Compiler/Sample programs
< Compiler
Additional sample programs for the Tiny Compiler, referenced by the following tasks:
- Lexical Analyzer task
- Syntax Analyzer task
- Code Generator task
- Virtual Machine Interpreter task
- AST Interpreter task
Hello world/Text
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
Hello world
print("Hello, World!\n");
4 1 Keyword_print 4 6 LeftParen 4 7 String "Hello, World!\n" 4 24 RightParen 4 25 Semicolon 5 1 End_of_input
Sequence ; Sequence ; Prts String "Hello, World!\n" ;
Datasize: 0 Strings: 1 "Hello, World!\n" 0 push 0 5 prts 6 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\hello.t | parse | gen | vm Hello, World!
Phoenix number
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
Show Ident and Integers
phoenix_number = 142857;
print(phoenix_number, "\n");
4 1 Identifier phoenix_number 4 16 Op_assign 4 18 Integer 142857 4 24 Semicolon 5 1 Keyword_print 5 6 LeftParen 5 7 Identifier phoenix_number 5 21 Comma 5 23 String "\n" 5 27 RightParen 5 28 Semicolon 6 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier phoenix_number Integer 142857 Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier phoenix_number ; Prts String "\n" ;
Datasize: 1 Strings: 1 "\n" 0 push 142857 5 store [0] 10 fetch [0] 15 prti 16 push 0 21 prts 22 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\phoenix_number.t | parse | gen | vm 142857
All symbols
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
All lexical tokens - not syntactically correct, but that will
have to wait until syntax analysis
/* Print */ print /* Sub */ -
/* Putc */ putc /* Lss */ <
/* If */ if /* Gtr */ >
/* Else */ else /* Leq */ <=
/* While */ while /* Geq */ >=
/* Lbrace */ { /* Eq */ ==
/* Rbrace */ } /* Neq */ !=
/* Lparen */ ( /* And */ &&
/* Rparen */ ) /* Or */ ||
/* Uminus */ - /* Semi */ ;
/* Not */ ! /* Comma */ ,
/* Mul */ * /* Assign */ =
/* Div */ / /* Integer */ 42
/* Mod */ % /* String */ "String literal"
/* Add */ + /* Ident */ variable_name
/* character literal */ '\n'
/* character literal */ '\\'
/* character literal */ ' '
5 16 Keyword_print 5 40 Op_subtract 6 16 Keyword_putc 6 40 Op_less 7 16 Keyword_if 7 40 Op_greater 8 16 Keyword_else 8 40 Op_lessequal 9 16 Keyword_while 9 40 Op_greaterequal 10 16 LeftBrace 10 40 Op_equal 11 16 RightBrace 11 40 Op_notequal 12 16 LeftParen 12 40 Op_and 13 16 RightParen 13 40 Op_or 14 16 Op_subtract 14 40 Semicolon 15 16 Op_not 15 40 Comma 16 16 Op_multiply 16 40 Op_assign 17 16 Op_divide 17 40 Integer 42 18 16 Op_mod 18 40 String "String literal" 19 16 Op_add 19 40 Identifier variable_name 20 26 Integer 10 21 26 Integer 92 22 26 Integer 32 23 1 End_of_input
(5, 40) Print: Expecting '(', found '-'
Test case 4
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
/*** test printing, embedded \n and comments with lots of '*' ***/
print("\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n");
print("Print a slash n - \\n.\n");
2 1 Keyword_print 2 6 LeftParen 2 7 Integer 42 2 9 RightParen 2 10 Semicolon 3 1 Keyword_print 3 6 LeftParen 3 7 String "\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n" 3 38 RightParen 3 39 Semicolon 4 1 Keyword_print 4 6 LeftParen 4 7 String "Print a slash n - \\n.\n" 4 33 RightParen 4 34 Semicolon 5 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Sequence ; Prti Integer 42 ; Sequence ; Prts String "\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n" ; Sequence ; Prts String "Print a slash n - \\n.\n" ;
Datasize: 0 Strings: 2 "\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n" "Print a slash n - \\n.\n" 0 push 42 5 prti 6 push 0 11 prts 12 push 1 17 prts 18 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\testcase4.t | parse | gen | vm 42 Hello World Good Bye ok Print a slash n - \n.
