The aim of this task is to write functions (or create a class if your language is Object Oriented and you prefer) for reading and writing sequences of bits, most significant bit first. While the output of a asciiprint "STRING" is the ASCII byte sequence "S", "T", "R", "I", "N", "G", the output of a "print" of the bits sequence 0101011101010 (13 bits) must be 0101011101010; real I/O is performed always quantized by byte (avoiding endianness issues and relying on underlying buffering for performance), therefore you must obtain as output the bytes 0101 0111 0101 0000 (bold bits are padding bits), i.e. in hexadecimal 57 50.

Bitwise IO
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

As test, you can implement a rough (e.g. don't care about error handling or other issues) compression/decompression program for ASCII sequences of bytes, i.e. bytes for which the most significant bit is always unused, so that you can write seven bits instead of eight (each 8 bytes of input, we write 7 bytes of output).

These bit oriented I/O functions can be used to implement compressors and decompressors; e.g. Dynamic and Static Huffman encodings use variable length bits sequences, while LZW (see LZW compression) use fixed or variable words nine (or more) bits long.

  • Limits in the maximum number of bits that can be written/read in a single read/write operation are allowed.
  • Errors handling is not mandatory


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>T BitWriter

  File out
  accumulator = 0
  bcount = 0
  F (fname)
     .out = File(fname, ‘w’)
  F _writebit(bit)
     I .bcount == 8
     I bit > 0
        .accumulator [|]= 1 << (7 - .bcount)
  F writebits(bits, =n)
     L n > 0
        ._writebit(bits [&] 1 << (n - 1))
  F flush()
     .accumulator = 0
     .bcount = 0
  F close()

T BitReader

  File input
  accumulator = 0
  bcount = 0
  read = 0
  F (fname)
     .input = File(fname, ‘r’)
  F _readbit()
     I .bcount == 0
        V a = .input.read_bytes(1)
        I !a.empty
           .accumulator = a[0]
        .bcount = 8
        .read = a.len
     V rv = (.accumulator [&] (1 << (.bcount - 1))) >> (.bcount - 1)
     R rv
  F readbits(=n)
     V v = 0
     L n > 0
        v = (v << 1) [|] ._readbit()
     R v

V writer = BitWriter(‘bitio_test.dat’) V chars = ‘12345abcde’ L(ch) chars

  writer.writebits(ch.code, 7)


V reader = BitReader(‘bitio_test.dat’) [Char] charsa L

  V x = reader.readbits(7)
  I == 0
  charsa.append(Char(code' x))



6502 Assembly

Storing Bytes As ASCII Strings

This routine converts a byte to a sequence of ASCII zeroes and ones, and stores them in a null-terminated string. Works in Easy6502. Multiple bytes can be stored this way simply by loading a new value in the accumulator and calling the subroutine again. Since Y is still pointed at the null terminator, no re-adjustment of z_BC or Y is necessary. <lang 6502asm> define StringRam $1200 ;not actually used in the code, but it's here for clarity. define z_BC $00 ;fake Z80-style register for pseudo-16-bit operations. define z_C $00 ;6502 uses the low byte as the reference point for indirect lookups. define z_B $01 ;high byte define tempMath $02 ;temp storage of input define tempBitMask $03 ;temp storage of the bit filter

lda #$12 sta z_B lda #$00 sta z_C ;load address $1200 into zero page memory for an indirect lookup.

lda #$0F ;test value LDY #0 ;initialize offset to zero

jsr Hex2BinAscii brk ;on easy6502 this terminates the program.

Hex2BinAscii: sta tempMath ;store our input, in this case #$0F lda #%10000000 sta tempBitMask

loop_Hex2BinAscii: lda tempMath ;load input into accumulator. and tempBitMask ;filter out all bits except the one we are checking this pass of the loop bne bitIsOne lda #$30 ;ascii for zero bne StoreBit bitIsOne: lda #$31 ;ascii for one StoreBit: sta (z_BC),y ;store in StringRam+Y loopOverhead: iny ;y++ lsr tempBitMask ;shift to next bit in sequence beq loop_Hex2BinAscii ;if mask is zero, we are done. BCC would have worked here as well. lda #$00 ;load the null terminator sta (z_BC),y ;store the null terminator after the string rts</lang>

1200: 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 00

Compressing a String of ASCII Zeroes and Ones

Building on the above, the process can be reversed. The output of the first function becomes the input of the second. Some of the above is repeated, this is to show the two working in sequence. <lang 6502asm>define StringRam $1200 define BitRam $1400 define z_BC $00 define z_C $00 define z_B $01 define z_DE $02 define z_E $02 define z_D $03 define tempMath $04 define tempBitMask $05 define tempY $06

LDA #0 TAX TAY ;clear data regs (not needed on Easy6502 but it's a good practice at the start of a program on real hardware)

loop_clearRam: STA $1200,x STA $1400,x inx bne loop_clearRam

lda #$12 sta z_B lda #$00 sta z_C

lda #$57 jsr Hex2BinAscii ;store first string

lda #$50 jsr Hex2BinAscii  ; store second string

LDA #$12 STA z_B LDA #$00 STA z_C  ; get address of string Ram (this step isn't necessary as they're already loaded but it's here for clarity)

LDA #$14 STA z_D LDA #$00 STA z_E  ; get address of destination

LDY #$00 STY tempY  ; the indices into StringRam and BitRam are different.

jsr CompressBits brk


this procedure is the same as the above example.


takes a stream of ascii zeroes and ones,
and packs them into a series of bytes.

LDX #8  ; repeat 8 times. LDA #0 STA tempMath ;zero out tempMath

loop_CompressBits: LDA (z_BC),y beq Terminated  ; if the value read the null terminator, we are done. AND #$0F  ; returns either 0 or 1 in bit 0. There is no error checking for invalid input at the moment.

ror  ; accumulator is rotated into the carry flag. rol tempMath  ; the carry is shifted into the bottom of tempMath.

repeating this with each successive ascii bit representation
will preserve the order of the bits. It's hard to explain without drawing a picture
but trust me it just works.

iny  ; next Y dex bne loop_CompressBits

loop overhead

tya pha  ; backup source index.

  ldy tempY
  lda tempMath
  sta (z_DE),y
  inc tempY      ; increment destination index

pla tay  ; restore source index jmp CompressBits  ; back to top

Terminated: rts</lang>

1200: 30 31 30 31 30 31 31 31 30 31 30 31 30 30 30 30 
1210: 00  (this is the null terminator)
1400: 57 50


<lang ada>with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams; with Ada.Finalization;

package Bit_Streams is

  type Bit is range 0..1;
  type Bit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Bit;
  type Bit_Stream (Channel : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) is limited private;
  procedure Read (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : out Bit_Array);
  procedure Write (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : Bit_Array);


  type Bit_Stream (Channel : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) is
     new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with
     Read_Count  : Natural := 0;
     Write_Count : Natural := 0;
     Input       : Stream_Element_Array (1..1);
     Output      : Stream_Element_Array (1..1);
  end record;
  overriding procedure Finalize (Stream : in out Bit_Stream);

end Bit_Streams;</lang> The package provides a bit stream interface to a conventional stream. The object of Bit_Stream has a discriminant of any stream type. This stream will be used for physical I/O. Bit_Stream reads and writes arrays of bits. There is no need to have flush procedure, because this is done upon object destruction. The implementation is straightforward, big endian encoding of bits into Stream_Element units is used as required by the task: <lang ada>package body Bit_Streams is

  procedure Finalize (Stream : in out Bit_Stream) is
     if Stream.Write_Count > 0 then
        Stream.Output (1) := Stream.Output (1) * 2**(Stream_Element'Size - Stream.Write_Count);
        Stream.Channel.Write (Stream.Output);
     end if;
  end Finalize;
  procedure Read (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : out Bit_Array) is
     Last : Stream_Element_Offset;
     for Index in Data'Range loop
        if Stream.Read_Count = 0 then
           Stream.Channel.Read (Stream.Input, Last);
           Stream.Read_Count := Stream_Element'Size;
        end if;
        Data (Index) := Bit (Stream.Input (1) / 2**(Stream_Element'Size - 1));
        Stream.Input (1)  := Stream.Input (1) * 2;
        Stream.Read_Count := Stream.Read_Count - 1;
     end loop;
  end Read;
  procedure Write (Stream : in out Bit_Stream; Data : Bit_Array) is
     for Index in Data'Range loop
        if Stream.Write_Count = Stream_Element'Size then
           Stream.Channel.Write (Stream.Output);
           Stream.Write_Count := 0;
        end if;
        Stream.Output (1)  := Stream.Output (1) * 2 or Stream_Element (Data (Index));
        Stream.Write_Count := Stream.Write_Count + 1;
     end loop;
  end Write;

end Bit_Streams;</lang> Example of use: <lang ada>with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; with Bit_Streams; use Bit_Streams;

procedure Test_Bit_Streams is

  File   : File_Type;
  ABACUS : Bit_Array :=
              (  1,0,0,0,0,0,1,  -- A, big endian
                 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,  -- B
                 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,  -- A
                 1,0,0,0,0,1,1,  -- C
                 1,0,1,0,1,0,1,  -- U
                 1,0,1,0,0,1,1   -- S  
  Data : Bit_Array (ABACUS'Range);


  Create (File, Out_File, "abacus.dat");
     Bits : Bit_Stream (Stream (File));
     Write (Bits, ABACUS);
  Close (File);
  Open (File, In_File, "abacus.dat");
     Bits : Bit_Stream (Stream (File));
     Read (Bits, Data);
  Close (File);
  if Data /= ABACUS then
     raise Data_Error;
  end if;

end Test_Bit_Streams;</lang>


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8-8d

<lang algol68># NIBBLEs are of any width, eg 1-bit OR 4-bits etc. # MODE NIBBLE = STRUCT(INT width, BITS bits);

PRIO << = 8, >> = 8; # define C style shift opertors # OP << = (BITS bits, INT shift)BITS: bits SHL shift; OP >> = (BITS bits, INT shift)BITS: bits SHR shift;

  1. define nibble opertors for left/right shift and append #

OP << = (NIBBLE nibble, INT shift)NIBBLE:

 (width OF nibble + shift, bits OF nibble << shift);

OP >> = (NIBBLE nibble, INT shift)NIBBLE:

 (width OF nibble - shift, bits OF nibble >> shift);


 BITS rhs mask := BIN(ABS(2r1 << width OF rhs)-1);
 lhs := ( width OF lhs + width OF rhs, bits OF lhs << width OF rhs OR bits OF rhs AND rhs mask)


  1. define MODEs for generating NIBBLE streams and yielding NIBBLEs #


PROC gen resize nibble = (

 INT out width,
 GENNIBBLE gen nibble, 


    NIBBLE buf := (0, 2r0), out;
    BITS out mask := BIN(ABS(2r1 << out width)-1);
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen nibble( # ) DO #
    1. (NIBBLE in nibble)VOID:(
   buf +:= in nibble;
   WHILE width OF buf >= out width DO
     out := buf >> ( width OF buf - out width);
     width OF buf -:= out width; # trim 'out' from buf #
     yield((out width, bits OF out AND out mask))
  1. OD # ))


  1. Routines for joining strings and generating a stream of nibbles #

PROC gen nibble from 7bit chars = (STRING string, YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:

 FOR key FROM LWB string TO UPB string DO yield((7, BIN ABS string[key])) OD;

PROC gen nibble from 8bit chars = (STRING string, YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:

 FOR key FROM LWB string TO UPB string DO yield((8,BIN ABS string[key])) OD;

PROC gen join = ([]STRING strings, STRING new line, YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:

  FOR key FROM LWB strings TO UPB strings DO
    gen nibble from 8bit chars(strings[key]+new line, yield)
  1. Two tables for uuencoding 6bits in printable ASCII chacters #

[0:63]CHAR encode uue 6bit:= # [0:63] => CHAR64 #


[0:255]BITS decode uue 6bit; # CHAR64 => [0:63] #

 FOR key FROM LWB encode uue 6bit TO UPB encode uue 6bit DO 
   decode uue 6bit[ABS encode uue 6bit[key]] := BIN key
 decode uue 6bit[ABS " "] := 2r0; # extra #
  1. Some basic examples #

