Truncate a file: Difference between revisions

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Added Lua version
m Clarified explanation
Line 551: Line 551:
Lua strings treat each byte as being invariably one whole character (hence the awkwardness of trying to use it with unicode), so it's safe to use string methods to truncate binary data.
Lua treats strings as being invariably one byte per character (hence the awkwardness of trying to use it with unicode), so it's safe to use string methods to truncate binary data.
<lang Lua>function truncate (filename, length)
<lang Lua>function truncate (filename, length)
local inFile =, 'r')
local inFile =, 'r')

Revision as of 11:09, 15 April 2016

Truncate a file
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Truncate a file to a specific length. This should be implemented as a routine that takes two parameters: the filename and the required file length (in bytes).

Truncation can be achieved using system or library calls intended for such a task, if such methods exist, or by creating a temporary file of a reduced size and renaming it, after first deleting the original file, if no other method is available. The file may contain non human readable binary data in an unspecified format, so the routine should be "binary safe", leaving the contents of the untruncated part of the file unchanged.

If the specified filename does not exist, or the provided length is not less than the current file length, then the routine should raise an appropriate error condition. On some systems, the provided file truncation facilities might not change the file or may extend the file, if the specified length is greater than the current length of the file. This task permits the use of such facilities. However, such behaviour should be noted, or optionally a warning message relating to an non change or increase in file size may be implemented.


The following program is an implementation in Ada using system-independent tools from the standard library to read and write files, remove and rename them. It should work for on any system with byte-oriented file storage and uses Ada 2012 conditional expressions.

<lang Ada>with Ada.Command_Line, Ada.Sequential_IO, Ada.Directories;

procedure Truncate_File is

  type Byte is mod 256;
  for Byte'Size use 8;
  package Byte_IO is new Ada.Sequential_IO(Byte);
  function Arg(N: Positive) return String renames Ada.Command_Line.Argument;
  function Args return Natural renames Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count;


  -- give help output if neccessary
  if Args < 2 or else Args > 3 then
     raise Program_Error
       with "usage: truncate_file <filename> <length> [<temp_file>]";
  end if;
  -- now do the real work
     File_Name: String := Arg(1);
     Temp_Name: String := (if Args = 2 then Arg(1) & ".tmp" else Arg(3));
                            -- an Ada 2012 conditional expression
     File, Temp: Byte_IO.File_Type;
     Count: Natural := Natural'Value(Arg(2));
     Value: Byte;
     -- open files
     Byte_IO.Open  (File => File, Mode => Byte_IO.In_File,  Name => File_Name);
     Byte_IO.Create(File => Temp, Mode => Byte_IO.Out_File, Name => Temp_Name);
     -- copy the required bytes (but at most as much as File has) from File to Temp
     while (not Byte_IO.End_Of_File(File)) and Count > 0 loop
        Byte_IO.Read (File, Value);
        Byte_IO.Write(Temp, Value);
        Count := Count - 1;
     end loop;
     -- close files
     if Count = 0 then -- File was at least Count bytes long
        -- remove File and rename Temp to File
        Ada.Directories.Delete_File(Name => File_Name);
        Ada.Directories.Rename(Old_Name => Temp_Name, New_Name => File_Name);
     else -- File was too short
        -- remove Temp and leave File as it is, output error
        Ada.Directories.Delete_File(Name => Temp_Name);
        raise Program_Error
          with "Size of """ & File_Name & """ less than " & Arg(2);
     end if;

end Truncate_File;</lang>


<lang autohotkey>truncFile("S:\Portables\AutoHotkey\My Scripts\Other_Codes\motion2.ahk", 1200) return

truncFile(file, length_bytes){ if !FileExist(file) msgbox, File doesn't exists. FileGetSize, fsize, % file, B if (length_bytes>fsize) msgbox, New truncated size more than current file size f := FileOpen(file, "rw") f.length := length_bytes f.close() }</lang>


Works with: QuickBASIC version 7

This is fairly generic MS BASIC. As such, it actually works in a wide variety of compilers and interpreters -- certainly too many to list here, but the list includes non-.Net Visual Basic, FreeBASIC, QB64, etc. With a user-provided implementation of DIR$, it even works under QBasic.

