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<lang langur>val .isbn13checkdigit = f(var .s) {
<lang langur>val .isbn13checkdigit = f(var .s) {
.s = replace(.s, RE/[\- ]/)
.s = replace(.s, RE/[\- ]/)
var .alt = true
var .alt = false
matching(re/^[0-9]{13}$/, .s) and
matching(re/^[0-9]{13}$/, .s) and
for[=0] .d in s2n(.s) { not= .alt; _for += if(.alt: .d x 3; .d) } div 10
for[=0] .d in s2n(.s) { _for += if(.alt: .d x 3; .d); not= .alt } div 10

Revision as of 18:03, 12 April 2020

ISBN13 check digit is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Validate the check digit of an ISBN-13 code. Multiply every other digit by 3. Add the digits together. Take the remainder of division by 10. If it is 0, the ISBN-13 check digit is correct.

Use the following codes for testing:

978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad

Show output here, on this page

See also

See for details on the method of validation.


Composition of pure functions

<lang applescript>-- isISBN13 :: String -> Bool on isISBN13(s)

   script digitValue
       on |λ|(c)
           if isDigit(c) then
               {c as integer}
           end if
       end |λ|
   end script
   set digits to concatMap(digitValue, characters of s)
   13 = length of digits ¬
       and 0 = sum(zipWith(my mul, digits, cycle({1, 3}))) mod 10

end isISBN13


on run

   script test
       on |λ|(s)
           {s, isISBN13(s)}
       end |λ|
   end script
   map(test, {"978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", ¬
       "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"})

end run

GENERIC FUNCTIONS---------------------

-- concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] on concatMap(f, xs)

   set lng to length of xs
   set acc to {}
   tell mReturn(f)
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set acc to acc & (|λ|(item i of xs, i, xs))
       end repeat
   end tell
   return acc

end concatMap

-- cycle :: [a] -> Generator [a] on cycle(xs)

       property lng : 1 + (length of xs)
       property i : missing value
       on |λ|()
           if missing value is i then
               set i to 1
               set nxt to (1 + i) mod lng
               if 0 = ((1 + i) mod lng) then
                   set i to 1
                   set i to nxt
               end if
           end if
           return item i of xs
       end |λ|
   end script

end cycle

-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a on foldl(f, startValue, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set v to startValue
       set lng to length of xs
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return v
   end tell

end foldl

-- isDigit :: Char -> Bool on isDigit(c)

   set n to (id of c)
   48 ≤ n and 57 ≥ n

end isDigit

-- length :: [a] -> Int on |length|(xs)

   set c to class of xs
   if list is c or string is c then
       length of xs
       (2 ^ 29 - 1) -- (maxInt - simple proxy for non-finite)
   end if

end |length|

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] on map(f, xs)

   -- The list obtained by applying f
   -- to each element of xs.
   tell mReturn(f)
       set lng to length of xs
       set lst to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return lst
   end tell

end map

-- min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a on min(x, y)

   if y < x then
   end if

end min

-- mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b) on mReturn(f)

   -- 2nd class handler function lifted into 1st class script wrapper. 
   if script is class of f then
           property |λ| : f
       end script
   end if

end mReturn

-- mul (*) :: Num a => a -> a -> a on mul(a, b)

   a * b

end mul

-- sum :: [Num] -> Num on sum(xs)

   script add
       on |λ|(a, b)
           a + b
       end |λ|
   end script
   foldl(add, 0, xs)

end sum

-- take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -- take :: Int -> String -> String on take(n, xs)

   set c to class of xs
   if list is c then
       if 0 < n then
           items 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs
       end if
   else if string is c then
       if 0 < n then
           text 1 thru min(n, length of xs) of xs
       end if
   else if script is c then
       set ys to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to n
           set v to |λ|() of xs
           if missing value is v then
               return ys
               set end of ys to v
           end if
       end repeat
       return ys
       missing value
   end if

end take

-- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] on zipWith(f, xs, ys)

   set lng to min(|length|(xs), |length|(ys))
   if 1 > lng then return {}
   set xs_ to take(lng, xs) -- Allow for non-finite
   set ys_ to take(lng, ys) -- generators like cycle etc
   set lst to {}
   tell mReturn(f)
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs_, item i of ys_)
       end repeat
       return lst
   end tell

end zipWith</lang>

{{"978-1734314502", true}, {"978-1734314509", false}, {"978-1788399081", true}, {"978-1788399083", false}}


This task can be tackled very simply by working through the numeric text two characters at a time:

