Matrix multiplication

Revision as of 17:59, 29 May 2010 by rosettacode>Pelci (Add C++ generic solution)

Multiply two matrices together. They can be of any dimensions, so long as the number of columns of the first matrix is equal to the number of rows of the second matrix.

Matrix multiplication
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


Ada has matrix multiplication predefined for any floating-point or complex type. The implementation is provided by the standard library packages Ada.Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays and Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays correspondingly. The following example illustrates use of real matrix multiplication for the type Float: <lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Real_Arrays; use Ada.Numerics.Real_Arrays;

procedure Matrix_Product is

  procedure Put (X : Real_Matrix) is
     type Fixed is delta 0.01 range -100.0..100.0;
     for I in X'Range (1) loop
        for J in X'Range (2) loop
           Put (Fixed'Image (Fixed (X (I, J))));
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Put;
  A : constant Real_Matrix :=
        (  ( 1.0,  1.0,  1.0,   1.0),
           ( 2.0,  4.0,  8.0,  16.0),
           ( 3.0,  9.0, 27.0,  81.0),
           ( 4.0, 16.0, 64.0, 256.0)
  B : constant Real_Matrix :=
        (  (  4.0,     -3.0,      4.0/3.0,  -1.0/4.0 ),
           (-13.0/3.0, 19.0/4.0, -7.0/3.0,  11.0/24.0),
           (  3.0/2.0, -2.0,      7.0/6.0,  -1.0/4.0 ),
           ( -1.0/6.0,  1.0/4.0, -1.0/6.0,   1.0/24.0)


  Put (A * B);

end Matrix_Product;</lang> Sample output:

 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00

The following code illustrates how matrix multiplication could be implemented from scratch: <lang ada>package Matrix_Ops is

  type Matrix is array (Natural range <>, Natural range <>) of Float;
  function "*" (Left, Right : Matrix) return Matrix;

end Matrix_Ops;

package body Matrix_Ops is

  -- "*" --
  function "*" (Left, Right : Matrix) return Matrix is
     Temp : Matrix(Left'Range(1), Right'Range(2)) := (others =>(others => 0.0));
     if Left'Length(2) /= Right'Length(1) then
        raise Constraint_Error;
     end if;
     for I in Left'range(1) loop
        for J in Right'range(2) loop
           for K in Left'range(2) loop
              Temp(I,J) := Temp(I,J) + Left(I, K)*Right(K, J);
           end loop;
        end loop;
     end loop;
     return Temp;
  end "*";

end Matrix_Ops;</lang>


An example of user defined Vector and Matrix Multiplication Operators:

MODE FIELD = LONG REAL; # field type is LONG REAL #
INT default upb:=3;
MODE VECTOR = [default upb]FIELD;
MODE MATRIX = [default upb,default upb]FIELD;

# crude exception handling #
PROC VOID raise index error := VOID: GOTO exception index error;

# define the vector/matrix operators #
OP * = (VECTOR a,b)FIELD: ( # basically the dot product #
    FIELD result:=0;
    IF LWB a/=LWB b OR UPB a/=UPB b THEN raise index error FI;
    FOR i FROM LWB a TO UPB a DO result+:= a[i]*b[i] OD;

OP * = (VECTOR a, MATRIX b)VECTOR: ( # overload vector times matrix #
    [2 LWB b:2 UPB b]FIELD result;
    IF LWB a/=LWB b OR UPB a/=UPB b THEN raise index error FI;
    FOR j FROM 2 LWB b TO 2 UPB b DO result[j]:=a*b[,j] OD;

<lang algol68># this is the task portion #

OP * = (MATRIX a, b)MATRIX: ( # overload matrix times matrix #
    [LWB a:UPB a, 2 LWB b:2 UPB b]FIELD result;
    IF 2 LWB a/=LWB b OR 2 UPB a/=UPB b THEN raise index error FI;
    FOR k FROM LWB result TO UPB result DO result[k,]:=a[k,]*b OD;
# Some sample matrices to test #
MATRIX a=((1,  1,  1,   1), # matrix A #
          (2,  4,  8,  16),
          (3,  9, 27,  81),
          (4, 16, 64, 256));

MATRIX b=((  4  , -3  ,  4/3,  -1/4 ), # matrix B #
          (-13/3, 19/4, -7/3,  11/24),
          (  3/2, -2  ,  7/6,  -1/4 ),
          ( -1/6,  1/4, -1/6,   1/24));

MATRIX prod = a * b; # actual multiplication example of A x B #

FORMAT real fmt = $g(-6,2)$; # width of 6, with no '+' sign, 2 decimals #
PROC real matrix printf= (FORMAT real fmt, MATRIX m)VOID:(
  FORMAT vector fmt = $"("n(2 UPB m-1)(f(real fmt)",")f(real fmt)")"$;
  FORMAT matrix fmt = $x"("n(UPB m-1)(f(vector fmt)","lxx)f(vector fmt)");"$;
  # finally print the result #
  printf((matrix fmt,m))
# finally print the result #
print(("Product of a and b: ",new line));
real matrix printf(real fmt, prod)

exception index error: 
  putf(stand error, $x"Exception: index error."l$)


Product of a and b: 
((  1.00, -0.00, -0.00, -0.00),
 ( -0.00,  1.00, -0.00, -0.00),
 ( -0.00, -0.00,  1.00, -0.00),
 ( -0.00, -0.00, -0.00,  1.00));

Parallel processing

Alternatively - for multicore CPUs - use the following reinvention of Strassen's O(n^log2(7)) recursive matrix multiplication algorithm:

int default upb := 3;
mode field = long real;
mode vector = [default upb]field;
mode matrix = [default upb, default upb]field;

