Forward difference

From Rosetta Code
Forward difference
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Provide code that produces a list of numbers which is the n-th order forward difference, given a non-negative integer (specifying the order) and a list of numbers. The first-order forward difference of a list of numbers (A) is a new list (B) where Bn = An+1 - An. List B should have one less element as a result. The second-order forward difference of A will be the same as the first-order forward difference of B. That new list will have two fewer elements than A and one less than B. The goal of this task is to repeat this process up to the desired order.

For a more formal description, see the related Mathworld article.


<lang ada>with Ada.Text_Io; with Ada.Float_Text_Io; use Ada.Float_Text_Io; with Ada.containers.Vectors;

procedure Forward_Difference is

  package Flt_Vect is new Ada.Containers.Vectors(Positive, Float);
  use Flt_Vect;
  procedure Print(Item : Vector) is
     if not Item.Is_Empty then
        for I in 1..Item.Length loop
           Put(Item => Item.Element(Positive(I)), Fore => 1, Aft => 1, Exp => 0);
            if Positive(I) < Positive(Item.Length) then
              Ada.Text_Io.Put(", ");
           end if;
        end loop;
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Empty List");
     end if;
  end Print;
 function Diff(Item : Vector; Num_Passes : Natural) return Vector is
     A : Vector := Item;
     B : Vector := Empty_Vector;
     if not A.Is_Empty then
        for I in 1..Num_Passes loop
           for I in 1..Natural(A.Length) - 1 loop
                 B.Append(A.Element(I + 1) - A.Element(I));
           end loop;
           Move(Target => A, Source => B);
        end loop;
     end if;
     return A;
  end Diff;
  Values : array(1..10) of Float := (90.0, 47.0, 58.0, 29.0, 22.0, 32.0, 55.0, 5.0, 55.0, 73.0);
  A : Vector;


  for I in Values'range loop
     A.Append(Values(I)); -- Fill the vector
  end loop;
  Print(Diff(A, 1));
  Print(Diff(A, 2));
  Print(Diff(A, 9));
  Print(Diff(A, 10));
  print(Diff(A, 0));

end Forward_Difference;</lang> Output:

[-43.0, 11.0, -29.0, -7.0, 10.0, 23.0, -50.0, 50.0, 18.0]
[54.0, -40.0, 22.0, 17.0, 13.0, -73.0, 100.0, -32.0]
Empty List
[90.0, 47.0, 58.0, 29.0, 22.0, 32.0, 55.0, 5.0, 55.0, 73.0]


<lang algol68>main:(

   [UPB a]REAL out;
   FOR i TO UPB out DO out[i]:=a[i]-b[i] OD;
 FORMAT real fmt=$zzz-d.d$;
 FORMAT repeat fmt = $n(UPB s-1)(f(real fmt)",")f(real fmt)$;
 FORMAT list fmt = $"("f(UPB s=1|real fmt|repeat fmt)")"$;
 FLEX [1:0] REAL s := (90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73);
 printf((list fmt,s,$";"l$));
 TO UPB s-1 DO
   s := s[2:] - s[:UPB s-1];
   printf((list fmt,s,$";"l$))

)</lang> Output: <lang algol68>( 90.0, 47.0, 58.0, 29.0, 22.0, 32.0, 55.0, 5.0, 55.0, 73.0); ( -43.0, 11.0, -29.0, -7.0, 10.0, 23.0, -50.0, 50.0, 18.0); ( 54.0, -40.0, 22.0, 17.0, 13.0, -73.0, 100.0, -32.0); ( -94.0, 62.0, -5.0, -4.0, -86.0, 173.0, -132.0); ( 156.0, -67.0, 1.0, -82.0, 259.0, -305.0); ( -223.0, 68.0, -83.0, 341.0, -564.0); ( 291.0, -151.0, 424.0, -905.0); ( -442.0, 575.0,-1329.0); ( 1017.0,-1904.0); (-2921.0);</lang>


Works with: Dyalog APL
Translation of: J

<lang apl> list ← 90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73

     fd   ←  {⍺=0:⍵⋄(⍺-1)∇(1↓⍵)-(¯1↓⍵)} 
     1 fd list 

¯43 11 ¯29 ¯7 10 23 ¯50 50 18

     2 fd list 

54 ¯40 22 17 13 ¯73 100 ¯32</lang>


contributed by Laszlo on the ahk forum <lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % diff("2,3,4,3",1) MsgBox % diff("2,3,4,3",2) MsgBox % diff("2,3,4,3",3) MsgBox % diff("2,3,4,3",4)

diff(list,ord) { ; high order forward differences of a list

  Loop %ord% {
     L =
     Loop Parse, list, `, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
        If (A_Index=1)
           p := A_LoopField
           L .= "," A_LoopField-p, p := A_LoopField
     list := SubStr(L,2)
  Return list



