Pell's equation   (also called the Pell–Fermat equation)   is a   Diophantine equation   of the form:

Pell's equation
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
x2 - ny2   =   1

with integer solutions for   x   and   y,   where   n   is a given non-square positive integer.

Task requirements
  •   find the smallest solution in positive integers to Pell's equation for   n = {61, 109, 181, 277}.

See also


Translation of: Sidef

Also tests for a trival solution only (if n is a perfect square only 1, 0 is solution).

Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 2.8.3.win32

<lang algol68>BEGIN

   # find solutions to Pell's eqauation: x^2 - ny^2 = 1 for integer x, y, n #
   PROC solve pell = ( INT n )BIGPAIR:
        IF INT x = ENTIER( sqrt( n ) );
           x * x = n
           # n is a erfect square - no solution otheg than 1,0              #
           BIGPAIR( 1, 0 )
           # there are non-trivial solutions                                #
           INT     y := x;
           INT     z := 1;
           INT     r := 2*x;
           BIGPAIR e := BIGPAIR( 1, 0 ); 
           BIGPAIR f := BIGPAIR( 0, 1 );
           BIGINT  a := 0;
           BIGINT  b := 0;
               y := (r*z - y);
               z := ENTIER ((n - y*y) / z);
               r := ENTIER ((x + y) / z);
               e := BIGPAIR( v2 OF e, r * v2 OF e + v1 OF e );
               f := BIGPAIR( v2 OF f, r * v2 OF f + v1 OF f );
               a := (v2 OF e + x*v2 OF f);
               b := v2 OF f;
               a*a - n*b*b /= 1
           DO SKIP OD;
           BIGPAIR( a, b )
        FI # solve pell # ;
   # task test cases                                                        #
   []INT nv = (61, 109, 181, 277);
       INT  n = nv[ i ];
       BIGPAIR r = solve pell(n);
       print( ("x^2 - ", whole( n, -3 ), " * y^2 = 1 for x = ", whole( v1 OF r, -21), " and y = ", whole( v2 OF r, -21 ), newline ) )


x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =            1766319049 and y =             226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =       158070671986249 and y =        15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2469645423824185801 and y =    183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y =   9562401173878027020


Translation of: ALGOL 68

For n = 277, the x value is not correct because 64-bits is not enough to represent the value. <lang c>#include <math.h>

  1. include <stdbool.h>
  2. include <stdint.h>
  3. include <stdio.h>

struct Pair {

   uint64_t v1, v2;


struct Pair makePair(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {

   struct Pair r;
   r.v1 = a;
   r.v2 = b;
   return r;


struct Pair solvePell(int n) {

   int x = (int) sqrt(n);
   if (x * x == n) {
       // n is a perfect square - no solution other than 1,0
       return makePair(1, 0);
   } else {
       // there are non-trivial solutions
       int y = x;
       int z = 1;
       int r = 2 * x;
       struct Pair e = makePair(1, 0);
       struct Pair f = makePair(0, 1);
       uint64_t a = 0;
       uint64_t b = 0;
       while (true) {
           y = r * z - y;
           z = (n - y * y) / z;
           r = (x + y) / z;
           e = makePair(e.v2, r * e.v2 + e.v1);
           f = makePair(f.v2, r * f.v2 + f.v1);
           a = e.v2 + x * f.v2;
           b = f.v2;
           if (a * a - n * b * b == 1) {
       return makePair(a, b);


void test(int n) {

   struct Pair r = solvePell(n);
   printf("x^2 - %3d * y^2 = 1 for x = %21llu nd y = %21llu\n", n, r.v1, r.v2);


int main() {

   return 0;


x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =            1766319049 nd y =             226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =       158070671986249 nd y =        15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2469645423824185801 nd y =    183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x =  11576121209304062921 nd y =   9562401173878027020


