode>Catb0t (factor email example actually works now)

Write a function to send an email. The function should have parameters for setting From, To and Cc addresses; the Subject, and the message text, and optionally fields for the server name and login details.

  • If appropriate, explain what notifications of problems/success are given.
  • Solutions using libraries or functions from the language are preferred, but failing that, external programs can be used with an explanation.
  • Note how portable the solution given is between operating systems when multi-OS languages are used.
Send email
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

(Remember to obfuscate any sensitive data used in examples)


Library: AWS

<lang Ada>with AWS.SMTP, AWS.SMTP.Client, AWS.SMTP.Authentication.Plain; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada, AWS;

procedure Sendmail is

  Status : SMTP.Status;
  Auth : aliased constant SMTP.Authentication.Plain.Credential :=
     SMTP.Authentication.Plain.Initialize ("id", "password");
  Isp : SMTP.Receiver;


  Isp :=
        Port       => 5025,
        Credential => Auth'Unchecked_Access);
     From    => SMTP.E_Mail ("Me", ""),
     To      => SMTP.E_Mail ("You", ""),
     Subject => "subject",
     Message => "Here is the text",
     Status  => Status);
  if not SMTP.Is_Ok (Status) then
       ("Can't send message :" & SMTP.Status_Message (Status));
  end if;

end Sendmail; </lang>


ahk discussion

Library: COM.ahk

<lang autohotkey>sSubject:= "greeting" sText  := "hello" sFrom  := "ahk@rosettacode" sTo  := "whomitmayconcern"

sServer  := "" ; specify your SMTP server nPort  := 465 ; 25 bTLS  := True ; False inputbox, sUsername, Username inputbox, sPassword, password

COM_Init() pmsg := COM_CreateObject("CDO.Message") pcfg := COM_Invoke(pmsg, "Configuration") pfld := COM_Invoke(pcfg, "Fields")

COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", 2) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", 60) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", sServer) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", nPort) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", bTLS) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", 1) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", sUsername) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Item", "", sPassword) COM_Invoke(pfld, "Update")

COM_Invoke(pmsg, "Subject", sSubject) COM_Invoke(pmsg, "From", sFrom) COM_Invoke(pmsg, "To", sTo) COM_Invoke(pmsg, "TextBody", sText) COM_Invoke(pmsg, "Send")

COM_Release(pfld) COM_Release(pcfg) COM_Release(pmsg) COM_Term()

  1. Include COM.ahk</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"SOCKLIB"

     Server$ = ""
     From$   = "sender@somewhere"
     To$     = "recipient@elsewhere"
     CC$     = "another@nowhere"
     Subject$ = "Rosetta Code"
     Message$ = "This is a test of sending email."
     PROCsendmail(Server$, From$, To$, CC$, "", Subject$, "", Message$)
     DEF PROCsendmail(smtp$,from$,to$,cc$,bcc$,subject$,replyto$,body$)
     LOCAL D%, S%, skt%, reply$
     DIM D% LOCAL 31, S% LOCAL 15
     SYS "GetLocalTime", S%
     SYS "GetDateFormat", 0, 0, S%, "ddd, dd MMM yyyy ", D%, 18
     SYS "GetTimeFormat", 0, 0, S%, "HH:mm:ss +0000", D%+17, 15
     D%?31 = 13
     skt% = FN_tcpconnect(smtp$,"mail")
     IF skt% <= 0 skt% = FN_tcpconnect(smtp$,"25")
     IF skt% <= 0 ERROR 100, "Failed to connect to SMTP server"
     IF FN_readlinesocket(skt%, 1000, reply$)
     WHILE FN_readlinesocket(skt%, 10, reply$) > 0 : ENDWHILE
     PROCsend(skt%,"HELO "+FN_gethostname)
     PROCmail(skt%,"MAIL FROM: ",from$)
     IF to$<>"" PROClist(skt%,to$)
     IF cc$<>"" PROClist(skt%,cc$)
     IF bcc$<>"" PROClist(skt%,bcc$)
     PROCsend(skt%, "DATA")
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "Date: "+$D%)
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "From: "+from$)
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "To: "+to$)
     IF cc$<>"" IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "Cc: "+cc$)
     IF subject$<>"" IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "Subject: "+subject$)
     IF replyto$<>"" IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "Reply-To: "+replyto$)
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "MIME-Version: 1.0")
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII")
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, "")
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, body$)
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%, ".")
     DEF PROClist(skt%,list$)
     LOCAL comma%
       WHILE ASClist$=32 list$=MID$(list$,2):ENDWHILE
       comma% = INSTR(list$,",")
       IF comma% THEN
         PROCmail(skt%,"RCPT TO: ",LEFT$(list$,comma%-1))
         list$ = MID$(list$,comma%+1)
         PROCmail(skt%,"RCPT TO: ",list$)
     UNTIL comma% = 0
     DEF PROCmail(skt%,cmd$,mail$)
     LOCAL I%,J%
     I% = INSTR(mail$,"<")
     J% = INSTR(mail$,">",I%)
     IF I% IF J% THEN
       PROCsend(skt%, cmd$+MID$(mail$,I%,J%-I%+1))
       PROCsend(skt%, cmd$+"<"+mail$+">")
     DEF PROCsend(skt%,cmd$)
     LOCAL reply$
     IF FN_writelinesocket(skt%,cmd$) < 0 THEN ERROR 100, "Send failed"
     IF FN_readlinesocket(skt%, 200, reply$)
     WHILE FN_readlinesocket(skt%, 10, reply$) > 0 : ENDWHILE



