Compiler/AST interpreter: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (Fix embedded // in string handling)
m (Fix embedded // in string handling)
Line 560:
elif x.node_type == nd_Prts:
print(interp(x.left).replace("\\n", "\n"), end='')
return None
Line 569:
error("error in code generator - found %d, expecting operator" % (x.node_type))
def str_trans(srce):
dest = ""
i = 0
srce = srce[1:-1]
while i < len(srce):
if srce[i] == '\\' and i + 1 < len(srce):
if srce[i + 1] == 'n':
dest += '\n'
i += 2
elif srce[i + 1] == '\\':
dest += '\\'
i += 2
dest += srce[i]
i += 1
return dest
def load_ast():
line = input_file.readline()
line_list = shlex.split(line, False, False)
text = line_list[0]
Line 586 ⟶ 604:
node_type = all_syms[text]
if value != None:
if node_type == nd_String:
value = str_trans(value)
return make_leaf(node_type, value)
left = load_ast()

Revision as of 13:47, 1 November 2016

Compiler/AST interpreter is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

An AST interpreter interprets an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) produced by a Syntax Analyzer.

Take the AST output from the Syntax analyzer task, and interpret it as appropriate. Refer to the Syntax analyzer task for details of the AST.

Loading the AST from the syntax analyzer is as simple as (pseudo code)

<lang python>def load_ast()

   line = readline()
   # Each line has at least one token
   line_list = tokenize the line, respecting double quotes
   text = line_list[0] # first token is always the node type
   if text == ";"   # a terminal node
       return NULL
   node_type = text # could convert to internal form if desired
   # A line with two tokens is a leaf node
   # Leaf nodes are: Identifier, Integer, String
   # The 2nd token is the value
   if len(line_list) > 1
       return make_leaf(node_type, line_list[1])
   left = load_ast()
   right = load_ast()
   return make_node(node_type, left, right)</lang>
The interpreter algorithm is relatively simple

<lang python>interp(x)

   if x == NULL return NULL
   elif x.node_type == Integer return x.value converted to an integer
   elif x.node_type == Ident   return the current value of variable x.value
   elif x.node_type == String  return x.value
   elif x.node_type == Assign
                   globals[x.left.value] = interp(x.right)
                   return NULL
   elif x.node_type is a binary operator return interp(x.left) operator interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type is a unary operator, return return operator interp(x.left)
   elif x.node_type ==  If
                   if (interp(x.left)) then interp(x.right.left)
                   else interp(x.right.right)
                   return NULL
   elif x.node_type == While
                   while (interp(x.left)) do interp(x.right)
                   return NULL
   elif x.node_type == Prtc
                   print interp(x.left) as a character, no newline
                   return NULL
   elif x.node_type == Prti
                   print interp(x.left) as an integer, no newline
                   return NULL
   elif x.node_type == Prts
                   print interp(x.left) as a string, respecting newlines ("\n")
                   return NULL
   elif x.node_type == Sequence
                   return NULL
       error("unknown node type")</lang>


Because of the simple nature of our tiny language, Semantic analysis is not needed.

Your interpreter should use C like division semantics, for both division and modulus. For division of positive operands, only the non-fractional portion of the result should be returned. In other words, the result should be truncated towards 0.

This means, for instance, that 3 / 2 should result in 1.

For division when one of the operands is negative, the result should be truncated towards 0.

This means, for instance, that 3 / -2 should result in -1.

Test program
prime.t parse | interp

<lang c>/*

Simple prime number generator

count = 1; n = 1; limit = 100; while (n < limit) {

   while ((k*k<=n) && (p)) {
   if (p) {
       print(n, " is prime\n");
       count = count + 1;

} print("Total primes found: ", count, "\n"); </lang>

3 is prime
5 is prime
7 is prime
11 is prime
13 is prime
17 is prime
19 is prime
23 is prime
29 is prime
31 is prime
37 is prime
41 is prime
43 is prime
47 is prime
53 is prime
59 is prime
61 is prime
67 is prime
71 is prime
73 is prime
79 is prime
83 is prime
89 is prime
97 is prime
101 is prime
Total primes found: 26
Additional examples

Your solution should pass all the test cases above and the additional tests found Here.


The C and Python versions can be considered reference implementations.