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
count = 1;
while (count < 10) {
print("count is: ", count, "\n");
count = count + 1;
1 1 Identifier count 1 7 Op_assign 1 9 Integer 1 1 10 Semicolon 2 1 Keyword_while 2 7 LeftParen 2 8 Identifier count 2 14 Op_less 2 16 Integer 10 2 18 RightParen 2 20 LeftBrace 3 5 Keyword_print 3 10 LeftParen 3 11 String "count is: " 3 23 Comma 3 25 Identifier count 3 30 Comma 3 32 String "\n" 3 36 RightParen 3 37 Semicolon 4 5 Identifier count 4 11 Op_assign 4 13 Identifier count 4 19 Op_add 4 21 Integer 1 4 22 Semicolon 5 1 RightBrace 6 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier count Integer 1 While Less Identifier count Integer 10 Sequence Sequence ; Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Prts String "count is: " ; Prti Identifier count ; Prts String "\n" ; Assign Identifier count Add Identifier count Integer 1
Datasize: 1 Strings: 2 "count is: " "\n" 0 push 1 5 store [0] 10 fetch [0] 15 push 10 20 lt 21 jz (43) 65 26 push 0 31 prts 32 fetch [0] 37 prti 38 push 1 43 prts 44 fetch [0] 49 push 1 54 add 55 store [0] 60 jmp (-51) 10 65 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\count.t | parse | gen | vm count is: 1 count is: 2 count is: 3 count is: 4 count is: 5 count is: 6 count is: 7 count is: 8 count is: 9
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
/* 100 Doors */
i = 1;
while (i * i <= 100) {
print("door ", i * i, " is open\n");
i = i + 1;
lex ..\100doors.t 2 1 Identifier i 2 3 Op_assign 2 5 Integer 1 2 6 Semicolon 3 1 Keyword_while 3 7 LeftParen 3 8 Identifier i 3 10 Op_multiply 3 12 Identifier i 3 14 Op_lessequal 3 17 Integer 100 3 20 RightParen 3 22 LeftBrace 4 5 Keyword_print 4 10 LeftParen 4 11 String "door " 4 18 Comma 4 20 Identifier i 4 22 Op_multiply 4 24 Identifier i 4 25 Comma 4 27 String " is open\n" 4 39 RightParen 4 40 Semicolon 5 5 Identifier i 5 7 Op_assign 5 9 Identifier i 5 11 Op_add 5 13 Integer 1 5 14 Semicolon 6 1 RightBrace 7 1 End_of_input
lex ..\100doors.t | parse Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier i Integer 1 While LessEqual Multiply Identifier i Identifier i Integer 100 Sequence Sequence ; Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Prts String "door " ; Prti Multiply Identifier i Identifier i ; Prts String " is open\n" ; Assign Identifier i Add Identifier i Integer 1
lex ..\100doors.t | parse | gen Datasize: 1 Strings: 2 "door " " is open\n" 0 push 1 5 store [0] 10 fetch [0] 15 fetch [0] 20 mul 21 push 100 26 le 27 jz (49) 77 32 push 0 37 prts 38 fetch [0] 43 fetch [0] 48 mul 49 prti 50 push 1 55 prts 56 fetch [0] 61 push 1 66 add 67 store [0] 72 jmp (-63) 10 77 halt |
- And the output is
lex ..\100doors.t | parse | gen | vm door 1 is open door 4 is open door 9 is open door 16 is open door 25 is open door 36 is open door 49 is open door 64 is open door 81 is open door 100 is open
Negative tests
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
a = (-1 * ((-1 * (5 * 15)) / 10));
print(a, "\n");
b = -a;
print(b, "\n");
print(-b, "\n");
print(-(1), "\n");
1 1 Identifier a 1 3 Op_assign 1 5 LeftParen 1 6 Op_subtract 1 7 Integer 1 1 9 Op_multiply 1 11 LeftParen 1 12 LeftParen 1 13 Op_subtract 1 14 Integer 1 1 16 Op_multiply 1 18 LeftParen 1 19 Integer 5 1 21 Op_multiply 1 23 Integer 15 1 25 RightParen 1 26 RightParen 1 28 Op_divide 1 30 Integer 10 1 32 RightParen 1 33 RightParen 1 34 Semicolon 2 1 Keyword_print 2 6 LeftParen 2 7 Identifier a 2 8 Comma 2 10 String "\n" 2 14 RightParen 2 15 Semicolon 3 1 Identifier b 3 3 Op_assign 3 5 Op_subtract 3 6 Identifier a 3 7 Semicolon 4 1 Keyword_print 4 6 LeftParen 4 7 Identifier b 4 8 Comma 4 10 String "\n" 4 14 RightParen 4 15 Semicolon 5 1 Keyword_print 5 6 LeftParen 5 7 Op_subtract 5 8 Identifier b 5 9 Comma 5 11 String "\n" 5 15 RightParen 5 16 Semicolon 6 1 Keyword_print 6 6 LeftParen 6 7 Op_subtract 6 8 LeftParen 6 9 Integer 1 6 10 RightParen 6 11 Comma 6 13 String "\n" 6 17 RightParen 6 18 Semicolon 7 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier a Multiply Negate Integer 1 ; Divide Multiply Negate Integer 1 ; Multiply Integer 5 Integer 15 Integer 10 Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier a ; Prts String "\n" ; Assign Identifier b Negate Identifier a ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier b ; Prts String "\n" ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Negate Identifier b ; ; Prts String "\n" ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Negate Integer 1 ; ; Prts String "\n" ;
