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Old fashioned way:
Old fashioned way:
<lang futurebasic>
<lang futurebasic>

include "NSLog.incl"
include "NSLog.incl"

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[Sorry, screenshot can't be uploaded.]


Revision as of 09:18, 22 June 2022

Periodic table
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Display the row and column in the periodic table of the given atomic number.

The periodic table

Let us consider the following periodic table representation.

    |   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18 |
    |                                                                          |
    |1  H                                                                   He |
    |                                                                          |
    |2  Li  Be                                          B   C   N   O   F   Ne |
    |                                                                          |
    |3  Na  Mg                                          Al  Si  P   S   Cl  Ar |
    |                                                                          |
    |4  K   Ca  Sc  Ti  V   Cr  Mn  Fe  Co  Ni  Cu  Zn  Ga  Ge  As  Se  Br  Kr |
    |                                                                          |
    |5  Rb  Sr  Y   Zr  Nb  Mo  Tc  Ru  Rh  Pd  Ag  Cd  In  Sn  Sb  Te  I   Xe |
    |                                                                          |
    |6  Cs  Ba  *   Hf  Ta  W   Re  Os  Ir  Pt  Au  Hg  Tl  Pb  Bi  Po  At  Rn |
    |                                                                          |
    |7  Fr  Ra  °   Rf  Db  Sg  Bh  Hs  Mt  Ds  Rg  Cn  Nh  Fl  Mc  Lv  Ts  Og |
    |                                                                          |
    |                                                                          |
    |8  Lantanoidi* La  Ce  Pr  Nd  Pm  Sm  Eu  Gd  Tb  Dy  Ho  Er  Tm  Yb  Lu |
    |                                                                          |
    |9   Aktinoidi° Ak  Th  Pa  U   Np  Pu  Am  Cm  Bk  Cf  Es  Fm  Md  No  Lr |
Example test cases;
  •   1 -> 1 1
  •   2 -> 1 18
  •   29 -> 4 11
  •   42 -> 5 6
  •   57 -> 8 4
  •   58 -> 8 5
  •   72 -> 6 4
  •   89 -> 9 4

The representation of the periodic table may be represented in various way. The one presented in this challenge does have the following property : Lantanides and Aktinoides are all in a dedicated row, hence there is no element that is placed at 6, 3 nor 7, 3.

You may take a look at the atomic number repartitions here.

The atomic number is at least 1, at most 118.

See also

6502 Assembly

A lookup table is the simplest solution, for the following reasons:

  • The input value is guaranteed to be between 0 and 255
  • The data doesn't fit a pattern that the CPU can easily take advantage of.

Since the 6502 can't index an array larger than 256 bytes, we'll store all the "low bytes" in one table and all the "high bytes" in another. Both tables share the same index, so this lets us store up to 255 possible elements while taking the same amount of memory as a single table of 16-bit values. Right now, we can do this either way, but since we're close to 128 elements, may as well future-proof the code, right?

<lang 6502asm>Lookup: ;INPUT: X = atomic number of the element of interest. LDA PeriodicTable_Column,x STA $20 ;store column number in memory (I chose $20 arbitrarily, you can store it anywhere) LDA PeriodicTable_Row,x STA $21 ;store row number in memory RTS

PeriodicTable_Column: db $ff,$01,$18,$01,$02,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,... ;I don't need to write them all out, the concept is self-explanatory enough. PeriodicTable_Row: db $ff,$01,$01,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,...</lang>

68000 Assembly

A lookup table is the simplest solution, as the data of interest doesn't have a pattern that a computer can take advantage of easily. It's quicker than using a formula, but takes up more memory as a result.

The table consists of 118 16-bit values. The high byte is the row number, the low byte is the column number. Both are stored as binary-coded decimal (i.e. hex values that look like base 10 numbers.)

<lang 68000devpac>Lookup:

D0.W = the atomic number of interest.

