OpenWebNet password
(Redirected from OpenWebNet Password)

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Calculate the password requested by ethernet gateways from the Legrand / Bticino MyHome OpenWebNet home automation system when the user's ip address is not in the gateway's whitelist
Note: Factory default password is '12345'. Changing it is highly recommended !
conversation goes as follows
← *#*1## → *99*0## ← *#603356072##
at which point a password should be sent back, calculated from the "password open" that is set in the gateway, and the nonce that was just sent
→ *#25280520## ← *#*1##
F ownCalcPass(password, nonce)
UInt32 result
V start = 1B
L(c) nonce
I c != ‘0’ & start
result = UInt32(Int(password))
start = 0B
S c
result = rotr(result, 7)
result = rotr(result, 4)
result = rotr(result, 3)
result = rotl(result, 1)
result = rotl(result, 5)
result = rotl(result, 12)
result = (result [&] 0000'FF00) [|] result << 24 [|]
(result [&] 00FF'0000) >> 16 [|] (result [&] FF00'0000) >> 8
result = result << 16 [|] result >> 24 [|] (result [&] 00FF'0000) >> 8
result = ~result
X.throw ValueError(‘non-digit in nonce.’)
R result
F test_passwd_calc(passwd, nonce, expected)
V res = ownCalcPass(passwd, nonce)
V m = passwd‘ ’nonce‘ ’res‘ ’expected
I res == expected
print(‘PASS ’m)
print(‘FAIL ’m)
test_passwd_calc(‘12345’, ‘603356072’, 25280520)
test_passwd_calc(‘12345’, ‘410501656’, 119537670)
test_passwd_calc(‘12345’, ‘630292165’, 4269684735)
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670 PASS 12345 630292165 4269684735 4269684735
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int64_t own_password_calculation(const int64_t& password, const std::string& nonce) {
const int64_t m1 = 0xFFFF'FFFF;
const int64_t m8 = 0xFFFF'FFF8;
const int64_t m16 = 0xFFFF'FFF0;
const int64_t m128 = 0xFFFF'FF80;
const int64_t m16777216 = 0xFF00'0000;
bool flag = true;
int64_t number1 = 0;
int64_t number2 = 0;
for ( char ch : nonce ) {
number2 = number2 & m1;
switch (ch) {
case '1':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & m128;
number1 = number1 >> 7;
number2 = number2 << 25;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '2':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & m16;
number1 = number1 >> 4;
number2 = number2 << 28;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '3':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & m8;
number1 = number1 >> 3;
number2 = number2 << 29;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '4':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 << 1;
number2 = number2 >> 31;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '5':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 << 5;
number2 = number2 >> 27;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '6':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 << 12;
number2 = number2 >> 20;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '7':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & 0xFF00L;
number1 = number1 + ( ( number2 & 0xFFL ) << 24 );
number1 = number1 + ( ( number2 & 0xFF0000L ) >> 16 );
number2 = ( number2 & m16777216 ) >> 8;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '8':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password;}
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & 0xFFFFL;
number1 = number1 << 16;
number1 = number1 + ( number2 >> 24 );
number2 = number2 & 0xFF0000L;
number2 = number2 >> 8;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '9':
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = ~number2;
number1 = number2;
number2 = number1;
return number1 & m1;
void own_password_calculation_test(const std::string& password, const std::string& nonce, const int64_t& expected) {
const int64_t result = own_password_calculation(std::stoll(password), nonce);
std::string message = password + " " + nonce + " " + std::to_string(result) + " " + std::to_string(expected);
std::cout << ( ( result == expected ) ? "PASS " + message : "FAIL " + message ) << std::endl;
int main() {
own_password_calculation_test("12345", "603356072", 25280520);
own_password_calculation_test("12345", "410501656", 119537670);
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670
import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, std.ascii, std.algorithm;
ulong ownCalcPass(in ulong password, in string nonce)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc
in {
} body {
enum ulong m_1 = 0x_FFFF_FFFF_UL;
enum ulong m_8 = 0x_FFFF_FFF8_UL;
enum ulong m_16 = 0x_FFFF_FFF0_UL;
enum ulong m_128 = 0x_FFFF_FF80_UL;
enum ulong m_16777216 = 0X_FF00_0000_UL;
auto flag = true;
ulong num1 = 0, num2 = 0;
foreach (immutable char c; nonce) {
num1 &= m_1;
num2 &= m_1;
switch (c) {
case '0':
num1 = num2;
case '1':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 & m_128;
num1 = num1 >> 7;
num2 = num2 << 25;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '2':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 & m_16;
num1 = num1 >> 4;
num2 = num2 << 28;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '3':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 & m_8;
num1 = num1 >> 3;
num2 = num2 << 29;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '4':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 << 1;
num2 = num2 >> 31;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '5':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 << 5;
num2 = num2 >> 27;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '6':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 << 12;
num2 = num2 >> 20;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '7':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 & 0xFF00UL;
num1 = num1 + ((num2 & 0xFFUL) << 24);
num1 = num1 + ((num2 & 0xFF0000UL) >> 16);
num2 = (num2 & m_16777216) >> 8;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '8':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = num2 & 0xFFFFUL;
num1 = num1 << 16;
num1 = num1 + (num2 >> 24);
num2 = num2 & 0xFF0000UL;
num2 = num2 >> 8;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '9':
if (flag)
num2 = password;
flag = false;
num1 = ~num2;
default: // Impossible if contracts are active.
