
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 10:41, 4 February 2016 by rosettacode>G.Brougnard (fixed typo)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is to implement a metronome. The metronome should be capable of producing high and low audio beats, accompanied by a visual beat indicator, and the beat pattern and tempo should be configurable.

For the purpose of this task, it is acceptable to play sound files for production of the beat notes, and an external player may be used. However, the playing of the sounds should not interfere with the timing of the metronome.

The visual indicator can simply be a blinking red or green area of the screen (depending on whether a high or low beat is being produced), and the metronome can be implemented using a terminal display, or optionally, a graphical display, depending on the language capabilities. If the language has no facility to output sound, then it is permissible for this to implemented using just the visual indicator.


Rather basic implementation, but meets the requirements and is reasonably accurate. <lang AHK>bpm = 120 ; Beats per minute pattern = 4/4 ; duration = 100 ; Milliseconds beats = 0  ; internal counter

Gui -Caption

StringSplit, p, pattern, /

Start := A_TickCount

Loop { Gui Color, 0xFF0000 Gui Show, w200 h200 Na SoundBeep 750, duration beats++ Sleep 1000 * 60 / bpm - duration Loop % p1 -1 { Gui Color, 0x00FF00 Gui Show, w200 h200 Na SoundBeep, , duration beats++ Sleep 1000 * 60 / bpm - duration } }

Esc:: MsgBox % "Metronome beeped " beats " beats, over " (A_TickCount-Start)/1000 " seconds. " ExitApp</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> BeatPattern$ = "HLLL"

     Tempo% = 100
     *font Arial,36
       FOR beat% = 1 TO LEN(BeatPattern$)
         IF MID$(BeatPattern$, beat%, 1) = "H" THEN
           SOUND 1,-15,148,1
           SOUND 1,-15,100,1
         VDU 30
         COLOUR 2
         PRINT LEFT$(BeatPattern$,beat%-1);
         COLOUR 9
         PRINT MID$(BeatPattern$,beat%,1);
         COLOUR 2
         PRINT MID$(BeatPattern$,beat%+1);
         WAIT 6000/Tempo%
     UNTIL FALSE</lang>


Using usleep with self correcting delays. Audio is the bell character, which will definitely drive one insane (but I'm ok: my computer doesn't have the bell device). Invoke with ./a.out [beats_per_minute], default to 60. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <unistd.h>
  3. include <stdint.h>
  4. include <signal.h>
  5. include <time.h>
  6. include <sys/time.h>

struct timeval start, last;

inline int64_t tv_to_u(struct timeval s) { return s.tv_sec * 1000000 + s.tv_usec; }

inline struct timeval u_to_tv(int64_t x) { struct timeval s; s.tv_sec = x / 1000000; s.tv_usec = x % 1000000; return s; }

void draw(int dir, int64_t period, int64_t cur, int64_t next) { int len = 40 * (next - cur) / period; int s, i;

if (len > 20) len = 40 - len; s = 20 + (dir ? len : -len);

printf("\033[H"); for (i = 0; i <= 40; i++) putchar(i == 20 ? '|': i == s ? '#' : '-'); }

void beat(int delay) { struct timeval tv = start; int dir = 0; int64_t d = 0, corr = 0, slp, cur, next = tv_to_u(start) + delay; int64_t draw_interval = 20000; printf("\033[H\033[J"); while (1) { gettimeofday(&tv, 0); slp = next - tv_to_u(tv) - corr; usleep(slp); gettimeofday(&tv, 0);

putchar(7); /* bell */ fflush(stdout);

printf("\033[5;1Hdrift: %d compensate: %d (usec) ", (int)d, (int)corr); dir = !dir;

cur = tv_to_u(tv); d = cur - next; corr = (corr + d) / 2; next += delay;

while (cur + d + draw_interval < next) { usleep(draw_interval); gettimeofday(&tv, 0); cur = tv_to_u(tv); draw(dir, delay, cur, next); fflush(stdout); } } }

int main(int c, char**v) { int bpm;

if (c < 2 || (bpm = atoi(v[1])) <= 0) bpm = 60; if (bpm > 600) { fprintf(stderr, "frequency %d too high\n", bpm); exit(1); }

gettimeofday(&start, 0); last = start; beat(60 * 1000000 / bpm);

return 0; }</lang>

Common Lisp

Depends on quicklisp and OpenAL. <lang lisp>(ql:quickload '(cl-openal cl-alc))

(defparameter *short-max* (- (expt 2 15) 1)) (defparameter *2-pi* (* 2 pi))

(defun make-sin (period)

 "Create a generator for a sine wave of the given PERIOD."
 (lambda (x)
   (sin (* *2-pi* (/ x period)))))

(defun make-tone (length frequency sampling-frequency)

 "Create a vector containing sound information of the given LENGTH,


 (let ((data (make-array (truncate (* length sampling-frequency))
                         :element-type '(signed-byte 16)))
       (generator (make-sin (/ sampling-frequency frequency))))
   (dotimes (i (length data))
     (setf (aref data i)
           (truncate (* *short-max* (funcall generator i)))))

(defun internal-time-ms ()

 "Get the process's real time in ms."
 (* 1000 (/ (get-internal-real-time) internal-time-units-per-second)))

(defun spin-wait (next-real-time)

 "Wait until the process's real time has reached the given time."
 (loop while (< (internal-time-ms) next-real-time)))

(defun upload (buffer data sampling-frequency)

 "Upload the given vector DATA to a BUFFER at the given SAMPLING-FREQUENCY."
 (cffi:with-pointer-to-vector-data (data-ptr data)
   (al:buffer-data buffer :mono16 data-ptr (* 2 (length data))

(defun metronome (beats/minute pattern &optional (sampling-frequency 44100))

 "Play a metronome until interrupted."
 (let ((ms/beat (/ 60000 beats/minute)))
   (alc:with-device (device)
     (alc:with-context (context device)
       (alc:make-context-current context)
       (al:with-buffer (low-buffer)
         (al:with-buffer (high-buffer)
           (al:with-source (source)
             (al:source source :gain 0.5)
             (flet ((play-it (buffer)
                      (al:source source :buffer buffer)
                      (al:source-play source))
                    (upload-it (buffer time frequency)
                      (upload buffer
                              (make-tone time frequency sampling-frequency)
               (upload-it low-buffer 0.1 440)
               (upload-it high-buffer 0.15 880)
               (let ((next-scheduled-tone (internal-time-ms)))
                    (loop for symbol in pattern do
                         (spin-wait next-scheduled-tone)
                         (incf next-scheduled-tone ms/beat)
                         (case symbol
                           (l (play-it low-buffer))
                           (h (play-it high-buffer)))
                         (princ symbol))
CL-USER> (metronome 100 '(h l l l))
HLL; Evaluation aborted on NIL.


