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Line 143:
((zerop (rem n a)) nil)
(t (primep n (+ a 1)))))</lang>
Example Usage:
<pre>CL-USER> (semiprimep 1234567)
CL-USER> (semiprimep 9876543)

Revision as of 20:09, 11 August 2014

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Semiprime numbers are natural numbers that are products of exactly two (possibly equal) prime numbers. Example: 1679 = 23 × 73 (This particular number was chosen as the length of the Arecibo message).

Write a function determining whether a given number is semiprime.


This imports the package Prime_Numbers from Prime decomposition#Ada.

<lang ada>with Prime_Numbers, Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_Semiprime is

  package Integer_Numbers is new 
    Prime_Numbers (Natural, 0, 1, 2); 
  use Integer_Numbers;


  for N in 1 .. 100 loop
     if Decompose(N)'Length = 2 then -- N is a semiprime;


     end if;
  end loop;
  for N in 1675 .. 1680 loop
     if Decompose(N)'Length = 2 then -- N is a semiprime;


     end if;
  end loop; 

end Test_Semiprime;</lang>

It outputs all semiprimes below 100 and all semiprimes between 1675 and 1680:

4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49 51 55 57 58 62 65 69 74 77 82 85 86 87 91 93 94 95
1678 1679 

Note that

1675 = 5 * 5 * 67, 
1676 = 2 * 2 * 419, 
1677 = 3 * 13 * 43,
1678 = 2 * 839,
1679 = 23 * 73,
1680 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7,

so the result printed is actually correct.


Works with: AutoHotkey_L

<lang AutoHotkey>SetBatchLines -1 k := 1 loop, 100 { m := semiprime(k) StringSplit, m_m, m, - if ( m_m1 = "yes" ) list .= k . " " k++ } MsgBox % list list :=


k := 1675 loop, 5 { m := semiprime(k) StringSplit, m_m, m, - if ( m_m1 = "yes" ) list1 .= semiprime(k) . "`n" else list1 .= semiprime(k) . "`n" k++ } MsgBox % list1 list1 :=

The function==========================================================================================================================

semiprime(k) { start := floor(sqrt(k)) loop, % floor(sqrt(k)) - 1 { if ( mod(k, start) = 0 ) new .= floor(start) . "*" . floor(k//start) . "," start-- }

StringSplit, index, new, `,

if ( index0 = 2 ) { StringTrimRight, new, new, 1 StringSplit, 2_ind, new, * if (mod(2_ind2, 2_ind1) = 0) && ( 2_ind1 != 2_ind2 ) new := "N0- " . k . " - " . new else new := "yes- " . k . " - " . new } else new := "N0- " . k . " - " . new return new }



4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49 51 55 57 58 62 65 69 74 77 82 85 86 87 91 93 94 95
N0- 1675  -  25*67,5*335,
N0- 1676  -  4*419,2*838,
N0- 1677  -  39*43,13*129,3*559,
yes- 1678  -  2*839
yes- 1679  -  23*73


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int semiprime(int n) { int p, f = 0; for (p = 2; f < 2 && p*p <= n; p++) while (0 == n % p) n /= p, f++;

return f + (n > 1) == 2; }

int main(void) { int i; for (i = 2; i < 100; i++) if (semiprime(i)) printf(" %d", i); putchar('\n');

return 0; }</lang>

4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49 51 55 57 58 62 65 69 74 77 82 85 86 87 91 93 94 95

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun semiprimep (n &optional (a 2))

 (cond ((> a (isqrt n)) nil)
       ((zerop (rem n a)) (and (primep a) (primep (/ n a))))
       (t (semiprimep n (+ a 1)))))

(defun primep (n &optional (a 2))

 (cond ((> a (isqrt n)) t)
       ((zerop (rem n a)) nil)
       (t (primep n (+ a 1)))))</lang>

Example Usage:

CL-USER> (semiprimep 1234567)
CL-USER> (semiprimep 9876543)


Translation of: Go

<lang d>bool semiprime(long n) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   auto nf = 0;
   foreach (immutable i; 2 .. n + 1) {
       while (n % i == 0) {
           if (nf == 2)
               return false;
           n /= i;
   return nf == 2;


void main() {

   import std.stdio;
   foreach (immutable n; 1675 .. 1681)
       writeln(n, " -> ", n.semiprime);


1675 -> false
1676 -> false
1677 -> false
1678 -> true
1679 -> true
1680 -> false


<lang forth>: semiprime?

