The Minkowski question-mark function converts the continued fraction representation [a0; a1, a2, a3, ...] of a number into a binary decimal representation in which the integer part a0 is unchanged and the a1, a2, ... become alternating runs of binary zeroes and ones of those lengths. The decimal point takes the place of the first zero.

Minkowski question-mark function
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Thus, ?(31/7) = 71/16 because 31/7 has the continued fraction representation [4;2,3] giving the binary expansion 4 + 0.01112.

Among its interesting properties is that it maps roots of quadratic equations, which have repeating continued fractions, to rational numbers, which have repeating binary digits.

The question-mark function is continuous and monotonically increasing, so it has an inverse.

  • Produce a function for ?(x).   Be careful: rational numbers have two possible continued fraction representations:
  •   [a0;a1,... an−1,an]     and
  •   [a0;a1,... an−1,an−1,1]
  • Choose one of the above that will give a binary expansion ending with a   1.
  • Produce the inverse function ?-1(x)
  • Verify that ?(φ) = 5/3, where φ is the Greek golden ratio.
  • Verify that ?-1(-5/9) = (√13 - 7)/6
  • Verify that the two functions are inverses of each other by showing that ?-1(?(x))=x and ?(?-1(y))=y for x, y of your choice

Don't worry about precision error in the last few digits.

See also


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>-V MAXITER = 151

F minkowski(x) -> Float

  I x > 1 | x < 0
     R floor(x) + minkowski(x - floor(x))
  V p = Int(x)
  V q = 1
  V r = p + 1
  V s = 1
  V d = 1.0
  V y = Float(p)
     d /= 2
     I y + d == y
     V m = p + r
     I m < 0 | p < 0
     V n = q + s
     I n < 0
     I x < Float(m) / n
        r = m
        s = n
        y += d
        p = m
        q = n
  R y + d

F minkowski_inv(=x) -> Float

  I x > 1 | x < 0
     R floor(x) + minkowski_inv(x - floor(x))
  I x == 1 | x == 0
     R x
  V cont_frac = [0]
  V current = 0
  V count = 1
  V i = 0
     x *= 2
     I current == 0
        I x < 1
           cont_frac[i] = count
           count = 1
           current = 1
        I x > 1
           cont_frac[i] = count
           count = 1
           current = 0
     I x == floor(x)
        cont_frac[i] = count
     I i == :MAXITER
  V ret = 1.0 / cont_frac[i]
  L(j) (i-1 .. 0).step(-1)
     ret = cont_frac[j] + 1.0 / ret
  R 1.0 / ret

print(‘#2.16 #2.16’.format(minkowski(0.5 * (1 + sqrt(5))), 5.0 / 3.0)) print(‘#2.16 #2.16’.format(minkowski_inv(-5.0 / 9.0), (sqrt(13) - 7) / 6)) print(‘#2.16 #2.16’.format(minkowski(minkowski_inv(0.718281828)), minkowski_inv(minkowski(0.1213141516171819))))</lang>

 1.6666666666696983  1.6666666666666667
-0.5657414540893350 -0.5657414540893351
 0.7182818280000091  0.1213141516171819


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2020-08-14

<lang factor>USING: formatting kernel make math math.constants math.continued-fractions math.functions math.parser math.statistics sequences sequences.extras splitting.monotonic vectors ;

CONSTANT: max-iter 151

>continued-fraction ( x -- seq )
   0 swap 1vector
   [ dup last integer? pick max-iter > or ]
   [ dup next-approx [ 1 + ] dip ] until nip
   dup last integer? [ but-last-slice ] unless ;
? ( x -- y )
   >continued-fraction unclip swap cum-sum
   [ max-iter < ] take-while
   [ even? 1 -1 kernel:? swap 2^ / ] map-index
   sum 2 * + >float ;
(float>bin) ( x -- y )
   [ dup 0 > ]
   [ 2 * dup >integer # dup 1 >= [ 1 - ] when ] while ;
float>bin ( x -- n str )
   >float dup >integer [ - ] keep swap abs
   [ 0 # (float>bin) ] "" make nip ;
?⁻¹ ( x -- y )
   dup float>bin [ = ] monotonic-split
   [ length ] map swap prefix >ratio swap copysign ;
compare ( x y -- ) "%-25u%-25u\n" printf ;

phi ? 5 3 /f compare -5/9 ?⁻¹ 13 sqrt 7 - 6 /f compare 0.718281828 ?⁻¹ ? 0.1213141516171819 ? ?⁻¹ compare</lang>

