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~.+/ms 101
~.+/ms 101

<lang java>import java.util.Arrays;

public class MagicSquare {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 5;
for (int[] row : magicSquareOdd(n))
System.out.printf("\nMagic constant: %d ", (n * n + 1) * n / 2);

public static int[][] magicSquareOdd(final int base) {
if (base % 2 == 0 || base < 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("base must be odd and > 2");

int[][] grid = new int[base][base];
int r = 0, number = 0;
int size = base * base;

int c = base / 2;
while (number++ < size) {
grid[r][c] = number;
if (r == 0) {
if (c == base - 1) {
} else {
r = base - 1;
} else {
if (c == base - 1) {
c = 0;
} else {
if (grid[r - 1][c + 1] == 0) {
} else {
return grid;


<pre>[17, 24, 1, 8, 15]
[23, 5, 7, 14, 16]
[4, 6, 13, 20, 22]
[10, 12, 19, 21, 3]
[11, 18, 25, 2, 9]

Magic constant: 65 </pre>


Revision as of 03:15, 30 May 2014

Magic squares of odd order
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A magic square is an square matrix whose numbers (usually integers) consist of consecutive numbers arranged so that the sum of each row and column, and both long (main) diagonals are equal to the same sum (which is called the magic number or magic constant).

The numbers are usually (but not always) the 1st positive integers.

A magic square whose rows and columns add up to a magic number but whose main diagonals do not, is known as a semimagic square.

8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

For any odd , generate a magic square with the integers and show the results. Optionally, show the magic number.

You should demonstrate the generator by showing at least a magic square for .

Also see


<lang autohotkey> msgbox % OddMagicSquare(5) msgbox % OddMagicSquare(7) return

OddMagicSquare(oddN){ sq := oddN**2 obj := {} loop % oddN obj[A_Index] := {} ; dis is row mid := Round((oddN+1)/2) sum := Round(sq*(sq+1)/2/oddN) obj[1][mid] := 1 cR := 1 , cC := mid loop % sq-1 { done := 0 , a := A_index+1 while !done { nR := cR-1 , nC := cC+1 if !nR nR := oddN if (nC>oddN) nC := 1 if obj[nR][nC] ;filled cR += 1 else cR := nR , cC := nC if !obj[cR][cC] obj[cR][cC] := a , done := 1 } }

str := "Magic Constant for " oddN "x" oddN " is " sum "`n" for k,v in obj { for k2,v2 in v str .= " " v2 str .= "`n" } return str } </lang>


Magic Constant for 5x5 is 65
 17 24 1 8 15
 23 5 7 14 16
 4 6 13 20 22
 10 12 19 21 3
 11 18 25 2 9

Magic Constant for 7x7 is 175
 30 39 48 1 10 19 28
 38 47 7 9 18 27 29
 46 6 8 17 26 35 37
 5 14 16 25 34 36 45
 13 15 24 33 42 44 4
 21 23 32 41 43 3 12
 22 31 40 49 2 11 20


<lang AWK>



   build(3,1) # verify sum

} function build(n,check, arr,i,width,x,y) {

   if (n !~ /^[0-9]*[13579]$/ || n < 3) {
     printf("error: %s is invalid\n",n)
   printf("\nmagic constant for %dx%d is %d\n",n,n,(n*n+1)*n/2)
   x = 0
   y = int(n/2)
   for (i=1; i<=(n*n); i++) {
     arr[x,y] = i
     if (arr[(x+n-1)%n,(y+n+1)%n]) {
       x = (x+n+1) % n
     else {
       x = (x+n-1) % n
       y = (y+n+1) % n
   width = length(n*n)
   for (x=0; x<n; x++) {
     for (y=0; y<n; y++) {
       printf("%*s ",width,arr[x,y])
   if (check) { verify(arr,n) }

} function verify(arr,n, total,x,y) { # verify sum of each row, column and diagonal

  1. horizontal
   for (x=0; x<n; x++) {
     total = 0
     for (y=0; y<n; y++) {
       printf("%d ",arr[x,y])
       total += arr[x,y]
     printf("\t: %d row %d\n",total,x+1)
  1. vertical
   for (y=0; y<n; y++) {
     total = 0
     for (x=0; x<n; x++) {
       printf("%d ",arr[x,y])
       total += arr[x,y]
     printf("\t: %d column %d\n",total,y+1)
  1. left diagonal
   total = 0
   for (x=y=0; x<n; x++ y++) {
     printf("%d ",arr[x,y])
     total += arr[x,y]
   printf("\t: %d diagonal top left to bottom right\n",total)
  1. right diagonal
   x = n - 1
   total = 0
   for (y=0; y<n; y++ x--) {
     printf("%d ",arr[x,y])
     total += arr[x,y]
   printf("\t: %d diagonal bottom left to top right\n",total)

