One-dimensional cellular automata: Difference between revisions

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Line 3,103:
(nil nil 1 nil nil)
(nil nil nil nil nil)</pre>
===More sophisticated===
<lang python>def (uca l) # new datatype: unidim CA
(tag uca (list l len.l))
def (len l) :case (isa uca l) # how to compute its length
defcoerce uca list # converting it to list
(fn(_) rep._.0)
def (pr l) :case (isa uca l) # how to print it
each x l
pr (if x "#" "_")
# (l i) returns ith cell when l is a uca, and nil when i is out-of-bounds
defcall uca (l i)
if (0 <= i < len.l)
def (gens n l)
prn l
repeat n
zap! nextgen l
prn l
def (nextgen l)
uca+collect+for i 0 (i < len.l) ++i
yield (next (l i-1) l.i (l i+1))
# next state of b, given neighbors a and c
def (next a b c)
if (and a c) not.b
(or a c) b</lang>
Output is prettier now:
<pre>ready! type in an expression, then hit enter twice. ctrl-d exits.
gens 10 (uca '(nil 1 1 1 nil 1 1 nil 1 nil 1 nil 1 nil 1 nil nil 1 nil nil))

Revision as of 21:27, 28 October 2013

One-dimensional cellular automata
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Assume an array of cells with an initial distribution of live and dead cells, and imaginary cells off the end of the array having fixed values.

Cells in the next generation of the array are calculated based on the value of the cell and its left and right nearest neighbours in the current generation. If, in the following table, a live cell is represented by 1 and a dead cell by 0 then to generate the value of the cell at a particular index in the array of cellular values you use the following table:

000 -> 0  # 
001 -> 0  #
010 -> 0  # Dies without enough neighbours
011 -> 1  # Needs one neighbour to survive
100 -> 0  #
101 -> 1  # Two neighbours giving birth
110 -> 1  # Needs one neighbour to survive
111 -> 0  # Starved to death.


<lang lisp>(defun rc-step-r (cells)

  (if (endp (rest cells))
      (cons (if (second cells)
                (xor (first cells) (third cells))
                (and (first cells) (third cells)))
            (rc-step-r (rest cells)))))

(defun rc-step (cells)

  (cons (and (first cells) (second cells))
        (rc-step-r cells)))

(defun rc-steps-r (cells n prev)

  (declare (xargs :measure (nfix n)))
  (if (or (zp n) (equal cells prev))
      (let ((new (rc-step cells)))
         (cons new (rc-steps-r new (1- n) cells)))))

(defun rc-steps (cells n)

 (cons cells (rc-steps-r cells n nil)))

(defun pretty-row (row)

  (if (endp row)
      (cw "~%")
      (prog2$ (cw (if (first row) "#" "-"))
              (pretty-row (rest row)))))

(defun pretty-output (out)

  (if (endp out)
      (prog2$ (pretty-row (first out))
              (pretty-output (rest out)))))</lang>


<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Cellular_Automata is

  type Petri_Dish is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean;
  procedure Step (Culture : in out Petri_Dish) is
     Left  : Boolean := False;
     This  : Boolean;
     Right : Boolean;
     for Index in Culture'First..Culture'Last - 1 loop
        Right := Culture (Index + 1);
        This  := Culture (Index);
        Culture (Index) := (This and (Left xor Right)) or (not This and Left and Right);
        Left := This;
     end loop;
     Culture (Culture'Last) := Culture (Culture'Last) and not Left;
  end Step;
  procedure Put (Culture : Petri_Dish) is
     for Index in Culture'Range loop
        if Culture (Index) then
           Put ('#');
           Put ('_');
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Put;
  Culture : Petri_Dish :=
     (  False, True, True,  True, False, True,  True, False, True, False, True,
        False, True, False, True, False, False, True, False, False


  for Generation in 0..9 loop
     Put ("Generation" & Integer'Image (Generation) & ' ');
     Put (Culture);
     Step (Culture);
  end loop;

end Cellular_Automata;</lang> The implementation defines Petri dish type with Boolean items identifying whether a place is occupied by a living cell. State transition is determined by a simple Boolean expression of three arguments. Sample output:

Generation 0 _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1 _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2 __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3 __##___###_#________
Generation 4 __##___#_##_________
Generation 5 __##____###_________
Generation 6 __##____#_#_________
Generation 7 __##_____#__________
Generation 8 __##________________
Generation 9 __##________________


Using the low level packed arrays of BITS manipulation operators

Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny

<lang algol68>INT stop generation = 9; INT universe width = 20; FORMAT alive or dead = $b("#","_")$;

BITS universe := 2r01110110101010100100;

  # universe := BIN ( ENTIER ( random * max int ) ); #

INT upb universe = bits width; INT lwb universe = bits width - universe width + 1;

PROC couple = (BITS parent, INT lwb, upb)BOOL: (

 SHORT INT sum := 0;
 FOR bit FROM lwb TO upb DO
   sum +:= ABS (bit ELEM parent)
 sum = 2


FOR generation FROM 0 WHILE

 printf(($"Generation "d": "$, generation,
        $f(alive or dead)$, []BOOL(universe)[lwb universe:upb universe],
  1. WHILE # generation < stop generation DO
 BITS next universe := 2r0;  
 # process the first event horizon manually #
 IF couple(universe,lwb universe,lwb universe + 1) THEN 
   next universe := 2r10
 # process the middle kingdom in a loop #
 FOR bit FROM lwb universe + 1 TO upb universe - 1 DO 
   IF couple(universe,bit-1,bit+1) THEN
     next universe := next universe OR 2r1
   next universe := next universe SHL 1
 # process the last event horizon manually #
 IF couple(universe, upb universe - 1, upb universe) THEN 
   next universe := next universe OR 2r1
 universe := next universe

OD</lang> Output:

Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3: __##___###_#________
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________
Generation 5: __##____###_________
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________
Generation 7: __##_____#__________
Generation 8: __##________________
Generation 9: __##________________

Using high level BOOL arrays

Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny

<lang algol68>INT stop generation = 9; <lang algol68>INT stop generation = 9; INT upb universe = 20; FORMAT alive or dead = $b("#","_")$;

BITS bits universe := 2r01110110101010100100;

  # bits universe := BIN ( ENTIER ( random * max int ) ); #

[upb universe] BOOL universe := []BOOL(bits universe)[bits width - upb universe + 1:];

PROC couple = (REF[]BOOL parent)BOOL: (

 SHORT INT sum := 0;
 FOR bit FROM LWB parent TO UPB parent DO
   sum +:= ABS (parent[bit])
 sum = 2


FOR generation FROM 0 WHILE

 printf(($"Generation "d": "$, generation,
        $f(alive or dead)$, universe,
  1. WHILE # generation < stop generation DO
 [UPB universe]BOOL next universe;
 # process the first event horizon manually #
 next universe[1] := couple(universe[:2]);
 # process the middle kingdom in a loop #
 FOR bit FROM LWB universe + 1 TO UPB universe - 1 DO 
   next universe[bit] := couple(universe[bit-1:bit+1])
 # process the last event horizon manually #
 next universe[UPB universe] := couple(universe[UPB universe - 1: ]);
 universe := next universe

OD</lang> Output:

Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3: __##___###_#________
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________
Generation 5: __##____###_________
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________
Generation 7: __##_____#__________
Generation 8: __##________________
Generation 9: __##________________


ahk discussion <lang autohotkey>n := 22, n1 := n+1, v0 := v%n1% := 0  ; set grid dimensions, and fixed cells

Loop % n {  ; draw a line of checkboxes

  v%A_Index% := 0
  Gui Add, CheckBox, % "y10 w17 h17 gCheck x" A_Index*17-5 " vv" A_Index

} Gui Add, Button, x+5 y6, step  ; button to step to next generation Gui Show Return


  GuiControlGet %A_GuiControl%             ; set cells by the mouse


ButtonStep:  ; move to next generation

  Loop % n
     i := A_Index-1, j := i+2, w%A_Index% := v%i%+v%A_Index%+v%j% = 2
  Loop % n
     GuiControl,,v%A_Index%, % v%A_Index% := w%A_Index%


GuiClose:  ; exit when GUI is closed ExitApp</lang>


<lang awk>#!/usr/bin/awk -f BEGIN {

   edge = 1
   ruleNum = 104 # 01101000
   maxGen = 9
   mark = "@"
   space = "."
   initialState = ".@@@.@@.@.@.@.@..@.."
   width = length(initialState)
   delete rules
   delete state
   initState(initialState, mark)
   for (g = 0; g < maxGen; g++) {
       showState(g, mark, space)
   showState(g, mark, space)


function nextState( newState, i, n) {

   delete newState
   for (i = 1; i < width - 1; i++) {
       n = getRuleNum(i)
       newState[i] = rules[n]
   for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { # copy, can't assign arrays
       state[i] = newState[i]


  1. Convert a three cell neighborhood from binary to decimal

function getRuleNum(i, rn, j, p) {

   rn = 0
   for (j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
       p = i + j
       rn = rn * 2 + (p < 0 || p > width ? edge : state[p])
   return rn


function showState(gen, mark, space, i) {

   printf("%3d: ", gen)
   for (i = 1; i <= width; i++) {
       printf(" %s", (state[i] ? mark : space))
   print ""


  1. Make state transition lookup table from rule number.

function initRules(ruleNum, i, r) {

   delete rules;
   r = ruleNum
   for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
       rules[i] = r % 2
       r = int(r / 2)


function initState(init, mark, i) {

   delete state
   for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
       state[i] = (substr(init, i, 1) == mark ? 1 : 0) # Given an initial string.
       # state[int(width/2)] = '@'  # middle cell
       # state[i] = int(rand() * 100) < 30 ? 1 : 0 # 30% of cells

