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Pig the dice game/Player: Difference between revisions

Added Java support. Plays the game (implemented from scratch) and includes 4 bots with easy extensibility.
m (Added the Sidef language)
(Added Java support. Plays the game (implemented from scratch) and includes 4 bots with easy extensibility.)
Line 1,569:
out of 100 000 tests.
This is a full implementation of pig dice with 4 built in bots. Their behavior can easily be modified and additional bots can be added as well.
This is the main file, Pigdice.java
<lang Java>
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Pigdice {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
int players = 0;
boolean flag = false;
//Validate the input
while(flag == false) {
//Get the number of players
System.out.println("Hello, welcome to Pig Dice the game! How many players? ");
if(scan.hasNextInt()) {
//Gotta be more than 0
int nextInt = scan.nextInt();
if(nextInt > 0) {
players = nextInt;
flag = true;
else {
System.out.println("That wasn't an integer. Try again. \n");
System.out.println("Alright, starting with " + players + " players. \n");
//Start the game
play(players, scan);
public static void play(int group, Scanner scan) {
//Set the number of strategies available.
final int STRATEGIES = 5;
//Construct the dice- accepts an int as an arg for number of sides, but defaults to 6.
Dice dice = new Dice();
//Create an array of players and initialize them to defaults.
ArrayList<Player> players = new ArrayList<Player>();
for(int count = 0; count < group; count++) {
players.add(new Player(count));
System.out.println("Player " + players.get(count).getNumber() + " is alive! ");
/*****Print strategy options here. Modify Player.java to add strategies. *****/
System.out.println("Each strategy is numbered 0 - " + (STRATEGIES - 1) + ". They are as follows: ");
System.out.println(">> Enter '0' for a human player. ");
System.out.println(">> Strategy 1 is a basic strategy where the AI rolls until 20+ points and holds unless the current max is 75+.");
System.out.println(">> Strategy 2 is a basic strategy where the AI, after 3 successful rolls, will randomly decide to roll or hold. ");
System.out.println(">> Strategy 3 is similar to strategy 2, except it's a little gutsier and will attempt 5 successful rolls. ");
System.out.println(">> Strategy 4 is like a mix between strategies 1 and 3. After turn points are >= 20 and while max points are still less than 75, it will randomly hold or roll. ");
//Get the strategy for each player
for(int count = 0; count < players.size(); count++) {
System.out.println("\nWhat strategy would you like player " + players.get(count).getNumber() + " to use? ");
//Validate the strategy is a real strategy.
boolean flag = false;
while(flag == false) {
if(scan.hasNextInt()) {
int nextInt = scan.nextInt();
if (nextInt < STRATEGIES) {
flag = true;
else {
System.out.println("That wasn't an option. Try again. ");
//Here is where the rules for the game are programmatically defined.
int max = 0;
while(max < 100) {
//Begin the round
for(int count = 0; count < players.size(); count++) {
String choice = null;
System.out.println(">> Beginning Player " + players.get(count).getNumber() + "'s turn. ");
//Set the points for the turn to 0
//Determine whether the player chooses to roll or hold.
while(choice != "h") {
choice = players.get(count).choose();
if(choice == "r") {
int roll = dice.roll();
System.out.println(" A " + roll + " was rolled. ");
players.get(count).setTurnPoints(players.get(count).getTurnPoints() + roll);
//Increment the player's built in iterator.
//If the player rolls a 1, their turn is over and they gain 0 points this round.
if(roll == 1) {
//Check if the player held or not.
if(choice == "h") {
System.out.println(" The player has held. ");
//End the turn and add any accumulated points to the player's pool.
System.out.println(" Player " + players.get(count).getNumber() + "'s turn is now over. Their total is " + players.get(count).getPoints() + ". \n");
//Reset the player's built in iterator.
//Update the max score if necessary.
if(max < players.get(count).getPoints()) {
max = players.get(count).getPoints();
//If someone won, stop the game and announce the winner.
if(max >= 100) {
System.out.println("Player " + players.get(count).getNumber() + " wins with " + max + " points! End scores: ");
//Announce the final scores.
for(int iter = 0; iter < group; iter++) {
System.out.println("Player " + players.get(iter).getNumber() + " had " + players.get(iter).getPoints() + " points. ");
This is the Player.java class file.
<lang Java>
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Player {
Scanner str = new Scanner(System.in);
private int points;
private int turnPoints;
private int strategy;
private int max;
private int number;
private int iter;
final int ROOF = 75;
final int FLOOR = 20;
final int BASEMENT = 10;
public Player(int val) {
points = 0;
turnPoints = 0;
strategy = 0;
max = 0;
number = val;
iter = 0;
public int getPoints() {
return points;
public int getTurnPoints() {
return turnPoints;
public int getMax() {
return max;
public int getNumber() {
return number;
public int getIter() {
return iter;
public void addPoints(int val) {
points += val;
public void setTurnPoints(int val) {
turnPoints = val;
public void setStrategy(int strat) {
strategy = strat;
public void setMax(int val) {
max = val;
public void setNumber(int val) {
number = val;
public void resetIter() {
iter = 0;
public void incIter() {
public void aiIntro() {
System.out.println(" Player " + this.getNumber() + "'s turn points are " + this.getTurnPoints() + ". Their total is " + this.getPoints() + ". ");
System.out.println(" The max points any player currently has is " + this.getMax() + ". ");
//Determine whether to roll or hold based on the strategy for this player.