<lang scheme>

available preloaded sounds are
ok, ko, tick, tack, woosh, beep, digit .

(lib 'timer)

(define (metronome) (blink) (play-sound 'tack)) (at-every 1000 'metronome) ;; every 1000 msec

CTRL-C to stop



<lang factor>USING: accessors calendar circular colors.constants colors.hsv command-line continuations io kernel math math.parser namespaces openal.example sequences system timers ui ui.gadgets ui.pens.solid ; IN: rosetta-code.metronome

bpm>duration ( bpm -- duration ) 60 swap / seconds ;
blink-gadget ( gadget freq -- )
   1.0 1.0 1.0 <hsva>  <solid> >>interior relayout-1 ;
blank-gadget ( gadget -- )
   COLOR: white <solid> >>interior relayout-1 ;
play-note ( gadget freq -- )
   [ blink-gadget ] [ 0.3 play-sine blank-gadget ] 2bi ;
metronome-iteration ( gadget circular -- )
   [ first play-note ] [ rotate-circular ] bi ;

TUPLE: metronome-gadget < gadget bpm notes timer ;

<metronome-gadget> ( bpm notes -- gadget )
   \ metronome-gadget new swap >>notes swap >>bpm ;
metronome-quot ( gadget -- quot )
   dup notes>> <circular> [ metronome-iteration ] 2curry ;
metronome-timer ( gadget -- timer )
   [ metronome-quot ] [ bpm>> bpm>duration ] bi every ;

M: metronome-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )

   [ metronome-timer ] keep timer<< ;

M: metronome-gadget ungraft*

   timer>> stop-timer ;

M: metronome-gadget pref-dim* drop { 200 200 } ;

metronome-defaults ( -- bpm notes ) 60 { 440 220 330 } ;
metronome-ui ( bpm notes -- ) <metronome-gadget> "Metronome" open-window ;
metronome-example ( -- ) metronome-defaults metronome-ui ;
validate-args ( int-args -- )
   [ length 2 < ] [ [ 0 <= ] any? ] bi or [ "args error" throw ] when ;
(metronome-cmdline) ( args -- bpm notes )
   [ string>number ] map dup validate-args
   unclip swap ;
metronome-cmdline ( -- bpm notes )
   command-line get [ metronome-defaults ] [ (metronome-cmdline) ] if-empty ;
print-defaults ( -- )
 metronome-defaults swap prefix
 [ " " write ] [ number>string write ] interleave nl ;
metronome-usage ( -- )
   "Usage: metronome [BPM FREQUENCIES...]" print
   "Arguments must be non-zero" print
   "Example: metronome " write print-defaults flush ;
metronome-main ( -- )
    [ [ metronome-cmdline metronome-ui ] [ drop metronome-usage 1 exit ] recover ] with-ui ;

MAIN: metronome-main</lang>


As with the Perl example, just simple text output. It would be reasonably simple (but covered better in other tasks) to change bpm and bpb into command line arguments, make it a function/object, and/or substitute sound production instead of text output.

time.Ticker's documentation says that it "adjusts the intervals or drops ticks to make up for slow receivers". So, as long as the output or sound production finishes before the next tick, the timing will be reliable and will not drift which is the gist of this task. <lang go>package main

import ( "fmt" "time" )

func main() { var bpm = 72.0 // Beats Per Minute var bpb = 4 // Beats Per Bar

d := time.Duration(float64(time.Minute) / bpm) fmt.Println("Delay:", d) t := time.NewTicker(d) i := 1 for _ = range t.C { i-- if i == 0 { i = bpb fmt.Printf("\nTICK ") } else { fmt.Printf("tick ") } } }</lang>

Delay: 833.333333ms

TICK tick tick tick 
TICK tick tick tick 
TICK tick ^C


Works with: GHC version 7.4.2

<lang Haskell>import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.MVar import System.Process (runCommand)

-- This program works only on the GHC compiler because of the use of -- threadDelay

data Beep = Stop | Hi | Low

type Pattern = [Beep]

type BeatsPerMinute = Int

minute = 60000000 -- 1 minute = 60,000,000 microseconds

-- give one of the following example patterns to the metronome function

pattern4_4 = [Hi, Low, Low, Low] pattern2_4 = [Hi, Low] pattern3_4 = [Hi, Low, Low] pattern6_8 = [Hi, Low, Low, Low, Low, Low]

-- use this version if you can't play audio, use Windows or don't -- have audio files to play -- beep :: Beep -> IO () -- beep Stop = return () -- beep Hi = putChar 'H' -- beep Low = putChar 'L'

-- use this version if you can and want to play audio on Linux using -- Alsa. Change the name of the files to those of your choice

beep Stop = return () beep Hi = putChar 'H' >> runCommand "aplay hi.wav &> /dev/null" >> return () beep Low = putChar 'L' >> runCommand "aplay low.wav &> /dev/null" >> return ()

tick :: MVar Pattern -> BeatsPerMinute -> IO () tick b i = do

   t <- readMVar b
   case t of
       [Stop] -> return ()
       x -> do
           mapM_ (\v -> forkIO (beep v) >> threadDelay (minute `div` i)) t
           tick b i

metronome :: Pattern -> BeatsPerMinute -> IO () metronome p i = do

   putStrLn "Press any key to stop the metronome."
   b <- newMVar p
   _ <- forkIO $ tick b i
   _ <- getChar
   putMVar b [Stop]</lang>