<lang qbasic>SUB truncateFile (file AS STRING, length AS LONG)

   IF LEN(DIR$(file)) THEN
       f = FREEFILE
       OPEN file FOR BINARY AS f
       IF length > LOF(f) THEN
           CLOSE f
           ERROR 62 'Input past end of file
           c = SPACE$(length)
           GET #f, 1, c
           CLOSE f
           OPEN file FOR OUTPUT AS f
           PRINT #f, c;
           CLOSE f
       END IF
       ERROR 53

END SUB</lang>

See also: Liberty BASIC, PowerBASIC, PureBasic, ZX Spectrum Basic.


This will extend the file if the specified length is greater than the existing length. A test to prevent that could easily be added. <lang bbcbasic> DEF PROCtruncate(file$, size%)

     LOCAL file%
     file% = OPENUP(file$)
     IF file%=0 ERROR 100, "Could not open file"
     EXT#file% = size%
     CLOSE #file%


Handling binary data is not easy in Bracmat. This solution reads all bytes as numbers. They are prepended to a list. After reversing the list, all numbers are written to the file. Notice that to close a file you should try to seek to a non-existing file position.fil$(,SET,-1) seeks to the position before the start of the file currently in focus. <lang bracmat>( ( trunc

 =   name length elif file c
   .   !arg:(?name,?length)
     & fil$(!name,rb)
     & fil$(,DEC,1)
     & :?elif
     &   whl
       ' ( !length+-1:?length:~<0
         & fil$() !elif:?elif
     & (fil$(,SET,-1)|)
     & whl'(!elif:%?c ?elif&!c !file:?file)
     & fil$(!name,wb)
     & fil$(,DEC,1)
     & whl'(!file:%?c ?file&fil$(,,1,!c))
     & (fil$(,SET,-1)|)
     & !length:<0

& put$("I have a secret to tell you. Listen:","test.txt",NEW) & ( trunc$("test.txt",20)&out$(get$("test.txt",STR))

 | out$"File too short"

);</lang> Output:

I have a secret to t



Windows uses SetEndOfFile() to change the length of a file. This program can truncate or extend a file. It can detect and print errors.

  • If the file does not exist: "The system cannot find the file specified."
  • If the length is negative: "An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file."
  • If the length is too large: "There is not enough space on the disk."
Works with: MinGW

<lang c>#include <windows.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <wchar.h>

/* Print "message: last Win32 error" to stderr. */ void oops(const wchar_t *message) { wchar_t *buf; DWORD error;


if (buf) { fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls: %ls", message, buf); LocalFree(buf); } else { /* FormatMessageW failed. */ fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls: unknown error 0x%x\n", message, error); } }

int dotruncate(wchar_t *fn, LARGE_INTEGER fp) { HANDLE fh;

fh = CreateFileW(fn, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { oops(fn); return 1; }

if (SetFilePointerEx(fh, fp, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0 || SetEndOfFile(fh) == 0) { oops(fn); CloseHandle(fh); return 1; }

CloseHandle(fh); return 0; }


* Truncate or extend a file to the given length.

int main() { LARGE_INTEGER fp; int argc; wchar_t **argv, *fn, junk[2];

/* MinGW never provides wmain(argc, argv). */ argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); if (argv == NULL) { oops(L"CommandLineToArgvW"); return 1; }

if (argc != 3) { fwprintf(stderr, L"usage: %ls filename length\n", argv[0]); return 1; }

fn = argv[1];

/* fp = argv[2] converted to a LARGE_INTEGER. */ if (swscanf(argv[2], L"%lld%1ls", &fp.QuadPart, &junk) != 1) { fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls: not a number\n", argv[2]); return 1; }

return dotruncate(fn, fp); }</lang>


<lang c>#include <unistd.h>

  1. include <sys/types.h>

... truncate(filename, length); ftruncate(fd, length); ... </lang> Both functions have length argument of off_t type. There are about a million possible errors, of interest to this task are EFBIG: size too large; EINVAL: size is negative or too large; EIO: IO error; EACCESS (for truncate): either can't see or can't write to the file; EBADF or EINVAL (for ftruncate): file descriptor is not a file descriptor, or not opened for writing.

