UTF-8 encode and decode

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 20:04, 5 March 2017 by rosettacode>Craigd (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: added zkl header)
UTF-8 encode and decode
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

As described in UTF-8 and in Wikipedia, UTF-8 is a popular encoding of (multi-byte) Unicode code-points into eight-bit octets.

The goal of this task is to write a encoder that takes a unicode code-point (an integer representing a unicode character) and returns a sequence of 1-4 bytes representing that character in the UTF-8 encoding.

Then you have to write the corresponding decoder that takes a sequence of 1-4 UTF-8 encoded bytes and return the corresponding unicode character.

Demonstrate the functionality of your encoder and decoder on the following five characters:

Character   Name                                  Unicode    UTF-8 encoding (hex)
A           LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A                U+0041     41
Ж           CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE           U+0416     D0 96
€           EURO SIGN                             U+20AC     E2 82 AC
𝄞           MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF                 U+1D11E    F0 9D 84 9E

Provided below is a reference implementation in Common Lisp.

Common Lisp

Helper functions

<lang lisp> (defun ascii-byte-p (octet)

 "Return t if octet is a single-byte 7-bit ASCII char.
 The most significant bit is 0, so the allowed pattern is 0xxx xxxx."
 (assert (typep octet 'integer))
 (assert (<= (integer-length octet) 8))
 (let ((bitmask  #b10000000)
       (template #b00000000))
   ;; bitwise and the with the bitmask #b11000000 to extract the first two bits.
   ;; check if the first two bits are equal to the template #b10000000.
   (= (logand bitmask octet) template)))

(defun multi-byte-p (octet)

 "Return t if octet is a part of a multi-byte UTF-8 sequence.
 The multibyte pattern is 1xxx xxxx. A multi-byte can be either a lead byte or a trail byte."
 (assert (typep octet 'integer))
 (assert (<= (integer-length octet) 8))
 (let ((bitmask  #b10000000)
       (template #b10000000))
   ;; bitwise and the with the bitmask #b11000000 to extract the first two bits.
   ;; check if the first two bits are equal to the template #b10000000.
   (= (logand bitmask octet) template)))

(defun lead-byte-p (octet)

 "Return t if octet is one of the leading bytes of an UTF-8 sequence, nil otherwise.
 Allowed leading byte patterns are 0xxx xxxx, 110x xxxx, 1110 xxxx and 1111 0xxx."
 (assert (typep octet 'integer))
 (assert (<= (integer-length octet) 8))
 (let ((bitmasks  (list #b10000000 #b11100000 #b11110000 #b11111000))
       (templates (list #b00000000 #b11000000 #b11100000 #b11110000)))
   (some #'(lambda (a b) (= (logand a octet) b)) bitmasks templates)))

(defun n-trail-bytes (octet)

 "Take a leading utf-8 byte, return the number of continuation bytes 1-3."
 (assert (typep octet 'integer))
 (assert (<= (integer-length octet) 8))
 (let ((bitmasks  (list #b10000000 #b11100000 #b11110000 #b11111000))
       (templates (list #b00000000 #b11000000 #b11100000 #b11110000)))
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
      when (= (nth i templates) (logand (nth i bitmasks) octet))
      return i)))



<lang lisp> (defun unicode-to-utf-8 (int)

