
This programming language may be used to instruct a computer to perform a task.
Official website |
Garbage collected: | Yes |
Type safety: | Safe |
Type strength: | Strong |
Type checking: | Dynamic |
See Also: |
Egison is an implementation of Lisp.
Other implementations of Lisp.
Egison is a programming language that realizes non-linear pattern-matching against unfree data types. We can directly represent pattern-matching against a wide range of data types such as lists, multisets, sets, trees and graphs. Egison makes programming dramatically simple!
Pattern Matching Oriented
Egison proposes a new paradigm pattern-matching-oriented. The combination of all of the following features enables intuitive powerful pattern-matching.
- Non-linear patterns
- Pattern-matching with multiple results
- Modularization of the way of pattern-matching
- Pattern-matching with lexical scoping
Poker Hands Demonstration
<lang egison>
- Poker-hands demonstration
- Matcher definitions
(define $suit
(algebraic-data-matcher {<spade> <heart> <club> <diamond>}))
(define $card
(algebraic-data-matcher {<card suit (mod 13)>}))
- A function that determins poker-hands
(define $poker-hands
(lambda [$cs] (match cs (multiset card) {[<cons <card $s $n> <cons <card ,s ,(- n 1)> <cons <card ,s ,(- n 2)> <cons <card ,s ,(- n 3)> <cons <card ,s ,(- n 4)> <nil>>>>>> <Straight-Flush>] [<cons <card _ $n> <cons <card _ ,n> <cons <card _ ,n> <cons <card _ ,n> <cons _ <nil>>>>>> <Four-of-Kind>] [<cons <card _ $m> <cons <card _ ,m> <cons <card _ ,m> <cons <card _ $n> <cons <card _ ,n> <nil>>>>>> <Full-House>] [<cons <card $s _> <cons <card ,s _> <cons <card ,s _> <cons <card ,s _> <cons <card ,s _> <nil>>>>>> <Flush>] [<cons <card _ $n> <cons <card _ ,(- n 1)> <cons <card _ ,(- n 2)> <cons <card _ ,(- n 3)> <cons <card _ ,(- n 4)> <nil>>>>>> <Straight>] [<cons <card _ $n> <cons <card _ ,n> <cons <card _ ,n> <cons _ <cons _ <nil>>>>>> <Three-of-Kind>] [<cons <card _ $m> <cons <card _ ,m> <cons <card _ $n> <cons <card _ ,n> <cons _ <nil>>>>>> <Two-Pair>] [<cons <card _ $n> <cons <card _ ,n> <cons _ <cons _ <cons _ <nil>>>>>> <One-Pair>] [<cons _ <cons _ <cons _ <cons _ <cons _ <nil>>>>>> <Nothing>]})))
- Demonstration code
(poker-hands {<Card <Club> 12>
<Card <Club> 10> <Card <Club> 13> <Card <Club> 1> <Card <Club> 11>});=><Straight-Flush>
(poker-hands {<Card <Diamond> 1>
<Card <Club> 2> <Card <Club> 1> <Card <Heart> 1> <Card <Diamond> 2>});=><Full-House>
(poker-hands {<Card <Diamond> 4>
<Card <Club> 2> <Card <Club> 5> <Card <Heart> 1> <Card <Diamond> 3>});=><Straight>
(poker-hands {<Card <Diamond> 4>
<Card <Club> 10> <Card <Club> 5> <Card <Heart> 1> <Card <Diamond> 3>});=><Nothing>
Pages in category "Egison"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.