} </lang>

Sample output:

 0:  . @ @ @ . @ @ . @ . @ . @ . @ . . @ . .
 1:  . @ . @ @ @ @ @ . @ . @ . @ . . . . . .
 2:  . . @ @ . . . @ @ . @ . @ . . . . . . .
 3:  . . @ @ . . . @ @ @ . @ . . . . . . . .
 4:  . . @ @ . . . @ . @ @ . . . . . . . . .
 5:  . . @ @ . . . . @ @ @ . . . . . . . . .
 6:  . . @ @ . . . . @ . @ . . . . . . . . .
 7:  . . @ @ . . . . . @ . . . . . . . . . .
 8:  . . @ @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 9:  . . @ @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
Translation of: Java

<lang qbasic>DECLARE FUNCTION life$ (lastGen$) DECLARE FUNCTION getNeighbors! (group$) CLS start$ = "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__" numGens = 10 FOR i = 0 TO numGens - 1 PRINT "Generation"; i; ": "; start$ start$ = life$(start$) NEXT i

FUNCTION getNeighbors (group$) ans = 0 IF (MID$(group$, 1, 1) = "#") THEN ans = ans + 1 IF (MID$(group$, 3, 1) = "#") THEN ans = ans + 1 getNeighbors = ans END FUNCTION

FUNCTION life$ (lastGen$) newGen$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(lastGen$) neighbors = 0 IF (i = 1) THEN 'left edge IF MID$(lastGen$, 2, 1) = "#" THEN neighbors = 1 ELSE neighbors = 0 END IF ELSEIF (i = LEN(lastGen$)) THEN 'right edge IF MID$(lastGen$, LEN(lastGen$) - 1, 1) = "#" THEN neighbors = 1 ELSE neighbors = 0 END IF ELSE 'middle neighbors = getNeighbors(MID$(lastGen$, i - 1, 3)) END IF

IF (neighbors = 0) THEN 'dies or stays dead with no neighbors newGen$ = newGen$ + "_" END IF IF (neighbors = 1) THEN 'stays with one neighbor newGen$ = newGen$ + MID$(lastGen$, i, 1) END IF IF (neighbors = 2) THEN 'flips with two neighbors IF MID$(lastGen$, i, 1) = "#" THEN newGen$ = newGen$ + "_" ELSE newGen$ = newGen$ + "#" END IF END IF NEXT i life$ = newGen$ END FUNCTION</lang> Output:

Generation 0 : _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1 : _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2 : __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3 : __##___###_#________
Generation 4 : __##___#_##_________
Generation 5 : __##____###_________
Generation 6 : __##____#_#_________
Generation 7 : __##_____#__________
Generation 8 : __##________________
Generation 9 : __##________________


<lang bbcbasic> DIM rule$(7)

     rule$() = "0", "0", "0", "1", "0", "1", "1", "0"
     now$ = "01110110101010100100"
     FOR generation% = 0 TO 9
       PRINT "Generation " ; generation% ":", now$
       next$ = ""
       FOR cell% = 1 TO LEN(now$)
         next$ += rule$(EVAL("%"+MID$("0"+now$+"0", cell%, 3)))
       NEXT cell%
       SWAP now$, next$
     NEXT generation%</lang>


Generation 0:       01110110101010100100
Generation 1:       01011111010101000000
Generation 2:       00110001101010000000
Generation 3:       00110001110100000000
Generation 4:       00110001011000000000
Generation 5:       00110000111000000000
Generation 6:       00110000101000000000
Generation 7:       00110000010000000000
Generation 8:       00110000000000000000
Generation 9:       00110000000000000000


<lang befunge>v

" !!! !! ! ! ! !  !  "                                                          ,*25                    <v
"                    "                                                           ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
"                    "                                                            ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
"                    "                                                             ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
"                    "                                                              ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
"                    "                                                               ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
"                    "                                                                ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
"                    "                                                                 ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
"                    "                                                                  ,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<v
                                                                     v$<                @,*25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<

>110p3>:1-10gg" "-4* \:10gg" "-2* \:1+10gg" "-\:54*1+`#v_20p++ :2`#v_ >:4`#v_> >$" "v

     ^                                                >$$$$320p10g1+:9`v >    >$"!"> 20g10g1+p 20g1+:20p 
     ^                                                                v_10p10g                           
                                                                      >                                 ^</lang>


<lang bracmat> ( ( evolve

   =   n z
     .   @( !arg
          : %?n ? @?z
          :   ?
              ( (   ( 000
                    | 001
                    | 010
                    | 100
                    | 111
                  & 0 !n:?n
                |   (011|101|110)
                  & 1 !n:?n
              & ~`
       | rev$(str$(!z !n))
 & 11101101010101001001:?S
 & :?seen
 &   whl
   ' ( ~(!seen:? !S ?)
     & out$!S
     & !S !seen:?seen
     & evolve$!S:?S




<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <string.h>

char trans[] = "___#_##_";

  1. define v(i) (cell[i] != '_')

int evolve(char cell[], char backup[], int len) { int i, diff = 0;

for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* use left, self, right as binary number bits for table index */ backup[i] = trans[ v(i-1) * 4 + v(i) * 2 + v(i + 1) ]; diff += (backup[i] != cell[i]); }

strcpy(cell, backup); return diff; }

int main() { char c[] = "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__\n", b[] = "____________________\n";

do { printf(c + 1); } while (evolve(c + 1, b + 1, sizeof(c) - 3)); return 0; }</lang>output


Similar to above, but without a backup string: <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

char trans[] = "___#_##_";

int evolve(char c[], int len) { int i, diff = 0;

  1. define v(i) ((c[i] & 15) == 1)
  2. define each for (i = 0; i < len; i++)

each c[i] = (c[i] == '#'); each c[i] |= (trans[(v(i-1)*4 + v(i)*2 + v(i+1))] == '#') << 4; each diff += (c[i] & 0xf) ^ (c[i] >> 4); each c[i] = (c[i] >> 4) ? '#' : '_';

  1. undef each
  2. undef v

return diff; }

int main() { char c[] = "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__\n";

do { printf(c + 1); } while (evolve(c + 1, sizeof(c) - 3)); return 0; }</lang>


Uses std::bitset for efficient packing of bit values. <lang Cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <bitset>
  2. include <string>

const int ArraySize = 20; const int NumGenerations = 10; const std::string Initial = "0011101101010101001000";

int main() {

   // + 2 for the fixed ends of the array
   std::bitset<ArraySize + 2> array(Initial);
   for(int j = 0; j < NumGenerations; ++j)
       std::bitset<ArraySize + 2> tmpArray(array);
       for(int i = ArraySize; i >= 1 ; --i)
               std::cout << "#";
               std::cout << "_";
           int val = (int)array[i-1] << 2 | (int)array[i] << 1 | (int)array[i+1];
           tmpArray[i] = (val == 3 || val == 5 || val == 6);
       array = tmpArray;
       std::cout << std::endl;





<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace prog { class MainClass { const int n_iter = 10; static int[] f = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 };

public static void Main (string[] args) { for( int i=0; i<f.Length; i++ ) Console.Write( f[i]==0 ? "-" : "#" ); Console.WriteLine("");

int[] g = new int[f.Length]; for( int n=n_iter; n!=0; n-- ) { for( int i=1; i<f.Length-1; i++ ) { if ( (f[i-1] ^ f[i+1]) == 1 ) g[i] = f[i]; else if ( f[i] == 0 && (f[i-1] & f[i+1]) == 1 ) g[i] = 1; else g[i] = 0; } g[0] = ( (f[0] & f[1]) == 1 ) ? 1 : 0; g[g.Length-1] = ( (f[f.Length-1] & f[f.Length-2]) == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;

int[] tmp = f; f = g; g = tmp;

for( int i=0; i<f.Length; i++ ) Console.Write( f[i]==0 ? "-" : "#" ); Console.WriteLine(""); } } } }</lang>


<lang clojure>(ns one-dimensional-cellular-automata

 (:require (clojure.contrib (string :as s))))

(defn next-gen [cells]

 (loop [cs cells ncs (s/take 1 cells)]
   (let [f3 (s/take 3 cs)]
     (if (= 3 (count f3))
       (recur (s/drop 1 cs)
              (str ncs (if (= 2 (count (filter #(= \# %) f3))) "#" "_")))
       (str ncs (s/drop 1 cs))))))

(defn generate [n cells]

 (if (= n 0)
   (cons cells (generate (dec n) (next-gen cells)))))

</lang> <lang clojure>one-dimensional-cellular-automata> (doseq [cells (generate 9 "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__")]

 (println cells))

_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__ _#_#####_#_#_#______ __##___##_#_#_______ __##___###_#________ __##___#_##_________ __##____###_________ __##____#_#_________ __##_____#__________ __##________________ nil </lang>


<lang cobol>

Identification division.                                        
Program-id. rc-1d-cell.                                         

Data division.                                                  
Working-storage section.                                        

  • > "Constants."
01 max-gens            pic  999  value   9.                     
01 state-width         pic   99  value  20.                     
01 state-table-init    pic x(20) value ".@@@.@@.@.@.@.@..@..".  
01 alive               pic    x  value "@".                     
01 dead                pic    x  value ".".                     

  • > The current state.
01 state-gen           pic  999  value   0.                     
01 state-row.                                                  
   05 state-row-gen   pic zz9.                                
   05 filler          pic  xx   value ": ".                   
   05 state-table.                                            
       10 state-cells pic   x   occurs 20 times.              

