Determine if only one instance is running

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 14:44, 3 July 2018 by PureFox (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|Java}}: Fixed this example so it now compiles and runs properly.)
Determine if only one instance is running
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

This task is to determine if there is only one instance of an application running. If the program discovers that an instance of it is already running, then it should display a message indicating that it is already running and exit.


The following solution tries to open a file for reading. If the file does not exist, a 'Name_Error' is raised. The exception handler creates that file, allows the program to perform its task, and, eventually, makes sure the file is deleted. If no exception is raised, the file exists, so another instance is running, and the program stops. It also stops if the wrong exception is raised, i.e., any exception other than 'Name_Error'.

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Single_Instance is

  package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
  Lock_File: IO.File_Type;
  Lock_File_Name: String := "single_instance.magic_lock";


     IO.Open(File => Lock_File, Mode=> IO.In_File, Name => Lock_File_Name);
     IO.Put_Line("I can't -- another instance of me is running ...");
     when IO.Name_Error =>
        IO.Put_Line("I can run!");
        IO.Create(File => Lock_File, Name => Lock_File_Name);
        for I in 1 .. 10 loop
           delay 1.0; -- wait one second
        end loop;
        IO.Put_Line("I am done!");


  when others => IO.Delete(Lock_File);

end Single_Instance;</lang>

Note that there is a race condition: If another instance tries to open the file for reading, before the first one has created it, then more than one instance will actually run.


AutoHotkey has a #SingleInstance command. If you run two scripts that don't have it at the same time, it alerts the user. #SingleInstance FORCE closes the older instance when a newer one is run, and #SingleInstance IGNORE does nothing when you try to open a new instance of an already-running script.


Change 'UniqueLockName' to something more likely to be unique, such as a GUID. <lang bbcbasic> SYS "CreateMutex", 0, 1, "UniqueLockName" TO Mutex%

     SYS "GetLastError" TO lerr%
     IF lerr% = 183 THEN
       SYS "CloseHandle", Mutex%
       SYS "MessageBox", @hwnd%, "I am already running", 0, 0
     SYS "ReleaseMutex", Mutex%
     SYS "CloseHandle", Mutex%


POSIX with file lock

This solution opens ~/rosetta-code-lock and uses fcntl() to set a write lock on the file. Only one instance can set this lock. If fcntl() fails, this program assumes that another instance is running. This program always clears its lock when it terminates.

The user might use an interrupt or other signal to terminate the program. If so, the lock file survives, but the system still clears the lock. The user can run the program again.

Note that the underlying file system needs to support file locking; for example if ~/ directory is on a NFS mounted partition, success in a locking fcntl() call is not always meaningful.

Library: POSIX

<lang c>#include <fcntl.h> /* fcntl, open */

  1. include <stdlib.h> /* atexit, getenv, malloc */
  2. include <stdio.h> /* fputs, printf, puts, snprintf */
  3. include <string.h> /* memcpy */
  4. include <unistd.h> /* sleep, unlink */

/* Filename for only_one_instance() lock. */

  1. define INSTANCE_LOCK "rosetta-code-lock"

void fail(const char *message) { perror(message); exit(1); }

/* Path to only_one_instance() lock. */ static char *ooi_path;

void ooi_unlink(void) { unlink(ooi_path); }

/* Exit if another instance of this program is running. */ void only_one_instance(void) { struct flock fl; size_t dirlen; int fd; char *dir;

/* * Place the lock in the home directory of this user; * therefore we only check for other instances by the same * user (and the user can trick us by changing HOME). */ dir = getenv("HOME"); if (dir == NULL || dir[0] != '/') { fputs("Bad home directory.\n", stderr); exit(1); } dirlen = strlen(dir);

ooi_path = malloc(dirlen + sizeof("/" INSTANCE_LOCK)); if (ooi_path == NULL) fail("malloc"); memcpy(ooi_path, dir, dirlen); memcpy(ooi_path + dirlen, "/" INSTANCE_LOCK, sizeof("/" INSTANCE_LOCK)); /* copies '\0' */

fd = open(ooi_path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600); if (fd < 0) fail(ooi_path);

fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl) < 0) { fputs("Another instance of this program is running.\n", stderr); exit(1); }

/* * Run unlink(ooi_path) when the program exits. The program * always releases locks when it exits. */ atexit(ooi_unlink); }


* Demo for Rosetta Code.

int main() { int i;


/* Play for 10 seconds. */ for(i = 10; i > 0; i--) { printf("%d...%s", i, i % 5 == 1 ? "\n" : " "); fflush(stdout); sleep(1); } puts("Fin!"); return 0; }</lang>

POSIX with file creation

This solution opens a file with O_CREAT|O_EXCL. If the file already exists, this program assumes that another instance is running. This solution is not as good as file locking, because the program might terminate without deleting the file.