Liberty BASIC

Requires two supplied wav files for accentuated & standard sounds. <lang lb> WindowWidth =230

   WindowHeight =220
   button #w.b1 "Start",   [start],   LR, 110, 90, 55, 20
   button #w.b2 "Tempo",   [tempo],   LR, 180, 90, 55, 20
   button #w.b3 "Pattern", [pattern], LR,  40, 90, 55, 20
   open "Metronome" for graphics_nsb_nf as #w
   #w "trapclose quit"
   #w "down"
   #w "fill darkblue ; backcolor darkblue ; color white"
   tempo    =   60              '   per minute
   interval =1000 /(tempo /60)  '   timer works in ms
   tickCount =   0              '   cycle counter
   running   =   1              '   flag for state
   bar$      = "HLLL"           '   initially strong-weak-weak-weak
   count     = len( bar$)

sub quit w$

   close #w$

end sub


   if running =1 then
       running =0
       #w.b1 "Stop"
       #w.b2 "!disable"
       #w.b3 "!disable"
       running =1
       #w.b1 "Start"
       #w.b2 "!enable"
       #w.b3 "!enable"
   end if
   if running =0 then timer interval, [tick] else timer 0


   prompt "New tempo 30...360"; tempo$
   tempo =val( tempo$)
   tempo =min( tempo, 360)
   tempo =max( tempo, 30)
   interval =int( 1000 /(tempo /60))


   prompt "New Pattern, eg 'HLLL' "; bar$
   count =len( bar$)
   if count <2 or count >8 then goto [pattern]


   'beep and flash
   #w "place 115 40"
   if mid$( bar$, tickCount +1, 1) ="H" then
       playwave "mHi.wav", async
       #w "backcolor blue ; color white ; circlefilled "; 20 -tickCount *2
       playwave "mLo.wav", async
       #w "backcolor cyan ; circlefilled "; 20 -tickCount *2
   end if
   #w "place 50 140 ; backcolor darkblue ; color white"
   #w "\  "; tempo; " beats /min."
   #w "place 85 160"
   #w "\"; bar$
   #w "place 85 120"
   #w "\Beat # "; tickCount +1
   #w "place 115 40"
   #w "color darkblue"
   tickCount =( tickCount +1) mod count
   #w "flush"

Perl 6

This code only uses textual output, but any noise-generating commands may be substituted; as long as they are executed synchronously, and do not run longer than the specified duration, the timing loop will compensate, since the sequence operator is determining a list of absolute times for each sleep to target. <lang perl6>sub MAIN ($beats-per-minute = 72, $beats-per-bar = 4) {

   my $duration = 60 / $beats-per-minute;
   my $base-time = now + $duration;
   my $i;
   for $base-time, $base-time + $duration ... * -> $next-time {
       if $i++ %% $beats-per-bar {
           print "\nTICK";
       else {
           print  " tick";
       sleep $next-time - now;

}</lang> Sample run:

$ metronome 120 6

TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick^C


A short beep (440 Hz, 40 msec) is produced in a child process, while a "pendulum" is swinging left and right. Hitting any key will stop it. <lang PicoLisp>(de metronome (Bpm)

  (if (fork)
     (let Pid @
        (for Pendulum '(" /" . ("^H^H\\ " "^H^H /" .))
           (tell Pid 'call "/usr/bin/beep" "-f" 440 "-l" 40)
           (prin Pendulum)
           (T (key (*/ 30000 Bpm)) (tell Pid 'bye)) )
        (prinl) )
     (wait) ) )</lang>

Test: <lang PicoLisp>: (metronome 60)


-> NIL # A key was hit</lang>


Metronome features:

  • A periodic graphical-metronomimic image.
  • The wav file is included within the resulting executable as raw data.
  • A milliseconds between each click field in order to assess accuracy.
  • Fine tuning of the click-rate judged via the milliseconds between each click field.
  • Volumn controls for when you just can't stand it anymore!
PureBasic output

<lang PureBasic>

Structure METRONOMEs string_mil.i string_err.i string_bmp.i volumn.i image_metronome.i EndStructure


  10. TEXT_BMP
  13. WINDOW


If Not InitSound() MessageRequester("Error", "Sound system is not available", 0) End EndIf

the wav file saved as raw data
[?sClick < address of label sClick:]
Data.a $52,$49,$46,... [?eClick-?sClick the # of bytes]
[?eClick < address of label eClick:]

If Not CatchSound(0,?sClick,?eClick-?sClick) MessageRequester("Error", "Could not CatchSound", 0) End EndIf

If LoadFont(0,"tahoma",9,#PB_Font_HighQuality|#PB_Font_Bold) SetGadgetFont(#PB_Default, FontID(0)) EndIf

Procedure.i Metronome(*m.METRONOMEs) Protected j Protected iw =360 Protected ih =360 Protected radius =100 Protected originX =iw/2 Protected originY =ih/2 Protected BeatsPerMinute=*m\string_bmp.i Protected msError.i =*m\string_err.i Protected Milliseconds =int((60*1000)/BeatsPerMinute) Protected msDword.i =Milliseconds*2/12

If CreateImage(*m\image_metronome.i,iw,ih)


< prepare to read starting at address of label]

Restore sAngleA


1 | 90
 ; 2   6    |    75  75
   ; 3   5  |      60  60
     ; 4    |        45
90, 75, 60, 45, 60, 75 ; click

For j=1 to 6 st2=ElapsedMilliseconds() Read.f Angle.f If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(*m\image_metronome.i))

 StartTime = ElapsedMilliseconds()
 LineXY(originX,originY, originX+CircleX,originY-CircleY,RGB(255,255,0))
 StopDrawing() ; don't forget to: StopDrawing() !