  • > The new state.
01 new-state-table.                                            
   05 new-state-cells pic   x   occurs 20 times.              

  • > Pointer into cell table during generational production.
01 cell-index          pic   99.                               
   88 at-beginning    value  1.                               
   88 is-inside       values 2 thru 19.                       
   88 at-end          value 20.                               

  • > The cell's neighborhood.
01 neighbor-count-def.                          
  03 neighbor-count      pic   9.
    88 is-comfy        value 1.                    
    88 is-ripe         value 2.                    

Procedure division.                                
    Perform Init-state-table.                      
    Perform max-gens times                         
        perform Display-row                        
        perform Next-state                         
    Perform Display-row.                           
    Stop run.                                      

    Move state-gen to state-row-gen.     
    Display state-row.                   

  • > Determine who lives and who dies.
    Add 1 to state-gen.                  
    Move state-table to new-state-table. 

    Perform with test after              
        varying cell-index from 1 by 1   
        until at-end                     
        perform Count-neighbors          
        perform Die-off                             
        perform New-births                          

    move new-state-table to state-table.            

  • > Living cell with wrong number of neighbors...
    if state-cells(cell-index) =                    
    alive and not is-comfy    
        then move dead to new-state-cells(cell-index)           

  • > Empty cell with exactly two neighbors are...
    if state-cells(cell-index) = dead and is-ripe
        then move alive to new-state-cells(cell-index)          
  • > How many living neighbors does a cell have?
    Move 0 to neighbor-count                        
    if at-beginning or at-end then                              
        add 1 to neighbor-count                      
      if is-inside and state-cells(cell-index - 1) = alive        
          add 1 to neighbor-count                     
      if is-inside and state-cells(cell-index + 1) = alive        
          add 1 to neighbor-count                     

  • > String is easier to enter, but table is easier to work with,
  • > so move each character of the initialization string to the
  • > state table.
    Perform with test after                    
        varying cell-index from 1 by 1         
        until at-end                           
        move state-table-init(cell-index:1)    
          to state-cells(cell-index)           


Sample output:

 0: .@@@.@@.@.@.@.@..@..
 1: .@.@@@@@.@.@.@......
 2: ..@@...@@.@.@.......
 3: ..@@...@@@.@........
 4: ..@@...@.@@.........
 5: ..@@....@@@.........
 6: ..@@....@.@.........
 7: ..@@.....@..........
 8: ..@@................
 9: ..@@................


<lang coffeescript>

  1. We could cheat and count the bits, but let's keep this general.
  2. . = dead, # = alive, middle cells survives iff one of the configurations
  3. below is satisified.

survival_scenarios = [

 '.##' # happy neighbors
 '#.#' # birth
 '##.' # happy neighbors


b2c = (b) -> if b then '#' else '.'

cell_next_gen = (left_alive, me_alive, right_alive) ->

 fingerprint = b2c(left_alive) + b2c(me_alive) + b2c(right_alive)
 fingerprint in survival_scenarios

cells_for_next_gen = (cells) ->

 # This function assumes a finite array, i.e. cells can't be born outside
 # the original array.
 (cell_next_gen(cells[i-1], cells[i], cells[i+1]) for i in [0...cells.length])

display = (cells) ->

 (b2c(is_alive) for is_alive in cells).join 

simulate = (cells) ->

 while true
   console.log display cells
   new_cells = cells_for_next_gen cells
   break if display(cells) == display(new_cells)
   cells = new_cells
 console.log "equilibrium achieved"

simulate (c == '#' for c in ".###.##.#.#.#.#..#..") </lang> output <lang> > coffee .###.##.#.#.#.#..#.. .#.#####.#.#.#...... ..##...##.#.#....... ..##...###.#........ ..##...#.##......... ..##....###......... ..##....#.#......... ..##.....#.......... ..##................ equilibrium achieved </lang>

Common Lisp

Based upon the Ruby version. <lang lisp>(defun value (x)

 (assert (> (length x) 1))
 (coerce x 'simple-bit-vector))

(defun count-neighbors-and-self (value i)

 (flet ((ref (i)
          (if (array-in-bounds-p value i)
              (bit value i)
   (declare (inline ref))
   (+ (ref (1- i))
      (ref i)
      (ref (1+ i)))))

(defun next-cycle (value)

 (let ((new-value (make-array (length value) :element-type 'bit)))
   (loop for i below (length value)
         do (setf (bit new-value i)
                  (if (= 2 (count-neighbors-and-self value i))

(defun print-world (value &optional (stream *standard-output*))

 (loop for i below (length value)
       do (princ (if (zerop (bit value i)) #\. #\#)
 (terpri stream))</lang>

<lang lisp>CL-USER> (loop for previous-value = nil then value

              for value = #*01110110101010100100 then (next-cycle value)
              until (equalp value previous-value)
              do (print-world value))

.###.##.#.#.#.#..#.. .#.#####.#.#.#...... ..##...##.#.#....... ..##...###.#........ ..##...#.##......... ..##....###......... ..##....#.#......... ..##.....#.......... ..##................</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm;

void main() {

  enum ngenerations = 10;
  enum initial = "0011101101010101001000";
  enum table = "00010110";
  char[initial.length + 2] A = '0', B = '0';
  A[1 .. $-1] = initial;
  foreach (_; 0 .. ngenerations) {
     foreach (i; 1 .. A.length-1) {
        write(A[i] == '0' ? '_' : '#');
        int val = (A[i-1]-'0' << 2) | (A[i]-'0' << 1) | (A[i+1]-'0');
        B[i] = table[val];
     swap(A, B);

}</lang> Output:


Alternative Version

Translation of: Perl 6

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.array, std.range;

void main() {

   auto A = "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__".map!q{a == '#'}.array;
   auto B = A.dup;
   do {!q{ "_#"[a] }.writeln;
       zip(A, A.cycle.drop(1), A.cycle.drop(A.length - 1))
       //.map!(t => [t[]].sum == 2).copy(B);
       .map!q{ a[0] + a[1] + a[2] == 2 }.copy(B);
   } while (A != B);



Alternative Version II

This version saves memory representing the state in an array of bits. For a higher performance a SWAR approach should be tried.

Translation of: C++

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.array, std.range, std.bitmanip;

immutable initial = "__###_##_#_#_#_#__#___"; enum numGenerations = 10;

void main() {

   BitArray A, B;
   A.length = initial.length;
   B.length = initial.length;
   // auto A = BitArray(!(c => c == '#'));
   foreach (immutable i, immutable c; initial)
       A[i] = c == '#';
   foreach (immutable _; 0 .. numGenerations) {
       //!(b => b ? '#' : '_').weiteln;
       //foreach (immutable i, immutable b; A) {
       foreach (immutable i; 1 .. A.length - 1) {
           immutable val = (cast(uint)A[i - 1] << 2) |
                           (cast(uint)A[i] << 1) |
                           cast(uint)A[i + 1];
           B[i] = val == 3 || val == 5 || val == 6;

}</lang> The output is the same as the second version.


<lang delphi>const ngenerations = 10; const table = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0];

var a := [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]; var b := a;

var i, j : Integer; for i := 1 to ngenerations do begin

  for j := a.low+1 to a.high-1 do begin
     if a[j] = 0 then
     else Print('#');
     var val := (a[j-1] shl 2) or (a[j] shl 1) or a[j+1];
     b[j] := table[val];
  var tmp := a;
  a := b;
  b := tmp;

end; </lang> Output:



<lang e>def step(state, rule) {

   var result := state(0, 1) # fixed left cell
   for i in 1..(state.size() - 2) {
       # Rule function receives the substring which is the neighborhood
       result += E.toString(rule(state(i-1, i+2)))
   result += state(state.size() - 1) # fixed right cell
   return result


def play(var state, rule, count, out) {

   out.print(`0 | $state$\n`)
   for i in 1..count {
       state := step(state, rosettaRule)
       out.print(`$i | $state$\n`)
   return state


<lang e>def rosettaRule := [

   "   " => " ",
   "  #" => " ",
   " # " => " ",
   " ##" => "#",
   "#  " => " ",
   "# #" => "#",
   "## " => "#",
   "###" => " ",


? play(" ### ## # # # # # ", rosettaRule, 9, stdout) 0 | ### ## # # # # # 1 | # ##### # # # 2 | ## ## # # 3 | ## ### # 4 | ## # ## 5 | ## ### 6 | ## # # 7 | ## # 8 | ## 9 | ##

  1. value: " ## "</lang>


<lang erlang> -module(ca). -compile(export_all).

run(N,G) ->


run(GN,G,GN) ->

   io:fwrite("~B: ",[GN]),

run(N,G,GN) ->

   io:fwrite("~B: ",[GN]),

print([]) ->


print([0|T]) ->


print([1|T]) ->


next([]) ->


next([_]) ->


next([H,1|_]=G) ->


next([_|_]=G) ->


next([],Acc) ->


next([0,_],Acc) ->


next([1,X],Acc) ->


next([0,X,0|T],Acc) ->


next([1,X,0|T],Acc) ->


next([0,X,1|T],Acc) ->


next([1,0,1|T],Acc) ->


next([1,1,1|T],Acc) ->


</lang> Example execution: <lang erlang> 44> ca:run(9,[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]). 0: __###_##_#_#_#_#__#___ 1: __#_#####_#_#_#_______ 2: ___##___##_#_#________ 3: ___##___###_#_________ 4: ___##___#_##__________ 5: ___##____###__________ 6: ___##____#_#__________ 7: ___##_____#___________ 8: ___##_________________ 9: ___##_________________ </lang>