Translation of: C

As with the C solution, the output for n = 277 is not correct because 64-bits is not enough to represent the value. <lang cpp>#include <iomanip>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <tuple>

std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> solvePell(int n) {

   int x = (int)sqrt(n);
   if (x * x == n) {
       // n is a perfect square - no solution other than 1,0
       return std::make_pair(1, 0);
   // there are non-trivial solutions
   int y = x;
   int z = 1;
   int r = 2 * x;
   std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> e = std::make_pair(1, 0);
   std::tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t> f = std::make_pair(0, 1);
   uint64_t a = 0;
   uint64_t b = 0;
   while (true) {
       y = r * z - y;
       z = (n - y * y) / z;
       r = (x + y) / z;
       e = std::make_pair(std::get<1>(e), r * std::get<1>(e) + std::get<0>(e));
       f = std::make_pair(std::get<1>(f), r * std::get<1>(f) + std::get<0>(f));
       a = std::get<1>(e) + x * std::get<1>(f);
       b = std::get<1>(f);
       if (a * a - n * b * b == 1) {
   return std::make_pair(a, b);


void test(int n) {

   auto r = solvePell(n);
   std::cout << "x^2 - " << std::setw(3) << n << " * y^2 = 1 for x = " << std::setw(21) << std::get<0>(r) << " and y = " << std::setw(21) << std::get<1>(r) << '\n';


int main() {

   return 0;


x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =            1766319049 and y =             226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =       158070671986249 and y =        15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2469645423824185801 and y =    183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x =  11576121209304062921 and y =   9562401173878027020


Translation of: Sidef

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Numerics;

static class Program {

   static void Fun(ref BigInteger a, ref BigInteger b, int c)
       BigInteger t = a; a = b; b = b * c + t;
   static void SolvePell(int n, ref BigInteger a, ref BigInteger b)
       int x = (int)Math.Sqrt(n), y = x, z = 1, r = x << 1;
       BigInteger e1 = 1, e2 = 0, f1 = 0, f2 = 1;
       while (true)
           y = r * z - y; z = (n - y * y) / z; r = (x + y) / z;
           Fun(ref e1, ref e2, r); Fun(ref f1, ref f2, r); a = f2; b = e2; Fun(ref b, ref a, x);
           if (a * a - n * b * b == 1) return;
   static void Main()
       BigInteger x, y; foreach (int n in new[] { 61, 109, 181, 277 })
           SolvePell(n, ref x, ref y);
           Console.WriteLine("x^2 - {0,3} * y^2 = 1 for x = {1,27:n0} and y = {2,25:n0}", n, x, y);


x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =               1,766,319,049 and y =               226,153,980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =         158,070,671,986,249 and y =        15,140,424,455,100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2,469,645,423,824,185,801 and y =   183,567,298,683,461,940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849 and y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020


Translation of: C#

<lang d>import std.bigint; import std.math; import std.stdio;

void fun(ref BigInt a, ref BigInt b, int c) {

   auto t = a;
   a = b;
   b = b * c + t;


void solvePell(int n, ref BigInt a, ref BigInt b) {

   int x = cast(int) sqrt(cast(real) n);
   int y = x;
   int z = 1;
   int r = x << 1;
   BigInt e1 = 1;
   BigInt e2 = 0;
   BigInt f1 = 0;
   BigInt f2 = 1;
   while (true) {
       y = r * z - y;
       z = (n - y * y) / z;
       r = (x + y) / z;
       fun(e1, e2, r);
       fun(f1, f2, r);
       a = f2;
       b = e2;
       fun(b, a, x);
       if (a * a - n * b * b == 1) {


void main() {

   BigInt x, y;
   foreach(n; [61, 109, 181, 277]) {
       solvePell(n, x, y);
       writefln("x^2 - %3d * y^2 = 1 for x = %27d and y = %25d", n, x, y);


x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =                  1766319049 and y =                 226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =             158070671986249 and y =            15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =         2469645423824185801 and y =        183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x =       159150073798980475849 and y =       9562401173878027020


Translation of: Sidef

<lang factor>USING: formatting kernel locals math math.functions sequences ;

solve-pell ( n -- a b )
   n sqrt >integer :> x!
   x :> y!
   1 :> z!
   2 x * :> r!
   1 0 :> ( e1! e2! )
   0 1 :> ( f1! f2! )
   0 0 :> ( a! b! )
   [ a sq b sq n * - 1 = ] [
       r z * y - y!
       n y sq - z / floor z!
       x y + z / floor r!
       e2 r e2 * e1 + e2! e1!
       f2 r f2 * f1 + f2! f1!
       e2 x f2 * + a!
       f2 b!
   ] until
   a b ;