LEA PeriodicTable,A0 ADD.W D0,D0 ;we're indexing a table of words, so double the index. MOVE.W (A0,D0),D0 ;D0.W contains row number in the high byte and column number in the low byte. RTS

PeriodicTable: DC.W $FFFF ;padding since arrays start at zero in assembly. DC.W $0101 ;HYDROGEN DC.W $0118 ;HELIUM DC.W $0201 ;LITHIUM DC.W $0202 ;BERYLLIUM DC.W $0213 ;BORON DC.W $0214 ;CARBON DC.W $0215 ;NITROGEN DC.W $0216 ;OXYGEN DC.W $0217 ;FLUORINE DC.W $0218 ;NEON



<lang algol68>BEGIN # display the period and group number of an element, #

     # given its atomic number                            #
   INT max atomic number = 118; # highest known element   #
   # the positions are stored as:                         #
   #     ( group number * group multiplier ) + period     #
   INT group multiplier  = 100;
   [ 1 : max atomic number ]INT position;
   # construct the positions of the elements in the table #
       STRING periodic table = "-                ="
                             + "--          -----="
                             + "--          -----="
                             + "-----------------="
                             + "-----------------="
                             + "--8--------------="
                             + "--9--------------="
       INT period  := 1;
       INT group   := 1;
       INT element := 1;
       FOR t FROM LWB periodic table TO UPB periodic table DO
           CHAR p = periodic table[ t ];
           IF p = "8" OR p = "9" THEN
               # lantanoids or actinoids                   #
               INT series period = IF p = "8" THEN 8 ELSE 9 FI;
               INT series group := 4;
               FOR e TO 15 DO
                   position[ element ] := ( group multiplier * series group ) + series period;
                   element            +:= 1;
                   series group       +:= 1
           ELIF p /= " " THEN
               # there is a single element here            #
               position[ element ] := ( group multiplier * group ) + period;
               element            +:= 1;
               IF p = "=" THEN
                   # final element of the period           #
                   period +:= 1;
                   group   := 0
           group +:= 1
   # display the period and group numbers of test elements #
   []INT test = ( 1, 2, 29, 42, 57, 58, 59, 71, 72, 89, 90, 103, 113 );
   FOR t FROM LWB test TO UPB test DO
       INT e = test[ t ];
       IF e < LWB position OR e > UPB position THEN
           print( ( "Invalid element: ", whole( e, 0 ), newline ) )
           INT period = position[ e ] MOD  group multiplier;
           INT group  = position[ e ] OVER group multiplier;
           print( ( "Element ", whole( e,      -3 )
                  , " -> ", whole( period,  0 ), ", ", whole( group,  -2 )
                  , newline


Element   1 -> 1,  1
Element   2 -> 1, 18
Element  29 -> 4, 11
Element  42 -> 5,  6
Element  57 -> 8,  4
Element  58 -> 8,  5
Element  59 -> 8,  6
Element  71 -> 8, 18
Element  72 -> 6,  4
Element  89 -> 9,  4
Element  90 -> 9,  5
Element 103 -> 9, 18
Element 113 -> 7, 13

Applesoft BASIC

This program borrows from the Python solution but only PRINTs the results of the tests shown in the task. Each row and column from the tests are PLOTted in a COLORful table. <lang gwbasic>0 GR:HOME:COLOR=11:FORR=1TO7:FORC=1TO2:GOSUB7:NEXTC,R:COLOR=7:FORR=4TO7:FORC=3+(R>5)TO12:GOSUB7:NEXTC,R:COLOR=13:FORR=2TO7:FORC=13TO18:GOSUB7:NEXTC,R 1 forr=2to7:forc=13to18:GOSUB7:NEXTC,R:COLOR=14:R=8:FORC=4TO18:GOSUB7:NEXTC:COLOR=12:R=9:FORC=4TO18:GOSUB7:NEXTC:R=9:FORC=4TO18:GOSUB7:NEXTC:Z=2:R=7:C=3:GOSUB7:COLOR=14:R=6:C=3:GOSUB7:COLOR=15 2 S=14:W=18:FORI=1TO7:READN(I),I(I):NEXT:DATA2,0,10,0,18,0,36,0,54,0,86,57,118,89,1,1,1,2,1,18,29,4,11,42,5,6,57,8,4,58,8,5,72,6,4,89,9,4,59,8,6,71,8,18,90,9,5,103,9,18 3 FORT=1TO8:READA,Y,X:GOSUB4:PRINTRIGHT$(" "+STR$(A),3)"->"R" "LEFT$(STR$(C)+" ",3);:GOSUB7:NEXTT:VTAB23:END 4 N=0:FORR=1TO7:P=N:N=N(R):IFA>NTHEN:NEXTR 5 E=N-P:K=A-P:IFI(R)AND(I(R)<=AANDA<=I(R)+S)THENR=R+2:C=K+1:RETURN 6 E=W-E:L=1+(N>2):C=K+E*(K>L):RETURN 7 K=C+(R=1ANDC=2)*16:VLINR*4+Z,R*4+2ATK*2+1:RETURN</lang>