<lang euphoria>include machine.e

function rules(integer tri)

   return tri = 3 or tri = 5 or tri = 6

end function

function next_gen(atom gen)

   atom new, bit
   new = rules(and_bits(gen,3)*2) -- work with the first bit separately
   bit = 2
   while gen > 0 do
       new += bit*rules(and_bits(gen,7))
       gen = floor(gen/2) -- shift right
       bit *= 2 -- shift left
   end while
   return new

end function

constant char_clear = '_', char_filled = '#'

procedure print_gen(atom gen)

   puts(1, int_to_bits(gen,32) * (char_filled - char_clear) + char_clear)

end procedure

function s_to_gen(sequence s)

   s -= char_clear
   return bits_to_int(s)

end function

atom gen, prev integer n

n = 0 prev = 0 gen = bits_to_int(rand(repeat(2,32))-1) while gen != prev do

   printf(1,"Generation %d: ",n)
   prev = gen
   gen = next_gen(gen)
   n += 1

end while

printf(1,"Generation %d: ",n) print_gen(gen)</lang>


Generation 0: ####__#_###_#_#_#_#_##___##_##__
Generation 1: ___#___##_##_#_#_#_###___#####__
Generation 2: _______######_#_#_##_#___#___#__
Generation 3: _______#____##_#_####___________
Generation 4: ____________###_##__#___________
Generation 5: ____________#_####______________
Generation 6: _____________##__#______________
Generation 7: _____________##_________________
Generation 8: _____________##_________________


<lang factor>USING: bit-arrays io kernel locals math sequences ; IN: cellular

bool-sum ( bool1 bool2 -- sum )
   [ [ 2 ] [ 1 ] if ]
   [ [ 1 ] [ 0 ] if ] if ;
neighbours ( index world -- # )
   index [ 1 - ] [ 1 + ] bi [ world ?nth ] bi@ bool-sum ;
count-neighbours ( world -- neighbours )
   [ length iota ] keep [ neighbours ] curry map ;
life-law ( alive? neighbours -- alive? )
   swap [ 1 = ] [ 2 = ] if ;
step ( world -- world' )
   dup count-neighbours [ life-law ] ?{ } 2map-as ;
print-cellular ( world -- )
   [ CHAR: # CHAR: _ ? ] "" map-as print ;
main-cellular ( -- )
   ?{ f t t t f t t f t f t f t f t f f t f f }
   10 [ dup print-cellular step ] times print-cellular ;

MAIN: main-cellular </lang>

( scratchpad ) "cellular" run


<lang fantom> class Automaton {

 static Int[] evolve (Int[] array)
   return |Int x, Int i -> Int|
     if (i == 0) 
       return ( (x + array[1] == 2) ? 1 : 0)
     else if (i == array.size-1)
       return ( (x + array[-2] == 2) ? 1 : 0)
     else if (x + array[i-1] + array[i+1] == 2)
       return 1
       return 0      
 public static Void main () 
   Int[] array := [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0]
   echo (array.join(""))
   Int[] newArray := evolve(array)
   while (newArray != array)
     echo (newArray.join(""))
     array = newArray
     newArray = evolve(array)

} </lang>


<lang forth>: init ( bits count -- )

 0 do dup 1 and c, 2/ loop drop ;

20 constant size create state $2556e size init 0 c,

 cr size 0 do
   state i + c@ if ." #" else space then
 loop ;
ctable create does> + c@ ;

ctable rules $68 8 init

 state c@ ( window )
 size 0 do
   2*  state i + 1+ c@ or  7 and
   dup rules state i + c!
 loop drop ;
life1d ( n -- )
 .state 1 do gen .state loop ;

10 life1d</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>PROGRAM LIFE_1D

 LOGICAL :: cells(20) = (/ .FALSE., .TRUE., .TRUE., .TRUE., .FALSE., .TRUE., .TRUE., .FALSE., .TRUE., .FALSE., &
                           .TRUE., .FALSE., .TRUE., .FALSE., .TRUE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .TRUE., .FALSE., .FALSE. /)
 DO i = 0, 9
    WRITE(*, "(A,I0,A)", ADVANCE = "NO") "Generation ", i, ": "
    CALL Drawgen(cells)
    CALL Nextgen(cells)


 SUBROUTINE Nextgen(cells)
   LOGICAL, INTENT (IN OUT) :: cells(:)
   LOGICAL :: left, centre, right
   INTEGER :: i
   left = .FALSE.
   DO i = 1, SIZE(cells)-1
      centre = cells(i)
      right = cells(i+1)
      IF (left .AND. right) THEN
         cells(i) = .NOT. cells(i)
      ELSE IF (.NOT. left .AND. .NOT. right) THEN
         cells(i) = .FALSE.
      END IF
      left = centre
   cells(SIZE(cells)) = left .AND. right
 SUBROUTINE Drawgen(cells)
   LOGICAL, INTENT (IN OUT) :: cells(:)
   INTEGER :: i
   DO i = 1, SIZE(cells)
      IF (cells(i)) THEN
         WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE = "NO") "#"
         WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE = "NO") "_"
      END IF

END PROGRAM LIFE_1D</lang> Output

Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__ 
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______ 
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______ 
Generation 3: __##___###_#________ 
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________ 
Generation 5: __##____###_________ 
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________ 
Generation 7: __##_____#__________ 
Generation 8: __##________________ 
Generation 9: __##________________


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

const start = "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__"

func main() {

   g0 := []byte(start)
   g1 := []byte(start)
   last := len(g0) - 1
   for g := 0; g < 10; g++ {
       for i := 1; i < last; i++ {
           switch {
           case g0[i-1] != g0[i+1]:
               g1[i] = g0[i]
           case g0[i] == '_':
               g1[i] = g0[i-1]
               g1[i] = '_'
       copy(g0, g1)

}</lang> Output:



Solution: <lang groovy>def life1D = { self ->

   def right = self[1..-1] + [false]
   def left = [false] + self[0..-2]
   [left, self, right].transpose().collect { hood -> hood.count { it } == 2 }


Test: <lang groovy>def cells = ('_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__' as List).collect { it == '#' } println "Generation 0: ${cells.collect { g -> g ? '#' : '_' }.join()}" (1..9).each {

   cells = life1D(cells)
   println "Generation ${it}: ${cells.collect { g -> g ? '#' : '_' }.join()}"



Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3: __##___###_#________
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________
Generation 5: __##____###_________
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________
Generation 7: __##_____#__________
Generation 8: __##________________
Generation 9: __##________________


<lang haskell>module Life1D where

import Data.List import System.Random import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow

bnd :: [Char] -> Char bnd bs =

  case bs of
       "_##" -> '#'
       "#_#" -> '#'
       "##_" -> '#'
       _     -> '_'

donxt xs = unfoldr(\xs -> case xs of [_,_] -> Nothing ;

                                     _ -> Just (bnd $ take 3 xs, drop 1 xs))  $ '_':xs++"_"

lahmahgaan xs = init.until (liftM2 (==) last (last. init)) (ap (++)(return. donxt. last)) $ [xs, donxt xs]

main = do

  g <- newStdGen
  let oersoep = map ("_#"!!). take 36 $ randomRs(0,1) g 
  mapM_ print . lahmahgaan $ oersoep</lang>

Some output: <lang haskell>*Life1D> mapM_ print . lahmahgaan $ "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__" "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__" "_#_#####_#_#_#______" "__##___##_#_#_______" "__##___###_#________" "__##___#_##_________" "__##____###_________" "__##____#_#_________" "__##_____#__________" "__##________________"

  • Life1D> main

"__##_##__#____###__#__#_______#_#_##" "__#####_______#_#______________#_###" "__#___#________#________________##_#" "________________________________###_" "________________________________#_#_" "_________________________________#__" "____________________________________"</lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang icon>

  1. One dimensional Cellular automaton

record Automaton(size, cells)

procedure make_automaton (size, items)

 automaton := Automaton (size, items)
 while (*items < size) do push (automaton.cells, 0)
 return automaton


procedure automaton_display (automaton)

 every (write ! automaton.cells)


procedure automaton_evolve (automaton)

 revised := make_automaton (automaton.size, [])
 # do the left-most cell
 if ((automaton.cells[1] + automaton.cells[2]) = 2) then
   revised.cells[1] := 1
 # do the right-most cell
 if ((automaton.cells[automaton.size] + automaton.cells[automaton.size-1]) = 2) then
   revised.cells[revised.size] := 1
 # do the intermediate cells
 every (i := 2 to (automaton.size-1)) do {
   if ((automaton.cells[i-1] + automaton.cells[i] + automaton.cells[i+1]) = 2) then
     revised.cells[i] := 1
 return revised


procedure main ()

 automaton := make_automaton (20, [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0])
 every (1 to 10) do { # generations
   automaton_display (automaton)
   automaton := automaton_evolve (automaton)

end </lang>

An alternative approach is to represent the automaton as a string. The following solution takes advantage of the implicit type coercions between string and numeric values in Icon and Unicon. It also surrounds the automaton with a border of 'dead' (always 0) cells to eliminate the need to special case the first and last cells in the automaton. Although the main procedure displays up to the first 10 generations, the evolve procedure fails if a new generation is unchanged from the previous, stopping the generation cycle early.