When specifying a new file size larger than current value, the file will be extended and padded with null bytes.


<lang c sharp>using System; using System.IO;

namespace TruncateFile {

   internal class Program
       private static void Main(string[] args)
           TruncateFile(args[0], long.Parse(args[1]));
       private static void TruncateFile(string path, long length)
           if (!File.Exists(path))
               throw new ArgumentException("No file found at specified path.", "path");
           using (var fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write))
               if (fileStream.Length < length)
                   throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length",
                                                         "The specified length is greater than that of the file.");



<lang d>import std.file, std.exception;

void truncateFile(in string name, in size_t newSize) {

   if (!exists(name) || !isFile(name))
       throw new Exception("File not found.");
   auto size = getSize(name);
   if (size <= newSize)
       throw new Exception(
           "New size must be smaller than original size.");
   auto content = cast(ubyte[])read(name, newSize);
   if (content.length != newSize)
       throw new Exception("Reading file failed.");
   write(name, content);
   enforce(getSize(name) == newSize);


void main() {

   truncateFile("truncate_test.txt", 0);



Delphi has the same truncate method as Pascal, which could be used like this:

<lang Delphi>procedure TruncateFile(FileName : string; NewSize : integer); var

 aFile:   file of byte;


 Assign(aFile, FileName);
   Seek(afile, NewSize);


Most people nowadays seem to use streams to access files, so an alternative is:

<lang Delphi>procedure TruncateFile(FileName : string; NewSize : integer); var

 Stream : TFileStream;


 Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite, fmShareExclusive);
   Stream.Size := NewSize;


With both of these approaches, if the NewSize is greater than the existing file size the file will be expanded and filled with nulls.

If you try to truncate a non-existent file with the Pascal-style code you will get an EInOutError exception with the message:

 File not found.

The exception message does not specify the file name.

If you try to truncate a non-existent file using a stream you will get an EFOpenError exception with the message:

 Cannot open file "<File name with full path>. The system cannot find the file specified.


<lang elena>#import system.

  1. import system'io.
  2. import extensions.
  1. class(extension:file_path)fileOp


   #method set &length:length
       #var(type:stream)stream := FileStream openForEdit &path:self.
       stream set &length:length.
       stream close.


  1. symbol program =


   ('program'arguments length != 3)?
       [  console << "Please provide the path to the file and a new length". #throw AbortException new. ].
   #var fileName := 'program'arguments@1.
   #var length := ('program'arguments@2) toInt.
   (fileName file_path is &available)
       ! [ console writeLine:"File ":fileName:" does not exist". #throw AbortException new. ].
   fileName file_path set &length:length.



<lang Erlang> -module( truncate ).

-export( [file/2] ).

file( Name, Size ) -> {file_exists, true} = {file_exists, filelib:is_file( Name )}, {ok, IO} = file:open( Name, [read, write] ), {ok, Max} = file:position( IO, eof ), {correct_size, true} = {correct_size, (Size < Max)}, {ok, Size} = file:position( IO, {bof, Size} ), ok = file:truncate( IO ). </lang>


Translation of: C#

<lang fsharp>open System open System.IO

let truncateFile path length =

   if not (File.Exists(path)) then failwith ("File not found: " + path)
   use fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)
   if (fileStream.Length < length) then failwith "The specified length is greater than the current file length."

[<EntryPoint>] let main args =

   truncateFile args.[0] (Int64.Parse(args.[1]))


Go has the required function in the standard library. The implementation calls operating system specific functions and returns whatever errors the operating system reports. <lang go>import (



if err := os.Truncate("filename", newSize); err != nil {


}</lang> Package os also has a separate function that operates on an open file.