Old fashioned way: <lang futurebasic> include "NSLog.incl"

local fn PeriodicTable( n as NSInteger ) as CFDictionaryRef NSInteger i, row = 0, start = 0, finish, limits(6,6) CFDictionaryRef dict = NULL

if n < 1 or n > 118 then NSLog( @"Atomic number is out of range." ) : exit fn if n == 1 then dict = @{@"row":@1, @"col":@1}  : exit fn if n == 2 then dict = @{@"row":@1, @"col":@18} : exit fn if n >= 57 and n <= 71 then dict = @{@"row":@8, @"col":fn NumberWithInteger( n - 53 )} : exit fn if n >= 89 and n <= 103 then dict = @{@"row":@9, @"col":fn NumberWithInteger( n - 85 )} : exit fn

limits(0,0) = 3  : limits(0,1) = 10 limits(1,0) = 11 : limits(1,1) = 18 limits(2,0) = 19 : limits(2,1) = 36 limits(3,0) = 37 : limits(3,1) = 54 limits(4,0) = 55 : limits(4,1) = 86 limits(5,0) = 87 : limits(5,1) = 118

for i = 0 to 5 if ( n >= limits(i,0) and n <= limits(i,1) ) row = i + 2 start = limits(i,0) finish = limits(i,1) break end if next

if ( n < start + 2 or row == 4 or row == 5 ) dict = @{@"row":fn NumberWithInteger(row), @"col":fn NumberWithInteger( n - start + 1 )} : exit fn end if dict = @{@"row":fn NumberWithInteger(row), @"col":fn NumberWithInteger( n - finish + 18 )} end fn = dict

local fn BuildTable NSInteger i, count CFArrayRef numbers = @[@1, @2, @29, @42, @57, @58, @59, @71, @72, @89, @90, @103, @113]

count = fn ArrayCount( numbers )

for i = 0 to count -1 CFDictionaryRef coordinates = fn PeriodicTable( fn NumberIntegerValue( numbers[i] ) ) NSLog( @"Atomic number %3d -> (%d, %d)", fn NumberIntegerValue( numbers[i] ), fn NumberIntegerValue( coordinates[@"row"] ), fn NumberIntegerValue( coordinates[@"col"] ) ) next end fn

fn BuildTable



Atomic number   1 -> (1, 1)
Atomic number   2 -> (1, 18)
Atomic number  29 -> (4, 11)
Atomic number  42 -> (5, 6)
Atomic number  57 -> (8, 4)
Atomic number  58 -> (8, 5)
Atomic number  59 -> (8, 6)
Atomic number  71 -> (8, 18)
Atomic number  72 -> (6, 4)
Atomic number  89 -> (9, 4)
Atomic number  90 -> (9, 5)
Atomic number 103 -> (9, 18)
Atomic number 113 -> (7, 13)

Modern way. (Too bad you can no longer upload images to Rosetta Code.) <lang futurebasic>