} </lang>


magic constant for 5x5 is 65
17 24  1  8 15
23  5  7 14 16
 4  6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21  3
11 18 25  2  9

magic constant for 3x3 is 15
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

8 1 6  : 15 row 1
3 5 7  : 15 row 2
4 9 2  : 15 row 3
8 3 4  : 15 column 1
1 5 9  : 15 column 2
6 7 2  : 15 column 3
8 5 2  : 15 diagonal top left to bottom right
4 5 6  : 15 diagonal bottom left to top right

magic constant for 7x7 is 175
30 39 48  1 10 19 28
38 47  7  9 18 27 29
46  6  8 17 26 35 37
 5 14 16 25 34 36 45
13 15 24 33 42 44  4
21 23 32 41 43  3 12
22 31 40 49  2 11 20


Works with: GNU bc

<lang bc>define magic_constant(n) {

   return(((n * n + 1) / 2) * n)


define print_magic_square(n) {

   auto i, x, col, row, len, old_scale
   old_scale = scale
   scale = 0
   len = length(n * n)
   print "Magic constant for n=", n, ": ", magic_constant(n), "\n"
   for (row = 1; row <= n; row++) {
       for (col = 1; col <= n; col++) {
           x = n * ((row + col - 1 + (n / 2)) % n) + \
               ((row + 2 * col - 2) % n) + 1
           for (i = 0; i < len - length(x); i++) {
               print " "
           print x
           if (col != n) print " "
       print "\n"
   scale = old_scale


temp = print_magic_square(5)</lang>

Magic constant for n=5: 65
17 24  1  8 15
23  5  7 14 16
 4  6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21  3
11 18 25  2  9


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  1. define M(x) ((x + n - 1) % n)
       int i, j, k, n, *m;
       char fmt[16];
       if (argc < 2 || (n = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0 || !(n&1))
               fprintf(stderr, "forcing size %d\n", n = 5);
       m = calloc(n*n, sizeof(*m));
       i = 0, j = n/2;
       for (k = 1; k <= n*n; k++) {
               m[i*n + j] = k;
               if (m[M(i)*n + M(j)])
                       i = (i+1) % n;
                       i = M(i), j = M(j);
       for (i = 2, j = 1; j <= n*n; ++i, j *= 10);
       sprintf(fmt, "%%%dd", i);
       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
               for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                       printf(fmt, m[i*n + j]);
       return 0;


% ./a.out
forcing size 5
  15   8   1  24  17
  16  14   7   5  23
  22  20  13   6   4
   3  21  19  12  10
   9   2  25  18  11


<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <sstream>
  3. include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class magicSqr { public:

   magicSqr() { sqr = 0; }
   ~magicSqr() { if( sqr ) delete [] sqr; }
   void create( int d )
       if( sqr ) delete [] sqr;
       if( !( d & 1 ) ) d++; sz = d;
       sqr = new int[sz * sz];
       memset( sqr, 0, sz * sz * sizeof( int ) );
   void display()
       cout << "Odd Magic Square: " << sz << " x " << sz << "\n";
       cout << "It's Magic Sum is: " << magicNumber() << "\n\n";
       ostringstream cvr; cvr << sz * sz;
       int l = cvr.str().size();

for( int y = 0; y < sz; y++ ) { int yy = y * sz; for( int x = 0; x < sz; x++ ) cout << setw( l + 2 ) << sqr[yy + x];

cout << "\n"; }

       cout << "\n\n";


   void fillSqr()

int sx = sz / 2, sy = 0, c = 0; while( c < sz * sz ) { if( !sqr[sx + sy * sz] ) { sqr[sx + sy * sz]= c + 1; inc( sx ); dec( sy ); c++; } else { dec( sx ); inc( sy ); inc( sy ); } }

   int magicNumber()
   { return ( ( ( sz * sz + 1 ) / 2 ) * sz ); }
   void inc( int& a )
   { if( ++a == sz ) a = 0; }
   void dec( int& a )
   { if( --a < 0 ) a = sz - 1; }
   bool checkPos( int x, int y )
   { return( isInside( x ) && isInside( y ) && !sqr[sz * y + x] ); }
   bool isInside( int s )
   { return ( s < sz && s > -1 ); }
   int* sqr;
   int sz;


int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   magicSqr s;
   s.create( 5 );
   return system( "pause" );