<lang unicon>procedure main(A)

 A := if *A = 0 then ["01110110101010100100"]
 CA := show("0"||A[1]||"0")        # add always dead border cells
 every CA := show(|evolve(CA)\10)  # limit to max of 10 generations


procedure show(ca)

 write(ca[2:-1])                   # omit border cells
 return ca


procedure evolve(CA)

 newCA := repl("0",*CA)
 every newCA[i := 2 to (*CA-1)] := (CA[i-1]+CA[i]+CA[i+1] = 2, "1")
 return CA ~== newCA               # fail if no change


A couple of sample runs:

->odca 01110110


<lang j>life1d=: '_#'{~ (2 = 3+/\ 0,],0:)^:a:</lang> Example use: <lang j> life1d ? 20 # 2 _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__ _#_#####_#_#_#______ __##___##_#_#_______ __##___###_#________ __##___#_##_________ __##____###_________ __##____#_#_________ __##_____#__________ __##________________</lang>

Alternative implementation:

<lang j>Rule=:2 :0 NB. , m: number of generations, n: rule number

 '_#'{~ (3 ((|.n#:~8#2) {~ #.)\ 0,],0:)^:(i.m)


Example use:

<lang j> 9 Rule 104 '#'='_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__' _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__ _#_#####_#_#_#______ __##___##_#_#_______ __##___###_#________ __##___#_##_________ __##____###_________ __##____#_#_________ __##_____#__________ __##________________</lang>


This example requires a starting generation of at least length two (which is what you need for anything interesting anyway). <lang java>public class Life{ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ String start= "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__"; int numGens = 10; for(int i= 0; i < numGens; i++){ System.out.println("Generation " + i + ": " + start); start= life(start); } }

public static String life(String lastGen){ String newGen= ""; for(int i= 0; i < lastGen.length(); i++){ int neighbors= 0; if (i == 0){//left edge neighbors= lastGen.charAt(1) == '#' ? 1 : 0; } else if (i == lastGen.length() - 1){//right edge neighbors= lastGen.charAt(i - 1) == '#' ? 1 : 0; } else{//middle neighbors= getNeighbors(lastGen.substring(i - 1, i + 2)); }

if (neighbors == 0){//dies or stays dead with no neighbors newGen+= "_"; } if (neighbors == 1){//stays with one neighbor newGen+= lastGen.charAt(i); } if (neighbors == 2){//flips with two neighbors newGen+= lastGen.charAt(i) == '#' ? "_" : "#"; } } return newGen; }

public static int getNeighbors(String group){ int ans= 0; if (group.charAt(0) == '#') ans++; if (group.charAt(2) == '#') ans++; return ans; } }</lang> Output:

Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______ 
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3: __##___###_#________
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________
Generation 5: __##____###_________
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________
Generation 7: __##_____#__________
Generation 8: __##________________
Generation 9: __##________________
Translation of: C

In this version, b is replaced by a backup which is local to the evolve method, and the evolve method returns a boolean. <lang java>public class Life{ private static char[] trans = "___#_##_".toCharArray();

private static int v(StringBuilder cell, int i){ return (cell.charAt(i) != '_') ? 1 : 0; }

public static boolean evolve(StringBuilder cell){ boolean diff = false; StringBuilder backup = new StringBuilder(cell.toString());

for(int i = 1; i < cell.length() - 3; i++){ /* use left, self, right as binary number bits for table index */ backup.setCharAt(i, trans[v(cell, i - 1) * 4 + v(cell, i) * 2 + v(cell, i + 1)]); diff = diff || (backup.charAt(i) != cell.charAt(i)); }

cell.delete(0, cell.length());//clear the buffer cell.append(backup);//replace it with the new generation return diff; }

public static void main(String[] args){ StringBuilder c = new StringBuilder("_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__\n");

do{ System.out.printf(c.substring(1)); }while(evolve(c)); } }</lang> Output:



The example below expects an array of 1s or 0s, as in the example. It also adds dead cells to both ends, which aren't included in the returned next generation.

state[i-1] refers to the new cell in question, (old[i] == 1) checks if the old cell was alive. <lang javascript>function caStep(old) {

 var old = [0].concat(old, [0]); // Surround with dead cells.
 var state = []; // The new state.
 for (var i=1; i<old.length-1; i++) {
   switch (old[i-1] + old[i+1]) {
     case 0: state[i-1] = 0; break;
     case 1: state[i-1] = (old[i] == 1) ? 1 : 0; break;
     case 2: state[i-1] = (old[i] == 1) ? 0 : 1; break;
 return state;


Example usage: <lang javascript>alert(caStep([0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0]));</lang> shows an alert with "0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0".


<lang K>f:{2=+/(0,x,0)@(!#x)+/:!3}</lang>

Example usage: <lang K> `0:"_X"@f\0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 _XXX_XX_X_X_X_X__X__ _X_XXXXX_X_X_X______ __XX___XX_X_X_______ __XX___XXX_X________ __XX___X_XX_________ __XX____XXX_________ __XX____X_X_________ __XX_____X__________ __XX________________ </lang>

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>' [RC] 'One-dimensional cellular automata'

global rule$, state$

rule$ ="00010110" ' Rule 22 decimal

state$ ="0011101101010101001000"

for j =1 to 20

   oldState$ =state$
   state$ ="0"
   for k =2 to 32
       NHood$ =mid$( oldState$, k -1, 3)  '   pick 3 char neighbourhood and turn binary string to decimal
       vNHood =0
       for kk =3 to 1 step -1
           vNHood =vNHood +val( mid$( NHood$, kk, 1)) *2^( 3 -kk)
       next kk
                                       '  .... & use it to index into rule$ to find appropriate new value
       state$ =state$ +mid$( rule$, vNHood +1, 1)
   next k
   print state$

next j


Locomotive Basic

<lang locobasic>10 MODE 1:n=10:READ w:DIM x(w+1),x2(w+1):FOR i=1 to w:READ x(i):NEXT 20 FOR k=1 TO n 30 FOR j=1 TO w 40 IF x(j) THEN PRINT "#"; ELSE PRINT "_"; 50 IF x(j-1)+x(j)+x(j+1)=2 THEN x2(j)=1 ELSE x2(j)=0 60 NEXT:PRINT 70 FOR j=1 TO w:x(j)=x2(j):NEXT 80 NEXT 90 DATA 20,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0</lang>


Works with: UCB Logo

<lang logo>make "cell_list [0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0] make "generations 9

to evolve :n ifelse :n=1 [make "nminus1 item :cell_count :cell_list][make "nminus1 item :n-1 :cell_list] ifelse :n=:cell_count[make "nplus1 item 1 :cell_list][make "nplus1 item :n+1 :cell_list] ifelse ((item :n :cell_list)=0) [ ifelse (and (:nminus1=1) (:nplus1=1)) [output 1][output (item :n :cell_list)] ][ ifelse (and (:nminus1=1) (:nplus1=1)) [output 0][ ifelse and (:nminus1=0) (:nplus1=0) [output 0][output (item :n :cell_list)]] ] end

to CA_1D :cell_list :generations make "cell_count count :cell_list (print ") make "printout " repeat :cell_count [ make "printout word :printout ifelse (item repcount :cell_list)=1 ["#]["_] ] (print "Generation "0: :printout)

repeat :generations [

      (make "cell_list_temp [])
      repeat :cell_count[
            (make "cell_list_temp (lput (evolve repcount) :cell_list_temp))
      make "cell_list :cell_list_temp
      make "printout "
      repeat :cell_count [
      	      make "printout word :printout ifelse (item repcount :cell_list)=1 ["#]["_]
      (print "Generation  word repcount ": :printout)

] end

CA_1D :cell_list :generations</lang> Sample Output:

Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3: __##___###_#________
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________
Generation 5: __##____###_________
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________
Generation 7: __##_____#__________
Generation 8: __##________________
Generation 9: __##________________


<lang lua>num_iterations = 9 f = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }

function Output( f, l )

   io.write( l, ":  " )
   for i = 1, #f do
       local c
       if f[i] == 1 then c = '#' else c = '_' end
       io.write( c )
   print ""


Output( f, 0 )

for l = 1, num_iterations do

   local g = {}
   for i = 2, #f-1 do
       if f[i-1] + f[i+1] == 1 then 
           g[i] = f[i]
       elseif f[i] == 0 and f[i-1] + f[i+1] == 2 then
           g[i] = 1
           g[i] = 0 
   if f[1]  == 1 and f[2]    == 1 then g[1]  = 1 else g[1]  = 0 end
   if f[#f] == 1 and f[#f-1] == 1 then g[#f] = 1 else g[#f] = 0 end        
   f, g = g, f
   Output( f, l )

end </lang>

0:  _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
1:  _#_#####_#_#_#______
2:  __##___##_#_#_______
3:  __##___###_#________
4:  __##___#_##_________
5:  __##____###_________
6:  __##____#_#_________
7:  __##_____#__________
8:  __##________________
9:  __##________________


<lang M4>divert(-1) define(`set',`define(`$1[$2]',`$3')') define(`get',`defn(`$1[$2]')') define(`setrange',`ifelse(`$3',`',$2,`define($1[$2],$3)`'setrange($1,


dnl throw in sentinels at each end (0 and size+1) to make counting easy define(`new',`set($1,size,eval($#-1))`'setrange($1,1,





  `for(`k',1,get($1,size),`get($1,k) ')')

dnl swap(`a',a,`b') using arg stack for temp define(`swap',`define(`$1',$3)`'define(`$3',$2)') define(`nalive',


setrange(`live',0,0,1,0) setrange(`dead',0,0,0,1) define(`nv',




new(`a',0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0) set(`b',size,get(`a',size))`'set(`b',0,0)`'set(`b',incr(get(`a',size)),0) define(`x',`a') define(`y',`b') divert for(`j',1,10,




0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Built-in function: <lang Mathematica>CellularAutomaton[{{0,0,_}->0,{0,1,0}->0,{0,1,1}->1,{1,0,0}->0,{1,0,1}->1,{1,1,0}->1,{1,1,1}->0},{{1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1},0},12] Print @@@ (% /. {1 -> "#", 0 -> "."});</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>###.##.#.#.#.#..#

  1. .#####.#.#.#....