Related Tasks


Tested with gcc 4.81 and later, compiles warning free with -Wall -Wextra <lang C>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <stdarg.h>
  4. include <ctype.h>
  1. define da_dim(name, type) type *name = NULL; \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0;  \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _max = 0
  1. define da_rewind(name) _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0
  2. define da_redim(name) do {if (_qy_ ## name ## _p >= _qy_ ## name ## _max) \
                               name = realloc(name, (_qy_ ## name ## _max += 32) * sizeof(name[0]));} while (0)
  1. define da_append(name, x) do {da_redim(name); name[_qy_ ## name ## _p++] = x;} while (0)
  2. define da_len(name) _qy_ ## name ## _p
  3. define da_add(name) do {da_redim(name); _qy_ ## name ## _p++;} while (0)

typedef enum {

   nd_Ident, nd_String, nd_Integer, nd_Sequence, nd_If, nd_Prtc, nd_Prts, nd_Prti, nd_While,
   nd_Assign, nd_Negate, nd_Not, nd_Mul, nd_Div, nd_Mod, nd_Add, nd_Sub, nd_Lss, nd_Leq,
   nd_Gtr, nd_Geq, nd_Eql, nd_Neq, nd_And, nd_Or

} NodeType;

typedef struct Tree Tree; struct Tree {

   NodeType node_type;
   Tree *left;
   Tree *right;
   int value;


// dependency: Ordered by NodeType, must remain in same order as NodeType enum

struct {

   char       *enum_text;
   NodeType   node_type;

} atr[] = {

   {"Identifier"  , nd_Ident,  },  {"String"      , nd_String,  },
   {"Integer"     , nd_Integer,},  {"Sequence"    , nd_Sequence,},
   {"If"          , nd_If,     },  {"Prtc"        , nd_Prtc,    },
   {"Prts"        , nd_Prts,   },  {"Prti"        , nd_Prti,    },
   {"While"       , nd_While,  },  {"Assign"      , nd_Assign,  },
   {"Negate"      , nd_Negate, },  {"Not"         , nd_Not,     },
   {"Multiply"    , nd_Mul,    },  {"Divide"      , nd_Div,     },
   {"Mod"         , nd_Mod,    },  {"Add"         , nd_Add,     },
   {"Subtract"    , nd_Sub,    },  {"Less"        , nd_Lss,     },
   {"LessEqual"   , nd_Leq,    },  {"Greater"     , nd_Gtr,     },
   {"GreaterEqual", nd_Geq,    },  {"Equal"       , nd_Eql,     },
   {"NotEqual"    , nd_Neq,    },  {"And"         , nd_And,     },
   {"Or"          , nd_Or,     },


FILE *source_fp; da_dim(string_pool, const char *); da_dim(global_names, const char *); da_dim(global_values, int);

void error(const char *fmt, ... ) {

   va_list ap;
   char buf[1000];
   va_start(ap, fmt);
   vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
   printf("error: %s\n", buf);


Tree *make_node(NodeType node_type, Tree *left, Tree *right) {

   Tree *t = calloc(sizeof(Tree), 1);
   t->node_type = node_type;
   t->left = left;
   t->right = right;
   return t;


Tree *make_leaf(NodeType node_type, int value) {

   Tree *t = calloc(sizeof(Tree), 1);
   t->node_type = node_type;
   t->value = value;
   return t;


int interp(Tree *x) { /* interpret the parse tree */

   if (!x) return 0;
   switch(x->node_type) {
       case nd_Integer:  return x->value;
       case nd_Ident:    return global_values[x->value];
       case nd_String:   return x->value;
       case nd_Assign:   return global_values[x->left->value] = interp(x->right);
       case nd_Add:      return interp(x->left) +  interp(x->right);
       case nd_Sub:      return interp(x->left) -  interp(x->right);
       case nd_Mul:      return interp(x->left) *  interp(x->right);
       case nd_Div:      return interp(x->left) /  interp(x->right);
       case nd_Mod:      return interp(x->left) %  interp(x->right);
       case nd_Lss:      return interp(x->left) <  interp(x->right);
       case nd_Gtr:      return interp(x->left) >  interp(x->right);
       case nd_Leq:      return interp(x->left) <= interp(x->right);
       case nd_Eql:      return interp(x->left) == interp(x->right);
       case nd_Neq:      return interp(x->left) != interp(x->right);
       case nd_And:      return interp(x->left) && interp(x->right);
       case nd_Negate:   return -interp(x->left);
       case nd_Not:      return !interp(x->left);
       case nd_If:       if (interp(x->left))
                         return 0;
       case nd_While:    while (interp(x->left))
                         return 0;
       case nd_Prtc:     printf("%c", interp(x->left));
                         return 0;
       case nd_Prti:     printf("%d", interp(x->left));
                         return 0;
       case nd_Prts:     printf("%s", string_pool[interp(x->left)]);
                         return 0;
       case nd_Sequence: interp(x->left);
                         return 0;
       default:          error("interp: unknown tree type %d\n", x->node_type);
   return 0;