Library: POCO
Works with: POCO version 1.3.6

<lang cpp>// on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev // or see // compile with: g++ -Wall -O3 send-mail-cxx.C -lPocoNet -lPocoFoundation

  1. include <cstdlib>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <Poco/Net/SMTPClientSession.h>
  4. include <Poco/Net/MailMessage.h>

using namespace Poco::Net;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

     MailMessage msg;
     msg.addRecipient (MailRecipient (MailRecipient::PRIMARY_RECIPIENT,
                                      "Alice Moralis"));
     msg.addRecipient (MailRecipient (MailRecipient::CC_RECIPIENT,
                                      "Patrick Kilpatrick"));
     msg.addRecipient (MailRecipient (MailRecipient::BCC_RECIPIENT,
                                      "Michael Carmichael"));
     msg.setSender ("Roy Kilroy <>");
     msg.setSubject ("Rosetta Code");
     msg.setContent ("Sending mail from C++ using POCO C++ Libraries");
     SMTPClientSession smtp (""); // SMTP server name
     smtp.login ();
     smtp.sendMessage (msg);
     smtp.close ();
     std::cerr << "Sent mail successfully!" << std::endl;
 catch (std::exception &e)
     std::cerr << "failed to send mail: " << e.what() << std::endl;
     return EXIT_FAILURE;


When run literally as above, should print:

failed to send mail: Host not found

since does not exist. To get it to work, you'll need to fill in the name of an SMTP server (such as the one provided by your ISP), and you should adjust the addresses of the sender and the recipient(s).

This version does not do authentication. However, the login() method can accept a username and password for authentication. Also, newer versions of POCO provide SecureSMTPClientSession, for doing STARTTLS.


Works with: Mono version 1.2
Works with: Visual C# version 2003

<lang csharp> static void Main(string[] args) {

   //First of all construct the SMTP client
   SmtpClient SMTP = new SmtpClient("", 587); //I have provided the URI and port for GMail, replace with your providers SMTP details
   SMTP.EnableSsl = true; //Required for gmail, may not for your provider, if your provider does not require it then use false.
   SMTP.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
   SMTP.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("YourUserName", "YourPassword");
   MailMessage Mail = new MailMessage("", "");

   //Then we construct the message
   Mail.Subject = "Important Message";
   Mail.Body = "Hello over there"; //The body contains the string for your email
   //using "Mail.IsBodyHtml = true;" you can put an HTML page in your message body
   //Then we use the SMTP client to send the message
   Console.WriteLine("Message Sent");

} </lang>


Library: postal

Postal wraps JavaMail to make sending emails simple and platform independent. <lang clojure>(require '[postal.core :refer [send-message]])

(send-message {:host ""

              :ssl true
              :user your_username
              :pass your_password}
             {:from ""
              :to [""]
              :cc ["" ""]
              :subject "Yo"
              :body "Testing."})</lang>
{:error :SUCCESS, :code 0, :message "messages sent"}


Requires the libcurl library to be installed on the system. <lang d>void main() {

   auto s = SMTP("smtps://");
   s.setAuthentication("", "somepassword");
   s.mailTo = ["<>"];
   s.mailFrom = "<>";
   s.message = "Subject:test\n\nExample Message";