Datasize: 2 Strings: 1 "\n" 0 push 1 5 neg 6 push 1 11 neg 12 push 5 17 push 15 22 mul 23 mul 24 push 10 29 div 30 mul 31 store [0] 36 fetch [0] 41 prti 42 push 0 47 prts 48 fetch [0] 53 neg 54 store [1] 59 fetch [1] 64 prti 65 push 0 70 prts 71 fetch [1] 76 neg 77 prti 78 push 0 83 prts 84 push 1 89 neg 90 prti 91 push 0 96 prts 97 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\negative.t | parse | gen | vm 7 -7 7 -1
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
print(---------------------------------+++5, "\n");
print(((((((((3 + 2) * ((((((2))))))))))))), "\n");
if (1) { if (1) { if (1) { if (1) { if (1) { print(15, "\n"); } } } } }
1 1 Keyword_print 1 6 LeftParen 1 7 Op_subtract 1 8 Op_subtract 1 9 Op_subtract 1 10 Op_subtract 1 11 Op_subtract 1 12 Op_subtract 1 13 Op_subtract 1 14 Op_subtract 1 15 Op_subtract 1 16 Op_subtract 1 17 Op_subtract 1 18 Op_subtract 1 19 Op_subtract 1 20 Op_subtract 1 21 Op_subtract 1 22 Op_subtract 1 23 Op_subtract 1 24 Op_subtract 1 25 Op_subtract 1 26 Op_subtract 1 27 Op_subtract 1 28 Op_subtract 1 29 Op_subtract 1 30 Op_subtract 1 31 Op_subtract 1 32 Op_subtract 1 33 Op_subtract 1 34 Op_subtract 1 35 Op_subtract 1 36 Op_subtract 1 37 Op_subtract 1 38 Op_subtract 1 39 Op_subtract 1 40 Op_add 1 41 Op_add 1 42 Op_add 1 43 Integer 5 1 44 Comma 1 46 String "\n" 1 50 RightParen 1 51 Semicolon 2 1 Keyword_print 2 6 LeftParen 2 7 LeftParen 2 8 LeftParen 2 9 LeftParen 2 10 LeftParen 2 11 LeftParen 2 12 LeftParen 2 13 LeftParen 2 14 LeftParen 2 15 Integer 3 2 17 Op_add 2 19 Integer 2 2 20 RightParen 2 22 Op_multiply 2 24 LeftParen 2 25 LeftParen 2 26 LeftParen 2 27 LeftParen 2 28 LeftParen 2 29 LeftParen 2 30 Integer 2 2 31 RightParen 2 32 RightParen 2 33 RightParen 2 34 RightParen 2 35 RightParen 2 36 RightParen 2 37 RightParen 2 38 RightParen 2 39 RightParen 2 40 RightParen 2 41 RightParen 2 42 RightParen 2 43 RightParen 2 44 Comma 2 46 String "\n" 2 50 RightParen 2 51 Semicolon 4 1 Keyword_if 4 4 LeftParen 4 5 Integer 1 4 6 RightParen 4 8 LeftBrace 4 10 Keyword_if 4 13 LeftParen 4 14 Integer 1 4 15 RightParen 4 17 LeftBrace 4 19 Keyword_if 4 22 LeftParen 4 23 Integer 1 4 24 RightParen 4 26 LeftBrace 4 28 Keyword_if 4 31 LeftParen 4 32 Integer 1 4 33 RightParen 4 35 LeftBrace 4 37 Keyword_if 4 40 LeftParen 4 41 Integer 1 4 42 RightParen 4 44 LeftBrace 4 46 Keyword_print 4 51 LeftParen 4 52 Integer 15 4 54 Comma 4 56 String "\n" 4 60 RightParen 4 61 Semicolon 4 63 RightBrace 4 65 RightBrace 4 67 RightBrace 4 69 RightBrace 4 71 RightBrace 5 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Negate Integer 5 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Prts String "\n" ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Multiply Add Integer 3 Integer 2 Integer 2 ; Prts String "\n" ; If Integer 1 If Sequence ; If Integer 1 If Sequence ; If Integer 1 If Sequence ; If Integer 1 If Sequence ; If Integer 1 If Sequence ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Integer 15 ; Prts String "\n" ; ; ; ; ; ;
Datasize: 0 Strings: 1 "\n" 0 push 5 5 neg 6 neg 7 neg 8 neg 9 neg 10 neg 11 neg 12 neg 13 neg 14 neg 15 neg 16 neg 17 neg 18 neg 19 neg 20 neg 21 neg 22 neg 23 neg 24 neg 25 neg 26 neg 27 neg 28 neg 29 neg 30 neg 31 neg 32 neg 33 neg 34 neg 35 neg 36 neg 37 neg 38 prti 39 push 0 44 prts 45 push 3 50 push 2 55 add 56 push 2 61 mul 62 prti 63 push 0 68 prts 69 push 1 74 jz (56) 131 79 push 1 84 jz (46) 131 89 push 1 94 jz (36) 131 99 push 1 104 jz (26) 131 109 push 1 114 jz (16) 131 119 push 15 124 prti 125 push 0 130 prts 131 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\deep.t | parse | gen | vm -5 10 15
Greatest common divisor
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse, input to gen | Output from gen, input to VM |
/* Compute the gcd of 1071, 1029: 21 */
a = 1071;
b = 1029;
while (b != 0) {
new_a = b;
b = a % b;
a = new_a;
3 1 Identifier a 3 3 Op_assign 3 5 Integer 1071 3 9 Semicolon 4 1 Identifier b 4 3 Op_assign 4 5 Integer 1029 4 9 Semicolon 6 1 Keyword_while 6 7 LeftParen 6 8 Identifier b 6 10 Op_notequal 6 13 Integer 0 6 14 RightParen 6 16 LeftBrace 7 5 Identifier new_a 7 11 Op_assign 7 13 Identifier b 7 14 Semicolon 8 5 Identifier b 8 11 Op_assign 8 13 Identifier a 8 15 Op_mod 8 17 Identifier b 8 18 Semicolon 9 5 Identifier a 9 11 Op_assign 9 13 Identifier new_a 9 18 Semicolon 10 1 RightBrace 11 1 Keyword_print 11 6 LeftParen 11 7 Identifier a 11 8 RightParen 11 9 Semicolon 12 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier a Integer 1071 Assign Identifier b Integer 1029 While NotEqual Identifier b Integer 0 Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier new_a Identifier b Assign Identifier b Mod Identifier a Identifier b Assign Identifier a Identifier new_a Sequence ; Prti Identifier a ;