This can be achieved by using the setFileSize function in System.PosixCompat.Files:

<lang Haskell>setFileSize :: FilePath -> FileOffset -> IO () -- Truncates the file down to the specified length. -- If the file was larger than the given length -- before this operation was performed the extra is lost. -- Note: calls truncate. </lang>

Icon and Unicon

Unicon provides the built-in function truncate which can be used to truncate a file. The following line of code truncates filename to newsizeinbytes. The file is opened for both read and write in untranslated mode. <lang Unicon>truncate(f := open(filename, "bu"), newsizeinbytes) & close(f)</lang> Note: The Unicon book incorrectly indicates that truncate doesn't work on Windows.


Solution: <lang j>require 'files' NB. needed for versions prior to J7 ftruncate=: ] fwrite~ ] fread@; 0 , [</lang> Usage: <lang j> (1000$ 'abcdefg') fwrite 'text.txt' NB. create test file

  567 ftruncate 'test.txt'             NB. truncate test file


  fsize 'test.txt'                     NB. check new file size



The built-in function for truncating a file in Java will leave the file unchanged if the specified size is larger than the file. This version expects the source file name and the new size as command line arguments (in that order). <lang java>import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;

public class TruncFile { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ if(args.length < 2){ System.out.println("Usage: java TruncFile fileName newSize"); return; } //turn on "append" so it doesn't clear the file FileChannel outChan = new FileOutputStream(args[0], true).getChannel(); long newSize = Long.parseLong(args[1]); outChan.truncate(newSize); outChan.close(); } }</lang>


Uses the built-in truncate function (which truncates a stream): <lang julia>function truncate_file(fname, size):

   open(fname, "r+") do f
       truncate(f, size)



<lang Lasso>define file_truncate(path::string, size::integer) => {

local(file = file(#path))

fail_if(not(#file -> exists), -1, 'There is no file at the given path') fail_if(#file -> size < #size, -1, 'No point in truncating a file to a larger size than it already is')

#file -> setSize(#size)

} local(filepath = '//Library/WebServer/Documents/Lasso9cli/trunk/testing/lorem_ipsum_long.txt')

stdoutnl(file(#filepath) -> readbytes) stdoutnl('Original size: ' + file(#filepath) -> size)

file_truncate(#filepath, 300)

stdoutnl(file(#filepath) -> readbytes) stdout(file('Truncated size: ' + #filepath) -> size)</lang> Output:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat
ornare lectus, dignissim iaculis libero consequat sed. Proin quis magna in
arcu sagittis consequat sed ac risus. Ut a pharetra dui. Phasellus molestie,
mauris eget scelerisque laoreet, diam dolor vulputate nulla, in porta sem sem
sit amet lacus. Aenean sed volutpat magna. Vestibulum lobortis mollis lectus,
eu semper quam congue at. Donec ac ligula a neque tincidunt elementum. Nam
urna felis, interdum non ullamcorper eget, commodo viverra ligula. Fusce cursus
dolor in nisl tincidunt non sagittis libero elementum. Maecenas rhoncus ornare
gravida. Nullam luctus pulvinar lorem, laoreet aliquet massa malesuada eget.
Original size: 692
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat
ornare lectus, dignissim iaculis libero consequat sed. Proin quis magna in
arcu sagittis consequat sed ac risus. Ut a pharetra dui. Phasellus molestie,
mauris eget scelerisque laoreet, diam dolor vulputate nulla, in porta sem 
Truncated size: 300

Liberty BASIC

Note Liberty BASIC provides a way to exit a function.
It is also possible to call API functions to achieve this task. <lang lb> dim info$( 50, 50) ' NB pre-dimension before calling file-exists