 0 swap dup 2 do
   begin dup i mod 0= while i / swap 1+ swap repeat
   over 1 > over i dup * < or if leave then
 loop 1 > abs + 2 =
test 100 2 do i semiprime? if i . then loop cr ;</lang>
test 4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49 51 55 57 58 62 65 69 74 77 82 85 86 87 91 93 94 95


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func semiprime(n int) bool {

   nf := 0
   for i := 2; i <= n; i++ {
       for n%i == 0 {
           if nf == 2 {
               return false
           n /= i
   return nf == 2


func main() {

   for v := 1675; v <= 1680; v++ {
       fmt.Println(v, "->", semiprime(v))


1675 -> false
1676 -> false
1677 -> false
1678 -> true
1679 -> true
1680 -> false


<lang Haskell>isSemiprime :: Int -> Bool isSemiprime n = (length factors) == 2 && (product factors) == n ||

               (length factors) == 1 && (head factors) ^ 2 == n
                   where factors = primeFactors n</lang>

Alternative (and faster) implementation using pattern matching: <lang Haskell>isSemiprime :: Int -> Bool isSemiprime n = case (primeFactors n) of

                  [f1, f2] -> f1 * f2 == n
                  otherwise -> False</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Works in both languages: <lang unicon>link "factors"

procedure main(A)

   every nf := semiprime(n := !A) do write(n," = ",nf[1]," * ",nf[2])


procedure semiprime(n) # Succeeds and produces the factors only if n is semiprime.

   return (2 = *(nf := factors(n)), nf)


Sample output:

->semiprime 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680
1678 = 2 * 839
1679 = 23 * 73



<lang J>isSemiPrime=: 2 = #@q: ::0:"0</lang>

Example use: find all semiprimes less than 100:

<lang J> I. isSemiPrime i.100 4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49 51 55 57 58 62 65 69 74 77 82 85 86 87 91 93 94 95</lang>

Description: factor the number and count the primes in the factorization, is it 2?


<lang Mathematica>semiPrimeQ[n_Integer] := Module[{factors, numfactors},

 factors = FactorInteger[n] // Transpose;
 numfactors = factors2 // Total  ;
 numfactors == 2

</lang> Example use: find all semiprimes less than 100: <lang Mathematica>semiPrimeQ[#] & /@ Range[100]; Position[%, True] // Flatten</lang>

{4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 46, 49, 51, 
55, 57, 58, 62, 65, 69, 74, 77, 82, 85, 86, 87, 91, 93, 94, 95}


<lang parigp>issemi(n)=bigomega(n)==2</lang>

A faster version might use trial division and primality testing: <lang parigp>issemi(n)={

 forprime(p=2,97,if(n%p==0, return(isprime(n/p))));
 if(isprime(n), return(0));


To get faster, partial factorization can be used. At this time GP does not have access to meaningful partial factorization (though it can get it to some extent through flags on factorint), so this version is in PARI: <lang c>long issemiprime(GEN n) {

 if (typ(n) != t_INT)
   pari_err_TYPE("issemiprime", n);
 if (signe(n) <= 0)
   return 0;
 ulong nn = itou_or_0(n);
 if (nn)
   return uissemiprime(nn);
 pari_sp ltop = avma;
 if (!mpodd(n)) {
   long ret = mod4(n) && isprime(shifti(n, -1));
   avma = ltop;
   return ret;