The program, when terminating, must be sure to unlink() the file. This example has unlink() at two places: at the end of main(), and at a SIGINT handler. If you interrupt the program, it will probably delete /tmp/MyUniqueName, but not if SIGINT wins a race before the program installs its handler. If you terminate the program with a different signal, then you will get stuck, because /tmp/MyUniqueName will still exist, preventing another execution of the program. One might add code to catch some other signals, but there is no way to catch SIGKILL!

This program uses a regular file, with open() and unlink(). There is an older version that uses a semaphore, with sem_open() and sem_unlink(). The switch from a semaphore to a regular file was easy, because the program never used the semaphore as a semaphore; it only checked the existence of a semaphore. If you get stuck, rm /tmp/MyUniqueName might be easier than deleting a semaphore.

Library: POSIX

<lang c>#include <fcntl.h>

  1. include <signal.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  4. include <unistd.h>

/* unistd for sleep */

void sigint_handler(int sig) {

  fprintf(stderr, "Caught signal %d.\n", sig);
  /* exit() is not safe in a signal handler, use _exit() */


int main() {

  struct sigaction act;
  int myfd;
  myfd = open("/tmp/MyUniqueName", O_CREAT|O_EXCL);
  if ( myfd < 0 )
     fprintf(stderr, "I am already running!\n");
  act.sa_handler = sigint_handler;
  act.sa_flags = 0;
  sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);
  /* here the real code of the app*/
  /* end of the app */
  unlink("/tmp/MyUniqueName"); close(myfd);
  return 0;



Microsoft Windows

Works with: Windows version 2000 or later

This line needs to be near the top of the file (or in stdafx.h, if you use one.) <lang cpp>#include <afx.h></lang>

You need a variable of type HANDLE with the same lifetime as your program. Perhaps as a member of your CWinApp object. <lang cpp>HANDLE mutex;</lang>

At the earliest possible point in your program, you need to initialize it and perform your check. "MyApp" should be a string unique to your application. See here for full details.

<lang cpp>mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, TRUE, "MyApp" ); if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) {

    // There's another instance running.  What do you do?


Finally, near the end of your program, you need to close the mutex. <lang cpp>CloseHandle( mutex );</lang>


Using a TCP Port

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets;

class Program {

   static void Main(string[] args) {        
       try {
           TcpListener server = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 12345);
       catch (SocketException e) {
           if (e.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse) {
               Console.Error.WriteLine("Already running.");


Using a mutex

<lang csharp> // Use this class in your process to guard against multiple instances using System; using System.Threading;

/// <summary> /// RunOnce should be instantiated in the calling processes main clause /// (preferably using a "using" clause) and then calling process /// should then check AlreadyRunning and do whatever is appropriate /// </summary> public class RunOnce : IDisposable { public RunOnce( string name ) { m_name = name; AlreadyRunning = false;

bool created_new = false;

m_mutex = new Mutex( false, m_name, out created_new );

AlreadyRunning = !created_new; }

~RunOnce() { DisposeImpl( false ); }

public bool AlreadyRunning { get { return m_already_running; } private set { m_already_running = value; } }

private void DisposeImpl( bool is_disposing ) { GC.SuppressFinalize( this );

if( is_disposing ) { m_mutex.Close(); } }

#region IDisposable Members

public void Dispose() { DisposeImpl( true ); }


private string m_name; private bool m_already_running; private Mutex m_mutex; }

class Program {

   // Example code to use this
   static void Main( string[] args )
       using ( RunOnce ro = new RunOnce( "App Name" ) )
           if ( ro.AlreadyRunning )
               Console.WriteLine( "Already running" );
           // Program logic



Translation of: Java

<lang clojure>(import ( ServerSocket InetAddress))

(def *port* 12345) ; random large port number (try (new ServerSocket *port* 10 (. InetAddress getLocalHost))

    (catch IOException e (System/exit 0))) ; port taken, so app is already running </lang>


<lang Delphi>program OneInstance;


uses SysUtils, Windows;


 FMutex: THandle;


 FMutex := CreateMutex(nil, True, 'OneInstanceMutex');
 if FMutex = 0 then
     if GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then
       Writeln('Program already running.  Closing...')
       // do stuff ...