Translation of: Fortran

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>

void Fdiff(int *a, int na, int n) {

 int i, j;
 int *b = malloc(sizeof(int)*na);
 memcpy(b, a, sizeof(int)*na);
 for(i=na-1; i >= (na - n); i--) {
   for(j=1; j <= i; j++) {
     b[j-1] = b[j] - b[j-1];
 for(i=1; i <= (na-n); i++) printf("%d ", b[i-1]);


<lang c>int array[] = { 90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73 };

int main() {

 int i;
 for(i=0; i < sizeof(array)/sizeof(int); i++) {
   Fdiff(array, sizeof(array)/sizeof(int), i);



Works with: g++ version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)

This code uses a separate function to do a first-order forward difference, which is then called several times for calculating n-th order forward difference. No error checking is implemented. <lang cpp>#include <vector>

  1. include <iterator>
  2. include <algorithm>

// calculate first order forward difference // requires: // * InputIterator is an input iterator // * OutputIterator is an output iterator // * The value type of InputIterator is copy-constructible and assignable // * The value type of InputIterator supports operator - // * The result type of operator- is assignable to the value_type of OutputIterator // returns: The iterator following the output sequence template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>

OutputIterator forward_difference(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                                  OutputIterator dest)


 // special case: for empty sequence, do nothing
 if (first == last)
   return dest;
 typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type value_type;
 value_type temp = *first++;
 while (first != last)
   value_type temp2 = *first++;
   *dest++ = temp2 - temp;
   temp = temp2;
 return dest;


// calculate n-th order forward difference. // requires: // * InputIterator is an input iterator // * OutputIterator is an output iterator // * The value type of InputIterator is copy-constructible and assignable // * The value type of InputIterator supports operator - // * The result type of operator- is assignable to the value_type of InputIterator // * The result type of operator- is assignable to the value_type of OutputIterator // * order >= 0 // returns: The iterator following the output sequence template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>

OutputIterator nth_forward_difference(int order,
                                      InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                                      OutputIterator dest)


 // special case: If order == 0, just copy input to output
 if (order == 0)
   return std::copy(first, last, dest);
 // second special case: If order == 1, just forward to the first-order function
 if (order == 1)
   return forward_difference(first, last, dest);
 // intermediate results are stored in a vector
 typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type value_type;
 std::vector<value_type> temp_storage;
 // fill the vector with the result of the first order forward difference
 forward_difference(first, last, std::back_inserter(temp_storage));
 // the next n-2 iterations work directly on the vector
 typename std::vector<value_type>::iterator begin = temp_storage.begin(),
                                            end = temp_storage.end();
 for (int i = 1; i < order-1; ++i)
   end = forward_difference(begin, end, begin);
 // the final iteration writes directly to the output iterator
 return forward_difference(begin, end, dest);


// example usage code

  1. include <iostream>

int main() {

 double array[10] = { 90.0, 47.0, 58.0, 29.0, 22.0, 32.0, 55.0, 5.0, 55.0, 73.0 };
 // this stores the results in the vector dest
 std::vector<double> dest;
 nth_forward_difference(1, array, array+10, std::back_inserter(dest));
 // outut dest
 std::copy(dest.begin(), dest.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
 std::cout << std::endl;
 // however, the results can also be output as they are calculated
 nth_forward_difference(2, array, array+10, std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
 std::cout << std::endl;
 nth_forward_difference(9, array, array+10, std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
 std::cout << std::endl;
 nth_forward_difference(10, array, array+10, std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
 std::cout << std::endl;
 nth_forward_difference(0, array, array+10, std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
 std::cout << std::endl;
 // finally, the results can also be written into the original array
 // (which of course destroys the original content)
 double* end = nth_forward_difference(3, array, array+10, array);
 for (double* p = array; p < end; ++p)
   std::cout << *p << " ";
 std::cout << std::endl;
 return 0;


This gives the following output:

-43 11 -29 -7 10 23 -50 50 18 
54 -40 22 17 13 -73 100 -32 

90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73 
-94 62 -5 -4 -86 173 -132 

Note the empty line indicating the empty sequence for order 10.