1.666666666668335        1.666666666666667        
-0.5657414540893351      -0.5657414540893352      
0.718281828000002        0.1213141516171819       


<lang freebasic>#define MAXITER 151

function minkowski( x as double ) as double

   if x>1 or x<0 then return int(x)+minkowski(x-int(x))
   dim as ulongint p = int(x)
   dim as ulongint q = 1, r = p + 1, s = 1, m, n
   dim as double d = 1, y = p
   while true 
       d = d / 2.0
       if y + d = y then exit while
       m = p + r
       if m < 0 or p < 0 then exit while
       n = q + s
       if n < 0 then exit while
       if x < cast(double,m) / n then
           r = m
           s = n
           y = y + d
           p = m
           q = n
       end if
   return y + d

end function

function minkowski_inv( byval x as double ) as double

   if x>1 or x<0 then return int(x)+minkowski_inv(x-int(x))
   if x=1 or x=0 then return x
   redim as uinteger contfrac(0 to 0)
   dim as uinteger curr=0, count=1, i = 0
       x *= 2
       if curr = 0 then
           if x<1 then
               count += 1
               i += 1
               redim preserve contfrac(0 to i)
               count = 1
               curr = 1
           if x>1 then
               count += 1
               i += 1
               redim preserve contfrac(0 to i)
               count = 1
               curr = 0
       end if
       if x = int(x) then
           exit do
       end if
   loop until i = MAXITER
   dim as double ret = 1.0/contfrac(i)
   for j as integer = i-1 to 0 step -1
       ret = contfrac(j) + 1.0/ret
   next j
   return 1./ret

end function

print minkowski( 0.5*(1+sqr(5)) ), 5./3 print minkowski_inv( -5./9 ), (sqr(13)-7)/6 print minkowski(minkowski_inv(0.718281828)), minkowski_inv(minkowski(0.1213141516171819)) </lang>

 1.666666666669698           1.666666666666667
-0.5657414540893351         -0.5657414540893352
 0.7182818280000092          0.1213141516171819


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang go>package main

import (



const MAXITER = 151

func minkowski(x float64) float64 {

   if x > 1 || x < 0 {
       return math.Floor(x) + minkowski(x-math.Floor(x))
   p := uint64(x)
   q := uint64(1)
   r := p + 1
   s := uint64(1)
   d := 1.0
   y := float64(p)
   for {
       d = d / 2
       if y+d == y {
       m := p + r
       if m < 0 || p < 0 {
       n := q + s
       if n < 0 {
       if x < float64(m)/float64(n) {
           r = m
           s = n
       } else {
           y = y + d
           p = m
           q = n
   return y + d


func minkowskiInv(x float64) float64 {

   if x > 1 || x < 0 {
       return math.Floor(x) + minkowskiInv(x-math.Floor(x))
   if x == 1 || x == 0 {
       return x
   contFrac := []uint32{0}
   curr := uint32(0)
   count := uint32(1)
   i := 0
   for {
       x *= 2
       if curr == 0 {
           if x < 1 {
           } else {
               t := contFrac
               contFrac = make([]uint32, i+1)
               copy(contFrac, t)
               contFrac[i-1] = count
               count = 1
               curr = 1
       } else {
           if x > 1 {
           } else {
               t := contFrac
               contFrac = make([]uint32, i+1)
               copy(contFrac, t)
               contFrac[i-1] = count
               count = 1
               curr = 0
       if x == math.Floor(x) {
           contFrac[i] = count
       if i == MAXITER {
   ret := 1.0 / float64(contFrac[i])
   for j := i - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
       ret = float64(contFrac[j]) + 1.0/ret
   return 1.0 / ret


func main() {

   fmt.Printf("%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowski(0.5*(1+math.Sqrt(5))), 5.0/3.0)
   fmt.Printf("%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowskiInv(-5.0/9.0), (math.Sqrt(13)-7)/6)
   fmt.Printf("%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowski(minkowskiInv(0.718281828)),