<lang Delphi> procedure SendEmail; var

 msg: TIdMessage;
 smtp: TIdSMTP;


 smtp := TIdSMTP.Create;
   smtp.Host := '';
   smtp.Port := 587;
   smtp.Username := 'login';
   smtp.Password := 'password';
   smtp.AuthType := satNone;
   msg := TIdMessage.Create(nil);
     with msg.Recipients.Add do begin
       Address := '';
       Name := 'Doug';
     with msg.Sender do begin
       Address := '';
       Name := 'Fred';
     msg.Subject := 'subj';
     msg.Body.Text := 'here goes email message';

end; </lang>

Emacs Lisp

Variable send-mail-function holds a function for sending a message from the current buffer. The user or sysadmin is expected to set that variable to a preferred method (sendmail, SMTP, etc). The default queries the user for initial setup.

<lang Lisp>(defun my-send-email (from to cc subject text)

   (insert "From: " from "\n"
           "To: " to "\n"
           "Cc: " cc "\n"
           "Subject: " subject "\n"
           mail-header-separator "\n"
   (funcall send-mail-function)))

(my-send-email "" "" ""

              "very important"

The buffer filling here pays no attention to charset or possible special characters in the fields or text.

(For user-level interactive mailing, compose-mail creates and pre-fills a message buffer ready for the user to edit and send, or not send.)


This one uses the build-in SMTP vocabulary. Note that 'to' and 'cc' need to be arrays of strings containing an email address.

<lang Factor> USING: accessors io.sockets locals namespaces smtp ; IN: scratchpad

send-mail ( f t c s b -- )
   default-smtp-config "" 587 <inet> >>server
   t >>tls?
   "" "qwertyuiasdfghjk" <plain-auth>
   >>auth \ smtp-config set-global <email> f >>from t >>to
   c >>cc s >>subject b >>body send-email ;</lang>


There's a built-in Email library, which will work on the JVM, CLR and Javascript runtimes. Errors are thrown if there is a problem with the protocol or the network.

<lang fantom> using email

class Mail {

 // create a client for sending email - add your own host/username/password
 static SmtpClient makeClient ()
   client := SmtpClient
     host     = "yourhost"
     username = "yourusername"
     password = "yourpassword"
   return client
 public static Void main()
   // create email
   email := Email
     to = ["to@addr"]
     from = "from@addr"
     cc = ["cc@addr"]
     subject = test"
     body = TextPart { text = "test email" }
   // create client and send email
   makeClient.send (email)

} </lang>


A full little command-line program that can be used to send simple e-mails. Uses the built-in smtp package. Supports TLS connections.

<lang go>package main

import ( "bufio" "bytes" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/smtp" "os" "strings" )

type Message struct { From string To []string Cc []string Subject string Content string }

func (m Message) Bytes() (r []byte) { to := strings.Join(m.To, ",") cc := strings.Join(m.Cc, ",")

r = append(r, []byte("From: "+m.From+"\n")...) r = append(r, []byte("To: "+to+"\n")...) r = append(r, []byte("Cc: "+cc+"\n")...) r = append(r, []byte("Subject: "+m.Subject+"\n\n")...) r = append(r, []byte(m.Content)...)

return }

func (m Message) Send(host string, port int, user, pass string) (err error) { err = check(host, user, pass) if err != nil { return }

err = smtp.SendMail(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", host, port), smtp.PlainAuth("", user, pass, host), m.From, m.To, m.Bytes(), )

return }

func check(host, user, pass string) error { if host == "" { return errors.New("Bad host") } if user == "" { return errors.New("Bad username") } if pass == "" { return errors.New("Bad password") }

return nil }

func main() { var flags struct { host string port int user string pass string } flag.StringVar(&, "host", "", "SMTP server to connect to") flag.IntVar(&flags.port, "port", 587, "Port to connect to SMTP server on") flag.StringVar(&flags.user, "user", "", "Username to authenticate with") flag.StringVar(&flags.pass, "pass", "", "Password to authenticate with") flag.Parse()

err := check(, flags.user, flags.pass) if err != nil { flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) }

bufin := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

fmt.Printf("From: ") from, err := bufin.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } from = strings.Trim(from, " \t\n\r")

var to []string for { fmt.Printf("To (Blank to finish): ") tmp, err := bufin.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } tmp = strings.Trim(tmp, " \t\n\r")