{ 61 109 181 277 } [

   dup solve-pell
   "x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21d and y = %d\n" printf

] each</lang>

x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


Translation of: Visual Basic .NET

for n = 277 the result is wrong, I do not know if you can represent such large numbers in FreeBasic! <lang freebasic> Sub Fun(Byref a As LongInt, Byref b As LongInt, c As Integer)

   Dim As LongInt t
   t = a : a = b : b = b * c + t

End Sub

Sub SolvePell(n As Integer, Byref a As LongInt, Byref b As LongInt)

   Dim As Integer z, r
   Dim As LongInt x, y, e1, e2, f1, f2
   x = Sqr(n) : y = x : z  = 1 : r  = 2 * x
   e1 = 1 : e2 = 0 : f1 = 0 : f2 = 1
   While True
       y = r * z - y : z = (n - y * y) / z : r = (x + y) / z
       Fun(e1, e2, r) : Fun(f1, f2, r) : a = f2 : b = e2 : Fun(b, a, x)
       If a * a - n * b * b = 1 Then Exit Sub

End Sub

Dim As Integer i Dim As LongInt x, y Dim As Integer n(0 To 3) = {61, 109, 181, 277} For i = 0 To 3 n In {61, 109, 181, 277}

   SolvePell(n(i), x, y)
   Print Using "x^2 - ### * y^2 = 1 for x = ##################### and y = #####################"; n(i); x; y

Next i </lang>

x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =            1766319049 and y =             226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =       158070671986249 and y =        15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2469645423824185801 and y =    183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x =  -6870622864405488695 and y =  -8884342899831524596



Translation of: Sidef

<lang go>package main

import (



var big1 = new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)

func solvePell(nn uint64) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {

   n := new(big.Int).SetUint64(nn)
   x := new(big.Int).Set(n)
   y := new(big.Int).Set(x)
   z := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   r := new(big.Int).Lsh(x, 1)
   e1 := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   e2 := new(big.Int)
   f1 := new(big.Int)
   f2 := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   t := new(big.Int)
   u := new(big.Int)
   a := new(big.Int)
   b := new(big.Int)
   for {
       t.Mul(r, z)
       y.Sub(t, y)
       t.Mul(y, y)
       t.Sub(n, t)
       z.Quo(t, z)
       t.Add(x, y)
       r.Quo(t, z)
       t.Mul(r, e2)
       e2.Add(t, u)
       t.Mul(r, f2)
       f2.Add(t, u)
       t.Mul(x, f2)
       a.Add(e2, t)
       t.Mul(a, a)
       u.Mul(n, b)
       u.Mul(u, b)
       t.Sub(t, u)
       if t.Cmp(big1) == 0 {
           return a, b


func main() {

   ns := []uint64{61, 109, 181, 277}
   for _, n := range ns {
       x, y := solvePell(n)
       fmt.Printf("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s\n", n, x, y)