From the Erlang shell, or in a program, register the application process. If this works, the process is the only one.

7> erlang:register( aname, erlang:self() ).          
8> erlang:register( aname, erlang:self() ).
** exception error: bad argument
     in function  register/2
        called as register(aname,<0.42.0>)



Recommended over file based solutions. It has the advantage that the port is always released when the process ends. <lang go>package main

import (



const lNet = "tcp" const lAddr = ":12345"

func main() {

   if _, err := net.Listen(lNet, lAddr); err != nil {
       fmt.Println("an instance was already running")
   fmt.Println("single instance started")
   time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)



Solution using O_CREATE|O_EXCL. This solution has the problem that if anything terminates the program early, the lock file remains. <lang go>package main

import (



// The path to the lock file should be an absolute path starting from the root. // (If you wish to prevent the same program running in different directories, // that is.) const lfn = "/tmp/rclock"

func main() {

   lf, err := os.OpenFile(lfn, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0666)
   if err != nil {
       fmt.Println("an instance is already running")
   fmt.Println("single instance started")
   time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

}</lang> Here's a fluffier version that stores the PID in the lock file to provide better messages. It has the same problem of the lock file remaining if anything terminates the program early. <lang go>package main

import (



// The path to the lock file should be an absolute path starting from the root. // (If you wish to prevent the same program running in different directories, that is.) const lfn = "/tmp/rclock"

func main() {

   lf, err := os.OpenFile(lfn, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0666)
   if err == nil {
       // good
       // 10 digit pid seems to be a standard for lock files
       fmt.Fprintf(lf, "%10d", os.Getpid())
       defer os.Remove(lfn)
   } else {
       // problem
       // dig deeper
       lf, err = os.Open(lfn)
       if err != nil {
       defer lf.Close()
       fmt.Println("inspecting lock file...")
       b10 := make([]byte, 10)
       _, err = lf.Read(b10)
       if err != nil {
       pid, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(b10)))
       if err != nil {
       fmt.Println("lock file created by pid", pid)
   fmt.Println(os.Getpid(), "running...")



Simple implementation using a lock file. Two threads are launched, but the second cannot start because the first has created a lock file which is deleted when it has finished. <lang Haskell>import Control.Concurrent import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getAppUserDataDirectory,


import System.IO (withFile, Handle, IOMode(WriteMode), hPutStr)

oneInstance :: IO () oneInstance = do

   -- check if file "$HOME/.myapp.lock" exists
   user <- getAppUserDataDirectory "myapp.lock"
   locked <- doesFileExist user
   if locked
   then print "There is already one instance of this program running."
   else do
       t <- myThreadId
       -- this is the entry point to the main program:
       -- withFile creates a file, then calls a function,
       -- then closes the file
       withFile user WriteMode (do_program t)
       -- remove the lock when we're done
       removeFile user

do_program :: ThreadId -> Handle -> IO () do_program t h = do

   let s = "Locked by thread: " ++ show t
   -- print what thread has acquired the lock
   putStrLn s
   -- write the same message to the file, to show that the
   -- thread "owns" the file
   hPutStr h s
   -- wait for one second
   threadDelay 1000000

main :: IO () main = do

   -- launch the first thread, which will create the lock file
   forkIO oneInstance
   -- wait for half a second
   threadDelay 500000
   -- launch the second thread, which will find the lock file and
   -- thus will exit immediately
   forkIO oneInstance
   return ()</lang>

Icon and Unicon

The following only works in Unicon. The program uses a socket as a flag.

<lang unicon>procedure main(A)

  if not open(":"||54321,"na") then stop("Already running")
  repeat {}	# busy loop


Sample run:

->self &
[1] 15358
Already running


<lang java>import; import; import; import;

public class SingletonApp {

   private static final int PORT = 65000;  // random large port number
   private static ServerSocket s;
   // static initializer
   static {
       try {
           s = new ServerSocket(PORT, 10, InetAddress.getLocalHost());
       } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
           // shouldn't happen for localhost
       } catch (IOException e) {
           // port taken, so app is already running
           System.out.print("Application is already running,");
           System.out.println(" so terminating this instance.");
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       System.out.print("OK, only this instance is running");
       System.out.println(" but will terminate in 10 seconds.");
       try {
           if (s != null && !s.isClosed()) s.close();
       } catch (Exception e) {



