Address of a variable

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Address of a variable
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Basic Data Operation
This is a basic data operation. It represents a fundamental action on a basic data type.

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String Operations
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Memory Operations
Pointers & references | Addresses

Demonstrate how to get the address of a variable and how to set the address of a variable.


Get The Address

<lang ada>The_Address : System.Address; I : Integer; The_Address := I'Address;</lang>

Set The Address

Set the address of a variable to address A100 in hexadecimal <lang ada>I : Integer; for I'Address use 16#A100#;</lang> Set the address of one variable to the address of another variable, creating an overlay. <lang ada>I : Integer; J : Integer; for I'Address use J'Address;</lang>


Basically ALGOL 68 refuses to let the programmer access the memory directly. The language does allow "references" any variables. These references are effectively the address a particular variable. But the value of the actual address is not available for printing or any arithmetic. <lang algol68>[4]INT test := (222,444,666,888); REF INT reference := test[3]; REF INT(reference) := reference + 111; print(("test value is now: ",test))</lang> Output:

test value is now:        +222       +444       +777       +888

The other reason specific addresses are using in languages like C to manipulate devices. For this purpose site are expected to implement channels for their programmers to use. To quote the ALGOL 68 Revised Report: A "channel" corresponds to one or more physical devices (e.g., a card reader, a card punch or a line printer, or even to a set up in nuclear physics the results of which are collected by the computer), or to a filestore maintained by the operating system[1].

To establish a channel with such a device there is a special standard procedure:<lang algol68>PROC establish = (REF FILE file, STRING idf, CHANNEL chan, INT p, l, c) INT: ~</lang> Where the idf string is text describing which device to open, and possibly options. And chan is the actual device type. Standard CHANNELs in ALGOL 68 are stand in channel, stand out channel, and stand back channel. These determine the type of the pre opened stdio FILEs stand in, stand out, and stand back. A site would be expected to implement their own CHANNELs for network connections, database queries and particle accelerators etc.


Get the address

Works with: Argile version 1.0.0

<lang Argile>use std, array (: array.arg also defines pointer operators :) let var = 42 let ptr = &var (: value of ptr is address of var :) print var (: prints 42 :) (*ptr)++ (: increments value pointed by ptr :) print var (: prints 43 :)</lang>

Set the address

Since we cannot set address of a variable, we use a macro that returns a reference.

Works with: Argile version 1.0.0

<lang Argile>use std, array =:mac:= -> int& { * (0x400000 as int*) } printf "%x\n" mac (: may crash depending on operating system :) </lang>


Getting or setting the address of a variable is not supported as a builtin function. However, you can get the address of contents pointed to by the variable structure var <lang AutoHotkey>msgbox % &var</lang>


Many BASICs, especially older flavors like QuickBASIC, lack the ability to set a variable's address (and indeed, they pretty much all lack the ability to work with pointers in any fashion). <lang qbasic>'get a variable's address: DIM x AS INTEGER, y AS LONG y = VARPTR(x)

'can't set the address, but can access a given memory location... 1 byte at a time DIM z AS INTEGER z = PEEK(y) z = z + (PEEK(y) * 256)</lang>


The original BBC BASIC doesn't provide an address-of operator, but BBC BASIC for Windows does: <lang bbcbasic>REM get a variable's address: y% = ^x%

REM can't set a variable's address, but can access a given memory location (4 bytes): x% = !y%</lang>

With BBC BASIC on other platforms the address of a variable can be found by calling a short piece of machine code, see BeebWiki.


Use of pointers in C# is restricted to unsafe sections of code, which is enabled in Microsoft's C# compiler with the commandline parameter /unsafe or in Mono's C# compiler with -unsafe (or --unsafe in older versions).

Get the address

Note that void* is a "pure" address which doesn't carry the type information anymore. If you need the type information (e.g. to recover the variable itself in a type safe manner), use a pointer to the appropriate type instead; in this case int*.

<lang csharp>unsafe {

 int i = 5;
 void* address_of_i = &i;


C / C++

Works with: gcc

/ g++

Get the address

Note that void* is a "pure" address which doesn't carry the type information anymore. If you need the type information (e.g. to recover the variable itself in a type safe manner), use a pointer to the appropriate type instead; in this case int*.

int i;
void* address_of_i = &i;

Set the address

While C++ doesn't directly support putting a variable at a given address, the same effect can be achieved by creating a reference to that address:

int& i = *(int*)0xA100;

Overlaying of variables is done with anonymous unions; however at global/namespace scope such variables have to be static (i.e. local to the current file):

static union
  int i;
  int j;

C++ only: An alternative (and cleaner) solution is to use references:

int i;
int& j = i;

Note that in this case, the variables can be non-static.


Using OpenCOBOL 1.1pre-release, which includes a few features from the draft 20xx standard efforts.