_window = 1

void local fn BuildPeriodicTableArrays

CFArrayRef periodicArr = @[@"",¬ @"H", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"He",¬ @"Li", @"Be", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"B", @"C", @"N", @"O", @"F", @"Ne",¬ @"Na", @"Mg", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"Al", @"Si", @"P", @"S", @"Cl", @"Ar",¬ @"K", @"Ca", @"Sc", @"Ti", @"V", @"Cr", @"Mn", @"Fe", @"Co", @"Ni", @"Cu", @"Zn", @"Ga", @"Ge", @"As", @"Se", @"Be", @"Kr",¬ @"Rb", @"Sr", @"Y", @"Zr", @"Nb", @"Mo", @"Tc", @"Ru", @"Rh", @"Pd", @"Ag", @"Cd", @"In", @"Sn", @"Sb", @"Te", @"I", @"Xe",¬ @"Cs", @"Ba", @"Lu", @"Hf", @"Ta", @"W", @"Re", @"Os", @"Ir", @"Pt", @"Au", @"Hg", @"Tl", @"Pb", @"Bi", @"Po", @"At", @"Rn",¬ @"Fr", @"Ra", @"Lr", @"Rf", @"Db", @"Sg", @"Bh", @"Hs", @"Mt", @"Ds", @"Rg", @"Cn", @"Nh", @"Fl", @"Mc", @"Lv", @"Ts", @"Og",¬ @"", @"", @"La", @"Ce", @"Pr", @"Nd", @"Pm", @"Sm", @"Eu", @"Gd", @"Tb", @"Dy", @"Ho", @"Er", @"Tm", @"Yb", @"", @"",¬ @"", @"", @"Ac", @"Th", @"Pa", @"U", @"NP", @"Pu", @"Am", @"Cm", @"Dk", @"Cf", @"Es", @"Fm", @"Md", @"No", @"", @""] AppSetProperty( @"peridicTable", periodicArr )

CFArrayRef numbersArr = @[@"",¬ @"1", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"2",¬ @"3", @"4", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"5", @"6", @"7", @"8", @"9", @"10",¬ @"11", @"12", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"", @"13", @"14", @"15", @"16", @"17", @"18",¬ @"19", @"20", @"21", @"22", @"23", @"24", @"25", @"26", @"27", @"28", @"29", @"30", @"31", @"32", @"33", @"34", @"35", @"36",¬ @"37", @"38", @"39", @"40", @"41", @"42", @"43", @"44", @"45", @"46", @"47", @"48", @"49", @"50", @"51", @"52", @"53", @"54",¬ @"55", @"56", @"71", @"72", @"73", @"74", @"75", @"76", @"77", @"78", @"79", @"80", @"81", @"82", @"83", @"84", @"85", @"86",¬ @"87", @"88", @"103", @"104", @"105", @"106", @"107", @"108", @"109", @"110", @"111", @"112", @"113", @"114", @"114", @"116", @"117", @"118",¬ @"", @"", @"57", @"58", @"59", @"60", @"61", @"62", @"63", @"64", @"65", @"66", @"67", @"68", @"59", @"70", @"", @"",¬ @"", @"", @"89", @"90", @"91", @"92", @"93", @"94", @"95", @"96", @"97", @"98", @"99", @"100", @"101", @"102", @"", @""] AppSetProperty( @"peridicNumbers", numbersArr ) end fn

void local fn BuildWindow NSInteger i, j, row CGRect r CFArrayRef periodicArr, numbersArr CFStringRef tempStr

periodicArr = fn AppProperty( @"peridicTable" ) numbersArr = fn AppProperty( @"peridicNumbers" )

window _window, @"Periodic Table", ( 0, 0, 700, 400 ) WindowSetBackgroundColor( _window, fn ColorWhite )

j = 0 : row = 350 r = fn CGRectMake( 10, row, 36, 40 ) for i = 1 to 162 if fn StringIsEqual( periodicArr[i], @"" ) then tempStr = @"" else tempStr = fn StringWithFormat( @"%@\n%@", numbersArr[i], periodicArr[i] ) textfield i,, tempStr, r, _window TextFieldSetBackgroundColor( i, fn ColorBlue ) TextFieldSetTextColor( i, fn ColorWhite ) ControlSetFontWithName( i, @"Menlo", 12.0 ) ControlSetAlignment(i, NSTextAlignmentCenter ) r = fn CGRectOffset( r, 38, 0 ) j++ if ( j == 18 ) row = row - 42 r = fn CGRectMake( 10, row, 36, 40 ) j = 0 end if next

for i = 1 to 162 if fn StringIsEqual( fn ControlStringValue( i ), @"" ) then ViewRemoveFromSuperview( i ) next end fn

fn BuildPeriodicTableArrays fn BuildWindow

HandleEvents </lang>

[Sorry, screenshot can't be uploaded.]