<lang scala>// version 1.0.6

import import*

object SingleInstance {

   private var ss: ServerSocket? = null  
   fun alreadyRunning(): Boolean {
       try {
           ss = ServerSocket(65000, 10, InetAddress.getLocalHost()) // using private port 65000        
       catch (e: IOException) {
           // port already in use so an instance is already running
           return true   
       return false
   fun close() {
       if (ss == null || ss?.isClosed() == true) return


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   if (SingleInstance.alreadyRunning()) {
       println("Application is already running, so terminating this instance")
   else { 
       println("OK, only this instance is running but will terminate in 10 seconds")



First output window:

OK, only this instance is running but will terminate in 10 seconds

Second output window (second instance started within 10 seconds of first):

Application is already running, so terminating this instance


<lang Lasso>#!/usr/bin/lasso9

local(lockfile = file('/tmp/myprocess.lockfile'))

if(#lockfile -> exists) => { stdoutnl('Error: App is running as of ' + #lockfile -> readstring) abort }

handle => { #lockfile -> delete }

stdoutnl('Starting execution')

  1. lockfile -> doWithClose => {

#lockfile -> writebytes(bytes(date)) }


stdoutnl('Execution done')</lang>

Output Window 1:

Starting execution
Execution done

Output Window 2:

Error: App is running as of 2013-11-27 08:42:45

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>'Create a Mutex to prevent more than one instance from being open at a single time. CallDLL #kernel32, "CreateMutexA", 0 as Long, 1 as Long, "Global\My Program" as ptr, mutex as ulong CallDLL #kernel32, "GetLastError", LastError as Long

if LastError = 183 then 'Error returned when a Mutex already exists

   'Close the handle if the mutex already exists
   calldll #kernel32, "CloseHandle", mutex as ulong, ret as ulong
   notice "An instance of My Program is currently running!"

end if

'Release the Mutex/ Close the handle prior to ending the program 'Comment out these lines to allow the program to remain active to test for the mutex's presence calldll #kernel32, "ReleaseMutex", mutex as ulong, ret as ulong calldll #kernel32, "CloseHandle", mutex as ulong, ret as ulong end</lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

$Epilog is the action performed upon session exit. Running the following code before any other code will prevent 2 instances from concurrent execution. <lang Mathematica>$Epilog := Print["Another instance is running "]; If[Attributes[Global`Mutex] == {Protected},

Global`Mutex[x_] := Locked; Protect[Global`Mutex];


<lang nim>import os, posix

let fn = getHomeDir() & "rosetta-code-lock" proc ooiUnlink {.noconv.} = discard unlink fn

proc onlyOneInstance =

 var fl = TFlock(lType: F_WRLCK.cshort, lWhence: SEEK_SET.cshort)
 var fd = getFileHandle fmReadWrite
 if fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, addr fl) < 0:
   stderr.writeln "Another instance of this program is running"
   quit 1
 addQuitProc ooiUnlink


for i in countdown(10, 1):

 echo i
 sleep 1000

echo "Fin!"</lang>


Replicates the C example, with the library ocaml-sem. <lang ocaml>open Sem

let () =

 let oflags = [Unix.O_CREAT;
               Unix.O_EXCL] in
 let sem = sem_open "MyUniqueName" ~oflags () in
 (* here the real code of the app *)
 Unix.sleep 20;
 (* end of the app *)
 sem_unlink "MyUniqueName";
 sem_close sem</lang>

The standard library of OCaml also provides a Mutex module.


<lang oz>functor import Application Open System define

  fun {IsAlreadyRunning}

S = {New Open.socket init}


{S bind(takePort:12345)} false

     catch system(os(os "bind" ...) ...) then


  if {IsAlreadyRunning} then
     {System.showInfo "Exiting because already running."}
     {Application.exit 1}
  {System.showInfo "Press enter to exit."}
  {{New Open.file init(name:stdin)} read(list:_ size:1)}
  {Application.exit 0}



The INIT block is runned just before the Perl runtime begins execution. See perlmod

Then it tries to get a lock to its own file, from where the script was called. <lang perl>use Fcntl ':flock';

INIT { die "Not able to open $0\n" unless (open ME, $0); die "I'm already running !!\n" unless(flock ME, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB); }

sleep 60; # then your code goes here</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: rakudo version 2018.03