.##...##.#.#..... .##...###.#...... .##...#.##....... .##....###....... .##....#.#....... .##.....#........ .##.............. .##.............. .##.............. .##.............. .##..............</lang>

MATLAB / Octave

<lang MATLAB>function one_dim_cell_automata(v,n)

  while n>=0;

disp(V(v+1)); n = n-1; v = filter([1,1,1],1,[0,v,0]); v = v(3:end)==2;



octave:27> one_dim_cell_automata('01110110101010100100'=='1',20);


Translation of: Ada

Modula-3 provides a module Word for doing bitwise operations, but it segfaults when trying to use BOOLEAN types, so we use INTEGER instead. <lang modula3>MODULE Cell EXPORTS Main;

IMPORT IO, Fmt, Word;

VAR culture := ARRAY [0..19] OF INTEGER {0, 1, 1, 1,

                                        0, 1, 1, 0, 
                                        1, 0, 1, 0, 
                                        1, 0, 1, 0, 
                                        0, 1, 0, 0};


 VAR left: INTEGER := 0;
     this, right: INTEGER;
   FOR i := FIRST(culture) TO LAST(culture) - 1 DO
     right := culture[i + 1];
     this := culture[i];
     culture[i] := 
         Word.Or(Word.And(this, Word.Xor(left, right)), Word.And(Word.Not(this), Word.And(left, right)));
     left := this;
   culture[LAST(culture)] := Word.And(culture[LAST(culture)], Word.Not(left));
 END Step;


   FOR i := FIRST(culture) TO LAST(culture) DO
     IF culture[i] = 1 THEN
 END Put;


 FOR i := 0 TO 9 DO
   IO.Put("Generation " & Fmt.Int(i) & " ");

END Cell.</lang> Output:

Generation 0 _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1 _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2 __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3 __##___###_#________
Generation 4 __##___#_##_________
Generation 5 __##____###_________
Generation 6 __##____#_#_________
Generation 7 __##_____#__________
Generation 8 __##________________
Generation 9 __##________________


(life.nial) <lang nial>% we need a way to write a values and pass the same back wi is rest link [write, pass] % calculate the neighbors by rotating the array left and right and joining them neighbors is pack [pass, sum [-1 rotate, 1 rotate]] % calculate the individual birth and death of a single array element igen is fork [ = [ + [first, second], 3 first], 0 first, = [ + [first, second], 2 first], 1 first, 0 first ] % apply that to the array nextgen is each igen neighbors % 42 life is fork [ > [sum pass, 0 first], life nextgen wi, pass ]</lang> Using it <lang nial>|loaddefs 'life.nial' |I := [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0] |life I</lang>


<lang Nimrod> import math randomize()


 TBoolArray = array[0..30, bool] # an array that is indexed with 0..10
 TSymbols = tuple[on: char , off: char]


   num_turns = 20
   symbols:TSymbols = ('#','_')

proc `==` (x:TBoolArray,y:TBoolArray): bool =

   if len(x) != len(y):
       return False
   for i in 0..(len(x)-1):
       if x[i] != y[i]:
           return False
   return True

proc count_neighbours(map:TBoolArray , tile:int):int =

   result = 0
   if tile != len(map)-1 and map[tile+1]:
       result += 1
   if tile != 0 and map[tile-1]:
       result += 1

proc print_map(map:TBoolArray, symbols:TSymbols) =

   for i in map:
       if i:

proc random_map(): TBoolArray =

   var map = [False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,
   for i in 0..(len(map)-1):
       map[i] = bool(random(2))
   return map

proc fixed_map(): TBoolArray =

   var map = [False,True,True,True,False,True,True,False,True,False,True,
   return map
  1. make the map

var map:TBoolArray

  1. map = random_map() # uncomment for random start

map = fixed_map() print_map(map,symbols) for i in 0..num_turns:

   var new_map = map
   for j in 0..(len(map)-1):
       if map[j]:
           if count_neighbours(map, j) == 2 or
               count_neighbours(map, j) == 0:
               new_map[j] = False
           if count_neighbours(map, j) == 2:
               new_map[j] = True
   if new_map == map:
   map = new_map

</lang> Example output:


Using a string character counting method: <lang nimrod>const

 s_init: string = "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__"
 arrLen: int = 20

var q0: string = s_init & repeatChar(arrLen-20,'_') var q1: string = q0

proc life(s:string): char =

  var str: string = s
  if len(normalize(str)) == 2:      # normalize eliminates underscores
     return '#'
  return '_'

proc evolve(q: string): string =

  result = repeatChar(arrLen,'_')
  #result[0] = '_'
  for i in 1 .. q.len-1:
     result[i] = life(substr(q & '_',i-1,i+1))

echo(q1) q1 = evolve(q0) echo(q1) while q1 != q0:

  q0 = q1
  q1 = evolve(q0)

Example output:



<lang ocaml>let get g i =

 try g.(i)
 with _ -> 0

let next_cell g i =

 match get g (i-1), get g (i), get g (i+1) with
 | 0, 0, 0 -> 0
 | 0, 0, 1 -> 0
 | 0, 1, 0 -> 0
 | 0, 1, 1 -> 1
 | 1, 0, 0 -> 0
 | 1, 0, 1 -> 1
 | 1, 1, 0 -> 1
 | 1, 1, 1 -> 0
 | _ -> assert(false)

let next g =

 let old_g = Array.copy g in
 for i = 0 to pred(Array.length g) do
   g.(i) <- (next_cell old_g i)

let print_g g =

 for i = 0 to pred(Array.length g) do
   if g.(i) = 0
   then print_char '_'
   else print_char '#'

put the code above in a file named "", and then use it in the ocaml toplevel like this:

#use "" ;;

let iter n g =
  for i = 0 to n do
    Printf.printf "Generation %d: " i; print_g g;
    next g;

let g_of_string str =
  let f = (function '_' -> 0 | '#' -> 1 | _ -> assert false) in
  Array.init (String.length str) (fun i -> f str.[i])

# iter 9 (g_of_string "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__") ;;
Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3: __##___###_#________
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________
Generation 5: __##____###_________
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________
Generation 7: __##_____#__________
Generation 8: __##________________
Generation 9: __##________________
- : unit = ()


<lang oz>declare

 A0 = {List.toTuple unit "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__"}
 MaxGenerations = 9
 Rules = unit('___':&_
 fun {Evolve A}
    {Record.mapInd A
     fun {$ I V}
        Left = {CondSelect A I-1 &_}
        Right = {CondSelect A I+1 &_}
        Env = {String.toAtom [Left V Right]}
 fun lazy {Iterate X F}
    X|{Iterate {F X} F}


    I in 0..MaxGenerations
    A in {Iterate A0 Evolve}
    {System.showInfo "Gen. "#I#": "#{Record.toList A}}


Gen. 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Gen. 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______
Gen. 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Gen. 3: __##___###_#________
Gen. 4: __##___#_##_________
Gen. 5: __##____###_________
Gen. 6: __##____#_#_________
Gen. 7: __##_____#__________
Gen. 8: __##________________
Gen. 9: __##________________


This version defines the fixed cells to the left and right as dead; of course other versions are possible. This function generates one generation from a previous one, passed as a 0-1 vector. <lang parigp>step(v)=my(u=vector(#v),k);u[1]=v[1]&v[2];u[#u]=v[#v]&v[#v-1];for(i=2,#v-1,k=v[i-1]+v[i+1];u[i]=if(v[i],k==1,k==2));u;</lang>


Use regexp to extract and substitute cells while the string changes

Convert cells to zeros and ones to set complement state <lang perl> $_="_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__\n"; do {

 s/(?<=(.))(.)(?=(.))/$1 == $3 ? $1 ? 1-$2 : 0 : $2/eg;

} while ($x ne $_ and $x=$_); </lang>

Use hash for complement state <lang perl> $_="_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__\n"; %h=qw(# _ _ #); do {

 s/(?<=(.))(.)(?=(.))/$1 eq $3 ? $1 eq "_" ? "_" : $h{$2} : $2/eg;

} while ($x ne $_ and $x=$_); </lang>

Both versions output:


Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo Star version 2010.08

Short though it is, this solution even detects stability. Z+ is a zip metaop with addition, and X== is a cross metaop with equality. (Crossing with a scalar always producing a list of the same length.) We have taken the slight liberty of defining a wraparound universe, but it doesn't matter for this example. <lang perl6>my @c = <_ #>; my @array = '_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__' { $_ eq '#' };

repeat until @array eqv my @prev {

   say @c[@prev = @array];
   @array = ((@array Z+ @array.rotate(1)) Z+ @array.rotate(-1)) X== 2;





<lang PicoLisp>(let Cells (chop "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__")

  (do 10
     (prinl Cells)
     (setq Cells
           (link "_")
                 (case (head 3 L)
                    (`(mapcar chop '("___" "__#" "_#_" "#__" "###"))
                        (link "_") )
                    (`(mapcar chop '("_##" "#_#" "##_"))
                       (link "#") ) ) )
              Cells )
           (link "_") ) ) ) )</lang>




Works ith SWI-Prolog. <lang Prolog>one_dimensional_cellular_automata(L) :- maplist(my_write, L), nl, length(L, N), length(LN, N), % there is a 0 before the beginning compute_next([0 |L], LN), ( L \= LN -> one_dimensional_cellular_automata(LN); true).