assert(0, "Non-digit in nonce");
num2 = num1;
return num1 & m_1;
void ownTestCalcPass(in string sPassword, in string nonce, in ulong expected)
in {
} body {
immutable password =!ulong;
immutable res = ownCalcPass(password, nonce);
immutable m = format("%d %s %d %d", password, nonce, res, expected);
writeln((res == expected) ? "PASS " : "FAIL ", m);
void main() {
ownTestCalcPass("12345", "603356072", 25280520UL);
ownTestCalcPass("12345", "410501656", 119537670UL);
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670
program OpenWebNet_password;
function ownCalcPass(password, nonce: string): Cardinal;
var start := True;
var num1 := 0;
var num2 := num1;
var i := password.ToInteger();
var pwd := i;
for var c in nonce do
if c <> '0' then
if start then
num2 := pwd;
start := False;
case c of
num1 := (num2 and $FFFFFF80) shr 7;
num2 := num2 shl 25;
num1 := (num2 and $FFFFFFF0) shr 4;
num2 := num2 shl 28;
num1 := (num2 and $FFFFFFF8) shr 3;
num2 := num2 shl 29;
num1 := num2 shl 1;
num2 := num2 shr 31;
num1 := num2 shl 5;
num2 := num2 shr 27;
num1 := num2 shl 12;
num2 := num2 shr 20;
var num3 := num2 and $0000FF00;
var num4 := ((num2 and $000000FF) shl 24) or ((num2 and $00FF0000) shr 16);
num1 := num3 or num4;
num2 := (num2 and $FF000000) shr 8;
num1 := (num2 and $0000FFFF) shl 16 or (num2 shr 24);
num2 := (num2 and $00FF0000) shr 8;
num1 := not num2;
num1 := num2;
num1 := num1 and $FFFFFFFF;
num2 := num2 and $FFFFFFFF;
if (c <> '0') and (c <> '9') then
num1 := num1 or num2;
num2 := num1;
Result := num1;
function TestPasswordCalc(Password, nonce: string; expected: Cardinal): Integer;
var res := ownCalcPass(Password, nonce);
var m := format('%s %s %-10u %-10u', [Password, nonce, res, expected]);
if res = expected then
writeln('PASS ' + m)
writeln('FAIL ' + m);
testPasswordCalc('12345', '603356072', 25280520);
testPasswordCalc('12345', '410501656', 119537670);
testPasswordCalc('12345', '630292165', 4269684735);
func calcpass passw$ nonce$ .
start = 1
passw = number passw$
for c$ in strchars nonce$
if c$ <> "0"
if start = 1
num2 = passw
start = 0
if c$ = "1"
num1 = bitshift bitand num2 0xFFFFFF80 -7
num2 = bitshift num2 25
elif c$ = "2"
num1 = bitshift bitand num2 0xFFFFFFF0 -4
num2 = bitshift num2 28
elif c$ = "3"
num1 = bitshift bitand num2 0xFFFFFFF8 -3
num2 = bitshift num2 29
elif c$ = "4"
num1 = bitshift num2 1
num2 = bitshift num2 -31
elif c$ = "5"
num1 = bitshift num2 5
num2 = bitshift num2 -27
elif c$ = "6"
num1 = bitshift num2 12
num2 = bitshift num2 -20
elif c$ = "7"
h1 = bitand num2 0x0000FF00
h2 = bitshift bitand num2 0x000000FF 24
h3 = bitshift bitand num2 0x00FF0000 -16
num1 = bitor bitor h1 h2 h3
num2 = bitshift bitand num2 0xFF000000 -8
elif c$ = "8"
num1 = bitor bitshift bitand num2 0x0000FFFF 16 bitshift num2 -24
num2 = bitshift bitand num2 0x00FF0000 -8
elif c$ = "9"
num1 = bitnot num2
num1 = num2
if c$ <> "0" and c$ <> "9"
num1 = bitor num1 num2
num2 = num1
return num1
proc test_passwd passwd$ nonce$ expected$ . .