} </lang>

Odd Magic Square: 5 x 5
It's Magic Sum is: 65

  17  24   1   8  15
  23   5   7  14  16
   4   6  13  20  22
  10  12  19  21   3
  11  18  25   2   9

Odd Magic Square: 7 x 7
It's Magic Sum is: 175

  30  39  48   1  10  19  28
  38  47   7   9  18  27  29
  46   6   8  17  26  35  37
   5  14  16  25  34  36  45
  13  15  24  33  42  44   4
  21  23  32  41  43   3  12
  22  31  40  49   2  11  20

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun magic-square (n)

 (loop for i from 1 to n
         (loop for j from 1 to n
                 (+ (* n (mod (+ i j (floor n 2) -1) 
                    (mod (+ i (* 2 j) -2) 

(defun magic-constant (n)

 (* n 
    (/ (1+ (* n n)) 

(defun output (n)

 (format T "Magic constant for n=~a: ~a~%" n (magic-constant n))
 (let* ((size (length (write-to-string (* n n))))
        (format-str (format NIL "~~{~~{~~~ad~~^ ~~}~~%~~}~~%" size)))
   (format T format-str (magic-square n))))</lang>
> (output 5)
Magic constant for n=5: 65
17 24  1  8 15
23  5  7 14 16
 4  6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21  3
11 18 25  2  9


Translation of: Python

<lang d>void main(in string[] args) {

   import std.stdio, std.conv, std.range, std.algorithm,std.exception;
   immutable n = args.length == 2 ? args[1].to!uint : 5;
   enforce(n > 0 && n % 2 == 1, "Only odd n > 1");
   immutable len = text(n ^^ 2).length.text;
   foreach (immutable r; 1 .. n + 1)
       writefln("%-(%" ~ len ~ "d %)",
                iota(1, n + 1)
                .map!(c => n * ((r + c - 1 + n / 2) % n) +
                           ((r + 2 * c - 2) % n)));
   writeln("\nMagic constant: ", (n * n + 1) * n / 2);


16 23  0  7 14
22  4  6 13 15
 3  5 12 19 21
 9 11 18 20  2
10 17 24  1  8

Magic constant: 65

Alternative Version

Translation of: C

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.conv, std.string, std.range, std.algorithm;

uint[][] magicSquare(immutable uint n) pure nothrow in {

   assert(n > 0 && n % 2 == 1);

} out(mat) {

   // mat is square of the right size.
   assert(mat.length == n);
   assert(mat.all!(row => row.length == n));
   immutable magic = mat[0].sum;
   // The sum of all rows is the same magic number.
   assert(mat.all!(row => row.sum == magic));
   // The sum of all columns is the same magic number.
   //assert(mat.transposed.all!(col => col.sum == magic));
   assert(mat.dup.transposed.all!(col => col.sum == magic));
   // The sum of the main diagonals is the same magic number.
   //assert(!(ir => ir[1][ir[0]]).sum == magic);
   assert(!(ir => ir[1][ir[0]]).sum == magic);
   //assert(!(ir => ir[1][$-1-ir[0]]).sum == magic);
   assert(!(ir => ir[1][$-1-ir[0]]).sum == magic);

} body {

   enum M = (in uint x) pure nothrow => (x + n - 1) % n;
   auto m = new uint[][](n, n);
   uint i = 0;
   uint j = n / 2;
   foreach (immutable uint k; 1 .. n ^^ 2 + 1) {
       m[i][j] = k;
       if (m[M(i)][M(j)]) {
           i = (i + 1) % n;
       } else {
           i = M(i);
           j = M(j);
   return m;


void showSquare(in uint[][] m) in {

   assert(m.all!(row => row.length == m[0].length));

} body {

   immutable maxLen = text(m.length ^^ 2).length.text;
   writefln("%(%(%" ~ maxLen ~ "d %)\n%)", m);
   writeln("\nMagic constant: ", m[0].sum);


int main(in string[] args) {

   if (args.length == 1) {
       return 0;
   } else if (args.length == 2) {
       immutable n = args[1].to!uint;
       if (n > 0 && n % 2 == 1) {
           return 0;
   stderr.writefln("Requires n odd and larger than 0.");
   return 1;