<lang applescript>on validateISBN13(ISBN13)

   if (ISBN13's class is not text) then return false
   set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"-", space}
   set ISBN13 to ISBN13's text items
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
   set ISBN13 to ISBN13 as text
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
   if (((count ISBN13) is not 13) or (ISBN13 contains ".") or (ISBN13 contains ",")) then return false
       ISBN13 as number
   on error
       return false
   end try
   set sum to 0
   repeat with i from 1 to 12 by 2
       set sum to sum + (character i of ISBN13) + (character (i + 1) of ISBN13) * 3 -- Automatic text-to-number coercions.
   end repeat
   return ((sum + (character 13 of ISBN13)) mod 10 = 0)

end validateISBN13

-- Test: set output to {} set verdicts to {"bad", "good"} repeat with thisISBN13 in {"978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"}

   set isValid to validateISBN13(thisISBN13)
   set end of output to thisISBN13 & ": " & item ((isValid as integer) + 1) of verdicts

end repeat

set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed set output to output as text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid return output</lang>

"978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad"

Or it can be handled purely numerically. Since the "weights" alternate and are palindromic, it makes no difference whether the last digit or the first is treated as the check digit. In fact, if preferred, the repeat below can go round 7 times with the return line as simply: return (sum mod 10 = 0).

<lang applescript>on validateISBN13(ISBN13)

   if (ISBN13's class is not text) then return false
   set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"-", space}
   set ISBN13 to ISBN13's text items
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
   set ISBN13 to ISBN13 as text
   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
   if (((count ISBN13) is not 13) or (ISBN13 contains ".") or (ISBN13 contains ",")) then return false
       set ISBN13 to ISBN13 as number
   on error
       return false
   end try
   set sum to 0
   repeat 6 times
       set sum to sum + ISBN13 mod 10 + ISBN13 mod 100 div 10 * 3
       set ISBN13 to ISBN13 div 100
   end repeat
   return ((sum + ISBN13) mod 10 = 0)

end validateISBN13</lang>


<lang AWK>

  1. syntax: GAWK -f ISBN13_CHECK_DIGIT.AWK


   arr[++n] = "978-1734314502"
   arr[++n] = "978-1734314509"
   arr[++n] = "978-1788399081"
   arr[++n] = "978-1788399083"
   arr[++n] = "9780820424521"
   arr[++n] = "0820424528"
   for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
     printf("%s %s\n",arr[i],isbn13(arr[i]))

} function isbn13(isbn, check_digit,i,sum) {

   gsub(/[ -]/,"",isbn)
   if (length(isbn) != 13) { return("NG length") }
   for (i=1; i<=12; i++) {
     sum += substr(isbn,i,1) * (i % 2 == 1 ? 1 : 3)
   check_digit = 10 - (sum % 10)
   return(substr(isbn,13,1) == check_digit ? "OK" : sprintf("NG check digit S/B %d",check_digit))

} </lang>

978-1734314502 OK
978-1734314509 NG check digit S/B 2
978-1788399081 OK
978-1788399083 NG check digit S/B 1
9780820424521 OK
0820424528 NG length


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int check_isbn13(const char *isbn) {

   int ch = *isbn, count = 0, sum = 0;
   /* check isbn contains 13 digits and calculate weighted sum */
   for ( ; ch != 0; ch = *++isbn, ++count) {
       /* skip hyphens or spaces */
       if (ch == ' ' || ch == '-') {
       if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') {
           return 0;
       if (count & 1) {
           sum += 3 * (ch - '0');
       } else {
           sum += ch - '0';
   if (count != 13) return 0;
   return !(sum%10);


int main() {

   int i;
   const char* isbns[] = {"978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"};
   for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
       printf("%s: %s\n", isbns[i], check_isbn13(isbns[i]) ? "good" : "bad");
   return 0;


978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad


<lang factor>USING: combinators.short-circuit formatting kernel math math.functions math.parser math.vectors qw sequences sequences.extras sets unicode ;

(isbn13?) ( str -- ? )
   [ <evens> sum ] [ <odds> 3 v*n sum + ] bi 10 divisor? ;
isbn13? ( str -- ? )
   "- " without
   { [ length 13 = ] [ [ digit? ] all? ] [ (isbn13?) ] } 1&& ;

qw{ 978-1734314502 978-1734314509 978-1788399081 978-1788399083 } [ dup isbn13? "good" "bad" ? "%s: %s\n" printf ] each</lang>