res = calcpass passwd$ nonce$
m$ = passwd$ & " " & nonce$ & " " & res & " " & expected$
if res = number expected$
print "PASS " & m$
print "FAIL " & m$
test_passwd "12345" "603356072" "25280520"
test_passwd "12345" "410501656" "119537670"
test_passwd "12345" "630292165" "4269684735"
Function ownCalcPass(password As String, nonce As String) As Integer
Dim As Boolean start = True
Dim As Integer b, num1 = 0, num2 = 0
For b = 0 To Len(nonce)
Dim As String c = Mid(nonce,b,1)
If c <> "0" And start Then
num2 = Cint(password)
start = False
End If
Select Case c
Case "1"
num1 = (num2 And &HFFFFFF80) Shr 7
num2 = num2 Shl 25
Case "2"
num1 = (num2 And &HFFFFFFF0) Shr 4
num2 = num2 Shl 28
Case "3"
num1 = (num2 And &HFFFFFFF8) Shr 3
num2 = num2 Shl 29
Case "4"
num1 = num2 Shl 1
num2 = num2 Shr 31
Case "5"
num1 = num2 Shl 5
num2 = num2 Shr 27
Case "6"
num1 = num2 Shl 12
num2 = num2 Shr 20
Case "7"
num1 = num2 And &H0000FF00 Or ((num2 And &H000000FF) Shl 24) Or ((num2 And &H00FF0000) Shr 16)
num2 = (num2 And &HFF000000) Shr 8
Case "8"
num1 = (num2 And &H0000FFFF) Shl 16 Or (num2 Shr 24)
num2 = (num2 And &H00FF0000) Shr 8
Case "9"
num1 = Not num2
Case Else
num1 = num2
End Select
num1 And= &HFFFFFFFF
num2 And= &HFFFFFFFF
If c <> "0" And c <> "9" Then num1 Or= num2
num2 = num1
Next b
Return num1
End Function
Sub testPasswordCalc(password As String, nonce As String, expected As Integer)
Dim As Integer res = ownCalcPass(password, nonce)
Print Iif(res = expected, "PASS ", "FAIL ");
Print Using "& & & ##########"; password; nonce; res; expected
End Sub
testPasswordCalc("12345", "603356072", 25280520)
testPasswordCalc("12345", "410501656", 119537670)
testPasswordCalc("12345", "630292165", 4269684735)
- Output:
Same as Go entry.
package main
import (
func ownCalcPass(password, nonce string) uint32 {
start := true
num1 := uint32(0)
num2 := num1
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(password)
pwd := uint32(i)
for _, c := range nonce {
if c != '0' {
if start {
num2 = pwd
start = false
switch c {
case '1':
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFF80) >> 7
num2 = num2 << 25
case '2':
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFFF0) >> 4
num2 = num2 << 28
case '3':
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFFF8) >> 3
num2 = num2 << 29
case '4':
num1 = num2 << 1
num2 = num2 >> 31
case '5':
num1 = num2 << 5
num2 = num2 >> 27
case '6':
num1 = num2 << 12
num2 = num2 >> 20
case '7':
num3 := num2 & 0x0000FF00
num4 := ((num2 & 0x000000FF) << 24) | ((num2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
num1 = num3 | num4
num2 = (num2 & 0xFF000000) >> 8
case '8':
num1 = (num2&0x0000FFFF)<<16 | (num2 >> 24)
num2 = (num2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 8
case '9':
num1 = ^num2
num1 = num2
num1 &= 0xFFFFFFFF
num2 &= 0xFFFFFFFF
if c != '0' && c != '9' {
num1 |= num2
num2 = num1
return num1
func testPasswordCalc(password, nonce string, expected uint32) {
res := ownCalcPass(password, nonce)
m := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %-10d %-10d", password, nonce, res, expected)
if res == expected {
fmt.Println("PASS", m)
} else {
fmt.Println("FAIL", m)
func main() {
testPasswordCalc("12345", "603356072", 25280520)
testPasswordCalc("12345", "410501656", 119537670)
testPasswordCalc("12345", "630292165", 4269684735)
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670 PASS 12345 630292165 4269684735 4269684735
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
ownPasswordCalculationTest("12345", "603356072", 25280520);
ownPasswordCalculationTest("12345", "410501656", 119537670);
private static void ownPasswordCalculationTest(String password, String nonce, long expected) {
final long result = ownPasswordCalculation(Long.valueOf(password), nonce);
String message = password + " " + nonce + " " + result + " " + expected;
System.out.println( ( result == expected ) ? "PASS " + message : "FAIL " + message );
private static long ownPasswordCalculation(long password, String nonce) {
final long m1 = 0xFFFF_FFFFL;
final long m8 = 0xFFFF_FFF8L;
final long m16 = 0xFFFF_FFF0L;
final long m128 = 0xFFFF_FF80L;
final long m16777216 = 0xFF00_0000L;
boolean flag = true;
long number1 = 0;
long number2 = 0;
for ( char ch : nonce.toCharArray() ) {
number2 = number2 & m1;
switch (ch) {
case '1' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & m128;
number1 = number1 >>> 7;
number2 = number2 << 25;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '2' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & m16;