¢ crude exception handling ¢
proc void raise index error := void: goto exception index error;

sema idle cpus = level ( 8 - 1 ); ¢ 8 = number of CPU cores minus parent CPU ¢

¢ define an operator to slice array into quarters ¢
op top = (matrix m)int: ( ⌊m + ⌈m ) %2,
   bot = (matrix m)int: top m + 1,
   left = (matrix m)int: ( 2 ⌊m + 2 ⌈m ) %2,
   right = (matrix m)int: left m + 1,
   left = (vector v)int: ( ⌊v + ⌈v ) %2,
   right = (vector v)int: left v + 1; 
prio top = 8, bot = 8, left = 8, right = 8; ¢ Operator priority - same as LWB & UPB ¢

op × = (vector a, b)field: ( ¢ dot product ¢
  if (⌊a, ⌈a) ≠ (⌊b, ⌈b) then raise index error fi;
  if ⌊a = ⌈a then
    a[⌈a] × b[⌈b]
    field begin, end;
    []proc void schedule=(
      void: begin:=a[:left a] × b[:left b], 
      void: end  :=a[right a:] × b[right b:]
    if level idle cpus = 0 then ¢ use current CPU ¢
      for thread to ⌈schedule do schedule[thread] od
      par ( ¢ run vector in parallel ¢
        schedule[1], ¢ assume parent CPU ¢
        ( ↓idle cpus; schedule[2]; ↑idle cpus)

op × = (matrix a, b)matrix: ¢ matrix multiply ¢
  if (⌊a, 2 ⌊b) = (⌈a, 2 ⌈b) then
    a[⌊a, ] × b[, 2 ⌈b] ¢ dot product ¢
    [⌈a, 2 ⌈b] field out;
    if (2 ⌊a, 2 ⌈a) ≠ (⌊b, ⌈b) then raise index error fi;
    []struct(bool required, proc void thread) schedule = (
      ( true, ¢ calculate top left corner ¢
        void: out[:top a, :left b] := a[:top a, ] × b[, :left b]), 
      ( ⌊a ≠ ⌈a, ¢ calculate bottom left corner ¢
        void: out[bot a:, :left b] := a[bot a:, ] × b[, :left b]), 
      ( 2 ⌊b ≠ 2 ⌈b, ¢ calculate top right corner ¢
        void: out[:top a, right b:] := a[:top a, ] × b[, right b:]), 
      ( (⌊a, 2 ⌊b) ≠ (⌈a, 2 ⌈b) , ¢ calculate bottom right corner ¢
        void: out[bot a:, right b:] := a[bot a:, ] × b[, right b:])
    if level idle cpus = 0 then ¢ use current CPU ¢
      for thread to ⌈schedule do (required →schedule[thread] | thread →schedule[thread] ) od
      par ( ¢ run vector in parallel ¢
        thread →schedule[1], ¢ thread is always required, and assume parent CPU ¢
        ( required →schedule[4] | ↓idle cpus; thread →schedule[4]; ↑idle cpus),
           ¢ try to do opposite corners of matrix in parallel if CPUs are limited ¢
        ( required →schedule[3] | ↓idle cpus; thread →schedule[3]; ↑idle cpus),
        ( required →schedule[2] | ↓idle cpus; thread →schedule[2]; ↑idle cpus)

format real fmt = $g(-6,2)$; ¢ width of 6, with no '+' sign, 2 decimals ¢
proc real matrix printf= (format real fmt, matrix m)void:(
  format vector fmt = $"("n(2 ⌈m-1)(f(real fmt)",")f(real fmt)")"$;
  format matrix fmt = $x"("n(⌈m-1)(f(vector fmt)","lxx)f(vector fmt)");"$;
  ¢ finally print the result ¢
  printf((matrix fmt,m))

¢ Some sample matrices to test ¢
matrix a=((1,  1,  1,   1), ¢ matrix A ¢
          (2,  4,  8,  16),
          (3,  9, 27,  81),
          (4, 16, 64, 256));

matrix b=((  4  , -3  ,  4/3,  -1/4 ), ¢ matrix B ¢
          (-13/3, 19/4, -7/3,  11/24),
          (  3/2, -2  ,  7/6,  -1/4 ),
          ( -1/6,  1/4, -1/6,   1/24));

matrix c = a × b; ¢ actual multiplication example of A x B ¢

print((" A x B =",new line));
real matrix printf(real fmt, c).

exception index error: 
  putf(stand error, $x"Exception: index error."l$)


Matrix multiply in APL is just +.×. For example:

<lang apl> x ← +.×

   A  ←  ↑A*¨⊂A←⍳4   ⍝  Same  A  as in other examples (1 1 1 1⍪ 2 4 8 16⍪ 3 9 27 81,[0.5] 4 16 64 256) 
   B  ←  ⌹A          ⍝  Matrix inverse of A
   'F6.2' ⎕FMT A x B

1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00</lang>


ahk discussion <lang autohotkey>Matrix("b","  ; rows separated by "," , 1 2  ; entries separated by space or tab , 2 3 , 3 0") MsgBox % "B`n`n" MatrixPrint(b) Matrix("c"," , 1 2 3 , 3 2 1") MsgBox % "C`n`n" MatrixPrint(c)

MatrixMul("a",b,c) MsgBox % "B * C`n`n" MatrixPrint(a)

MsgBox % MatrixMul("x",b,b)

Matrix(_a,_v) { ; Matrix structure: m_0_0 = #rows, m_0_1 = #columns, m_i_j = element[i,j], i,j > 0

  Local _i, _j = 0
  Loop Parse, _v, `,
     If (A_LoopField != "") {
        _i := 0, _j ++
        Loop Parse, A_LoopField, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
           If (A_LoopField != "")
              _i++, %_a%_%_i%_%_j% := A_LoopField
  %_a% := _a, %_a%_0_0 := _j, %_a%_0_1 := _i

} MatrixPrint(_a) {

  Local _i = 0, _t
  Loop % %_a%_0_0 {
     Loop % %_a%_0_1
        _t .= %_a%_%A_Index%_%_i% "`t"
     _t .= "`n"
  Return _t

} MatrixMul(_a,_b,_c) {

  Local _i = 0, _j, _k, _s
  If (%_b%_0_0 != %_c%_0_1)
     Return "ERROR: inner dimensions " %_b%_0_0 " != " %_c%_0_1
  %_a% := _a, %_a%_0_0 := %_b%_0_0, %_a%_0_1 := %_c%_0_1
  Loop % %_c%_0_1 {
     _i++, _j := 0
     Loop % %_b%_0_0 {
        _j++, _k := _s := 0
        Loop % %_b%_0_1
           _k++, _s += %_b%_%_k%_%_j% * %_c%_%_i%_%_k%
        %_a%_%_i%_%_j% := _s



Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
Translation of: Java

Assume the matrices to be multiplied are a and b

IF (LEN(a,2) = LEN(b)) 'if valid dims
       n = LEN(a,2)
       m = LEN(a)
       p = LEN(b,2)

       DIM ans(0 TO m - 1, 0 TO p - 1)

       FOR i = 0 TO m - 1
               FOR j = 0 TO p - 1
                       FOR k = 0 TO n - 1
                               ans(i, j) = ans(i, j) + (a(i, k) * b(k, j))
                       NEXT k, j, i