Delay(msDword-msError) Next While ElapsedMilliseconds()-st1<Milliseconds-msError.i Wend

SetGadgetText(*m\string_mil.i,str(ElapsedMilliseconds()-st1)) PlaySound(0) ; click


     ; 1    |           090
   ; 2   6  |        105   105
 ; 3   5    |     120   120
4 | 135
; 90,105,120,135,120,105 ; click

For j=1 to 6 st4=ElapsedMilliseconds() Read.f Angle.f If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(*m\image_metronome.i))

 StartTime = ElapsedMilliseconds()
 LineXY(originX,originY, originX+CircleX,originY-CircleY,RGB(255,255,0))
 StopDrawing() ; don't forget to: StopDrawing() !

Delay(msDword-msError) Next While ElapsedMilliseconds()-st3<Milliseconds-msError.i Wend

SetGadgetText(*m\string_mil.i,str(ElapsedMilliseconds()-st3)) PlaySound(0) ; click

ForEver Endif ProcedureReturn i.i EndProcedure

width of image
height of image
allocate memory for our structure
the StringGadget number for milliseconds between clicks
the ImageGadget number for the metronome
intial value for the volumn [30 %]
intial value adjustment for time accuracy adjustment

w =360 h =360

  • m.METRONOMEs =Allocatememory(SizeOf(METRONOMEs))
  • m\string_mil.i =#STRING_MIL
  • m\image_metronome.i =#IMAGE_METRONOME
  • m\volumn.i =30

DelayVal =5


radius =100 originX =w/2 originY =h/2 Angle.f =90

draw our initial metronome at 90 degrees
     ; *
     ; |
     ; |
     ; |

If CreateImage(#IMAGE_METRONOME,w,h) If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(#IMAGE_METRONOME))

 LineXY(originX,originY, originX+CircleX,originY-CircleY,RGB(255,255,0))
 StopDrawing() ; don't forget to: StopDrawing() it's time for dinner


window style

WINDOW_STYLE=#PB_Window_SystemMenu WINDOW_STYLE|#PB_Window_Screencentered WINDOW_STYLE|#PB_Window_MinimizeGadget

If Not OpenWindow(#WINDOW,0,0,w+200+12,h+4,"Metronome",WINDOW_STYLE) MessageRequester("Error", "Not OpenWindow", 0) End EndIf SetWindowColor(#Window,$505050)


data strings

i=2:wp=18:gh=24 i+1:TextGadget(#TEXT_TUNE ,w+wp-10 ,gh*(i-1),200,gh,"Fine tuning",TEXT_STYLE) i+1 i+1:StringGadget(#STRING_ERR,w+wp+100,gh*(i-1),90,gh,"-5",#PB_String_ReadOnly) i+1 i+1:StringGadget(#STRING_MIL,w+wp+100,gh*(i-1),90,gh,"0",#PB_String_ReadOnly) i+1 i+1:StringGadget(#STRING_BMP,w+wp+100,gh*(i-1),90,gh,"120",#PB_String_Numeric)

control buttons

i=2:wp=10:gh=24 i+1 i+1 i+1:ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_ERRM ,w+wp,gh*(i-1),50,gh,"-") i+0:ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_ERRP ,w+wp+50,gh*(i-1),50,gh,"+") i+1 i+1:TextGadget(#TEXT_MIL ,w+wp,gh*(i-1),100,gh,"MilliSeconds ",TEXT_STYLE) i+1 i+1:TextGadget(#TEXT_BMP ,w+wp,gh*(i-1),100,gh,"BeatsPerMin " ,TEXT_STYLE) i+1 i+1:ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_START,w+wp,gh*(i-1),200,gh,"Start",#PB_Button_Toggle) i+1 i+1:ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_VOLM ,w+wp ,gh*(i-1),100,gh,"-Volumn") i+0:ButtonGadget(#BUTTON_VOLP ,w+wp+100,gh*(i-1),100,gh,"+Volumn")

the metronome image



the control loop for our application [not all the values are used
but this makes it easy to add further controls and functionality]

msg= WaitWindowEvent () wid= EventWindow () mid= EventMenu () gid= EventGadget () etp= EventType () ewp= EventwParam () elp= EventlParam () :If msg=#PB_Event_CloseWindow  : End : EndIf

Esc kills application regardless of window focus

If GetAsyncKeyState_(#VK_ESCAPE) : End : EndIf

Select msg

case #PB_Event_Gadget

Select gid

 Case #BUTTON_VOLP ; +volumn 
 If *m\volumn.i<100:*m\volumn.i+10

Case #BUTTON_VOLM  ; -volumn

 If *m\volumn.i>0  :*m\volumn.i-10

Case #BUTTON_ERRP ; time accuracy adjustment [faster]

 *m\string_err.i       =DelayVal
 If GetGadgetState(#BUTTON_START)=1
   GoSub Stop
   GoSub Start

Case #BUTTON_ERRM ; time accuracy adjustment [slower]

 *m\string_err.i       =DelayVal
 If GetGadgetState(#BUTTON_START)=1
   GoSub Stop
   GoSub Start

Case #BUTTON_START ; the toggle button for start/stop

 Select GetGadgetState(#BUTTON_START)
 Case 1 :GoSub Stop : GoSub Start   :SetGadgetText(#BUTTON_START,"Stop")
 Case 0 :GoSub Stop                 :SetGadgetText(#BUTTON_START,"Start")

EndSelect EndSelect ForEver End

Start:  ; start up the thread with new values

  • m\string_err.i =DelayVal
  • m\string_bmp.i =Val(GetGadgetText(#STRING_BMP))

If *m\string_bmp.i



Stop:  ; if the thread is running: stop it If IsThread(MetronomeThread)



DataSection ; an array of angles to be read by: MetronomeThread sAngleA: Data.f 90, 75, 60, 45, 60, 75 ; click Data.f 90,105,120,135,120,105 ; click eAngleA: EndDataSection