number1 = number1 >>> 4;
number2 = number2 << 28;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '3' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & m8;
number1 = number1 >>> 3;
number2 = number2 << 29;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '4' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 << 1;
number2 = number2 >>> 31;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '5' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 << 5;
number2 = number2 >>> 27;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '6' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 << 12;
number2 = number2 >>> 20;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '7' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & 0xFF00L;
number1 = number1 + ( ( number2 & 0xFFL ) << 24 );
number1 = number1 + ( ( number2 & 0xFF0000L ) >>> 16 );
number2 = ( number2 & m16777216 ) >>> 8;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '8' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password;}
flag = false;
number1 = number2 & 0xFFFFL;
number1 = number1 << 16;
number1 = number1 + ( number2 >>> 24 );
number2 = number2 & 0xFF0000L;
number2 = number2 >>> 8;
number1 = number1 + number2;
case '9' -> {
if ( flag ) { number2 = password; }
flag = false;
number1 = ~number2;
default -> number1 = number2;
number2 = number1;
return number1 & m1;
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670
function calcPass (pass, nonce) {
var flag = true;
var num1 = 0x0;
var num2 = 0x0;
var password = parseInt(pass, 10);
for (var c in nonce) {
c = nonce[c];
if (c!='0') {
if (flag) num2 = password;
flag = false;
switch (c) {
case '1':
num1 = num2 & 0xFFFFFF80;
num1 = num1 >>> 7;
num2 = num2 << 25;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '2':
num1 = num2 & 0xFFFFFFF0;
num1 = num1 >>> 4;
num2 = num2 << 28;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '3':
num1 = num2 & 0xFFFFFFF8;
num1 = num1 >>> 3;
num2 = num2 << 29;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '4':
num1 = num2 << 1;
num2 = num2 >>> 31;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '5':
num1 = num2 << 5;
num2 = num2 >>> 27;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '6':
num1 = num2 << 12;
num2 = num2 >>> 20;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '7':
num1 = num2 & 0x0000FF00;
num1 = num1 + (( num2 & 0x000000FF ) << 24 );
num1 = num1 + (( num2 & 0x00FF0000 ) >>> 16 );
num2 = ( num2 & 0xFF000000 ) >>> 8;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '8':
num1 = num2 & 0x0000FFFF;
num1 = num1 << 16;
num1 = num1 + ( num2 >>> 24 );
num2 = num2 & 0x00FF0000;
num2 = num2 >>> 8;
num1 = num1 + num2;
case '9':
num1 = ~num2;
case '0':
num1 = num2;
num2 = num1;
return (num1 >>> 0).toString();
exports.calcPass = calcPass;
console.log ('openpass initialization');
function testCalcPass (pass, nonce, expected) {
var res = calcPass (pass, nonce);
var m = pass + ' ' + nonce + ' ' + res + ' ' + expected;
if (res == parseInt(expected, 10))
console.log ('PASS '+m);
console.log ('FAIL '+m);
testCalcPass ('12345', '603356072', '25280520');
testCalcPass ('12345', '410501656', '119537670');
testCalcPass ('12345', '630292165', '4269684735');
testCalcPass ('12345', '523781130', '537331200');
Passes all tests.
function calcpass(passwd, nonce::String)
startflag = true
n1 = 0
n2 = 0
password = parse(Int, passwd)
dact = Dict(
'1' => () -> begin n1 = (n2 & 0xffffff80) >> 7; n2 <<= 25 end,
'2' => () -> begin n1 = (n2 & 0xfffffff0) >> 4; n2 <<= 28 end,
'3' => () -> begin n1 = (n2 & 0xfffffff8) >> 3; n2 <<= 29 end,
'4' => () -> begin n1 = n2 << 1; n2 >>= 31 end,
'5' => () -> begin n1 = n2 << 5; n2 >>= 27 end,
'6' => () -> begin n1 = n2 << 12; n2 >>= 20 end,
'7' => () -> begin n1 = (n2 & 0x0000ff00) | ((n2 & 0x000000ff) << 24) |
((n2 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16); n2 = (n2 & 0xff000000) >> 8 end,
'8' => () -> begin n1 = ((n2 & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | (n2 >> 24);
n2 = (n2 & 0x00ff0000) >> 8 end,
'9' => () -> begin n1 = ~n2 end)
for c in nonce
if !haskey(dact, c)
n1 = n2
if startflag
n2 = password
startflag = false
n1 &= 0xffffffff
n2 &= 0xffffffff
if c != '9'
n1 |= n2
n2 = n1
function testcalcpass()
tdata = [["12345", "603356072", "25280520"], ["12345", "410501656", "119537670"],
["12345", "630292165", "4269684735"], ["12345", "523781130", "537331200"]]
for td in tdata
pf = calcpass(td[1], td[2]) == parse(Int, td[3]) ? "Passes test." : "Fails test."