       'print answer
       FOR i = 0 TO m - 1
               FOR j = 0 TO p - 1
                       PRINT ans(i, j);
               NEXT j
       NEXT i
       PRINT "invalid dimensions"


Works with: gcc version 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27) Options: gcc -std=gnu99

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. define dim 4 /* fixed length square matrices */

const int SLICE=0; /* coder hints */ typedef double field_t; /* field_t type is long float */ typedef field_t vec_t[dim]; typedef field_t *ref_vec_t; /* address of first element */ typedef vec_t matrix_t[dim]; typedef field_t *ref_matrix_t; /* address of first element */ typedef const char* format;

/* define the vector/matrix_t operators */

field_t v_times_v (vec_t a, vec_t b, int step_b){

   /* basically the dot product if step_b==1*/
   field_t result=0;
   for( int i=0; i<sizeof a; i++ )
     result+= a[i]*b[i*step_b];
   return result;

ref_vec_t v_eq_v_times_m(vec_t result, vec_t a, matrix_t b){

   for( int j=0; j<sizeof b; j++ )
     result[j]=v_times_v(a,&b[SLICE][j],sizeof b[SLICE] / sizeof (field_t));
   return &result[SLICE];

ref_matrix_t m_eq_m_times_m (matrix_t result, matrix_t a, matrix_t b){

   for( int k=0; k<sizeof result; k++ )
   return &result[SLICE][SLICE];

/* Some sample matrices to test */ matrix_t a={{1, 1, 1, 1}, /* matrix_t A */

           {2,  4,  8,  16},
           {3,  9, 27,  81},
           {4, 16, 64, 256}};

matrix_t b={{ 4.0 , -3.0 , 4.0/3, -1.0/4 }, /* matrix_t B */

           {-13.0/3, 19.0/4, -7.0/3,  11.0/24},
           {  3.0/2, -2.0  ,  7.0/6,  -1.0/4 },
           { -1.0/6,  1.0/4, -1.0/6,   1.0/24}};

int main(){

 matrix_t prod;
 m_eq_m_times_m(prod,a,b); /* actual multiplication example of A x B */
 #define field_fmt "%6.2f" /* width of 6, with no '+' sign, 2 decimals */
 #define vec_fmt "{"field_fmt","field_fmt","field_fmt","field_fmt"}"
 #define matrix_fmt " {"vec_fmt",\n  "vec_fmt",\n  "vec_fmt",\n  "vec_fmt"};"

 format result_fmt = " Product of a and b: \n"matrix_fmt"\n";
 /* finally print the result */

}</lang> Output:

Product of a and b: 
{{  1.00,  0.00, -0.00, -0.00},
 {  0.00,  1.00, -0.00, -0.00},
 {  0.00,  0.00,  1.00, -0.00},
 {  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  1.00}};


Works with: Visual C++ 2010
Library: Blitz++

<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <blitz/tinymat.h>

int main() {

 using namespace blitz;
 TinyMatrix<double,3,3> A, B, C;
 A = 1, 2, 3,
     4, 5, 6,
     7, 8, 9;
 B = 1, 0, 0,
     0, 1, 0,
     0, 0, 1;
 C = product(A, B);
 std::cout << C << std::endl;

}</lang> Output:

 [          1         2         3 ]
 [          4         5         6 ]
 [          7         8         9 ]

Generic solution

main.cpp <lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include "matrix.h"
  1. if !defined(ARRAY_SIZE)
   #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof((x)) / sizeof((x)[0]))
  1. endif

int main() {

   int  am[2][3] = {
   int  bm[3][2] = {
   Matrix<int> a(ARRAY_SIZE(am), ARRAY_SIZE(am[0]), am[0], ARRAY_SIZE(am)*ARRAY_SIZE(am[0]));
   Matrix<int> b(ARRAY_SIZE(bm), ARRAY_SIZE(bm[0]), bm[0], ARRAY_SIZE(bm)*ARRAY_SIZE(bm[0]));
   Matrix<int> c;
   try {
       c = a * b;
       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c.rowNum(); i++) {
           for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c.colNum(); j++) {
               std::cout <<  c[i][j] << "  ";
           std::cout << std::endl;
   } catch (MatrixException& e) {
       std::cerr << e.message() << std::endl;
       return e.errorCode();

} /* main() */ </lang>

matrix.h <lang cpp>

  1. ifndef _MATRIX_H
  2. define _MATRIX_H
  1. include <sstream>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <vector>
  2. define MATRIX_ERR_UNDEFINED "1 Undefined exception!"
  3. define MATRIX_ERR_WRONG_ROW_INDEX "2 The row index is out of range."
  4. define MATRIX_ERR_MUL_ROW_AND_COL_NOT_EQUAL "3 The row number of second matrix must be equal with the column number of first matrix!"
  5. define MATRIX_ERR_MUL_ROW_AND_COL_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO "4 The number of rows and columns must be greater than zero!"
  6. define MATRIX_ERR_TO_FEW_DATA "5 Too few data in matrix."

class MatrixException { private:

   std::string message_;
   int errorCode_;


   MatrixException(std::string message = MATRIX_ERR_UNDEFINED);
   inline std::string message() {
       return message_;
   inline int errorCode() {
       return errorCode_;


MatrixException::MatrixException(std::string message) {

   errorCode_ = MATRIX_ERROR_CODE_COUNT + 1;
   std::stringstream ss(message);
   ss >> errorCode_;
   if (errorCode_ < 1) {
       errorCode_ = MATRIX_ERROR_CODE_COUNT + 1;
   std::string::size_type pos = message.find(' ');
   if (errorCode_ <= MATRIX_ERROR_CODE_COUNT && pos != std::string::npos) {
       message_ = message.substr(pos + 1);
   } else {
       message_ = message + " (This an unknown and unsupported exception!)";



* Generic class for matrices.

template <class T> class Matrix { private:

   std::vector<T> v; // the data of matrix
   unsigned int m;   // the number of rows
   unsigned int n;   // the number of columns


   virtual void clear() {
       m = n = 0;