PROC example uudecode nibble stream = VOID:(

 []STRING encoded uue 6bit hello world = (
 PROC gen join hello world = (YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID: 
 # FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen join(encoded uue 6bit hello world, "", # ) DO # 
 ##   (NIBBLE nibble)VOID:(
   yield((6, decode uue 6bit[ABS bits OF nibble]))
 # OD # ));
 print(("Decode uue 6bit NIBBLEs into 8bit CHARs:", new line));
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen resize nibble(8, gen join hello world, # ) DO ( #
    1. (NIBBLE nibble)VOID:(
   print(REPR ABS bits OF nibble)
  1. OD # ))


PROC example uuencode nibble stream = VOID: (

 []STRING hello world = (
   "hello, world",
   "Hello, world!",
   "Goodbye, cruel world",
   "I'm leaving you today",
   "Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye "
 PROC gen join hello world = (YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID: 
   gen join(hello world, REPR ABS 8r12, yield); # 8r12 = ASCII new line #
 print((new line, "Encode 8bit CHARs into uue 6bit NIBBLEs:", new line));
 INT count := 0;
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen resize nibble(6, gen join hello world, # ) DO ( #
    1. (NIBBLE nibble)VOID:(
   print(encode uue 6bit[ABS bits OF nibble]);
   IF count MOD 60 = 0 THEN print(newline) FI
  1. OD # ));
   print(new line); print(new line)


PROC example compress 7bit chars = VOID: (

 STRING example 7bit string = "STRING & ABACUS";
 print(("Convert 7bit ASCII CHARS to a 1bit stream: ",new line,
         example 7bit string + " => "));
 PROC gen example 7bit string = (YIELDNIBBLE yield)VOID:
   gen nibble from 7bit chars(example 7bit string,yield);
  1. FOR NIBBLE nibble IN # gen resize nibble(1, gen example 7bit string, # ) DO ( #
    1. (NIBBLE nibble)VOID: (
   print(whole(ABS bits OF nibble,0))
  1. OD # ));
 print(new line)


example uudecode nibble stream; example uuencode nibble stream; example compress 7bit chars</lang>

Decode uue 6bit NIBBLEs into 8bit CHARs:
hello, world
Hello, world!
Goodbye, cruel world
I'm leaving you today
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye 

Encode 8bit CHARs into uue 6bit NIBBLEs:

Convert 7bit ASCII CHARS to a 1bit stream: 
STRING & ABACUS => 101001110101001010010100100110011101000111010000001001100100000100000110000101000001100001110101011010011


<lang autohotkey>file = %A_WorkingDir%\z.dat IfExist, %A_WorkingDir%\z.dat

   FileDelete %file%

IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0, MsgBox Can't delete file "%file%"`nErrorLevel = "%ErrorLevel%"

res := BinWrite(file,"000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f00") MsgBox ErrorLevel = %ErrorLevel%`nBytes Written = %res% res := BinRead(file,data) MsgBox ErrorLevel = %ErrorLevel%`nBytes Read = %res%`nData = "%data%"

res := BinWrite(file,"aa00bb",0,2) MsgBox ErrorLevel = %ErrorLevel%`nBytes Written = %res% res := BinRead(file,data) MsgBox ErrorLevel = %ErrorLevel%`nBytes Read = %res%`nData = "%data%"

res := BinRead(file,data,3,-2) MsgBox ErrorLevel = %ErrorLevel%`nBytes Read = %res%`nData = "%data%" ExitApp

/* ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BinWrite ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | - Open binary file | - (Over)Write n bytes (n = 0: all) | - From offset (offset < 0: counted from end) | - Close file | data -> file[offset + 0..n-1], rest of file unchanged | Return #bytes actually written

  • / ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

BinWrite(file, data, n=0, offset=0) {

  ; Open file for WRITE (0x40..), OPEN_ALWAYS (4): creates only if it does not exists
  h := DllCall("CreateFile","str",file,"Uint",0x40000000,"Uint",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",4,"Uint",0,"UInt",0)
  IfEqual h,-1, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -1
  IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0,Return,0 ; couldn't create the file
  m = 0                            ; seek to offset
  IfLess offset,0, SetEnv,m,2
  r := DllCall("SetFilePointerEx","Uint",h,"Int64",offset,"UInt *",p,"Int",m)
  IfEqual r,0, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -3
  IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0, {
     t = %ErrorLevel%              ; save ErrorLevel to be returned
     DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
     ErrorLevel = %t%              ; return seek error
     Return 0
  TotalWritten = 0
  m := Ceil(StrLen(data)/2)
  If (n <= 0 or n > m)
      n := m
  Loop %n%
     StringLeft c, data, 2         ; extract next byte
     StringTrimLeft data, data, 2  ; remove  used byte
     c = 0x%c%                     ; make it number
     result := DllCall("WriteFile","UInt",h,"UChar *",c,"UInt",1,"UInt *",Written,"UInt",0)
     TotalWritten += Written       ; count written
     if (!result or Written < 1 or ErrorLevel)
  IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0, SetEnv,t,%ErrorLevel%
  h := DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
  IfEqual h,-1, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -2
  IfNotEqual t,,SetEnv, ErrorLevel, %t%
  Return TotalWritten


/* ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BinRead ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | - Open binary file | - Read n bytes (n = 0: all) | - From offset (offset < 0: counted from end) | - Close file | data (replaced) <- file[offset + 0..n-1] | Return #bytes actually read

  • / ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

BinRead(file, ByRef data, n=0, offset=0) {

  h := DllCall("CreateFile","Str",file,"Uint",0x80000000,"Uint",3,"UInt",0,"UInt",3,"Uint",0,"UInt",0)
  IfEqual h,-1, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -1
  IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0,Return,0 ; couldn't open the file
  m = 0                            ; seek to offset
  IfLess offset,0, SetEnv,m,2
  r := DllCall("SetFilePointerEx","Uint",h,"Int64",offset,"UInt *",p,"Int",m)
  IfEqual r,0, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -3
  IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0, {
     t = %ErrorLevel%              ; save ErrorLevel to be returned
     DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
     ErrorLevel = %t%              ; return seek error
     Return 0
  TotalRead = 0
  data =
  IfEqual n,0, SetEnv n,0xffffffff ; almost infinite
  format = %A_FormatInteger%       ; save original integer format
  SetFormat Integer, Hex           ; for converting bytes to hex
  Loop %n%
     result := DllCall("ReadFile","UInt",h,"UChar *",c,"UInt",1,"UInt *",Read,"UInt",0)
     if (!result or Read < 1 or ErrorLevel)
     TotalRead += Read             ; count read
     c += 0                        ; convert to hex
     StringTrimLeft c, c, 2        ; remove 0x
     c = 0%c%                      ; pad left with 0
     StringRight c, c, 2           ; always 2 digits
     data = %data%%c%              ; append 2 hex digits
  IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0, SetEnv,t,%ErrorLevel%
  h := DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
  IfEqual h,-1, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -2
  IfNotEqual t,,SetEnv, ErrorLevel, %t%
  SetFormat Integer, %format%      ; restore original format
  Totalread += 0                   ; convert to original format
  Return TotalRead



<lang bbcbasic> file$ = @tmp$ + "bitwise.tmp"

     test$ = "Hello, world!"
     REM Write to file, 7 bits per character:
     file% = OPENOUT(file$)
     FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(test$)
       PROCwritebits(file%, ASCMID$(test$,i%), 7)
     PROCwritebits(file%, 0, 0)
     CLOSE #file%
     REM Read from file, 7 bits per character:
     file% = OPENIN(file$)
       ch% = FNreadbits(file%, 7)
       VDU ch%
     UNTIL ch% = 0
     CLOSE #file%
     REM Write n% bits from b% to file f% (n% = 0 to flush):
     DEF PROCwritebits(f%, b%, n%)
     PRIVATE a%, c%
     IF n% = 0 BPUT #f%,a% : a% = 0 : c% = 0
     WHILE n%
       IF c% = 8 BPUT #f%,a% : a% = 0 : c% = 0
       n% -= 1
       c% += 1
       IF b% AND 1 << n% THEN a% OR= 1 << (8 - c%)
     REM Read n% bits from file f%:
     DEF FNreadbits(f%, n%)
     PRIVATE a%, c% : LOCAL v%
     WHILE n%
       IF c% = 0 a% = BGET#f% : c% = 8
       n% -= 1
       c% -= 1
       v% = v% << 1 OR (a% >> c%) AND 1
     = v%</lang>
Hello, world!


MSB in a byte is considered the "first" bit. Read and write methods somewhat mimic fread and fwrite, though there's no fflush-like function because flushing bits into a file is ill-defined (this whole task is pretty ill-defined). Only way to make sure all bits are written to the file is by detaching the bit filter, just like how closing a file flushes out buffer. There's no limit on read/write size, but caller should ensure the buffer is large enough. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdint.h>
  3. include <string.h>

typedef uint8_t byte; typedef struct {

   FILE *fp;
   uint32_t accu;
   int bits;

} bit_io_t, *bit_filter;

bit_filter b_attach(FILE *f) {

   bit_filter b = malloc(sizeof(bit_io_t));
   b->bits = b->accu = 0;
   b->fp = f;
   return b;


void b_write(byte *buf, size_t n_bits, size_t shift, bit_filter bf) {

   uint32_t accu = bf->accu;
   int bits = bf->bits;
   buf += shift / 8;
   shift %= 8;
   while (n_bits || bits >= 8) {
       while (bits >= 8) {
           bits -= 8;
           fputc(accu >> bits, bf->fp);
           accu &= (1 << bits) - 1;
       while (bits < 8 && n_bits) {
           accu = (accu << 1) | (((128 >> shift) & *buf) >> (7 - shift));
           if (++shift == 8) {
               shift = 0;
   bf->accu = accu;
   bf->bits = bits;


size_t b_read(byte *buf, size_t n_bits, size_t shift, bit_filter bf) {

   uint32_t accu = bf->accu;
   int bits = bf->bits;
   int mask, i = 0;
   buf += shift / 8;
   shift %= 8;
   while (n_bits) {
       while (bits && n_bits) {
           mask = 128 >> shift;
           if (accu & (1 << (bits - 1))) *buf |= mask;
           else *buf &= ~mask;
           if (++shift >= 8) {
               shift = 0;
       if (!n_bits) break;
       accu = (accu << 8) | fgetc(bf->fp);
       bits += 8;
   bf->accu = accu;
   bf->bits = bits;
   return i;


void b_detach(bit_filter bf) {

   if (bf->bits) {
       bf->accu <<= 8 - bf->bits;
       fputc(bf->accu, bf->fp);


int main() {

   unsigned char s[] = "abcdefghijk";
   unsigned char s2[11] = {0};
   int i;
   FILE *f = fopen("test.bin", "wb");
   bit_filter b = b_attach(f);
   /* for each byte in s, write 7 bits skipping 1 */
   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) b_write(s + i, 7, 1, b);
   /* read 7 bits and expand to each byte of s2 skipping 1 bit */
   f = fopen("test.bin", "rb");
   b = b_attach(f);
   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) b_read(s2 + i, 7, 1, b);
   printf("%10s\n", s2); /* should be the same first 10 bytes as in s */
   return 0;



<lang csharp>using System; using System.IO;

public class BitReader {

   uint readData = 0;
   int startPosition = 0;
   int endPosition = 0;
   public int InBuffer
       get { return endPosition - startPosition; }
   private Stream stream;
   public Stream BaseStream
       get { return stream; }
   public BitReader(Stream stream)
   { = stream;
   void EnsureData(int bitCount)
       int readBits = bitCount - InBuffer;
       while (readBits > 0)
           int b = BaseStream.ReadByte();
           if (b < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected end of stream");
           readData |= checked((uint)b << endPosition);
           endPosition += 8;
           readBits -= 8;
   public bool ReadBit()
       return Read(1) > 0;
   public int Read(int bitCount)
       int result = (int)(readData >> startPosition) & ((1 << bitCount) - 1);
       startPosition += bitCount;
       if (endPosition == startPosition)
           endPosition = startPosition = 0;
           readData = 0;
       else if (startPosition >= 8)
           readData >>= startPosition;
           endPosition -= startPosition;
           startPosition = 0;
       return result;
   public void Align()
       endPosition = startPosition = 0;
       readData = 0;


public class BitWriter {

   uint data = 0;
   int dataLength = 0;
   Stream stream;
   public Stream BaseStream
       get { return stream; }
   public int BitsToAligment
       get { return (32 - dataLength) % 8; }
   public BitWriter(Stream stream)
   { = stream;
   public void WriteBit(bool value)
       Write(value ? 1 : 0, 1);
   public void Write(int value, int length)
       uint currentData = data | checked((uint)value << dataLength);
       int currentLength = dataLength + length;
       while (currentLength >= 8)
           currentData >>= 8;
           currentLength -= 8;
       data = currentData;
       dataLength = currentLength;
   public void Align()
       if (dataLength > 0)
           data = 0;
           dataLength = 0;


class Program {

   static void Main(string[] args)
       MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
       BitWriter writer = new BitWriter(ms);
       writer.Write(5, 3);
       writer.Write(0x0155, 11);
       ms.Position = 0;
       BitReader reader = new BitReader(ms);


Common Lisp

Common Lisp already has tonnes of bitwise-I/O functionality (remember, folks have written operating systems in Lisp …); in particular, READ-SEQUENCE and WRITE-SEQUENCE neatly handle dumping (VECTOR (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) objects directly to/from I/O streams with :ELEMENT-TYPE (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8). This is a fairly robust but not very optimized toolkit that shows off changing between vectors of bytes, vectors of characters, and bit-vectors in a few ways.