println("Calculating pass for [$(td[1]), $(td[2])] = $(td[3]): $pf")
// version 1.1.51
fun ownCalcPass(password: Long, nonce: String): Long {
val m1 = 0xFFFF_FFFFL
val m8 = 0xFFFF_FFF8L
val m16 = 0xFFFF_FFF0L
val m128 = 0xFFFF_FF80L
val m16777216 = 0xFF00_0000L
var flag = true
var num1 = 0L
var num2 = 0L
for (c in nonce) {
num2 = num2 and m1
when (c) {
'1' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 and m128
num1 = num1 ushr 7
num2 = num2 shl 25
num1 = num1 + num2
'2' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 and m16
num1 = num1 ushr 4
num2 = num2 shl 28
num1 = num1 + num2
'3' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 and m8
num1 = num1 ushr 3
num2 = num2 shl 29
num1 = num1 + num2
'4' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 shl 1
num2 = num2 ushr 31
num1 = num1 + num2
'5' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 shl 5
num2 = num2 ushr 27
num1 = num1 + num2
'6' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 shl 12
num2 = num2 ushr 20
num1 = num1 + num2
'7' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 and 0xFF00L
num1 = num1 + ((num2 and 0xFFL) shl 24)
num1 = num1 + ((num2 and 0xFF0000L) ushr 16)
num2 = (num2 and m16777216) ushr 8
num1 = num1 + num2
'8' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2 and 0xFFFFL
num1 = num1 shl 16
num1 = num1 + (num2 ushr 24)
num2 = num2 and 0xFF0000L
num2 = num2 ushr 8
num1 = num1 + num2
'9' -> {
if (flag) num2 = password
flag = false
num1 = num2.inv()
else -> num1 = num2
num2 = num1
return num1 and m1
fun ownTestCalcPass(passwd: String, nonce: String, expected: Long) {
val res = ownCalcPass(passwd.toLong(), nonce)
val m = "$passwd $nonce $res $expected"
println(if (res == expected) "PASS $m" else "FAIL $m")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
ownTestCalcPass("12345", "603356072", 25280520)
ownTestCalcPass("12345", "410501656", 119537670)
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670
import bitops, strutils
func ownCalcPass(password, nonce: string): uint32 =
var start = true
for c in nonce:
if c != '0' and start:
result = parseInt(password).uint32
start = false
case c
of '0':
of '1':
result = result.rotateRightBits(7)
of '2':
result = result.rotateRightBits(4)
of '3':
result = result.rotateRightBits(3)
of '4':
result = result.rotateLeftBits(1)
of '5':
result = result.rotateLeftBits(5)
of '6':
result = result.rotateLeftBits(12)
of '7':
result = (result and 0x0000FF00) or result shl 24 or
(result and 0x00FF0000) shr 16 or (result and 0xFF000000u32) shr 8
of '8':
result = result shl 16 or result shr 24 or (result and 0x00FF0000) shr 8
of '9':
result = not result
raise newException(ValueError, "non-digit in nonce.")
when isMainModule:
proc testPasswordCalc(password, nonce: string; expected: uint32) =
let res = ownCalcPass(password, nonce)
let m = "$# $# $# $#".format(password, nonce, res, expected)
echo if res == expected: "PASS " else: "FAIL ", m
testPasswordCalc("12345", "603356072", 25280520u32)
testPasswordCalc("12345", "410501656", 119537670u32)
testPasswordCalc("12345", "630292165", 4269684735u32)
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670 PASS 12345 630292165 4269684735 4269684735
INT_BITS = 32;
function rotateLeft(n, d: longword) := (n shl d) or (n shr (INT_BITS - d));
function rotateRight(n, d: longword) := (n shr d) or (n shl (INT_BITS - d));
function ownCalcPass(password, nonce: string): longword;
var start := true;
foreach var c in nonce do
if (c <> '0') and start then
result := password.tointeger;
start := false;
case c of
'0': ;
'1': result := rotateRight(result, 7);
'2': result := rotateRight(result, 4);
'3': result := rotateRight(result, 3);
'4': result := rotateLeft(result, 1);
'5': result := rotateLeft(result, 5);
'6': result := rotateLeft(result, 12);
'7': result := (result and $0000FF00) or result shl 24
or (result and $00FF0000) shr 16 or (result and $FF000000) shr 8;
'8': result := result shl 16 or result shr 24 or (result and $00FF0000) shr 8;
'9': result := not result;
else raise new Exception('non-digit in nonce.');
procedure testPasswordCalc(password, nonce: string; expected: longword);
var res := ownCalcPass(password, nonce);
print(if res = expected then 'PASS ' else 'FAIL ');
println(password, nonce, res, expected);
testPasswordCalc('12345', '603356072', 25280520);
testPasswordCalc('12345', '410501656', 119537670);