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


<lang java> import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

public class PellsEquation {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance();
       for ( int n : new int[] {61, 109, 181, 277, 8941} ) {
           BigInteger[] pell = pellsEquation(n);
           System.out.printf("x^2 - %3d * y^2 = 1 for:%n    x = %s%n    y = %s%n%n", n,  format.format(pell[0]),  format.format(pell[1]));
   private static final BigInteger[] pellsEquation(int n) {
       int a0 = (int) Math.sqrt(n);
       if ( a0*a0 == n ) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("ERROR 102:  Invalid n = " + n);
       List<Integer> continuedFrac = continuedFraction(n);
       int count = 0;
       BigInteger ajm2 = BigInteger.ONE;
       BigInteger ajm1 = new BigInteger(a0 + "");
       BigInteger bjm2 = BigInteger.ZERO;
       BigInteger bjm1 = BigInteger.ONE;
       boolean stop = (continuedFrac.size() % 2 == 1);
       if ( continuedFrac.size() == 2 ) {
           stop = true;
       while ( true ) {
           BigInteger bn = new BigInteger(continuedFrac.get(count) + "");
           BigInteger aj = bn.multiply(ajm1).add(ajm2);
           BigInteger bj = bn.multiply(bjm1).add(bjm2);
           if ( stop && (count == continuedFrac.size()-2 || continuedFrac.size() == 2) ) {
               return new BigInteger[] {aj, bj};
           else if (continuedFrac.size() % 2 == 0 && count == continuedFrac.size()-2 ) {
               stop = true;
           if ( count == continuedFrac.size()-1 ) {
               count = 0;
           ajm2 = ajm1;
           ajm1 = aj;
           bjm2 = bjm1;
           bjm1 = bj;
   private static final List<Integer> continuedFraction(int n) {
       List<Integer> answer = new ArrayList<Integer>();
       int a0 = (int) Math.sqrt(n);
       int a = -a0;
       int aStart = a;
       int b = 1;
       int bStart = b;
       while ( true ) {
           int[] values = iterateFrac(n, a, b);
           a = values[1];
           b = values[2];
           if (a == aStart && b == bStart) break;
       return answer;
   //  array[0] = new part of cont frac
   //  array[1] = new a
   //  array[2] = new b
   private static final int[] iterateFrac(int n, int a, int b) {
       int x = (int) Math.floor((b * Math.sqrt(n) - b * a)/(n - a * a));
       int[] answer = new int[3];
       answer[0] = x;
       answer[1] = -(b * a + x *(n - a * a)) / b;
       answer[2] = (n - a * a) / b;
       return answer;

} </lang>

x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for:
    x = 1,766,319,049
    y = 226,153,980

x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for:
    x = 158,070,671,986,249
    y = 15,140,424,455,100

x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for:
    x = 2,469,645,423,824,185,801
    y = 183,567,298,683,461,940

x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for:
    x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849
    y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020

x^2 - 8941 * y^2 = 1 for:
    x = 2,565,007,112,872,132,129,669,406,439,503,954,211,359,492,684,749,762,901,360,167,370,740,763,715,001,557,789,090,674,216,330,243,703,833,040,774,221,628,256,858,633,287,876,949,448,689,668,281,446,637,464,359,482,677,366,420,261,407,112,316,649,010,675,881,349,744,201
    y = 27,126,610,172,119,035,540,864,542,981,075,550,089,190,381,938,849,116,323,732,855,930,990,771,728,447,597,698,969,628,164,719,475,714,805,646,913,222,890,277,024,408,337,458,564,351,161,990,641,948,210,581,361,708,373,955,113,191,451,102,494,265,278,824,127,994,180


Translation of: C#

<lang julia>function pell(n)

   x = BigInt(floor(sqrt(n)))
   y, z, r = x, BigInt(1), x << 1
   e1, e2, f1, f2 = BigInt(1), BigInt(0), BigInt(0), BigInt(1)
   while true
       y = r * z - y
       z = div(n - y * y, z)
       r = div(x + y, z)
       e1, e2 = e2, e2 * r + e1
       f1, f2 = f2, f2 * r + f1
       a, b = f2, e2
       b, a = a, a * x + b
       if a * a - n * b * b == 1
           return a, b


for target in BigInt[61, 109, 181, 277]

   x, y = pell(target)
   println("x\u00b2 - $target", "y\u00b2 = 1 for x = $x and y = $y")



x² - 61y² = 1 for x = 1766319049 and y = 226153980
x² - 109y² = 1 for x = 158070671986249 and y = 15140424455100
x² - 181y² = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801 and y = 183567298683461940
x² - 277y² = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


Translation of: C#

<lang scala>import java.math.BigInteger import kotlin.math.sqrt

class BIRef(var value: BigInteger) {

   operator fun minus(b: BIRef): BIRef {
       return BIRef(value - b.value)
   operator fun times(b: BIRef): BIRef {
       return BIRef(value * b.value)
   override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
       if (this === other) return true
       if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
       other as BIRef
       if (value != other.value) return false
       return true
   override fun hashCode(): Int {
       return value.hashCode()
   override fun toString(): String {
       return value.toString()


fun f(a: BIRef, b: BIRef, c: Int) {

   val t = a.value
   a.value = b.value
   b.value = b.value * BigInteger.valueOf(c.toLong()) + t


