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'''Interpreter:''' WinForth

Declare a class
Declare a class

Revision as of 16:23, 6 February 2007

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The purpose of this task is to create a basic class with a method, a constructor, an instance variable and how to instantiate it.


Compiler: GCC 4.0.2

 class MyClass
   void someMethod(); // member function = method
   MyClass(); // constructor
   int variable; // member variable = instance variable
 // implementation of constructor
   // here could be more code
 // implementation of member function
 void MyClass::someMethod()
   variable = 1; // alternatively: this->variable = 1
 // Create an instance as variable
 MyClass instance;
 // Create an instance on free store
 MyClass* pInstance = new MyClass;
 // Instances allocated with new must be explicitly destroyed when not needed any more:
 delete pInstance;

Note: MyClass instance(); would not define an instance, but declare a function returning an instance. Accidentally declaring functions when object definitions are wanted is a rather common bug in C++.

Functions can also be defined inline:

 class MyClass
   MyClass(): variable(0) {}
   void someMethod() { variable = 1; }
   int variable;

Note that member functions in C++ by default are not polymorphic; if you want a polymorphic member function, you have to mark it as virtual. In that case, you should also add a virtual destructor, even if that is empty. Example:

 class MyClass
   virtual void someMethod(); // this is polymorphic
   virtual ~MyClass(); // destructor


Compiler: GCC 4.0.1 (apple)

The declaration:

@interface MyClass : NSObject
    /* member variables */
    int variable;

/* method declarations */
- init;
- (void)someMethod;


The implementation:

@implementation MyClass
/* method implementations */

- init    /* designated constructor */
    if (self = [super init])
        variable = 0;
    return self;

- (void)someMethod
    variable = 1;


A C function that uses the class:

void example()
    MyClass *mc = [[MyClass alloc] init];
    [mc someMethod];
    [mc release];	/* explicitly decrement reference count */


Interpreter: WinForth

Declare a class

:class MyClass <super Object

  int memvar

  :m ClassInit: ( -- )
       ClassInit: super
       1 to memvar ;m

  :m ~: ( -- )  ." Final " show: [ Self ] ;m

  :m set: ( n -- )  to memvar ;m
  :m show: ( -- ) ." Memvar = " memvar . ;m


Allocate a static object

MyClass newInstance

Allocate a dynamic object, saving its pointer in a global variable.

New> MyClass  value newInstance

Call member functions

10 set: newInstance
show: newInstance

Free a dynamically allocated object

newInstance dispose
0 to newInstance   \ no dangling pointers!

Example of dynamic allocation and local variable use"

: test { \ obj -- }
    New> MyClass to obj
      show: obj
      1000 set: obj
    obj dispose ;


Platform: J2SE/

 public class MyClass {
   // instance variable
   private int variable;  // Note: instance variables are usually "private"
   * The constructor
   public MyClass() {
     // creates a new instance
   * A method
   public void someMethod() {
    this.variable = 1; // Note: "this." is optional
                       // variable = 1; works also


Interpreter: Firefox 2.0

function MyClass(initVal) {
    //instance variable
    if(initVal == undefined) {
        this.number = 1;
    else {
        this.number = initVal;

//method of MyClass
MyClass.prototype.getDouble = function() {
    return this.number * 2;

var instance1 = new MyClass; //or "new MyClass();"
instance1.number = 5;
alert( instance1.getDouble() ); //10

var instance2 = new MyClass(3);
alert( instance2.getDouble() ); //6


Compiler: OO2C 2.1.11


      T = POINTER TO TDesc;
      TDesc = RECORD
         x: INTEGER

   PROCEDURE New*(): T;
      VAR t: T;
      NEW(t); t.x := 0;
      RETURN t
   END New;

   PROCEDURE (t: T) Increment*;
   END Increment;


Exported procedures are marked with an asterisk (*). There is nothing special about the constructor New, it is just a function that returns a new object of type T. The name of the method receiver can also be chosen freely. INC is a predeclared procedure that increments its argument.


Interpreter: perl 5.8.6

The implementation (there are no declarations):

     # a class is a package (i.e. a namespace) with methods in it
    package MyClass;

     # a class method is a function that takes a class name as itself.
     # a constructor is a class method that returns a blessed object.
    sub new {
        my ($class) = @_;
        bless {variable => 0}, $class
         # the instance object is a hash in disguise.
         # (it can be any primitive type.)

     # an instance method is a function that takes an object as itself.
    sub someMethod {
        my ($self) = @_;
        $$self{variable} = 1;

Using the class:

$instance = new MyClass;      # indirect object syntax
$instance2 = MyClass->new;    # method syntax

 # instance deallocates when the last reference falls out of scope


Interpreter: Python 2.5

class MyClass:
    name2 = 2 # Class attribute

    def __init__(self):
        self.name1 = 0 # Instance attribute
    def someMethod(self):
        self.name1 = 1
        MyClass.name2 = 3
myclass = MyClass()

for new-style classes (correct me if i'm wrong), in order to make good use of properties, class methods and the like :

class MyClass(object):


class MyClass
  def initialize
    @instanceVar = 0
  def someMethod
    @instanceVar = 1
    @@classVar = 3
myclass =