<lang d>import std.stdio: writefln;

T[] fdiff(T)(T[] arr, int level) {

   T[] result;
   if (level < 0 || level >= arr.length)
       return result;
   result = arr.dup;
   for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
       foreach (j, ref el; result[0 .. $-i-1])
           el = result[j + 1] - el;
   result.length = result.length - level;
   return result;


void main() {

   auto data = [90.5, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73.5];
   for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
       writefln(fdiff(data, i));

}</lang> Sampe output:

[90.5 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73.5]
[-43.5 11 -29 -7 10 23 -50 50 18.5]
[54.5 -40 22 17 13 -73 100 -31.5]
[-94.5 62 -5 -4 -86 173 -131.5]
[156.5 -67 1 -82 259 -304.5]
[-223.5 68 -83 341 -563.5]
[291.5 -151 424 -904.5]
[-442.5 575 -1328.5]
[1017.5 -1903.5]

Similar to the Python version: <lang d>T[] difn(T)(T[] s, int n) {

   static T[] dif(T[] s) {
       T[] result;
       foreach (i, x; s[1..$])
           result ~= x - s[i];
       return result;
   return n ? difn(dif(s), n-1) : s;



<lang lisp>(defn fwd-diff [nums order]

 (nth (iterate #(map - (next %) %)) nums) order)</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun forward-difference (list)

 (mapcar #'- (rest list) list))

(defun nth-forward-difference (list n)

 (setf list (copy-list list))
 (loop repeat n do (map-into list #'- (rest list) list))
 (subseq list 0 (- (length list) n)))</lang>


<lang e>pragma.enable("accumulator") /** Single step. */ def forwardDifference(seq :List) {

   return accum [] for i in 0..(seq.size() - 2) {
       _.with(seq[i + 1] - seq[i])


/** Iterative implementation of the goal. */ def nthForwardDifference1(var seq :List, n :(int >= 0)) {

   for _ in 1..n { seq := forwardDifference(seq) }
   return seq


/** Imperative implementation of the goal. */ def nthForwardDifference2(seq :List, n :(int >= 0)) {

 def buf := seq.diverge()
 def finalSize := seq.size() - n
 for lim in (finalSize..!seq.size()).descending() {
   for i in 0..!lim {
     buf[i] := buf[i + 1] - buf[i]
 return, finalSize)


? def sampleData := [90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73] > for n in 0..10 { > def r1 := nthForwardDifference1(sampleData, n) > require(r1 == nthForwardDifference2(sampleData, n)) > println(r1) > }</lang>


<lang factor>USING: kernel math math.vectors sequences ; IN: rosetacode

1-order ( seq -- seq' )
   [ rest-slice ] keep v- ;
n-order ( seq n -- seq' )
   dup 0 <=
   [ drop ] [ [ 1-order ] times ] if ;


 ( scratchpad ) { 90.5 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73.5 } 4 n-order .
 { 156.5 -67 1 -82 259 -304.5 }


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later



 SUBROUTINE Fdiff(a, n)
   INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: a(:), n
   INTEGER :: b(SIZE(a))  
   INTEGER :: i, j, arraysize
   b = a
   arraysize = SIZE(b)
   DO i = arraysize-1, arraysize-n, -1
     DO j = 1, i
       b(j) = b(j+1) - b(j)
     END DO
   WRITE (*,*) b(1:arraysize-n)


<lang fortran>PROGRAM TEST

 INTEGER :: array(10) = (/ 90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73 /)
 DO i = 1, 9
   CALL Fdiff(array, i)


         -43          11         -29          -7          10          23         -50          50          18
          54         -40          22          17          13         -73         100         -32
         -94          62          -5          -4         -86         173        -132
         156         -67           1         -82         259        -305
        -223          68         -83         341        -564
         291        -151         424        -905
        -442         575       -1329
        1017       -1904


Straightforward recursive solution <lang fsharp>let rec ForwardDifference input n =

   match n with
   | _ when input = [] || n < 0 -> []      // If there's no more input, just return an empty list
   | 0 -> input                            // If n is zero, we're done - return the input
   | _ -> ForwardDifference                // otherwise, recursively difference..
           (input.Tail                     // All but the first element
           |> input                // tupled with itself
           |> (fun (a, b) -> b-a)  // Subtract the i'th element from the (i+1)'th
           |> Seq.toList) (n-1)            // Make into a list and do an n-1 difference on it</lang>


