Soloway's recurring rainfall

Revision as of 23:26, 10 September 2022 by Thundergnat (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|Raku}}: Add a Raku example)

Soloway's Recurring Rainfall is commonly used to asses general programming knowledge by requiring basic program structure, input/output, and program exit procedure.

Soloway's recurring rainfall
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The problem:

Write a program that will read in integers and output their average. Stop reading when the value 99999 is input.



with Ada.Text_IO; 
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.IO_Exceptions;

procedure RecurringRainfall is
   Current_Average : Float := 0.0;
   Current_Count : Integer := 0;
   Input_Integer : Integer;
   -- Recursively attempt to get a new integer
   function Get_Next_Input return Integer is
      Input_Integer : Integer;
      Clear_String : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
      Ada.Text_IO.Put("Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: ");
      return Input_Integer;
      when Ada.IO_Exceptions.Data_Error => 
         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Invalid input");
         -- We need to call Get_Line to make sure we flush the kb buffer
         -- The pragma is to ignore the fact that we are not using the result
         pragma Warnings (Off, Clear_String);
         Clear_String := Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Get_Line;
         -- Recursively call self -- it'll break when valid input is hit
         -- We disable the infinite recursion because we're intentionally
         -- doing this.  It will "break" when the user inputs valid input
         -- or kills the program
         pragma Warnings (Off, "infinite recursion");
         return Get_Next_Input;
         pragma Warnings (On, "infinite recursion");
   end Get_Next_Input;

      Input_Integer := Get_Next_Input;
      exit when Input_Integer = 99999;
	  Current_Count := Current_Count + 1;
      Current_Average := Current_Average + (Float(1) / Float(Current_Count))*Float(Input_Integer) - (Float(1) / Float(Current_Count))*Current_Average;
      Ada.Text_IO.Put("New Average: ");
   end loop;
end RecurringRainfall;


BEGIN # read a sequence of integers, terminated by 99999 and outpout their average #
    INT end value = 99999;
    INT sum      := 0;
    INT count    := 0;
        INT n := 0;
            STRING s;
            print( ( "Enter rainfall (integer) or ", whole( end value, 0 ), " to quit: " ) );
            read( ( s, newline ) );
            BOOL valid := UPB s >= LWB s; # invalid if the string is empty #
            FOR s pos FROM LWB s TO UPB s WHILE valid DO
                IF valid := s[ s pos ] >= "0" AND s[ s pos ] <= "9"
                    n *:= 10 +:= ( ABS s[ s pos ] - ABS "0" )
            NOT valid
            print( ( "Invalid input, please enter an integer", newline ) )
        n /= end value
        sum   +:= n;
        count +:= 1;
        print( ( "New average: ", fixed( sum / count, -12, 4 ), newline ) )


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// Unused variables
	float currentAverage = 0;
	unsigned int currentEntryNumber = 0;
	for (;;)
		int ret, entry;
		printf("Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: ");
		ret = scanf("%d", &entry);
		if (ret)
			if (entry == 99999)
				printf("User requested quit.\n");
				currentAverage = currentAverage + (1.0f/currentEntryNumber)*entry - (1.0f/currentEntryNumber)*currentAverage;
				printf("New Average: %f\n", currentAverage);
			printf("Invalid input\n");
			while (getchar() != '\n');	// Clear input buffer before asking again
	return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

int main()
	float currentAverage = 0;
	unsigned int currentEntryNumber = 0;
	for (;;)
		int entry;
		std::cout << "Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: ";
		std::cin >> entry;
		if (!
			if (entry == 99999)
				std::cout << "User requested quit." << std::endl;
				currentAverage = currentAverage + (1.0f/currentEntryNumber)*entry - (1.0f/currentEntryNumber)*currentAverage;
				std::cout << "New Average: " << currentAverage << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Invalid input" << std::endl;
			std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
	return 0;