<lang lisp> (defpackage :rosetta.bitwise-i/o

 (:use :common-lisp)
 (:export :bitwise-i/o-demo))

(in-package :rosetta.bitwise-i/o)

(defun byte->bit-vector (byte byte-bits)

 "Convert one BYTE into a bit-vector of BYTE-BITS length."
 (let ((vector (make-array byte-bits :element-type 'bit))
       (bit-value 1)) 
   (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
   (dotimes (bit-index byte-bits vector) 
     (setf (aref vector bit-index)
           (if (plusp (logand byte (the (unsigned-byte 8) bit-value)))
               1 0))
     (setq bit-value (ash bit-value 1)))))

(defun bytes->bit-vector (byte-vector byte-bits)

 "Convert a BYTE-VECTOR into a bit-vector, with each byte taking BYTE-BITS.

For optimization's sake, I limit the size of the vector to (FLOOR MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM BYTE-BITS), which is somewhat ridiculously long, but allows the compiler to trust that indices will fit in a FIXNUM."

 (reduce (lambda (a b) (concatenate 'bit-vector a b))
         (map 'list (lambda (byte) (byte->bit-vector byte byte-bits)) byte-vector)))

(defun ascii-char-p (char)

 "True if CHAR is an ASCII character"
 (< (char-code char) #x80))

(defun assert-ascii-string (string)

 "`ASSERT' that STRING is an ASCII string."
 (assert (every #'ascii-char-p string)
         "STRING must contain only ASCII (7-bit) characters;~%“~a”

…contains non-ASCII character~p~:*: ~{~% • ~c ~:*— ~@c ~}"

         string (coerce (remove-duplicates (remove-if #'ascii-char-p string)
                                           :test #'char=) 

(defun ascii-string->bit-vector (string)

 "Convert a STRING consisting only  of characters in the ASCII \(7-bit)

range into a bit-vector of 7 bits per character.

This assumes \(as is now, in 2017, I believe universally the case) that the local character code system \(as for `CHAR-CODE' and `CODE-CHAR') is Unicode, or at least, a superset of ASCII \(eg: ISO-8859-*) "

 (check-type string simple-string) 
 (assert-ascii-string string)
 (bytes->bit-vector (map 'vector #'char-code string) 7))

(defun pad-bit-vector-to-8 (vector)

 "Ensure that VECTOR is a multiple of 8 bits in length."
 (adjust-array vector (* 8 (ceiling (length vector) 8))))

(defun bit-vector->byte (vector)

 "Convert VECTOR into a single byte."
 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
 (check-type vector bit-vector)
 (assert (<= (length vector) 8))
 (reduce (lambda (x y) 
           (logior (the (unsigned-byte 8)
                        (ash (the (unsigned-byte 8) x) 1)) 
                   (the bit y)))
         (reverse vector) :initial-value 0))

(defun bit-vector->bytes (vector byte-size &key (truncatep nil))

 "Convert a bit vector VECTOR into a vector of bytes of BYTE-SIZE bits each.

If TRUNCATEP, then discard any trailing bits."

 (let* ((out-length (funcall (if truncatep 'floor 'ceiling)
                             (length vector)
        (output (make-array out-length
                            :element-type (list 'unsigned-byte byte-size))))
   (loop for byte from 0 below out-length
         for start-bit = 0 then end-bit
         for end-bit = byte-size then (min (+ byte-size end-bit)
                                           (length vector))
         do (setf (aref output byte)
                  (bit-vector->byte (subseq vector start-bit end-bit))))

(defun ascii-pack-to-8-bit (string)

 "Pack an ASCII STRING into 8-bit bytes (7→8 bit packing)"
 (bit-vector->bytes (ascii-string->bit-vector string)

(defun unpack-ascii-from-8-bits (byte-vector)

 "Convert an 8-bit BYTE-VECTOR into an array of (unpacked) 7-bit bytes." 
 (map 'string #'code-char
       (pad-bit-vector-to-8 (bytes->bit-vector byte-vector 8))
       :truncatep t)))

(defun write-7->8-bit-string-to-file (string pathname)

 "Given a string of 7-bit character STRING, create a new file at PATHNAME

with the contents of that string packed into 8-bit bytes."

 (format *trace-output* "~&Writing string to ~a in packed 7→8 bits…~%“~a”"
         pathname string)
 (assert-ascii-string string)
 (with-open-file (output pathname 
                         :direction :output
                         :if-exists :supersede
                         :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
   (write-sequence (ascii-pack-to-8-bit string) output) 
   (finish-output output)
   (let ((expected-length (ceiling (* (length string) 7) 8)))
     (assert (= (file-length output) expected-length) ()
             "The file written was ~:d byte~:p in length, ~

but the string supplied should have written ~:d byte~:p."

             (file-length output) expected-length))))

(defun read-file-into-byte-array (pathname)

 "Read a binary file into a byte array"
 (with-open-file (input pathname
                        :direction :input
                        :if-does-not-exist :error
                        :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
   (let ((buffer (make-array (file-length input)
                             :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
     (read-sequence buffer input)

(defun read-8->7-bit-string-from-file (pathname)

 "Read   8-bit   packed  data   from   PATHNAME   and  return   it   as

a 7-bit string."

 (unpack-ascii-from-8-bits (read-file-into-byte-array pathname)))

(defun bitwise-i/o-demo (&key (string "Hello, World.")

                             (pathname #p"/tmp/demo.bin"))
 "Writes STRING  to PATHNAME after  7→8 bit  packing, then reads  it back

to validate."

 (write-7->8-bit-string-to-file string pathname)
 (let ((read-back (read-8->7-bit-string-from-file pathname)))
   (assert (equal string read-back) ()
           "Reading back string got:~%“~a”~%…expected:~%“~a”" read-back string)
   (format *trace-output* "~&String read back matches:~%“~a”" read-back))
 (finish-output *trace-output*))



<lang lisp> BITWISE-I/O> (bitwise-i/o-demo)

Writing string to /tmp/demo.bin in packed 7→8 bits… “Hello, World.” String read back matches: “Hello, World.” NIL BITWISE-I/O> (bitwise-i/o-demo :string "It doesn't, however, do UTF-7. So, no ☠ or 🙋") Writing string to /tmp/demo.bin in packed 7→8 bits… “It doesn't, however, do UTF-7. So, no ☠ or 🙋”

STRING must contain only ASCII (7-bit) characters; “It doesn't, however, do UTF-7. So, no ☠ or 🙋” …contains non-ASCII characters:

  [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]


0: [CONTINUE] Retry assertion with new value for STRING.
1: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
2: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
3: [ABORT] abort thread (#<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {10152E8033}>)

⇒ ABORT </lang>


Translation of: C

<lang d>import std.stdio: File; import core.stdc.stdio: FILE, fputc, fgetc; import std.string: representation;

/*********** Bitwise I/O, the file must be in binary mode, and its FILE* must be kept open during the usage of BitwiseFile.

  • /

struct BitwiseFile {

   FILE* fp;
   uint accu;
   int bits;
   this(File f)
   in {
   } body {
       this.fp = f.getFP();
   void write(const(ubyte)[] buf, size_t nBits, size_t shift)
   nothrow {
       auto accu = this.accu;
       auto bits = this.bits;
       auto bufPtr = buf.ptr;
       bufPtr += shift / 8;
       shift %= 8;
       while (nBits || bits >= 8) {
           while (bits >= 8) {
               bits -= 8;
               fputc(accu >> bits, this.fp);
               accu &= (1 << bits) - 1;
           while (bits < 8 && nBits) {
               accu = (accu << 1) |
                      (((128 >> shift) & *bufPtr) >> (7 - shift));
               if (shift == 8) {
                   shift = 0;
       this.accu = accu;
       this.bits = bits;
   size_t read(ubyte[] buf, size_t nBits, size_t shift) nothrow {
       auto accu = this.accu;
       auto bits = this.bits;
       auto bufPtr = buf.ptr;
       int i = 0;
       bufPtr += shift / 8;
       shift %= 8;
       while (nBits) {
           while (bits && nBits) {
               immutable mask = 128u >> shift;
               if (accu & (1 << (bits - 1)))
                   *bufPtr |= mask;
                   *bufPtr &= ~mask;
               if (shift >= 8) {
                   shift = 0;
           if (!nBits)
           accu = (accu << 8) | fgetc(this.fp);
           bits += 8;
       this.accu = accu;
       this.bits = bits;
       return i;
   void detach() nothrow {
       if (this.bits) {
           this.accu <<= 8 - this.bits;
           fputc(this.accu, this.fp);
       this.fp = null;
       this.accu = 0;
       this.bits = 0;
   nothrow ~this() {


void main() { // Demo code.

   import core.stdc.stdio: fopen, fclose;
   import std.string: assumeUTF;
   import std.stdio: writeln;
   immutable data = "abcdefghijk".representation;
   enum n = data.length;
   // For each ubyte in data, write 7 bits skipping 1.
   auto fout = File("bitwise_io_test.bin", "wb");
   auto bf1 = BitwiseFile(fout);
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. n)
       bf1.write(data[i .. $], 7, 1);
   // Read 7 bits and expand to each ubyte of result skipping 1 bit.
   ubyte[n + 1] result = '\0';
   auto fin = File("bitwise_io_test.bin", "rb");
   auto bf2 = BitwiseFile(fin);
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. n)[i .. $], 7, 1);
   // Should be the same chars as 'data'.