 1.6666666666696983  1.6666666666666667
-0.5657414540893351 -0.5657414540893352
 0.7182818280000092  0.1213141516171819


Exact rational function using Farey tree

In a lazy functional language Minkowski question mark function can be implemented using one of it's basic properties:

?(p+r)/(q+s) = 1/2 * ( ?(p/q) + ?(r/s) ), ?(0) = 0, ?(1) = 1.

where p/q and r/s are fractions, such that |ps - rq| = 1.

This recursive definition can be implemented as lazy corecursion, i.e. by generating two infinite binary trees: mediant-based Farey tree, containing all rationals, and mean-based tree with corresponding values of Minkowsky ?-function. There is one-to-one correspondence between these two trees so both ?(x) and ?-1(x) may be implemented as mapping between them.

First we define tools to handle trees.

<lang haskell>import Data.List (unfoldr) import Data.Ratio import Data.Tree (Tree (..), levels, unfoldTree) import Control.Monad.Zip (mzip)

mkTree :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> Tree a mkTree f a b = unfoldTree go (a, b)

   go (a,b) = let m = f a b in (m, [(a,m), (m,b)])

pathBy :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> Tree a -> b -> [Either a a] pathBy f (Node a [l,r]) x =

 case x `compare` f a of
   LT -> Left a : pathBy f l x
   EQ -> [Right a]
   GT -> Right a : pathBy f r x</lang>

Now it is possible to define two trees:

<lang haskell>farey = toRatio <$> mkTree mediant (0, 1) (1, 1) minkowski = toRatio <$> mkTree mean (0, 1) (1, 1)

mediant (a,b) (c,d) = (a + c, b + d) mean (a,b) (c,d) = (a*d + c*b, 2*b*d) toRatio (a, b) = a % b</lang>

λ> mapM_ print $ take 4 $ levels farey
[1 % 2]
[1 % 3,2 % 3]
[1 % 4,2 % 5,3 % 5,3 % 4]
[1 % 5,2 % 7,3 % 8,3 % 7,4 % 7,5 % 8,5 % 7,4 % 5]

λ> mapM_ print $ take 4 $ levels minkowski
[1 % 2]
[1 % 4,3 % 4]
[1 % 8,3 % 8,5 % 8,7 % 8]
[1 % 16,3 % 16,5 % 16,7 % 16,9 % 16,11 % 16,13 % 16,15 % 16]

Here is symmetric definitions of ?(x) and ?-1(x) for rational numbers:

<lang haskell>minkowskiQR :: Ratio Integer -> Ratio Integer minkowskiQR = fromFraction . fmap transform . properFraction

   transform = oddFunc $ lookupTree (mzip farey minkowski)

invMinkowskiQR :: Ratio Integer -> Ratio Integer invMinkowskiQR = fromFraction . fmap transform . properFraction

   transform = oddFunc $ lookupTree (mzip minkowski farey)

fromFraction (i, f) = fromIntegral i + f

lookupTree :: Ord a => Tree (a, c) -> a -> c lookupTree t =

 snd . either id id . last . pathBy fst t

oddFunc f 0 = 0 oddFunc f x = signum x * f (abs x)</lang>

λ> minkowskiQR (1/2)
1 % 2
λ> minkowskiQR (2/7)
3 % 16
λ> minkowskiQR (-22/7)
(-193) % 64
λ> invMinkowskiQR (3/16)
2 % 7
λ> invMinkowskiQR (13/256)
5 % 27

Floating point function using Farey tree

Paths leading to numbers in Farey tree, give diadic representation of corresponding value of Minkowski ?-function and vice versa. So it is possible to use Farey tree to define Minkowski function and it's inverse for floating point numbers.

