Most frequent k chars distance

Revision as of 17:13, 21 April 2017 by Trizen (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: updated code)
This task has been flagged for clarification. Code on this page in its current state may be flagged incorrect once this task has been clarified. See this page's Talk page for discussion.

In information theory, the MostFreqKDistance is a string metric for quickly estimating how similar two ordered sets or strings are. The scheme was invented by Sadi Evren SEKER,[1] and initially used in text mining applications like author recognition.[1] This method is originally based on a hashing function, MaxFreqKChars[2] classical author recognition problem and idea first came out while studying data stream mining.[3] The string distance

Most frequent k chars distance is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Most frequent k characters. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)


Method has two steps.

  • Hash input strings str1 and str2 separately using MostFreqKHashing and output hstr1 and hstr2 respectively
  • Calculate string distance (or string similarity coefficient) of two hash outputs, hstr1 and hstr2 and output an integer value

Most Frequent K Hashing

The first step of algorithm is calculating the hashing based on the most frequent k characters. The hashing algorithm has below steps:

string function MostFreqKHashing (string inputString, int K)
    def string outputString
    for each distinct characters 
        count occurrence of each character
    for i from 0 to K 
        char c = next most frequent ith character  (if two chars have same frequency than get the first occurrence in inputString)
        int count = number of occurrence of the character
        append to outputString, c and count
    end for
    return outputString

Aim of 'Most Frequent K Hashing' function is calculating the most count of each character and returning the K most frequent character with the character and count. Rules of hash can be listed as below:

  • Output will hold the character and count
  • Most frequent character and count will appear before the least frequent at the output
  • if two characters have equal frequency, the first appearing in input will appear before at the output

Similar to the most of hashing functions, Most Frequent K Hashing is also a wp:one way function.

Most Frequent K Distance

Distance calculation between two strings is based on the hash outputs of two strings.

int function MostFreqKSimilarity (string inputStr1, string inputStr2)
    def int similarity
    for each c = next character from inputStr1
        lookup c in inputStr2
        if c is not null
            similarity += frequency of c in inputStr1 + frequency of c in inputStr2
    return similarity

Above function, simply gets two input strings, previously outputted from the MostFreqKHashing function. From the most frequent k hashing function, the characters and their frequencies are returned. So, the similarity function calculates the similarity based on characters and their frequencies by checking if the same character appears on both strings and if their frequencies are equal.

In some implementations, the distance metric is required instead of similarity coefficient. In order to convert the output of above similarity coefficient to distance metric, the output can be subtracted from any constant value (like the maximum possible output value). For the case, it is also possible to implement a wp:wrapper function over above two functions.

String Distance Wrapper Function

In order to calculate the distance between two strings, below function can be implemented

int function MostFreqKSDF (string inputStr1, string inputStr2, int K, int maxDistance)
    return maxDistance - MostFreqKSimilarity(MostFreqKHashing(inputStr1,K), MostFreqKHashing(inputStr2,K))

Any call to above string distance function will supply two input strings and a maximum distance value. The function will calculate the similarity and subtract that value from the maximum possible distance. It can be considered as a simple wp:additive inverse of similarity.


Let's consider maximum 2 frequent hashing over two strings ‘research’ and ‘seeking’. <lang javascript>MostFreqKHashing('research',2) = 'r2e2'</lang> because we have 2 'r' and 2 'e' characters with the highest frequency and we return in the order they appear in the string. <lang javascript>MostFreqKHashing('seeking',2) = 'e2s1'</lang> Again we have character 'e' with highest frequency and rest of the characters have same frequency of 1, so we return the first character of equal frequencies, which is 's'. Finally we make the comparison: <lang javascript>MostFreqKSimilarity('r2e2','e2s1') = 2</lang> We simply compared the outputs and only character occurring in both input is character 'e' and the occurrence in both input is 2. Instead running the sample step by step as above, we can simply run by using the string distance wrapper function as below: <lang javascript>MostFreqKSDF('research', 'seeking',2) = 2</lang>

Below table holds some sample runs between example inputs for K=2:

Inputs Hash Outputs SDF Output (max from 10)





















Method is also suitable for bioinformatics to compare the genetic strings like in wp:fasta format