namespace RosettaCode
	class CSharpRecurringRainfall
		static int ReadNextInput()
			System.Console.Write("Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: ");
			string input = System.Console.ReadLine();
			if (System.Int32.TryParse(input, out int num))
				return num;
				System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid input");
				return ReadNextInput();
        static void Main()
			double currentAverage = 0;
			int currentEntryNumber = 0;
            for (int lastInput = ReadNextInput(); lastInput != 99999; lastInput = ReadNextInput())
				currentAverage = currentAverage + (1.0/(float)currentEntryNumber)*lastInput - (1.0/(float)currentEntryNumber)*currentAverage;
				System.Console.WriteLine("New Average: " + currentAverage);


import std.stdio;

void main()
	float currentAverage = 0;
	uint currentEntryNumber = 0;
	for (;;)
		int entry;
		write("Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: ");
		try {
			readf("%d", entry);
		catch (Exception e) {
			writeln("Invalid input");
		if (entry == 99999) {
			writeln("User requested quit.");
		} else {
			currentAverage = currentAverage + (1.0/currentEntryNumber)*entry - (1.0/currentEntryNumber)*currentAverage;
			writeln("New Average: ", currentAverage);


Fortran 90

function getNextInput() result(Input)
    implicit none
    integer :: Input
    integer :: Reason
    Reason = 1
    do while (Reason > 0)
        print *, "Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: "
        read (*,*,IOSTAT=Reason) Input
        if (Reason > 0) then
            print *, "Invalid input"
        end if
end function getNextInput

program recurringrainfall
    implicit none
    real        :: currentAverage
    integer     :: currentCount
    integer     :: lastInput
    integer     :: getNextInput
    currentAverage = 0
    currentCount = 0

        lastInput = getNextInput()
        if (lastInput == 99999) exit
        currentCount = currentCount + 1
        currentAverage = currentAverage + (1/real(currentCount))*lastInput - (1/real(currentCount))*currentAverage
        print *, 'New Average: ', currentAverage

end program recurringrainfall


Dim As Integer n = 0, sum = 0
Dim As Single i

    Input "Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): ", i
    If i = 99999 Then 
        Exit Do
    Elseif (i < 0) Or (i <> Int(i)) Then
        Print "Must be an integer no less than 0, try again."
        n += 1
        sum += i
        Print "  The current average rainfall is"; sum/n
    End If

Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 5.4
Must be an integer no less than 0, try again.
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): -2 
Must be an integer no less than 0, try again.
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 5
  The current average rainfall is 5
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 2
  The current average rainfall is 3.5
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 10
  The current average rainfall is 5.6666666666667
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 99999


The specification for this task seems inadequate. So, we'll copy some features from other implementations of this task.

Specifically, we'll issue a prompt for every number requested, and reject lines which contain something that is not a number.

However, since we're supposedly collecting information about rainfall, and rainfall is not necessarily an integer, we'll allow arbitrary numbers here and trust the judgement of the person entering the numbers.



task=: {{
  list=. ''
  while. do.
    y=. _.".prompt'Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: '
    if. 99999 e. y do. (+/%#)list return. end.
    if. y-:y do. echo 'New average: ',":(+/%#)list=. list,y
    else. echo 'invalid input, reenter'

Example use:

Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: 2
New average: 2
Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: 3
New average: 2.5
Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: 5
New average: 3.33333
Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: 7
New average: 4.25
Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: 11
New average: 5.6
Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: 99999


class recurringrainfall
	private static int GetNextInt()
		while (true)
			System.out.print("Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: ");
			String input = System.console().readLine();
				int n = Integer.parseInt(input);
				return n;
			catch (Exception e)
				System.out.println("Invalid input");
    private static void recurringRainfall() {
		float currentAverage = 0;
		int currentEntryNumber = 0;
		while (true) {
			int entry = GetNextInt();
			if (entry == 99999)
			currentAverage = currentAverage + ((float)1/currentEntryNumber)*entry - ((float)1/currentEntryNumber)*currentAverage;
			System.out.println("New Average: " + currentAverage);
    public static void main(String args[]) { 


import sys

def get_next_input():
        num = int(input("Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: "))
        print("Invalid input")
        return get_next_input()
    return num

current_average = 0.0
current_count = 0

while True:
    next = get_next_input()

    if next == 99999:
        current_count += 1
        current_average = current_average + (1.0/current_count)*next - (1.0/current_count)*current_average
        print("New average: ", current_average)


This task seems to be more about following (kind of vague) instructions and anticipating error conditions rather than solving a rather simple problem.