 long p;
 forprime_t primepointer;
 u_forprime_init(&primepointer, 3, 997);
 while ((p = u_forprime_next(&primepointer))) {
   if (dvdis(n, p)) {
     long ret = isprime(diviuexact(n, p));
     avma = ltop;
     return ret;
 if (isprime(n))
   return 0;
 if (DEBUGLEVEL > 3)
   pari_printf("issemi: Number is a composite with no small prime factors; using general factoring mechanisms.");
 GEN fac = Z_factor_until(n, shifti(n, -1));	/* Find a nontrivial factor -- returns just the factored part */
 GEN expo = gel(fac, 2);
 GEN pr = gel(fac, 1);
 long len = glength(expo);
 if (len > 2) {
   avma = ltop;
   return 0;
 if (len == 2) {
   if (cmpis(gel(expo, 1), 1) > 0 || cmpis(gel(expo, 2), 1) > 0) {
     avma = ltop;
     return 0;
   GEN P = gel(pr, 1);
   GEN Q = gel(pr, 2);
   long ret = isprime(P) && isprime(Q) && equalii(mulii(P, Q), n);
   avma = ltop;
   return ret;
 if (len == 1) {
   long e = itos(gel(expo, 1));
   if (e == 2) {
     GEN P = gel(pr, 1);
     long ret = isprime(P) && equalii(sqri(P), n);
     avma = ltop;
     return ret;
   } else if (e > 2) {
     avma = ltop;
     return 0;
   GEN P = gel(pr, 1);
   long ret = isprime(P) && isprime(diviiexact(n, P));
   avma = ltop;
   return ret;
 pari_err_BUG(pari_sprintf("Z_factor_until returned an unexpected value %Ps at n = %Ps, exiting...", fac, n));
 avma = ltop;
 return 0; /* never used */


Perl 6

Here is a naive, grossly inefficient implementation. <lang perl6>sub is-semiprime (Int $n --> Bool) {

   not $ and
       .is-prime given 
       $n div first $n %% *,
           grep &is-prime, 2 .. *;


use Test; my @primes = grep &is-prime, 2 .. 100; for ^5 {

   ok not is-semiprime([*] my @f1 = @primes.roll(1)), ~@f1;
   ok     is-semiprime([*] my @f2 = @primes.roll(2)), ~@f2;
   ok not is-semiprime([*] my @f3 = @primes.roll(3)), ~@f3;
   ok not is-semiprime([*] my @f4 = @primes.roll(4)), ~@f4;


ok 1 - 17
ok 2 - 47 23
ok 3 - 23 37 41
ok 4 - 53 37 67 47
ok 5 - 5
ok 6 - 73 43
ok 7 - 13 53 71
ok 8 - 7 79 37 71
ok 9 - 41
ok 10 - 71 37
ok 11 - 37 53 43
ok 12 - 3 2 47 67
ok 13 - 17
ok 14 - 41 61
ok 15 - 71 31 79
ok 16 - 97 17 73 17
ok 17 - 61
ok 18 - 73 47
ok 19 - 13 19 5
ok 20 - 37 97 11 31


<lang pli>*process source attributes xref nest or(!);

* 22.02.2014 Walter Pachl using the is_prime code from
*                         PL/I 'prime decomposition'
* 23.02.  WP start test for second prime with 2 or first prime found
spb: Proc options(main);
Dcl a(10) Bin Fixed(31)
Dcl (x,n,nf,i,j) Bin Fixed(31) Init(0);
Dcl f(3) Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl txt Char(30) Var;
Dcl bit Bit(1);
Do i=1 To hbound(a);
    When(0,1) txt=' is prime';
    When(2)   txt=' is     semiprime '!!factors(a(i));
    Otherwise txt=' is NOT semiprime '!!factors(a(i));
  Put Edit(a(i),bit,txt)(Skip,f(10),x(1),b(1),a);
is_semiprime: Proc(x) Returns(bit(1));
* Returns '1'b if x is semiprime, '0'b otherwise
* in addition
* it sets f(1) and f(2) to the first (or only) prime factor(s)
  Dcl x Bin Fixed(31);
  Do While(nf<=2 & n>1);
    If is_prime(n) Then Do;
      Call mem(n);
      Leave loop;
    Else Do;
      Do j=f(1) By 1 While(j*j<=n);
        If is_prime(j)&mod(n,j)=0 Then Do;
          Call mem(j);
          Leave loop2;
is_prime: Proc(n) Returns(bit(1));
Dcl n Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl i Bin Fixed(31);
  If n < 2 Then Return('0'b);
  If n = 2 Then Return('1'b);
  If mod(n,2)=0 Then Return('0'b);
  Do i = 3 by 2 While(i*i<=n);
    If mod(n,i)=0 Then Return('0'b);
End is_prime;
mem: Proc(x);
Dcl x Bin Fixed(31);
factors: Proc(x) Returns(Char(150) Var);
Dcl x Bin Fixed(31);
Dcl (res,net) Char(150) Var Init();
Dcl (i,f3) Bin Fixed(31);
If f3>1 Then
Do i=1 To length(res);
  If substr(res,i,1)>' ' Then
End spb;

</lang> Output:

 900660121 1 is     semiprime 30011*30011
         2 0 is prime
         4 1 is     semiprime 2*2
      1679 1 is     semiprime 23*73
   1234567 1 is     semiprime 127*9721
     32768 0 is NOT semiprime 2*2*8192
        99 0 is NOT semiprime 3*3*11
   9876543 0 is NOT semiprime 3*227*14503
       100 0 is NOT semiprime 2*2*25
      5040 0 is NOT semiprime 2*2*1260


This imports Prime decomposition#Python <lang python>from prime_decomposition import decompose

def semiprime(n):

   d = decompose(n)
       return next(d) * next(d) == n
       return False</lang>

From Idle: <lang python>>>> semiprime(1679) True >>> [n for n in range(1,101) if semiprime(n)] [4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 46, 49, 51, 55, 57, 58, 62, 65, 69, 74, 77, 82, 85, 86, 87, 91, 93, 94, 95] >>> </lang>


The first implementation considers all pairs of factors multiplying up to the given number and determines if any of them is a pair of primes. <lang Racket>#lang racket (require math)

(define (pair-factorize n)

 "Return all two-number factorizations of a number"
 (let ([up-limit (integer-sqrt n)])
   (map (λ (x) (list x (/ n x)))

(filter (λ (x) (<= x up-limit)) (divisors n)))))

(define (semiprime n)

 "Determine if a number is semiprime i.e. a product of two primes.

Check if any pair of complete factors consists of primes."

 (for/or ((pair (pair-factorize n)))
   (for/and ((el pair))
     (prime? el))))</lang>

The alternative implementation operates directly on the list of prime factors and their multiplicities. It is approximately 1.6 times faster than the first one (according to some simple tests of mine). <lang Racket>#lang racket (require math)

(define (semiprime n)

 "Alternative implementation.

Check if there are two prime factors whose product is the argument or if there is a single prime factor whose square is the argument"

 (let ([prime-factors (factorize n)])
   (or (and (= (length prime-factors) 1)

(= (expt (caar prime-factors) (cadar prime-factors)) n)) (and (= (length prime-factors) 2) (= (foldl (λ (x y) (* (car x) y)) 1 prime-factors) n)))))</lang>


version 1

<lang rexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 20.02.2014 Walter Pachl relying on 'prime decomposition'
  • 21.02.2014 WP Clarification: I copied the algorithm created by
  • Gerard Schildberger under the task referred to above
  • 21.02.2014 WP Make sure that factr is not called illegally
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Call test 4 Call test 9 Call test 10 Call test 12 Call test 1679 Exit

test: Parse Arg z If is_semiprime(z) Then Say z 'is semiprime' fl

                  Else Say z 'is NOT semiprime' fl



 Parse Arg z
 If z<1 | datatype(z,'W')=0 Then Do
   Say 'Argument ('z') must be a natural number (1, 2, 3, ...)'
 Return words(fl)=2    

/*----------------------------------FACTR subroutine-----------------*/ factr: procedure; parse arg x 1 z,list /*sets X&Z to arg1, LIST=. */ if x==1 then return /*handle the special case of X=1.*/ j=2; call .factr /*factor for the only even prime.*/ j=3; call .factr /*factor for the 1st odd prime.*/ j=5; call .factr /*factor for the 2nd odd prime.*/ j=7; call .factr /*factor for the 3rd odd prime.*/ j=11; call .factr /*factor for the 4th odd prime.*/ j=13; call .factr /*factor for the 5th odd prime.*/ j=17; call .factr /*factor for the 6th odd prime.*/

                                   /* [?]   could be optimized more.*/
                                   /* [?]   J in loop starts at 17+2*/
    do y=0  by 2;     j=j+2+y//4   /*insure J isn't divisible by 3. */
    if right(j,1)==5  then iterate /*fast check for divisible by 5. */
    if j*j>z          then leave   /*are we higher than the v of Z ?*/
    if j>Z            then leave   /*are we higher than value of Z ?*/
    call .factr                    /*invoke .FACTR for some factors.*/
    end   /*y*/                    /* [?]  only tests up to the v X.*/
                                   /* [?]  LIST has a leading blank.*/

if z==1 then return list /*if residual=unity, don't append*/

             return list z         /*return list,  append residual. */

/*-------------------------------.FACTR internal subroutine----------*/ .factr: do while z//j==0 /*keep dividing until we can't. */

