Every connected device around the world comes with a unique Media Access Control address, or a MAC address. A common task a network administrator may come across is being able to identify a network device's manufacturer when given only a MAC address.

MAC vendor lookup
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Basic Task

The task is to interface with one (or numerous) APIs that exist on the internet and retrieve the device manufacturer based on a supplied MAC address.

A MAC address that does not return a valid result should return the String "N/A". A error related to the network connectivity or the API should return a null result.


<lang AutoHotkey>macLookup(MAC){ WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") WebRequest.Open("GET", "http://api.macvendors.com/" MAC) WebRequest.Send() return WebRequest.ResponseText }</lang> Examples:<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % macLookup("00-14-22-01-23-45")</lang>


Dell Inc.


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program {

   static async Task<string> LookupMac(string MacAddress)
       var uri = new Uri("http://api.macvendors.com/" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(MacAddress));
       using (var wc = new HttpClient())
           return await wc.GetStringAsync(uri);
   static void Main(string[] args)
       foreach (var mac in new string[] { "88:53:2E:67:07:BE", "FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21", "D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D" })
           Console.WriteLine(mac + "\t" + LookupMac(mac).Result);


88:53:2E:67:07:BE       Intel Corporate
FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21       Cisco Systems, Inc
D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D       Apple, Inc.


<lang go>package main

import ( "net/http" "fmt" "io/ioutil" )

func macLookUp(mac string) (res string){ resp, _ := http.Get("http://api.macvendors.com/" + mac) body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) res = string(body) return }

func main() { fmt.Println(macLookUp("FC-A1-3E")) fmt.Println(macLookUp("FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21")) fmt.Println(macLookUp("BC:5F:F4")) } </lang>

Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
Cisco Systems, Inc
ASRock Incorporation


Works with: GHC version 8.0.2
Library: http-client

<lang haskell>#!/usr/bin/env stack {- stack

 --resolver lts-9.0
 --package bytestring
 --package http-client
 --package http-types


{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

import Control.Exception (try) import Control.Monad (forM_) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 (ByteString, unpack) import Network.HTTP.Client

 (Manager, parseRequest, httpLbs, responseStatus, responseBody,
  newManager, defaultManagerSettings, Response, HttpException)

import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (statusIsSuccessful, notFound404) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Text.Printf (printf)

fetchURL :: Manager

        -> String
        -> IO (Either HttpException (Response L8.ByteString))

fetchURL mgr url = try $ do

 req <- parseRequest url
 httpLbs req mgr

lookupMac :: Manager -> String -> IO String lookupMac mgr mac = do

 eth <- fetchURL mgr $ "http://api.macvendors.com/" ++ mac
 return $ case eth of
            Left _ -> "null"
            Right resp -> let body = responseBody resp
                              status = responseStatus resp
                          in if | status == notFound404 -> "N/A"
                                | not (statusIsSuccessful status) -> "null"
                                | otherwise -> L8.unpack body

main :: IO () main = do

 args <- getArgs
 mgr <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
 forM_ args $ \mac -> do
   putStr $ printf "%-17s" mac ++ " = "
   vendor <- lookupMac mgr mac
   putStrLn vendor</lang>
$ ./RosettaMac.hs 00:15:ed:f0:00:00 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 88:53:2E:67:07:BE FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21 D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D banana
00:15:ed:f0:00:00 = Fulcrum Microsystems, Inc.
ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff = N/A
88:53:2E:67:07:BE = Intel Corporate
FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21 = Cisco Systems, Inc
D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D = Apple, Inc.
banana            = N/A


Solution <lang j>require 'web/gethttp' lookupMACvendor=: [: gethttp 'http://api.macvendors.com/'&,</lang> Example Usage <lang j> addr=: '88:53:2E:67:07:BE';'FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21';'D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D';'23:45:67'

  (,&'   ' , lookupMACvendor)&> addr

88:53:2E:67:07:BE Intel Corporate FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21 Cisco Systems, Inc D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D Apple, Inc. 23:45:67 Vendor not found</lang>


<lang java>package com.jamesdonnell.MACVendor;

import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL;

/** MAC Vendor Lookup class.