   Matrix() {
   Matrix(unsigned int, unsigned int, T* = 0, unsigned int = 0);
   Matrix(unsigned int, unsigned int, const std::vector<T>&);
   virtual ~Matrix() {
   Matrix& operator=(const Matrix&);
   std::vector<T> operator[](unsigned int) const;
   Matrix operator*(const Matrix&);
   inline unsigned int rowNum() const {
       return m;
   inline unsigned int colNum() const {
       return n;
   inline unsigned int size() const {
       return v.size();
   inline void add(const T& t) {


template <class T> Matrix<T>::Matrix(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, T* data, unsigned int dataLength) {

   if (row > 0 && col > 0) {
       m = row;
       n = col;
       unsigned int mxn = m * n;
       if (dataLength && data) {
           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataLength && i < mxn; i++) {


template <class T> Matrix<T>::Matrix(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, const std::vector<T>& data) {

   if (row > 0 && col > 0) {
       m = row;
       n = col;
       unsigned int mxn = m * n;
       if (data.size() > 0) {
           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mxn && i < data.size(); i++) {


template<class T> Matrix<T>& Matrix<T>::operator=(const Matrix<T>& other) {

   if (other.m > 0 && other.n > 0) {
       m = other.m;
       n = other.n;
       unsigned int mxn = m * n;
       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mxn && i < other.size(); i++) {
   return *this;


template<class T> std::vector<T> Matrix<T>::operator[](unsigned int index) const {

   std::vector<T> result;
   if (index >= m) {
       throw MatrixException(MATRIX_ERR_WRONG_ROW_INDEX);
   } else if ((index + 1) * n > size()) {
       throw MatrixException(MATRIX_ERR_TO_FEW_DATA);
   } else {
       unsigned int begin = index * n;
       unsigned int end = begin + n;
       for (unsigned int i = begin; i < end; i++) {
   return result;


template<class T> Matrix<T> Matrix<T>::operator*(const Matrix<T>& other) {

   Matrix result(m, other.n);
   if (n != other.m) {
       throw MatrixException(MATRIX_ERR_MUL_ROW_AND_COL_NOT_EQUAL);
   } else if (m <= 0 || n <= 0 || other.n <= 0) {
   } else if (m * n > size() || other.m * other.n > other.size()) {
       throw MatrixException(MATRIX_ERR_TO_FEW_DATA);
   } else {
       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
           for (unsigned int j = 0; j < other.n; j++) {
               T temp = v[i * n] * other.v[j];
               for (unsigned int k = 1; k < n; k++) {
                   temp += v[i * n + k] * other.v[k * other.n + j];
   return result;


  1. endif /* _MATRIX_H */



22  28  
49  64  

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun matrix-multiply (a b)

 (flet ((col (mat i) (mapcar #'(lambda (row) (elt row i)) mat))
        (row (mat i) (elt mat i)))
   (loop for row from 0 below (length a)
         collect (loop for col from 0 below (length (row b 0))
                       collect (apply #'+ (mapcar #'* (row a row) (col b col)))))))
example use

(matrix-multiply '((1 2) (3 4)) '((-3 -8 3) (-2 1 4)))

(defun matrix-multiply (matrix1 matrix2)

 (lambda (row)
  (apply #'mapcar
   (lambda (&rest column)
    (apply #'+ (mapcar #'* row column))) matrix2)) matrix1))</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio: writefln; import std.string: format, join;

T[][] matrixMul(T)(T[][] m1, T[][] m2) {

   bool isRectangular(T[][] matrix) {
       foreach (row; matrix)
           if (row.length != matrix[0].length)
               return false;
       return true;
   T[][] result;
   if (isRectangular(m1) && isRectangular(m2) && m1[0].length == m2.length) {
       result = new T[][](m1.length, m2[0].length);
       foreach (i, m1_row_i; m1)
           for (int j; j < m2[0].length; j++) {
               T aux = 0;
               foreach (k, m2_row_k; m2)
                   aux += m1_row_i[k] * m2_row_k[j];
               result[i][j] = aux;
   } else
       throw new Exception("matrixMul Error");
   return result;


string prettyPrint(T)(T[][] matrix) {

   string[] result;
   foreach (row; matrix)
       result ~= format(row);
   return "[" ~ result.join(",\n ") ~ "]";


void main() {

   float[][] a = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [3, 6]];
   float[][] b = [[-3, -8, 3,], [-2, 1, 4]];
   writefln("A = \n", prettyPrint(a));
   writefln("\nB = \n", prettyPrint(b));
   writefln("\nA * B = \n", prettyPrint(matrixMul(a, b)));



Sample originally from (a now dead link) - Public release.

Code for matrix multiplication hardware design verification: <lang ella>MAC ZIP = ([INT n]TYPE t: vector1 vector2) -> [n][2]t:

 [INT k = 1..n](vector1[k], vector2[k]).

MAC TRANSPOSE = ([INT n][INT m]TYPE t: matrix) -> [m][n]t:

 [INT i = 1..m] [INT j = 1..n] matrix[j][i].

MAC INNER_PRODUCT{FN * = [2]TYPE t -> TYPE s, FN + = [2]s -> s}

                = ([INT n][2]t: vector) -> s:
 IF n = 1 THEN *vector[1]
 ELSE *vector[1] + INNER_PRODUCT {*,+} vector[2..n]

MAC MATRIX_MULT {FN * = [2]TYPE t->TYPE s, FN + = [2]s->s} = ([INT n][INT m]t: matrix1, [m][INT p]t: matrix2) -> [n][p]s: BEGIN

 LET transposed_matrix2 = TRANSPOSE matrix2.

OUTPUT [INT i = 1..n][INT j = 1..p]



TYPE element = NEW elt/(1..20),

    product = NEW prd/(1..1200).

FN PLUS = (product: integer1 integer2) -> product:

 ARITH integer1 + integer2.

FN MULT = (element: integer1 integer2) -> product:

 ARITH integer1 * integer2.

FN MULT_234 = ([2][3]element:matrix1, [3][4]element:matrix2) ->

 MATRIX_MULT{MULT,PLUS}(matrix1, matrix2).