MostFreqKHashing(str1,2) = L9T8
MostFreqKHashing(str2,2) = F9L8
MostFreqKSDF(str1,str2,2,100) = 83



<lang cpp>#include <string>

  1. include <vector>
  2. include <map>
  3. include <iostream>
  4. include <algorithm>
  5. include <utility>
  6. include <sstream>

std::string mostFreqKHashing ( const std::string & input , int k ) {

  std::ostringstream oss ;
  std::map<char, int> frequencies ;
  for ( char c : input ) {
     frequencies[ c ] = std::count ( input.begin( ) , input.end( ) , c ) ;
  std::vector<std::pair<char , int>> letters ( frequencies.begin( ) , frequencies.end( ) ) ;
  std::sort ( letters.begin( ) , letters.end( ) , [input] ( std::pair<char, int> a ,

std::pair<char, int> b ) { char fc = std::get<0>( a ) ; char fs = std::get<0>( b ) ; int o = std::get<1>( a ) ; int p = std::get<1>( b ) ; if ( o != p ) { return o > p ; } else { return input.find_first_of( fc ) < input.find_first_of ( fs ) ; } } ) ;

  for ( int i = 0 ; i < letters.size( ) ; i++ ) {
     oss << std::get<0>( letters[ i ] ) ;
     oss << std::get<1>( letters[ i ] ) ;
  std::string output ( oss.str( ).substr( 0 , 2 * k ) ) ;
  if ( letters.size( ) >= k ) {
     return output ;
  else {
     return output.append( "NULL0" ) ;


int mostFreqKSimilarity ( const std::string & first , const std::string & second ) {

  int i = 0 ;
  while ( i < first.length( ) - 1  ) {
     auto found = second.find_first_of( first.substr( i , 2 ) ) ;
     if ( found != std::string::npos ) 

return std::stoi ( first.substr( i , 2 )) ;


i += 2 ;

  return 0 ;


int mostFreqKSDF ( const std::string & firstSeq , const std::string & secondSeq , int num ) {

  return mostFreqKSimilarity ( mostFreqKHashing( firstSeq , num ) , mostFreqKHashing( secondSeq , num ) ) ;


int main( ) {

  std::cout << "MostFreqKHashing( s1 , 2 ) = " << mostFreqKHashing( s1 , 2 ) << '\n' ;
  std::cout << "MostFreqKHashing( s2 , 2 ) = " << mostFreqKHashing( s2 , 2 ) << '\n' ;
  return 0 ;

} </lang>

MostFreqKHashing( s1 , 2 ) = L9T8
MostFreqKHashing( s2 , 2 ) = F9L8


<lang Haskell>module MostFrequentK


import Data.List ( nub , sortBy ) import qualified Data.Set as S

count :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int count [] x = 0 count ( x:xs ) k

  |x == k = 1 + count xs k
  |otherwise = count xs k

orderedStatistics :: String -> [(Char , Int)] orderedStatistics s = sortBy myCriterion $ nub $ zip s ( map (\c -> count s c ) s )

     myCriterion :: (Char , Int) -> (Char , Int) -> Ordering
     myCriterion (c1 , n1) (c2, n2) 

|n1 > n2 = LT |n1 < n2 = GT |n1 == n2 = compare ( found c1 s ) ( found c2 s )

     found :: Char -> String -> Int
     found e s = length $ takeWhile (/= e ) s

mostFreqKHashing :: String -> Int -> String mostFreqKHashing s n = foldl ((++)) [] $ map toString $ take n $ orderedStatistics s

     toString :: (Char , Int) -> String
     toString ( c , i ) = c : show i

mostFreqKSimilarity :: String -> String -> Int mostFreqKSimilarity s t = snd $ head $ S.toList $ S.fromList ( doublets s ) `S.intersection`

                          S.fromList ( doublets t )
     toPair :: String -> (Char , Int)
     toPair s = ( head s , fromEnum ( head $ tail s ) - 48 )
     doublets :: String -> [(Char , Int)]
     doublets str = map toPair [take 2 $ drop start str | start <- [0 , 2 ..length str - 2]]

mostFreqKSDF :: String -> String -> Int ->Int mostFreqKSDF s t n = mostFreqKSimilarity ( mostFreqKHashing s n ) (mostFreqKHashing t n ) </lang>