An old-school Unix solution, none the worse for the wear: <lang perl6>my $name = $*PROGRAM-NAME; my $pid = $*PID;

my $lockdir = "/tmp"; my $lockfile = "$lockdir/$"; my $lockpid = "$lockfile$pid"; my $havelock = False;


   unlink $lockfile if $havelock;
   try unlink $lockpid;


my $pidfile = open "$lockpid", :w or die "Can't create $lockpid: $!"; $pidfile.say($pid); $pidfile.close;

if try link($lockpid, $lockfile) {

   $havelock = True;

} else {

   shell "kill -CONT `cat $lockfile` || rm $lockfile";
   if try link($lockfile, $lockpid) {
       $havelock = True;
   else {
       die "You can't run right now!";

} note "Got lock!"; unlink $lockpid;</lang>


Library: pGUI

<lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\Single_instance.exw -- include pGUI.e

function copydata_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom pCommandLine, integer size)

   -- (the first instance is sent a copy of the second one's command line)
   printf(1,"COPYDATA(%s, %d)\n",{peek_string(pCommandLine), size});
   return IUP_DEFAULT;

end function

function esc_close(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)


end function

IupOpen() IupSetGlobal("SINGLEINSTANCE", "Single") -- (must [partially] match the main window title) if IupGetGlobal("SINGLEINSTANCE")!="" then

   Ihandle dlg = IupDialog(IupVbox({IupLabel("hello")},"MARGIN=200x200"))
   IupSetAttribute(dlg,"TITLE","Single Instance")
   IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("esc_close"))
   IupSetCallback(dlg, "COPYDATA_CB", Icallback("copydata_cb"));

end if IupClose()</lang>


Calling 'killall'

One possibility is to send a zero-signal with 'killall', and check the return value. This is useful if each application is started by a hash-bang script (the first line is e.g. "#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l"). In that way, each application has its own name which can be passed to 'killall'.

$ cat myScript
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(wait 120000)
$ ./myScript &  # Start in the background
[1] 26438

<lang PicoLisp>$ pil +

(call "killall" "-0" "-q" "myScript")

-> T</lang>

Using a mutex

Another possibility is to 'acquire' a mutex on program start, and never release it. <lang PicoLisp>: (acquire "running1") -> 30817 # A successful call returns the PID</lang> A second application trying to acquire the same mutex would receive 'NIL'


<lang PowerShell> if (Get-Process -Name "notepad" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {

   Write-Warning -Message "notepad is already running."

} else {

   Start-Process -FilePath C:\Windows\notepad.exe

} </lang> No output because notepad.exe was not running, so it was started.


Run it again. <lang PowerShell> if (Get-Process -Name "notepad" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {

   Write-Warning -Message "notepad is already running."

} else {

   Start-Process -FilePath C:\Windows\notepad.exe

} </lang> Since it is running a warning message is output.

WARNING: notepad is already running


<lang PureBasic>#MyApp="MyLittleApp" Mutex=CreateMutex_(0,1,#MyApp) If GetLastError_()=#ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS

 MessageRequester(#MyApp,"One instance is already started.")


Main code executes here

ReleaseMutex_(Mutex) End</lang>


Linux (including cygwin) and Mac OSX Leopard

Works with: Python version 2.6

Must be run from an application, not the interpreter.

<lang python>import __main__, os

def isOnlyInstance():

   # Determine if there are more than the current instance of the application
   # running at the current time.
   return os.system("(( $(ps -ef | grep python | grep '[" +
                    __main__.__file__[0] + "]" + __main__.__file__[1:] +
                    "' | wc -l) > 1 ))") != 0</lang>

This is not a solution - one can run the same app by copying the code to another location. A solution may be a lock file or lock directory created by the first instance and hold while the first instance is running.


Translation of: Java

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define *port* 12345) ; random large port number (define listener-handler

 (with-handlers ([exn? (λ(e) (printf "Already running, bye.\n") (exit))])
   (tcp-listen *port*)))

(printf "Working...\n") (sleep 10) </lang>


Works with: ARexx

Solutions using a temporary file as a semaphore aren't very clean; if the program ends abruptly, the file isn't cleaned up. In this solution, we will instead open an ARexx port of our own. Ports are automatically closed by the interpreter if the program is abended. <lang rexx> /* Simple ARexx program to open a port after checking if it's already open */ IF Show('PORTS','ROSETTA') THEN DO /* Port is already open; exit */

  SAY 'This program may only be run in a single instance at a time.'
  EXIT 5                                    /* Exit with a mild warning   */
                /* Open rexxsupport.library so that ports can be opened   */

IF ~Show('LIBRARIES','rexxsupport.library')

  THEN CALL AddLib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0) 

IF ~OpenPort('ROSETTA') THEN EXIT 10 /* Open port, end if it fails */

SAY 'Program is now running.'