Datasize: 3 Strings: 0 0 push 1071 5 store [0] 10 push 1029 15 store [1] 20 fetch [1] 25 push 0 30 ne 31 jz (45) 77 36 fetch [1] 41 store [2] 46 fetch [0] 51 fetch [1] 56 mod 57 store [1] 62 fetch [2] 67 store [0] 72 jmp (-53) 20 77 fetch [0] 82 prti 83 halt |
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
/* 12 factorial is 479001600 */
n = 12;
result = 1;
i = 1;
while (i <= n) {
result = result * i;
i = i + 1;
3 1 Identifier n 3 3 Op_assign 3 5 Integer 12 3 7 Semicolon 4 1 Identifier result 4 8 Op_assign 4 10 Integer 1 4 11 Semicolon 5 1 Identifier i 5 3 Op_assign 5 5 Integer 1 5 6 Semicolon 6 1 Keyword_while 6 7 LeftParen 6 8 Identifier i 6 10 Op_lessequal 6 13 Identifier n 6 14 RightParen 6 16 LeftBrace 7 5 Identifier result 7 12 Op_assign 7 14 Identifier result 7 21 Op_multiply 7 23 Identifier i 7 24 Semicolon 8 5 Identifier i 8 7 Op_assign 8 9 Identifier i 8 11 Op_add 8 13 Integer 1 8 14 Semicolon 9 1 RightBrace 10 1 Keyword_print 10 6 LeftParen 10 7 Identifier result 10 13 RightParen 10 14 Semicolon 11 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier n Integer 12 Assign Identifier result Integer 1 Assign Identifier i Integer 1 While LessEqual Identifier i Identifier n Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier result Multiply Identifier result Identifier i Assign Identifier i Add Identifier i Integer 1 Sequence ; Prti Identifier result ;
Datasize: 3 Strings: 0 0 push 12 5 store [0] 10 push 1 15 store [1] 20 push 1 25 store [2] 30 fetch [2] 35 fetch [0] 40 le 41 jz (41) 83 46 fetch [1] 51 fetch [2] 56 mul 57 store [1] 62 fetch [2] 67 push 1 72 add 73 store [2] 78 jmp (-49) 30 83 fetch [1] 88 prti 89 halt |
Fibonacci sequence
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
/* fibonacci of 44 is 701408733 */
n = 44;
i = 1;
a = 0;
b = 1;
while (i < n) {
w = a + b;
a = b;
b = w;
i = i + 1;
print(w, "\n");
3 1 Identifier n 3 3 Op_assign 3 5 Integer 44 3 7 Semicolon 4 1 Identifier i 4 3 Op_assign 4 5 Integer 1 4 6 Semicolon 5 1 Identifier a 5 3 Op_assign 5 5 Integer 0 5 6 Semicolon 6 1 Identifier b 6 3 Op_assign 6 5 Integer 1 6 6 Semicolon 7 1 Keyword_while 7 7 LeftParen 7 8 Identifier i 7 10 Op_less 7 12 Identifier n 7 13 RightParen 7 15 LeftBrace 8 5 Identifier w 8 7 Op_assign 8 9 Identifier a 8 11 Op_add 8 13 Identifier b 8 14 Semicolon 9 5 Identifier a 9 7 Op_assign 9 9 Identifier b 9 10 Semicolon 10 5 Identifier b 10 7 Op_assign 10 9 Identifier w 10 10 Semicolon 11 5 Identifier i 11 7 Op_assign 11 9 Identifier i 11 11 Op_add 11 13 Integer 1 11 14 Semicolon 12 1 RightBrace 13 1 Keyword_print 13 6 LeftParen 13 7 Identifier w 13 8 Comma 13 10 String "\n" 13 14 RightParen 13 15 Semicolon 14 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier n Integer 44 Assign Identifier i Integer 1 Assign Identifier a Integer 0 Assign Identifier b Integer 1 While Less Identifier i Identifier n Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier w Add Identifier a Identifier b Assign Identifier a Identifier b Assign Identifier b Identifier w Assign Identifier i Add Identifier i Integer 1 Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier w ; Prts String "\n" ;
Datasize: 5 Strings: 1 "\n" 0 push 44 5 store [0] 10 push 1 15 store [1] 20 push 0 25 store [2] 30 push 1 35 store [3] 40 fetch [1] 45 fetch [0] 50 lt 51 jz (61) 113 56 fetch [2] 61 fetch [3] 66 add 67 store [4] 72 fetch [3] 77 store [2] 82 fetch [4] 87 store [3] 92 fetch [1] 97 push 1 102 add 103 store [1] 108 jmp (-69) 40 113 fetch [4] 118 prti 119 push 0 124 prts 125 halt |
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
/* FizzBuzz */
i = 1;
while (i <= 100) {
if (!(i % 15))
else if (!(i % 3))
else if (!(i % 5))
i = i + 1;