FN TEST = () -> [2][4]product: ( LET m1 = ((elt/2, elt/1, elt/1),

           (elt/3, elt/6, elt/9)), 
     m2 = ((elt/6, elt/1, elt/3, elt/4), 
           (elt/9, elt/2, elt/8, elt/3),
           (elt/6, elt/4, elt/1, elt/2)).
   MULT_234 (m1, m2)


COM test: just displaysignal MOC</lang>


The built-in word m. multiplies matrices:

( scratchpad ) USE: math.matrices
               { { 1 2 } { 3 4 } }  { { -3 -8 3 } { -2 1 4 } } m. .
{ { -7 -6 11 } { -17 -20 25 } }


<lang forth>include fsl-util.f

3 3 float matrix A{{
ATemplate:3 3fread  1e 2e 3e  4e 5e 6e  7e 8e 9e
3 3 float matrix B{{
BTemplate:3 3fread  3e 3e 3e  2e 2e 2e  1e 1e 1e
3 3 float matrix C{{    \ result

A{{ B{{ C{{ mat*
C{{ }}print</lang>


In ISO Fortran 90 or later, use the SIZE and MATMUL intrinsic functions: <lang fortran>real, dimension(n,m) :: a = reshape( (/ (i, i=1, n*m) /), (/ n, m /) ) real, dimension(m,k) :: b = reshape( (/ (i, i=1, m*k) /), (/ m, k /) ) real, dimension(size(a,1), size(b,2)) :: c  ! C is an array whose first dimension (row) size

                                             ! is the same as A's first dimension size, and
                                             ! whose second dimension (column) size is the same
                                             ! as B's second dimension size.

c = matmul( a, b )

print *, 'A' do i = 1, n

   print *, a(i,:)

end do

print *, print *, 'B' do i = 1, m

   print *, b(i,:)

end do

print *, print *, 'C = AB' do i = 1, n

   print *, c(i,:)

end do</lang>


<lang go>package main

import (



type Value float64 type Matrix [][]Value

func Multiply(m1, m2 Matrix) (m3 Matrix, ok bool) {

  rows, cols, extra := len(m1), len(m2[0]), len(m2)
  if len(m1[0]) != extra { return nil, false }
  m3 = make(Matrix, rows)
  for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {
     m3[i] = make([]Value,cols)
     for j := 0; j < cols; j++ {
        for k := 0; k < extra; k++ {
           m3[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]
  return m3, true


func (m Matrix) String() string {

  rows := len(m)
  cols := len(m[0])
  out := "["
  for r := 0; r < rows; r++ {
     if r > 0 { out += ",\n " }
     out += "[ "
     for c := 0; c < cols; c++ {
        if c > 0 { out += ", " }
        out += fmt.Sprintf("%7.3f", m[r][c])
     out += " ]"
  out += "]"
  return out


func main() {

  A := Matrix{[]Value{1,  1,  1,   1},
              []Value{2,  4,  8,  16},
              []Value{3,  9, 27,  81},
              []Value{4, 16, 64, 256}}
  B := Matrix{[]Value{  4.0  , -3.0  ,  4.0/3, -1.0/4 },
              []Value{-13.0/3, 19.0/4, -7.0/3, 11.0/24},
              []Value{  3.0/2, -2.0  ,  7.0/6, -1.0/4 },
              []Value{ -1.0/6,  1.0/4, -1.0/6,  1.0/24}}
  P,ok := Multiply(A,B)
  if !ok { panic("Invalid dimensions") }
  fmt.Printf("Matrix A:\n%s\n\n", A)
  fmt.Printf("Matrix B:\n%s\n\n", B)
  fmt.Printf("Product of A and B:\n%s\n\n", P)



Matrix A:
[[   1.000,   1.000,   1.000,   1.000 ],
 [   2.000,   4.000,   8.000,  16.000 ],
 [   3.000,   9.000,  27.000,  81.000 ],
 [   4.000,  16.000,  64.000, 256.000 ]]

Matrix B:
[[   4.000,  -3.000,   1.333,  -0.250 ],
 [  -4.333,   4.750,  -2.333,   0.458 ],
 [   1.500,  -2.000,   1.167,  -0.250 ],
 [  -0.167,   0.250,  -0.167,   0.042 ]]

Product of A and B:
[[   1.000,   0.000,  -0.000,  -0.000 ],
 [   0.000,   1.000,  -0.000,  -0.000 ],
 [   0.000,   0.000,   1.000,  -0.000 ],
 [   0.000,   0.000,   0.000,   1.000 ]]


A somewhat inefficient version with lists (transpose is expensive):

<lang haskell>import Data.List

mmult :: Num a => a -> a -> a 
mmult a b = [ [ sum $ zipWith (*) ar bc | bc <- (transpose b) ] | ar <- a ]

-- Example use:
test = [[1, 2],
        [3, 4]] `mmult` [[-3, -8, 3],
                         [-2,  1, 4]]</lang>

A more efficient version, based on arrays:

<lang haskell>import Data.Array

mmult :: (Ix i, Num a) => Array (i,i) a -> Array (i,i) a -> Array (i,i) a 
mmult x y 
  | x1 /= y0 || x1' /= y0'  = error "range mismatch"
  | otherwise               = array ((x0,y1),(x0',y1')) l
    ((x0,x1),(x0',x1')) = bounds x
    ((y0,y1),(y0',y1')) = bounds y
    ir = range (x0,x0')
    jr = range (y1,y1')
    kr = range (x1,x1')
    l  = [((i,j), sum [x!(i,k) * y!(k,j) | k <- kr]) | i <- ir, j <- jr]</lang>


<lang hicest>REAL :: m=4, n=2, p=3, a(m,n), b(n,p), res(m,p)

a = $ ! initialize to 1, 2, ..., m*n b = $ ! initialize to 1, 2, ..., n*p

res = 0 DO i = 1, m

 DO j = 1, p
   DO k = 1, n
     res(i,j) = res(i,j) + a(i,k) * b(k,j)


DLG(DefWidth=4, Text=a, Text=b,Y=0, Text=res,Y=0)</lang> <lang hicest>a b res 1 2 1 2 3 9 12 15 3 4 4 5 6 19 26 33 5 6 29 40 51 7 8 39 54 69 </lang>


<lang idl>result = arr1 # arr2</lang>


Matrix multiply in J is just +/ .*. For example: <lang j> mp =: +/ .* NB. Matrix product

  A  =:  ^/~>:i. 4   NB.  Same  A  as in other examples (1 1 1 1, 2 4 8 16, 3 9 27 81,:4 16 64 256)
  B  =:  %.A         NB.  Matrix inverse of A
  '6.2' 8!:2 A mp B

1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00</lang> The notation is for a generalized inner product so that <lang j>x ~:/ .*. y NB. boolean inner product ( ~: is "not equal" (exclusive or) and *. is "and") x *./ .= y NB. which rows of x are the same as vector y? x + / .= y NB. number of places where each row of x equals vector y</lang> etc.

The general inner product extends to multidimensional arrays, requiring only that x and y be conformable (trailing dimension of array x equals the leading dimension of array y). For example, the matrix multiplication of two dimensional arrays requires x to have the same numbers of rows as y has columns, as you would expect.