<lang haskell>forwardDifference xs = zipWith (-) (tail xs) xs

nthForwardDifference xs n = iterate forwardDifference xs !! n

> take 10 (iterate forwardDifference [90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73]) [[90,47,58,29,22,32,55,5,55,73],



Standard IDL library function TS_diff(X,k,[/double]):

<lang idl>print,(x = randomu(seed,8)*100)

    15.1473      58.0953      82.7465      16.8637      97.7182      59.7856      17.7699      74.9154


   -42.9479     -24.6513      65.8828     -80.8545      37.9326      42.0157     -57.1455     0.000000


   -18.2967     -90.5341      146.737     -118.787     -4.08316      99.1613     0.000000     0.000000


    72.2374     -237.271      265.524     -114.704     -103.244     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000</lang>


Of the many ways to code this in J, a particularly concise solution is: <lang j>fd=: 2&(-~/\)</lang>

Alternatively, to reduce the number of J primitives (rather than characters), use: <lang j>fd=: (}.-}:)^:</lang>

(which is also elegant, because the open-ended power conjunction reads like "to the power of anything").

For example: <lang j> list =: 90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73 NB. Some numbers

  1 fd list

_43 11 _29 _7 10 23 _50 50 18

  2 fd list

54 _40 22 17 13 _73 100 _32</lang>

J is array oriented, so you can even ask for more than one forward difference at a time (i.e. N can be a list, instead of a single number): <lang j> 1 2 3 fd list NB. First, second, and third forward differences (simultaneously) 43 _11 29 7 _10 _23 50 _50 _18 54 _40 22 17 13 _73 100 _32 0 94 _62 5 4 86 _173 132 0 0

  a: fd list                             NB.  All forward differences
 90    47   58   29  22   32  55   5  55 73
 43   _11   29    7 _10  _23  50 _50 _18  0
 54   _40   22   17  13  _73 100 _32   0  0
 94   _62    5    4  86 _173 132   0   0  0
156   _67    1  _82 259 _305   0   0   0  0
223   _68   83 _341 564    0   0   0   0  0
291  _151  424 _905   0    0   0   0   0  0
442  _575 1329    0   0    0   0   0   0  0

1017 _1904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  0     0    0    0   0    0   0   0   0  0</lang>


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java>import java.util.Arrays; public class FD {

   public static void main(String args[]) {
       double[] a = {90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73};
       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(dif(a, 1)));
       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(dif(a, 2)));
       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(dif(a, 9)));
       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(dif(a, 10)));      //let's test
       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(dif(a, 11)));
       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(dif(a, -1)));
       System.out.println(Arrays.toString(dif(a, 0)));
   public static double[] dif(double[] a, int n) {
       if (n < 0)
           return null; // if the programmer was dumb
       for (int i = 0; i < n && a.length > 0; i++) {
           double[] b = new double[a.length - 1];
           for (int j = 0; j < b.length; j++){
               b[j] = a[j+1] - a[j];
           a = b; //"recurse"
       return a;



[-43.0, 11.0, -29.0, -7.0, 10.0, 23.0, -50.0, 50.0, 18.0]
[54.0, -40.0, 22.0, 17.0, 13.0, -73.0, 100.0, -32.0]
[90.0, 47.0, 58.0, 29.0, 22.0, 32.0, 55.0, 5.0, 55.0, 73.0]

<lang logo>to fwd.diff :l

 if empty? :l [output []]
 if empty? bf :l [output []]
 output fput (first bf :l)-(first :l) fwd.diff bf :l

end to nth.fwd.diff :n :l

 if :n = 0 [output :l]
 output nth.fwd.diff :n-1 fwd.diff :l


show nth.fwd.diff 9 [90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73] [-2921]</lang>


<lang lua>function dif(a, b, ...)

 if(b) then return b-a, dif(b, ...) end

end function dift(t) return {dif(unpack(t))} end print(unpack(dift{1,3,6,10,15}))</lang>


Built-in function: <lang Mathematica>i={3,5,12,1,6,19,6,2,4,9}; Differences[i]</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>{2, 7, -11, 5, 13, -13, -4, 2, 5}</lang> The nth difference can be done as follows: <lang Mathematica>i={3,5,12,1,6,19,6,2,4,9}; Differences[i,n]</lang>


Define forward difference for order 1 <lang nial>fd is - [rest, front]</lang> forward difference of 4th order <lang nial>b := 90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73 4 fold fd b = 156 -67 1 -82 259 -305</lang>