if tmp == "" { break }

to = append(to, tmp) }

var cc []string for { fmt.Printf("Cc (Blank to finish): ") tmp, err := bufin.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } tmp = strings.Trim(tmp, " \t\n\r")

if tmp == "" { break }

cc = append(cc, tmp) }

fmt.Printf("Subject: ") subject, err := bufin.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } subject = strings.Trim(subject, " \t\n\r")

fmt.Printf("Content (Until EOF):\n") content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } content = bytes.Trim(content, " \t\n\r")

m := Message{ From: from, To: to, Cc: cc, Subject: subject, Content: string(content), }

fmt.Printf("\nSending message...\n") err = m.Send(, flags.port, flags.user, flags.pass) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) }

fmt.Printf("Message sent.\n") }</lang>


From [1] we can get email solution for Groovy <lang Groovy> import javax.mail.* import javax.mail.internet.*

public static void simpleMail(String from, String password, String to,

   String subject, String body) throws Exception {

   String host = "";
   Properties props = System.getProperties();
   /* is needed in script to avoid error "Could not convert socket to TLS"  */
   props.setProperty("", host);
   props.put("mail.smtp.auth", true);      
   props.put("", host);
   props.put("mail.smtp.user", from);
   props.put("mail.smtp.password", password);
   props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587");

   Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
   MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
   message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));

   InternetAddress toAddress = new InternetAddress(to);

   message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);


   Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");

   transport.connect(host, from, password);

   transport.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients());


/* Set email address sender */ String s1 = "";

/* Set password sender */ String s2 = "";

/* Set email address sender */ String s3 = ""

/*Call function */ simpleMail(s1, s2 , s3, "TITLE", "TEXT"); </lang>

Icon and Unicon

A Unicon-specific solution is: <lang unicon>procedure main(args)

   mail := open("mailto:"||args[1], "m", "Subject : "||args[2],
                "X-Note: automatically send by Unicon") |
           stop("Cannot send mail to ",args[1])
   every write(mail , !&input)
   close (mail)



<lang java5>import java.util.Properties;

import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.Message.RecipientType; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;


* Mail

public class Mail {

 * Session
protected Session session;
 * Mail constructor.
 * @param host Host
public Mail(String host)
 Properties properties = new Properties();
 properties.put("", host);
 session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
 * Send email message.
 * @param from From
 * @param tos Recipients
 * @param ccs CC Recipients
 * @param subject Subject
 * @param text Text
 * @throws MessagingException
public void send(String from, String tos[], String ccs[], String subject,
       String text)
       throws MessagingException
 MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
 message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
 for (String to : tos)
  message.addRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to));
 for (String cc : ccs)
  message.addRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(cc));



This example leverages Lasso's built in Email_Send method.

<lang Lasso>// with a lot of unneeded params. // sends plain text and html in same email // simple usage is below email_send( -host = '', -port = 25, -timeout = 100, -username = '', -password = 'secure_password', -priority = 'immediate', -to = '', -cc = '', -bcc = '', -from = '', -replyto = '', -sender = '', -subject = 'Lasso is awesome', -body = 'Lasso is awesome, you should try it!',

-html = '

Lasso is awesome, you should try it!


-attachments = '/path/to/myFile.txt' )

// simple usage // sends plan text email email_send( -host = '', -username = '', -password = 'secure_password', -to = '', -from = '', -subject = 'Lasso is awesome', -body = 'Lasso is awesome, you should try it!' ) </lang>

Liberty BASIC

This program requires sendemail.exe and in the same directory, available free from Caspian's SendEmail Site. <lang lb> text$ = "This is a simple text message."

from$ = "" username$ = "" 'password$ = "***********" recipient$ = "" server$ = "" subject$ = chr$( 34) +text$ +chr$( 34) ' Use quotes to allow spaces in text. message$ = chr$( 34) +"Hello world." +chr$( 34) attach$ = "a.txt" logfile$ = "sendemail.log"

cmd$ = " -f "; from$;_ 'from

      " -t ";  recipient$;_        'to
      " -u ";  subject$;_          'subject
      " -s ";  server$;_           'server
      " -m ";  message$;_          'message
      " -a ";  attach$;_           'file to attach
      " -l ";  logfile$;_          'file to log result in
      " -xu "; username$         'smtp user name
      '" -xp "; password$           'smtp password not given so will ask in a CMD window

run "sendEmail.exe "; cmd$, HIDE

end </lang>


LiveCode provides a built-in method that will create an email in the registered mailto: handler on supported OS. <lang LiveCode>revMail "",,"Help!",field "Message"</lang> To create and send an email in LiveCode requires coding your own smtp client, or using one of a couple of 3rd party stacks.