DataSection ; a small wav file saved as raw data sClick: Data.a $52,$49,$46,$46,$2E,$08,$00,$00,$57,$41,$56,$45,$66,$6D,$74,$20 Data.a $10,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$01,$00,$44,$AC,$00,$00,$44,$AC,$00,$00 Data.a $01,$00,$08,$00,$64,$61,$74,$61,$02,$06,$00,$00,$83,$84,$84,$84 Data.a $85,$85,$86,$86,$88,$89,$8A,$8B,$8E,$91,$95,$9C,$A2,$A9,$B3,$C0 Data.a $CF,$CF,$D0,$CE,$D3,$9B,$47,$31,$31,$33,$32,$32,$32,$32,$33,$32 Data.a $33,$31,$42,$A1,$C9,$C4,$AE,$BD,$D4,$CD,$D1,$CF,$D0,$CF,$CF,$D0 Data.a $CB,$A9,$70,$37,$33,$32,$32,$32,$32,$32,$33,$32,$33,$31,$34,$2E Data.a $53,$AF,$CF,$CF,$CA,$CF,$D0,$CF,$D0,$CF,$D0,$CE,$D3,$AA,$83,$97 Data.a $A1,$8A,$44,$32,$33,$31,$33,$32,$33,$32,$32,$33,$32,$33,$30,$44 Data.a $83,$94,$7E,$7D,$AE,$CF,$D0,$CF,$D0,$CE,$D1,$BF,$B8,$C3,$B9,$B7 Data.a $98,$68,$47,$37,$30,$31,$33,$32,$33,$32,$33,$32,$3D,$49,$48,$3E Data.a $38,$43,$5C,$77,$87,$91,$95,$85,$78,$79,$7A,$80,$8D,$8F,$8A,$89 Data.a $8D,$8D,$88,$81,$83,$89,$7F,$73,$77,$7A,$71,$64,$55,$43,$31,$31 Data.a $34,$32,$34,$3A,$41,$36,$2F,$33,$37,$4D,$5C,$69,$73,$78,$7B,$82 Data.a $8A,$8F,$90,$91,$91,$94,$9B,$9C,$94,$86,$75,$67,$5A,$51,$50,$4D Data.a $45,$42,$41,$41,$43,$48,$51,$54,$59,$65,$75,$82,$87,$86,$83,$7B Data.a $6E,$67,$65,$63,$61,$5F,$5D,$56,$4E,$4B,$50,$57,$5F,$67,$71,$78 Data.a $7B,$7C,$7E,$82,$83,$80,$7C,$79,$76,$71,$6D,$6C,$68,$5E,$52,$4D Data.a $4A,$46,$43,$43,$47,$4B,$4B,$4D,$53,$59,$5D,$65,$6F,$79,$82,$8B Data.a $92,$93,$90,$8B,$88,$83,$7C,$7B,$7B,$76,$6F,$66,$5E,$59,$53,$51 Data.a $53,$55,$57,$59,$5B,$5B,$5A,$5A,$5B,$5E,$61,$67,$6D,$6E,$6C,$69 Data.a $6B,$6F,$72,$73,$75,$77,$79,$78,$79,$7B,$7C,$79,$76,$73,$72,$71 Data.a $6C,$64,$59,$51,$50,$52,$53,$50,$4A,$41,$3B,$3C,$46,$53,$61,$6B Data.a $6E,$6D,$70,$79,$83,$90,$9B,$A0,$9C,$94,$8C,$85,$7E,$7A,$76,$6F Data.a $62,$56,$4E,$48,$45,$48,$4D,$4D,$4C,$4E,$54,$5B,$64,$6F,$79,$80 Data.a $83,$82,$82,$85,$88,$88,$87,$84,$7D,$73,$69,$63,$60,$5D,$5A,$55 Data.a $51,$4E,$4E,$52,$58,$5F,$66,$6A,$6D,$73,$7D,$86,$8B,$8F,$8E,$87 Data.a $81,$80,$7F,$79,$72,$6B,$60,$54,$4D,$4C,$4E,$4E,$4F,$50,$52,$58 Data.a $5F,$67,$6F,$75,$79,$7A,$7B,$7E,$82,$81,$7F,$7C,$75,$6F,$6C,$6B Data.a $6C,$6E,$6F,$6C,$67,$65,$68,$6D,$73,$77,$77,$74,$70,$6C,$6B,$6E Data.a $72,$73,$6F,$67,$60,$5D,$5E,$61,$63,$64,$63,$61,$60,$63,$69,$70 Data.a $76,$79,$79,$7A,$7C,$7F,$81,$81,$80,$7E,$79,$72,$6E,$6B,$67,$65 Data.a $62,$5F,$5D,$5D,$5E,$5F,$62,$65,$6A,$6E,$71,$75,$78,$7B,$7C,$7D Data.a $7E,$7F,$7F,$7E,$7B,$77,$74,$6F,$6A,$67,$63,$5D,$56,$50,$49,$45 Data.a $43,$43,$46,$4B,$50,$55,$5A,$60,$69,$74,$81,$8E,$97,$9D,$9F,$9E Data.a $9C,$9B,$9A,$98,$93,$8A,$7D,$6E,$61,$58,$50,$4C,$49,$46,$45,$44 Data.a $46,$4C,$53,$5C,$66,$6F,$75,$7B,$80,$85,$88,$88,$87,$85,$82,$7E Data.a $7A,$75,$70,$6B,$66,$61,$5D,$5C,$5E,$61,$65,$69,$6B,$6B,$6B,$6A Data.a $6B,$6F,$73,$76,$76,$71,$6B,$64,$61,$62,$67,$6D,$71,$72,$72,$72 Data.a $74,$7A,$81,$85,$88,$87,$85,$82,$80,$7D,$79,$72,$6A,$63,$5F,$5F Data.a $60,$60,$5E,$5A,$58,$58,$5D,$64,$6D,$74,$77,$78,$77,$79,$7D,$82 Data.a $85,$86,$84,$80,$7C,$79,$78,$78,$75,$70,$6B,$66,$64,$66,$68,$6A Data.a $6B,$68,$64,$63,$66,$6C,$72,$76,$78,$78,$78,$78,$78,$7B,$7E,$80 Data.a $7F,$7D,$7B,$79,$74,$6F,$6A,$65,$63,$61,$5F,$5D,$5C,$5A,$58,$59 Data.a $5E,$66,$6D,$74,$79,$7C,$80,$84,$89,$8B,$8C,$8B,$87,$81,$7C,$77 Data.a $72,$6B,$63,$5B,$55,$52,$53,$55,$57,$59,$59,$5C,$62,$6B,$77,$82 Data.a $8B,$91,$93,$94,$97,$9A,$9B,$98,$92,$8A,$81,$77,$72,$6E,$6A,$65 Data.a $5E,$58,$56,$56,$57,$57,$54,$53,$53,$57,$5E,$67,$6D,$6F,$6E,$6E Data.a $74,$7F,$8D,$96,$98,$93,$8C,$89,$8B,$91,$97,$96,$8C,$7E,$71,$69 Data.a $67,$67,$65,$5D,$4F,$41,$39,$3B,$45,$51,$59,$5A,$56,$56,$5B,$69 Data.a $7B,$89,$90,$8F,$8A,$87,$86,$89,$8C,$8A,$84,$7B,$75,$75,$78,$7A Data.a $76,$6D,$63,$5E,$60,$68,$71,$74,$6F,$63,$57,$52,$58,$65,$73,$7B Data.a $7C,$77,$72,$72,$77,$81,$89,$8C,$88,$81,$7A,$76,$76,$76,$75,$70 Data.a $69,$62,$5F,$62,$68,$6D,$6D,$6A,$68,$68,$6C,$74,$7D,$84,$87,$86 Data.a $84,$84,$86,$89,$8A,$88,$85,$84,$83,$80,$7B,$74,$6B,$61,$5A,$58 Data.a $5A,$5C,$5C,$59,$55,$53,$55,$5B,$65,$72,$7D,$84,$86,$87,$89,$8C Data.a $92,$98,$9A,$99,$96,$90,$8C,$88,$83,$7F,$79,$72,$6C,$66,$63,$61 Data.a $5E,$59,$52,$4C,$4B,$4E,$55,$5E,$63,$66,$67,$69,$71,$7C,$88,$91 Data.a $93,$91,$8C,$88,$88,$8A,$8E,$8E,$88,$7E,$73,$6A,$67,$66,$66,$65 Data.a $62,$5B,$55,$52,$53,$58,$5F,$65,$69,$6B,$6F,$75,$7C,$83,$88,$8B Data.a $8B,$89,$8B,$8E,$8E,$8B,$85,$7E,$74,$6E,$6C,$6D,$6D,$6B,$67,$62 Data.a $5F,$60,$64,$67,$6A,$6B,$6C,$6C,$6F,$73,$75,$77,$78,$78,$79,$7C Data.a $82,$89,$8D,$8D,$8C,$8C,$8C,$8E,$91,$90,$8C,$85,$7C,$74,$6D,$68 Data.a $65,$62,$5E,$5B,$58,$58,$5C,$62,$68,$6C,$70,$75,$7C,$83,$8A,$90 Data.a $96,$98,$98,$96,$93,$8E,$8A,$84,$7F,$7A,$75,$6E,$67,$60,$59,$54 Data.a $52,$53,$57,$5B,$5D,$5E,$60,$65,$6C,$74,$7C,$87,$90,$98,$9D,$A1 Data.a $A2,$A1,$9F,$9C,$9A,$97,$92,$89,$7E,$70,$64,$5C,$57,$55,$53,$52 Data.a $50,$4F,$51,$56,$5D,$66,$6D,$73,$79,$7E,$82,$86,$89,$8B,$8D,$8D Data.a $8C,$89,$84,$7F,$7B,$79,$77,$77,$76,$73,$6E,$6A,$6A,$6F,$74,$78 Data.a $79,$78,$74,$72,$73,$76,$79,$7B,$7A,$75,$6F,$6A,$68,$69,$6B,$6C Data.a $6D,$6C,$6C,$6D,$6F,$74,$78,$7C,$80,$82,$85,$88,$8B,$8C,$8B,$88 Data.a $84,$81,$7F,$7D,$7B,$79,$75,$6F,$6A,$67,$65,$65,$68,$6B,$6D,$6F Data.a $70,$72,$74,$79,$7D,$81,$85,$87,$88,$89,$8A,$8C,$8D,$8D,$8B,$86 Data.a $82,$7F,$7D,$7C,$7A,$77,$73,$6F,$6A,$66,$65,$64,$65,$68,$6B,$6F Data.a $72,$74,$75,$76,$79,$7D,$83,$8A,$8D,$8C,$88,$82,$7D,$7A,$78,$76 Data.a $73,$6F,$69,$64,$60,$60,$62,$65,$68,$6B,$6F,$75,$7C,$84,$8A,$8E Data.a $90,$91,$92,$94,$94,$93,$90,$8D,$88,$80,$78,$6F,$68,$64,$62,$60 Data.a $5F,$5D,$5A,$58,$58,$5D,$68,$73,$7D,$83,$87,$89,$8C,$91,$96,$9B Data.a $9D,$9B,$95,$8C,$83,$7B,$76,$71,$6D,$68,$63,$5D,$58,$56,$57,$5B Data.a $62,$69,$6F,$75,$7B,$81,$86,$8C,$91,$95,$97,$97,$95,$93,$8F,$88 Data.a $80,$77,$6F,$69,$66,$63,$60,$5C,$58,$54,$53,$59,$62,$6D,$75,$7A Data.a $7C,$7E,$83,$8D,$98,$A0,$A2,$9E,$97,$90,$8E,$8F,$8F,$8D,$85,$79 Data.a $6E,$66,$65,$68,$6D,$6E,$6B,$65,$60,$60,$65,$6C,$74,$79,$7A,$79 Data.a $78,$79,$7C,$7E,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$80,$82,$84,$84,$83,$82,$81,$83 Data.a $88,$8D,$91,$92,$8E,$88,$82,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7C,$75,$6A,$60,$59 Data.a $56,$56,$58,$59,$5A,$5A,$5E,$65,$6E,$79,$82,$8A,$91,$97,$9F,$A5 Data.a $AA,$AB,$A6,$9C,$93,$8A,$84,$7E,$76,$6B,$5E,$51,$48,$45,$45,$48 Data.a $4B,$4E,$51,$57,$60,$6E,$7C,$8A,$94,$9B,$A0,$A4,$A8,$AB,$AC,$A9 Data.a $A3,$98,$8C,$7F,$73,$6A,$62,$5A,$54,$4E,$4A,$48,$49,$4D,$55,$60 Data.a $6B,$77,$81,$8A,$92,$9A,$A1,$A9,$AD,$AF,$AD,$A7,$9F,$96,$8C,$84 Data.a $7B,$71,$67,$5C,$52,$4C,$49,$4B,$4F,$54,$5A,$60,$67,$71,$7D,$8A Data.a $96,$9F,$A4,$A6,$A6,$A5,$A4,$A2,$9C,$94,$89,$7F,$77,$70,$69,$62 Data.a $5A,$54,$4F,$50,$56,$5E,$65,$6B,$6E,$73,$79,$83,$8F,$98,$9F,$A1 Data.a $9F,$9C,$9A,$98,$96,$92,$8C,$84,$7A,$71,$6B,$67,$65,$64,$62,$61 Data.a $61,$62,$67,$6D,$73,$79,$7E,$80,$83,$85,$88,$8A,$8C,$8B,$89,$86 Data.a $84,$84,$84,$84,$82,$7E,$7A,$79,$7A,$7C,$7E,$7E,$7C,$7A,$77,$77 Data.a $79,$7C,$7E,$7D,$7B,$79,$79,$79,$7A,$7B,$7C,$7C,$7B,$7B,$7C,$7D Data.a $7D,$7C,$7B,$7A,$7B,$7C,$7D,$7D,$7B,$79,$77,$76,$77,$78,$79,$79 Data.a $78,$76,$75,$76,$79,$7A,$7A,$78,$76,$75,$77,$7C,$81,$80,$53,$41 Data.a $55,$52,$00,$02,$00,$00,$31,$2C,$20,$30,$2C,$20,$36,$2C,$20,$30 eClick: EndDataSection </lang>