                     '        needed for file-exists function

open "test.dat" for output as #1 'create file

   for i = 1 to 10000
       #1 chr$( int( 256 *rnd( 1)));

close #1

call truncateFile, "test.dat", 5000


sub truncateFile fn$, length

   if fileExists( DefaultDir$, fn$) =0 then notice "No such file": exit sub
   open fn$ for input as #i
       file$ =input$( #i, lof( #i))
       if len( file$) <length then notice "Too short": close #i: exit sub
       file$ =left$( file$, length)
   close #i
   open "test.dat" for output as #o
       #o file$
   close #o

end sub

function fileExists( path$, filename$)

 files path$, filename$, info$()
 fileExists =val( info$( 0, 0))  'non zero is true

end function

end </lang>


Lua treats strings as being invariably one byte per character (hence the awkwardness of trying to use it with unicode), so it's safe to use string methods to truncate binary data. <lang Lua>function truncate (filename, length)

   local inFile =, 'r')
   if not inFile then
       error("Specified filename does not exist")
   local wholeFile = inFile:read("*all")
   if length >= wholeFile:len() then
       error("Provided length is not less than current file length")
   local outFile =, 'w')
   outFile:write(wholeFile:sub(1, length))



<lang Mathematica>Truncate[file_, n_] := Module[{filename = file, nbbytes = n, temp},

 temp = $TemporaryPrefix <> filename;
 BinaryWrite[temp, BinaryReadList[filename, "Byte", nbbytes]];
 Close[temp]; DeleteFile[filename]; RenameFile[temp, filename];

MATLAB / Octave

<lang MATLAB>function truncate_a_file(fn,count);

fid=fopen(fn,'r'); s = fread(fid,count,'uint8'); fclose(fid);

fid=fopen(fn,'w'); s = fwrite(fid,s,'uint8'); fclose(fid); </lang>


<lang nim>import posix

discard truncate("filename", 1024)</lang>


The Unix module provided with the standard distribution provides a function truncate:

<lang ocaml>val truncate : string -> int -> unit (** Truncates the named file to the given size. *)</lang>

There is also a function ftruncate that does the equivalent operation but with a file descriptor instead of a file name:

<lang ocaml>val ftruncate : file_descr -> int -> unit (** Truncates the file corresponding to the given descriptor to the given size. *)</lang>


<lang pascal> Program FileTruncate;




 myfile:   file of byte;
 filename: string;
 position: integer;


 write('File for truncation: ');
 if not FileExists(filename) then
   writeln('Error: File does not exist.');
 write('Truncate position: ');
 Assign(myfile, filename);
 if FileSize(myfile) < position then
   writeln('Warning: The file "', filename, '" is too short. No need to truncate at position ', position);
 Seek(myfile, position);
 writeln('File "', filename, '" truncated at position ', position, '.');

end. </lang> Output:

File for truncation: test
Truncate position: 3
File "test" truncated at position 3.


<lang perl># Open a file for writing, and truncate it to 1234 bytes. open FOO, ">>file" or die; truncate(FOO, 1234); close FOO;

  1. Truncate a file to 567 bytes.

truncate("file", 567);</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo Star version 2013-02

<lang perl6>use NativeCall;

sub truncate(Str, Int --> int) is native {*}

sub MAIN (Str $file, Int $to) {

   given $file.IO { 
       .e        or die "$file doesn't exist";
       .w        or die "$file isn't writable";
       .s >= $to or die "$file is not big enough to truncate";
   truncate($file, $to) == 0 or die "Truncation was unsuccessful";



On the 64-bit version, we can call the native runtime library: <lang PicoLisp>(de truncate (File Len)

  (native "@" "truncate" 'I File Len) )</lang>

Otherwise (on all versions), we call the external truncate command: <lang PicoLisp>(de truncate (File Len)