<lang java>public static double[][] mult(double a[][], double b[][]){//a[m][n], b[n][p]

  if(a.length == 0) return new double[0][0];
  if(a[0].length != b.length) return null; //invalid dims
  int n = a[0].length;
  int m = a.length;
  int p = b[0].length;
  double ans[][] = new double[m][p];
  for(int i = 0;i < m;i++){
     for(int j = 0;j < p;j++){
        for(int k = 0;k < n;k++){
           ans[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j];
  return ans;



Works with: SpiderMonkey

for the print() function

Extends Matrix Transpose#JavaScript <lang javascript>// returns a new matrix Matrix.prototype.mult = function(other) {

   if (this.width != other.height) {
       throw "error: incompatible sizes";
   var result = [];
   for (var i = 0; i < this.height; i++) {
       result[i] = [];
       for (var j = 0; j < other.width; j++) {
           var sum = 0;
           for (var k = 0; k < this.width; k++) {
               sum += this.mtx[i][k] * other.mtx[k][j];
           result[i][j] = sum;
   return new Matrix(result); 


var a = new Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]]) var b = new Matrix([[-3,-8,3],[-2,1,4]]); print(a.mult(b));</lang> output



<lang mathematica>M1 = {{1, 2},

     {3, 4},
     {5, 6},
     {7, 8}}

M2 = {{1, 2, 3},

     {4, 5, 6}}

M = M1.M2</lang>

Or without the variables:

<lang mathematica>{{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}}.{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}</lang>

The result is: <lang mathematica>{{9, 12, 15}, {19, 26, 33}, {29, 40, 51}, {39, 54, 69}}</lang>


<lang Matlab>function [output] = matrixmultiplication(matrixA, matrixB)

  output = matrixA*matrixB;</lang>


<lang nial>|A := 4 4 reshape 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 16 3 9 27 81 4 16 64 256 =1 1 1 1 =2 4 8 16 =3 9 27 81 =4 16 64 256 |B := inverse A

|A innerproduct B =1. 0. 8.3e-17 -2.9e-16 =1.3e-15 1. -4.4e-16 -3.3e-16 =0. 0. 1. 4.4e-16 =0. 0. 0. 1.</lang>


This version works on arrays of arrays of ints: <lang ocaml>let matrix_multiply x y =

 let x0 = Array.length x
 and y0 = Array.length y in
 let y1 = if y0 = 0 then 0 else Array.length y.(0) in
 let z = Array.make_matrix x0 y1 0 in
 for i = 0 to x0-1 do
   for j = 0 to y1-1 do
     for k = 0 to y0-1 do
       z.(i).(j) <- z.(i).(j) + x.(i).(k) * y.(k).(j)
# matrix_multiply [|[|1;2|];[|3;4|]|] [|[|-3;-8;3|];[|-2;1;4|]|];;
- : int array array = [|[|-7; -6; 11|]; [|-17; -20; 25|]|]
Translation of: Scheme

This version works on lists of lists of ints: <lang ocaml>(* equivalent to (apply map ...) *) let rec mapn f lists =

 assert (lists <> []);
 if List.mem [] lists then
   f ( List.hd lists) :: mapn f ( lists)

let matrix_multiply m1 m2 =
   (fun row ->
      (fun column ->
        List.fold_left (+) 0
         (List.map2 ( * ) row column))
# matrix_multiply [[1;2];[3;4]] [[-3;-8;3];[-2;1;4]];;
- : int list list = [[-7; -6; 11]; [-17; -20; 25]]


<lang octave>a = zeros(4); % prepare the matrix % 1 1 1 1 % 2 4 8 16 % 3 9 27 81 % 4 16 64 256 for i = 1:4

 for j = 1:4
   a(i, j) = i^j;

endfor b = inverse(a); a * b</lang>


For most applications involving extensive matrix arithmetic, using the CPAN module called "PDL" (that stands for "Perl Data Language") would probably be the easiest and most efficient approach. That said, here's an implementation of matrix multiplication in plain Perl.

<lang perl>sub mmult

{our @a; local *a = shift;
 our @b; local *b = shift;
 my @p = [];
 my $rows = @a;
 my $cols = @{$b[0]};
 my $n = @b - 1;
 for (my $r = 0 ; $r < $rows ; ++$r)
    {for (my $c = 0 ; $c < $cols ; ++$c)
        {$p[$r][$c] += $a[$r][$_] * $b[$_][$c] foreach 0 .. $n;}}
 return [@p];}</lang>

This function takes two references to arrays of arrays and returns the product as a reference to a new anonymous array of arrays.


<lang PicoLisp>(de matMul (Mat1 Mat2)

        (apply mapcar Mat2
           '(@ (apply + (mapcar * Row (rest)))) ) )
     Mat1 ) )


  '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))
  '((6 -1) (3 2) (0 -3)) )</lang>


-> ((12 -6) (39 -12))


<lang PL/I> /* Matrix multiplication of A by B, yielding C */ MMULT: procedure (a, b, c);

  declare (a, b, c)(*,*) float controlled;
  declare (i, j, m, n, p) fixed binary;
  if hbound(a,2) ^= hbound(b,1) then
        put skip list
           ('Matrices are incompatible for matrix multiplication');
        signal error;
  m = hbound(a, 1); p = hbound(b, 2);
  if allocation(c) > 0 then free c;
  allocate c(m,p);
  do  i = 1 to m;
     do j = 1 to p;
        c(i,j) = sum(a(i,*) * b(*,j) );

end MMULT; </lang>


<lang pop11>define matmul(a, b) -> c;

   lvars ba = boundslist(a), bb = boundslist(b);
   lvars i, i0 = ba(1), i1 = ba(2);
   lvars j, j0 = bb(1), j1 = bb(2);
   lvars k, k0 = bb(3), k1 = bb(4);
   if length(ba) /= 4 then
       throw([need_2d_array ^a])
   if length(bb) /= 4 then
       throw([need_2d_array ^b])
   if ba(3) /= j0 or ba(4) /= j1 then
       throw([dimensions_do_not_match ^a ^b]);
   newarray([^i0 ^i1 ^k0 ^k1], 0) -> c;
   for i from i0 to i1 do
       for k from k0 to k1 do
           for j from j0 to j1 do
               c(i, k) + a(i, j)*b(j, k) -> c(i, k);



Translation of: Scheme
Works with: SWI Prolog version 5.9.9

<lang prolog>% SWI-Prolog has transpose/2 in its clpfd library

- use_module(library(clpfd)).

% N is the dot product of lists V1 and V2. dot(V1, V2, N) :- maplist(product,V1,V2,P), sumlist(P,N). product(N1,N2,N3) :- N3 is N1*N2.