Translation of: C#

<lang Delphi> program Bitwise_IO;





 TBitReader = class
   readData: Cardinal;
   startPosition: Integer;
   endPosition: Integer;
   Stream: TStream;
   procedure Align;
   function BaseStream: TStream;
   procedure EnsureData(bitCount: Integer);
   function GetInBuffer: Integer;
   constructor Create(sm: TStream);
   function Read(bitCount: Integer): Integer;
   function ReadBit: Boolean;
 TBitWriter = class
   data: Byte;
   dataLength: Integer;
   Stream: TStream;
   procedure Align;
   function BaseStream: TStream;
   function BitsToAligment: Integer;
   constructor Create(sm: TStream);
   procedure Write(value, length: Integer);
   procedure WriteBit(value: Boolean);

function TBitReader.GetInBuffer: Integer; begin

 result := endPosition - startPosition;


function TBitReader.BaseStream: TStream; begin

 result := stream;


constructor TBitReader.Create(sm: TStream); begin

 Stream := sm;


procedure TBitReader.EnsureData(bitCount: Integer); var

 readBits: Integer;
 b: Byte;


 readBits := bitCount - GetInBuffer;
 while readBits > 0 do
   BaseStream.Read(b, 1);
   readData := readData or (b shl endPosition);
   endPosition := endPosition + 8;
   readBits := readBits - 8;


function TBitReader.ReadBit: Boolean; begin

 Exit(Read(1) > 0);


function TBitReader.Read(bitCount: Integer): Integer; begin

 result := (readData shr startPosition) and ((1 shl bitCount) - 1);
 startPosition := startPosition + bitCount;
 if endPosition = startPosition then
   endPosition := ord(startPosition = 0);
   readData := 0;
 else if (startPosition >= 8) then
   readData := readData shr startPosition;
   endPosition := endPosition - startPosition;
   startPosition := 0;


procedure TBitReader.Align; begin

 endPosition := ord(startPosition = 0);
 readData := 0;


function TBitWriter.BaseStream: TStream; begin



function TBitWriter.BitsToAligment: Integer; begin

 Exit((32 - dataLength) mod 8);


constructor TBitWriter.Create(sm: TStream); begin

 Stream := sm;


procedure TBitWriter.WriteBit(value: Boolean); begin

 self.Write(ord(value), 1);


procedure TBitWriter.Write(value, length: Integer); var

 currentData: Cardinal;
 currentLength: Integer;


 currentData := data or (value shl dataLength);
 currentLength := dataLength + length;
 while currentLength >= 8 do
   BaseStream.Write(currentData, 1);
   currentData := currentData shr 8;
   currentLength := currentLength - 8;
 data := currentData;
 dataLength := currentLength;


procedure TBitWriter.Align; begin

 if dataLength > 0 then
   BaseStream.Write(data, 1);
   data := 0;
   dataLength := 0;



 ms: TMemoryStream;
 writer: TBitWriter;
 reader: TBitReader;


 ms := TMemoryStream.create();
 writer := TBitWriter.create(ms);
 writer.Write(5, 3);
 writer.Write($0155, 11);
 ms.Position := 0;
 reader := TBitReader.create(ms);
 writeln(format('0x%.4x', [reader.Read(11)]));




<lang erlang>-module(bitwise_io). -compile([export_all]).

%% Erlang allows for easy manipulation of bitstrings. Here I'll %% present a function that can take a message of 8-bit ASCII %% characters and remove the MSB, leaving the same message in 7-bits.

compress(Message) ->

   << <<X:7>> || <<X:8>> <= Message >>.

%% Here we decompress the message.

decompress(Message) ->

   << <<X:8>> || <<X:7>> <= Message >>.

%% Now a test to demonstrate that this conversion works:

test_bitstring_conversion() ->

   Message = <<"Hello, Rosetta Code!">>,
   io:format("~p: ~B~n",[Message, bit_size(Message)]),
   Compressed = compress(Message),
   io:format("~p: ~B~n",[Compressed, bit_size(Compressed)]),
   Decompressed = decompress(Compressed),
   io:format("~p: ~B~n",[Decompressed, bit_size(Decompressed)]),
   io:format("~p = ~p ? ~p~n",[Message, Decompressed,
                               Message =:= Decompressed]).

%% Now to show this on file output, we'll write the compressed version %% to a file. Now, erlang's file:write_file expects objects that are %% multiples of 8bits. We'll add padding to allow the writing to %% complete, and then discard the padding when reading the file back %% in.

test_file_io() ->

   Message = <<"Hello, Rosetta Code!">>,
   FileName = "bitwise_io.dat",
   Compressed = compress(Message),
   PaddingSize = (8 - (bit_size(Compressed) rem 8)) rem 8,
   PaddedCompressed = <<Compressed:(bit_size(Compressed))/bitstring,
   {ok, ReadIn} = file:read_file(FileName),
   UnpaddedSize = bit_size(ReadIn) - 7,
   Unpadded =
       case UnpaddedSize rem 7 =:= 0 of
           true ->
               <<T:(UnpaddedSize)/bitstring,_:7>> = ReadIn,
           false ->
               << <<X:7>> || <<X:7>> <= ReadIn >>
   Decompressed = decompress(Unpadded),

<lang erlang>184> bitwise_io:test_bitstring_conversion(). <<"Hello, Rosetta Code!">>: 160 <<145,151,102,205,235,16,82,223,207,47,78,152,80,67,223,147,42,1:4>>: 140 <<"Hello, Rosetta Code!">>: 160 <<"Hello, Rosetta Code!">> = <<"Hello, Rosetta Code!">> ? true ok 185> bitwise_io:test_file_io(). <<"Hello, Rosetta Code!">></lang>


The stream status is kept on the stack ( b m ), where b is the character accumulator and m is a mask for the current bit. The accumulator is filled with bits starting with the MSB. (The writing code was originally used for Mandelbrot generation.)

<lang forth>\ writing

init-write ( -- b m ) 0 128 ;
flush-bits ( b m -- 0 128 ) drop emit init-write ;
?flush-bits ( b m -- b' m' ) dup 128 < if flush-bits then ;
write-bit ( b m f -- b' m' )
 if tuck or swap then
 2/ dup 0= if flush-bits then ;

\ reading

init-read ( -- b m ) key 128 ;
eof? ( b m -- b m f ) dup if false else key? 0= then ;
read-bit ( b m -- b' m' f )
 dup 0= if 2drop init-read then
 2dup and swap 2/ swap ;</lang>


Based on the compress/lzw encoder and decoder internal types (with LZW specific stuff trimmed). <lang Go>// Package bit provides bit-wise IO to an io.Writer and from an io.Reader. package bit

import (



// Order specifies the bit ordering within a byte stream. type Order int

const (

   // LSB is for Least Significant Bits first
   LSB Order = iota
   // MSB is for Most  Significant Bits first


// ==== Writing / Encoding ====

type writer interface {

   Flush() error


// Writer implements bit-wise writing to an io.Writer. type Writer struct {

   w     writer
   order Order
   write func(uint32, uint) error // writeLSB or writeMSB
   bits  uint32
   nBits uint
   err   error


// writeLSB writes `width` bits of `c` in LSB order. func (w *Writer) writeLSB(c uint32, width uint) error {

   w.bits |= c << w.nBits
   w.nBits += width
   for w.nBits >= 8 {
       if err := w.w.WriteByte(uint8(w.bits)); err != nil {
           return err
       w.bits >>= 8
       w.nBits -= 8
   return nil


// writeMSB writes `width` bits of `c` in MSB order. func (w *Writer) writeMSB(c uint32, width uint) error {

   w.bits |= c << (32 - width - w.nBits)
   w.nBits += width
   for w.nBits >= 8 {
       if err := w.w.WriteByte(uint8(w.bits >> 24)); err != nil {
           return err
       w.bits <<= 8
       w.nBits -= 8
   return nil


// WriteBits writes up to 16 bits of `c` to the underlying writer. // Even for MSB ordering the bits are taken from the lower bits of `c`. // (e.g. WriteBits(0x0f,4) writes four 1 bits). func (w *Writer) WriteBits(c uint16, width uint) error {

   if w.err == nil {
       w.err = w.write(uint32(c), width)
   return w.err


var errClosed = errors.New("bit reader/writer is closed")

// Close closes the writer, flushing any pending output. // It does not close the underlying writer. func (w *Writer) Close() error {

   if w.err != nil {
       if w.err == errClosed {
           return nil
       return w.err
   // Write the final bits (zero padded).
   if w.nBits > 0 {
       if w.order == MSB {
           w.bits >>= 24
       if w.err = w.w.WriteByte(uint8(w.bits)); w.err != nil {
           return w.err
   w.err = w.w.Flush()
   if w.err != nil {
       return w.err
   // Make any future calls to Write return errClosed.
   w.err = errClosed
   return nil


// NewWriter returns a new bit Writer that writes completed bytes to `w`. func NewWriter(w io.Writer, order Order) *Writer {

   bw := &Writer{order: order}
   switch order {
   case LSB:
       bw.write = bw.writeLSB
   case MSB:
       bw.write = bw.writeMSB
       bw.err = errors.New("bit writer: unknown order")
       return bw
   if byteWriter, ok := w.(writer); ok {
       bw.w = byteWriter
   } else {
       bw.w = bufio.NewWriter(w)
   return bw


// ==== Reading / Decoding ====

// Reader implements bit-wise reading from an io.Reader. type Reader struct {

   r     io.ByteReader
   bits  uint32
   nBits uint
   read  func(width uint) (uint16, error) // readLSB or readMSB
   err   error


func (r *Reader) readLSB(width uint) (uint16, error) {

   for r.nBits < width {
       x, err := r.r.ReadByte()
       if err != nil {
           return 0, err
       r.bits |= uint32(x) << r.nBits
       r.nBits += 8
   bits := uint16(r.bits & (1<<width - 1))
   r.bits >>= width
   r.nBits -= width
   return bits, nil


func (r *Reader) readMSB(width uint) (uint16, error) {

   for r.nBits < width {
       x, err := r.r.ReadByte()
       if err != nil {
           return 0, err
       r.bits |= uint32(x) << (24 - r.nBits)
       r.nBits += 8
   bits := uint16(r.bits >> (32 - width))
   r.bits <<= width
   r.nBits -= width
   return bits, nil


// ReadBits reads up to 16 bits from the underlying reader. func (r *Reader) ReadBits(width uint) (uint16, error) {

   var bits uint16
   if r.err == nil {
       bits, r.err =
   return bits, r.err


// Close closes the reader. // It does not close the underlying reader. func (r *Reader) Close() error {

   if r.err != nil && r.err != errClosed {
       return r.err
   r.err = errClosed
   return nil


// NewReader returns a new bit Reader that reads bytes from `r`. func NewReader(r io.Reader, order Order) *Reader {

   br := new(Reader)
   switch order {
   case LSB: = br.readLSB
   case MSB: = br.readMSB
       br.err = errors.New("bit writer: unknown order")
       return br
   if byteReader, ok := r.(io.ByteReader); ok {
       br.r = byteReader
   } else {
       br.r = bufio.NewReader(r)
   return br

}</lang> And a test file (such as bit_test.go): <lang Go>package bit

import (



func ExampleWriter_WriteBits() {

   var buf bytes.Buffer
   bw := NewWriter(&buf, MSB)
   bw.WriteBits(0x0f, 4) // Writes 1111
   bw.WriteBits(0x00, 1) //        0
   bw.WriteBits(0x13, 5) //        1001 1
   // Close will flush with zero bits, in this case
   //                              0000 00
   if err := bw.Close(); err != nil {
   fmt.Printf("%08b", buf.Bytes())
   // Output:
   // [11110100 11000000]


func Example() {

   const message = "This is a test."
   fmt.Printf("%q as bytes: % 02[1]X\n", message, []byte(message))
   fmt.Printf("    original bits: %08b\n", []byte(message))
   // Re-write in 7 bit chunks to buf:
   var buf bytes.Buffer
   bw := NewWriter(&buf, MSB)
   for _, r := range message {
       bw.WriteBits(uint16(r), 7) // nolint: errcheck
   if err := bw.Close(); err != nil {
   fmt.Printf("Written bitstream: %08b\n", buf.Bytes())
   fmt.Printf("Written bytes: % 02X\n", buf.Bytes())
   // Read back in 7 bit chunks:
   br := NewReader(&buf, MSB)
   var result []byte
   for {
       v, err := br.ReadBits(7)
       if err != nil {
           if err != io.EOF {
       if v != 0 {
           result = append(result, byte(v))
   fmt.Printf("Read back as \"%s\"\n", result)
   // Output:
   // "This is a test." as bytes: 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 65 73 74 2E
   //     original bits: [01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110100 01100101 01110011 01110100 00101110]
   // Written bitstream: [10101001 10100011 01001111 00110100 00011010 01111001 10100000 11000010 10000011 10100110 01011110 01111101 00010111 00000000]
   // Written bytes: A9 A3 4F 34 1A 79 A0 C2 83 A6 5E 7D 17 00
   // Read back as "This is a test."