testPasswordCalc('12345', '630292165', 4269684735);
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670 PASS 12345 630292165 4269684735 4269684735
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use integer; # required solely for 2's complement operation: $n1 = ~$n2
sub own_password {
my($password, $nonce) = @_;
my $n1 = 0;
my $n2 = $password;
for my $d (split //, $nonce) {
if ($d == 1) {
$n1 = ($n2 & 0xFFFFFF80) >> 7;
$n2 <<= 25;
} elsif ($d == 2) {
$n1 = ($n2 & 0xFFFFFFF0) >> 4;
$n2 <<= 28;
} elsif ($d == 3) {
$n1 = ($n2 & 0xFFFFFFF8) >> 3;
$n2 <<= 29;
} elsif ($d == 4) {
$n1 = $n2 << 1;
$n2 >>= 31;
} elsif ($d == 5) {
$n1 = $n2 << 5;
$n2 >>= 27;
} elsif ($d == 6) {
$n1 = $n2 << 12;
$n2 >>= 20;
} elsif ($d == 7) {
$n1 = ($n2 & 0x0000FF00) | (($n2 & 0x000000FF) << 24) | (($n2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
$n2 = ($n2 & 0xFF000000) >> 8;
} elsif ($d == 8) {
$n1 = ($n2 & 0x0000FFFF) << 16 | $n2 >> 24;
$n2 = ($n2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 8;
} elsif ($d == 9) {
$n1 = ~$n2;
} else {
$n1 = $n2
$n1 = ($n1 | $n2) & 0xFFFFFFFF if $d != 0 and $d != 9;
$n2 = $n1;
say own_password( 12345, 603356072 );
say own_password( 12345, 410501656 );
say own_password( 12345, 630292165 );
- Output:
25280520 119537670 4269684735
with javascript_semantics function ownCalcPass(atom pwd, string nonce) bool start = true atom num1 = 0, num2 = 0 for i=1 to length(nonce) do integer c = nonce[i] if c!='0' and start then num2 = pwd start = false end if switch c do case '1': num1 = shift_bits(num2,7) num2 = shift_bits(num2,-25) case '2': num1 = shift_bits(num2,4) num2 = shift_bits(num2,-28) case '3': num1 = shift_bits(num2,3) num2 = shift_bits(num2,-29) case '4': num1 = shift_bits(num2,-1) num2 = shift_bits(num2,31) case '5': num1 = shift_bits(num2,-5) num2 = shift_bits(num2,27) case '6': num1 = shift_bits(num2,-12) num2 = shift_bits(num2,20) case '7': num1 = or_bits(and_bits(num2,0x0000FF00), or_bits(shift_bits(and_bits(num2,0x000000FF),-24), shift_bits(and_bits(num2,0x00FF0000),16))) num2 = shift_bits(and_bits(num2,0xFF000000),8) case '8': num1 = or_bits(shift_bits(and_bits(num2,0x0000FFFF),-16), shift_bits(num2,24)) num2 = shift_bits(and_bits(num2,0x00FF0000),8) case '9': num1 = not_bits(num2) default: num1 = num2 end switch if c!='0' and c!='9' then num1 = or_bits(num1,num2) end if num2 = num1 end for if num1<0 then num1 += #1_0000_0000 end if return num1 end function procedure testPasswordCalc(atom pwd, string nonce, atom expected) atom res := ownCalcPass(pwd, nonce) string pf = iff(res=expected?"PASS":"FAIL") printf(1,"%s %d %s %-10d %-10d\n", {pf, pwd, nonce, res, expected}) end procedure testPasswordCalc(12345, "603356072", 25280520) testPasswordCalc(12345, "410501656", 119537670) testPasswordCalc(12345, "630292165", 4269684735) testPasswordCalc(12345, "523781130", 537331200)
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670 PASS 12345 630292165 4269684735 4269684735 PASS 12345 523781130 537331200 537331200
function ownCalcPass($password, $nonce) {
$msr = 0x7FFFFFFF;
$m_1 = (int)0xFFFFFFFF;
$m_8 = (int)0xFFFFFFF8;
$m_16 = (int)0xFFFFFFF0;
$m_128 = (int)0xFFFFFF80;
$m_16777216 = (int)0xFF000000;
$flag = True;
$num1 = 0;
$num2 = 0;
foreach (str_split($nonce) as $c) {
$num1 = $num1 & $m_1;
$num2 = $num2 & $m_1;
if ($c == '1') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 & $m_128;
$num1 = $num1 >> 1;
$num1 = $num1 & $msr;
$num1 = $num1 >> 6;
$num2 = $num2 << 25;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '2') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 & $m_16;
$num1 = $num1 >> 1;
$num1 = $num1 & $msr;
$num1 = $num1 >> 3;
$num2 = $num2 << 28;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '3') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 & $m_8;
$num1 = $num1 >> 1;
$num1 = $num1 & $msr;
$num1 = $num1 >> 2;
$num2 = $num2 << 29;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '4') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 << 1;
$num2 = $num2 >> 1;
$num2 = $num2 & $msr;
$num2 = $num2 >> 30;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '5') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 << 5;
$num2 = $num2 >> 1;
$num2 = $num2 & $msr;
$num2 = $num2 >> 26;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '6') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 << 12;
$num2 = $num2 >> 1;