* www.JamesDonnell.com
* @author James A. Donnell Jr. */

public class Lookup { /** Base URL for API. The API from www.macvendors.com was chosen. */ private static final String baseURL = "http://api.macvendors.com/";

/** Performs lookup on MAC address(es) supplied in arguments. * @param args MAC address(es) to lookup. */ public static void main(String[] args) { for (String arguments : args) System.out.println(arguments + ": " + get(arguments)); }

/** Performs lookup on supplied MAC address. * @param macAddress MAC address to lookup. * @return Manufacturer of MAC address. */ private static String get(String macAddress) { try { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); URL url = new URL(baseURL + macAddress); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { result.append(line); } rd.close(); return result.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // MAC not found return "N/A"; } catch (IOException e) { // Error during lookup, either network or API. return null; } } }</lang>


<lang scala>// version 1.1.2

import java.net.URL

fun lookupVendor(mac: String) = URL("http://api.macvendors.com/" + mac).readText()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val macs = arrayOf("FC-A1-3E", "FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21", "88:53:2E:67:07:BE", "D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D")
   for (mac in macs) println(lookupVendor(mac))


Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
Cisco Systems, Inc
Intel Corporate
Apple, Inc.


<lang lua>-- Requires LuaSocket extension by Lua -- Created by James A. Donnell Jr. -- www.JamesDonnell.com

local baseURL = "http://api.macvendors.com/"

local function lookup(macAddress) http = require "socket.http" result, statuscode, content = http.request(baseURL .. macAddress) return result end

local macAddress = "FC-A1-3E-2A-1C-33" print(lookup(macAddress))</lang>


<lang Nim>import httpclient

proc maclookup(mac: string): string =

var client = newHttpClient()
var site = "http://api.macvendors.com/"
return client.getContent(site)

echo maclookup("FC-A1-3E") echo maclookup("FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21") echo maclookup("BC:5F:F4")</lang>

Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
Cisco Systems, Inc
ASRock Incorporation


<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/env perl -T use 5.018_002; use warnings; use LWP;

our $VERSION = 1.000_000;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my @macs = (

   'FC-A1-3EFC:FB:FB:01:FA:21', '00,0d,4b',
   'Rhubarb',                   '00-14-22-01-23-45',
   '10:dd:b1',                  'D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D',
   'FC-A1-3E',                  '88:53:2E:67:07:BE',
   '23:45:67',                  'FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21',


for my $mac (@macs) {

   my $vendor = get_mac_vendor($mac);
   if ($vendor) {
       say "$mac = $vendor";


sub get_mac_vendor {

   my $s = shift;
   my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://api.macvendors.com/$s" );
   my $res = $ua->request($req);
   # A error related to the network connectivity or the API should
   # return a null result.
   if ( $res->is_error ) {
   # A MAC address that does not return a valid result should
   # return the String "N/A".
   if (  !$res->content
       or $res->content eq 'Vendor not found' )
       return 'N/A';
   return $res->content;


  1. IEEE 802:
  2. Six groups of two hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens or colons,
  3. like 01-23-45-67-89-ab or 01:23:45:67:89:ab
  4. Three groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by dots (.),
  5. like 0123.4567.89ab
  6. sub validmac {
  7. my $s = shift;
  8. my $hex = qr{ [A-Fa-f[:digit:]] }xms;
  9. my $hex2ws = qr{ [-:] $hex{2} }xms;
  10. if ( $s =~ m{\A $hex{2} $hex2ws{5} \z}xms
  11. or $s =~ m{\A $hex{4} [.] $hex{4} [.] $hex{4} \z}xms )
  12. {
  13. return 'true';
  14. }
  15. return;
  16. }</lang>
FC-A1-3EFC:FB:FB:01:FA:21 = Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
00,0d,4b = Roku, Inc.
00-14-22-01-23-45 = Dell Inc.
10:dd:b1 = Apple, Inc.
D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D = Apple, Inc.
FC-A1-3E = Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
88:53:2E:67:07:BE = Intel Corporate
FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21 = Cisco Systems, Inc
BC:5F:F4 = ASRock Incorporation