I notice that units are specified for neither measurement; time nor rainfall accumulation. Time is assumed to always increment in units of one, rainfall in some non-negative integer. "Integer" gets a little leeway in this entry. Floating point numbers or Rational numbers that are exactly equal to an Integer are allowed, even if they are technically not integers.

On cursory observation this entry seems to needlessly duplicate the output line, but the second is there to accurately summarize the totals on program exit, even if no entries have been made, and to demonstrate that 999999 does not get added into the average.

# Write a program that will read in integers and
# output their average. Stop reading when the
# value 99999 is input.

my ($periods, $accumulation, $rainfall) = 0, 0;

loop {
    loop {
        $rainfall = prompt 'Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: ';
        last if $rainfall.chars and $rainfall.Numeric !~~ Failure and $rainfall.narrow ~~ Int and $rainfall0;
        say 'Invalid input, try again.';
    last if $rainfall == 999999;
    $accumulation += $rainfall;
    printf "Average rainfall %.2f units over %d time periods.\n", $accumulation / $periods, $periods;
# Normal operation
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 0
Average rainfall 0.00 units over 1 time periods.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 2
Average rainfall 1.00 units over 2 time periods.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 4
Average rainfall 2.00 units over 3 time periods.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 6
Average rainfall 3.00 units over 4 time periods.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 8
Average rainfall 4.00 units over 5 time periods.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 999999
Average rainfall 4.00 units over 5 time periods.

# Invalid entries and valid but not traditional "Integer" entries demonstrated  
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: a
Invalid input, try again.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 1.1
Invalid input, try again.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>:
Invalid input, try again.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 2.0
Average rainfall 2.00 units over 1 time periods.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: .3e1
Average rainfall 2.50 units over 2 time periods.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 999999
Average rainfall 2.50 units over 2 time periods.

# Valid summary with no entries demonstrated.
Integer units of rainfall in this time period? (999999 to finalize and exit)>: 999999
Average rainfall 0.00 units over 0 time periods.


fn main() {
	let mut current_average:f32 = 0.0;
	let mut current_entry_number:u32 = 0;
		let current_entry;

		println!("Enter rainfall int, 99999 to quit: "); 
		let mut input_text = String::new();
		std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_text).expect("Failed to read from stdin");
		let trimmed = input_text.trim();
		match trimmed.parse::<u32>() {
			Ok(new_entry) => current_entry = new_entry,
			Err(..) => { println!("Invalid input"); continue; }

		if current_entry == 99999
			println!("User requested quit.");
			current_entry_number = current_entry_number + 1;
			current_average = current_average + (1.0 / current_entry_number as f32)*(current_entry as f32) - (1.0 / current_entry_number as f32)*current_average;

			println!("New Average: {}", current_average);


Library: Wren-ioutil
import "./ioutil" for Input

var n = 0
var sum = 0
while (true) {
    var i = Input.integer("Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): ", 0)
    if (i == 99999) break
    n = n + 1
    sum = sum + i
    System.print("  The current average rainfall is %(sum/n)")

Sample session:

Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 5.4
Must be an integer no less than 0, try again.
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): -2 
Must be an integer no less than 0, try again.
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 5
  The current average rainfall is 5
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 2
  The current average rainfall is 3.5
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 10
  The current average rainfall is 5.6666666666667
Enter integral rainfall (99999 to quit): 99999