Solution:<lang j>NB. String Distance Wrapper Function mfksDF =: {:@:[ - (mfks@:(mfkh&.>)~ {.)~

NB. Most Frequent K Distance mfks =: score@:(charMap@:[ {"1 charVals@:])/@:kHashes

 score    =.  ([ +/ .* =)/                  NB. (+ +/ .* *.&:*)/  for sum += freq_in_left + freq_in_right
 charMap  =.  (,&< i.&> <@:~.@:,)&;/
 charVals =.  (; , 0:)"1
 kHashes  =.  0 1 |: ({.&>~ [: <./ #&>)

NB. Most Frequent K Hashing mfkh =: _&$: : (takeK freqHash) NB. Default LHA of _ means "return complete frequency table"

 takeK    =.  (<.#) {. ]
 freqHash =.  ~. (] \:~ ,.&:(<"0)) #/.~ 

NB. No need to fix mfksDF mfkh =: mfkh f. mfks =: mfks f.</lang>

Examples:<lang j>verb define fkh =. ;@:,@:(":&.>) NB. format k hash

assert. 'r2e2 e2s1' (-: [: fkh 2&mfkh)&>&;: 'research seeking' assert. 2 = mfks 2 mfkh&.> 'research';'seeking'

assert. 'n1i1 n1a1' (-: [: fkh 2&mfkh)&>&;: 'night nacht' assert. 9 = 2 10 mfksDF 'night';'nacht'

assert. 'm1y1 a1' (-: [: fkh 2&mfkh)&>&;: 'my a' assert. 10 = 2 10 mfksDF 'my';'a'

assert. 'r2e2' -: fkh 2 mfkh 'research' assert. 6 = 2 10 mfksDF 'research';'research' NB. task says 8; right answer is 6

assert. 'a5b4 a5b4' (-: [: fkh 2&mfkh)&>&;: 'aaaaabbbb ababababa' assert. 1 = 2 10 mfksDF 'aaaaabbbb';'ababababa'

assert. 'i3n2 i3a2' (-: [: fkh 2&mfkh)&>&;: 'significant capabilities' assert. 7 = 2 10 mfksDF 'significant';'capabilities' NB. task says 5; right answer is 7


'pass' )


Notes: As of press time, there are significant discrepancies between the task description, its pseudocode, the test cases provided, and the two other existing implementations. See the talk page for the assumptions made in this implementation to reconcile these discrepancies (in particular, in the scoring function).


This example is incomplete. Works now when there more than 10 occurences of a character in string. Please check, there can be more elegant way to deal with it. Comment was : This will fail catastrophically on “ABACADAEAFAEADACABA” as that has 10 ‘A’ characters in it. Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.

Translation of the pseudo-code of the Wikipedia article wp:Most frequent k characters to wp:java implementation of three functions given in the definition section are given below with wp:JavaDoc comments:

<lang java>import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map;

public class SDF {

   /** Counting the number of occurrences of each character
    * @param character array
    * @return hashmap : Key = char, Value = num of occurrence
   public static HashMap<Character, Integer> countElementOcurrences(char[] array) {
       HashMap<Character, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
       for (char element : array) {
           Integer count = countMap.get(element);
           count = (count == null) ? 1 : count + 1;
           countMap.put(element, count);
       return countMap;
    * Sorts the counted numbers of characters (keys, values) by java Collection List
    * @param HashMap (with key as character, value as number of occurrences)
    * @return sorted HashMap
   private static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>>
           HashMap<K, V> descendingSortByValues(HashMap<K, V> map) { 

List<Map.Entry<K, V>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<K, V>>(map.entrySet()); // Defined Custom Comparator here Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>>() { public int compare(Map.Entry<K, V> o1, Map.Entry<K, V> o2) { return o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue()); } });

// Here I am copying the sorted list in HashMap // using LinkedHashMap to preserve the insertion order HashMap<K, V> sortedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(); for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : list) { sortedHashMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return sortedHashMap;