        list=list j                /*add number to the list  (J).   */
        z=z%j                      /*% (percent)  is integer divide.*/
        end   /*while z··· */      /*  //   ?---remainder integer ÷.*/

return /*finished, now return to invoker*/</lang> Output

4 is semiprime  2 2
9 is semiprime  3 3
10 is semiprime  2 5
12 is NOT semiprime  2 2 3
1679 is semiprime  23 73

version 2

The method used is to examine numbers, skipping primes.   If composite (the 1st factor is prime), then check if the 2nd factor is prime.   If so, the number is a semiprime. <lang rexx>/*REXX program determines if any number (or a range) is/are semiprime.*/ parse arg bot top . /*obtain #s from the command line*/ if bot== then bot=random() /*so, the user wants us to guess.*/ if top== then top=bot /*maybe define a range of numbers*/ w=max(length(bot), length(top)) /*get maximum width of numbers. */ if w>digits() then numeric digits w /*is there enough digits ? */

            do n=bot  to top          /*show results for a range of #s.*/
            if isSemiPrime(n)  then say right(n,w)    '    is semiprime.'
                               else say right(n,w)    " isn't semiprime."
            end   /*n*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────ISPRIME subroutine──────────────────*/ isPrime: procedure; parse arg x; if x<2 then return 0 if wordpos(x,'2 3 5 7')\==0 then return 1 /*handle some special cases*/

 do i=2  for 2;  if x//i==0  then return 0;  end  /*i*/    /*÷ by 2 & 3*/
 do j=5  by 6  until j*j>x;  if x//j==0      then return 0 /*¬ a prime#*/
                             if x//(j+2)==0  then return 0 /*¬ a prime#*/
 end   /*j*/

return 1 /*X is a prime number, for sure.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────ISSEMIPRIME subroutine──────────────*/ isSemiPrime: procedure; arg x; if \datatype(x,'W') | x<4 then return 0 x=x/1 /*normalize the X number. */

           do i=2 for 2; if x//i==0  then  if isPrime(x%i)  then return 1
                                                            else return 0
           end     /*i*/              /* [↑]  divides by two and three.*/
 do j=5  by  6;          if j*j>x    then  return 0         /*÷ by #s. */
   do k=j  by 2  for 2;  if x//k==0  then  if isPrime(x%k)  then return 1
                                                            else return 0
   end   /*k*/                        /*see if 2nd factor is prime or ¬*/
 end     /*j*/                        /*[↑] never ÷ by # divisible by 3*/</lang>

output when the input is:   -1 106

 -1  isn't semiprime.
  0  isn't semiprime.
  1  isn't semiprime.
  2  isn't semiprime.
  3  isn't semiprime.
  4     is semiprime.
  5  isn't semiprime.
  6     is semiprime.
  7  isn't semiprime.
  8  isn't semiprime.
  9     is semiprime.
 10     is semiprime.
 11  isn't semiprime.
 12  isn't semiprime.
 13  isn't semiprime.
 14     is semiprime.
 15     is semiprime.
 16  isn't semiprime.
 17  isn't semiprime.
 18  isn't semiprime.
 19  isn't semiprime.
 20  isn't semiprime.
 21     is semiprime.
 22     is semiprime.
 23  isn't semiprime.
 24  isn't semiprime.
 25     is semiprime.
 26     is semiprime.
 27  isn't semiprime.
 28  isn't semiprime.
 29  isn't semiprime.
 30  isn't semiprime.
 31  isn't semiprime.
 32  isn't semiprime.
 33     is semiprime.
 34     is semiprime.
 35     is semiprime.
 36  isn't semiprime.
 37  isn't semiprime.
 38     is semiprime.
 39     is semiprime.
 40  isn't semiprime.
 41  isn't semiprime.
 42  isn't semiprime.
 43  isn't semiprime.
 44  isn't semiprime.
 45  isn't semiprime.
 46     is semiprime.
 47  isn't semiprime.
 48  isn't semiprime.
 49     is semiprime.
 50  isn't semiprime.
 51     is semiprime.
 52  isn't semiprime.
 53  isn't semiprime.
 54  isn't semiprime.
 55     is semiprime.
 56  isn't semiprime.
 57     is semiprime.
 58     is semiprime.
 59  isn't semiprime.
 60  isn't semiprime.
 61  isn't semiprime.
 62     is semiprime.
 63  isn't semiprime.
 64  isn't semiprime.
 65     is semiprime.
 66  isn't semiprime.
 67  isn't semiprime.
 68  isn't semiprime.
 69     is semiprime.
 70  isn't semiprime.
 71  isn't semiprime.
 72  isn't semiprime.
 73  isn't semiprime.
 74     is semiprime.
 75  isn't semiprime.
 76  isn't semiprime.
 77     is semiprime.
 78  isn't semiprime.
 79  isn't semiprime.
 80  isn't semiprime.
 81  isn't semiprime.
 82     is semiprime.
 83  isn't semiprime.
 84  isn't semiprime.
 85     is semiprime.
 86     is semiprime.
 87     is semiprime.
 88  isn't semiprime.
 89  isn't semiprime.
 90  isn't semiprime.
 91     is semiprime.
 92  isn't semiprime.
 93     is semiprime.
 94     is semiprime.
 95     is semiprime.
 96  isn't semiprime.
 97  isn't semiprime.
 98  isn't semiprime.
 99  isn't semiprime.
100  isn't semiprime.
101  isn't semiprime.
102  isn't semiprime.
103  isn't semiprime.
104  isn't semiprime.
105  isn't semiprime.
106     is semiprime.