% All the possibilites compute_next([0, 0, 0 | R], [0 | R1]) :- compute_next([0, 0 | R], R1).

compute_next([0, 0, 1 | R], [0 | R1]) :- compute_next([0, 1 | R], R1).

compute_next([0, 1, 0 | R], [0 | R1]) :- compute_next([1, 0 | R], R1).

compute_next([0, 1, 1 | R], [1 | R1]) :- compute_next([1, 1 | R], R1).

compute_next([1, 0, 0 | R], [0 | R1]) :- compute_next([0, 0 | R], R1).

compute_next([1, 0, 1 | R], [1 | R1]) :- compute_next([0, 1 | R], R1).

compute_next([1, 1, 0 | R], [1 | R1]) :- compute_next([1, 0 | R], R1).

compute_next([1, 1, 1 | R], [0 | R1]) :- compute_next([1, 1 | R], R1).

% the last four possibilies => % we consider that there is à 0 after the end compute_next([0, 0], [0]).

compute_next([1, 0], [0]).

compute_next([0, 1], [0]).

compute_next([1, 1], [1]).

my_write(0) :- write(.).

my_write(1) :- write(#).

one_dimensional_cellular_automata :- L = [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0], one_dimensional_cellular_automata(L). </lang> Output :

 ?- one_dimensional_cellular_automata.
true .


<lang PureBasic>EnableExplicit Dim cG.i(21) Dim nG.i(21) Define.i n, Gen


 Data.i 0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0

EndDataSection For n=1 To 20

 Read.i cG(n)


OpenConsole() Repeat

 Print("Generation "+Str(Gen)+": ")
 For n=1 To 20
 Gen +1
 For n=1 To 20
   If (cG(n) And (cG(n-1) XOr cg(n+1))) Or (Not cG(n) And (cG(n-1) And cg(n+1)))
 Swap cG() , nG()

Until Gen > 9

PrintN("Press any key to exit"): Repeat: Until Inkey() <> ""</lang>Output:

Generation 0: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation 1: _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation 2: __##___##_#_#_______
Generation 3: __##___###_#________
Generation 4: __##___#_##_________
Generation 5: __##____###_________
Generation 6: __##____#_#_________
Generation 7: __##_____#__________
Generation 8: __##________________
Generation 9: __##________________


Python: Straightforward interpretation of spec

<lang python>import random

printdead, printlive = '_#' maxgenerations = 10 cellcount = 20 offendvalue = '0'

universe = .join(random.choice('01') for i in range(cellcount))

neighbours2newstate = {

'000': '0',
'001': '0',
'010': '0',
'011': '1',
'100': '0',
'101': '1',
'110': '1',
'111': '0',

for i in range(maxgenerations):

   print "Generation %3i:  %s" % ( i,
         universe.replace('0', printdead).replace('1', printlive) )
   universe = offendvalue + universe + offendvalue
   universe = .join(neighbours2newstate[universe[i:i+3]] for i in range(cellcount))</lang>

Sample output:

Generation   0:  _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
Generation   1:  _#_#####_#_#_#______
Generation   2:  __##___##_#_#_______
Generation   3:  __##___###_#________
Generation   4:  __##___#_##_________
Generation   5:  __##____###_________
Generation   6:  __##____#_#_________
Generation   7:  __##_____#__________
Generation   8:  __##________________
Generation   9:  __##________________

Python: Using boolean operators on bits

The following implementation uses boolean operations to realize the function. <lang python>import random

nquads = 5 maxgenerations = 10 fmt = '%%0%ix'%nquads nbits = 4*nquads a = random.getrandbits(nbits) << 1

  1. a = int('01110110101010100100', 2) << 1

endmask = (2<<nbits)-2; endvals = 0<<(nbits+1) | 0 tr = ('____', '___#', '__#_', '__##', '_#__', '_#_#', '_##_', '_###',

     '#___', '#__#', '#_#_', '#_##', '##__', '##_#', '###_', '####' )

for i in range(maxgenerations):

  print "Generation %3i:  %s" % (i,(.join(tr[int(t,16)] for t in (fmt%(a>>1)))))
  a |= endvals
  a = ((a&((a<<1) | (a>>1))) ^ ((a<<1)&(a>>1))) & endmask</lang>

Python: Sum neighbours == 2

This example makes use of the observation that a cell is alive in the next generation if the sum with its current neighbours of alive cells is two. <lang python>>>> gen = [ch == '#' for ch in '_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__'] >>> for n in range(10): print(.join('#' if cell else '_' for cell in gen)) gen = [0] + gen + [0] gen = [sum(gen[m:m+3]) == 2 for m in range(len(gen)-2)]

_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__ _#_#####_#_#_#______ __##___##_#_#_______ __##___###_#________ __##___#_##_________ __##____###_________ __##____#_#_________ __##_____#__________ __##________________ __##________________ >>> </lang>


<lang R>set.seed(15797, kind="Mersenne-Twister")

maxgenerations = 10 cellcount = 20 offendvalue = FALSE

    1. Cells are alive if TRUE, dead if FALSE

universe <- c(offendvalue,

             sample( c(TRUE, FALSE), cellcount, replace=TRUE),
    1. List of patterns in which the cell stays alive

stayingAlive <- lapply(list(c(1,1,0),

                           c(0,1,0)), as.logical)
    1. x : length 3 logical vector
    2. map: list of length 3 logical vectors that map to patterns
    3. in which x stays alive

deadOrAlive <- function(x, map) list(x) %in% map

cellularAutomata <- function(x, map) {

   c(x[1], apply(embed(x, 3), 1, deadOrAlive, map=map), x[length(x)])


deadOrAlive2string <- function(x) {

   paste(ifelse(x, '#', '_'), collapse="")


for (i in 1:maxgenerations) {

   universe <- cellularAutomata(universe, stayingAlive)
   cat(format(i, width=3), deadOrAlive2string(universe), "\n")


Sample output,

  1 _##_____####_#___#_#__ 
  2 _##_____#__##_____#___ 
  3 _##________##_________ 
  4 _##________##_________ 
  5 _##________##_________ 
  6 _##________##_________ 
  7 _##________##_________ 
  8 _##________##_________ 
  9 _##________##_________ 
 10 _##________##_________ 


<lang racket>#lang racket

(define (update cells)

 (for/list ([crowding (map +
                           (append '(0) (drop-right cells 1))
                           (append (drop cells 1) '(0)))])
   (if (= 2 crowding) 1 0)))

(define (life-of cells time)

 (unless (zero? time)
   (displayln cells)
   (life-of (update cells) (sub1 time))))

(life-of '(0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0)

  1. | (0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0)
  (0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
  (0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) |#</lang>


This REXX version will show (as a default) 40 generations, or less if the generations of cellular automata repeat. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm displays generations of one-dimensional cellular automata. */ arg $ limit .; if $== | $==',' then $=001110110101010 /*default*/

                   if limit==       then limit=40           /*default*/
  do gen=0  to limit
  say ' generation'  right(gen,length(limit)) ' ' translate($,'#·',10)
  @='·'                                                   /*next gener.*/
      do j=2  to length($);        x=substr($,j-1,3)      /*get a cell.*/
      if x==011 | x==101 | x==110  then @=overlay(1,@,j)  /*cell lives.*/
                                   else @=overlay(0,@,j)  /*cell  dies.*/
      end   /*j*/
  if $==@  then do; say right('repeats',40); leave; end   /*it repeats?*/
  $=@                                 /*now use the next gen of cells. */
  end      /*gen*/
                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

output when using the default input

 generation  0   ··###·##·#·#·#·
 generation  1   ··#·#####·#·#··
 generation  2   ···##···##·#···
 generation  3   ···##···###····
 generation  4   ···##···#·#····
 generation  5   ···##····#·····
 generation  6   ···##··········


<lang Retro>{{

 : $, ( $- ) withLength [ @+ , ] times @ , ;
 create this   ".###.##.#.#.#.#..#.." $,
 create next   this getLength allot
 create group  "..." $,
 variable neighbours
 : reset                  0 !neighbours ;
 : hasNeighbour?          @ '# = [ neighbours ++ ] ifTrue ;
 : countNeighboursOnEdge  '# = [ 1 ] [ 0 ] if !neighbours ;
 : flip                   dup this + @ '# = [ '. ] [ '# ] if ;
 : extract                dup this + 1- group 3 copy ;
 : count
   ( left   ) [  0 = ] [ @this        countNeighboursOnEdge ] when
   ( right  ) [ 19 = ] [  this 19 + @ countNeighboursOnEdge ] when
   ( middle ) reset extract group dup 2 + 2hasNeighbour? ;
 : process
   reset count @neighbours
   [ 0 = ] [ drop dup next + '. swap !       ] when
   [ 1 = ] [ drop dup this + @ over next + ! ] when
   [ 2 = ] [ drop flip over next + !         ] when
   drop ;
 : generation
   0 this getLength
   [ process 1+ ] times drop
   next this withLength copy ;


 : generations
   cr 0 swap [ [ this swap "%d %s\n" puts ] sip generation 1+ ] times drop ;


Sample Output:

10 generations
0 .###.##.#.#.#.#..#..
1 .#.#####.#.#.#......
2 ..##...##.#.#.......
3 ..##...###.#........
4 ..##...#.##.........
5 ..##....###.........
6 ..##....#.#.........
7 ..##.....#..........
8 ..##................
9 ..##................