% Matrix multiplication with matrices represented % as lists of lists. M3 is the product of M1 and M2 mmult(M1, M2, M3) :- transpose(M2,MT), maplist(mm_helper(MT), M1, M3). mm_helper(M2, I1, M3) :- maplist(dot(I1), M2, M3).</lang>


Matrices represented as integer arrays with rows in the first dimension and columns in the second. <lang PureBasic>Procedure multiplyMatrix(Array a(2), Array b(2), Array prd(2))

 Protected ar = ArraySize(a())    ;#rows for matrix a
 Protected ac = ArraySize(a(), 2) ;#cols for matrix a
 Protected br = ArraySize(b())    ;#rows for matrix b
 Protected bc = ArraySize(b(), 2) ;#cols for matrix b
 If ac = br
   Dim prd(ar, bc)
   Protected i, j, k
   For i = 0 To ar
     For j = 0 To bc 
       For k = 0 To br ;ac
         prd(i, j) = prd(i, j) + (a(i, k) * b(k, j))
   ProcedureReturn #True  ;multiplication performed, product in prd()
   ProcedureReturn #False ;multiplication not performed, dimensions invalid 

EndProcedure</lang> Additional code to demonstrate use. <lang PureBasic>DataSection

 Data.i 2,3           ;matrix a (#rows, #cols)
 Data.i 1,2,3, 4,5,6  ;elements by row
 Data.i 3,1           ;matrix b (#rows, #cols)
 Data.i 1, 5, 9       ;elements by row


Procedure displayMatrix(Array a(2), text.s)

 Protected i, j 
 Protected columns = ArraySize(a(), 2), rows = ArraySize(a(), 1)
 PrintN(text + ": (" + Str(rows + 1) + ", " + Str(columns + 1) + ")")
 For i = 0 To rows
   For j = 0 To columns
     Print(LSet(Str(a(i, j)), 4, " "))


Procedure loadMatrix(Array a(2))

 Protected rows, columns, i, j
 Read.i rows
 Read.i columns
 Dim a(rows - 1, columns - 1)
 For i = 0 To rows - 1
   For j = 0 To columns - 1
     Read.i a(i, j)


Dim a(0,0) Dim b(0,0) Dim c(0,0)

If OpenConsole()

 loadMatrix(a()): displayMatrix(a(), "matrix a")
 loadMatrix(b()): displayMatrix(b(), "matrix b")
 If multiplyMatrix(a(), b(), c())
   displayMatrix(c(), "product of a * b")
   PrintN("product of a * b is undefined")
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

matrix a: (2, 3)
1   2   3
4   5   6

matrix b: (3, 1)

product of a * b: (2, 1)


<lang python>a=((1, 1, 1, 1), # matrix A #

    (2,  4,  8,  16),
    (3,  9, 27,  81),
    (4, 16, 64, 256))

b=(( 4 , -3 , 4/3., -1/4. ), # matrix B #

    (-13/3., 19/4., -7/3.,  11/24.),
    (  3/2., -2.  ,  7/6.,  -1/4. ),
    ( -1/6.,  1/4., -1/6.,   1/24.))

def MatrixMul( mtx_a, mtx_b):

   tpos_b = zip( *mtx_b)
   rtn = [[ sum( ea*eb for ea,eb in zip(a,b)) for b in tpos_b] for a in mtx_a]
   return rtn

v = MatrixMul( a, b )

print 'v = (' for r in v:

   print '[', 
   for val in r:
       print '%8.2f '%val, 
   print ']'

print ')'

u = MatrixMul(b,a)

print 'u = ' for r in u:

   print '[', 
   for val in r:
       print '%8.2f '%val, 
   print ']'

print ')'</lang>

Another one,

Translation of: Scheme

<lang python>from operator import mul

def matrixMul(m1, m2):

 return map(
   lambda row:
       lambda *column:
         sum(map(mul, row, column)),


<lang r>a %*% b</lang>



Library: matrix.rb

<lang ruby>require 'matrix'

Matrix[[1, 2],

      [3, 4]] * Matrix[[-3, -8, 3],
                       [-2,  1, 4]]</lang>


Matrix[[-7, -6, 11], [-17, -20, 25]]

Version for lists:

Translation of: Haskell

<lang ruby>def matrix_mult(a, b) do |ar| do |bc| {|x,y| x*y}.inject {|z,w| z+w}



Works with: Scala version 2.8

Assuming an array of arrays representation:

<lang scala>def mult[A](a: Array[Array[A]], b: Array[Array[A]])(implicit n: Numeric[A]) = {

 import n._
 for (row <- a)
 yield for(col <- b.transpose)
       yield row zip col map Function.tupled(_*_) reduceLeft (_+_)


For any subclass of Seq (which does not include Java-specific arrays):

<lang scala>def mult[A, CC[X] <: Seq[X], DD[Y] <: Seq[Y]](a: CC[DD[A]], b: CC[DD[A]]) (implicit n: Numeric[A]): CC[DD[A]] = {

 import n._
 for (row <- a)
 yield for(col <- b.transpose)
       yield row zip col map Function.tupled(_*_) reduceLeft (_+_)



scala> Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4))
res0: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4))

scala> Array(Array(-3, -8, 3), Array(-2, 1, 4))
res1: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(-3, -8, 3), Array(-2, 1, 4))

scala> mult(res0, res1)
res2: Array[scala.collection.mutable.GenericArray[Int]] = Array(GenericArray(-7, -6, 11), GenericArray(-17, -20, 25))

res5: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))

res6: List[List[Int]] = List(List(-3, -8, 3), List(-2, 1, 4))

scala> mult(res5, res6)
res7: Seq[Seq[Int]] = List(List(-7, -6, 11), List(-17, -20, 25))

A fully generic multiplication that returns the same collection as received is possible, but much more verbose.