<lang ocaml>let rec forward_difference = function

   a :: (b :: _ as xs) ->
     b - a :: forward_difference xs
 | _ ->

let rec nth_forward_difference n xs =

 if n = 0 then
   nth_forward_difference (pred n) (forward_difference xs)</lang>


# nth_forward_difference 9 [90; 47; 58; 29; 22; 32; 55; 5; 55; 73];;
- : int list = [-2921]


<lang octave>% RECURSIVE function r = forwarddiff(a, n)

 if ( n == 1 )
   r = a(2:size(a,2)) - a(1:size(a,2)-1);
   r = forwarddiff(a, 1);
   r = forwarddiff(r, n-1);


% ITERATIVE function r = fdiff(a, n)

 r = a;
 for i = 1:n
   r = r(2:size(r,2)) - r(1:size(r,2)-1);


% TEST v = [90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73]; disp(fdiff(v, 9)); disp(forwarddiff(v, 9);</lang>


<lang perl>sub dif {

 my @s = @_;
 map { $s[$_+1] - $s[$_] } 0 .. $#s-1


sub difn {

 my ($n, @s) = @_;
 @s = dif @s foreach 1..$n;


Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version #22 "Thousand Oaks"

<lang perl6>sub dif (@a) { map { $^x - $^y }, (@a[1 ..^ @a] Z @a) }

multi difn (@a, 0) { @a } multi difn (@a, $n) { difn dif(@a), $n - 1 }</lang>


<lang php><?php

function forwardDiff($anArray, $times = 1) {

 if ($times <= 0) { return $anArray; }
 for ($accumilation = array(), $i = 1, $j = count($anArray); $i < $j; ++$i) { 
   $accumilation[] = $anArray[$i] - $anArray[$i - 1];
 if ($times === 1) { return $accumilation; }
 return forwardDiff($accumilation, $times - 1);


class ForwardDiffExample extends PweExample {

 function _should_run_empty_array_for_single_elem() {
   $expected = array($this->rand()->int());
 function _should_give_diff_of_two_elem_as_single_elem() {
   $twoNums = array($this->rand()->int(), $this->rand()->int());
   $expected = array($twoNums[1] - $twoNums[0]);
 function _should_compute_correct_forward_diff_for_longer_arrays() {
   $diffInput = array(10, 2, 9, 6, 5);
   $expected  = array(-8, 7, -3, -1);
 function _should_apply_more_than_once_if_specified() {
   $diffInput = array(4, 6, 9, 3, 4);
   $expectedAfter1 = array(2, 3, -6, 1);
   $expectedAfter2 = array(1, -9, 7);
   $this->spec(forwardDiff($diffInput, 1))->shouldEqual($expectedAfter1);
   $this->spec(forwardDiff($diffInput, 2))->shouldEqual($expectedAfter2);
 function _should_return_array_unaltered_if_no_times() {
   $this->spec(forwardDiff($expected = array(1,2,3), 0))->shouldEqual($expected);



<lang pop11>define forward_difference(l);

   lvars res = [], prev, el;
   if l = [] then
   front(l) -> prev;
   for el in back(l) do
       cons(el - prev, res) -> res;
       el -> prev;


define nth_difference(l, n);

   lvars res = l, i;
   for i from 1 to n do
       forward_difference(res) -> res;



<lang python>>>> dif = lambda s: [x-s[i] for i,x in enumerate(s[1:])] >>> # or, dif = lambda s: [x-y for x,y in zip(s[1:],s[:-1])] >>> difn = lambda s, n: difn(dif(s), n-1) if n else s

>>> s = [90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73] >>> difn(s, 0) [90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73] >>> difn(s, 1) [-43, 11, -29, -7, 10, 23, -50, 50, 18] >>> difn(s, 2) [54, -40, 22, 17, 13, -73, 100, -32]

>>> from pprint import pprint >>> pprint( [difn(s, i) for i in xrange(10)] ) [[90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73],

[-43, 11, -29, -7, 10, 23, -50, 50, 18],
[54, -40, 22, 17, 13, -73, 100, -32],
[-94, 62, -5, -4, -86, 173, -132],
[156, -67, 1, -82, 259, -305],
[-223, 68, -83, 341, -564],
[291, -151, 424, -905],
[-442, 575, -1329],
[1017, -1904],


