The task is to demonstrate how to remove the first and last characters from a string. The solution should demonstrate how to obtain the following results:

  • String with first character removed
  • String with last character removed
  • String with both the first and last characters removed
Substring/Top and tail
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Remove_Characters is

  S: String := "upraisers";
  use Ada.Text_IO;


  Put_Line("Full String:   """ & S & """");
  Put_Line("Without_First: """ & S(S'First+1 .. S'Last) & """");
  Put_Line("Without_Last:  """ & S(S'First   .. S'Last-1) & """");
  Put_Line("Without_Both:  """ & S(S'First+1 .. S'Last-1) & """");

end Remove_Characters;</lang>


Full String:   "upraisers"
Without_First: "praisers"
Without_Last:  "upraiser"
Without_Both:  "praiser"


Translation of: AWK
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used.
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny.

<lang algol68>#!/usr/local/bin/a68g --script #

STRING str="upraisers"; printf(($gl$,

 str,                      # remove no characters #
 str[LWB str+1:         ], # remove the first character #
 str[         :UPB str-1], # remove the last character #
 str[LWB str+1:UPB str-1], # remove both the first and last character #
 str[LWB str+2:         ], # remove the first 2 characters #
 str[         :UPB str-2], # remove the last 2 characters #
 str[LWB str+1:UPB str-2], # remove 1 before and 2 after #
 str[LWB str+2:UPB str-1], # remove 2 before and one after #
 str[LWB str+2:UPB str-2]  # remove both the first and last 2 characters #

))</lang> Output:



<lang awk>BEGIN {

 print substr(mystring,2)                       # remove the first letter
 print substr(mystring,1,length(mystring)-1)    # remove the last character
 print substr(mystring,2,length(mystring)-2)    # remove both the first and last character



<lang c>#include <string.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char ** argv ){

 const char * str_a = "knight";
 const char * str_b = "socks";
 const char * str_c = "brooms";
 char * new_a = malloc( strlen( str_a ) - 1 );
 char * new_b = malloc( strlen( str_b ) - 1 );
 char * new_c = malloc( strlen( str_c ) - 2 );
 strcpy( new_a, str_a + 1 );
 strncpy( new_b, str_b, strlen( str_b ) - 1 );
 strncpy( new_c, str_c + 1, strlen( str_c ) - 2 );
 printf( "%s\n%s\n%s\n", new_a, new_b, new_c );
 free( new_a );
 free( new_b );
 free( new_c );
 return 0;




ANSI C provides little functionality for text manipulation outside of string.h. While a number of libraries for this purpose have been written, this example uses only ANSI C.


Version for ASCII strings: <lang d>import std.stdio;

void main() {

   writeln("knight"[1..$]);   // strip first character
   writeln("socks"[0..$-1]);  // strip last character
   writeln("brooms"[1..$-1]); // strip both first and last characters



<lang euphoria>function strip_first(sequence s)

   return s[2..$]

end function

function strip_last(sequence s)

   return s[1..$-1]

end function

function strip_both(sequence s)

   return s[2..$-1]

end function

puts(1, strip_first("knight")) -- strip first character puts(1, strip_last("write")) -- strip last character puts(1, strip_both("brooms")) -- strip both first and last characters</lang>


Go strings are byte arrays that can hold whatever you want them to hold. Common contents are ASCII and UTF-8. You use different techniques depending on how you are interpreting the string. The utf8 package functions shown here allows efficient extraction of first and last runes without decoding the entire string. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   // ASCII contents:  Interpreting "characters" as bytes.
   s := "ASCII"
   fmt.Println("String:                ", s)
   fmt.Println("First byte removed:    ", s[1:])
   fmt.Println("Last byte removed:     ", s[:len(s)-1])
   fmt.Println("First and last removed:", s[1:len(s)-1])
   // UTF-8 contents:  "Characters" as runes (unicode code points)
   u := "Δημοτική"
   fmt.Println("String:                ", u)
   _, sizeFirst := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(u)
   fmt.Println("First rune removed:    ", u[sizeFirst:])
   _, sizeLast := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(u)
   fmt.Println("Last rune removed:     ", u[:len(u)-sizeLast])
   fmt.Println("First and last removed:", u[sizeFirst:len(u)-sizeLast])