fun solvePell(n: Int, a: BIRef, b: BIRef) {

   val x = sqrt(n.toDouble()).toInt()
   var y = x
   var z = 1
   var r = x shl 1
   val e1 = BIRef(BigInteger.ONE)
   val e2 = BIRef(BigInteger.ZERO)
   val f1 = BIRef(BigInteger.ZERO)
   val f2 = BIRef(BigInteger.ONE)
   while (true) {
       y = r * z - y
       z = (n - y * y) / z
       r = (x + y) / z
       f(e1, e2, r)
       f(f1, f2, r)
       a.value = f2.value
       b.value = e2.value
       f(b, a, x)
       if (a * a - BIRef(n.toBigInteger()) * b * b == BIRef(BigInteger.ONE)) {


fun main() {

   val x = BIRef(BigInteger.ZERO)
   val y = BIRef(BigInteger.ZERO)
   intArrayOf(61, 109, 181, 277).forEach {
       solvePell(it, x, y)
       println("x^2 - %3d * y^2 = 1 for x = %,27d and y = %,25d".format(it, x.value, y.value))


x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =               1,766,319,049 and y =               226,153,980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =         158,070,671,986,249 and y =        15,140,424,455,100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2,469,645,423,824,185,801 and y =   183,567,298,683,461,940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849 and y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020


Translation of: D
Works with: langur version 0.10

Prior to 0.10, multi-variable declaration/assignment would use parentheses around variable names and values.

<lang langur>val .fun = f [.b, .b x .c + .a]

val .solvePell = f(.n) {

   val .x = truncate .n ^/ 2
   var .y, .z, .r = .x, 1, .x x 2
   var .e1, .e2, .f1, .f2 = 1, 0, 0, 1
   for {
       .y = .r x .z - .y
       .z = (.n - .y x .y) \ .z
       .r = (.x + .y) \ .z
       .e1, .e2 = .fun(.e1, .e2, .r)
       .f1, .f2 = .fun(.f1, .f2, .r)
       val .b, .a = .fun(.e2, .f2, .x)
       if .a^2 - .n x .b^2 == 1: return [.a, .b]


val .C = f(.x) {

   # format number string with commas
   var .neg, .s = ZLS, toString .x
   if .s[1] == '-' {
       .s = rest .s
       .neg = "-"
   .neg ~ join ",", split -3, .s


for .n in [61, 109, 181, 277, 8941] {

   val .x, .y = .solvePell(.n)
   writeln $"x² - \.n;y² = 1 for:\n\tx = \.x:.C;\n\ty = \.y:.C;\n"

} </lang>

x² - 61y² = 1 for:
	x = 1,766,319,049
	y = 226,153,980

x² - 109y² = 1 for:
	x = 158,070,671,986,249
	y = 15,140,424,455,100

x² - 181y² = 1 for:
	x = 2,469,645,423,824,185,801
	y = 183,567,298,683,461,940

x² - 277y² = 1 for:
	x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849
	y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020

x² - 8941y² = 1 for:
	x = 2,565,007,112,872,132,129,669,406,439,503,954,211,359,492,684,749,762,901,360,167,370,740,763,715,001,557,789,090,674,216,330,243,703,833,040,774,221,628,256,858,633,287,876,949,448,689,668,281,446,637,464,359,482,677,366,420,261,407,112,316,649,010,675,881,349,744,201
	y = 27,126,610,172,119,035,540,864,542,981,075,550,089,190,381,938,849,116,323,732,855,930,990,771,728,447,597,698,969,628,164,719,475,714,805,646,913,222,890,277,024,408,337,458,564,351,161,990,641,948,210,581,361,708,373,955,113,191,451,102,494,265,278,824,127,994,180


<lang perl>sub solve_pell {

   my ($n) = @_;
   use bigint try => 'GMP';
   my $x = int(sqrt($n));
   my $y = $x;
   my $z = 1;
   my $r = 2 * $x;
   my ($e1, $e2) = (1, 0);
   my ($f1, $f2) = (0, 1);
   for (; ;) {
       $y = $r * $z - $y;
       $z = int(($n - $y * $y) / $z);
       $r = int(($x + $y) / $z);
       ($e1, $e2) = ($e2, $r * $e2 + $e1);
       ($f1, $f2) = ($f2, $r * $f2 + $f1);
       my $A = $e2 + $x * $f2;
       my $B = $f2;
       if ($A**2 - $n * $B**2 == 1) {
           return ($A, $B);


foreach my $n (61, 109, 181, 277) {

   my ($x, $y) = solve_pell($n);
   printf("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s\n", $n, $x, $y);