$num2 = $num2 & $msr;
$num2 = $num2 >> 19;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '7') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 & 0xFF00;
$num1 = $num1 + (( $num2 & 0xFF ) << 24 );
$num1 = $num1 + (( $num2 & 0xFF0000 ) >> 16 );
$num2 = $num2 & $m_16777216;
$num2 = $num2 >> 1;
$num2 = $num2 & $msr;
$num2 = $num2 >> 7;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '8') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = $num2 & 0xFFFF;
$num1 = $num1 << 16;
$numx = $num2 >> 1;
$numx = $numx & $msr;
$numx = $numx >> 23;
$num1 = $num1 + $numx;
$num2 = $num2 & 0xFF0000;
$num2 = $num2 >> 1;
$num2 = $num2 & $msr;
$num2 = $num2 >> 7;
$num1 = $num1 + $num2;
$flag = False;
} elseif ($c == '9') {
$length = !$flag;
if (!$length) {
$num2 = $password;
$num1 = ~(int)$num2;
$flag = False;
} else {
$num1 = $num2;
$num2 = $num1;
return sprintf('%u', $num1 & $m_1);
def ownCalcPass (password, nonce, test=False) :
start = True
num1 = 0
num2 = 0
password = int(password)
if test:
print("password: %08x" % (password))
for c in nonce :
if c != "0":
if start:
num2 = password
start = False
if test:
print("c: %s num1: %08x num2: %08x" % (c, num1, num2))
if c == '1':
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFF80) >> 7
num2 = num2 << 25
elif c == '2':
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFFF0) >> 4
num2 = num2 << 28
elif c == '3':
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFFF8) >> 3
num2 = num2 << 29
elif c == '4':
num1 = num2 << 1
num2 = num2 >> 31
elif c == '5':
num1 = num2 << 5
num2 = num2 >> 27
elif c == '6':
num1 = num2 << 12
num2 = num2 >> 20
elif c == '7':
num1 = num2 & 0x0000FF00 | (( num2 & 0x000000FF ) << 24 ) | (( num2 & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 )
num2 = ( num2 & 0xFF000000 ) >> 8
elif c == '8':
num1 = (num2 & 0x0000FFFF) << 16 | ( num2 >> 24 )
num2 = (num2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 8
elif c == '9':
num1 = ~num2
else :
num1 = num2
num1 &= 0xFFFFFFFF
num2 &= 0xFFFFFFFF
if (c not in "09"):
num1 |= num2
if test:
print(" num1: %08x num2: %08x" % (num1, num2))
num2 = num1
return num1
def test_passwd_calc(passwd, nonce, expected):
res = ownCalcPass(passwd, nonce, False)
m = passwd+' '+nonce+' '+str(res)+' '+str(expected)
if res == int(expected) :
print('PASS '+m)
else :
print('FAIL '+m)
if __name__ == '__main__':
(followed by some aggressive refactoring)
#lang racket/base
(define (32-bit-truncate n)
(bitwise-and n #xFFFFFFFF))
(define (own-calc-pass password-string nonce)
(define-values (num-1 flag)
(for/fold ((num-1 0) (flag #t))
((c (in-string nonce)))
(let* ((num-1 (32-bit-truncate num-1))
(num-2 (if flag (string->number password-string) num-1)))
(define (and-right-left-add mask right left)
(values (+ (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and num-2 mask) (- right))
(arithmetic-shift num-2 left))
(define (left-right-add left right)
(values (+ (arithmetic-shift num-2 left) (arithmetic-shift num-2 (- right))) #f))
(define (stage-7)
(values (+ (+ (+ (bitwise-and num-2 #xff00)
(arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and num-2 #xff) 24))
(arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and num-2 #xff0000) -16))
(arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and num-2 #xFF000000) -8))
(define (stage-8)
(values (+ (+ (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and num-2 #xffff) 16)
(arithmetic-shift num-2 -24))
(arithmetic-shift (bitwise-and num-2 #xff0000) -8))
(define (stage-9) (values (bitwise-not num-2) #f))
(case c
([#\1] (and-right-left-add #xFFFFFF80 7 25))
([#\2] (and-right-left-add #xFFFFFFF0 4 28))
([#\3] (and-right-left-add #xFFFFFFF8 3 29))
([#\4] (left-right-add 1 31))
([#\5] (left-right-add 5 27))
([#\6] (left-right-add 12 20))
([#\7] (stage-7))
([#\8] (stage-8))
([#\9] (stage-9))
(else (values num-1 flag))))))
(32-bit-truncate num-1))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define (own-test-calc-pass passwd nonce expected)
(let* ((res (own-calc-pass passwd nonce))
(msg (format "~a ~a ~a ~a" passwd nonce res expected)))
(string-append (if (= res expected) "PASS" "FAIL") " " msg)))
(own-test-calc-pass "12345" "603356072" 25280520)
(own-test-calc-pass "12345" "410501656" 119537670))
(formerly Perl 6)
Raku doesn't really have good support for unsigned fixed bit integers yet so emulating them with regular Ints and bitmasks.
