Lyndon word
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Given a finite alphabet, we can lexicographically order all strings in the alphabet. If two strings have different lengths, then pad the shorter string on the right with the smallest letter. For example, we have 01 > 001, but 01 = 010. As we see, this order is a total preorder, but not a total order, since it identifies different strings.
A Lyndon word is a non-empty string that is strictly lower in lexicographic order than all its circular rotations. In particular, if a string is equal to a circular rotation, then it is not a Lyndon word. For example, since 0101 = 0101 (rotation by 2), it is not a Lyndon word.
The first Lyndon words on the binary alphabet {0, 1} are:
- 0, 1, 01, 001, 011, 0001, 0011, 0111, 00001, 00011, 00101, 00111, 01011, 01111, ...
Task: Given a positive number and an ordered list of alphabet, list all Lyndon words of length at most , in the lexicographic order.
Duval (1988) provides an efficient algorithm. If is one of the words in the sequence, then the next word after can be found by the following steps:
- Repeat and truncate it to a new word of length exactly .
- As long as the final symbol of is the last symbol in the sorted ordering of the alphabet, remove it, producing a shorter word.
- Replace the final remaining symbol of by its successor in the sorted ordering of the alphabet.
For example, suppose we have generated the binary Lyndon words of length up to 7, and we have generated up to , then the steps are:
- Repeat and truncate to get
- Since the last symbol is 0, it is not the final symbol.
- Increment the last symbol to obtain .
⍝ Implements Duval's algorithm for generating Lyndon words
⍝ ⍺: alphabet (default Binary)
⍝ ⍵: max length of Lyndon words to generate
⍝ ←: all Lyndon words up to length ⍵
z←≢alphabet ⍝ Mnemonic: z is the last letter of the alphabet
0∊⍴⍵:result ⍝ No more words to find: return result
next←1+@(≢⍵)⊢⍵ ⍝ Increment last non-z symbol
result,←⊂alphabet[next] ⍝ Append word to result
∇ word↓⍨-+/∧\⌽z=word←length⍴next ⍝ Repeat word to max length and drop trailing zs
⍝ This seed means the first word generated will be ,1
⍝ (the word containing only the first symbol of the alphabet)
LyndonWords 5
- Output:
┌─┬─────┬────┬─────┬───┬─────┬────┬─────┬──┬─────┬───┬────┬─────┬─┐ │0│00001│0001│00011│001│00101│0011│00111│01│01011│011│0111│01111│1│ └─┴─────┴────┴─────┴───┴─────┴────┴─────┴──┴─────┴───┴────┴─────┴─┘
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Return the index of the given element in the given vector
int32_t index_of(const std::vector<std::string>& words, const std::string& word) {
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iterator = std::find(words.begin(), words.end(), word);
return ( iterator == words.end() ) ? -1 : std::distance(words.begin(), iterator);
// Using the Duval (1988) algorithm
std::string next_word(const uint32_t& max_length, const std::string& word, const std::vector<std::string>& alphabet) {
// Step 1: Repeat the word and truncate
std::string next_word = word;
while ( next_word.size() < max_length ) {
next_word += word;
next_word = next_word.substr(0, max_length);
// Step 2: Remove last symbol of the next word if it is the last symbol in the alphabet
const std::string alphabet_last_symbol = alphabet.back();
while ( next_word.ends_with(alphabet_last_symbol) ) {
next_word = next_word.substr(0, next_word.size() - 1);
// Step 3: Replace the last symbol of the next word by its successor in the alphabet
if ( ! next_word.empty() ) {
const std::string word_last_symbol = next_word.substr(next_word.size() - 1);
const uint32_t index = index_of(alphabet, word_last_symbol) + 1;
next_word.replace(next_word.size() - 1, 1, alphabet[index]);
return next_word;
int main() {
const std::vector<std::string> alphabet = { "0", "1" };
std::string word = alphabet.front();
while ( ! word.empty() ) {
std:: cout << word << std::endl;
word = next_word(5, word, alphabet);
- Output:
0 00001 0001 00011 001 00101 0011 00111 01 01011 011 0111 01111 1
func$ nextword n w$ alpha$ .
alpha$[] = strchars alpha$
while len x$ < n
x$ &= w$
x$[] = strchars substr x$ 1 n
while len x$[] > 0 and x$[len x$[]] = alpha$[len alpha$[]]
len x$[] -1
lx = len x$[]
if lx > 0
i += 1
until alpha$[i] = x$[lx]
x$[lx] = alpha$[i + 1]
return strjoin x$[] ""
proc lyndon n alpha$ . .