Translation of: Wren

<lang ecmascript>package main

import (



var limits = [][2]int{

   {3, 10}, {11, 18}, {19, 36}, {37, 54}, {55, 86}, {87, 118},


func periodicTable(n int) (int, int) {

   if n < 1 || n > 118 {
       log.Fatal("Atomic number is out of range.")
   if n == 1 {
       return 1, 1
   if n == 2 {
       return 1, 18
   if n >= 57 && n <= 71 {
       return 8, n - 53
   if n >= 89 && n <= 103 {
       return 9, n - 85
   var row, start, end int
   for i := 0; i < len(limits); i++ {
       limit := limits[i]
       if n >= limit[0] && n <= limit[1] {
           row, start, end = i+2, limit[0], limit[1]
   if n < start+2 || row == 4 || row == 5 {
       return row, n - start + 1
   return row, n - end + 18


func main() {

   for _, n := range []int{1, 2, 29, 42, 57, 58, 59, 71, 72, 89, 90, 103, 113} {
       row, col := periodicTable(n)
       fmt.Printf("Atomic number %3d -> %d, %-2d\n", n, row, col)


Atomic number   1 -> 1, 1 
Atomic number   2 -> 1, 18
Atomic number  29 -> 4, 11
Atomic number  42 -> 5, 6 
Atomic number  57 -> 8, 4 
Atomic number  58 -> 8, 5 
Atomic number  59 -> 8, 6 
Atomic number  71 -> 8, 18
Atomic number  72 -> 6, 4 
Atomic number  89 -> 9, 4 
Atomic number  90 -> 9, 5 
Atomic number 103 -> 9, 18
Atomic number 113 -> 7, 13


Translation of: Wren

<lang ruby>const limits = [3:10, 11:18, 19:36, 37:54, 55:86, 87:118]

function periodic_table(n)

   (n < 1 || n > 118) && error("Atomic number is out of range.")
   n == 1 && return [1, 1]
   n == 2 && return [1, 18]
   57 <= n <= 71 && return [8, n - 53]
   89 <= n <= 103 && return [9, n - 85]
   row, limitstart, limitstop = 0, 0, 0
   for i in eachindex(limits)
       if limits[i].start <= n <= limits[i].stop
           row, limitstart, limitstop = i + 1, limits[i].start, limits[i].stop
   return (n < limitstart + 2 || row == 4 || row == 5) ?
       [row, n - limitstart + 1] : [row, n - limitstop + 18]


for n in [1, 2, 29, 42, 57, 58, 59, 71, 72, 89, 90, 103, 113]

   rc = periodic_table(n)
   println("Atomic number ", lpad(n, 3), " -> ($(rc[1]), $(rc[2]))")



Atomic number   1 -> (1, 1)
Atomic number   2 -> (1, 18)
Atomic number  29 -> (4, 11)
Atomic number  42 -> (5, 6)
Atomic number  57 -> (8, 4)
Atomic number  58 -> (8, 5)
Atomic number  59 -> (8, 6)
Atomic number  71 -> (8, 18)
Atomic number  72 -> (6, 4)
Atomic number  89 -> (9, 4)
Atomic number  90 -> (9, 5)
Atomic number 103 -> (9, 18)
Atomic number 113 -> (7, 13)


Translation of: Raku

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use feature 'say'; use List::Util <sum head>;

sub divmod { int $_[0]/$_[1], $_[0]%$_[1] }

my $b = 18; my(@offset,@span,$cnt); push @span, ($cnt++) x $_ for <1 3 8 44 15 17 15 15>; @offset = (16, 10, 10, (2*$b)+1, (-2*$b)-15, (2*$b)+1, (-2*$b)-15);

for my $n (<1 2 29 42 57 58 72 89 90 103 118>) {

   printf "%3d: %2d, %2d\n", $n, map { $_+1 } divmod $n-1 + sum(head $span[$n-1], @offset), $b;