<lang ruby>require 'prime'

  1. 75.prime_division # Returns the factorization.75 divides by 3 once and by 5 twice => [[3, 1], [5, 2]]

class Integer

 def semi_prime? &:last ).inject( &:+ ) == 2


p 1679.semi_prime? # true p ( 1..100 ).select( &:semi_prime? )

  1. [4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 46, 49, 51, 55, 57, 58, 62, 65, 69, 74, 77, 82, 85, 86, 87, 91, 93, 94, 95]



Works with: Scala 2.9.1

<lang Scala>object Semiprime extends App {

 def isSP(n: Int): Boolean = {
   var nf: Int = 0
   var l = n
   for (i <- 2 to l/2) {
     while (l % i == 0) {
       if (nf == 2) return false
       nf +=1
       l /= i 
   nf == 2
 (2 to 100) filter {isSP(_) == true} foreach {i => print("%d ".format(i))}
 1675 to 1681 foreach {i => println(i+" -> "+isSP(i))}


4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49 51 55 57 58 62 65 69 74 77 82 85 86 87 91 93 94 95 
1675 -> false
1676 -> false
1677 -> false
1678 -> true
1679 -> true
1680 -> false
1681 -> true


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const func boolean: semiPrime (in var integer: n) is func

   var boolean: isSemiPrime is TRUE;
   var integer: p is 2;
   var integer: f is 0;
   while f < 2 and p**2 <= n do
     while n rem p = 0 do
       n := n div p;
     end while;
   end while;
   isSemiPrime := f + ord(n > 1) = 2;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var integer: v is 0;
   for v range 1675 to 1680 do
     writeln(v <& " -> " <& semiPrime(v));
   end for;
 end func;</lang>
1675 -> FALSE                                                                                                                                                   
1676 -> FALSE                                                                                                                                                   
1677 -> FALSE                                                                                                                                                   
1678 -> TRUE                                                                                                                                                    
1679 -> TRUE                                                                                                                                                    
1680 -> FALSE


Library: Tcllib (Package: math::numtheory)

<lang tcl>package require math::numtheory

proc isSemiprime n {

   if {!($n & 1)} {

return [::math::numtheory::isprime [expr {$n >> 1}]]

   for {set i 3} {$i*$i < $n} {incr i 2} {

if {$n / $i * $i != $n && [::math::numtheory::isprime $i]} { if {[::math::numtheory::isprime [expr {$n/$i}]]} { return 1 } }

   return 0


for {set n 1675} {$n <= 1680} {incr n} {

   puts -nonewline "$n is ... "
   if {[isSemiprime $n]} {

puts "a semiprime"

   } else {

puts "NOT a semiprime"



1675 is ... a semiprime
1676 is ... NOT a semiprime
1677 is ... a semiprime
1678 is ... a semiprime
1679 is ... a semiprime
1680 is ... NOT a semiprime


Translation of: C

<lang zkl>fcn semiprime(n){

  reg f = 0;
  p:=2; while(f < 2 and p*p <= n){
     while(0 == n % p){ n /= p; f+=1; }
  return(f + (n > 1) == 2);


[1675 .. 1681].filter(semiprime).println();