15  8  1 24 17
16 14  7  5 23
22 20 13  6  4
 3 21 19 12 10
 9  2 25 18 11

Magic constant: 65

Icon and Unicon

This is a Unicon-specific solution because of the use of the [: ... :] construct. <lang unicon>procedure main(A)

   n := integer(!A) | 3
   write("Magic number: ",n*(n*n+1)/2)
   sq := buildSquare(n)


procedure buildSquare(n)

   sq := [: |list(n)\n :]
   r := 0
   c := n/2
   every i := !(n*n) do {
       /sq[r+1,c+1] := i
       nr := (n+r-1)%n
       nc := (c+1)%n
       if /sq[nr+1,nc+1] then (r := nr,c := nc) else r := (r+1)%n
   return sq


procedure showSquare(sq)

   n := *sq
   s := *(n*n)+2
   every r := !sq do every writes(right(!r,s)|"\n")


Sample output:

->ms 5
Magic number: 65
  17  24   1   8  15
  23   5   7  14  16
   4   6  13  20  22
  10  12  19  21   3
  11  18  25   2   9


Based on

<lang J>ms=: i:@<.@-: |."0 1&|:^:2 >:@i.@,~</lang>

In other words, generate a square of counting integers, like this: <lang J> >:@i.@,~ 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9</lang>

Then generate a list of integers centering on 0 up to half of that value, like this: <lang J> i:@<.@-: 3 _1 0 1</lang>

Finally, rotate each corresponding row and column of the table by the corresponding value in the list. We can use the same instructions to rotate both rows and columns if we transpose the matrix before rotating (and perform this transpose+rotate twice).

Example use:

<lang J> ms 5

9 15 16 22  3

20 21 2 8 14

1  7 13 19 25

12 18 24 5 6 23 4 10 11 17

  ~.+/ms 5


  ~.+/ms 101



<lang java>import java.util.Arrays;

public class MagicSquare {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int n = 5;
       for (int[] row : magicSquareOdd(n))
       System.out.printf("\nMagic constant: %d ", (n * n + 1) * n / 2);
   public static int[][] magicSquareOdd(final int base) {
       if (base % 2 == 0 || base < 3)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("base must be odd and > 2");
       int[][] grid = new int[base][base];
       int r = 0, number = 0;
       int size = base * base;
       int c = base / 2;
       while (number++ < size) {
           grid[r][c] = number;
           if (r == 0) {
               if (c == base - 1) {
               } else {
                   r = base - 1;
           } else {
               if (c == base - 1) {
                   c = 0;
               } else {
                   if (grid[r - 1][c + 1] == 0) {
                   } else {
       return grid;



[17, 24, 1, 8, 15]
[23, 5, 7, 14, 16]
[4, 6, 13, 20, 22]
[10, 12, 19, 21, 3]
[11, 18, 25, 2, 9]

Magic constant: 65 


Translation of: C

<lang go>package main

import (



func ms(n int) (int, []int) {

   M := func(x int) int { return (x + n - 1) % n }
   if n <= 0 || n&1 == 0 {
       n = 5
       log.Println("forcing size", n)
   m := make([]int, n*n)
   i, j := 0, n/2
   for k := 1; k <= n*n; k++ {
       m[i*n+j] = k
       if m[M(i)*n+M(j)] != 0 {
           i = (i + 1) % n
       } else {
           i, j = M(i), M(j)
   return n, m


func main() {

   n, m := ms(5)
   i := 2
   for j := 1; j <= n*n; j *= 10 {
   f := fmt.Sprintf("%%%dd", i)
   for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
       for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
           fmt.Printf(f, m[i*n+j])


  15   8   1  24  17
  16  14   7   5  23
  22  20  13   6   4
   3  21  19  12  10
   9   2  25  18  11