}</lang> With this test file, running go test -v will compile the package and run the example verifying the output is as listed above in the // Output: comments. Additionally, godoc -ex will extract the code comments for documentation and include the examples at the appropriate place (here the first goes with the WriteBits method and the later with the package documentation).


<lang haskell>import Data.List import Data.Char import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow import System.Environment

int2bin :: Int -> [Int] int2bin = unfoldr(\x -> if x==0 then Nothing

                         else Just (uncurry(flip(,)) (divMod x 2)))

bin2int :: [Int] -> Int bin2int = foldr ((.(2 *)).(+)) 0

bitReader = map (chr.bin2int). takeWhile(not.null). unfoldr(Just. splitAt 7)

 . (take =<< (7 *) . (`div` 7) . length)

bitWriter xs = tt ++ z00 where

 tt = concatMap (take 7.(++repeat 0).int2bin.ord) xs
 z00 = replicate (length xs `mod` 8) 0

main = do

 (xs:_) <- getArgs
 let bits = bitWriter xs
 putStrLn "Text to compress:"
 putStrLn $ '\t' : xs
 putStrLn $ "Uncompressed text length is " ++ show (length xs)
 putStrLn $ "Compressed text has " ++ show (length bits `div` 8) ++ " bytes."
 putStrLn "Read and decompress:"
 putStrLn $ '\t' : bitReader bits</lang>
  • 7-bits code has lsb leading.
*Main> :main ["This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task 'bit oriented IO'."]
Text to compress:
        This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task 'bit oriented IO'.
Uncompressed text length is 72
Compressed text has 63 bytes.
Read and decompress:
        This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task 'bit oriented IO'.



<lang j>bitReader =: a. {~ _7 #.\ ({.~ <.&.(%&7)@#) bitWriter =: , @ ((7$2) & #: @ (a.&i.)), 0 $~ 8 | #</lang>


Do and undo bit oriented IO: <lang j>text=: 'This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task about bit oriented IO.'

  bitReader bitWriter text

This text is used to illustrate the Rosetta Code task about 'bit oriented IO'.</lang> Original text length: <lang j> # text 78</lang> Note: '#' here counts the number of items in its right argument. (In some other languages, # marks the beginning of an in-line comment. J is not one of those languages. Also note that J's command prompt is three spaces. This makes copy&paste easier to use with previously issued commands.)

Compressed length: <lang j>  %&8 # bitWriter text 69</lang> Note: this implementation writes the bytes to the session (which is to say, it just gets displayed like any other result. Also, the compressed result is represented as bits - like 1 0 1 0 1... You'll of course need other code when you want to do other things.)


ASCII 7-bit character string compression and decompression, to demonstrate bit twiddling. Implemented as generic IO, so that file handles are usable with the same functions. <lang Julia> function compress7(inio, outio)

   nextwritebyte = read(inio, UInt8) & 0x7f
   filled = 7
   while !eof(inio)
       inbyte = read(inio, UInt8)
       write(outio, UInt8(nextwritebyte | inbyte << filled))
       nextwritebyte = inbyte >> (8 - filled)
       filled = (filled + 7) % 8
       if filled == 0
           if eof(inio)
           nextwritebyte = read(inio, UInt8) & 0x7f
           filled = 7
   if filled != 0
       write(outio, UInt8(nextwritebyte))


function expand7(inio, outio)

   newbyte = read(inio, UInt8)
   write(outio, UInt8(newbyte & 0x7f))
   residualbyte::UInt8 = newbyte >> 7
   filled = 1
   while !eof(inio)
       inbyte = read(inio, UInt8)
       write(outio, UInt8((residualbyte | inbyte << filled) & 0x7f))
       residualbyte = inbyte >> (7 - filled)
       filled = (filled + 1) % 7
       if filled == 0
           write(outio, UInt8(residualbyte & 0x7f))
           residualbyte = 0


str = b"These bit oriented I/O functions can be used to implement compressors and decompressors." ins = IOBuffer(str) outs = IOBuffer() newouts = IOBuffer() compress7(ins, outs) seek(outs,0) expand7(outs, newouts) println("Initial string of length $(length(str)): ", String( println("Compressed to length $(length( on line below:\n", String( println("Decompressed string: ", String(



Initial string of length 88: These bit oriented I/O functions can be used to implement compressors and decompressors. Compressed to length 77 on line below: ��A�y����A�6�]n��t��݆����[>��d��<~����|��] Decompressed string: These bit oriented I/O functions can be used to implement compressors and decompressors.


Translation of: C

<lang scala>// version 1.2.31


class BitFilter(val f: File, var accu: Int = 0, var bits: Int = 0) {

   private val bw = f.bufferedWriter()
   private val br = f.bufferedReader()

   fun write(buf: ByteArray, start: Int, _nBits: Int, _shift: Int) {
       var nBits = _nBits
       var index = start + _shift / 8
       var shift = _shift % 8
       while (nBits != 0 || bits >= 8) {
           while (bits >= 8) {
               bits -= 8
               bw.write(accu ushr bits)
               accu = accu and ((1 shl bits) - 1)
           while (bits < 8 && nBits != 0) {
               val b = buf[index].toInt()
               accu = (accu shl 1) or (((128 ushr shift) and b) ushr (7 - shift))
               if (++shift == 8) { shift = 0; index++ }
   fun read(buf: ByteArray, start: Int, _nBits: Int, _shift: Int) {
       var nBits = _nBits
       var index = start + _shift / 8
       var shift = _shift % 8
       while (nBits != 0) {
           while (bits != 0 && nBits != 0) {
               val mask = 128 ushr shift
               if ((accu and (1 shl (bits - 1))) != 0)
                   buf[index] = (buf[index].toInt() or mask).toByte()
                   buf[index] = (buf[index].toInt() and mask.inv()).toByte()
               if (++shift >= 8) { shift = 0; index++ }
           if (nBits == 0) break
           accu = (accu shl 8) or
           bits += 8
   fun closeWriter() {
       if (bits != 0) {
           accu = (accu shl (8 - bits))
       accu = 0
       bits = 0
   fun closeReader() {
       accu = 0
       bits = 0


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val s = "abcdefghijk".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)
   val f = File("test.bin")
   val bf = BitFilter(f)
   /* for each byte in s, write 7 bits skipping 1 */
   for (i in 0 until s.size) bf.write(s, i, 7, 1)
   /* read 7 bits and expand to each byte of s2 skipping 1 bit */
   val s2 = ByteArray(s.size)
   for (i in 0 until s2.size), i, 7, 1)
   println(String(s2, Charsets.UTF_8))




A "BitArray" class can be implemented by sub-classing ByteArray and extending it with methods that allow to get/set individual bits: <lang lingo>-- parent script "BitArray"

property ancestor property bitSize property _pow2

-- @constructor -- @param {integer} [bSize=0]

on new (me, bSize)

 if voidP(bitSize) then bitSize=0
 me.bitSize = bSize
 byteSize = bitSize/8 + (bitSize mod 8>0)
 me._pow2 = [128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1] -- pow2 lookup list
 me.ancestor = ByteArray(byteSize)
 return me


-- Sets bit at position <bitPos> to <bitValue>. -- @param {integer} bitPos - starts at 1, as ByteArray's native byte access functions -- @param {boolean} bitValue

on setBit (me, bitPos, bitValue)

 bytePos = (bitPos-1)/8 + 1
 bitPos = (bitPos-1) mod 8 + 1
 if bitValue then
   me[bytePos] = bitOr(me[bytePos], me._pow2[bitPos])
   me[bytePos] = bitAnd(me[bytePos], bitNot(me._pow2[bitPos]))
 end if


-- Gets bit value at position <bitPos>. -- @param {integer} bitPos - starts at 1, as ByteArray's native byte access functions -- @return {boolean} bitValue

on getBit (me, bitPos)

 bytePos = (bitPos-1)/8 + 1
 bitPos = (bitPos-1) mod 8 + 1
 return bitAnd(me[bytePos], me._pow2[bitPos])<>0


-- Returns all bits as string. To be in accordance with ByteArray's native toHexString(), -- returned string is separated with SPACE (e.g. "0 1 1 0...") -- @param {integer} [bitSizeOnly=FALSE] - if TRUE, only <bitSize> bits without byte-padding -- @return {string}

on toBinString (me, bitSizeOnly)

 res = ""
 repeat with i = 1 to me.length
   byte = me[i]
   repeat with j = 1 to 8
     put (bitAnd(byte, me._pow2[j])<>0)&" " after res
     if bitSizeOnly and (i-1)*8+j=me.bitSize then exit repeat
   end repeat
 end repeat
 delete the last char of res
 return res


Simple compression/decompression functions for 7-bit ASCII strings: <lang lingo>---------------------------------------- -- @param {string} str - ASCII string -- @return {instance} BitArray

on crunchASCII (str)

 ba = script("BitArray").new(str.length * 7)
 pow2 = [64,32,16,8,4,2,1]
 pos = 1
 repeat with i = 1 to str.length
   n = chartonum(str.char[i])
   repeat with j = 1 to 7
     ba.setBit(pos, bitAnd(n, pow2[j])<>0)
     pos = pos+1
   end repeat
 end repeat
 return ba


-- @param {instance} bitArray -- @return {string} ASCII string

on decrunchASCII (bitArray)

 str = ""
 pow2 = [64,32,16,8,4,2,1]
 pos = 1
 cnt = bitArray.bitSize/7
 repeat with i = 1 to cnt
   n = 0
   repeat with j = 1 to 7
     n = n + bitArray.getBit(pos)*pow2[j]
   pos = pos+1
   end repeat
   put numtochar(n) after str
 end repeat
 return str


<lang lingo>str = "ABC" ba = crunchASCII(str)

put ba.toBinString() -- "1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0"

put ba.toBinString(TRUE)

-- "1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1"

put decrunchASCII(ba) -- "ABC"</lang>

MIPS Assembly

See Bitwise IO/MIPS Assembly


<lang nim>type

 BitWriter * = tuple
   file: File
   bits: uint8
   nRemain: int
 BitReader * = tuple
   file: File
   bits: uint8
   nRemain: int
   nRead: int

proc newBitWriter * (file: File) : ref BitWriter =

 result = new BitWriter
 result.file = file
 result.bits = 0
 result.nRemain = 8

proc flushBits (stream : ref BitWriter) =

 discard stream.file.writeBuffer(stream.bits.addr, 1)
 stream.nRemain = 8
 stream.bits = 0

proc write * (stream: ref BitWriter, bits: uint8, nBits: int) =

 assert(nBits <= 8)
 for ii in countdown((nBits - 1), 0) :
   stream.bits = (stream.bits shl 1) or ((bits shr ii) and 1)
   if stream.nRemain == 0:

proc flush * (stream: ref BitWriter) =

 if stream.nRemain < 8:
   stream.bits = stream.bits shl stream.nRemain

proc newBitReader * (file: File) : ref BitReader =

 result = new BitReader
 result.file = file
 result.bits = 0
 result.nRemain = 0
 result.nRead = 0

proc read * (stream: ref BitReader, nBits: int) : uint8 =

 assert(nBits <= 8)
 result = 0
 for ii in 0 ..< nBits :
   if stream.nRemain == 0:
     stream.nRead = stream.file.readBuffer(stream.bits.addr, 1)
     if stream.nRead == 0:
     stream.nRemain = 8
   result = (result shl 1) or ((stream.bits shr 7) and 1)
   stream.bits = stream.bits shl 1

when isMainModule:

   file: File
   writer: ref BitWriter
   reader: ref BitReader
 file = open("testfile.dat", fmWrite)
 writer = newBitWriter(file)
 for ii in 0 .. 255:
   writer.write(ii.uint8, 7)
 var dataCtr = 0
 file = open("testfile.dat", fmRead)
 reader = newBitReader(file)
 while true:
   let aByte =
   if reader.nRead == 0:
   assert((dataCtr and 0x7f).uint8 == aByte)
   inc dataCtr
 assert(dataCtr == 256)
 echo "OK"</lang>