2 1 Identifier i 2 3 Op_assign 2 5 Integer 1 2 6 Semicolon 3 1 Keyword_while 3 7 LeftParen 3 8 Identifier i 3 10 Op_lessequal 3 13 Integer 100 3 16 RightParen 3 18 LeftBrace 4 5 Keyword_if 4 8 LeftParen 4 9 Op_not 4 10 LeftParen 4 11 Identifier i 4 13 Op_mod 4 15 Integer 15 4 17 RightParen 4 18 RightParen 5 9 Keyword_print 5 14 LeftParen 5 15 String "FizzBuzz" 5 25 RightParen 5 26 Semicolon 6 5 Keyword_else 6 10 Keyword_if 6 13 LeftParen 6 14 Op_not 6 15 LeftParen 6 16 Identifier i 6 18 Op_mod 6 20 Integer 3 6 21 RightParen 6 22 RightParen 7 9 Keyword_print 7 14 LeftParen 7 15 String "Fizz" 7 21 RightParen 7 22 Semicolon 8 5 Keyword_else 8 10 Keyword_if 8 13 LeftParen 8 14 Op_not 8 15 LeftParen 8 16 Identifier i 8 18 Op_mod 8 20 Integer 5 8 21 RightParen 8 22 RightParen 9 9 Keyword_print 9 14 LeftParen 9 15 String "Buzz" 9 21 RightParen 9 22 Semicolon 10 5 Keyword_else 11 9 Keyword_print 11 14 LeftParen 11 15 Identifier i 11 16 RightParen 11 17 Semicolon 13 5 Keyword_print 13 10 LeftParen 13 11 String "\n" 13 15 RightParen 13 16 Semicolon 14 5 Identifier i 14 7 Op_assign 14 9 Identifier i 14 11 Op_add 14 13 Integer 1 14 14 Semicolon 15 1 RightBrace 16 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier i Integer 1 While LessEqual Identifier i Integer 100 Sequence Sequence Sequence ; If Not Mod Identifier i Integer 15 ; If Sequence ; Prts String "FizzBuzz" ; If Not Mod Identifier i Integer 3 ; If Sequence ; Prts String "Fizz" ; If Not Mod Identifier i Integer 5 ; If Sequence ; Prts String "Buzz" ; Sequence ; Prti Identifier i ; Sequence ; Prts String "\n" ; Assign Identifier i Add Identifier i Integer 1
Datasize: 1 Strings: 4 "FizzBuzz" "Fizz" "Buzz" "\n" 0 push 1 5 store [0] 10 fetch [0] 15 push 100 20 le 21 jz (121) 143 26 fetch [0] 31 push 15 36 mod 37 not 38 jz (15) 54 43 push 0 48 prts 49 jmp (66) 116 54 fetch [0] 59 push 3 64 mod 65 not 66 jz (15) 82 71 push 1 76 prts 77 jmp (38) 116 82 fetch [0] 87 push 5 92 mod 93 not 94 jz (15) 110 99 push 2 104 prts 105 jmp (10) 116 110 fetch [0] 115 prti 116 push 3 121 prts 122 fetch [0] 127 push 1 132 add 133 store [0] 138 jmp (-129) 10 143 halt |
99 Bottles of Beer
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
/* 99 bottles */
bottles = 99;
while (bottles > 0) {
print(bottles, " bottles of beer on the wall\n");
print(bottles, " bottles of beer\n");
print("Take one down, pass it around\n");
bottles = bottles - 1;
print(bottles, " bottles of beer on the wall\n\n");
2 1 Identifier bottles 2 9 Op_assign 2 11 Integer 99 2 13 Semicolon 3 1 Keyword_while 3 7 LeftParen 3 8 Identifier bottles 3 16 Op_greater 3 18 Integer 0 3 19 RightParen 3 21 LeftBrace 4 5 Keyword_print 4 10 LeftParen 4 11 Identifier bottles 4 18 Comma 4 20 String " bottles of beer on the wall\n" 4 52 RightParen 4 53 Semicolon 5 5 Keyword_print 5 10 LeftParen 5 11 Identifier bottles 5 18 Comma 5 20 String " bottles of beer\n" 5 40 RightParen 5 41 Semicolon 6 5 Keyword_print 6 10 LeftParen 6 11 String "Take one down, pass it around\n" 6 44 RightParen 6 45 Semicolon 7 5 Identifier bottles 7 13 Op_assign 7 15 Identifier bottles 7 23 Op_subtract 7 25 Integer 1 7 26 Semicolon 8 5 Keyword_print 8 10 LeftParen 8 11 Identifier bottles 8 18 Comma 8 20 String " bottles of beer on the wall\n\n" 8 54 RightParen 8 55 Semicolon 9 1 RightBrace 10 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier bottles Integer 99 While Greater Identifier bottles Integer 0 Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier bottles ; Prts String " bottles of beer on the wall\n" ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier bottles ; Prts String " bottles of beer\n" ; Sequence ; Prts String "Take one down, pass it around\n" ; Assign Identifier bottles Subtract Identifier bottles Integer 1 Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier bottles ; Prts String " bottles of beer on the wall\n\n" ;
Datasize: 1 Strings: 4 " bottles of beer on the wall\n" " bottles of beer\n" "Take one down, pass it around\n" " bottles of beer on the wall\n\n" 0 push 99 5 store [0] 10 fetch [0] 15 push 0 20 gt 21 jz (67) 89 26 fetch [0] 31 prti 32 push 0 37 prts 38 fetch [0] 43 prti 44 push 1 49 prts 50 push 2 55 prts 56 fetch [0] 61 push 1 66 sub 67 store [0] 72 fetch [0] 77 prti 78 push 3 83 prts 84 jmp (-75) 10 89 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\bottles.t | parse | gen | vm 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall ... 2 bottles of beer on the wall 2 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 1 bottles of beer on the wall 1 bottles of beer on the wall 1 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around 0 bottles of beer on the wall
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
Simple prime number generator
count = 1;
n = 1;
limit = 100;
while (n < limit) {
while ((k*k<=n) && (p)) {
if (p) {
print(n, " is prime\n");
count = count + 1;
print("Total primes found: ", count, "\n");