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


Translation of: C#
Translation of: Go
Library: mpfr

This now ignores the nonsquare part of the task spec, returning {1,0}. <lang Phix>include mpfr.e

procedure fun(mpz a,b,t, integer c) -- {a,b} = {b,c*b+a} (and t gets trashed)


end procedure

function SolvePell(integer n) integer x = floor(sqrt(n)), y = x, z = 1, r = x*2 mpz e1 = mpz_init(1), e2 = mpz_init(),

   f1 = mpz_init(),  f2 = mpz_init(1),
   t = mpz_init(0),   u = mpz_init(),
   a = mpz_init(1),   b = mpz_init(0)
   if x*x!=n then 
       while mpz_cmp_si(t,1)!=0 do
           y = r*z - y
           z = floor((n-y*y)/z)
           r = floor((x+y)/z)
           fun(e1,e2,t,r)          -- {e1,e2} = {e2,r*e2+e1}
           fun(f1,f2,t,r)          -- {f1,f2} = {f2,r*r2+f1}
           fun(b,a,t,x)            -- {b,a} = {f2,x*f2+e2}
           mpz_sub(t,t,u)          -- t = a^2-n*b^2
       end while
   end if
   return {a, b}

end function

sequence ns = {4, 61, 109, 181, 277, 8941} for i=1 to length(ns) do

   integer n = ns[i]
   mpz {x, y} = SolvePell(n)
   string xs = mpz_get_str(x,comma_fill:=true),
          ys = mpz_get_str(y,comma_fill:=true)
   printf(1,"x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %27s and y = %25s\n", {n, xs, ys})

end for</lang>

x^2 -   4*y^2 = 1 for x =                           1 and y =                         0
x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x =               1,766,319,049 and y =               226,153,980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x =         158,070,671,986,249 and y =        15,140,424,455,100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x =   2,469,645,423,824,185,801 and y =   183,567,298,683,461,940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849 and y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020
x^2 - 8941*y^2 = 1 for x = 2,565,007,112,872,132,129,669,406,439,503,954,211,359,492,684,749,762,
                  and y = 27,126,610,172,119,035,540,864,542,981,075,550,089,190,381,938,849,116,


Translation of: D

<lang python>import math

def fun(a, b, c):

   t = a[0]
   a[0] = b[0]
   b[0] = b[0] * c + t

def solvePell(n, a, b):

   x = int(math.sqrt(n))
   y = x
   z = 1
   r = x << 1
   e1 = [1]
   e2 = [0]
   f1 = [0]
   f2 = [1]
   while True:
       y = r * z - y
       z = ((n - y * y) // z)
       r = (x + y) // z
       fun(e1, e2, r)
       fun(f1, f2, r)
       a[0] = f2[0]
       b[0] = e2[0]
       fun(b, a, x)
       if a[0] * a[0] - n * b[0] * b[0] == 1:

x = [0] y = [0] for n in [61, 109, 181, 277]:

   solvePell(n, x, y)
   print("x^2 - %3d * y^2 = 1 for x = %27d and y = %25d" % (n, x[0], y[0]))</lang>
x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =                  1766319049 and y =                 226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =             158070671986249 and y =            15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =         2469645423824185801 and y =        183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x =       159150073798980475849 and y =       9562401173878027020


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.12
Translation of: Perl

<lang perl6>use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

sub pell (Int $n) {

   my $y = my $x = Int(sqrt $n);
   my $z = 1;
   my $r = 2 * $x;
   my ($e1, $e2) = (1, 0);
   my ($f1, $f2) = (0, 1);
   loop {
       $y = $r * $z - $y;
       $z = Int(($n - $y²) / $z);
       $r = Int(($x + $y) / $z);
       ($e1, $e2) = ($e2, $r * $e2 + $e1);
       ($f1, $f2) = ($f2, $r * $f2 + $f1);
       my $A = $e2 + $x * $f2;
       my $B = $f2;
       if ($A² - $n * $B² == 1) {
           return ($A, $B);