The extLib provides bit oriented IO functions. <lang ocaml>let write_7bit_string ~filename ~str =

 let oc = open_out filename in
 let ob = IO.output_bits(IO.output_channel oc) in
 String.iter (fun c -> IO.write_bits ob 7 (int_of_char c)) str;
 IO.flush_bits ob;
 close_out oc;

<lang ocaml>let read_7bit_string ~filename =

 let ic = open_in filename in
 let ib = IO.input_bits(IO.input_channel ic) in
 let buf = Buffer.create 2048 in
 try while true do
   let c = IO.read_bits ib 7 in
   Buffer.add_char buf (char_of_int c);
 done; ""
 with IO.No_more_input ->
   (Buffer.contents buf)</lang>


<lang perl>#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;

  1. $buffer = write_bits(*STDOUT, $buffer, $number, $bits)

sub write_bits( $$$$ ) {

   my ($out, $l, $num, $q) = @_;
   $l .= substr(unpack("B*", pack("N", $num)),
   if ( (length($l) > 8) ) {
   my $left = substr($l, 8);
   print $out pack("B8", $l);
   $l = $left;
   return $l;


  1. flush_bits(*STDOUT, $buffer)

sub flush_bits( $$ ) {

   my ($out, $b) = @_;
   print $out pack("B*", $b);


  1. ($val, $buf) = read_bits(*STDIN, $buf, $n)

sub read_bits( $$$ ) {

   my ( $in, $b, $n ) = @_;
   # we put a limit in the number of bits we can read
   # with one shot; this should mirror the limit of the max
   # integer value perl can hold
   if ( $n > 32 ) { return 0; }
   while ( length($b) < $n ) {
   my $v;
   my $red = read($in, $v, 1);
   if ( $red < 1 ) { return ( 0, -1 ); }
   $b .= substr(unpack("B*", $v), -8);
   my $bits = "0" x ( 32-$n ) . substr($b, 0, $n);
   my $val = unpack("N", pack("B32", $bits));
   $b = substr($b, $n);
   return ($val, $b);

}</lang> Crunching bytes discarding most significant bit (lossless compression for ASCII and few more!) <lang perl>my $buf = ""; my $c; while( read(*STDIN, $c, 1) > 0 ) {

   $buf = write_bits(*STDOUT, $buf, unpack("C1", $c), 7);

} flush_bits(*STDOUT, $buf);</lang> Expanding each seven bits to fit a byte (padding the eight most significant bit with 0): <lang perl>my $buf = ""; my $v; while(1) {

   ( $v, $buf ) = read_bits(*STDIN, $buf, 7);
   last if ($buf < 0); 
   print pack("C1", $v);



<lang Phix>enum FN, V, BITS -- fields of a bitwiseioreader/writer

function new_bitwiseio(string filename, mode)

   integer fn = open(filename,mode)
   return {fn,0,0}     -- ie {FN,V=0,BITS=0}

end function

function new_bitwiseiowriter(string filename)

   return new_bitwiseio(filename,"wb")

end function

function new_bitwiseioreader(string filename)

   return new_bitwiseio(filename,"rb")

end function

function write_bits(sequence writer, integer v, bits)

   integer {fn,wv,wb} = writer,
           p2 = power(2,bits), ch
   if v!=and_bits(v,p2*2-1) then ?9/0 end if
   wv = wv*p2+v
   wb += bits
   while wb>=8 do
       wb -= 8
       p2 = power(2,wb)
       ch = floor(wv/p2)
       wv -= ch*p2
   end while
   if wv>=#100 then ?9/0 end if
   if wb>=8 then ?9/0 end if
   writer[V]= wv
   writer[BITS]= wb
   return writer

end function

function close_bitwiseiowriter(sequence writer)

   integer {fn,wv,wb} = writer
   if wb then
       if wb>=8 then ?9/0 end if -- sanity check
       writer = write_bits(writer,0,8-wb)
   end if
   if writer[V]!=0 then ?9/0 end if
   if writer[BITS]!=0 then ?9/0 end if
   return writer

end function

function read_bits(sequence reader, integer bits)

   integer {fn,rv,rb} = reader, ch, p2
   while bits>rb do
       ch = getc(fn)
       if ch=-1 then return {-1,reader} end if
       rv = rv*#100+ch
       rb += 8
   end while
   rb -= bits
   p2 = power(2,rb)
   ch = floor(rv/p2)
   rv -= ch*p2
   reader[V]= rv
   reader[BITS]= rb
   return {ch,reader}

end function

function as_hexb(string s, fmt="%02x ") -- helper funtion, returns hex string, or binary if fmt="%08b "

   string res = ""
   for i=1 to length(s) do
       res &= sprintf(fmt,s[i])
   end for 
   return trim(res)

end function

constant test = "This is a test." --constant test = "This is a test" --constant test = "abcdefghijk" --constant test = "STRING" --constant test = "This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded." printf(1,"\"%s\" as bytes: %s (length %d)\n",{test,as_hexb(test),length(test)}) printf(1," original bits: %s\n",{as_hexb(test,"%08b ")})

sequence writer = new_bitwiseiowriter("test.bin") for i=1 to length(test) do

   writer = write_bits(writer,test[i],7)

end for writer = close_bitwiseiowriter(writer)

integer fn = open("test.bin","rb") string bytes = get_text(fn,GT_WHOLE_FILE) printf(1,"Written bitstream: %s\n",{as_hexb(bytes,"%08b ")}) printf(1,"Written bytes: %s (length %d)\n",{as_hexb(bytes),length(bytes)}) close(fn)

sequence reader = new_bitwiseioreader("test.bin") bytes = "" integer ch while true do

   {ch,reader} = read_bits(reader,7)
   if ch=-1 then exit end if
   bytes &= ch

end while printf(1,"\"%s\" as bytes: %s (length %d)\n",{bytes,as_hexb(bytes),length(bytes)})</lang>

"This is a test." as bytes: 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 65 73 74 2E (length 15)
    original bits: 01010100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110100 01100101 01110011 01110100 00101110
Written bitstream: 10101001 10100011 01001111 00110100 00011010 01111001 10100000 11000010 10000011 10100110 01011110 01111101 00010111 00000000
Written bytes: A9 A3 4F 34 1A 79 A0 C2 83 A6 5E 7D 17 00 (length 14)
"This is a test. " as bytes: 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 65 73 74 2E 00 (length 16)

Note that the 105(=15*7) bits written out are rounded up/padded to 112(=14*8), reading them back in makes for 16 whole 7-bit values, which, since 16*7==112, cannot be distinguished from deliberately writing a trailing 7 zero bits. You could, as per the Go example, simply ignore retrieved zero bytes, but that could fairly obviously create problems for some forms of binary data. A better solution might be for the data to embed or prefix it's own length. The other four (commented-out) test values do not exhibit this problem.


<lang PicoLisp>(de write7bitwise (Lst)

  (let (Bits 0  Byte)
     (for N Lst
        (if (=0 Bits)
           (setq Bits 7  Byte (* 2 N))
           (wr (| Byte (>> (dec 'Bits) N)))
           (setq Byte (>> (- Bits 8) N)) ) )
     (unless (=0 Bits)
        (wr Byte) ) ) )

(de read7bitwise ()

     (let (Bits 0  Byte)
        (while (rd 1)
           (let N @
                 (if (=0 Bits)
                    (>> (one Bits) N)
                    (| Byte (>> (inc 'Bits) N)) ) )
              (setq Byte (& 127 (>> (- Bits 7) N))) ) )
        (when (= 7 Bits)
           (link Byte) ) ) ) )</lang>

<lang PicoLisp>(out 'a (write7bitwise (127 0 127 0 127 0 127 0 127))) (hd 'a) (in 'a (println (read7bitwise)))

(out 'a (write7bitwise (0 127 0 127 0 127 0 127 0))) (hd 'a) (in 'a (println (read7bitwise)))

(out 'a (write7bitwise (mapcar char (chop "STRING")))) (hd 'a) (println (mapcar char (in 'a (read7bitwise))))</lang>

00000000  FE 03 F8 0F E0 3F 80 FE                          .....?..
(127 0 127 0 127 0 127 0)
00000000  01 FC 07 F0 1F C0 7F 00                          .......
(0 127 0 127 0 127 0 127)
00000000  A7 52 94 99 D1 C0                                .R....
("S" "T" "R" "I" "N" "G")


<lang PL/I>declare onebit bit(1) aligned, bs bit (1000) varying aligned; on endfile (sysin) go to ending; bs = b; do forever;

  get edit (onebit) (F(1));
  bs = bs || onebit;

end; ending: bs = bs || copy('0'b, mod(length(bs), 8) );

                                /* pad length to a multiple of 8 */

put edit (bs) (b);</lang> Example:

/* Test, read text, write out 7 bits for each 8-bit character. */
/* Pad, so that bits written are a multiple of 8. */

test: procedure options (main);            /* 6/9/2012 */

   declare 1 z union,
             2 ch character (1),
             2 bits,
               3 dummy bit (1), 3 bitvalue bit (7);
   declare length fixed initial (0);
   declare in file;
   open file (in) input title ('/BIT-DATA.DAT,type(fixed),recsize(1)');

   on endfile (in) go to finish_up;
   do forever;
      get file (in) edit (ch) (a(1));
      put edit (bitvalue) (b(7)); /* The least-significant 7 bits. */
      length = mod(length + 7, 8);

   put edit (substr('0000000', 1, length)) (b);
end test;

data for test: STRING. The output is:



The bits are read/written with the HSB being read/written first, then each full byte (8 bits) is read/written in succession. Depending on the native integer size the compiler is using, upto 32-bits or 64-bits can be read/written at once. The procedure flushBits() should be called when the reading/writing of bits is completed. If a partial byte is written the bits containing data will begin with the HSB and the padding bits will end with the LSB.

As a slight speed modification, the readBits() and writeBits() procedures will attempt to write groups of bits whenever possible. <lang PureBasic>Structure fileDataBits



  1. BitsPerByte = SizeOf(Byte) * 8
  2. BitsPerInteger = SizeOf(Integer) * 8

Global Dim fileBitMask(8) Define i, x For i = 0 To 8

 fileBitMask(i) = x
 x = (x << 1) + 1


Global NewMap fileDataBits.fileDataBits() Procedure flushBits(fileID)

 If FindMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
   If fileDataBits()\bitsToWrite > 0
     WriteByte(fileID, fileDataBits()\outputByte << (#BitsPerByte - fileDataBits()\bitsToWrite))
     fileDataBits()\bitsToWrite = 0
     fileDataBits()\outputByte = 0


Procedure writeBits(fileID, Value.i, bitCount)

 Protected *fileData.fileDataBits = FindMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
 If Not *fileData
   *fileData = AddMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
   If Not *fileData: End: EndIf ;simple error check for lack of memory
 Value << (#BitsPerInteger - bitCount) ;shift value so it's first bit (HSB) is in the highest position
 While bitCount > 0
   If bitCount > #BitsPerByte - *fileData\bitsToWrite
     bitGroupSize = #BitsPerByte - *fileData\bitsToWrite
     bitGroupSize = bitCount
   *fileData\outputByte << bitGroupSize
   *fileData\outputByte + (Value >> (#BitsPerInteger - bitGroupSize)) & fileBitMask(bitGroupSize)
   Value << bitGroupSize
   *fileData\bitsToWrite + bitGroupSize
   If *fileData\bitsToWrite = #BitsPerByte
     WriteByte(fileID, *fileData\outputByte)
     *fileData\bitsToWrite = 0
     *fileData\outputByte = 0
   bitCount - bitGroupSize


Procedure.i readBits(fileID, bitCount)

 Protected *fileData.fileDataBits = FindMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
 If Not *fileData
   *fileData = AddMapElement(fileDataBits(), Str(fileID))
   If Not *fileData: End: EndIf ;simple error check for lack of memory
 Protected Value.i, bitGroupSize
 While bitCount > 0
   If *fileData\bitsToRead = 0
     If Not Eof(fileID)
       *fileData\inputByte = ReadByte(fileID)
       *fileData\bitsToRead = #BitsPerByte
       Break ;simple error check aborts if nothing left to read
   If bitCount > *fileData\bitsToRead
     bitGroupSize = *fileData\bitsToRead
     bitGroupSize = bitCount
   Value << bitGroupSize
   Value + (*fileData\inputByte >> (#BitsPerByte - bitGroupSize)) & fileBitMask(bitGroupSize) ;shift last bit being read in byte to the lowest position
   *fileData\inputByte << bitGroupSize
   *fileData\bitsToRead - bitGroupSize
   bitCount - bitGroupSize
 ProcedureReturn Value 



Define testWriteString.s, testReadString.s, fileNum, result.s testWriteString = "This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded." fileNum = CreateFile(#PB_Any, "BitIO_Test.dat") If fileNum

 For i = 1 To Len(testWriteString)
   writeBits(fileNum, Asc(Mid(testWriteString, i, 1)), 7)  


fileNum = ReadFile(#PB_Any, "BitIO_Test.dat") If fileNum

 For i = 1 To Len(testWriteString)
   testReadString + Chr(readBits(fileNum, 7))


result = "Original ascii string is " + Str(Len(testWriteString)) + " bytes." + #LF$ result + "Filesize written is " + Str(FileSize("")) + " bytes." + #LF$ If testReadString = testWriteString

 result + "The expanded string is the same as the original." + #LF$


 result + "The expanded string is not the same as the original." + #LF$

EndIf result + "Expanded string = '" + testReadString + "'"

MessageRequester("Results", result)</lang>

Original ascii string is 74 bytes.
Filesize written is 65 bytes.
The expanded string is the same as the original.
Expanded string = 'This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded.'