 "Take a unicode code point, return a list of one to four UTF-8 encoded bytes (octets)."
 (assert (<= (integer-length int) 21))
 (let ((n-trail-bytes (cond ((<= #x00000 int #x00007F) 0)
                            ((<= #x00080 int #x0007FF) 1)
                            ((<= #x00800 int #x00FFFF) 2)
                            ((<= #x10000 int #x10FFFF) 3)))
       (lead-templates (list #b00000000 #b11000000 #b11100000 #b11110000))
       (trail-template #b10000000)
       ;; number of content bits in the lead byte.
       (n-lead-bits (list 7 5 4 3))
       ;; number of content bits in the trail byte.
       (n-trail-bits 6)
       ;; list to put the UTF-8 encoded bytes in.
       (byte-list nil))
   (if (= n-trail-bytes 0)
       ;; if we need 0 trail bytes, ist just an ascii single byte.
       (push int byte-list)
         ;; if we need more than one byte, first fill the trail bytes with 6 bits each.
         (loop for i from 0 to (1- n-trail-bytes)
            do (push (+ trail-template
                        (ldb (byte n-trail-bits (* i n-trail-bits)) int))
         ;; then copy the remaining content bytes to the lead byte.
         (push (+ (nth n-trail-bytes lead-templates)
                  (ldb (byte (nth n-trail-bytes n-lead-bits) (* n-trail-bytes n-trail-bits)) int))
   ;; return the list of UTF-8 encoded bytes.



<lang lisp> (defun utf-8-to-unicode (byte-list)

 "Take a list of one to four utf-8 encoded bytes (octets), return a code point."
 (let ((b1 (car byte-list)))
   (cond ((ascii-byte-p b1) b1) ; if a single byte, just return it.
         ((multi-byte-p b1)
          (if (lead-byte-p b1)
              (let ((n (n-trail-bytes b1))
                    ;; Content bits we want to extract from each lead byte.
                    (lead-templates (list #b01111111 #b00011111 #b00001111 #b00000111))
                    ;; Content bits we want to extract from each trail byte.
                    (trail-template #b00111111))
                (if (= n (1- (list-length byte-list)))
                    ;; add lead byte
                    (+ (ash (logand (nth 0 byte-list) (nth n lead-templates)) (* 6 n))
                       ;; and the trail bytes
                       (loop for i from 1 to n sum
                            (ash (logand (nth i byte-list) trail-template) (* 6 (- n i)))))
                    (error "calculated number of bytes doesnt match the length of the byte list")))
              (error "first byte in the list isnt a lead byte"))))))


The test

<lang lisp> (defun test-utf-8 ()

 "Return t if the chosen unicode points are encoded and decoded correctly."
 (let* ((unicodes-orig (list 65 246 1046 8364 119070))
        (unicodes-test (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (utf-8-to-unicode (unicode-to-utf-8 x)))
   (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
               (format t
                       "character ~A, code point: ~6x, utf-8: ~{~x ~}~%"
                       (code-char x)
                       (unicode-to-utf-8 x)))
   ;; return t if all are t
   (every #'= unicodes-orig unicodes-test)))


Test output

<lang lisp> CL-USER> (test-utf-8) character A, code point: 41, utf-8: 41 character ö, code point: F6, utf-8: C3 B6 character Ж, code point: 416, utf-8: D0 96 character €, code point: 20AC, utf-8: E2 82 AC character 𝄞, code point: 1D11E, utf-8: F0 9D 84 9E T </lang>

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.02

Pretty much all built in to the language. <lang perl6>say sprintf("%-18s %-34s %7s %7s\t%s %s\n", 'Character', 'Name', 'Ordinal', 'Unicode', 'UTF-8 encoded', 'decoded'), '-' x 94;

for < A ö Ж € 𝄞 😜 > -> $char {

   printf "   %-7s %-43s %6s U+%04s\t%12s %4s\n", $char, $char.uniname, $char.ord,
     $char.ord.base(16), $char.encode('UTF8').list».base(16).Str, $char.encode('UTF8').decode;


Character          Name                               Ordinal Unicode	UTF-8 encoded  decoded
   A       LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A                          65 U+0041	          41    A
   ö       LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS            246 U+00F6	       C3 B6    ö
   Ж       CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE                   1046 U+0416	       D0 96    Ж
   €       EURO SIGN                                     8364 U+20AC	    E2 82 AC    €
   𝄞       MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF                       119070 U+1D11E	 F0 9D 84 9E    𝄞
   😜      FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND WINKING EYE  128540 U+1F61C	 F0 9F 98 9C    😜


<lang zkl></lang>