    * get most frequent k characters
    * @param array of characters
    * @param limit of k
    * @return hashed String 
   public static String mostOcurrencesElement(char[] array, int k) {
       HashMap<Character, Integer> countMap = countElementOcurrences(array);
       Map<Character, Integer> map = descendingSortByValues(countMap); 
       int i = 0;
       String output = "";
       for (Map.Entry<Character, Integer> pairs : map.entrySet()) {

if (i++ >= k) break;

           output += "" + pairs.getKey() + pairs.getValue();
       return output;
    * Calculates the similarity between two input strings
    * @param input string 1
    * @param input string 2
    * @param maximum possible limit value 
    * @return distance as integer
   public static int getDiff(String str1, String str2, int limit) {
       int similarity = 0;

int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str1.length() ; i = k) { k ++; if (Character.isLetter(str1.charAt(i))) { int pos = str2.indexOf(str1.charAt(i));

if (pos >= 0) { String digitStr1 = ""; while ( k < str1.length() && !Character.isLetter(str1.charAt(k))) { digitStr1 += str1.charAt(k); k++; }

int k2 = pos+1; String digitStr2 = ""; while (k2 < str2.length() && !Character.isLetter(str2.charAt(k2)) ) { digitStr2 += str2.charAt(k2); k2++; }

similarity += Integer.parseInt(digitStr2) + Integer.parseInt(digitStr1);

} } } return Math.abs(limit - similarity);

    * Wrapper function 
    * @param input string 1
    * @param input string 2
    * @param maximum possible limit value 
    * @return distance as integer
   public static int SDFfunc(String str1, String str2, int limit) {
       return getDiff(mostOcurrencesElement(str1.toCharArray(), 2), mostOcurrencesElement(str2.toCharArray(), 2), limit);
   public static void main(String[] args) {



<lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl use strict ; use warnings ;

sub mostFreqHashing {

  my $inputstring = shift ;
  my $howmany = shift ;
  my $outputstring ;
  my %letterfrequencies = findFrequencies ( $inputstring ) ;
  my @orderedChars = sort { $letterfrequencies{$b} <=> $letterfrequencies{$a} ||
     index( $inputstring , $a ) <=> index ( $inputstring , $b ) } keys %letterfrequencies ;
  for my $i ( 0..$howmany - 1 ) {
     $outputstring .= ( $orderedChars[ $i ] . $letterfrequencies{$orderedChars[ $i ]} ) ;
  return $outputstring ;


sub findFrequencies {

  my $input = shift ;
  my %letterfrequencies ;
  for my $i ( 0..length( $input ) - 1 ) {
     $letterfrequencies{substr( $input , $i , 1 ) }++ ;
  return %letterfrequencies ;


sub mostFreqKSimilarity {

  my $first = shift ;
  my $second = shift ;
  my $similarity = 0 ;
  my %frequencies_first = findFrequencies( $first ) ;
  my %frequencies_second = findFrequencies( $second ) ;
  foreach my $letter ( keys %frequencies_first ) {
     if ( exists ( $frequencies_second{$letter} ) ) {

$similarity += ( $frequencies_second{$letter} + $frequencies_first{$letter} ) ;

  return $similarity ;


sub mostFreqKSDF {

  (my $input1 , my $input2 , my $k , my $maxdistance ) = @_ ;
  return $maxdistance - mostFreqKSimilarity( mostFreqHashing( $input1 , $k) ,

mostFreqHashing( $input2 , $k) ) ; }

my $firststring = "LCLYTHIGRNIYYGSYLYSETWNTGIMLLLITMATAFMGYVLPWGQMSFWGATVITNLFSAIPYIGTNLV" ; my $secondstring = "EWIWGGFSVDKATLNRFFAFHFILPFTMVALAGVHLTFLHETGSNNPLGLTSDSDKIPFHPYYTIKDFLG" ; print "MostFreqKHashing ( " . '$firststring , 2)' . " is " . mostFreqHashing( $firststring , 2 ) . "\n" ; print "MostFreqKHashing ( " . '$secondstring , 2)' . " is " . mostFreqHashing( $secondstring , 2 ) . "\n" ; </lang>

MostFreqKHashing ( $firststring , 2) is L9T8
MostFreqKHashing ( $secondstring , 2) is F9L8