This following code works in both Python 2 & 3. Suggested module file name <lang python>class BitWriter(object):

   def __init__(self, f):
       self.accumulator = 0
       self.bcount = 0
       self.out = f
   def __enter__(self):
       return self
   def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
   def __del__(self):
       except ValueError:   # I/O operation on closed file.
   def _writebit(self, bit):
       if self.bcount == 8:
       if bit > 0:
           self.accumulator |= 1 << 7-self.bcount
       self.bcount += 1
   def writebits(self, bits, n):
       while n > 0:
           self._writebit(bits & 1 << n-1)
           n -= 1
   def flush(self):
       self.accumulator = 0
       self.bcount = 0

class BitReader(object):

   def __init__(self, f):
       self.input = f
       self.accumulator = 0
       self.bcount = 0 = 0
   def __enter__(self):
       return self
   def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
   def _readbit(self):
       if not self.bcount:
           a =
           if a:
               self.accumulator = ord(a)
           self.bcount = 8
  = len(a)
       rv = (self.accumulator & (1 << self.bcount-1)) >> self.bcount-1
       self.bcount -= 1
       return rv
   def readbits(self, n):
       v = 0
       while n > 0:
           v = (v << 1) | self._readbit()
           n -= 1
       return v

if __name__ == '__main__':

   import os
   import sys
   # Determine this module's name from it's file name and import it.
   module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
   bitio = __import__(module_name)
   with open('bitio_test.dat', 'wb') as outfile:
       with bitio.BitWriter(outfile) as writer:
           chars = '12345abcde'
           for ch in chars:
               writer.writebits(ord(ch), 7)
   with open('bitio_test.dat', 'rb') as infile:
       with bitio.BitReader(infile) as reader:
           chars = []
           while True:
               x = reader.readbits(7)
               if not  # End-of-file?

</lang> Another usage example showing how to "crunch" an 8-bit byte ASCII stream discarding the most significant "unused" bit...and read it back. <lang python>import sys import bitio

o = bitio.BitWriter(sys.stdout) c = while len(c) > 0:

   o.writebits(ord(c), 7)
   c =

o.flush() </lang> ...and to "decrunch" the same stream: <lang python>import sys import bitio

r = bitio.BitReader(sys.stdin) while True:

   x = r.readbits(7)
   if not  # nothing read


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require racket/fixnum)

(define (make-bit-writer file)

 (define o (open-output-file file #:exists 'truncate))
 (define b+len (cons 0 0))
 (define (write-some-bits! n len)
   (if (<= 8 len)
     (begin (write-byte (fxand n #xFF) o)
            (write-some-bits! (fxrshift n 8) (- len 8)))
     (set! b+len (cons n len))))
 (define write-bits
     [(n) (if (eof-object? n)
            (begin (when (positive? (cdr b+len)) (write-byte (car b+len) o))
                   (close-output-port o))
            (write-bits n (integer-length n)))]
     [(n nbits)
      (when (< nbits (integer-length n))
        (error 'write-bits "integer bigger than number of bits"))
      (write-some-bits! (fxior (car b+len) (fxlshift n (cdr b+len)))
                        (+ (cdr b+len) nbits))]))

(define (make-bit-reader file)

 (define i (open-input-file file))
 (define b+len (cons 0 0))
 (define (read-some-bits wanted n len)
   (if (<= wanted len)
     (begin0 (fxand n (sub1 (expt 2 wanted)))
       (set! b+len (cons (fxrshift n wanted) (- len wanted))))
     (read-some-bits wanted (+ n (fxlshift (read-byte i) len)) (+ len 8))))
 (define (read-bits n)
   (if (eof-object? n)
     (close-input-port i)
     (read-some-bits n (car b+len) (cdr b+len))))

(define (crunch str file)

 (define out (make-bit-writer file))
 (for ([b (in-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 str))]) (out b 7))
 (out eof))

(define (decrunch file)

 (define in (make-bit-reader file))
 (define bs (for/list ([i (in-range (quotient (* 8 (file-size file)) 7))])
              (in 7)))
 (in eof)
 (bytes->string/utf-8 (list->bytes bs)))

(define orig

 (string-append "This is an ascii string that will be"
                " crunched, written, read and expanded."))

(crunch orig "crunched.out")

(printf "Decrunched string ~aequal to original.\n"

       (if (equal? orig (decrunch "crunched.out")) "" "NOT "))


Decrunched string equal to original.


(formerly Perl 6) <lang perl6>sub encode-ascii(Str $s) {

   my @b = flat $s.ords».fmt("%07b")».comb;
   @b.push(0) until @b %% 8;   # padding gather while @b { take reduce * *2+*, (@b.pop for ^8) }


sub decode-ascii(Buf $b) {

   my @b = flat $b.list».fmt("%08b")».comb;
   @b.shift until @b %% 7;   # remove padding
   @b = gather while @b { take reduce * *2+*, (@b.pop for ^7) }
   return [~] @b».chr;

} say my $encode = encode-ascii 'STRING'; say decode-ascii $encode;</lang>

Buf:0x<03 8b 99 29 4a e5>


<lang red>Red [

   Title:      "Bitwise IO"
   File:       ""
   Rights:     "Copyright (C) 2020 Vasyl Zubko. All rights reserved."
   License:    "Blue Oak Model License -"
   Tabs:       4


str-compress: function [

   str [string!]


   buf: copy ""
   bit-str: enbase/base str 2
   foreach [bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 bit8] bit-str [
       append buf rejoin [bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 bit8]
   if (pad-bits: (length? buf) // 8) <> 0 [
       loop (8 - pad-bits) [append buf "0"]
   debase/base buf 2


str-expand: function [

   bin-hex [binary!]


   bit-str: enbase/base bin-hex 2
   filled: 0
   buf: copy []
   acc: copy ""
   foreach bit bit-str [
       append acc bit
       filled: filled + 1
       if filled = 7 [
           append buf debase/base rejoin ["0" acc] 2
           clear acc
           filled: 0
   if (last buf) = #{00} [take/last buf]
   rejoin buf



in-string: "Red forever!" compressed: str-compress in-string expanded: str-expand compressed prin [

   pad "Input (string): " 20 mold in-string newline newline
   pad "Input (bits): " 20 enbase/base in-string 2 newline
   pad "Compressed (bits): " 20 enbase/base compressed 2 newline newline
   pad "Input (hex): " 20 to-binary in-string newline
   pad "Compressed (hex): " 20 compressed newline newline
   pad "Expanded (string): " 20 mold to-string expanded

] </lang>

Input (string):      "Red forever!" 

Input (bits):        010100100110010101100100001000000110011001101111011100100110010101110110011001010111001000100001
Compressed (bits):   1010010110010111001000100000110011011011111110010110010111101101100101111001001000010000

Input (hex):         #{52656420666F726576657221}
Compressed (hex):    #{A597220CDBF965ED979210}

Expanded (string):   "Red forever!"


version 1

<lang rexx>/* REXX ****************************************************************

  • 01.11.2012 Walter Pachl
                                                                                                                                              • /

s='STRING' /* Test input */ Say 's='s ol= /* initialize target */ Do While s<> /* loop through input */

 Parse Var s c +1 s                   /* pick a character            */
 cx=c2x(c)                            /* convert to hex              */
 cb=x2b(cx)                           /* convert to bits             */
 ol=ol||substr(cb,2)                  /* append to target            */

l=length(ol) /* current length */ lm=l//8 ol=ol||copies('0',8-lm) /* pad to multiple of 8 */ pd=copies(' ',l)||copies('0',8-lm) Say 'b='ol /* show target */ Say ' 'pd 'padding' r= /* initialize result */ Do While length(ol)>6 /* loop through target */

 Parse Var ol b +7 ol                 /* pick 7 bits                 */
 b='0'||b                             /* add a leading '0'           */
 x=b2x(b)                             /* convert to hex              */
 r=r||x2c(x)                          /* convert to character        */
 End                                  /* and append to result        */

Say 'r='r /* show result */</lang>

                                            000000 padding

version 2

<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm encodes/decodes/displays ASCII character strings as (7─bits) binary string.*/ parse arg $; if $== then $= 'STRING' /*get optional argument; Use default ? */ say ' input string=' $ /*display the input string to terminal.*/ out= comp($); say ' encoded string=' out /*encode─► 7─bit binary string; display*/ ori= dcomp(out); say ' decoded string=' ori /*decode─► 8─bit char "  ; " */ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ comp: parse arg x; z=; do j=1 for length(x) /*convert─►right-justified 7-bit binary*/

                         z= z || right( x2b( c2x( substr(x, j, 1) )), 7)
                         end   /*j*/;     L= length(z);  return left(z, L+(8-L//8)//8, 0)

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ dcomp: parse arg x; z=; do k=1 by 7 to length(x); _= substr(x, k, 7)

                         if right(_, 1)==' '  then leave;   z= z || x2c( b2x(0 || _) )
                         end   /*k*/;     return z</lang>
output   when using the default input:
   input string= STRING
 encoded string= 101001110101001010010100100110011101000111000000
 decoded string= STRING 


Translation of: Tcl
Works with: Ruby version 1.8.7

<lang ruby>def crunch(ascii)

 bitstring = ascii.bytes.collect {|b| "%07b" % b}.join


def expand(binary)

 bitstring = binary.unpack("B*")[0]
 bitstring.scan(/[01]{7}/).collect {|b| b.to_i(2).chr}.join


original = "This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded." puts "my ascii string is #{original.length} bytes"

filename = "crunched.out"

  1. write the compressed data, "w") do |fh|

 fh.print crunch(original)


filesize = File.size(filename) puts "the file containing the crunched text is #{filesize} bytes"

  1. read and expand

expanded =, "r") do |fh|



if original == expanded

 puts "success"


 puts "fail!"



The implementation accepts the number of bits to discard/expand as an argument.