978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad


<lang go>package main

import (



func checkIsbn13(isbn string) bool {

   // remove any hyphens or spaces
   isbn = strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ReplaceAll(isbn, "-", ""), " ", "")
   // check length == 13
   le := utf8.RuneCountInString(isbn)
   if le != 13 {
       return false
   // check only contains digits and calculate weighted sum
   sum := int32(0)
   for i, c := range isbn {
       if c < '0' || c > '9' {
           return false
       if i%2 == 0 {
           sum += c - '0'
       } else {
           sum += 3 * (c - '0')
   return sum%10 == 0


func main() {

   isbns := []string{"978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"}
   for _, isbn := range isbns {
       res := "bad"
       if checkIsbn13(isbn) {
           res = "good"
       fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", isbn, res)


978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad


<lang haskell>import Data.Char (isDigit, digitToInt) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Text.Printf (printf)

testISBNs :: [String] testISBNs = ["978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"]

pair :: Num a => [a] -> [(a, a)] pair [] = [] pair xs = p (take 2 xs) : pair (drop 2 xs)

 where p ps = case ps of (x:y:zs) -> (x,y)
                         (x:zs)   -> (x,0)

validIsbn13 :: String -> Bool validIsbn13 isbn

 | length (digits isbn) /= 13 = False
 | otherwise = calc isbn `rem` 10 == 0 
 where digits = map digitToInt . filter isDigit
       calc   = foldl (\a (x, y) -> x + y * 3 + a) 0 . pair . digits

main :: IO () main = forM_ testISBNs (\isbn -> printf "%s: Valid: %s\n" isbn (show $ validIsbn13 isbn))</lang>

978-1734314502: Valid: True
978-1734314509: Valid: False
978-1788399081: Valid: True
978-1788399083: Valid: False

Or, expressed in terms of cycle:

<lang haskell>import Data.Char (digitToInt, isDigit)

isISBN13 :: String -> Bool isISBN13 =

 (0 ==) .
 flip rem 10 .
 sum . flip (zipWith ((*) . digitToInt) . filter isDigit) (cycle [1, 3])

main :: IO () main =

 mapM_ print $
 ((,) <*> isISBN13) <$>
 ["978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"]</lang>


<lang julia>function isbncheck(str)

   return sum(iseven(i) ? 3 * parse(Int, ch) : parse(Int, ch) 
       for (i, ch) in enumerate(replace(str, r"\D" => ""))) % 10 == 0


const testingcodes = ["978-1734314502", "978-1734314509",

                     "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"]

for code in testingcodes

   println(code, ": ", isbncheck(code) ? "good" : "bad")



978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad


Works with: langur version 0.8.11

In this example, we map to multiple functions (actually 1 no-op). <lang langur>val .isbn13checkdigit = f(var .s) {

   .s = replace(.s, RE/[\- ]/)
   matching(re/^[0-9]{13}$/, .s) and
       fold(f{+}, map [_, f{x 3}], s2n .s) div 10


val .tests = h{

   "978-1734314502": true,
   "978-1734314509": false,
   "978-1788399081": true,
   "978-1788399083": false,


for .key of .tests {

   val .pass = .isbn13checkdigit(.key)
   write .key, ": ", if(.pass: "good"; "bad")
   writeln if(.pass == .tests[.key]: ""; " (ISBN-13 CHECK DIGIT TEST FAILED)")


Works with: langur version 0.9.0

In this example, we set a for loop value as it progresses. <lang langur>val .isbn13checkdigit = f(var .s) {

   .s = replace(.s, RE/[\- ]/)
   var .alt = false
   matching(re/^[0-9]{13}$/, .s) and
       for[=0] .d in s2n(.s) { _for += if(.alt: .d x 3; .d); not= .alt } div 10


val .tests = h{

   "978-1734314502": true,
   "978-1734314509": false,
   "978-1788399081": true,
   "978-1788399083": false,


for .key of .tests {

   val .pass = .isbn13checkdigit(.key)
   write .key, ": ", if(.pass: "good"; "bad")
   writeln if(.pass == .tests[.key]: ""; " (ISBN-13 CHECK DIGIT TEST FAILED)")


978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad


Translation of: Go

<lang nanoquery>def checkIsbn13(isbn)