Translation of: cpp

<lang haskell> -- as a translation from imperative code, this is probably not a "good" implementation import Data.List

type Var = (Int, Int, Int, Int) -- sx sy sz c

magicSum :: Int -> Int magicSum x = ((x * x + 1) `div` 2) * x

wrapInc :: Int -> Int -> Int wrapInc max x

  | x + 1 == max    = 0
  | otherwise       = x + 1

wrapDec :: Int -> Int -> Int wrapDec max x

  | x == 0    = max - 1
  | otherwise = x - 1

isZero :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool isZero m x y = m !! x !! y == 0

setAt :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int setAt (x, y) val table

  | (upper, current : lower) <- splitAt x table,
    (left, this : right) <- splitAt y current
        = upper ++ (left ++ val : right) : lower
  | otherwise = error "Outside"

create :: Int -> Int create x = replicate x $ replicate x 0

cells :: Int -> Int cells m = x*x where x = length m

fill :: Var -> Int -> Int fill (sx, sy, sz, c) m

  | c < cells m =
     if isZero m sx sy 
     then fill ((wrapInc sz sx), (wrapDec sz sy), sz, c + 1) (setAt (sx, sy) (c + 1) m)
     else fill ((wrapDec sz sx), (wrapInc sz(wrapInc sz sy)), sz, c) m
  | otherwise = m

magicNumber :: Int -> Int magicNumber d = transpose $ fill (d `div` 2, 0, d, 0) (create d)

display :: Int -> String display (x:xs)

  | null xs = vdisplay x
  | otherwise = vdisplay x ++ ('\n' : display xs)

vdisplay :: [Int] -> String vdisplay (x:xs)

  | null xs = show x
  | otherwise = show x ++ " " ++ vdisplay xs

magicSquare x = do

  putStr "Magic Square of "
  putStr $ show x
  putStr " = "
  putStrLn $ show $ magicSum x
  putStrLn $ display $ magicNumber x



<lang Maxima>wrap1(i):= if i>%n% then 1 else if i<1 then %n% else i; wrap(P):=maplist('wrap1, P);

uprigth(P):= wrap(P + [-1, 1]); down(P):= wrap(P + [1, 0]);

magic(n):=block([%n%: n,

 M: zeromatrix (n, n),
 P: [1, (n + 1)/2],
 m: 1, Pc],
 do (
   M[P[1],P[2]]: m,
   m: m + 1,
   if m>n^2 then return(M),
   Pc: uprigth(P),
   if M[Pc[1],Pc[2]]=0 then P: Pc
   else while(M[P[1],P[2]]#0) do P: down(P)));</lang>

Usage: <lang output>(%i6) magic(3);

                                 [ 8  1  6 ]
                                 [         ]

(%o6) [ 3 5 7 ]

                                 [         ]
                                 [ 4  9  2 ]

(%i7) magic(5);

                           [ 17  24  1   8   15 ]
                           [                    ]
                           [ 23  5   7   14  16 ]
                           [                    ]

(%o7) [ 4 6 13 20 22 ]

                           [                    ]
                           [ 10  12  19  21  3  ]
                           [                    ]
                           [ 11  18  25  2   9  ]

(%i8) magic(7);

                       [ 30  39  48  1   10  19  28 ]
                       [                            ]
                       [ 38  47  7   9   18  27  29 ]
                       [                            ]
                       [ 46  6   8   17  26  35  37 ]
                       [                            ]

(%o8) [ 5 14 16 25 34 36 45 ]

                       [                            ]
                       [ 13  15  24  33  42  44  4  ]
                       [                            ]
                       [ 21  23  32  41  43  3   12 ]
                       [                            ]
                       [ 22  31  40  49  2   11  20 ]

/* magic number for n=7 */ (%i9) lsum(q, q, first(magic(7))); (%o9) 175</lang>

Perl 6

<lang perl6>sub MAIN (Int $n = 5) {

   note "Sorry, must be a positive odd integer." and exit if $n %% 2 or $n < 0;
   my $x = $n/2;
   my $y = 0;
   my $i = 1;
   my @sq;
   @sq[($i % $n ?? $y-- !! $y++) % $n][($i % $n ?? $x++ !! $x) % $n] = $i++ for ^($n * $n);
   my $f = "%{$i.chars}d";
   say .fmt($f, ' ') for @sq;
   say "\nThe magic number is ", [+] @sq[0].list;



Default, No parameter:

17 24  1  8 15
23  5  7 14 16
 4  6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21  3
11 18 25  2  9