<lang ruby>def evolve(ary)

 ([0]+ary+[0]).each_cons(3).map{|a,b,c| a+b+c == 2 ? 1 : 0}


def printit(ary)



ary = [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0] printit ary until ary == (new = evolve(ary))

 printit ary = new




Works with: Scala version 2.8

<lang scala>def cellularAutomata(s: String) = {

 def it = Iterator.iterate(s) ( generation =>
   ("_%s_" format generation).iterator 
   sliding 3 
   map (_ count (_ == '#')) 
   map Map(2 -> "#").withDefaultValue("_") 
 (it drop 1) zip it takeWhile Function.tupled(_ != _) map (_._2) foreach println



scala> cellularAutomata("_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__")


Works with: Scheme version RRS

<lang scheme>(define (next-generation left petri-dish right)

 (if (null? petri-dish)
     (cons (if (= (+ left
                     (car petri-dish)
                     (if (null? (cdr petri-dish))
                         (cadr petri-dish)))
           (next-generation (car petri-dish) (cdr petri-dish) right))))

(define (display-evolution petri-dish generations)

 (if (not (zero? generations))
     (begin (display petri-dish)
            (display-evolution (next-generation 0 petri-dish 0)
                               (- generations 1)))))

(display-evolution (list 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0) 10)</lang> Output:

(1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0)
(1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)


A graphical cellular automaton can be found here.

<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const string: start is "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__";

const proc: main is func

   var string: g0 is start;
   var string: g1 is start;
   var integer: generation is 0;
   var integer: i is 0;
   for generation range 0 to 9 do
     for i range 2 to pred(length(g0)) do
       if g0[i-1] <> g0[i+1] then
         g1 @:= [i] g0[i];
       elsif g0[i] = '_' then
         g1 @:= [i] g0[i-1];
         g1 @:= [i] '_'
       end if;
     end for;
     g0 := g1;
   end for;
 end func;</lang>




<lang tcl>proc evolve {a} {

   set new [list]
   for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $a]} {incr i} {
       lappend new [fate $a $i]
   return $new


proc fate {a i} {

   return [expr {[sum $a $i] == 2}]


proc sum {a i} {

   set sum 0
   set start [expr {$i - 1 < 0 ? 0 : $i - 1}]
   set end [expr {$i + 1 >= [llength $a] ? $i : $i + 1}]
   for {set j $start} {$j <= $end} {incr j} {
       incr sum [lindex $a $j]        
   return $sum


proc print {a} {

   puts [string map {0 _ 1 #} [join $a ""]]


proc parse {s} {

   return [split [string map {_ 0 # 1} $s] ""]


set array [parse "_###_##_#_#_#_#__#__"] print $array while {[set new [evolve $array]] ne $array} {

   set array $new
   print $array



Three functions are defined. Rule takes a neighborhood of three cells to the succeeding value of the middle one, step takes a list of cells to its successor by applying the rule across a sliding window, and evolve takes an initial list of cells to a list of those evolving from it according to the rule. The cells are maintained as a list of booleans (0 and &) but are converted to characters for presentation in the example code. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

rule = -$<0,0,0,&,0,&,&,0>@rSS zipp0*ziD iota8

step = rule*+ swin3+ :/0+ --<0>

evolve "n" = @iNC ~&x+ rep"n" ^C/step@h ~&

  1. show+

example = ~&?(`#!,`.!)** evolve10 <0,&,&,&,0,&,&,0,&,0,&,0,&,0,0,&,0,0></lang> output:


Vedit macro language

This implementation writes the calculated patterns into an edit buffer, where the results can viewed and saved into a file if required. The edit buffer also acts as storage during calculations. <lang vedit>IT("Gen 0: ..###.##.#.#.#.#..#.....") // initial pattern

  1. 9 = Cur_Col

for (#8 = 1; #8 < 10; #8++) { // 10 generations

   while (Cur_Col < #9-1) {
       if (Match("|{##|!#,#.#,|!###}")==0) {
           Reg_Set(20, "#", APPEND)
       } else {
           Reg_Set(20, ".", APPEND)
   IT("Gen ") Num_Ins(#8, LEFT+NOCR) IT(": ")


Sample output: <lang vedit>Gen 0: ..###.##.#.#.#.#..#..... Gen 1: ..#.#####.#.#.#......... Gen 2: ...##...##.#.#.......... Gen 3: ...##...###.#........... Gen 4: ...##...#.##............ Gen 5: ...##....###............ Gen 6: ...##....#.#............ Gen 7: ...##.....#............. Gen 8: ...##................... Gen 9: ...##...................</lang>

Visual Basic .NET

This implementation is run from the command line. The command is followed by a string of either 1's or #'s for an active cell, or 0's or _'s for an inactive one.

<lang Visual Basic .NET>Imports System.Text

Module CellularAutomata

   Private Enum PetriStatus
   End Enum
   Function Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String) As Integer
       If cmdArgs.Length = 0 Or cmdArgs.Length > 1 Then
           Console.WriteLine("Command requires string of either 1s and 0s or #s and _s.")
           Return 1
       End If
       Dim petriDish As BitArray
           petriDish = InitialisePetriDish(cmdArgs(0))
       Catch ex As Exception
           Return 1
       End Try
       Dim generation As Integer = 0
       Dim ps As PetriStatus = PetriStatus.Active
       Do While True
           If ps = PetriStatus.Stable Then
               Console.WriteLine("Sample stable after {0} generations.", generation - 1)
               Exit Do
               Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", generation.ToString("D3"), BuildDishString(petriDish))
               If ps = PetriStatus.Dead Then
                   Console.WriteLine("Sample dead after {0} generations.", generation)
                   Exit Do
               End If
           End If
           ps = GetNextGeneration(petriDish)
           generation += 1
       Return 0
   End Function
   Private Function InitialisePetriDish(ByVal Sample As String) As BitArray
       Dim PetriDish As New BitArray(Sample.Length)
       Dim dead As Boolean = True
       For i As Integer = 0 To Sample.Length - 1
           Select Case Sample.Substring(i, 1)
               Case "1", "#"
                   PetriDish(i) = True
                   dead = False
               Case "0", "_"
                   PetriDish(i) = False
               Case Else
                   Throw New Exception("Illegal value in string position " & i)
                   Return Nothing
           End Select
       If dead Then
           Throw New Exception("Entered sample is dead.")
           Return Nothing
       End If
       Return PetriDish
   End Function
   Private Function GetNextGeneration(ByRef PetriDish As BitArray) As PetriStatus
       Dim petriCache = New BitArray(PetriDish.Length)
       Dim neighbours As Integer
       Dim stable As Boolean = True
       Dim dead As Boolean = True
       For i As Integer = 0 To PetriDish.Length - 1
           neighbours = 0
           If i > 0 AndAlso PetriDish(i - 1) Then neighbours += 1
           If i < PetriDish.Length - 1 AndAlso PetriDish(i + 1) Then neighbours += 1
           petriCache(i) = (PetriDish(i) And neighbours = 1) OrElse (Not PetriDish(i) And neighbours = 2)
           If PetriDish(i) <> petriCache(i) Then stable = False
           If petriCache(i) Then dead = False
       PetriDish = petriCache
       If dead Then Return PetriStatus.Dead
       If stable Then Return PetriStatus.Stable
       Return PetriStatus.Active
   End Function
   Private Function BuildDishString(ByVal PetriDish As BitArray) As String
       Dim sw As New StringBuilder()
       For Each b As Boolean In PetriDish
           sw.Append(IIf(b, "#", "_"))
       Return sw.ToString()
   End Function

End Module</lang>


C:\>CellularAutomata _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
000: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
001: _#_#####_#_#_#______
002: __##___##_#_#_______
003: __##___###_#________
004: __##___#_##_________
005: __##____###_________
006: __##____#_#_________
007: __##_____#__________
008: __##________________
Sample stable after 8 generations.



<lang python>def (gens n l)

 prn l
 repeat n
   zap! gen l
   prn l

def (gen l)

 with (a nil  b nil  c l.0)
   collect nil  # won't insert paren without second token
     each x cdr.l
       shift! a b c x
       yield (next a b c)
     yield (next b c nil)

def (next a b c) # next state of b given neighbors a and c

 if (and a c)  not.b
    (or a c)  b</lang>

Output looks a little ugly:

ready! type in an expression, then hit enter twice. ctrl-d exits.
gens 5 '(1 1 1 nil 1)

(1 1 1 nil 1)
(1 nil 1 1 nil)
(nil 1 1 1 nil)
(nil 1 nil 1 nil)
(nil nil 1 nil nil)
(nil nil nil nil nil)

More sophisticated

<lang python>def (uca l) # new datatype: unidim CA

 (tag uca (list l len.l))

def (len l) :case (isa uca l) # how to compute its length


defcoerce uca list # converting it to list

 (fn(_) rep._.0)

def (pr l) :case (isa uca l) # how to print it

 each x l
   pr (if x "#" "_")
  1. (l i) returns ith cell when l is a uca, and nil when i is out-of-bounds

defcall uca (l i)

 if (0 <= i < len.l)

def (gens n l)

 prn l
 repeat n
   zap! nextgen l
   prn l

def (nextgen l)

 uca+collect+for i 0 (i < len.l) ++i
   yield (next (l i-1) l.i (l i+1))
  1. next state of b, given neighbors a and c

def (next a b c)

 if (and a c) not.b
    (or a c)  b</lang>

Output is prettier now:

ready! type in an expression, then hit enter twice. ctrl-d exits.
gens 10 (uca '(nil 1 1 1 nil 1 1 nil 1 nil 1 nil 1 nil 1 nil nil 1 nil nil))



<lang XPL0>code ChOut=8, CrLf=9; int Gen, Now, New, I; [Now:= $076A_A400; for Gen:= 1 to 10 do

   [for I:= 31 downto 0 do ChOut(0, if Now & 1<>(I-1) & 7 of %011, %101, %110: New:= New ! 1<<I other;
   Now:= New;