4 1 Identifier count 4 7 Op_assign 4 9 Integer 1 4 10 Semicolon 5 1 Identifier n 5 3 Op_assign 5 5 Integer 1 5 6 Semicolon 6 1 Identifier limit 6 7 Op_assign 6 9 Integer 100 6 12 Semicolon 7 1 Keyword_while 7 7 LeftParen 7 8 Identifier n 7 10 Op_less 7 12 Identifier limit 7 17 RightParen 7 19 LeftBrace 8 5 Identifier k 8 6 Op_assign 8 7 Integer 3 8 8 Semicolon 9 5 Identifier p 9 6 Op_assign 9 7 Integer 1 9 8 Semicolon 10 5 Identifier n 10 6 Op_assign 10 7 Identifier n 10 8 Op_add 10 9 Integer 2 10 10 Semicolon 11 5 Keyword_while 11 11 LeftParen 11 12 LeftParen 11 13 Identifier k 11 14 Op_multiply 11 15 Identifier k 11 16 Op_lessequal 11 18 Identifier n 11 19 RightParen 11 21 Op_and 11 24 LeftParen 11 25 Identifier p 11 26 RightParen 11 27 RightParen 11 29 LeftBrace 12 9 Identifier p 12 10 Op_assign 12 11 Identifier n 12 12 Op_divide 12 13 Identifier k 12 14 Op_multiply 12 15 Identifier k 12 16 Op_notequal 12 18 Identifier n 12 19 Semicolon 13 9 Identifier k 13 10 Op_assign 13 11 Identifier k 13 12 Op_add 13 13 Integer 2 13 14 Semicolon 14 5 RightBrace 15 5 Keyword_if 15 8 LeftParen 15 9 Identifier p 15 10 RightParen 15 12 LeftBrace 16 9 Keyword_print 16 14 LeftParen 16 15 Identifier n 16 16 Comma 16 18 String " is prime\n" 16 31 RightParen 16 32 Semicolon 17 9 Identifier count 17 15 Op_assign 17 17 Identifier count 17 23 Op_add 17 25 Integer 1 17 26 Semicolon 18 5 RightBrace 19 1 RightBrace 20 1 Keyword_print 20 6 LeftParen 20 7 String "Total primes found: " 20 29 Comma 20 31 Identifier count 20 36 Comma 20 38 String "\n" 20 42 RightParen 20 43 Semicolon 21 1 End_of_input
Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier count Integer 1 Assign Identifier n Integer 1 Assign Identifier limit Integer 100 While Less Identifier n Identifier limit Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier k Integer 3 Assign Identifier p Integer 1 Assign Identifier n Add Identifier n Integer 2 While And LessEqual Multiply Identifier k Identifier k Identifier n Identifier p Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier p NotEqual Multiply Divide Identifier n Identifier k Identifier k Identifier n Assign Identifier k Add Identifier k Integer 2 If Identifier p If Sequence Sequence ; Sequence Sequence ; Prti Identifier n ; Prts String " is prime\n" ; Assign Identifier count Add Identifier count Integer 1 ; Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Prts String "Total primes found: " ; Prti Identifier count ; Prts String "\n" ;
Datasize: 5 Strings: 3 " is prime\n" "Total primes found: " "\n" 0 push 1 5 store [0] 10 push 1 15 store [1] 20 push 100 25 store [2] 30 fetch [1] 35 fetch [2] 40 lt 41 jz (160) 202 46 push 3 51 store [3] 56 push 1 61 store [4] 66 fetch [1] 71 push 2 76 add 77 store [1] 82 fetch [3] 87 fetch [3] 92 mul 93 fetch [1] 98 le 99 fetch [4] 104 and 105 jz (53) 159 110 fetch [1] 115 fetch [3] 120 div 121 fetch [3] 126 mul 127 fetch [1] 132 ne 133 store [4] 138 fetch [3] 143 push 2 148 add 149 store [3] 154 jmp (-73) 82 159 fetch [4] 164 jz (32) 197 169 fetch [1] 174 prti 175 push 0 180 prts 181 fetch [0] 186 push 1 191 add 192 store [0] 197 jmp (-168) 30 202 push 1 207 prts 208 fetch [0] 213 prti 214 push 2 219 prts 220 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\primes.t | parse | gen | vm 3 is prime 5 is prime 7 is prime 11 is prime 13 is prime 17 is prime 19 is prime 23 is prime 29 is prime 31 is prime 37 is prime 41 is prime 43 is prime 47 is prime 53 is prime 59 is prime 61 is prime 67 is prime 71 is prime 73 is prime 79 is prime 83 is prime 89 is prime 97 is prime 101 is prime Total primes found: 26
Ascii Mandlebrot
Input to lex | Output from lex, input to parse | Output from parse | Output from gen, input to VM |
This is an integer ascii Mandelbrot generator
left_edge = -420;
right_edge = 300;
top_edge = 300;
bottom_edge = -300;
x_step = 7;
y_step = 15;
max_iter = 200;
y0 = top_edge;
while (y0 > bottom_edge) {
x0 = left_edge;
while (x0 < right_edge) {
y = 0;
x = 0;
the_char = ' ';
i = 0;
while (i < max_iter) {
x_x = (x * x) / 200;
y_y = (y * y) / 200;
if (x_x + y_y > 800 ) {
the_char = '0' + i;
if (i > 9) {
the_char = '@';
i = max_iter;
y = x * y / 100 + y0;
x = x_x - y_y + x0;
i = i + 1;
x0 = x0 + x_step;
y0 = y0 - y_step;