       // remove any hyphens or spaces
       isbn = str(isbn).replace("-","").replace(" ","")
       // check length = 13
       if len(isbn) != 13
               return false
       // check only contains digits and calculate weighted sum
       sum = 0
       for i in range(0, len(isbn) - 1)
               c = isbn[i]
               if (ord(c) < ord("0")) or (ord(c) > ord("9"))
                       return false
               if (i % 2) = 0
                       sum += ord(c) - ord("0")
                       sum += 3 * (ord(c) - ord("0"))
       return (sum % 10) = 0


isbns = {"978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083"} for isbn in isbns

       res = "bad"
       if checkIsbn13(isbn)
               res = "good"
       print format("%s: %s\n", isbn, res)


978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad


<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say';

sub check_digit {

   my($isbn) = @_; my($sum);
   $sum += (1,3)[$_%2] * (split , join , split /\D/, $isbn)[$_] for 0..11;
   (10 - $sum % 10) % 10;


for (<978-1734314502 978-1734314509 978-1788399081 978-1788399083 978-2-74839-908-0 978-2-74839-908-5>) {

   my($isbn,$check) = /(.*)(.)/;
   my $check_d = check_digit($isbn);
   say "$_ : " . ($check == $check_d ? 'Good' : "Bad check-digit $check; should be $check_d")


978-1734314502 : Good
978-1734314509 : Bad check-digit 9; should be 2
978-1788399081 : Good
978-1788399083 : Bad check-digit 3; should be 1
978-2-74839-908-0 : Good
978-2-74839-908-5 : Bad check-digit 5; should be 0


<lang Phix>procedure check_isbn13(string isbn)

   integer digits = 0, checksum = 0, w = 1
   for i=1 to length(isbn) do
       integer ch = isbn[i]
       if ch!=' ' and ch!='-' then
           ch -= '0'
           if ch<0 or ch>9 then checksum = 9 exit end if
           checksum += ch*w
           digits += 1
           w = 4-w
       end if
   end for
   checksum = remainder(checksum,10)
   string gb = iff(digits=13 and checksum=0 ? "good" : "bad")
   printf(1,"%s: %s\n",{isbn,gb})

end procedure

constant isbns = {"978-1734314502", "978-1734314509", "978-1788399081", "978-1788399083",

                 "978-2-74839-908-0","978-2-74839-908-5","978 1 86197 876 9"}

for i=1 to length(isbns) do check_isbn13(isbns[i]) end for</lang>

978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad
978-2-74839-908-0: good
978-2-74839-908-5: bad
978 1 86197 876 9: good


<lang PicoLisp>(de isbn13? (S)

  (let L
        (for N (chop S)
           (and (format N) (link @)) ) )
        (= 13 (length L))
        (=0 (% (sum * L (circ 1 3)) 10)) ) ) )


        (-19 1)
        (if (isbn13? A) 'ok 'fail) ) )
     "978 1 86197 876 9" ) )</lang>
978-1734314502     ok
978-1734314509     fail
978-1-86197-876-9  ok
978-2-74839-908-5  fail
978 1 86197 876 9  ok


<lang python>def is_isbn13(n):

   n = n.replace('-',).replace(' ', )
   if len(n) != 13:
       return False
   product = (sum(int(ch) for ch in n[::2]) 
              + sum(int(ch) * 3 for ch in n[1::2]))
   return product % 10 == 0

if __name__ == '__main__':

   tests = 

978-1734314502 978-1734314509 978-1788399081 978-1788399083.strip().split()

   for t in tests:
       print(f"ISBN13 {t} validates {is_isbn13(t)}")</lang>
ISBN13 978-1734314502 validates True
ISBN13 978-1734314509 validates False
ISBN13 978-1788399081 validates True
ISBN13 978-1788399083 validates False

Or, expressed in terms of itertools.cycle <lang python>ISBN13 check digit

from itertools import cycle from operator import mul

  1. isISBN13 :: String -> Bool

def isISBN13(s):

   True if the digits of s form
      a valid ISBN-13 code.
   digits = [int(c) for c in s if c.isdigit()]
   return 13 == len(digits) and 0 == sum(
           cycle([1, 3])
   ) % 10

  1. ---------------------------TEST---------------------------
  2. main :: IO ()

def main():

   Validation of four strings:
   for s in ['978-1734314502', '978-1734314509',
             '978-1788399081', '978-1788399083']:
       print((s, isISBN13(s)))

  1. MAIN ---

if __name__ == '__main__':

('978-1734314502', True)
('978-1734314509', False)
('978-1788399081', True)
('978-1788399083', False)


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2019.11

Also test a value that has a zero check digit.