Pure Data

#N canvas 553 78 360 608 10;
#X obj 20 20 cnv 15 320 140 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577 0;
#X obj 20 190 cnv 15 320 36 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0;
#X obj 67 30 vradio 20 1 0 6 empty beats empty 0 -8 0 10 -86277 -262144 -1 1;
#X text 40 33 1/1;
#X text 40 53 2/2;
#X text 40 73 3/4;
#X text 40 93 4/4;
#X text 40 133 6/8;
#X obj 67 167 + 1;
#X floatatom 67 201 5 0 0 0 beats - -;
#X obj 181 32 vsl 20 115 208 40 0 0 empty bpm empty 25 10 0 10 -86277 -262144 -1 5971 0;
#X text 208 42 Larghetto 60-66;
#X text 208 58 Adagio 66-76;
#X text 208 74 Andante 76-108;
#X text 208 90 Moderato 108-120;
#X text 208 106 Allegro 120-168;
#X text 208 122 Presto 168-200;
#X text 208 138 Prestissimo 200-208;
#X text 208 26 Largo 40-60;
#X obj 181 167 int;
#X floatatom 181 201 5 0 0 1 bpm - -;
#X obj 149 246 expr 1000 / ($f1/60);
#X obj 122 125 tgl 25 0 empty on on/off -4 -7 0 10 -261682 -86277 -86277 0 1;
#X obj 122 270 metro;
#X obj 122 291 int;
#X obj 42 249 + 1;
#X obj 52 275 mod;
#X obj 122 312 moses 1;
#X obj 122 347 bng 32 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -228856 -258113 -1;
#X obj 161 347 bng 32 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -228856 -260097 -1;
#X msg 81 399 1 2 \, 1 2 1 \, 0 3 2;
#X obj 81 420 vline~;
#X msg 200 399 1 2 \, 1 2 1 \, 0 3 2;
#X obj 200 420 vline~;
#X obj 20 420 osc~ 1400;
#X obj 139 420 osc~ 1230;
#X obj 65 455 *~;
#X obj 184 455 *~;
#X obj 116 559 dac~;
#X obj 117 523 +~;
#X obj 278 490 loadbang;
#X msg 278 511 \; pd dsp 1 \; beats 1 \; bpm 120 \; on 1;
#X connect 2 0 8 0;
#X connect 8 0 9 0;
#X connect 9 0 26 1;
#X connect 10 0 19 0;
#X connect 19 0 20 0;
#X connect 20 0 21 0;
#X connect 21 0 23 1;
#X connect 22 0 23 0;
#X connect 23 0 24 0;
#X connect 24 0 25 0;
#X connect 24 0 27 0;
#X connect 25 0 26 0;
#X connect 26 0 24 1;
#X connect 27 0 28 0;
#X connect 27 1 29 0;
#X connect 28 0 30 0;
#X connect 29 0 32 0;
#X connect 30 0 31 0;
#X connect 31 0 36 1;
#X connect 32 0 33 0;
#X connect 33 0 37 1;
#X connect 34 0 36 0;
#X connect 35 0 37 0;
#X connect 36 0 39 0;
#X connect 37 0 39 1;
#X connect 39 0 38 0;
#X connect 39 0 38 1;
#X connect 40 0 41 0;


<lang Python>

  1. lang Python

import time

def main(bpm = 72, bpb = 4):

   sleep = 60.0 / bpm
   counter = 0
   while True:
       counter += 1
       if counter % bpb:
           print 'tick'
           print 'TICK'