for 61, 109, 181, 277, 8941 -> $n {

   next if $n.sqrt.narrow ~~ Int;
   my ($x, $y) = pell($n);
   printf "x² - %sy² = 1 for:\n\tx = %s\n\ty = %s\n\n", $n, |($x, $y)».,


x² - 61y² = 1 for:
	x = 1,766,319,049
	y = 226,153,980

x² - 109y² = 1 for:
	x = 158,070,671,986,249
	y = 15,140,424,455,100

x² - 181y² = 1 for:
	x = 2,469,645,423,824,185,801
	y = 183,567,298,683,461,940

x² - 277y² = 1 for:
	x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849
	y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020

x² - 8941y² = 1 for:
	x = 2,565,007,112,872,132,129,669,406,439,503,954,211,359,492,684,749,762,901,360,167,370,740,763,715,001,557,789,090,674,216,330,243,703,833,040,774,221,628,256,858,633,287,876,949,448,689,668,281,446,637,464,359,482,677,366,420,261,407,112,316,649,010,675,881,349,744,201
	y = 27,126,610,172,119,035,540,864,542,981,075,550,089,190,381,938,849,116,323,732,855,930,990,771,728,447,597,698,969,628,164,719,475,714,805,646,913,222,890,277,024,408,337,458,564,351,161,990,641,948,210,581,361,708,373,955,113,191,451,102,494,265,278,824,127,994,180


<lang rexx>/*REXX program to solve Pell's equation for the smallest solution of positive integers. */ numeric digits 2200 /*ensure enough decimal digs for answer*/ parse arg $ /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if $== | $=="," then $= 61 109 181 277 /*Not specified? Then use the defaults*/ d= 22 /*used for aligning the output numbers.*/

    do j=1  for words($);    #= word($, j)      /*process all the numbers in the list. */
    parse value   pells(#)   with   x  y        /*extract the two values of  X  and  Y.*/
    say 'x^2 -'right(#,max(4,length(#))) "* y^2 == 1  when x="right(x, max(d,length(x))),
                                                     ' and y='right(y, max(d,length(y)))
    end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ floor: procedure; parse arg x; _= x % 1; return _ - (x < 0) * (x \= _) /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; r= 0; q= 1; do while q<=x; q= q * 4; end

        do  while q>1; q= q%4; _= x-r-q; r= r%2; if _>=0  then do; x= _; r= r+q; end; end
      return r                                  /*R:  is the integer square root of X. */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ pells: procedure; parse arg n; x= iSqrt(n); y=x /*obtain arg; obtain integer sqrt of N*/

      parse value  1 0   with   e1 e2  1  f2 f1 /*assign values for: E1, E2, and F2, F1*/
      z= 1;        r= x + x
                                        do  until ( (e2 + x*f2)**2  -  n*f2*f2)  ==  1
                                        y= r*z   -   y
                                        z= floor( (n - y*y) / z)
                                        r= floor( (x + y  ) / z)
                                        parse value  e2   r*e2  +  e1     with    e1  e2
                                        parse value  f2   r*f2  +  f1     with    f1  f2
                                        end   /*until*/
      return e2  +  x * f2     f2</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
x^2 -  61 * y^2 == 1  when x=            1766319049  and y=             226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 == 1  when x=       158070671986249  and y=        15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 == 1  when x=   2469645423824185801  and y=    183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 == 1  when x= 159150073798980475849  and y=   9562401173878027020


Translation of: Sidef

<lang ruby>def solve_pell(n)

 x = Integer.sqrt(n)
 y = x
 z = 1
 r = 2*x
 e1, e2 = 1, 0
 f1, f2 = 0, 1
 loop do
   y = r*z - y
   z = (n - y*y) / z
   r = (x + y) / z
   e1, e2 = e2, r*e2 + e1
   f1, f2 = f2, r*f2 + f1
   a,  b  = e2 + x*f2, f2
   break a, b if a*a - n*b*b == 1


[61, 109, 181, 277].each {|n| puts "x*x - %3s*y*y = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s" % [n, *solve_pell(n)]} </lang>

x*x -  61*y*y = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x*x - 109*y*y = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x*x - 181*y*y = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x*x - 277*y*y = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