<lang Lotusscript>Dim session As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim doc As NotesDocument Set db = session.CurrentDatabase Set doc = New NotesDocument( db ) doc.Form = "Memo" doc.SendTo = "John Doe" doc.Subject = "Subject of this mail" Call doc.Send( False )</lang>


Using LuaSocket's SMTP module (from the documentation on that page):

<lang Lua>-- load the smtp support local smtp = require("socket.smtp")

-- Connects to server "localhost" and sends a message to users -- "", "", -- and "". -- Note that "fulano" is the primary recipient, "beltrano" receives a -- carbon copy and neither of them knows that "sicrano" received a blind -- carbon copy of the message. from = "<>"

rcpt = {



mesgt = {

 headers = {
   to = "Fulano da Silva <>",
   cc = '"Beltrano F. Nunes" <>',
   subject = "My first message"
 body = "I hope this works. If it does, I can send you another 1000 copies."


r, e = smtp.send{

 from = from,
 rcpt = rcpt, 
 source = smtp.message(mesgt)

} </lang>


Mathematica has the built-in function SendMail, example: <lang Mathematica>SendMail["From" -> "", "To" -> "",

"Subject" -> "Sending Email from Mathematica", "Body" -> "Hello world!", 
"Server" -> ""]</lang>

The following options can be specified: <lang Mathematica>"To" "Cc" "Bcc" "Subject" "Body" "Attachments" "From" "Server" "EncryptionProtocol" "Fullname" "Password" "PortNumber" "ReplyTo" "ServerAuthentication" "UserName"</lang> Possible options for EncryptionProtocol are: "SSL","StartTLS" and "TLS". This function should work fine on all the OS's Mathematica runs, which includes the largest 3: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX.


  • using library smtp.lsp

<lang NewLISP>(module "smtp.lsp") (SMTP:send-mail "" "" "Greetings" "How are you today? - john doe -" "" "user" "password")</lang>


Compile with nim c -d:ssl mail <lang nim>import smtp, net

proc sendMail(fromAddr: string; toAddrs, ccAddrs: seq[string];

             subject, message, login, password: string;
             server = ""; port = Port 465; ssl = true) =
 var msg = createMessage(subject, message, toAddrs, ccAddrs)
 var s = connect(server, port, ssl, debug = true)
 s.auth(login, password)
 s.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddrs, $msg)

sendMail(fromAddr = "",

        toAddrs  = @[""],
        ccAddrs  = @[],
        subject  = "Hi from Nim",
        message  = "Nim says hi!\nAnd bye again!",
        login    = "",
        password = "XXXXXX")</lang>


<lang ocaml>let h = Smtp.connect "";; Smtp.helo h "hostname";; Smtp.mail h "<>";; Smtp.rcpt h "<>";; let email_header = "\ From: John Smith <> To: John Doe <> Subject: surprise";; let email_msg = "Happy Birthday";; h (email_header ^ "\r\n\r\n" ^ email_msg);; Smtp.quit h;;</lang>


This subroutine throws an appropriate error if it fails to connect to the server or authenticate. It should work on any platform Perl does.

<lang perl>use Net::SMTP; use Authen::SASL;

 # Net::SMTP's 'auth' method needs Authen::SASL to work, but
 # this is undocumented, and if you don't have the latter, the
 # method will just silently fail. Hence we explicitly use
 # Authen::SASL here.

sub send_email

{my %o =
    (from => , to => [], cc => [],
     subject => , body => ,
     host => , user => , password => ,
 ref $o{$_} or $o{$_} = [$o{$_}] foreach 'to', 'cc';
 my $smtp = new Net::SMTP($o{host} ? $o{host} : ())
     or die "Couldn't connect to SMTP server";
 $o{password} and
    $smtp->auth($o{user}, $o{password}) ||
    die 'SMTP authentication failed';
 $smtp->recipient($_) foreach @{$o{to}}, @{$o{cc}};
 $o{from} and $smtp->datasend("From: $o{from}\n");
 $smtp->datasend('To: ' . join(', ', @{$o{to}}) . "\n");
 @{$o{cc}} and $smtp->datasend('Cc: ' . join(', ', @{$o{cc}}) . "\n");
 $o{subject} and $smtp->datasend("Subject: $o{subject}\n");
 return 1;}</lang>