sub own-password (Int $password, Int $nonce) {
my int $n1 = 0;
my int $n2 = $password;
for $nonce.comb {
given $_ {
when 1 {
$n1 = $n2 +& 0xFFFFFF80 +> 7;
$n2 +<= 25;
when 2 {
$n1 = $n2 +& 0xFFFFFFF0 +> 4;
$n2 +<= 28;
when 3 {
$n1 = $n2 +& 0xFFFFFFF8 +> 3;
$n2 +<= 29;
when 4 {
$n1 = $n2 +< 1;
$n2 +>= 31;
when 5 {
$n1 = $n2 +< 5;
$n2 +>= 27;
when 6 {
$n1 = $n2 +< 12;
$n2 +>= 20;
when 7 {
$n1 = $n2 +& 0x0000FF00 +| ($n2 +& 0x000000FF +< 24) +| ($n2 +& 0x00FF0000 +> 16);
$n2 = $n2 +& 0xFF000000 +> 8;
when 8 {
$n1 = $n2 +& 0x0000FFFF +< 16 +| $n2 +> 24;
$n2 = $n2 +& 0x00FF0000 +> 8;
when 9 { $n1 = +^$n2 }
default { $n1 = $n2 }
given $_ {
when 0 {}
when 9 {}
default { $n1 = ($n1 +| $n2) +& 0xFFFFFFFF }
$n2 = $n1;
say own-password( 12345, 603356072 );
say own-password( 12345, 410501656 );
say own-password( 12345, 630292165 );
- Output:
25280520 119537670 4269684735
func openAuthenticationResponse(_password: String, operations: String) -> String? {
var num1 = UInt32(0)
var num2 = UInt32(0)
var start = true
let password = UInt32(_password)!
for c in operations {
if (c != "0") {
if start {
num2 = password
start = false
switch c {
case "1":
num1 = (num2 & 0xffffff80) >> 7
num2 = num2 << 25
case "2":
num1 = (num2 & 0xfffffff0) >> 4
num2 = num2 << 28
case "3":
num1 = (num2 & 0xfffffff8) >> 3
num2 = num2 << 29
case "4":
num1 = num2 << 1
num2 = num2 >> 31
case "5":
num1 = num1 << 5
num2 = num2 >> 27
case "6":
num1 = num2 << 12
num2 = num2 >> 20
case "7":
num1 = (num2 & 0x0000ff00) | ((num2 & 0x000000ff) << 24) | ((num2 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)
num2 = (num2 & 0xff000000) >> 8
case "8":
num1 = ((num2 & 0x0000ffff) << 16) | (num2 >> 24)
num2 = (num2 & 0x00ff0000) >> 8
case "9":
num1 = ~num2
case "0":
num1 = num2
print("unexpected char \(c)")
return nil
if (c != "9") && (c != "0") {
num1 |= num2
num2 = num1
return String(num1)
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var ownCalcPass = { |password, nonce|
var start = true
var num1 = 0
var num2 = 0
var pwd = Num.fromString(password)
for (c in nonce) {
if (c != "0") {
if (start) num2 = pwd
start = false
if (c == "1") {
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFF80) >> 7
num2 = num2 << 25
} else if (c == "2") {
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFFF0) >> 4
num2 = num2 << 28
} else if (c == "3") {
num1 = (num2 & 0xFFFFFFF8) >> 3
num2 = num2 << 29
} else if (c == "4") {
num1 = num2 << 1
num2 = num2 >> 31
} else if (c == "5") {
num1 = num2 << 5
num2 = num2 >> 27
} else if (c == "6") {
num1 = num2 << 12
num2 = num2 >> 20
} else if (c == "7") {
var num3 = num2 & 0x0000FF00
var num4 = ((num2 & 0x000000FF) << 24) | ((num2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
num1 = num3 | num4
num2 = (num2 & 0xFF000000) >> 8
} else if (c == "8") {
num1 = (num2&0x0000FFFF)<<16 | (num2 >> 24)
num2 = (num2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 8
} else if (c == "9") {
num1 = ~num2
} else {
num1 = num2
num1 = num1 & 0xFFFFFFFF
num2 = num2 & 0xFFFFFFFF
if (c != "0" && c != "9") num1 = num1 | num2
num2 = num1
return num1
var testPasswordCalc = { |password, nonce, expected|
var res =, nonce)
var m = Fmt.swrite("$s $s $-10d $-10d", password, nonce, res, expected)
if (res == expected) {
System.print("PASS %(m)")
} else {
System.print("FAIL %(m)")
}"12345", "603356072", 25280520)"12345", "410501656", 119537670)"12345", "630292165", 4269684735)
- Output:
PASS 12345 603356072 25280520 25280520 PASS 12345 410501656 119537670 119537670 PASS 12345 630292165 4269684735 4269684735