  1:  1,  1
  2:  1, 18
 29:  4, 11
 42:  5,  6
 57:  8,  4
 58:  8,  5
 72:  6,  4
 89:  9,  4
 90:  9,  5
103:  9, 18


with javascript_semantics
constant match_wp = false

function prc(integer n)
    constant t = {0,2,10,18,36,54,86,118,119}
    integer row = abs(binary_search(n,t,true))-1,
            col = n-t[row]
    if col>1+(row>1) then
        col = 18-(t[row+1]-n)
        if match_wp then
            if col<=2 then return {row+2,col+14} end if
        else -- matches above ascii:
            if col<=2+(row>5) then return {row+2,col+15} end if
        end if
    end if
    return {row,col}
end function

sequence pt = repeat(repeat("   ",19),10)
pt[1][2..$] = apply(true,sprintf,{{"%3d"},tagset(18)})  -- column headings
for i=1 to 9 do pt[i+1][1] = sprintf("%3d",i) end for -- row numbers
for i=1 to 118 do
    integer {r,c} = prc(i)
    pt[r+1][c+1] = sprintf("%3d",i)
end for
if not match_wp then -- (ascii only:)
    pt[7][4] = " L*"
    pt[8][4] = " A*"
    pt[9][2..4] = {"Lanthanide:"}
    pt[10][2..4] = {"  Actinide:"}
end if

With match_wp set to true:

   |  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18
  1|  1|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  2
  2|  3|  4|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10
  3| 11| 12|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18
  4| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 30| 31| 32| 33| 34| 35| 36
  5| 37| 38| 39| 40| 41| 42| 43| 44| 45| 46| 47| 48| 49| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54
  6| 55| 56| 71| 72| 73| 74| 75| 76| 77| 78| 79| 80| 81| 82| 83| 84| 85| 86
  7| 87| 88|103|104|105|106|107|108|109|110|111|112|113|114|115|116|117|118
  8|   |   | 57| 58| 59| 60| 61| 62| 63| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 70|   |
  9|   |   | 89| 90| 91| 92| 93| 94| 95| 96| 97| 98| 99|100|101|102|   |

Or with match_wp false:

   |  1|  2|  3|  4|  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18
  1|  1|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  2
  2|  3|  4|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  5|  6|  7|  8|  9| 10
  3| 11| 12|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18
  4| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 30| 31| 32| 33| 34| 35| 36
  5| 37| 38| 39| 40| 41| 42| 43| 44| 45| 46| 47| 48| 49| 50| 51| 52| 53| 54
  6| 55| 56| L*| 72| 73| 74| 75| 76| 77| 78| 79| 80| 81| 82| 83| 84| 85| 86
  7| 87| 88| A*|104|105|106|107|108|109|110|111|112|113|114|115|116|117|118
  8|Lanthanide:| 57| 58| 59| 60| 61| 62| 63| 64| 65| 66| 67| 68| 69| 70| 71
  9|  Actinide:| 89| 90| 91| 92| 93| 94| 95| 96| 97| 98| 99|100|101|102|103


A solution trying hard not to encode too much data about the table.

<lang Python> def perta(atomic) -> (int, int):

   NOBLES = 2, 10, 18, 36, 54, 86, 118
   INTERTWINED = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57, 89
   LINE_WIDTH = 18
   prev_noble = 0
   for row, noble in enumerate(NOBLES):
       if atomic <= noble:  # we are at the good row. We now need to determine the column
           nb_elem = noble - prev_noble  # number of elements on that row
           rank =  atomic - prev_noble  # rank of the input element among elements
           if INTERTWINED[row] and INTERTWINED[row] <= atomic <= INTERTWINED[row] + INTERTWINING_SIZE:  # lantanides or actinides
               row += 2
               col = rank + 1
           else:  # not a lantanide nor actinide
               # handle empty spaces between 1-2, 4-5 and 12-13.
               nb_empty = LINE_WIDTH - nb_elem  # spaces count as columns
               inside_left_element_rank = 2 if noble > 2 else 1
               col = rank + (nb_empty if rank > inside_left_element_rank else 0)
       prev_noble = noble
   return row+1, col