}</lang> Output:

String:                 ASCII
First byte removed:     SCII
Last byte removed:      ASCI
First and last removed: SCI
String:                 Δημοτική
First rune removed:     ημοτική
Last rune removed:      Δημοτικ
First and last removed: ημοτικ

Icon and Unicon

The task is accomplished by sub-stringing. <lang Icon>procedure main() write(s := "knight"," --> ", s[2:0]) # drop 1st char write(s := "sock"," --> ", s[1:-1]) # drop last write(s := "brooms"," --> ", s[2:-1]) # drop both end</lang>

It could also be accomplished (less clearly) by assigning into the string as below. Very awkward for both front and back. <lang Icon>write(s := "knight"," --> ", s[1] := "", s) # drop 1st char</lang>


The monadic primitives }. (Behead) and }: (Curtail) are useful for this task.

Example use:
<lang j> }. 'knight' NB. drop first item night

  }: 'socks'       NB. drop last item


  }: }. 'brooms'   NB. drop first and last items



I solve this problem two ways. First I use substring which is relatively fast for small strings, since it simply grabs the characters within a set of given bounds. The second uses regular expressions, which have a higher overhead for such short strings.

<lang Java>public class RM_chars {

 public static void main( String[] args ){
   System.out.println( "knight".substring( 1 ) );
   System.out.println( "socks".substring( 0, 4 ) );
   System.out.println( "brooms".substring( 1, 5 ) );
     // first, do this by selecting a specific substring
     // to exclude the first and last characters
   System.out.println( "knight".replaceAll( "^.", "" ) );
   System.out.println( "socks".replaceAll( ".$", "" ) );
   System.out.println( "brooms".replaceAll( "^.|.$", "" ) );
     // then do this using a regular expressions





<lang javascript>alert("knight".slice(1)); // strip first character alert("socks".slice(0, -1)); // strip last character alert("brooms".slice(1, -1)); // strip both first and last characters</lang>

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>

string$ = "Rosetta Code"

Print Mid$(string$, 2) Print Left$(string$, (Len(string$) - 1)) Print Mid$(string$, 2, (Len(string$) - 2))



<lang lua>print (string.sub("knights",2)) -- remove the first character print (string.sub("knights",1,-2)) -- remove the last character print (string.sub("knights",2,-2)) -- remove the first and last characters</lang>


<lang ocaml>let strip_first_char str =

 if str = "" then "" else
 String.sub str 1 ((String.length str) - 1)

let strip_last_char str =

 if str = "" then "" else
 String.sub str 0 ((String.length str) - 1)

let strip_both_chars str =

 match String.length str with
 | 0 | 1 | 2 -> ""
 | _ -> String.sub str 1 ((String.length str) - 2)

let () =

 print_endline (strip_first_char "knight");
 print_endline (strip_last_char "socks");
 print_endline (strip_both_chars "brooms");


<lang parigp>df(s)=concat(vecextract(Vec(s),1<<#s-2)); dl(s)=concat(vecextract(Vec(s),1<<(#s-1)-1)); db(s)=concat(vecextract(Vec(s),1<<(#s-1)-2));</lang>


<lang perl>print substr("knight",1), "\n"; # strip first character print substr("socks", 0, -1), "\n"; # strip last character print substr("brooms", 1, -1), "\n"; # strip both first and last characters</lang>

In perl, we can also remove the last character from a string variable with the chop function:

<lang perl>$string = 'ouch'; $bits = chop($string); # The last letter is returned by the chop function print $bits; # h print $string; # ouc # See we really did chop the last letter off</lang>

Perl 6

Perl 6 has a substr routine similar to that of Perl. The only real difference is that it may be called as a subroutine or as a method.