void init_in(const char fn[]) {

   if (fn[0] == '\0')
       source_fp = stdin;
   else {
       source_fp = fopen(fn, "r");
       if (source_fp == NULL)
           error("Can't open %s\n", fn);


NodeType get_enum_value(const char name[]) {

   for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(atr) / sizeof(atr[0]); i++) {
       if (strcmp(atr[i].enum_text, name) == 0) {
           return atr[i].node_type;
   error("Unknown token %s\n", name);
   return -1;


char *read_line(int *len) {

   static char *text = NULL;
   static int textmax = 0;
   for (*len = 0; ; (*len)++) {
       int ch = fgetc(source_fp);
       if (ch == EOF || ch == '\n') {
           if (*len == 0)
               return NULL;
       if (*len + 1 >= textmax) {
           textmax = (textmax == 0 ? 128 : textmax * 2);
           text = realloc(text, textmax);
       text[*len] = ch;
   text[*len] = '\0';
   return text;


char *rtrim(char *text, int *len) { // remove trailing spaces

   for (; *len > 0 && isspace(text[*len - 1]); --(*len))
   text[*len] = '\0';
   return text;


int fetch_string_offset(char *st) {

   int len = strlen(st);
   st[len - 1] = '\0';
   char *p, *q;
   p = q = st;
   while ((*p++ = *q++) != '\0') {
       if (q[-1] == '\\') {
           if (q[0] == 'n') {
               p[-1] = '\n';
           } else if (q[0] == '\\') {
   for (int i = 0; i < da_len(string_pool); ++i) {
       if (strcmp(st, string_pool[i]) == 0) {
           return i;
   int n = da_len(string_pool) - 1;
   string_pool[n] = strdup(st);
   return da_len(string_pool) - 1;


int fetch_var_offset(const char *name) {

   for (int i = 0; i < da_len(global_names); ++i) {
       if (strcmp(name, global_names[i]) == 0)
           return i;
   int n = da_len(global_names) - 1;
   global_names[n] = strdup(name);
   da_append(global_values, 0);
   return n;


Tree *load_ast() {

   int len;
   char *yytext = read_line(&len);
   yytext = rtrim(yytext, &len);
   // get first token
   char *tok = strtok(yytext, " ");
   if (tok[0] == ';') {
       return NULL;
   NodeType node_type = get_enum_value(tok);
   // if there is extra data, get it
   char *p = tok + strlen(tok);
   if (p != &yytext[len]) {
       int n;
       for (++p; isspace(*p); ++p)
       switch (node_type) {
           case nd_Ident:      n = fetch_var_offset(p);    break;
           case nd_Integer:    n = strtol(p, NULL, 0);     break;
           case nd_String:     n = fetch_string_offset(p); break;
           default:            error("Unknown node type: %s\n", p);
       return make_leaf(node_type, n);
   Tree *left  = load_ast();
   Tree *right = load_ast();
   return make_node(node_type, left, right);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   init_in(argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "");
   Tree *x = load_ast();
   return 0;


Output  —  prime numbers output from AST interpreter:

lex prime.t | parse | interp
3 is prime
5 is prime
7 is prime
11 is prime
13 is prime
17 is prime
19 is prime
23 is prime
29 is prime
31 is prime
37 is prime
41 is prime
43 is prime
47 is prime
53 is prime
59 is prime
61 is prime
67 is prime
71 is prime
73 is prime
79 is prime
83 is prime
89 is prime
97 is prime
101 is prime
Total primes found: 26


