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Template talk:Language

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 23:09, 29 November 2020 by Thundergnat (talk | contribs) (Commenting out HOPL parameters: No action necessary)
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I don't think the ENA link should be conditional. The existence (red-vs-blue link) of the category page is completely independent of whether the category contains any members. In particular, this condition will hide the link even if the category contains some examples just because the category page has not yet been created. Since the membership is automatic with Template:incorrect and so on, I think it is important that the link exist. Of course, it would be better to have a link only if the category contains members, but I don't know how to do that. --Kevin Reid 23:11, 26 May 2009 (UTC)

You're right...I'll undo it. --Mwn3d 23:14, 26 May 2009 (UTC)

There is no "execution method" ? (Interpreted, Compiled, Bytecode) --Guga360 02:38, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

That feature category isn't created yet. It's discussed here. --Mwn3d 02:41, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

can the value choices be a bit more flexible? Pike for example compiles into a mix of bytecode and machinecode, therefore neither bytecode nor machine are correct.--eMBee 06:45, 8 October 2011 (UTC)

Less functionality?

What happened to the links to unimplemented tasks and examples that need attention? --glennj 20:49, 9 December 2009 (UTC)

I put those pages in their respective language's categories, but forgot to move their sort order so they would float to the top. Consequently, you can see them listed under "R", for "Reports". The ENA listing was merged into the unimpl page, but the ENA category is a subcategory of the language category, so the ENA category already gets near-top billing. If I could easily turn the "Unimpl" page listings into categories, I would. My intent was to make the descriptive templates more succinct and less redundant. --Michael Mol 23:21, 9 December 2009 (UTC)
That has the effect of almost completely obscuring them. Consider Tcl, Python and Ruby (top 3 langs) -- more than 200 tasks implemented so the "{language} examples needing attention" subcategory and the "R" tasks don't even show up on the first page. Particularly for Tcl, where one has to scroll past a lot of expository information before the subcategories are displayed.
Also, if we're interested in newcomers picking up unimplemented tasks, we want those tasks to be easily found.
Clearly, I'm not in favour of the change. --glennj 18:51, 10 December 2009 (UTC)
Noting again that they appear on the Unimpl pages, if I fix the sort order so they appear at the beginning, will that be sufficient? (I've been meaning to do that for a few days, but I've been playing catch-up with work thanks to being out of the office due to H1N1.) Also, that page I linked to (also linked to from the front page and the "Solve a Task" link on the left) has been the most popular page on the site for the past week, though the linkage is new and we had a Redditing to it, so it remains to be seen how long that pattern lasts. --Michael Mol 23:37, 10 December 2009 (UTC)

Commenting out HOPL parameters

Since the HOPL site is dead since December 2011 (see also Rosetta_Code:Village_Pump/hopl.murdoch.edu.au_Unavailable) I suggest to comment out the two HOPL parameters (hopl and hopl id) in the template because they currently just create dead links. If the site will ever come back we could simply enable them again. --Andreas Perstinger (talk) 09:44, 6 March 2014 (UTC)

HOPL status has changed: Rosetta_Code:Village_Pump/hopl.murdoch.edu.au_Unavailable
DEV.to HOPL Series' Articles
History of Programming Languages
Maybe someone can repair the template?
And while they are at it, perhaps the reference to HOPL in the template Usage table could include the expansion of the acronym as History of Programming Languages so Newbies understand.
GarveyPatrickD (talk) 22:20, 29 November 2020 (UTC)

HOPL status has changed:

They are back online again as of February 2020 so no action necessary. Also, that template was last edited in 2011 and has been locked ever since. --Thundergnat (talk) 23:09, 29 November 2020 (UTC)
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