The magic number is 65

With a parameter of 19

192 213 234 255 276 297 318 339 360   1  22  43  64  85 106 127 148 169 190
212 233 254 275 296 317 338 359  19  21  42  63  84 105 126 147 168 189 191
232 253 274 295 316 337 358  18  20  41  62  83 104 125 146 167 188 209 211
252 273 294 315 336 357  17  38  40  61  82 103 124 145 166 187 208 210 231
272 293 314 335 356  16  37  39  60  81 102 123 144 165 186 207 228 230 251
292 313 334 355  15  36  57  59  80 101 122 143 164 185 206 227 229 250 271
312 333 354  14  35  56  58  79 100 121 142 163 184 205 226 247 249 270 291
332 353  13  34  55  76  78  99 120 141 162 183 204 225 246 248 269 290 311
352  12  33  54  75  77  98 119 140 161 182 203 224 245 266 268 289 310 331
 11  32  53  74  95  97 118 139 160 181 202 223 244 265 267 288 309 330 351
 31  52  73  94  96 117 138 159 180 201 222 243 264 285 287 308 329 350  10
 51  72  93 114 116 137 158 179 200 221 242 263 284 286 307 328 349   9  30
 71  92 113 115 136 157 178 199 220 241 262 283 304 306 327 348   8  29  50
 91 112 133 135 156 177 198 219 240 261 282 303 305 326 347   7  28  49  70
111 132 134 155 176 197 218 239 260 281 302 323 325 346   6  27  48  69  90
131 152 154 175 196 217 238 259 280 301 322 324 345   5  26  47  68  89 110
151 153 174 195 216 237 258 279 300 321 342 344   4  25  46  67  88 109 130
171 173 194 215 236 257 278 299 320 341 343   3  24  45  66  87 108 129 150
172 193 214 235 256 277 298 319 340 361   2  23  44  65  86 107 128 149 170

The magic number is 3439


<lang PL/I>magic: procedure options (main); /* 18 April 2014 */

  declare n fixed binary;
  put skip list ('What is the order of the magic square?');
  get list (n);
  if n < 3 | iand(n, 1) = 0 then
     do; put skip list ('The value is out of range'); stop; end;
  put skip list ('The order is ' || trim(n));
     declare m(n, n) fixed, (i, j, k) fixed binary;
     on subrg snap put data (i, j, k);
     m = 0;
     i = 1; j = (n+1)/2;
     do k = 1 to n*n;
        if m(i,j) = 0 then
           m(i,j) = k;
              i = i + 2; j = j + 1;
              if i > n then i = mod(i,n);
              if j > n then j = 1;
              m(i,j) = k;
        i = i - 1; j = j - 1;
        if i < 1 then i = n;
        if j < 1 then j = n;
     do i = 1 to n;
        put skip edit (m(i, *)) (f(4));
     put skip list ('The magic number is' || sum(m(1,*)));

end magic;</lang> Outputs:

What is the order of the magic square? 

The order is 5 
  15   8   1  24  17
  16  14   7   5  23
  22  20  13   6   4
   3  21  19  12  10
   9   2  25  18  11
The magic number is                65 
What is the order of the magic square? 

The order is 7 
  28  19  10   1  48  39  30
  29  27  18   9   7  47  38
  37  35  26  17   8   6  46
  45  36  34  25  16  14   5
   4  44  42  33  24  15  13
  12   3  43  41  32  23  21
  20  11   2  49  40  31  22
The magic number is               175


<lang python>>>> def magic(n):

   for row in range(1, n + 1):
       print(' '.join('%*i' % (len(str(n**2)), cell) for cell in
                      (n * ((row + col - 1 + n // 2) % n) +
                      ((row + 2 * col - 2) % n) + 1
                      for col in range(1, n + 1))))
   print('\nAll sum to magic number %i' % ((n * n + 1) * n // 2))

>>> for n in (5, 3, 7): print('\nOrder %i\n=======' % n) magic(n)

Order 5


17 24 1 8 15 23 5 7 14 16

4  6 13 20 22

10 12 19 21 3 11 18 25 2 9

All sum to magic number 65

Order 3


8 1 6 3 5 7 4 9 2

All sum to magic number 15

Order 7


30 39 48 1 10 19 28 38 47 7 9 18 27 29 46 6 8 17 26 35 37

5 14 16 25 34 36 45

13 15 24 33 42 44 4 21 23 32 41 43 3 12 22 31 40 49 2 11 20

All sum to magic number 175 >>> </lang>


<lang racket>#lang racket

Using "helpful formulae" in

(define (squares n) n)

(define (last-no n) (sqr n))

(define (middle-no n) (/ (add1 (sqr n)) 2))