1 1 LeftBrace 5 5 Identifier left_edge 5 17 Op_assign 5 19 Op_subtract 5 20 Integer 420 5 23 Semicolon 6 5 Identifier right_edge 6 17 Op_assign 6 20 Integer 300 6 23 Semicolon 7 5 Identifier top_edge 7 17 Op_assign 7 20 Integer 300 7 23 Semicolon 8 5 Identifier bottom_edge 8 17 Op_assign 8 19 Op_subtract 8 20 Integer 300 8 23 Semicolon 9 5 Identifier x_step 9 17 Op_assign 9 22 Integer 7 9 23 Semicolon 10 5 Identifier y_step 10 17 Op_assign 10 21 Integer 15 10 23 Semicolon 12 5 Identifier max_iter 12 17 Op_assign 12 20 Integer 200 12 23 Semicolon 14 5 Identifier y0 14 8 Op_assign 14 10 Identifier top_edge 14 18 Semicolon 15 5 Keyword_while 15 11 LeftParen 15 12 Identifier y0 15 15 Op_greater 15 17 Identifier bottom_edge 15 28 RightParen 15 30 LeftBrace 16 9 Identifier x0 16 12 Op_assign 16 14 Identifier left_edge 16 23 Semicolon 17 9 Keyword_while 17 15 LeftParen 17 16 Identifier x0 17 19 Op_less 17 21 Identifier right_edge 17 31 RightParen 17 33 LeftBrace 18 13 Identifier y 18 15 Op_assign 18 17 Integer 0 18 18 Semicolon 19 13 Identifier x 19 15 Op_assign 19 17 Integer 0 19 18 Semicolon 20 13 Identifier the_char 20 22 Op_assign 20 24 Integer 32 20 27 Semicolon 21 13 Identifier i 21 15 Op_assign 21 17 Integer 0 21 18 Semicolon 22 13 Keyword_while 22 19 LeftParen 22 20 Identifier i 22 22 Op_less 22 24 Identifier max_iter 22 32 RightParen 22 34 LeftBrace 23 17 Identifier x_x 23 21 Op_assign 23 23 LeftParen 23 24 Identifier x 23 26 Op_multiply 23 28 Identifier x 23 29 RightParen 23 31 Op_divide 23 33 Integer 200 23 36 Semicolon 24 17 Identifier y_y 24 21 Op_assign 24 23 LeftParen 24 24 Identifier y 24 26 Op_multiply 24 28 Identifier y 24 29 RightParen 24 31 Op_divide 24 33 Integer 200 24 36 Semicolon 25 17 Keyword_if 25 20 LeftParen 25 21 Identifier x_x 25 25 Op_add 25 27 Identifier y_y 25 31 Op_greater 25 33 Integer 800 25 37 RightParen 25 39 LeftBrace 26 21 Identifier the_char 26 30 Op_assign 26 32 Integer 48 26 36 Op_add 26 38 Identifier i 26 39 Semicolon 27 21 Keyword_if 27 24 LeftParen 27 25 Identifier i 27 27 Op_greater 27 29 Integer 9 27 30 RightParen 27 32 LeftBrace 28 25 Identifier the_char 28 34 Op_assign 28 36 Integer 64 28 39 Semicolon 29 21 RightBrace 30 21 Identifier i 30 23 Op_assign 30 25 Identifier max_iter 30 33 Semicolon 31 17 RightBrace 32 17 Identifier y 32 19 Op_assign 32 21 Identifier x 32 23 Op_multiply 32 25 Identifier y 32 27 Op_divide 32 29 Integer 100 32 33 Op_add 32 35 Identifier y0 32 37 Semicolon 33 17 Identifier x 33 19 Op_assign 33 21 Identifier x_x 33 25 Op_subtract 33 27 Identifier y_y 33 31 Op_add 33 33 Identifier x0 33 35 Semicolon 34 17 Identifier i 34 19 Op_assign 34 21 Identifier i 34 23 Op_add 34 25 Integer 1 34 26 Semicolon 35 13 RightBrace 36 13 Keyword_putc 36 17 LeftParen 36 18 Identifier the_char 36 26 RightParen 36 27 Semicolon 37 13 Identifier x0 37 16 Op_assign 37 18 Identifier x0 37 21 Op_add 37 23 Identifier x_step 37 29 Semicolon 38 9 RightBrace 39 9 Keyword_putc 39 13 LeftParen 39 14 Integer 10 39 18 RightParen 39 19 Semicolon 40 9 Identifier y0 40 12 Op_assign 40 14 Identifier y0 40 17 Op_subtract 40 19 Identifier y_step 40 25 Semicolon 41 5 RightBrace 42 1 RightBrace 43 1 End_of_input
Sequence ; Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier left_edge Negate Integer 420 ; Assign Identifier right_edge Integer 300 Assign Identifier top_edge Integer 300 Assign Identifier bottom_edge Negate Integer 300 ; Assign Identifier x_step Integer 7 Assign Identifier y_step Integer 15 Assign Identifier max_iter Integer 200 Assign Identifier y0 Identifier top_edge While Greater Identifier y0 Identifier bottom_edge Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier x0 Identifier left_edge While Less Identifier x0 Identifier right_edge Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier y Integer 0 Assign Identifier x Integer 0 Assign Identifier the_char Integer 32 Assign Identifier i Integer 0 While Less Identifier i Identifier max_iter Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier x_x Divide Multiply Identifier x Identifier x Integer 200 Assign Identifier y_y Divide Multiply Identifier y Identifier y Integer 200 If Greater Add Identifier x_x Identifier y_y Integer 800 If Sequence Sequence Sequence ; Assign Identifier the_char Add Integer 48 Identifier i If Greater Identifier i Integer 9 If Sequence ; Assign Identifier the_char Integer 64 ; Assign Identifier i Identifier max_iter ; Assign Identifier y Add Divide Multiply Identifier x Identifier y Integer 100 Identifier y0 Assign Identifier x Add Subtract Identifier x_x Identifier y_y Identifier x0 Assign Identifier i Add Identifier i Integer 1 Prtc Identifier the_char ; Assign Identifier x0 Add Identifier x0 Identifier x_step Prtc Integer 10 ; Assign Identifier y0 Subtract Identifier y0 Identifier y_step