<lang haskell>minkowskiQF :: Double -> Double minkowskiQF = oddFunc $ fromDiadic . fmap transform . properFraction

   transform 0 = []
   transform f = track (fromRational <$> farey) f

invMinkowskiQF :: Double -> Double invMinkowskiQF = oddFunc $ fromFraction . fmap transform . toDiadic

   transform [] = 0
   transform f = follow (fromRational <$> farey) f 

fromDiadic :: (Int, [Int]) -> Double fromDiadic = fromFraction . fmap (foldr go 0 . take 55)

   go x r = (r + fromIntegral x)/2

toDiadic :: Double -> (Int, [Int]) toDiadic = fmap (unfoldr go) . properFraction

   go x = case properFraction (x * 2) of
            (0, 0) -> Nothing
            (i, f) -> Just (i `mod` 2, f)

track :: Ord a => Tree a -> a -> [Int] track t = fmap (either (const 0) (const 1)) . pathBy id t

follow :: Tree a -> [Int] -> a follow t lst = rootLabel $ foldl (\t -> (subForest t !!)) t $ init lst</lang>

λ> minkowskiQF (1/2)
λ> minkowskiQF (2/7)
λ> minkowskiQF (-22/7)
λ> invMinkowskiQF (3/16)
λ> invMinkowskiQF (13/256)
λ> minkowskiQF (sqrt 2)

The task and tests:

<lang haskell>-- sequence of all positive rationals sternBrocot = toRatio <$> mkTree mediant (0, 1) (1, 0) rationals = concat (levels sternBrocot)

testEq f g = all (\x -> f x == g x) testEqF f g = all (\x -> abs (f x - g x) < 1e-11)

testIds :: [[Ratio Integer] -> Bool] testIds =

 [ testEq  (invMinkowskiQR . minkowskiQR) id
 , testEq  (minkowskiQR . invMinkowskiQR) id . fmap minkowskiQR
 , testEqF (invMinkowskiQF . minkowskiQF) id . fmap fromRational
 , testEqF (minkowskiQF . invMinkowskiQF) id . fmap fromRational
 , testEq  (minkowskiQF . fromRational) (fromRational . minkowskiQR) ]</lang>
λ> minkowskiQF $ (sqrt 5 + 1) / 2
λ> 5/3
λ> invMinkowskiQF (-5/9)
λ> (sqrt 13 - 7)/6
λ> sequence testIds $ take 1000 rationals


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang julia>function minkowski(x)

   p = Int(floor(x))
   (x > 1 || x < 0) && return p + minkowski(x)
   q, r, s, m, n = 1, p + 1, 1, 0, 0
   d, y = 1.0, Float64(p)
   while true
       d /= 2.0
       y + d == y && break
       m = p + r
       (m < 0 || p < 0) && break
       n = q + s
       n < 0 && break
       if x < (m / n)
           r, s = m, n
           y, p, q = y + d, m, n
   return y + d


function minkowski_inv(x, maxiter=151)

   p = Int(floor(x))
   (x > 1 || x < 0) && return p + minkowski_inv(x - p, maxiter)
   (x == 1 || x == 0) && return x
   contfrac = [0]
   curr, coun, i = 0, 1, 0
   while i < maxiter
       x *= 2
       if curr == 0
           if x < 1
               coun += 1
               i += 1
               push!(contfrac, 0)
               contfrac[i] = coun
               coun = 1
               curr = 1
               x -= 1
           if x > 1
               coun += 1
               x -= 1
               i += 1
               push!(contfrac, 0)
               contfrac[i] = coun
               coun = 1
               curr = 0
       if x == Int(floor(x))
           contfrac[i + 1] = coun
   ret = 1.0 / contfrac[i + 1]
   for j in i:-1:1
       ret = contfrac[j] + 1.0 / ret
   return 1.0 / ret


println(" ", minkowski((1 + sqrt(5)) / 2), " ", 5 / 3) println(minkowski_inv(-5/9), " ", (sqrt(13) - 7) / 6) println(" ", minkowski(minkowski_inv(0.718281828)), " ",