<lang ruby>func solve_pell(n) {

   var x = n.isqrt
   var y = x
   var z = 1
   var r = 2*x
   var (e1, e2) = (1, 0)
   var (f1, f2) = (0, 1)
   loop {
       y = (r*z - y)
       z = floor((n - y*y) / z)
       r = floor((x + y) / z)
       (e1, e2) = (e2, r*e2 + e1)
       (f1, f2) = (f2, r*f2 + f1)
       var A = (e2 + x*f2)
       var B = f2
       if (A**2 - n*B**2 == 1) {
           return (A, B)


for n in [61, 109, 181, 277] {

   var (x, y) = solve_pell(n)
   printf("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s\n", n, x, y)


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang swift>func solvePell<T: BinaryInteger>(n: T, _ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {

 func swap(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T, mul by: T) {
   (a, b) = (b, b * by + a)
 let x = T(Double(n).squareRoot())
 var y = x
 var z = T(1)
 var r = x << 1
 var e1 = T(1)
 var e2 = T(0)
 var f1 = T(0)
 var f2 = T(1)
 while true {
   y = r * z - y
   z = (n - y * y) / z
   r = (x + y) / z
   swap(&e1, &e2, mul: r)
   swap(&f1, &f2, mul: r)
   (a, b) = (f2, e2)
   swap(&b, &a, mul: x)
   if a * a - n * b * b == 1 {


var x = BigInt(0) var y = BigInt(0)

for n in [61, 109, 181, 277] {

 solvePell(n: BigInt(n), &x, &y)
 print("x\u{00b2} - \(n)y\u{00b2} = 1 for x = \(x) and y = \(y)")


x² - 61y² = 1 for x = 1766319049 and y = 226153980
x² - 109y² = 1 for x = 158070671986249 and y = 15140424455100
x² - 181y² = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801 and y = 183567298683461940
x² - 277y² = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: Sidef

<lang vbnet>Imports System.Numerics

Module Module1

   Sub Fun(ByRef a As BigInteger, ByRef b As BigInteger, c As Integer)
       Dim t As BigInteger = a : a = b : b = b * c + t
   End Sub
   Sub SolvePell(n As Integer, ByRef a As BigInteger, ByRef b As BigInteger)
       Dim x As Integer = Math.Sqrt(n), y As Integer = x, z As Integer = 1, r As Integer = x << 1,
           e1 As BigInteger = 1, e2 As BigInteger = 0, f1 As BigInteger = 0, f2 As BigInteger = 1
       While True
           y = r * z - y : z = (n - y * y) / z : r = (x + y) / z
           Fun(e1, e2, r) : Fun(f1, f2, r) : a = f2 : b = e2 : Fun(b, a, x)
           If a * a - n * b * b = 1 Then Exit Sub
       End While
   End Sub
   Sub Main()
       Dim x As BigInteger, y As BigInteger
       For Each n As Integer In {61, 109, 181, 277}
           SolvePell(n, x, y)
           Console.WriteLine("x^2 - {0,3} * y^2 = 1 for x = {1,27:n0} and y = {2,25:n0}", n, x, y)
   End Sub

End Module</lang>

x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =               1,766,319,049 and y =               226,153,980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =         158,070,671,986,249 and y =        15,140,424,455,100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2,469,645,423,824,185,801 and y =   183,567,298,683,461,940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849 and y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020


Library: GMP

GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library

Translation of: Raku

<lang zkl>var [const] BI=Import("zklBigNum"); // libGMP

fcn solve_pell(n){

  x,y,z,r := BI(n).root(2),  x.copy(),  BI(1),  x*2;
  e1,e2, f1,f2 := BI(1), BI(0),  BI(0), BI(1);
  reg t;	// a,b = c,d is a=c; b=d
  do(30_000){  // throttle this in case of screw up
     y,z,r = (r*z - y),  (n - y*y)/z,  (x + y)/z;

     t,e2,e1 = e2,  r*e2 + e1,  t;
     t,f2,f1 = f2,  r*f2 + f1,  t;
     A,B := e2 + x*f2, f2;
     if (A*A - B*B*n == 1) return(A,B);

}</lang> <lang zkl>foreach n in (T(61, 109, 181, 277)){

  println("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21d and y = %d".fmt(n,x,y));


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020