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2016.12

<lang perl6>use HTTP::UserAgent;

my $ua = HTTP::UserAgent.new;

$ua.timeout = 10; # seconds

my $server = 'http://api.macvendors.com/';

sub lookup ($mac) {

   my $response = $ua.get: "$server+$mac";
   return $response.is-success ?? $response.content !! 'N/A';
   CATCH {             # Normally you would report some information about what
       default { Nil } # went wrong, but the task specifies to ignore errors.


for < BC:5F:F4 FC-A1-3E 10:dd:b1 00,0d,4b 23:45:67 > -> $mac { say lookup $mac }</lang>

ASRock Incorporation
Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
Apple, Inc.
Roku, Inc.


<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/http.l")

(de maclookup (M)

  (client "api.macvendors.com" 80
     (while (line))
     (line T) ) )


  "Intel Corporate"
  (maclookup "88:53:2E:67:07:BE") )


  "Apple, Inc."
  (maclookup "D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D") )</lang>


<lang python>import requests

for addr in ['88:53:2E:67:07:BE', 'FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21',

       'D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D', '23:45:67']:
   vendor = requests.get('http://api.macvendors.com/' + addr).text
   print(addr, vendor)</lang>
88:53:2E:67:07:BE Intel Corporate
FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21 Cisco Systems, Inc
D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D Apple, Inc.
23:45:67 Vendor not found


<lang racket>#lang racket

(require net/url)

(define (lookup-MAC-address addr)

   (url "http" #f "api.macvendors.com" #f #t (list (path/param addr null)) null #f))))

(module+ test (for ((i (in-list '("88:53:2E:67:07:BE"

 (printf "~a\t~a~%" i (lookup-MAC-address i))))</lang>
88:53:2E:67:07:BE	Intel Corporate
FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21	Cisco Systems, Inc
D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D	Apple, Inc.


<lang ruby>require 'net/http'

arr = ['88:53:2E:67:07:BE', 'FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21', 'D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D', '23:45:67']

arr.each do |addr|

 vendor = Net::HTTP.get('api.macvendors.com', "/#{addr}/") rescue nil
 puts "#{addr}  #{vendor}" 


88:53:2E:67:07:BE  Intel Corporate
FC:FB:FB:01:FA:21  Cisco Systems, Inc
D4:F4:6F:C9:EF:8D  Apple, Inc.
23:45:67  Vendor not found


<lang Tcl>package require http

  1. finally is a bit like go's defer

proc finally args {

   tailcall trace add variable :#finally#: unset [list apply [list args $args]]


  1. basic wrapper for http::geturl

proc geturl {url} {

   set tok [::http::geturl $url]
   finally ::http::cleanup $tok
   ::http::data $tok

} proc maclookup {mac} {

   geturl http://api.macvendors.com/$mac


foreach mac {00-14-22-01-23-45 88:53:2E:67:07:BE} {

   puts "$mac\t[maclookup $mac]"


00-14-22-01-23-45       Dell Inc.
88:53:2E:67:07:BE       Intel Corporate


Translation of: Lua

Uses libcurl (the multiprotocol file transfer library) to do the web query <lang zkl>var [const] CURL=Import("zklCurl"); // libcurl const MAC_VENDORS="http://api.macvendors.com/";

fcn lookUp(macAddress){

  httpAddr:=MAC_VENDORS + macAddress;
  vender:=CURL().get(httpAddr); //-->(Data,bytes of header,bytes of trailer)
  vender=vender[0].del(0,vender[1]);  // remove HTTP header
  vender.text;		// Data --> String (Data is a byte bucket)

}</lang> <lang zkl>lookUp("FC-A1-3E-2A-1C-33").println(); lookUp("4c:72:b9:56:fe:bc").println(); lookUp("foobar").println();</lang>

Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
Vendor not found