<lang perl6>say substr('knight', 1); # strip first character - sub say 'knight'.substr(1); # strip first character - method

say substr('socks', 0, -1); # strip last character - sub say 'socks'.substr( 0, -1); # strip last character - method

say substr('brooms', 1, -1); # strip both first and last characters - sub say 'brooms'.substr(1, -1); # strip both first and last characters - method</lang>

Perl 6 also has chop though it works differently from Perl. There is also p5chop that works like Perls chop.

<lang perl6>my $string = 'ouch'; say $string.chop; # ouc - does not modify original $string say $string; # ouch say $string.p5chop; # h - returns the character chopped off and modifies $string say $string; # ouc</lang>


<lang php><?php echo substr("knight", 1), "\n"; // strip first character echo substr("socks", 0, -1), "\n"; // strip last character echo substr("brooms", 1, -1), "\n"; // strip both first and last characters ?></lang>


<lang PicoLisp>: (pack (cdr (chop "knight"))) # Remove first character -> "night"

(pack (head -1 (chop "socks"))) # Remove last character

-> "sock"

(pack (cddr (rot (chop "brooms")))) # Remove first and last characters

-> "room"</lang>


Works with SWI-Prolog.

<lang Prolog>remove_first_last_chars :- L = "Rosetta", L = [_|L1], remove_last(L, L2), remove_last(L1, L3), writef('Original string  : %s\n', [L]), writef('Without first char  : %s\n', [L1]), writef('Without last char  : %s\n', [L2]), writef('Without first/last chars : %s\n', [L3]).

remove_last(L, LR) :- reverse(L, [_ | L1]), reverse(L1, LR).</lang> Output :

 ?- remove_first_last_chars.
Original string          : Rosetta
Without first char       : osetta
Without last char        : Rosett
Without first/last chars : osett


<lang PureBasic>If OpenConsole()

 PrintN(Right("knight", Len("knight") - 1))  ;strip the first letter
 PrintN(Left("socks", Len("socks")- 1))      ;strip the last letter
 PrintN(Mid("brooms", 2, Len("brooms") - 2)) ;strip both the first and last letter
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Sample output:



<lang python>print "knight"[1:] # strip first character print "socks"[:-1] # strip last character print "brooms"[1:-1] # strip both first and last characters</lang>


<lang ruby>puts "knight"[1..-1] # strip first character puts "socks"[0..-2] # strip last character puts "socks".chop # alternate way to strip last character puts "brooms"[1..-2] # strip both first and last characters</lang>


<lang scala>println("knight" tail) // strip first character println("socks" dropRight 1) // strip last character println("brooms".tail dropRight 1) // strip both first and last characters</lang>


<lang snobol4> "knight" len(1) rem . output  ;* strip first character

    "socks" rtab(1) . output           ;* strip last character
    "brooms" len(1) rtab(1) . output   ;* strip both first and last characters</lang>


<lang tcl>puts [string range "knight" 1 end]; # strip first character puts [string range "write" 0 end-1]; # strip last character puts [string range "brooms" 1 end-1]; # strip both first and last characters</lang>


<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT str="upraisers" str1=EXTRACT (str,2,0) str2=EXTRACT (str,0,-1) str3=EXTRACT (str,2,-1) PRINT str PRINT str1 PRINT str2 PRINT str3 </lang> Output:


ZX Spectrum Basic

<lang zxbasic>10 PRINT FN f$("knight"): REM strip the first letter 20 PRINT FN l$("socks"): REM strip the last letter 30 PRINT FN b$("brooms"): REM strip both the first and last letter 100 STOP

9000 DEF FN f$(a$)=a$(2 TO LEN(a$)) 9010 DEF FN l$(a$)=a$(1 TO LEN(a$)-(1 AND (LEN(a$)>=1))) 9020 DEF FN b$(a$)=FN l$(FN f$(a$)) </lang>