<lang perl6>sub check-digit ($isbn) {

    (10 - (sum (|$isbn.comb(/<[0..9]>/)) »*» (1,3)) % 10).substr: *-1



   my $check = .substr(*-1);
   my $check-digit = check-digit .chop;
   say "$_ : ", $check == $check-digit ??
       'Good' !!
       "Bad check-digit $check; should be $check-digit"

} for words <



978-1734314502 : Good
978-1734314509 : Bad check-digit 9; should be 2
978-1788399081 : Good
978-1788399083 : Bad check-digit 3; should be 1
978-2-74839-908-0 : Good
978-2-74839-908-5 : Bad check-digit 5; should be 0


A couple of additional checks were made to verify a correct length,   and also that the ISBN-13 code is all numerics   (with optional minus signs). <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm validates the check digit of an ISBN─13 code (it may have embedded minuses).*/ parse arg $ /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if $= | if $="," then $= '978-1734314502 978-1734314509 978-1788399081 978-1788399083' @ISBN= "ISBN─13 code isn't" /*a literal used when displaying msgs. */

                                                /* [↓]  remove all minuses from X code.*/
 do j=1  for words($);  y= word($,j)            /*obtain an ISBN─13 code from  $  list.*/
 x= space( translate(y, , '-'),  0)             /*remove all minus signs from the code.*/
 L= length(x)                                   /*obtain the length of the ISBN-13 code*/
 if L \== 13                   then do;  say @ISBN  '13 characters: '  x;  exit 13;   end
 if verify(x, 9876543210)\==0  then do;  say @ISBN  'numeric: '        x;  exit 10;   end
 sum= 0
         do k=1  for L;   #= substr(x, k, 1)    /*get a decimal digit from the X code. */
         if \(k//2)  then #= # * 3              /*multiply every other digit by three. */
         sum= sum + #                           /*add the digit (or product) to the SUM*/
         end   /*k*/
 if right(sum, 1)==0  then say '     ISBN-13 code '      x      "    is valid."
                      else say '     ISBN-13 code '      x      " isn't valid."
 end   /*j*/                                    /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */</lang>
output   when using the four default inputs:
     ISBN-13 code  9781734314502     is valid.
     ISBN-13 code  9781734314509  isn't valid.
     ISBN-13 code  9781788399081     is valid.
     ISBN-13 code  9781788399083  isn't valid.


<lang swift>func checkISBN(isbn: String) -> Bool {

 guard !isbn.isEmpty else {
   return false
 let sum = isbn
   .compactMap({ $0.wholeNumberValue })
   .map({ $0.offset & 1 == 1 ? 3 * $0.element : $0.element })
   .reduce(0, +)
 return sum % 10 == 0


let cases = [



for isbn in cases {

 print("\(isbn) => \(checkISBN(isbn: isbn) ? "good" : "bad")")


978-1734314502 => good
978-1734314509 => bad
978-1788399081 => good
978-1788399083 => bad


<lang XPL0>include xpllib; \contains StrLen function

proc ISBN13(Str); \Show if International Standard Book Number is good char Str; int Sum, Cnt, Dig, I; [Sum:= 0; Cnt:= 0; for I:= 0 to StrLen(Str)-1 do

   [Dig:= Str(I) - ^0;
   if Dig>=0 & Dig<=9 then
       [Sum:= Sum + Dig;
        Cnt:= Cnt + 1;
        if (Cnt&1) = 0 then
               Sum:= Sum + Dig + Dig;

Text(0, Str); Text(0, if rem(Sum/10)=0 & Cnt=13 then ": good" else ": bad"); CrLf(0); ];




978-1734314502: good
978-1734314509: bad
978-1788399081: good
978-1788399083: bad
978-1-59327-220-3: good
978-178839918: bad


<lang zkl>fcn ISBN13_check(isbn){ // "978-1734314502", throws on invalid digits

  var [const] one3=("13"*6 + 1).split("").apply("toInt"); // examine 13 digits
  // one3=("13"*6) if you want to calculate what the check digit should be
  one3.zipWith('*,isbn - " -").sum(0) % 10 == 0

}</lang> <lang zkl>isbns:=

  1. <<<"
  1. <<<

foreach isbn in (isbns)

  { println(isbn.strip(),"  ",ISBN13_check(isbn) and " Good" or " Bad") }</lang>
978-1734314502   Good
978-1734314509   Bad
978-1788399081   Good
978-1788399083   Bad
978-2-74839-908-0   Good
978-2-74839-908-5   Bad