An example call:

<lang perl>send_email

  from => 'A. T. Tappman',
  to => ['', ''],
  cc => '',
  subject => 'Important message',
  body => 'I yearn for you tragically.',
  host => '',
  user => '',
  password => 'yossarian';</lang>

If the host parameter is omitted, send_email falls back on the SMTP_Hosts defined in Net::Config. Hence, only two arguments are strictly necessary:

<lang perl>send_email

  to => '',
  user => '';</lang>
Library: LWP

LWP can send email by a POST to a mailto: URL. The message is given as a HTTP request. This is mainly of interest for treating different types of URLs in a common way. LWP sends merely by running the sendmail program, or on MacOS classic by SMTP (to SMTPHOSTS environment variable). For reference, the $ua->post() method does not suit since it constructs a message as MIME "form data".

<lang perl>use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request;

sub send_email {

 my ($from, $to, $cc, $subject, $text) = @_;
 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
 my $req = HTTP::Request->new (POST => "mailto:$to",
                               [ From => $from,
                                 Cc => $cc,
                                 Subject => $subject ],
 my $resp = $ua->request($req);
 if (! $resp->is_success) {
   print $resp->status_line,"\n";


send_email('', '', ,

          "very important subject",
          "Body text\n");</lang>


<lang php>mail('', 'My Subject', "A Message!", "From:");</lang>


PicoLisp has a built-in 'mail' function. A minimal call would be <lang PicoLisp>(mail "localhost" 25 "" "" "Subject" NIL "Hello")</lang> Instead of "Hello" an arbitrary number of arguments may follow (possibly containing executable expressions) for the message body.

The 6th argument (here 'NIL') may specify a list of attachments.



<lang pike>int main(){

  string to         = "some@email.add";
  string subject    = "Hello There.";
  string from       = "me@myaddr.ess";
  string msg        = "Hello there! :)";



<lang Purebasic>InitNetwork()

CreateMail(0, "", "This is the Subject")

SetMailBody(0, "Hello " + Chr(10) + "This is a mail !")

AddMailRecipient(0, "", #PB_Mail_To)

AddMailRecipient(0, "", #PB_Mail_Cc)

If SendMail(0, "")

   MessageRequester("Information", "Mail correctly sent !")


   MessageRequester("Error", "Can't sent the mail !")



The function returns a dict of any addresses it could not forward to; other connection problems raise errors.
Tested on Windows, it should work on all POSIX platforms.

<lang python>import smtplib

def sendemail(from_addr, to_addr_list, cc_addr_list,

             subject, message,
             login, password,
   header  = 'From: %s\n' % from_addr
   header += 'To: %s\n' % ','.join(to_addr_list)
   header += 'Cc: %s\n' % ','.join(cc_addr_list)
   header += 'Subject: %s\n\n' % subject
   message = header + message
   server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)
   problems = server.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr_list, message)
   return problems</lang>

Example use: <lang python>sendemail(from_addr = '',

         to_addr_list = [''],
         cc_addr_list = [''], 
         subject      = 'Howdy', 
         message      = 'Howdy from a python function', 
         login        = 'pythonuser', 
         password     = 'XXXXX')</lang>
Sample Email received:
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 22:04:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Howdy

Howdy from a python function


Library: tcltk
Library: gdata
Library: caTools

R does not have a built-in facility for sending emails though some code for this, written by Ben Bolker, is available here.


Racket has a built-in library for sending e-mails: <lang racket>

  1. lang racket
using sendmail

(require net/sendmail) (send-mail-message

"" "Some Subject"
'("" "")
(list "Some lines of text" "go here."))
and using smtp (and adding more headers here)

(require net/head net/smtp) (smtp-send-message

"Sender <>"
'("Recipient <>")
 "Sender <>"
 '("Recipient <>")
 '() ; CC
 '() ; BCC
'("Hello World!"))



<lang rebol>send user@host.dom "My message"</lang>


Uses the

Library: RubyGems

gems TMail which allows us to manipulate email objects conveniently, and mime-types which guesses a file's mime type based on its filename.