Get Address

use the ADDRESS OF clause. <lang cobol> data division. working-storage section. 01 ptr usage pointer. 01 var pic x(64).

procedure division. set ptr to address of var. </lang>

Set Address

Set address of a variable: using BASED clause. there are other methods, in particular LINKAGE SECTION variables <lang cobol> OCOBOL*> Rosetta Code set address example

     *> tectonics: cobc -x setaddr.cob && ./setaddr 
      program-id. setaddr.
      data division.
      working-storage section.
      01 prealloc  pic x(8) value 'somedata'.
      01 var       pic x(8) based.
      procedure division.
      set address of var to address of prealloc
      display var end-display
      end program setaddr.



Take the address of a variable: <lang d>int i; int* ip = &i;</lang>

Using a numeric value: <lang d>int* ip = cast(int*) 0xdeadf00d;</lang>

Locating a "regular" variable at a specific address is not possible.

The closest thing is passing a dereferenced pointer to a reference parameter.

<lang d>void test(ref int i) { writefln(&i); } void main() { test(*(cast(int*) 0xdeadf00d)); } </lang>


Turbo/Borland Pascal and Delphi (Object Pascal) support the @ ( address of ) operator and the var : [type] absolute declaration.

To get the address of any variable, structure, procedure or function use the @ operator.

   Int : integer ;
   p   : ^integer ;
   P := @int ;

A variable can be declared as absolute ie: to reside at a specific address.

   CrtMode : integer absolute $0040 ;
   Str     : string[100] ;
   StrLen  : byte absolute Str ;


Variables and created memory blocks return their address when referenced. The "fetch" operator @ could also be pronounced "dereference".

variable foo
foo .  \ some large number, an address
8 foo !
foo @ .  \ 8

You can define a constant or value with an address, which then acts like a variable. This can be used to refer to fixed addresses (such as I/O ports), graphics buffers, or allocated memory.

$3F8 constant LPT1:
8 LPT1: !
100 cells allocate throw value buffer
42 buffer 20 cells + !


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>program test_loc

 implicit none
 integer :: i
 real :: r
 i = loc (r)
 write (*, '(i0)') i

end program test_loc</lang> Note: loc is a common extension that is implemented by e.g. the Intel Fortran Compiler, G95 and gfortran.


Go has pointers. Just like in C, you can "take the address" of an addressable value by using the & operator, and access the value pointer to by a pointer using the * operator.

Unlike in C, pointers are not readily convertible to integers. You may print out the address of a pointer, either using the Print function on the pointer, or using the %p format specifier in formatted output (just like in C). If you really want, you may convert a pointer to an integer using the unsafe module:

<lang go>package main import (



func main() {

   var myVar float = 3.14
   var myPointer *float = &myVar
   fmt.Printf("%p\n", myPointer)
   var addr int64 = int64(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(myPointer)))
   fmt.Printf("0x%x\n", addr)



J hides the details of pointers and memory allocation from the programmer, so it is rarely, if ever, necessary to do this. However, for those times when there is no better substitute, J provides access to these low-level details:

<lang> var =: 52 NB. Any variable (including data, functions, operators etc)

  var_addr =: 15!:6<'var'       NB.  Get address
  new_var  =: 15!:7 var_addr    NB.  Set address</lang>


There is no way to access addresses in Java. However, the default hashCode() method defined in the Object class, "is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer". Therefore, in some Java implementations at least, the hash code returned by Object.hashCode() reflects at least part of the address of an object. For objects whose classes have overridden the hashCode() method, you can still access the original hash code through the System.identityHashCode() function.


Get Address

(set 'a '(1 2 3))
(address a)


Get Address


b := 10;
a := SYSTEM.ADR(b); (* Sets variable a to the address of variable b *)

Set Address

SYSTEM.PUT(a, b); (* Sets the address of b to the address of a *)


To get the address, get the reference to a variable, and either stringify it, or use Scalar::Util's refaddr() to get just the address. Also see Devel::Peek. <lang perl>use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr); print refaddr(\my $v), "\n"; # 135691508</lang> Use Devel::Pointer::PP if you want to dereference a certain address in memory.

Changing the address of a variable is not easily possible, but see perlapi. Wanting to go against the automatic memory management is a sign that this is only used to hack around the deficiencies of dafter languages. I can imagine address munging is commonly used to make variable aliasing possible, but Perl already has a higher level syntax for that.

Simple reference (address) manipulation. <lang perl>my $a = 12; my $b = \$a; # get reference $$b = $$b + 30; # access referenced value print $a; # prints 42</lang>

Example how to make variable overlay. <lang perl>my $a = 12; our $b; # you can overlay only global variables (this line is only for strictness)

  • b = \$a;

print $b; # prints 12 $b++; print $a; # prints 13</lang>


The PicoLisp function 'adr' returns the address of a variable. A variable may be either a symbol or a list cell in PicoLisp.