 1.6666666666696983   1.6666666666666667
-0.5657414540893351   -0.5657414540893352
 0.7182818280000092   0.12131415161718191

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>ClearAll[InverseMinkowskiQuestionMark] InverseMinkowskiQuestionMark[val_] := Module[{x}, (x /. FindRoot[MinkowskiQuestionMark[x] == val, {x, Floor[val], Ceiling[val]}])] MinkowskiQuestionMark[GoldenRatio] InverseMinkowskiQuestionMark[-5/9] // RootApproximant MinkowskiQuestionMark[InverseMinkowskiQuestionMark[0.1213141516171819]] InverseMinkowskiQuestionMark[MinkowskiQuestionMark[0.1213141516171819]]</lang>

1/6 (-7+Sqrt[13])


Translation of: Go

<lang Nim>import math, strformat

const MaxIter = 151

func minkowski(x: float): float =

 if x notin 0.0..1.0:
   return floor(x) + minkowski(x - floor(x))
   p = x.uint64
   r = p + 1
   q, s = 1u64
   d = 1.0
   y = p.float
 while true:
   d /= 2
   if y + d == y: break
   let m = p + r
   if m < 0 or p < 0: break
   let n = q + s
   if n < 0: break
   if x < m.float / n.float:
     r = m
     s = n
     y += d
     p = m
     q = n
 result = y + d

func minkowskiInv(x: float): float =

 if x notin 0.0..1.0:
   return floor(x) + minkowskiInv(x - floor(x))
 if x == 1 or x == 0:
   return x
   contFrac: seq[uint32]
   curr = 0u32
   count = 1u32
   i = 0
   x = x
 while true:
   x *= 2
   if curr == 0:
     if x < 1:
       inc count
       inc i
       contFrac.setLen(i + 1)
       contFrac[i - 1] = count
       count = 1
       curr = 1
       x -= 1
     if x > 1:
       inc count
       x -= 1
       inc i
       contFrac.setLen(i + 1)
       contFrac[i - 1] = count
       count = 1
       curr = 0
   if x == floor(x):
     contFrac[i] = count
   if i == MaxIter:
 var ret = 1 / contFrac[i].float
 for j in countdown(i - 1, 0):
   ret = contFrac[j].float + 1 / ret
 result = 1 / ret

echo &"{minkowski(0.5*(1+sqrt(5.0))):19.16f}, {5/3:19.16f}" echo &"{minkowskiInv(-5/9):19.16f}, {(sqrt(13.0)-7)/6:19.16f}" echo &"{minkowski(minkowskiInv(0.718281828)):19.16f}, " &

 1.6666666666696983,  1.6666666666666667
-0.5657414540893351, -0.5657414540893352
 0.7182818280000092,  0.1213141516171819


Translation of: Raku

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use POSIX qw(floor);

my $MAXITER = 50;

sub minkowski {

   my($x) = @_;
   return floor($x) + minkowski( $x - floor($x) ) if $x > 1 || $x < 0 ;
   my $y = my $p = floor($x);
   my ($q,$s,$d) = (1,1,1);
   my $r = $p + 1;
   while () {
       last if ( $y + ($d /= 2)  == $y ) or
               ( my $m = $p + $r) <  0   or
               ( my $n = $q + $s) <  0;
       $x < $m/$n ? ($r,$s) = ($m, $n) : ($y += $d and ($p,$q) = ($m, $n) );
   return $y + $d