Works with: Python version 2.7+

unoptimized and limited <lang python>import collections def MostFreqKHashing(inputString, K):

   occuDict = collections.defaultdict(int)
   for c in inputString:
       occuDict[c] += 1
   occuList = sorted(occuDict.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
   outputStr = .join(c + str(cnt) for c, cnt in occuList[:K])
   return outputStr 
  1. If number of occurrence of the character is not more than 9

def MostFreqKSimilarity(inputStr1, inputStr2):

   similarity = 0
   for i in range(0, len(inputStr1), 2):
       c = inputStr1[i]
       cnt1 = int(inputStr1[i + 1])
       for j in range(0, len(inputStr2), 2):
           if inputStr2[j] == c:
               cnt2 = int(inputStr2[j + 1])
               similarity += cnt1 + cnt2
   return similarity

def MostFreqKSDF(inputStr1, inputStr2, K, maxDistance):

   return maxDistance - MostFreqKSimilarity(MostFreqKHashing(inputStr1,K), MostFreqKHashing(inputStr2,K))</lang>


A version that replaces the intermediate string with OrderedDict to reduce the time complexity of lookup operation: <lang python>import collections def MostFreqKHashing(inputString, K):

   occuDict = collections.defaultdict(int)
   for c in inputString:
       occuDict[c] += 1
   occuList = sorted(occuDict.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
   outputDict = collections.OrderedDict(occuList[:K])
   #Return OrdredDict instead of string for faster lookup.
   return outputDict 

def MostFreqKSimilarity(inputStr1, inputStr2):

   similarity = 0
   for c, cnt1 in inputStr1.items():
       #Reduce the time complexity of lookup operation to about O(1).
       if c in inputStr2: 
           cnt2 = inputStr2[c]
           similarity += cnt1 + cnt2
   return similarity

def MostFreqKSDF(inputStr1, inputStr2, K, maxDistance):

   return maxDistance - MostFreqKSimilarity(MostFreqKHashing(inputStr1,K), MostFreqKHashing(inputStr2,K))</lang>

Test: <lang python>str1 = "LCLYTHIGRNIYYGSYLYSETWNTGIMLLLITMATAFMGYVLPWGQMSFWGATVITNLFSAIPYIGTNLV" str2 = "EWIWGGFSVDKATLNRFFAFHFILPFTMVALAGVHLTFLHETGSNNPLGLTSDSDKIPFHPYYTIKDFLG" K = 2 maxDistance = 100 dict1 = MostFreqKHashing(str1, 2) print("%s:"%dict1) print(.join(c + str(cnt) for c, cnt in dict1.items())) dict2 = MostFreqKHashing(str2, 2) print("%s:"%dict2) print(.join(c + str(cnt) for c, cnt in dict2.items())) print(MostFreqKSDF(str1, str2, K, maxDistance))</lang>

OrderedDict([('L', 9), ('T', 8)]):
OrderedDict([('F', 9), ('L', 8)]):


<lang Racket>#lang racket

(define (MostFreqKHashing inputString K)

 (define t (make-hash))
 (for ([c (in-string inputString)] [i (in-naturals)])
   (define b (cdr (hash-ref! t c (λ() (cons i (box 0))))))
   (set-box! b (add1 (unbox b))))
 (define l (for/list ([(k v) (in-hash t)]) (list (car v) k (unbox (cdr v)))))
 (map cdr (take (sort (sort l < #:key car) > #:key caddr) K)))

(define (MostFreqKSimilarity inputStr1 inputStr2) ; not strings in this impl.

 (for*/sum ([c1 (in-list inputStr1)] [c2 (in-value (assq (car c1) inputStr2))]
            #:when c2)
   (+ (cadr c1) (cadr c2))))

(define (MostFreqKSDF inputStr1 inputStr2 K maxDistance)

 (- maxDistance (MostFreqKSimilarity (MostFreqKHashing inputStr1 K)
                                     (MostFreqKHashing inputStr2 K))))


2 100)
=> 83
(Should add more tests, but it looks like there's a bunch of mistakes
in the given tests...)