(define (M n) (* n (middle-no n)))

(define ((Ith-row-Jth-col n) I J)

 (+ (* (modulo (+ I J -1 (exact-floor (/ n 2))) n) n)
    (modulo (+ I (* 2 J) -2) n)

(define (magic-square n)

 (define IrJc (Ith-row-Jth-col n))
 (for/list ((I (in-range 1 (add1 n)))) (for/list ((J (in-range 1 (add1 n)))) (IrJc I J))))

(define (fmt-list-of-lists l-o-l width)

  (for/list ((row l-o-l))
    (string-join (map (λ (x) (~a #:align 'right #:width width x)) row) "  "))

(define (show-magic-square n)

 (format "MAGIC SQUARE ORDER:~a~%~a~%MAGIC NUMBER:~a~%"
         n (fmt-list-of-lists (magic-square n) (+ (order-of-magnitude (last-no n)) 1)) (M n)))

(displayln (show-magic-square 3)) (displayln (show-magic-square 5)) (displayln (show-magic-square 9))</lang>

8  1  6
3  5  7
4  9  2
Magic Number:15

17  24   1   8  15
23   5   7  14  16
 4   6  13  20  22
10  12  19  21   3
11  18  25   2   9
Magic Number:65

47  58  69  80   1  12  23  34  45
57  68  79   9  11  22  33  44  46
67  78   8  10  21  32  43  54  56
77   7  18  20  31  42  53  55  66
 6  17  19  30  41  52  63  65  76
16  27  29  40  51  62  64  75   5
26  28  39  50  61  72  74   4  15
36  38  49  60  71  73   3  14  25
37  48  59  70  81   2  13  24  35
Magic Number:369


<lang rexx>/*REXX program generates and displays true magic squares (for odd N). */ parse arg N .; if N== then N=5 /*matrix size ¬given? Use default*/ w=length(N*N); r=2; c=(n+1)%2-1 /*define initial row and column. */ @.=. /* [↓] uses the Siamese method.*/

   do j=1  for n*n;   br=r==N & c==N; r=r-1;  c=c+1   /*BR=bottom right*/
   if r<1 & c>N then do;  r=r+2;  c=c-1;    end       /*R under, C over*/
   if r<1       then r=n; if r>n  then r=1; if c>n then c=1  /*overflow*/
   if @.r.c\==. then do; r=r+2; c=c-1; if br then do; r=N; c=c+1; end;end
   @.r.c=j                            /*assign #───►square matrix cell.*/
   end   /*j*/                        /* [↑]  can handle even N matrix.*/
                                      /* [↓]  displays (aligned) matrix*/
      do   r=1  for N;  _=            /*display 1 matrix row at a time.*/
        do c=1  for N;  _=_ right(@.r.c, w);  end  /*c*/    /*build row*/
      say substr(_,2)                 /*row has an extra leading blank.*/
      end   /*c*/                     /* [↑]   also right-justified #s.*/

say /*might as well show a blank line*/ if N//2 then say 'The magic number (or magic constant is): ' N*(n*n+1)%2

                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

output   using the default input of   5:

17 24  1  8 15
23  5  7 14 16
 4  6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21  3
11 18 25  2  9

The magic number  (or magic constant is):  65

output   using the default input of   3:

8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2

The magic number  (or magic constant is):  15

output   using the input of:   19:

192 213 234 255 276 297 318 339 360   1  22  43  64  85 106 127 148 169 190
212 233 254 275 296 317 338 359  19  21  42  63  84 105 126 147 168 189 191
232 253 274 295 316 337 358  18  20  41  62  83 104 125 146 167 188 209 211
252 273 294 315 336 357  17  38  40  61  82 103 124 145 166 187 208 210 231
272 293 314 335 356  16  37  39  60  81 102 123 144 165 186 207 228 230 251
292 313 334 355  15  36  57  59  80 101 122 143 164 185 206 227 229 250 271
312 333 354  14  35  56  58  79 100 121 142 163 184 205 226 247 249 270 291
332 353  13  34  55  76  78  99 120 141 162 183 204 225 246 248 269 290 311
352  12  33  54  75  77  98 119 140 161 182 203 224 245 266 268 289 310 331
 11  32  53  74  95  97 118 139 160 181 202 223 244 265 267 288 309 330 351
 31  52  73  94  96 117 138 159 180 201 222 243 264 285 287 308 329 350  10
 51  72  93 114 116 137 158 179 200 221 242 263 284 286 307 328 349   9  30
 71  92 113 115 136 157 178 199 220 241 262 283 304 306 327 348   8  29  50
 91 112 133 135 156 177 198 219 240 261 282 303 305 326 347   7  28  49  70
111 132 134 155 176 197 218 239 260 281 302 323 325 346   6  27  48  69  90
131 152 154 175 196 217 238 259 280 301 322 324 345   5  26  47  68  89 110
151 153 174 195 216 237 258 279 300 321 342 344   4  25  46  67  88 109 130
171 173 194 215 236 257 278 299 320 341 343   3  24  45  66  87 108 129 150
172 193 214 235 256 277 298 319 340 361   2  23  44  65  86 107 128 149 170