  (call "truncate" "-s" Len File) )</lang>


<lang> /* Parameters to be read in by the program are: */ /* 1. the name of the file to be truncated, and */ /* 2. the size of file after truncation. */

truncate_file: procedure options (main); /* 12 July 2012 */

  declare (i, n) fixed binary (31);
  declare filename character(50) varying;
  declare in file record input, out file record output;
  put ('What is the name of the file to be truncated?');
  get edit (filename) (L);
  put ('What is the length of file to be retained?');
  get (n);
     declare c(n) character (1), ch character (1);
     open file (in) title ('/' || filename || ',type(fixed),recsize(1)' )
     do i = 1 to n; read file (in) into (ch); c(i) = ch; end;
     close file (in);
     open file (out) title ('/' || filename || ',append(n),type(fixed),
        recsize(' || trim(n) || ')' );
     write file (out) from (c);
     close file (out);

end truncate_file; </lang>


Translation of: BASIC

While PowerBASIC can use the QuickBASIC version of truncateFile, PB provides an easier way to do this, via the SETEOF function -- but since SETEOF will extend a file if it is not as long as specified, we still need to wrap it in a SUB to meet this task's specifications.

<lang powerbasic>SUB truncateFile (file AS STRING, length AS DWORD)

   IF LEN(DIR$(file)) THEN
       DIM f AS LONG
       f = FREEFILE
       OPEN file FOR BINARY AS f
       IF length > LOF(f) THEN
           CLOSE f
           ERROR 62 'Input past end
           SEEK f, length + 1
           SETEOF f
           CLOSE f
       END IF
       ERROR 53 'File not found

END SUB</lang>


PureBasic has the internal function TruncateFile that cuts the file at the current file position and discards all data that follows. <lang PureBasic>Procedure SetFileSize(File$, length.q)

 Protected fh, pos, i
 If FileSize(File$) < length
   Debug "File to small, is a directory or does not exist."
   ProcedureReturn #False
   fh = OpenFile(#PB_Any, File$)
   FileSeek(fh, length)
 ProcedureReturn #True



<lang powershell>Function Truncate-File(fname) {

  $null | Set-Content -Path "$fname"

} </lang>


<lang python> def truncate_file(name, length):

   if not os.path.isfile(name):
       return False
   if length >= os.path.getsize(name):
       return False
   with open(name, 'ab') as f:
       return True



Racket has a file-truncate function that expects an open port and truncate its associated file. Note that it can also extend the file, and the code below prints a warning in that case.

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (truncate file size)

 (unless (file-exists? file) (error 'truncat "missing file: ~a" file))
 (when (> size (file-size file)) (printf "Warning: extending file size.\n"))
 (call-with-output-file* file #:exists 'update
   (λ(o) (file-truncate o size))))



without memory constraints

As long as the REXX program has access to enough virtual memory, this version won't have an issue, except for
some versions of REXX that are severely limited in virtual storage by design or by the operating system.

Extra boilerplate code was added to ensure that various flavors of REXX correctly handle a file that:

  •   has been read (in input mode),
  •   then erased (deleted),
  •   then written to.

<lang rexx>/*REXX program truncates a file to a specified (smaller) number of bytes.*/ parse arg siz FID /*get required arguments from the C.L. */ FID=strip(FID) /*elide leading/trailing blanks from FID*/ if siz== then call ser "No truncation size was specified (1st argument)." if FID== then call ser "No fileID was specified (2nd argument)." if \datatype(siz,'W') then call ser "trunc size isn't an integer: " siz if siz<1 then call ser "trunc size isn't a positive integer: " siz _=charin(FID,1,siz+1) /*position file and read a wee bit more*/

  1. =length(_) /*get the length of the part just read.*/

if #==0 then call ser "the specified file doesn't exist: " FID if #<siz then call ser "the file is smaller than trunc size: " # call lineout FID /*close the file used, just to be safe.*/ 'ERASE' FID /*invoke a command to delete the file */ call lineout FID /*close the file, maybe for REXX's use.*/ call charout FID, left(_,siz), 1 /*write a truncated version of the file*/ call lineout FID /*close the file used, just to be safe.*/ say 'file ' FID " truncated to " siz 'bytes.' /*display some info*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ ser: say '***error!***' arg(1); exit 13 /*display an error message.*/</lang> For this example, Windows/XP and Windows 7 operating systems were used, the program was tested with:

  •   Personal REXX
  •   PC/REXX
  •   all currently available Regina REXX interpreters   (versions 3.2 ──► 3.9.1)
  •   R4 REXX
  •   ROO

sample output   for the file named   AA.AA   being truncated to   333   bytes:

file  AA.AA  truncated to  333 bytes.

with memory constraints

<lang rexx>/*REXX program truncates a file to a specified (smaller) number of bytes.*/ parse arg siz FID /*get required arguments from the C.L. */ FID=strip(FID) /*elide leading/trailing blanks from FID*/ if siz== then call ser "No truncation size was specified (1st argument)." if FID== then call ser "No fileID was specified (2nd argument)." if \datatype(siz,'W') then call ser "trunc size isn't an integer: " siz if siz<1 then call ser "trunc size isn't a positive integer: " siz chunk=4000 /*read the file with this "buffer" size*/ call charin fid,1,0 /*position the file pointer to byte # 1*/ _= /* [↓] read while the length data<siz.*/

            do  while length(_)<=siz  /* [↓]  have we reached  End-Of-File ? */
            buffer=charin(FID,,chunk);   if length(buffer)==0  then leave
            _=_ || buffer             /*append the chunk to the _  input data*/
            end   /*while ··· */
  1. =length(_) /*get the length of the part just read.*/

if #==0 then call ser "the specified file doesn't exist: " FID if #<siz then call ser "the file is smaller than trunc size: " # call lineout FID /*close the file used, just to be safe.*/ 'ERASE' FID /*invoke a command to delete the file */ call lineout FID /*close the file, maybe for REXX's use.*/ call charout FID, left(_,siz), 1 /*write a truncated version of the file*/ call lineout FID /*close the file used, just to be safe.*/ say 'file ' FID " truncated to " siz 'bytes.' /*display some info*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ ser: say '***error!***' arg(1); exit 13 /*display an error message.*/</lang> output   is identical to the 1st REXX version.


This only works with some platforms. If truncation is not available, then Ruby raises NotImplementedError.

<lang ruby># Open a file for writing, and truncate it to 1234 bytes."file", "ab") do |f|

 f << "Killroy was here" # write to file

end # file is closed now.

  1. Just truncate a file to 567 bytes.

File.truncate("file", 567)</lang>


Library: Scala

<lang Scala>import

object TruncFile extends App {

 if (args.length < 2) println("Usage: java TruncFile fileName newSize")
 else { //turn on "append" so it doesn't clear the file
   val outChan = new FileOutputStream(args(0), true).getChannel()
   val newSize = args(1).toLong



<lang ruby>func truncate(filename, len) {

   var file =;
   len > file.size
       && die "The provided length is greater than the length of the file";


  1. truncate "file.ext" to 1234 bytes

truncate("file.ext", 1234);</lang>


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

set f [open "file" r+]; # Truncation is done on channels chan truncate $f 1234; # Truncate at a particular length (in bytes) close $f</lang>

UNIX Shell

The dd(1) command can truncate a file. Because dd(1) would create the file, this example runs ls(1). If the file does not exist, then ls(1) prints an error. If the file exists, then dd(1) truncates the file or prints an error. Unix can extend a file, so there is no error if the length increases.

<lang bash># Truncate a file named "myfile" to 1440 kilobytes. ls myfile >/dev/null &&

 dd if=/dev/null of=myfile bs=1 seek=1440k</lang>

Some systems have a truncate(1) command (FreeBSD truncate(1), GNU truncate(1)).

<lang bash># Truncate a file named "myfile" to 1440 kilobytes. truncate -s 1440k myfile</lang>

Pure bourne-shell approach (cross-OS, no truncate(1) binary required) <lang bash>

  1. 1. simplest one-liner

-bash$ >file

  1. or the more clear/verbose:

echo -n>file

  1. 2. checks for file as input prior to truncate:

f="file";echo -n<$f>$f

  1. double-check file size

ls -1 file # it's trunc

  1. 3. multiple files (glob)

glob=$(ls -1 file[0-9]); for f in $glob; do echo -n<$f>$f; done

    1. OUTPUT:
  1. 1. one-liner

-bash-4.2$ echo -n>bad + echo -n -bash-4.2$ ls -l bad; cat bad + ls -l bad -rw-r--r-- 1 fieldsa fieldsa 0 Dec 4 20:07 bad + cat bad -bash-4.2$