<lang ruby>func _MostFreqKHashing(string, k) {

   var seen = Hash()
   var chars = string.chars
   var freq = chars.freq
   var schars = freq.keys.sort_by {|c| -freq{c} }
   var mfkh = []
   for i in ^k {
       chars.each { |c|
           seen{c} && next
           if (freq{c} == freq{schars[i]}) {
               seen{c} = true
               mfkh << Hash(c => c, f => freq{c})
   mfkh << (k-seen.len -> of { Hash(c => :NULL, f => 0) }...)


func MostFreqKSDF(a, b, k, d) {

   var mfkh_a = _MostFreqKHashing(a, k);
   var mfkh_b = _MostFreqKHashing(b, k);
   d - gather {
       mfkh_a.each { |s|
           s{:c} == :NULL && next
           mfkh_b.each { |t|
               s{:c} == t{:c} &&
                   take(s{:f} + (s{:f} == t{:f} ? 0 : t{:f}))


func MostFreqKHashing(string, k) {

   gather {
       _MostFreqKHashing(string, k).each { |h|
           take("%s%d" % (h{:c}, h{:f}))



say "str1 = #{str1.dump}" say "str2 = #{str2.dump}"


say("MostFreqKHashing(str1, 2) = ", MostFreqKHashing(str1, 2)) say("MostFreqKHashing(str2, 2) = ", MostFreqKHashing(str2, 2)) say("MostFreqKSDF(str1, str2, 2, 100) = ", MostFreqKSDF(str1, str2, 2, 100))


var arr = [

   %w(night nacht),
   %w(my a),
   %w(research research),
   %w(aaaaabbbb ababababa),
   %w(significant capabilities),


var k = 2 var limit = 10

for s,t in arr {

   "mfkh(%s, %s, #{k}) = [%s, %s] (SDF: %d)\n".printf(
       s.dump, t.dump,
       MostFreqKHashing(s, k).dump,
       MostFreqKHashing(t, k).dump,
       MostFreqKSDF(s, t, k, limit),



MostFreqKHashing(str1, 2) = L9T8
MostFreqKHashing(str2, 2) = F9L8
MostFreqKSDF(str1, str2, 2, 100) = 83

mfkh("night", "nacht", 2) = ["n1i1", "n1a1"] (SDF: 9)
mfkh("my", "a", 2) = ["m1y1", "a1NULL0"] (SDF: 10)
mfkh("research", "research", 2) = ["r2e2", "r2e2"] (SDF: 6)
mfkh("aaaaabbbb", "ababababa", 2) = ["a5b4", "a5b4"] (SDF: 1)
mfkh("significant", "capabilities", 2) = ["i3n2", "i3a2"] (SDF: 7)


Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

proc MostFreqKHashing {inputString k} {

   foreach ch [split $inputString ""] {dict incr count $ch}
   join [lrange [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -integer -decreasing $count] 0 [expr {$k*2-1}]] ""

} proc MostFreqKSimilarity {hashStr1 hashStr2} {

   while {$hashStr2 ne ""} {

regexp {^(.)(\d+)(.*)$} $hashStr2 -> ch n hashStr2 set lookup($ch) $n

   set similarity 0
   while {$hashStr1 ne ""} {

regexp {^(.)(\d+)(.*)$} $hashStr1 -> ch n hashStr1 if {[info exist lookup($ch)]} { incr similarity $n incr similarity $lookup($ch) }

   return $similarity

} proc MostFreqKSDF {inputStr1 inputStr2 k limit} {

   set h1 [MostFreqKHashing $inputStr1 $k]
   set h2 [MostFreqKHashing $inputStr2 $k]
   expr {$limit - [MostFreqKSimilarity $h1 $h2]}


A more efficient metric calculator

This version is appreciably more efficient because it does not compute the intermediate string representation “hash”, instead working directly on the intermediate dictionaries and lists: <lang tcl>proc MostFreqKSDF {inputStr1 inputStr2 k limit} {

   set c1 [set c2 {}]
   foreach ch [split $inputStr1 ""] {dict incr c1 $ch}
   foreach ch [split $inputStr2 ""] {dict incr c2 $ch}
   set c2 [lrange [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -integer -decreasing $c2[set c2 {}]] 0 [expr {$k*2-1}]]
   set s 0
   foreach {ch n} [lrange [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -integer -decreasing $c1[set c1 {}]] 0 [expr {$k*2-1}]] {

if {[dict exists $c2 $ch]} { incr s [expr {$n + [dict get $c2 $ch]}] }

   return [expr {$limit - $s}]

}</lang> It computes the identical value on the identical inputs.