Translation of: Common Lisp

This version works on lists of lists: <lang scheme>(define (matrix-multiply matrix1 matrix2)

  (lambda (row)
   (apply map
    (lambda column
     (apply + (map * row column)))
> (matrix-multiply '((1 2) (3 4)) '((-3 -8 3) (-2 1 4)))
((-7 -6 11) (-17 -20 25))


<lang seed7>const type: matrix is array array float;

const func matrix: (in matrix: left) * (in matrix: right) is func

   var matrix: result is matrix.value;
   var integer: i is 0;
   var integer: j is 0;
   var integer: k is 0;
   var float: accumulator is 0.0;
   if length(left[1]) <> length(right) then
     raise RANGE_ERROR;
     result := length(left) times length(right[1]) times 0.0;
     for i range 1 to length(left) do
       for j range 1 to length(right) do
         accumulator := 0.0;
         for k range 1 to length(left) do
           accumulator +:= left[i][k] * right[k][j];
         end for;
         result[i][j] := accumulator;
       end for;
     end for;
   end if;
 end func;</lang>

Original source: [1]


<lang sql>CREATE TABLE a (x integer, y integer, e real); CREATE TABLE b (x integer, y integer, e real);

-- test data -- A is a 2x2 matrix INSERT INTO a VALUES(0,0,1); INSERT INTO a VALUES(1,0,2); INSERT INTO a VALUES(0,1,3); INSERT INTO a VALUES(1,1,4);

-- B is a 2x3 matrix INSERT INTO b VALUES(0,0,-3); INSERT INTO b VALUES(1,0,-8); INSERT INTO b VALUES(2,0,3); INSERT INTO b VALUES(0,1,-2); INSERT INTO b VALUES(1,1, 1); INSERT INTO b VALUES(2,1,4);

-- C is 2x2 * 2x3 so will be a 2x3 matrix SELECT rhs.x, lhs.y, (SELECT sum(a.e*b.e) FROM a, b

                            WHERE a.y = lhs.y
                              AND b.x = rhs.x
                              AND a.x = b.y)
      INTO TABLE c
      FROM a AS lhs, b AS rhs
      WHERE lhs.x = 0 AND rhs.y = 0;</lang>


Works with: Tcl version 8.5

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 namespace path ::tcl::mathop proc matrix_multiply {a b} {

   lassign [size $a] a_rows a_cols
   lassign [size $b] b_rows b_cols
   if {$a_cols != $b_rows} {
       error "incompatible sizes: a($a_rows, $a_cols), b($b_rows, $b_cols)"
   set temp [lrepeat $a_rows [lrepeat $b_cols 0]]
   for {set i 0} {$i < $a_rows} {incr i} {
       for {set j 0} {$j < $b_cols} {incr j} {
           set sum 0
           for {set k 0} {$k < $a_cols} {incr k} {
               set sum [+ $sum [* [lindex $a $i $k] [lindex $b $k $j]]]
           lset temp $i $j $sum
   return $temp

}</lang> Using the print_matrix procedure defined in Matrix Transpose#Tcl

% print_matrix [matrix_multiply {{1 2} {3 4}} {{-3 -8 3} {-2 1 4}}]
 -7  -6 11 
-17 -20 25 


Store your matrices in [A] and [B]. <lang ti83b>Disp [A]*[B]</lang> An error will show if the matrices have invalid dimensions for multiplication.


Translation of: Mathematica

<lang ti89b>[1,2; 3,4; 5,6; 7,8] → m1 [1,2,3; 4,5,6] → m2 m1 * m2</lang>

Or without the variables:

<lang ti89b>[1,2; 3,4; 5,6; 7,8] * [1,2,3; 4,5,6]</lang>

The result (without prettyprinting) is:

<lang ti89b>[[9,12,15][19,26,33][29,40,51][39,54,69]]</lang>


There is a library function for matrix multiplication of IEEE double precision floating point numbers. This example shows how to define and use a matrix multiplication function over any chosen field given only the relevant product and sum functions, in this case for the built in rational number type.

<lang Ursala>#import rat

a =


  <1/1,  1/1,  1/1,   1/1>,
  <2/1,  4/1,  8/1,  16/1>,
  <3/1,  9/1, 27/1,  81/1>,
  <4/1, 16/1, 64/1, 256/1>>

b =


  <  4/1, -3/1,  4/3,  -1/4>,
  <-13/3, 19/4, -7/3,  11/24>,
  <  3/2, -2/1,  7/6,  -1/4>,
  < -1/6,  1/4, -1/6,   1/24>>

mmult = *rK7lD *rlD sum:-0.+ product*p

  1. cast %qLL

test = mmult(a,b)</lang> output:



<lang ZPL> program matmultSUMMA;

prototype GetSingleDim(infile:file):integer; prototype GetInnerDim(infile1:file; infile2:file):integer;

config var

         Afilename: string = "";
         Bfilename: string = "";
         Afile: file = open(Afilename,file_read);
         Bfile: file = open(Bfilename,file_read);
         default_size:integer = 4;
         m:integer = GetSingleDim(Afile);
         n:integer = GetInnerDim(Afile,Bfile);
         p:integer = GetSingleDim(Bfile);
         iters: integer = 1;
         printinput: boolean = false;
         verbose: boolean = true;
         dotiming: boolean = false;


      RA = [1..m,1..n];
      RB = [1..n,1..p];
      RC = [1..m,1..p];
      FCol = [1..m,*];
      FRow = [*,1..p];


   A : [RA] double;
   B : [RB] double;
   C : [RC] double;
   Aflood : [FCol] double;
   Bflood : [FRow] double;

procedure ReadA(); var step:double; [RA] begin

      if (Afile != znull) then
        step := 1.0/(m*n);
        A := ((Index1-1)*n + Index2)*step + 1.0;

procedure ReadB(); var step:double; [RB] begin

      if (Bfile != znull) then
        step := 1.0/(n*p);
        B := ((Index1-1)*p + Index2)*step + 1.0;

procedure matmultSUMMA(); var

   i: integer;
   it: integer;
   runtime: double;

[RC] begin

      if (printinput) then
        [RA] writeln("A is:\n",A);
        [RB] writeln("B is:\n",B);
      for it := 1 to iters do
        C := 0.0;                       -- zero C
        for i := 1 to n do
          [FCol] Aflood := >>[,i] A;       -- flood A col
          [FRow] Bflood := >>[i,] B;       -- flood B row
          C += (Aflood * Bflood);   -- multiply
      runtime := CheckTimer();
      if (verbose) then
        writeln("C is:\n",C);
      if (dotiming) then
        writeln("total runtime  = %12.6f":runtime);
        writeln("actual runtime = %12.6f":runtime/iters);

procedure GetSingleDim(infile:file):integer; var dim:integer; begin

 if (infile != znull) then
   dim := default_size;
 return dim;


procedure GetInnerDim(infile1:file; infile2:file):integer; var



 retval := -1;
 if (infile1 != znull) then
   retval := col;
 if (infile2 != znull) then
   if (retval = -1) then
     retval := row;
     if (row != col) then
       halt("ERROR: Inner dimensions don't match");
 if (retval = -1) then
   retval := default_size;
 return retval;

end; </lang>