  1. small test suite


   1: (1, 1),
   2: (1, 18),
   29: (4,11),
   42: (5, 6),
   58: (8, 5),
   59: (8, 6),
   57: (8, 4),
   71: (8, 18),
   72: (6, 4),
   89: (9, 4),
   90: (9, 5),
   103: (9, 18),


for input, out in TESTS.items():

   found = perta(input)
   print('TEST:{:3d} -> '.format(input) + str(found) + (f' ; ERROR: expected {out}' if found != out else ))



<lang perl6>my $b = 18; my @offset = 16, 10, 10, (2×$b)+1, (-2×$b)-15, (2×$b)+1, (-2×$b)-15; my @span = flat ^8 Zxx <1 3 8 44 15 17 15 15>;

for <1 2 29 42 57 58 72 89 90 103> -> $n {

   printf "%3d: %2d, %2d\n", $n, map {$_+1}, ($n-1 + [+] @offset.head(@span[$n-1])).polymod($b).reverse;


  1:  1,  1
  2:  1, 18
 29:  4, 11
 42:  5,  6
 57:  8,  4
 58:  8,  5
 72:  6,  4
 89:  9,  4
 90:  9,  5
103:  9, 18


Library: Wren-fmt

There is a discrepancy between how the periodic table is arranged in the Wikipedia article and how it is arranged in the task description. I've used the latter in the following script. <lang ecmascript>import "./fmt" for Fmt

var limits = [3..10, 11..18, 19..36, 37..54, 55..86, 87..118]

var periodicTable = { |n|

   if (n < 1 || n > 118) Fiber.abort("Atomic number is out of range.")
   if (n == 1) return [1, 1]
   if (n == 2) return [1, 18]
   if (n >= 57 && n <= 71)  return [8, n - 53]
   if (n >= 89 && n <= 103) return [9, n - 85]    
   var row
   var start
   var end
   for (i in 0...limits.count) {
       var limit = limits[i]
       if (n >= limit.from && n <= {
           row = i + 2
           start = limit.from
           end =
   if (n < start + 2 || row == 4 || row == 5) return [row, n - start + 1]
   return [row, n - end + 18]


for (n in [1, 2, 29, 42, 57, 58, 59, 71, 72, 89, 90, 103, 113]) {

   var rc =
   Fmt.print("Atomic number $3d -> $d, $-2d", n, rc[0], rc[1])


Atomic number   1 -> 1, 1 
Atomic number   2 -> 1, 18
Atomic number  29 -> 4, 11
Atomic number  42 -> 5, 6 
Atomic number  57 -> 8, 4 
Atomic number  58 -> 8, 5 
Atomic number  59 -> 8, 6 
Atomic number  71 -> 8, 18
Atomic number  72 -> 6, 4 
Atomic number  89 -> 9, 4 
Atomic number  90 -> 9, 5 
Atomic number 103 -> 9, 18
Atomic number 113 -> 7, 13


<lang XPL0>proc ShowPosn(N); \Show row and column for element int N, M, A, B, I, R, C; [A:= [ 1, 2, 5, 13, 57, 72, 89, 104]; \magic numbers

B:= [-1, 15, 25, 35, 72, 21, 58,   7];

I:= 7; while A(I) > N do I:= I-1; M:= N + B(I); R:= M/18 +1; C:= rem(0) +1; IntOut(0, N); Text(0, " -> "); IntOut(0, R); Text(0, ", "); IntOut(0, C); CrLf(0); ];

int Element, I; [Element:= [1, 2, 29, 42, 57, 58, 72, 89, 90, 103]; for I:= 0 to 10-1 do ShowPosn(Element(I)); ]</lang>

1 -> 1, 1
2 -> 1, 18
29 -> 4, 11
42 -> 5, 6
57 -> 8, 4
58 -> 8, 5
72 -> 6, 4
89 -> 9, 4
90 -> 9, 5
103 -> 9, 18