<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(require racket/gui)

(define msec 500) (define sounds '("hi.wav" "lo.wav")) (define colors '("red" "green"))

(define f

 (new frame% [label "Metronome"] [width 200] [height 200]))

(define c

 (new (class canvas%
        (define brushes
          (map (λ(c) (new brush% [color c] [style 'solid])) colors))
        (define cur 0)
        (define/override (on-paint)
          (send* (send this get-dc)
                 (set-brush (list-ref brushes cur))
                 (draw-rectangle 0 0 200 200)))
        (define/public (flip!)
          (set! cur (modulo (add1 cur) (length sounds)))
          (play-sound (list-ref sounds cur) #f)
      [parent f]))

(define (flip)

 (define init (current-inexact-milliseconds))
 (define next (+ msec init))
 (define ticks 1)
 (let loop ()
   (when (> (current-inexact-milliseconds) next)
     (set! ticks (add1 ticks))
     (set! next (+ init (* msec ticks)))
     (queue-callback (λ() (send c flip!))))
   (sleep 0.01)

(send* f (center) (show #t)) (void (thread flip)) </lang>


These REXX program examples are modeled after the Perl 6 example.

textual visual, no sound

<lang rexx>/*REXX program simulates a visual (textual) metronome (with no sound).*/ parse arg bpm bpb dur . if bpm== | bpm==',' then bpm=72 /*number of beats per minute. */ if bpb== | bpb==',' then bpb= 4 /*number of beats per bar. */ if dur== | dur==',' then dur= 5 /*duration of run in seconds. */ call time 'R' /*reset the REXX elapsed timer. */ bt=1/bpb /*calculate a tock-time interval.*/

 do until et>=dur;    et=time('E')    /*process tick-tocks for duration*/
 say; call charout ,'TICK'            /*show the first tick for period.*/
 es=et+1                              /*bump the elapsed time limiter. */
                         do until time('E')>=es;   e=time('E')
                         if e<ee then iterate          /*time for tock?*/
                         call charout ,' tock'         /*show a "tock".*/
                         ee=ee+bt                      /*bump tock time*/
                         end    /*until time('E')≥es*/
 end   /*until et≥dur*/</lang>

with sound, REGINA only

<lang rexx>/*REXX program simulates a metronome (with sound), Regina REXX only. */ parse arg bpm bpb dur tockf tockd tickf tickd . if bpm== | bpm==',' then bpm=72 /*number of beats per minute. */ if bpb== | bpb==',' then bpb= 4 /*number of beats per bar. */ if dur== | dur==',' then dur= 5 /*duration of run in seconds. */ if tockf==|tockf==',' then tockf=400 /*frequency of tock sound in HZ. */ if tockd==|tockd==',' then tockd= 20 /*duration of tock sound in msec*/ if tickf==|tickf==',' then tickf=600 /*frequency of tick sound in HZ. */ if tickd==|tickd==',' then tickd= 10 /*duration of tick sound in msec*/ call time 'R' /*reset the REXX elapsed timer. */ bt=1/bpb /*calculate a tock-time interval.*/

 do until et>=dur;    et=time('E')    /*process tick-tocks for duration*/
 call beep tockf,tockd                /*sound a beep for the "TOCK".   */
 es=et+1                              /*bump the elapsed time limiter. */
                         do until time('E')>=es;   e=time('E')
                         if e<ee then iterate          /*time for tock?*/
                         call beep tickf,tickd         /*sound a  tick.*/
                         ee=ee+bt                      /*bump tock time*/
                         end    /*until time('E')≥es*/
 end   /*until et≥dur*/


with sound, PC/REXX only

<lang rexx>/*REXX program simulates a metronome (with sound), PC/REXX only. */ parse arg bpm bpb dur tockf tockd tickf tickd . if bpm== | bpm==',' then bpm=72 /*number of beats per minute. */ if bpb== | bpb==',' then bpb= 4 /*number of beats per bar. */ if dur== | dur==',' then dur= 5 /*duration of run in seconds. */ if tockf==|tockf==',' then tockf=400 /*frequency of tock sound in HZ. */ if tockd==|tockd==',' then tockd=.02 /*duration of tock sound in secs*/ if tickf==|tickf==',' then tickf=600 /*frequency of tick sound in HZ. */ if tickd==|tickd==',' then tickd=.01 /*duration of tick sound in secs*/ call time 'R' /*reset the REXX elapsed timer. */ bt=1/bpb /*calculate a tock-time interval.*/

 do until et>=dur;    et=time('E')    /*process tick-tocks for duration*/
 call sound tockf,tockd               /*sound a beep for the "TOCK".   */
 es=et+1                              /*bump the elapsed time limiter. */
                         do until time('E')>=es;   e=time('E')
                         if e<ee then iterate          /*time for tock?*/
                         call sound tickf,tickd        /*sound a  tick.*/
                         ee=ee+bt                      /*bump tock time*/
                         end    /*until time('E')≥es*/
 end   /*until et≥dur*/</lang>


This code only rings the bell on the high beat, which occurs at the start of the bar. <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

lassign $argv bpm bpb if {$argc < 2} {set bpb 4} if {$argc < 1} {set bpm 60}

fconfigure stdout -buffering none set intervalMS [expr {round(60000.0 / $bpm)}] set ctr 0

proc beat {} {

   global intervalMS ctr bpb
   after $intervalMS beat      ;# Reschedule first, to encourage minimal drift
   if {[incr ctr] == 1} {

puts -nonewline "\r\a[string repeat { } [expr {$bpb+4}]]\rTICK"

   } else {

puts -nonewline "\rtick[string repeat . [expr {$ctr-1}]]"

   if {$ctr >= $bpb} {

set ctr 0



  1. Run the metronome until the user uses Ctrl+C...

beat vwait forever</lang> It might be executed like this: <lang bash>tclsh8.5 metronome.tcl 90 4</lang>