Tested with Python 2.7 and 3.x <lang Python>from __future__ import print_function import sys, shlex, operator

nd_Ident, nd_String, nd_Integer, nd_Sequence, nd_If, nd_Prtc, nd_Prts, nd_Prti, nd_While, \ nd_Assign, nd_Negate, nd_Not, nd_Mul, nd_Div, nd_Mod, nd_Add, nd_Sub, nd_Lss, nd_Leq, \ nd_Gtr, nd_Geq, nd_Eql, nd_Neq, nd_And, nd_Or = range(25)

all_syms = {

   "Identifier"  : nd_Ident,    "String"      : nd_String,
   "Integer"     : nd_Integer,  "Sequence"    : nd_Sequence,
   "If"          : nd_If,       "Prtc"        : nd_Prtc,
   "Prts"        : nd_Prts,     "Prti"        : nd_Prti,
   "While"       : nd_While,    "Assign"      : nd_Assign,
   "Negate"      : nd_Negate,   "Not"         : nd_Not,
   "Multiply"    : nd_Mul,      "Divide"      : nd_Div,
   "Mod"         : nd_Mod,      "Add"         : nd_Add,
   "Subtract"    : nd_Sub,      "Less"        : nd_Lss,
   "LessEqual"   : nd_Leq,      "Greater"     : nd_Gtr,
   "GreaterEqual": nd_Geq,      "Equal"       : nd_Eql,
   "NotEqual"    : nd_Neq,      "And"         : nd_And,
   "Or"          : nd_Or}

input_file = None globals = {}

        • show error and exit

def error(msg):

   print("%s" % (msg))

class Node:

   def __init__(self, node_type, left = None, right = None, value = None):
       self.node_type  = node_type
       self.left  = left
       self.right = right
       self.value = value

def make_node(oper, left, right = None):

   return Node(oper, left, right)

def make_leaf(oper, n):

   return Node(oper, value = n)

def fetch_var(var_name):

   n = globals.get(var_name, None)
   if n == None:
       globals[var_name] = n = 0
   return n

def interp(x):

   global globals
   if x == None: return None
   elif x.node_type == nd_Integer: return int(x.value)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Ident:   return fetch_var(x.value)
   elif x.node_type == nd_String:  return x.value
   elif x.node_type == nd_Assign:
                   globals[x.left.value] = interp(x.right)
                   return None
   elif x.node_type == nd_Add:     return interp(x.left) +   interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Sub:     return interp(x.left) -   interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Mul:     return interp(x.left) *   interp(x.right)
   # use C like division semantics
   # another way: abs(x) / abs(y) * cmp(x, 0) * cmp(y, 0)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Div:     return int(float(interp(x.left)) / interp(x.right))
   elif x.node_type == nd_Mod:     return int(float(interp(x.left)) % interp(x.right))
   elif x.node_type == nd_Lss:     return interp(x.left) <   interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Gtr:     return interp(x.left) >   interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Leq:     return interp(x.left) <=  interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Geq:     return interp(x.left) >=  interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Eql:     return interp(x.left) ==  interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Neq:     return interp(x.left) !=  interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_And:     return interp(x.left) and interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Or:      return interp(x.left) or  interp(x.right)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Negate:  return -interp(x.left)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Not:     return not interp(x.left)
   elif x.node_type ==  nd_If:
                   if (interp(x.left)):
                   return None
   elif x.node_type == nd_While:
                   while (interp(x.left)):
                   return None
   elif x.node_type == nd_Prtc:
                   print("%c" % (interp(x.left)), end=)
                   return None
   elif x.node_type == nd_Prti:
                   print("%d" % (interp(x.left)), end=)
                   return None
   elif x.node_type == nd_Prts:
                   print(interp(x.left), end=)
                   return None
   elif x.node_type == nd_Sequence:
                   return None
       error("error in code generator - found %d, expecting operator" % (x.node_type))

def str_trans(srce):

   dest = ""
   i = 0
   srce = srce[1:-1]
   while i < len(srce):
       if srce[i] == '\\' and i + 1 < len(srce):
           if srce[i + 1] == 'n':
               dest += '\n'
               i += 2
           elif srce[i + 1] == '\\':
               dest += '\\'
               i += 2
           dest += srce[i]
           i += 1
   return dest

def load_ast():

   line = input_file.readline()
   line_list = shlex.split(line, False, False)
   text = line_list[0]
   value = None
   if len(line_list) > 1:
       value = line_list[1]
       if value.isdigit():
           value = int(value)
   if text == ";":
       return None
   node_type = all_syms[text]
   if value != None:
       if node_type == nd_String:
           value = str_trans(value)
       return make_leaf(node_type, value)
   left = load_ast()
   right = load_ast()
   return make_node(node_type, left, right)
        • main driver