w$ = substr alpha$ 1 1
while len w$ <= n and len w$ > 0
print w$
w$ = nextword n w$ alpha$
lyndon 5 "01"
Function next_word(n As Integer, w As String, alphabet As String) As String
Dim x As String = Left(w & String((n \ Len(w)) + 1, w), n)
While Len(x) > 0 And Mid(x, Len(x), 1) = Mid(alphabet, Len(alphabet), 1)
x = Left(x, Len(x) - 1)
If Len(x) > 0 Then
Dim last_char As String = Mid(x, Len(x), 1)
Dim next_char_index As Integer = Instr(alphabet, last_char)
If next_char_index > 0 Then
next_char_index += 1
x = Left(x, Len(x) - 1) & Mid(alphabet, next_char_index, 1)
End If
End If
Return x
End Function
Sub generate_lyndon_words(n As Integer, alphabet As String)
Dim w As String = Mid(alphabet, 1, 1)
While Len(w) <= n
Print w
w = next_word(n, w, alphabet)
If Len(w) = 0 Then Exit While
End Sub
Dim alphabet As String = "01"
Dim As Integer maxLength = 5
generate_lyndon_words(maxLength, alphabet)
- Output:
Same as Python entry.
import java.util.List;
public final class LyndonWord {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> alphabet = List.of( "0", "1" );
String word = alphabet.getFirst();
while ( ! word.isEmpty() ) {
word = nextWord(5, word, alphabet);
// Using the Duval (1988) algorithm
private static String nextWord(int maxLength, String word, List<String> alphabet) {
// Step 1: Repeat the word and truncate
String nextWord = word;
while ( nextWord.length() < maxLength ) {
nextWord += word;
nextWord = nextWord.substring(0, maxLength);
// Step 2: Remove last symbol of the next word if it is the last symbol in the alphabet
final String alphabetLastSymbol = alphabet.getLast();
while ( nextWord.endsWith(alphabetLastSymbol) ) {
nextWord = nextWord.substring(0, nextWord.length() - 1);
// Step 3: Replace the last symbol of the next word by its successor in the alphabet
if ( ! nextWord.isEmpty() ) {
final String wordLastSymbol = nextWord.substring(nextWord.length() - 1);
final int index = alphabet.indexOf(wordLastSymbol) + 1;
nextWord = nextWord.substring(0, nextWord.length() - 1);
nextWord += alphabet.get(index);
return nextWord;
- Output:
0 00001 0001 00011 001 00101 0011 00111 01 01011 011 0111 01111 1
Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
This entry defines a filter, `lyndon`, for finding the Lyndon word of the input string, if any, but is otherwise adapted from the Wren entry.
# Generic stream-oriented min function
# Assume the stream s is not empty and does contain null
def min(s):
reduce s as $x (null; if . == null then $x elif . < $x then . else $x end);
# Input: a string
# Assume 0 <= $n <= length
def rotate($n):
.[$n:] + .[:$n];
# Emit the Lyndon word corresponding to the input string, else empty.
def lyndon:
def circular:
. as $in
| any( range(1; length/2 + 1); . as $n | $in | rotate($n) == .) ;
if circular then empty
else min(range(0;length) as $i | rotate($i))
# Input: a Lyndon word
# Output: the next Lyndon word relative to $alphabet
def nextWord($n; $alphabet):
def a($i): $alphabet[$i:$i+1];
((($n/length)|floor + 1) * .)[:$n]
| until (. == "" or .[-1:] != $alphabet[-1:]; .[:-1])
| if . == "" then .
else .[-1:] as $lastChar
| ($alphabet|index($lastChar) + 1) as $nextCharIndex
| .[0:-1] + a($nextCharIndex)
end ;
def lyndon_words($n):
. as $alphabet
| .[:1]
| while ( length <= $n and . != "";
nextWord($n; $alphabet) ) ;
"01" | lyndon_words(5)
- Output:
As for Wren.
function nextword(n, w, alphabet)
x = (w ^ ((n ÷ length(w)) + 1))[begin:n]
while x != "" && x[end] == alphabet[end]
x = x[begin:end-1]
if x != ""
last_char = x[end]
next_char_index = something(findfirst(==(last_char), alphabet), 0) + 1
x = x[begin:end-1] * alphabet[next_char_index]
return x
function generate_lyndon_words(n, alphabet)
lwords = String[]
w = string(alphabet[begin])
while length(w) <= n
push!(lwords, w)
w = nextword(n, w, alphabet)
w == "" && break
return lwords
const lyndon_words = generate_lyndon_words(5, "01")
foreach(println, lyndon_words)
- Output:
Same as Python example.