sub minkowskiInv {

   my($x) = @_;
   return floor($x) + minkowskiInv($x - floor($x)) if $x > 1 || $x < 0;
   return $x if $x == 1 || $x == 0 ;
   my @contFrac = 0;
   my $i = my $curr = 0 ; my $count = 1;
   while () {
       $x *= 2;
       if ($curr == 0) {
           if ($x < 1) {
           } else {
               push @contFrac, 0;
               $contFrac[$i-1] = $count;
               ($count,$curr) = (1,1);
       } else {
           if ($x > 1) {
           } else {
               push @contFrac, 0;
               @contFrac[$i-1] = $count;
               ($count,$curr) = (1,0);
       if ($x == floor($x)) { @contFrac[$i] = $count; last }
       last if $i == $MAXITER;
   my $ret = 1 / $contFrac[$i];
   for (my $j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) { $ret = $contFrac[$j] + 1/$ret }
   return 1 / $ret


printf "%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowski(0.5*(1 + sqrt(5))), 5/3; printf "%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowskiInv(-5/9), (sqrt(13)-7)/6; printf "%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowski(minkowskiInv(0.718281828)), minkowskiInv(minkowski(0.1213141516171819));</lang>

 1.6666666666696983  1.6666666666666667
-0.5657414540893351 -0.5657414540893352
 0.7182818280000092  0.1213141516171819


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang Euphoria>constant MAXITER = 151

function minkowski(atom x)

   atom p = floor(x)
   if x>1 or x<0 then return p+minkowski(x-p) end if
   atom q = 1, r = p + 1, s = 1, m, n, d = 1, y = p
   while true do
       d = d/2
       if y + d = y then exit end if
       m = p + r
       if m < 0 or p < 0 then exit end if
       n = q + s
       if n < 0 then exit end if
       if x < m/n then
           r = m
           s = n
           y = y + d
           p = m
           q = n
       end if
   end while
   return y + d

end function

function minkowski_inv(atom x)

   if x>1 or x<0 then return floor(x)+minkowski_inv(x-floor(x)) end if
   if x=1 or x=0 then return x end if
   sequence contfrac = {}
   integer curr = 0, count = 1
   while true do
       x *= 2
       if curr = 0 then
           if x<1 then
               count += 1
               contfrac &= count
               count = 1
               curr = 1
               x -= 1
           end if
           if x>1 then
               count += 1
               x -= 1
               contfrac &= count
               count = 1
               curr = 0
           end if
       end if
       if x = floor(x) then
           contfrac &= count
       end if
       if length(contfrac)=MAXITER then exit end if
   end while
   atom ret = 1/contfrac[$]
   for i = length(contfrac)-1 to 1 by -1 do
       ret = contfrac[i] + 1.0/ret
   end for
   return 1/ret

end function

printf(1,"%20.16f %20.16f\n",{minkowski(0.5*(1+sqrt(5))), 5/3}) printf(1,"%20.16f %20.16f\n",{minkowski_inv(-5/9), (sqrt(13)-7)/6}) printf(1,"%20.16f %20.16f\n",{minkowski(minkowski_inv(0.718281828)),

  1.6666666666696983   1.6666666666666668
 -0.5657414540893351  -0.5657414540893352
  0.7182818280000092   0.1213141516171819


Translation of: Go

<lang python>import math


def minkowski(x):

   if x > 1 or x < 0:
       return math.floor(x) + minkowski(x - math.floor(x))
   p = int(x)
   q = 1
   r = p + 1
   s = 1
   d = 1.0
   y = float(p)
   while True:
       d /= 2
       if y + d == y:
       m = p + r
       if m < 0 or p < 0:
       n = q + s
       if n < 0:
       if x < m / n:
           r = m
           s = n
           y += d
           p = m
           q = n
   return y + d

def minkowski_inv(x):

   if x > 1 or x < 0:
       return math.floor(x) + minkowski_inv(x - math.floor(x))
   if x == 1 or x == 0:
       return x
   cont_frac = [0]
   current = 0
   count = 1
   i = 0
   while True:
       x *= 2
       if current == 0:
           if x < 1:
               count += 1
               cont_frac[i] = count
               i += 1
               count = 1
               current = 1
               x -= 1
           if x > 1:
               count += 1
               x -= 1
               cont_frac[i] = count
               i += 1
               count = 1
               current = 0
       if x == math.floor(x):
           cont_frac[i] = count
       if i == MAXITER:
   ret = 1.0 / cont_frac[i]
   for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
       ret = cont_frac[j] + 1.0 / ret
   return 1.0 / ret

if __name__ == "__main__":