DO FOREVER /* Busyloop */

  /* Program stuff here */




Uses file locking on the program file <lang ruby>def main

 puts "first instance"
 sleep 20
 puts :done


if $0 == __FILE__

 if | File::LOCK_NB)
   raise "another instance of this program is running"




<lang runbasic>if instr(shell$("tasklist"),"rbp.exe") <> 0 then print "Task is Running"</lang>


Using TCP socket <lang rust>use std::net::TcpListener;

fn create_app_lock(port: u16) -> TcpListener {

   match TcpListener::bind(("", port)) {
       Ok(socket) => {
       Err(_) => {
           panic!("Couldn't lock port {}: another instance already running?", port);


fn remove_app_lock(socket: TcpListener) {



fn main() {

   let lock_socket = create_app_lock(12345);
   // ...
   // your code here
   // ...



<lang ruby># For this to work, you need to explicitly

  1. store the returned fh inside a variable.

var fh = File(__FILE__).open_r

  1. Now call the flock() method on it

fh.flock(File.LOCK_EX | File.LOCK_NB) ->

   || die "I'm already running!"
  1. Your code here...

say "Running..." Sys.sleep(20) say 'Done!'</lang>


Uses NSDistributedNotificationCenter. Works with Swift 1.2. <lang Swift>import Foundation

let globalCenter = NSDistributedNotificationCenter.defaultCenter() let time = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970

globalCenter.addObserverForName("OnlyOne", object: nil, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {not in

   if let senderTime = not.userInfo?["time"] as? NSTimeInterval where senderTime != time {
       println("More than one running")
   } else {
       println("Only one")


func send() {

   globalCenter.postNotificationName("OnlyOne", object: nil, userInfo: ["time": time])
   let waitTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(3 * NSEC_PER_SEC))
   dispatch_after(waitTime, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {


send() CFRunLoopRun()</lang>


Translation of: Java
Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang Tcl>package require Tcl 8.6 try {

   # Pick a port number based on the name of the main script executing
   socket -server {apply {{chan args} {close $chan}}} -myaddr localhost \
           [expr {1024 + [zlib crc32 [file normalize $::argv0]] % 30000}]

} trap {POSIX EADDRINUSE} {} {

   # Generate a nice error message
   puts stderr "Application $::argv0 already running?"
   exit 1



Microsoft Windows

<lang txrlisp>;;; Define some typedefs for clear correspondence with Win32 (typedef HANDLE cptr) (typedef LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES cptr) (typedef WINERR (enum WINERR ERROR_SUCCESS

                            (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS 183))) 

(typedef BOOL (enum BOOL FALSE TRUE)) (typedef LPCWSTR wstr)

More familiar spelling for null pointer.

(defvarl NULL cptr-null)

Define access to foreign functions.

(with-dyn-lib "kernel32.dll"

 (deffi CloseHandle "CloseHandle" BOOL (HANDLE))
 (deffi GetLastError "GetLastError" WINERR ()))
Now, the single-instance program

(defvar m (CreateMutex NULL 'TRUE "ApplicationName"))

(unless (eq (GetLastError) 'ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)

 ;; mutual exclusion here

(CloseHandle m)</lang>

UNIX Shell

Works with: Bourne Shell
Works with: Bourne Again SHell

<lang sh>

  1. (c) Copyright 2005 Mark Hobley
  2. This is free software. This file can be redistributed or modified
  3. under the terms of version 1.2 of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
  4. as published by the Free Software Foundation.
singleinstance ()
  if [ -d $SRUNDIR ] ; then
    if [ -w $SRUNDIR ] ; then
      if [ -d $SRUNDIR/$APPNAME ] ; then
        echo "Process Already Running" >& 2
        return 221
        mkdir $SRUNDIR/$APPNAME
        if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ; then
          if [ -d $SRUNDIR/$APPNAME ] ; then
            echo "Process Already Running" >& 2
            return 221
            echo "Unexpected Error" >& 2
            return 239
        return 0 ; # This is a unique instance
      echo "Permission Denied" >& 2
      return 210
    echo "Missing Directory" >& 2
    return 199


Visual Basic

Works with: Visual Basic version 4

<lang vb>Dim onlyInstance as Boolean onlyInstance = not App.PrevInstance</lang>