input_file = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) > 1:

       input_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r", 4096)
   except IOError as e:
       error(0, 0, "Can't open %s" % sys.argv[1])

n = load_ast() interp(n)</lang>

Output  —  prime numbers output from AST interpreter:

lex prime.t | parse | interp
3 is prime
5 is prime
7 is prime
11 is prime
13 is prime
17 is prime
19 is prime
23 is prime
29 is prime
31 is prime
37 is prime
41 is prime
43 is prime
47 is prime
53 is prime
59 is prime
61 is prime
67 is prime
71 is prime
73 is prime
79 is prime
83 is prime
89 is prime
97 is prime
101 is prime
Total primes found: 26


<lang zkl>const{ var _n=-1; var[proxy]N=fcn{ _n+=1 }; } // enumerator const FETCH=N, STORE=N, PUSH=N, ADD=N, SUB=N, MUL=N, DIV=N, MOD=N,

     LT=N,    GT=N,    LE=N,   GE=N,   EQ=N,   NE=N, 
     AND=N,   OR=N,    NEG=N,  NOT=N,
     JMP=N,   JZ=N,    PRTC=N, PRTS=N, PRTI=N, HALT=N;

const nd_String=N, nd_Sequence=N, nd_If=N, nd_While=N; var [const]

     "Identifier"  ,FETCH,       "String"      ,nd_String,
     "Integer"     ,PUSH,        "Sequence"    ,nd_Sequence,
     "If"          ,nd_If,       "Prtc"        ,PRTC,
     "Prts"        ,PRTS,        "Prti"        ,PRTI,
     "While"       ,nd_While,    "Assign"      ,STORE,
     "Negate"      ,NEG,         "Not"         ,NOT,
     "Multiply"    ,MUL,         "Divide"      ,DIV,
     "Mod"         ,MOD,         "Add"         ,ADD,
     "Subtract"    ,SUB,         "Less"        ,LT,
     "LessEqual"   ,LE,          "Greater"     ,GT,
     "GreaterEqual",GE,          "Equal"       ,EQ,
     "NotEqual"    ,NE,          "And"         ,AND,
     "Or"          ,OR,	  "halt"	,HALT),
  bops=Dictionary(ADD,'+, SUB,'-, MUL,'*, DIV,'/, MOD,'%, 

LT,'<, GT,'>, LE,'<=, GE,'>=, NE,'!=, EQ,'==, NE,'!=);

class Node{

  fcn init(_node_type, _value, _left=Void, _right=Void){
     var type=_node_type, left=_left, right=_right, value=_value;


fcn runNode(node){

  var vars=Dictionary();  // fcn local static var
  if(Void==node) return();
     case(PUSH,nd_String){ return(node.value) }
     case(FETCH){ return(vars[node.value]) }
     case(STORE){ vars[node.left.value]=runNode(node.right); return(Void); }
        if(runNode(node.left)) runNode(node.right.left);

else runNode(node.right.right);

        { while(runNode(node.left)){ runNode(node.right) } return(Void) }
     case(nd_Sequence){ runNode(node.left); runNode(node.right); return(Void) }
     case(PRTC)       { print(runNode(node.left).toAsc()) }
     case(PRTI,PRTS)  { print(runNode(node.left)) }
     case(NEG)        { return(-runNode(node.left)) }
     case(NOT)        { return(not runNode(node.left)) }
     case(AND)        { return(runNode(node.left) and runNode(node.right)) }
     case(OR)         { return(runNode(node.left) or  runNode(node.right)) }

if(op:=bops.find(node.type)) return(op(runNode(node.left),runNode(node.right))); else throw(Exception.AssertionError( "Unknown node type: %d".fmt(node.type)))


}</lang> <lang zkl>fcn load_ast(file){

  line:=file.readln().strip();		// one or two tokens
  if(line[0]==";") return(Void);
  parts,type,value := line.split(),parts[0],parts[1,*].concat(" ");
     try{ value=value.toInt() }catch{}
     if(type==nd_String) value=value[1,-1].replace("\\n","\n");
  left,right := load_ast(file),load_ast(file);

}</lang> <lang zkl>ast:=load_ast(File(vm.nthArg(0))); runNode(ast);</lang>

$ zkl runAST.zkl primeAST.txt 
3 is prime
5 is prime
7 is prime
11 is prime
89 is prime
97 is prime
101 is prime
Total primes found: 26