       "{:19.16f} {:19.16f}".format(
           minkowski(0.5 * (1 + math.sqrt(5))),
           5.0 / 3.0,
       "{:19.16f} {:19.16f}".format(
           minkowski_inv(-5.0 / 9.0),
           (math.sqrt(13) - 7) / 6,
       "{:19.16f} {:19.16f}".format(


 1.6666666666696983  1.6666666666666667
-0.5657414540893351 -0.5657414540893352
 0.7182818280000092  0.1213141516171819


Translation of: Go

<lang perl6># 20201120 Raku programming solution

my \MAXITER = 151;

sub minkowski(\x) {

  return x.floor + minkowski( x - x.floor ) if x > 1 || x < 0 ;
  my $y = my $p = x.floor;
  my ($q,$s,$d) = 1 xx 3;
  my $r = $p + 1;
  loop {
     last if ( $y + ($d /= 2)  == $y )        ||
             ( my $m = $p + $r) <  0 | $p < 0 ||
             ( my $n = $q + $s) <  0           ;
     x < $m/$n ?? ( ($r,$s) = ($m, $n) ) !! ( $y += $d; ($p,$q) = ($m, $n) );
  return $y + $d


sub minkowskiInv($x is copy) {

  return $x.floor + minkowskiInv($x - $x.floor) if  $x > 1 || $x < 0 ;
  return $x if $x == 1 || $x == 0 ;
  my @contFrac = 0;
  my $i = my $curr = 0 ; my $count = 1;
  loop {
     $x *= 2;
     if $curr == 0 {
        if $x < 1 {
        } else {
           @contFrac.append: 0;
           @contFrac[$i-1] = $count;
           ($count,$curr) = 1,1;
     } else {
        if $x > 1 {
        } else {
           @contFrac.append: 0;
           @contFrac[$i-1] = $count;
           ($count,$curr) = 1,0;
     if $x == $x.floor { @contFrac[$i] = $count ; last }
     last if $i == MAXITER;
   my $ret = 1 / @contFrac[$i];
   loop (my $j = $i - 1; $j ≥ 0; $j--) { $ret = @contFrac[$j] + 1/$ret }
   return 1 / $ret


printf "%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowski(0.5*(1 + 5.sqrt)), 5/3; printf "%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowskiInv(-5/9), (13.sqrt-7)/6; printf "%19.16f %19.16f\n", minkowski(minkowskiInv(0.718281828)),

 1.6666666666696983  1.6666666666666667
-0.5657414540893351 -0.5657414540893352
 0.7182818280000092  0.1213141516171819


Translation of: FreeBASIC
Translation of: Phix

<lang rexx>/*REXX program uses the Minkowski question─mark function to convert a continued fraction*/ numeric digits 40 /*use enough dec. digits for precision.*/ say fmt( mink( 0.5 * (1+sqrt(5) ) ) ) fmt( 5/3 ) say fmt( minkI(-5/9) ) fmt( (sqrt(13) - 7) / 6) say fmt( mink( minkI(0.718281828) ) ) fmt( mink( minkI(.1213141516171819) ) ) exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ floor: procedure; parse arg x; t= trunc(x); return t - (x<0) * (x\=t) fmt: procedure: parse arg a; d= digits(); return right( format(a, , d-2, 0), d+5) /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ mink: procedure: parse arg x; p= x % 1; if x>1 | x<0 then return p + mink(x-p)

      q= 1;    s= 1;    m= 0;    n= 0;    d= 1;   y= p
      r= p + 1
                   do forever;   d= d * 0.5;      if y+d=y | d=0  then leave   /*d= d÷2*/
                   m= p + r;                      if m<0   | p<0  then leave
                   n= q + s;                      if n<0          then leave
                   if x<m/n      then do;   r= m;       s= n;           end
                                 else do;   y= y + d;   p= m;   q= n;   end
                   end   /*forever*/
      return y + d

