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From Rosetta Code
My Favorite Languages
Language Proficiency
Python Intermediate
Haskell Beginner
JavaScript Intermediate
C++ Learning in progress...
Rust Learning in progress...
Java Intermediate

Hello, my name is Wei En and I am currently a high school student who is interested in programming.

What Rosetta Code is to me

  • A way to learn and practice languages, while at the same time educating others
  • A way to practice technical writing
  • A way to learn algorithms
  • A way to see how a problem could be solved in different ways

Tasks I've created

  • General FizzBuzz - Write a generalized version of FizzBuzz that works for any list of factors, along with their words.
  • Unix/ls - Write a program that will list everything in the current folder, similar to the Unix utility “ls[1] (or the Windows terminal command “DIR”)

Tasks I've completed


  • Unix/ls - Write a program that will list everything in the current folder, similar to the Unix utility “ls[2] (or the Windows terminal command “DIR”)


  • Even or odd - Write a function that checks if an integer is even or odd
  • Guess the number - Write a program where the program chooses a number between 1 and 10. A player is then prompted to enter a guess.
  • Loops/Infinite - Write an infinite loop.
  • Luhn test of credit card numbers - Write a function that will validate numbers with the Luhn test.
  • Playing cards - Create a data structure and the associated methods to define and manipulate a deck of playing cards.
  • Unix/ls - Write a program that will list everything in the current folder, similar to the Unix utility “ls[3] (or the Windows terminal command “DIR”)
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