public String choose() {
String choice = null;
switch (strategy) {
//Strategy 0 is a user-defined strategy
case 0:
System.out.println(" Your turn points are " + this.getTurnPoints() + ". Your total is " + this.getPoints() + ". ");
System.out.println(" The max points any player currently has is " + this.getMax() + ". (H)old or (R)oll?");
System.out.println(" Enter 'h' to hold and 'r' to roll. ");
boolean flag = false;
while(!flag) {
if(this.str.hasNextLine()) {
choice = this.str.nextLine();
if(choice.contains("r")) {
choice = "r";
flag = true;
else if(choice.contains("h")) {
choice = "h";
flag = true;
else {
System.out.println(" Enter an h or an r. \n");
//Strategy 1 is a basic strategy where the AI rolls until 20+ points and holds unless the current max is 75+.
case 1:
if(this.getTurnPoints() < FLOOR || this.getMax() >= ROOF) {
if(this.getTurnPoints() >= (100 - this.getPoints())) {
choice = "h";
else {
choice = "r";
else {
choice = "h";
//Strategy 2 is a basic strategy where the AI, after 3 successful rolls, will randomly decide to roll or hold.
case 2:
if(this.getPoints() == 0 && this.getTurnPoints() >= (BASEMENT / 2)) {
choice = "h";
if(this.getIter() > 3) {
Dice die = new Dice(2);
int roll = die.roll();
if(roll == 1) {
choice = "h";
else if(roll == 2) {
choice = "r";
else {
choice = "r";
//Strategy 3 is similar to strategy 2, except it's a little gutsier and will attempt 5 successful rolls.
case 3:
if(this.getIter() > 5) {
Dice die = new Dice(2);
int roll = die.roll();
if(roll == 1) {
choice = "h";
else if(roll == 2) {
choice = "r";
else if(this.getPoints() < BASEMENT && this.getTurnPoints() > BASEMENT) {
choice = "h";
else {
choice = "r";
/*Strategy 4 is like a mix between strategies 1 and 3. After turn points are >= 20 and while max points are still less than 75, it will randomly hold or roll.
Unless their total is zero, in which case they'll hold at 10 points. */
case 4:
if(this.getPoints() == 0 && this.getTurnPoints() >= (BASEMENT / 2)) {
choice = "h";
else if(this.getTurnPoints() < FLOOR || this.getMax() >= ROOF) {
if(this.getTurnPoints() >= (100 - this.getPoints())) {
choice = "h";
else {
choice = "r";
else if(this.getTurnPoints() > FLOOR && this.getMax() <= ROOF) {
Dice die = new Dice(2);
int roll = die.roll();
if(roll == 1) {
choice = "h";
else if(roll == 2) {
choice = "r";
else {
choice = "h";
return choice;
And finally, this is the Dice.java class file. It's pretty self-explanatory.
<lang Java>
import java.util.Random;
public class Dice {
Random rand = new Random();
int sides;
Dice(int numSides) {
sides = numSides;
Dice() {
sides = 6;
int roll() {
return rand.nextInt(sides) + 1;
Here's a small sample output using only bots (even though it fully supports human players too). A full game simulation can obviously be MUCH longer.
Hello, welcome to Pig Dice the game! How many players?
Alright, starting with 4 players.
Player 0 is alive!
Player 1 is alive!
Player 2 is alive!
Player 3 is alive!
Each strategy is numbered 0 - 4. They are as follows:
>> Enter '0' for a human player.
>> Strategy 1 is a basic strategy where the AI rolls until 20+ points and holds unless the current max is 75+.
>> Strategy 2 is a basic strategy where the AI, after 3 successful rolls, will randomly decide to roll or hold.
>> Strategy 3 is similar to strategy 2, except it's a little gutsier and will attempt 5 successful rolls.
>> Strategy 4 is like a mix between strategies 1 and 3. After turn points are >= 20 and while max points are still less than 75, it will randomly hold or roll.
What strategy would you like player 0 to use?
What strategy would you like player 1 to use?
What strategy would you like player 2 to use?
What strategy would you like player 3 to use?
>> Beginning Player 0's turn.
Player 0's turn points are 0. Their total is 0.
The max points any player currently has is 0.
A 4 was rolled.
Player 0's turn points are 4. Their total is 0.
The max points any player currently has is 0.
A 4 was rolled.
Player 0's turn points are 8. Their total is 0.
The max points any player currently has is 0.
A 1 was rolled.
Player 0's turn is now over. Their total is 0.
>> Beginning Player 1's turn.
Player 3 wins with 102 points! End scores:
Player 0 had 20 points.
Player 1 had 73 points.
Player 2 had 66 points.
Player 3 had 102 points.
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