The magic number  (or magic constant is):  3439


<lang ruby>def odd_magic_square(n)

 raise ArgumentError "Need odd positive number" if n.even? || n <= 0{|i|{|j| n*((i+j+1+n/2)%n) + ((i+2*j-5)%n) + 1} }


[3, 5, 9].each do |n|

 puts "\nSize #{n}, magic sum #{(n*n+1)/2*n}"
 fmt = "%#{(n*n).to_s.size + 1}d" * n
 odd_magic_square(n).each{|row| puts fmt % row}

end </lang>

Size 3, magic sum 15
 8 1 6
 3 5 7
 4 9 2

Size 5, magic sum 65
 16 23  5  7 14
 22  4  6 13 20
  3 10 12 19 21
  9 11 18 25  2
 15 17 24  1  8

Size 9, magic sum 369
 50 61 72 74  4 15 26 28 39
 60 71 73  3 14 25 36 38 49
 70 81  2 13 24 35 37 48 59
 80  1 12 23 34 45 47 58 69
  9 11 22 33 44 46 57 68 79
 10 21 32 43 54 56 67 78  8
 20 31 42 53 55 66 77  7 18
 30 41 52 63 65 76  6 17 19
 40 51 62 64 75  5 16 27 29


<lang tcl>proc magicSquare {order} {

   if {!($order & 1) || $order < 0} {

error "order must be odd and positive"

   set s [lrepeat $order [lrepeat $order 0]]
   set x [expr {$order / 2}]
   set y 0
   for {set i 1} {$i <= $order**2} {incr i} {

lset s $y $x $i set x [expr {($x + 1) % $order}] set y [expr {($y - 1) % $order}] if {[lindex $s $y $x]} { set x [expr {($x - 1) % $order}] set y [expr {($y + 2) % $order}] }

   return $s

}</lang> Demonstrating:

Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

set square [magicSquare 5] puts [join [lmap row $square {join [lmap n $row {format "%2s" $n}]}] "\n"] puts "magic number = [tcl::mathop::+ {*}[lindex $square 0]]"</lang>

17 24  1  8 15
23  5  7 14 16
 4  6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21  3
11 18 25  2  9
magic number = 65


Translation of: Ruby

<lang zkl>fcn rmod(n,m){ n=n%m; if (n<0) n+=m; n } // Ruby: -5%3-->1 fcn odd_magic_square(n){ //-->list of n*n numbers, row order

  if (n.isEven or n <= 0) throw(Exception.ValueError("Need odd positive number"));
  [[(i,j); n; n; '{ n*((i+j+1+n/2):rmod(_,n)) + ((i+2*j-5):rmod(_,n)) + 1 }]]


T(3, 5, 9).pump(Void,fcn(n){

  "\nSize %d, magic sum %d".fmt(n,(n*n+1)/2*n).println();
  fmt := "%%%dd".fmt((n*n).toString().len() + 1) * n;


Size 3, magic sum 15
 8 1 6
 3 5 7
 4 9 2

Size 5, magic sum 65
 16 23  5  7 14
 22  4  6 13 20
  3 10 12 19 21
  9 11 18 25  2
 15 17 24  1  8

Size 9, magic sum 369
 50 61 72 74  4 15 26 28 39
 60 71 73  3 14 25 36 38 49
 70 81  2 13 24 35 37 48 59
 80  1 12 23 34 45 47 58 69
  9 11 22 33 44 46 57 68 79
 10 21 32 43 54 56 67 78  8
 20 31 42 53 55 66 77  7 18
 30 41 52 63 65 76  6 17 19
 40 51 62 64 75  5 16 27 29