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ minkI: procedure; parse arg x; p= floor(x); if x>1 | x<0 then return p + minkI(x-p)

                                               if x=1 | x=0  then return x
      cur= 0;                limit= 200;       $=               /*limit: max iterations*/
      #= 1                                                      /*#:  is the count.    */
                 do  until #==limit | words($)==limit;                        x= x * 2
                 if cur==0  then if x<1  then      #= # + 1
                                         else do;  $= $ #;  #= 1;   cur= 1;  x= x-1;  end
                            else if x>1  then do;           #= # + 1;        x= x-1;  end
                                         else do;  $= $ #;  #= 1;   cur= 0;           end
                 if x==floor(x)          then do;           $= $ #;  leave;           end
                 end   /*until*/
      z= words($)
      ret= 1 / word($, z)
                              do j=z  for z  by -1;    ret= word($, j)    +    1 / ret
                              end   /*j*/
      return 1 / ret

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ sqrt: procedure; parse arg x; if x=0 then return 0; d=digits(); numeric digits; h=d+6

     numeric form; m.=9; parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' with g "E" _ .; g=g *.5'e'_ %2
       do j=0  while h>9;     m.j= h;             h= h % 2 + 1;      end  /*j*/
       do k=j+5  to 0  by -1; numeric digits m.k; g= (g + x/g) * .5; end  /*k*/; return g</lang>
output   when using the internal default inputs:
     1.66666666666666666666666666673007566392      1.66666666666666666666666666666666666667
    -0.56574145408933511781346312208825067563     -0.56574145408933511781346312208825067562
     0.71828182799999999999999999999999992890      0.12131415161718190000000000000000000833


Translation of: FreeBASIC
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt

var MAXITER = 151

var minkowski // predeclare as recursive minkowski = { |x|

   if (x > 1 || x < 0) return x.floor + - x.floor)
   var p = x.floor
   var q = 1
   var r = p + 1
   var s = 1
   var d = 1
   var y = p
   while (true) {
       d = d / 2
       if (y + d == y) break
       var m = p + r
       if (m < 0 || p < 0 ) break
       var n = q + s
       if (n < 0) break
       if (x < m/n) {
           r = m
           s = n
       } else {
           y = y + d
           p = m
           q  = n
   return y + d


var minkowskiInv minkowskiInv = { |x|

   if (x > 1 || x < 0) return x.floor + - x.floor)
   if (x == 1 || x == 0) return x
   var contFrac = [0]
   var curr = 0
   var count = 1
   var i = 0
   while (true) {
       x = x * 2
       if (curr == 0) {
           if (x < 1) {
               count = count + 1
           } else {
               i = i + 1
               var t = contFrac
               contFrac = List.filled(i + 1, 0)
               for (j in 0...t.count) contFrac[j] = t[j]
               contFrac[i-1] = count
               count = 1
               curr = 1
               x = x - 1
       } else {
           if (x > 1) {
               count = count + 1
               x = x - 1
           } else {
               i = i + 1
               var t = contFrac
               contFrac = List.filled(i + 1, 0)
               for (j in 0...t.count) contFrac[j] = t[j]
               contFrac[i-1] = count
               count = 1
               curr = 0
       if (x == x.floor) {
           contFrac[i] = count
       if (i == MAXITER) break
   var ret = 1/contFrac[i]
   for (j in i-1..0) ret = contFrac[j] + 1/ret
   return 1/ret


Fmt.print("$17.16f $17.14f", * (1 + 5.sqrt)), 5/3) Fmt.print("$17.14f $17.14f",, (13.sqrt - 7)/6) Fmt.print("$17.14f $17.14f",,

 1.66666666666970  1.66666666666667
-0.56574145408934 -0.56574145408934
 0.71828182800001  0.12131415161718