<lang R>forwarddif <- function(a, n) {

 if ( n == 1 )
   a[2:length(a)] - a[1:length(a)-1]
 else {
   r <- forwarddif(a, 1)
   forwarddif(r, n-1)


fdiff <- function(a, n) {

 r <- a
 for(i in 1:n) {
   r <- r[2:length(r)] - r[1:length(r)-1]


v <- c(90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73)

print(forwarddif(v, 9)) print(fdiff(v, 9))</lang>


<lang ruby>def dif(s)

 s.enum_cons(2).collect { |x, y| y - x }


def difn(s, n)

 n.times.inject(s) { |s, | dif(s) }



<lang scala>def fdiff(n:List[Int]) ={case (x,y)=>x-y}

def fdiffn(i:Int,n:List[Int]):List[Int] = if (i==1) fdiff(n) else fdiffn(i-1,fdiff(n))</lang>

Example: <lang scala>val l=List(90,47,58,29,22,32,55,5,55,73) (1 to 9)foreach(x=>println(fdiffn(x,l)))</lang>


List(-43, 11, -29, -7, 10, 23, -50, 50, 18)
List(54, -40, 22, 17, 13, -73, 100, -32)
List(-94, 62, -5, -4, -86, 173, -132)
List(156, -67, 1, -82, 259, -305)
List(-223, 68, -83, 341, -564)
List(291, -151, 424, -905)
List(-442, 575, -1329)
List(1017, -1904)


<lang scheme>(define (forward-diff lst)

 (if (or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst)))
     (cons (- (cadr lst) (car lst))
           (forward-diff (cdr lst)))))

(define (nth-forward-diff n xs)

 (if (= n 0)
     (nth-forward-diff (- n 1)
                       (forward-diff xs))))</lang>


> (nth-forward-diff 9 '(90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73))


<lang slate>s@(Sequence traits) forwardDifference [

 s allButFirst with: s allButLast collect: [| :a :b | a - b]


s@(Sequence traits) forwardDifference "Without creating two intermediate throwaway Sequences." [| result |

 result: s allButFirst.
 result doWithIndex: [| :nextValue :index | result at: index put: (result at: index) - (s at: index)].


s@(Sequence traits) forwardDifference: n [

 (0 below: n) inject: s into: [| :seq :_ | seq forwardDifference]

].</lang> Usage: <lang slate>define: #data -> #(90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73). data keysDo: [| :index | inform: (data forwardDifference: index) printString].</lang>


Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>Array extend [

   difference [
       ^self allButFirst with: self allButLast collect: [ :a :b | a - b ]
   nthOrderDifference: n [
       ^(1 to: n) inject: self into: [ :old :unused | old difference ]


s := #(90 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73) 1 to: s size - 1 do: [ :i |

   (s nthOrderDifference: i) printNl ]</lang>

Standard ML

<lang sml>fun forward_difference xs = op- (tl xs, xs)

fun nth_forward_difference n xs =

 if n = 0 then
   nth_forward_difference (n-1) (forward_difference xs)</lang>


- nth_forward_difference 9 [90, 47, 58, 29, 22, 32, 55, 5, 55, 73];
val it = [~2921] : int list


<lang tcl>proc do_fwd_diff {list} {

   set previous [lindex $list 0]
   set new [list]
   foreach current [lrange $list 1 end] {
       lappend new [expr {$current - $previous}]
       set previous $current
   return $new


proc fwd_diff {list order} {

   while {$order >= 1} {
       set list [do_fwd_diff $list]
       incr order -1
   return $list


set a {90.5 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73.5}

for {set order 0} {$order <= 10} {incr order} {

   puts [format "%d\t%s" $order [fwd_diff $a $order]]


0	90.5 47 58 29 22 32 55 5 55 73.5
1	-43.5 11 -29 -7 10 23 -50 50 18.5
2	54.5 -40 22 17 13 -73 100 -31.5
3	-94.5 62 -5 -4 -86 173 -131.5
4	156.5 -67 1 -82 259 -304.5
5	-223.5 68 -83 341 -563.5
6	291.5 -151 424 -904.5
7	-442.5 575 -1328.5
8	1017.5 -1903.5
9	-2921.0


This function doesn't need to be defined because it's in a library already, but it could be defined like this. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat
  2. import flo

nth_diff "n" = rep"n" minus*typ</lang> test program: <lang Ursala>test_data = <90.,47.,58.,29.,22.,32.,55.,5.,55.,73.>

  1. show+

examples =

printf/*=*' %0.0f' <

  nth_diff6 test_data,
  nth_diff7 test_data></lang>


 291 -151 424 -905
 -442 575 -1329