alphabet = '01';
function next_word(n: integer; w: string): string;
var x := (w * ((n div w.length) + 1))[:n+1];
while (x <> '') and (x.Last = alphabet.last) do
x := x[:x.count];
if x <> '' then
var last_char := x.last;
var next_char_index := alphabet.indexof(last_char) + 1;
x := x[:x.Count] + alphabet[next_char_index + 1];
result := x;
function generate_lyndon_words(n: integer): sequence of string;
var w:string := alphabet[1];
while w.count <= n do
yield w;
w := next_word(n, w);
if w = '' then break;
var lyndon_words := generate_lyndon_words(5);
foreach var word in lyndon_words do
- Output:
0 00001 0001 00011 001 00101 0011 00111 01 01011 011 0111 01111 1
# 20240912 Perl programming solution
use strict;
use warnings;
sub nextword {
my ($n, $w, $alphabet) = @_;
my $x = substr($w x (int($n / length($w)) + 1), 0, $n);
while ($x && substr($x, -1) eq substr($alphabet, -1)) {
substr($x, -1) = ''
if ($x ne '') {
my $next_char_index = (index($alphabet, substr($x, -1)) // 0) + 1;
substr($x, -1, 1) = substr($alphabet, $next_char_index, 1);
return $x;
sub generate_words {
my ($n, $alphabet) = @_;
my $w = substr($alphabet, 0, 1);
my @result;
while (length($w) <= $n) {
push @result, $w;
last unless $w = nextword($n, $w, $alphabet);
return @result;
print "$_\n" for generate_words(5, '01');
You may Attempt This Online!
with javascript_semantics
function generate_lyndon_words(integer maxlen, string alphabet="01")
sequence res = {}
string w = alphabet[1..1]
while length(w) do
res = append(res,w)
while length(w)<maxlen do
w &= w
end while
w = trim_tail(w[1..maxlen],alphabet[$])
if length(w) then
-- w[$] += 1 -- not eg "0123456789ABCDEF":
w[$] = alphabet[find(w[$],alphabet)+1]
end if
end while
return res
end function
- Output:
0 00001 0001 00011 001 00101 0011 00111 01 01011 011 0111 01111 1
def next_word(n, w, alphabet):
x = (w * ((n // len(w)) + 1))[:n]
while x and x[-1] == alphabet[-1]:
x = x[:-1]
if x:
last_char = x[-1]
next_char_index = alphabet.index(last_char) + 1
x = x[:-1] + alphabet[next_char_index]
return x
def generate_lyndon_words(n, alphabet):
w = alphabet[0]
while len(w) <= n:
yield w
w = next_word(n, w, alphabet)
if not w: break
lyndon_words = generate_lyndon_words(5, [str(i) for i in range(2)])
for word in lyndon_words:
# 20240211 Raku programming solution
sub nextword($n, $w, $alphabet) {
my $x = ($w x ($n div $w.chars + 1)).substr(0, $n);
while $x.Bool && $x.substr(*-1) eq $alphabet.substr(*-1) {
$x.substr-rw(*-1) = ''
if $x.Bool {
my $next_char_index = ($alphabet.index($x.substr(*-1)) // 0) + 1;
$x.substr-rw(*-1, 1) = $alphabet.substr($next_char_index, 1);
return $x;
.say for sub ($n, $alphabet) {
my $w = $alphabet.substr(0, 1);
return gather while $w.chars <= $n {
take $w;
last unless $w = nextword($n, $w, $alphabet);
}(5, '01');
- Output:
Same as Julia example.
You may Attempt This Online!
is defined at Reverse a string.
« OVER REVSTR HEAD → w alphabet n lastsymbol « IF w lastsymbol == THEN "" ELSE w WHILE DUP SIZE n ≤ REPEAT w + END 1 n SUB REVSTR @ reversing string to use HEAD and TAIL rather than SUB WHILE DUP HEAD lastsymbol == REPEAT TAIL END TAIL LASTARG HEAD alphabet DUP ROT POS 1 + DUP SUB SWAP + REVSTR END » » 'NEXTLYNDON' STO @ ( "word" "alphabet" n → "nextword" ) « → alphabet n « { } alphabet HEAD WHILE DUP SIZE REPEAT SWAP OVER + SWAP alphabet n NEXTLYNDON END DROP » » 'TASK' STO
"01" 5 TASK
- Output:
1: { "0" "00001" "0001" "00011" "001" "00101" "0011" "00111" "01" "01011" "011" "0111" "01111" "1" }
var alphabet = "01"
var nextWord = { |n, w|
var x = (w * ((n/w.count).floor + 1))[0...n]
while (x != "" && x[-1] == alphabet[-1]) x = x[0...-1]
if (x != "") {
var lastChar = x[-1]
var nextCharIndex = alphabet.indexOf(lastChar) + 1
x = x[0...-1] + alphabet[nextCharIndex]
return x
var generateLyndonWords = { |n|
var w = alphabet[0]
while (w.count <= n) {
w =, w)
if (w == "") break
while (true) {
var word =
if (!word) break
- Output:
0 00001 0001 00011 001 00101 0011 00111 01 01011 011 0111 01111 1