The returned address is a number representing an encoded pointer. For symbols, it is a negative number, and for cells a positive number. The same function 'adr' can then be used to convert that pointer back to the original object. <lang PicoLisp>: (setq X 7) -> 7

(adr 'X)

-> -2985527269106

(val (adr -2985527269106))

-> 7

(set (adr -2985527269106) '(a b c))

-> (a b c)


-> (a b c)</lang>


<lang PL/I> declare p pointer; k = addr(b); /* Obtain address of variable, stored in integer variable k */ p = addr(q); /* assigns address to pointer variable p. */ </lang>


<lang powerbasic>'get a variable's address: DIM x AS INTEGER, y AS LONG y = VARPTR(x)

'can't set the address of a single variable, but can access memory locations DIM z AS INTEGER z = PEEK(INTEGER, y)

'or can do it one byte at a time DIM zz(1) AS BYTE zz(0) = PEEK(BYTE, y) zz(1) = PEEK(BYTE, y + 1) '(MAK creates an INTEGER, LONG, or QUAD out of the next smaller type) z = MAK(INTEGER, zz(0), zz(1))

'*can* set the address of an array DIM zzz(1) AS BYTE AT y 'zzz(0) = low byte of x, zzz(1) = high byte of x</lang>


Get the address of a variable using the '@' operator. <lang PureBasic>a.i = 5 MessageRequester("Address",Str(@a))</lang>

Set the address of a structured pointer. The pointer can be dereferenced to interact with it's data. Ensure that there is access to the memory address that is assigned to the pointer (i.e. part of allocated memory). <lang PureBasic>a.i = 5

  • b.Integer = @a ;set *b equal to the address of variable a
  • c.Integer = $A100 ;set *c to point at memory location $A100 (in hex)

MessageRequester("Address",Str(*b)) ;display the address being pointed at by *b MessageRequester("Value",Str(*b\i)) ;de-reference the pointer *b to display the data being pointed at</lang>


Python traditionally doesn't support low-level operations on memory addresses, except in the limited sense that one can use the mmap module where it's available, and manipulate offsets into memory map objects...including serializing other objects into and out of the memory mapping. New versions of Python support a ctypes module which permits some low level address operations on C-type objects (see C-types Reference for details).

The Python id() function returns a unique ID for any object. This just happens to be implemented as the base address of the object in C Python; but that is not guaranteed by the semantics of the language and should not be considered a standard, nor used as such.

<lang python>foo = object() # Create (instantiate) an empty object address = id(foo)</lang>

In addition some folks have written binary Python modules which implement "peek" and "poke" operations, but these are non-standard.


Get The Address

<lang Retro>variable a &a</lang>

Set The Address

Create variable b and point it to address 100 <lang Retro>variable b 100 @last !d->xt</lang>


REXX has no way of getting the address of varables within the langage itself, but since each
REXX variable can be accessed by name and it's name passed to (say) subroutines [PROCEDUREs],
with the use of the VALUE and SYMBOL built-in functions (BIFs), it's possible to determine
the state of any variable (defined or not, it's value, length).


It is highly unusual to want to directly manipulate the address of a variable in Tcl, as it is a thoroughly unsafe operation. Indeed, Tcl does not expose any mechanism to do so at the script level. However, Tcl does contain a C-level API function, Tcl_LinkVar, to arrange for a variable's value to always reflect the contents of a particular address in memory. (See Machine Address for an example of how to do that.)

However, that's not the only way of doing it. You can also use the critcl library to put C code directly inside a Tcl script and so work with addresses directly that way.

Library: critcl

<lang tcl>package require critcl

  1. This code assumes an ILP32 architecture, like classic x86 or VAX.

critcl::cproc peek {int addr} int {

   union {
      int i;
      int *a;
   } u;
   u.i = addr;
   return *u.a;

} critcl::cproc poke {int addr int value} void {

   union {
       int i;
       int *a;
   } u;
   u.i = addr;
   *u.a = value;

} package provide poker 1.0</lang> Demonstrating: <lang tcl>package require poker

  1. Increment a memory location; this will probably crash if you try for real.
  2. We don't define how to get a good address, but it's not usually a problem
  3. for embedded programming...

set where 0x12340 poke $where [expr {[peek $where] + 1}]</lang> Have great care with this sort of code; the damage you can do by writing to random locations is considerable and being able to read from anywhere could allow information to flow to otherwise unauthorized programs.


Get the Address

The default behaviour of a data element in Toka is to return its address. This makes obtaining the address trivial:

variable foo
foo .

Set the Address

You can manually assign a name to any memory address (or other number), but you should make sure it's part of allocated memory first.

 hex abcdef is-data foo
 foo .

Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic uses managed memory that can be moved around at any time. If a memory address for a variable is needed, the address is created first and then its contents copied.

Get the Address

Allocates a stable address in unmanaged memory, copies a variable to it, then returns the address itself.

 Dim x = 5
 Dim ptrX As IntPtr
 ptrX = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Integer)))
 Marshal.StructureToPtr(5, ptrX, False)
 Dim addressX = ptrX.ToInt64

Set the Address

Sets the pointer to the address A100 in hex.

 Dim ptrX As New IntPtr(&HA100)


Yorick has pointers, but they are typically used in an opaque fashion. Pointer arithmetic is not supported, not is referencing arbitrary memory locations. However, a pointer address may be copied to other variables. Here is an interactive example that illustrates some of this.

> foo = 1
> bar = &foo
> bar
> baz = bar
> *baz = 5
> *bar
> *baz