<lang ruby>require 'base64' require 'net/smtp' require 'tmail' require 'mime/types'

class Email

 def initialize(from, to, subject, body, options={})
   @opts = {:attachments => [], :server => 'localhost'}.update(options)
   @msg =
   @msg.from    = from      = to
   @msg.subject = subject      = @opts[:cc]  if @opts[:cc]
   @msg.bcc     = @opts[:bcc] if @opts[:bcc]
   if @opts[:attachments].empty?
     # just specify the body
     @msg.body = body
     # attach attachments, including the body
     @msg.body = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"
     msg_body =
     msg_body.body = body
     msg_body.set_content_type("text","plain", {:charset => "ISO-8859-1"}) << msg_body
     octet_stream = MIME::Types['application/octet-stream'].first
     @opts[:attachments].select {|file| File.readable?(file)}.each do |file|
       mime_type = MIME::Types.type_for(file).first || octet_stream << create_attachment(file, mime_type)
 attr_reader :msg
 def create_attachment(file, mime_type)
   attach =
   if mime_type.binary?
     attach.body = Base64.encode64(
     attach.transfer_encoding = 'base64'
     attach.body =
   attach.set_disposition("attachment", {:filename => file})
   attach.set_content_type(mime_type.media_type, mime_type.sub_type, {:name=>file})
 # instance method to send an Email object
 def send
   args = @opts.values_at(:server, :port, :helo, :username, :password, :authtype)
   Net::SMTP.start(*args) do |smtp|
     smtp.send_message(@msg.to_s, @msg.from[0],
 # class method to construct an Email object and send it
 def self.send(*args)*args).send



 %w{ recip1@recipient.invalid },
 'the subject',
 "the body\nhas lines",
   :attachments => %w{ file1 file2 file3 },
   :server => '',
   :helo => 'sender.invalid',
   :username => 'user',
   :password => 'secret'



<lang sas>filename msg email

  subject="Important message"

data _null_;

  file msg;
  put "Hello, Connected World!";



Library: Scala

<lang Scala>import java.util.Properties

import javax.mail.internet.{ InternetAddress, MimeMessage } import javax.mail.Message.RecipientType import javax.mail.{ Session, Transport }

/** Mail constructor.

*  @constructor Mail
*  @param host Host

class Mail(host: String) {

 val session = Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties() { put("", host) })
 /** Send email message.
  *  @param from From
  *  @param tos Recipients
  *  @param ccs CC Recipients
  *  @param subject Subject
  *  @param text Text
  *  @throws MessagingException
 def send(from: String, tos: List[String], ccs: List[String], subject: String, text: String) {
   val message = new MimeMessage(session)
   message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from))
   for (to <- tos)
     message.addRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to))
   for (cc <- ccs)
     message.addRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(cc))



Library: Tcllib (Package: mime)
Library: Tcllib (Package: smtp)

Also may use the tls package (needed for sending via gmail). <lang tcl>package require smtp package require mime package require tls

set gmailUser ******* set gmailPass hunter2; # Hello,!

proc send_simple_message {recipient subject body} {

   global gmailUser gmailPass
   # Build the message
   set token [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $body]
   mime::setheader $token Subject $subject
   # Send it!
   smtp::sendmessage $token -userame $gamilUser -password $gmailPass \
           -recipients $recipient -servers -ports 587
   # Clean up
   mime::finalize $token


send_simple_message "Testing" "This is a test message."</lang>


works only with Windows, on Linux OS it is possible to send an email by using the Execute function <lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT

system=SYSTEM ()

IF (system=="WIN") THEN SET to="" SET cc="" subject="test" text=* DATA how are you?

status = SEND_MAIL (to,cc,subject,text,-)

ENDIF </lang>


<lang txr>#!/usr/bin/txr @(next :args) @(cases) @TO @SUBJ @ (maybe) @CC @ (or) @ (bind CC "") @ (end) @(or) @ (throw error "must specify at least To and Subject") @(end) @(next "-") @(collect) @BODY @(end) @(output `!mail -s "@SUBJ" -c "@CC" "@TO"`) @(repeat) @BODY @(end) . @(end) </lang>

Test run:

$ ./sendmail.txr "Patch to rewrite scheduler #378"
Here we go
again ...


<lang vb> Function send_mail(from,recipient,cc,subject,message) With CreateObject("CDO.Message") .From = from .To = recipient .CC = cc .Subject = subject .Textbody = message .Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = 2 .Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = _ "mystmpserver" .Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = 25 .Configuration.Fields.Update .Send End With End Function

Call send_mail("","","","Test Email","this is a test message") </lang>