  1. 2. checks

-bash-4.2$ set -x; f="bad"; echo -n<$f>$f + f=bad + echo -n -bash: bad: No such file or directory

  1. Try again with the shortest version: f="bad"<$f>$f

+ ls -l bad -rw-r--r-- 1 fieldsa fieldsa 8192 Dec 5 01:04 bad -bash-4.2$ f="bad" <$f>$f + f=bad -bash-4.2$ ls -l + ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 fieldsa fieldsa 0 Dec 5 01:04 bad -bash-4.2$ rm bad + rm bad -bash-4.2$ f="bad" <$f>$f + f=bad -bash: bad: No such file or directory

  1. Now a bad file exists

-bash-4.2$ echo 'abc'>bad + echo abc -bash-4.2$ ls -l bad;cat<bad + ls -l bad -rw-r--r-- 1 fieldsa fieldsa 4 Dec 4 19:21 bad + cat abc

-bash-4.2$ f="bad"; echo -n<$f>$f + f=bad + echo -n -bash-4.2$ ls -l bad;cat<bad;echo "_EOF_" + ls -l bad -rw-r--r-- 1 fieldsa fieldsa 0 Dec 4 19:23 bad + cat + echo _EOF_ _EOF_

-bash-4.2$ rm bad + rm bad -bash-4.2$ f="bad" <$f&&echo -n>$f + f=bad -bash: bad: No such file or directory

  1. 4. trunc(): trunc file size # truncate at length

-bash-4.2$ trunc() { IFS= read -N $2 b<"$1"; echo -n "$b">"$1"; } -bash-4.2$ echo "abcdef">bad; ls -l bad; cat bad; trunc bad 3; ls -l bad; cat bad; echo "_EOF_" + echo abcdef + ls -l bad -rw-r--r-- 1 fieldsa fieldsa 7 Dec 4 19:59 bad + cat bad abcdef + trunc bad 3 + read -N 3 b + echo -n abc + ls -l bad -rw-r--r-- 1 fieldsa fieldsa 3 Dec 4 19:59 bad + cat bad abc+ echo _EOF_ _EOF_ </lang>

NOTE[4]: Designed for regular text files. Does not work when files contain: chars 0x00 and 0xFF as of bash 4.2 - these chars are treated differently in read -N. For this reason use of method#4 is not prefer over dd(1) or truncate(1) when using binary files, or large files. [4b],[4a]!topic/gnu.bash.bug/a2rjQHpQYSU


<lang vb> Sub truncate(fpath,n) 'Check if file exist Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objfso.FileExists(fpath) = False Then WScript.Echo fpath & " does not exist" Exit Sub End If content = "" 'stream the input file Set objinstream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") With objinstream .Type = 1 .Open .LoadFromFile(fpath) 'check if the specified size is larger than the file content If n <= .Size Then content = .Read(n) Else WScript.Echo "The specified size is larger than the file content" Exit Sub End If .Close End With 'write the truncated version Set objoutstream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") With objoutstream .Type = 1 .Open .Write content .SaveToFile fpath,2 .Close End With Set objinstream = Nothing Set objoutstream = Nothing Set objfso = Nothing End Sub

'testing Call truncate("C:\temp\test.txt",30) </lang>

ZX Spectrum Basic

We can truncate files that were saved as binary. We don't know the length of the original file, so if the provided length is longer, then the file will be extended.

<lang zxbasic>10 CLEAR 29999 20 INPUT "Which file do you want to truncate?";f$ 30 PRINT "Start tape to load file to truncate." 40 LOAD f$ CODE 30000 50 "Input how many bytes do you want to keep?";n 60 PRINT "Please rewind the tape and press record." 70 SAVE f$ CODE 30000,n 80 STOP</lang>