Datasize: 15 Strings: 0 0 push 420 5 neg 6 store [0] 11 push 300 16 store [1] 21 push 300 26 store [2] 31 push 300 36 neg 37 store [3] 42 push 7 47 store [4] 52 push 15 57 store [5] 62 push 200 67 store [6] 72 fetch [2] 77 store [7] 82 fetch [7] 87 fetch [3] 92 gt 93 jz (329) 423 98 fetch [0] 103 store [8] 108 fetch [8] 113 fetch [1] 118 lt 119 jz (276) 396 124 push 0 129 store [9] 134 push 0 139 store [10] 144 push 32 149 store [11] 154 push 0 159 store [12] 164 fetch [12] 169 fetch [6] 174 lt 175 jz (193) 369 180 fetch [10] 185 fetch [10] 190 mul 191 push 200 196 div 197 store [13] 202 fetch [9] 207 fetch [9] 212 mul 213 push 200 218 div 219 store [14] 224 fetch [13] 229 fetch [14] 234 add 235 push 800 240 gt 241 jz (56) 298 246 push 48 251 fetch [12] 256 add 257 store [11] 262 fetch [12] 267 push 9 272 gt 273 jz (14) 288 278 push 64 283 store [11] 288 fetch [6] 293 store [12] 298 fetch [10] 303 fetch [9] 308 mul 309 push 100 314 div 315 fetch [7] 320 add 321 store [9] 326 fetch [13] 331 fetch [14] 336 sub 337 fetch [8] 342 add 343 store [10] 348 fetch [12] 353 push 1 358 add 359 store [12] 364 jmp (-201) 164 369 fetch [11] 374 prtc 375 fetch [8] 380 fetch [4] 385 add 386 store [8] 391 jmp (-284) 108 396 push 10 401 prtc 402 fetch [7] 407 fetch [5] 412 sub 413 store [7] 418 jmp (-337) 82 423 halt |
- And the output is
>lex ..\mandel.t | parse | gen | vm 1111111111111111111111122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222211111 1111111111111111111122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222211 1111111111111111112222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111111222222222222222222233333333333333333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111112222222222222333333333333333333333333333333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111222222222233333333333333333333333344444456655544443333332222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111112222222233333333333333333333333444444445567@@6665444444333333222222222222222222222222222222 11111111111222222333333333333333333333334444444445555679@@@@7654444443333333222222222222222222222222222 1111111112222223333333333333333333333444444444455556789@@@@98755544444433333332222222222222222222222222 1111111122223333333333333333333333344444444445556668@@@ @@@76555544444333333322222222222222222222222 1111111222233333333333333333333344444444455566667778@@ @987666555544433333333222222222222222222222 111111122333333333333333333333444444455556@@@@@99@@@@@@ @@@@@@877779@5443333333322222222222222222222 1111112233333333333333333334444455555556679@ @@@ @@@@@@ 8544333333333222222222222222222 1111122333333333333333334445555555556666789@@@ @86554433333333322222222222222222 1111123333333333333444456666555556666778@@ @ @@87655443333333332222222222222222 111123333333344444455568@887789@8777788@@@ @@@@65444333333332222222222222222 111133334444444455555668@@@@@@@@@@@@99@@@ @@765444333333333222222222222222 111133444444445555556778@@@ @@@@ @855444333333333222222222222222 11124444444455555668@99@@ @ @655444433333333322222222222222 11134555556666677789@@ @86655444433333333322222222222222 111 @@876555444433333333322222222222222 11134555556666677789@@ @86655444433333333322222222222222 11124444444455555668@99@@ @ @655444433333333322222222222222 111133444444445555556778@@@ @@@@ @855444333333333222222222222222 111133334444444455555668@@@@@@@@@@@@99@@@ @@765444333333333222222222222222 111123333333344444455568@887789@8777788@@@ @@@@65444333333332222222222222222 1111123333333333333444456666555556666778@@ @ @@87655443333333332222222222222222 1111122333333333333333334445555555556666789@@@ @86554433333333322222222222222222 1111112233333333333333333334444455555556679@ @@@ @@@@@@ 8544333333333222222222222222222 111111122333333333333333333333444444455556@@@@@99@@@@@@ @@@@@@877779@5443333333322222222222222222222 1111111222233333333333333333333344444444455566667778@@ @987666555544433333333222222222222222222222 1111111122223333333333333333333333344444444445556668@@@ @@@76555544444333333322222222222222222222222 1111111112222223333333333333333333333444444444455556789@@@@98755544444433333332222222222222222222222222 11111111111222222333333333333333333333334444444445555679@@@@7654444443333333222222222222222222222222222 1111111111112222222233333333333333333333333444444445567@@6665444444333333222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111222222222233333333333333333333333344444456655544443333332222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111112222222222222333333333333333333333333333333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111111222222222222222222233333333333333333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111111112222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1111111111111111111122222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222211