<lang Rust>pub trait Codec<Input = u8> {

   type Output: Iterator<Item = u8>;
   fn accept(&mut self, input: Input) -> Self::Output;
   fn finish(self) -> Self::Output;


  1. [derive(Debug)]

pub struct BitDiscard {

   buf: u16,      // Use the higher byte for storing the leftovers
   buf_bits: u8,  // How many bits are valid in the buffer
   valid_len: u8, // How many bits to keep from the input
   shift_len: u8, // Pre-computed shift of the input byte


impl BitDiscard {

   pub fn new(discard: u8) -> Self {
       assert!(discard < 8);
       BitDiscard {
           buf: 0,
           buf_bits: 0,
           valid_len: 8 - discard,
           shift_len: 8 + discard,


impl Codec<u8> for BitDiscard {

   type Output = std::option::IntoIter<u8>;
   fn accept(&mut self, input: u8) -> Self::Output {
       let add = ((input as u16) << self.shift_len) >> self.buf_bits;
       self.buf |= add;
       self.buf_bits += self.valid_len;
       let result = if self.buf_bits >= 8 {
           let result = (self.buf >> 8) as u8;
           self.buf <<= 8;
           self.buf_bits -= 8;
       } else {
   fn finish(self) -> Self::Output {
       let result = if self.buf_bits > 0 {
           Some((self.buf >> 8) as u8)
       } else {


  1. [derive(Debug)]

pub struct BitExpand {

   buf: u16,      // For storing the leftovers
   buf_bits: u8,  // How many bits are valid in the buffer
   valid_len: u8, // How many bits are valid in the input
   shift_len: u8, // How many bits to shift when expanding


impl BitExpand {

   pub fn new(expand: u8) -> Self {
       assert!(expand < 8);
       Self {
           buf: 0,
           buf_bits: 0,
           valid_len: 8 - expand,
           shift_len: 8 + expand,


impl Codec<u8> for BitExpand {

   type Output = BitExpandIter;
   fn accept(&mut self, input: u8) -> Self::Output {
       let add = ((input as u16) << 8) >> self.buf_bits;
       self.buf |= add;
       self.buf_bits += 8;
       let buf = self.buf;
       let leftover = self.buf_bits % self.valid_len;
       let buf_bits = self.buf_bits - leftover;
       self.buf <<= buf_bits;
       self.buf_bits = leftover;
       Self::Output {
           shift_len: self.shift_len,
           valid_len: self.valid_len,
   fn finish(self) -> Self::Output {
       Self::Output {
           buf: 0,
           buf_bits: 0,
           shift_len: 0,
           valid_len: self.valid_len,


  1. [derive(Debug)]

pub struct BitExpandIter {

   buf: u16,
   buf_bits: u8,
   valid_len: u8,
   shift_len: u8,


impl Iterator for BitExpandIter {

   type Item = u8;
   fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
       if self.buf_bits < self.valid_len {
       } else {
           let result = (self.buf >> self.shift_len) as u8;
           self.buf <<= self.valid_len;
           self.buf_bits -= self.valid_len;


fn process_bytes<C: Codec>(mut codec: C, bytes: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {

   let mut result: Vec<u8> = bytes.iter().flat_map(|byte| codec.accept(*byte)).collect();
   codec.finish().for_each(|byte| result.push(byte));


fn print_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) {

   for byte in bytes {
       print!("{:08b} ", byte);
   for byte in bytes {
       print!("{:02x} ", byte);


fn main() {

   let original = b"STRINGIFY!";
   let discard = 1;
   let compressed = process_bytes(BitDiscard::new(discard), &original[..]);
   let decompressed = process_bytes(BitExpand::new(discard), &compressed);



The Seed7 library bitdata.s7i defines several functions to do bitwise I/O. Bitwise data can be read from (or written to) a string or a file. The direction of bits can be from LSB (least significant bit) to MSB (most significant bit) or vice versa. In the program below the functions putBitsMsb and getBitsMsb are used.

<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "bitdata.s7i";
 include "strifile.s7i";

const proc: initWriteAscii (inout file: outFile, inout integer: bitPos) is func

   outFile.bufferChar := '\0;';
   bitPos := 0;
 end func;

const proc: writeAscii (inout file: outFile, inout integer: bitPos, in string: ascii) is func

   var char: ch is ' ';
   for ch range ascii do
     if ch > '\127;' then
       raise RANGE_ERROR;
       putBitsMsb(outFile, bitPos, ord(ch), 7);
     end if;
   end for;
 end func;

const proc: finishWriteAscii (inout file: outFile, inout integer: bitPos) is func

   write(outFile, chr(ord(outFile.bufferChar)));
 end func;

const proc: initReadAscii (inout file: outFile, inout integer: bitPos) is func

   bitPos := 8;
 end func;

const func string: readAscii (inout file: inFile, inout integer: bitPos, in integer: length) is func

   var string: stri is "";
   var char: ch is ' ';
   while not eof(inFile) and length(stri) < length do
     ch := chr(getBitsMsb(inFile, bitPos, 7));
     if inFile.bufferChar <> EOF then
       stri &:= ch;
     end if;
   end while;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var file: aFile is STD_NULL;
   var integer: bitPos is 0;
   aFile := openStrifile;
   initWriteAscii(aFile, bitPos);
   writeAscii(aFile, bitPos, "Hello, Rosetta Code!");
   finishWriteAscii(aFile, bitPos);
   seek(aFile, 1);
   initReadAscii(aFile, bitPos);
   writeln(literal(readAscii(aFile, bitPos, 100)));
 end func;</lang>
"Hello, Rosetta Code!"


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

proc crunch {ascii} {

   binary scan $ascii B* bitstring
   # crunch: remove the extraneous leading 0 bit
   regsub -all {0(.{7})} $bitstring {\1} 7bitstring
   set padded "$7bitstring[string repeat 0 [expr {8 - [string length $7bitstring]%8}]]"
   return [binary format B* $padded]


proc expand {binary} {

   binary scan $binary B* padded
   # expand the 7 bit segments with their leading 0 bit
   set bitstring "0[join [regexp -inline -all {.{7}} $padded] 0]"
   return [binary format B* $bitstring]


proc crunch_and_write {ascii filename} {

   set fh [open $filename w]
   fconfigure $fh -translation binary
   puts -nonewline $fh [crunch $ascii]
   close $fh


proc read_and_expand {filename} {

   set fh [open $filename r]
   fconfigure $fh -translation binary
   set input [read $fh [file size $filename]]
   close $fh
   return [expand $input]


set original "This is an ascii string that will be crunched, written, read and expanded." puts "my ascii string is [string length $original] bytes"

set filename crunched.out crunch_and_write $original $filename

set filesize [file size $filename] puts "the file containing the crunched text is $filesize bytes"

set expanded [read_and_expand $filename]

if {$original eq $expanded} {

   puts "the expanded string is the same as the original"

} else {

   error "not the same"


my ascii string is 74 bytes
the file containing the crunched text is 65 bytes
the expanded string is the same as the original


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang ecmascript>import "io" for File

class BitFilter {

   construct new(name) {
       _name = name
       _accu = 0
       _bits = 0
   openWriter() {
       _bw = File.create(_name)
   openReader() {
       _br =
       _offset = 0
   write(buf, start, nBits, shift) {
       var index = start + (shift/8).floor
       shift = shift % 8
       while (nBits != 0 || _bits >= 8) {
           while (_bits >= 8) {
               _bits = _bits - 8
               _bw.writeBytes(String.fromByte((_accu >> _bits) & 255))
           while (_bits < 8 && nBits != 0) {
               var b = buf[index]
               _accu = (_accu << 1) | (((128 >> shift) & b) >> (7 - shift))
               nBits = nBits - 1
               _bits = _bits + 1
               shift = shift + 1
               if (shift == 8) {
                   shift = 0
                   index = index + 1
   read(buf, start, nBits, shift) {
       var index = start + (shift/8).floor
       shift = shift % 8
       while (nBits != 0) {
           while (_bits != 0 && nBits != 0) {
               var mask = 128 >> shift
               if ((_accu & (1 << (_bits - 1))) != 0) {
                   buf[index] = (buf[index] | mask) & 255
               } else {
                   buf[index] = (buf[index] & ~mask) & 255
               nBits = nBits - 1
               _bits = _bits - 1
               shift = shift + 1
               if (shift >= 8) {
                   shift = 0
                   index = index + 1
           if (nBits == 0) break
           var byte = _br.readBytes(1, _offset).bytes[0]
           _accu = (_accu << 8) | byte
           _bits = _bits + 8
           _offset = _offset + 1
   closeWriter() {
       if (_bits != 0) {
           _accu = _accu << (8 - _bits)
           _bw.writeBytes(String.fromByte(_accu & 255))
       _accu = 0
       _bits = 0
   closeReader() {
       _accu = 0
       _bits = 0
       _offset = 0


var s = "abcdefghijk".bytes.toList var f = "test.bin" var bf =

/* for each byte in s, write 7 bits skipping 1 */ bf.openWriter() for (i in 0...s.count) bf.write(s, i, 7, 1) bf.closeWriter()

/* read 7 bits and expand to each byte of s2 skipping 1 bit */ bf.openReader() var s2 = List.filled(s.count, 0) for (i in 0...s2.count), i, 7, 1) bf.closeReader() System.print( { |b| String.fromByte(b) }.join())</lang>


Z80 Assembly

Compressing a String of ASCII Zeroes and Ones

<lang z80>CompressBinaryStrings_7bit: ; HL = pointer to output ; DE = pointer to input. Input is assumed to equal &30 or &31

       ;       Usage:
       ;             LD hl,OutputRam
       ;             LD de,InputRam
       ;             CALL CompressBinaryStrings_7bit

; If the string "runs out" before the 8 bit boundary, the rest are rotated into place. ; e.g. input = "0101" then the procedure will RLC until those bits ; are as far left as possible.

loop_compressBinaryStrings_7bit: inc de ;skip bit 7 ld b,7 ;loop counter innerloop_compressBinaryStrings_7bit: ld a,(de) or a ;compares accumulator to zero. Assumes a null-terminated string.

                               ;     Otherwise compare A to your terminator of choice.

jr z,HandleEarlyExit_compressBinaryStrings_7bit

sub &30 ;we're left with 0 if the ascii was "0" and 1 if the ascii was "1" rra ;rotate the result into the carry rl (hl) ;rotate it out of the carry into (HL) inc de z_djnz innerloop_compressBinaryStrings_7bit

               ;a macro that becomes DJNZ <label> on Zilog Z80 and DEC B JR NZ,<label> on Sharp LR35902

inc hl ;next output byte jp loop_compressBinaryStrings_7bit

HandleEarlyExit_compressBinaryStrings_7bit: xor a ;LD A,0 cp b ;compare B to zero ret z ;if B=0, we're done. No need to adjust the last byte loop_earlyExit_compressBinaryStrings_7bit: rlc (hl) z_djnz loop_earlyExit_compressBinaryStrings_7bit ret</lang>

(Tested using input string of "0101011101010". Printing routines left out for brevity but can be added upon request.

57 50


This code implements two state machines: one that transforms a bit stream (ie a stream of ints with a maximum number of bits) to a byte stream and one does the reverse transform. All streams are considered infinite (eg a file or socket).

Bits to bytes: <lang zkl> // stream of numBits sized ints to bytes, numBits<8 fcn toBytes(n,[(numBits,acc,bitsSoFar)]state){

  acc=acc.shiftLeft(numBits) + n; bitsSoFar+=numBits;
  reg r;
  else r=Void.Skip;  // need more bits to make a byte

}</lang> Encode a stream of 6 bit characters: <lang zkl>ns:="THIS IS A TEST".pump(List,"toAsc",'-(0x20)); ns.println(ns.len());

state:=L(6,0,0,L()); // input is six bits wide cns:=ns.pump(List,toBytes.fp1(state)); // List could be a file or socket or ... if(state[2]) cns+=toBytes(0,state); // flush cns.println(cns.len());</lang>


Byte stream to bit stream: <lang zkl> // stream of bytes to numBits sized ints, 1<numBits<32 fcn fromBytes(n,[(numBits,acc,bitsSoFar,buf)]state){

  acc=acc.shiftLeft(8) + n; bitsSoFar+=8;
  return(Void.Write,Void.Write,buf); // append contents of buf to result

}</lang> Decode the above stream: <lang zkl>state:=L(6,0,0,L()); // output is six bits wide r:=cns.pump(List,fromBytes.fp1(state)); // cns could be a file or ... r.println(r.len()); r.pump(String,'+(0x20),"toChar").println();</lang>
