This is an old game played with pencil and paper that was later implemented on computer.

Bulls and cows
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is for the program to create a four digit random number from the digits 1 to 9, without duplication. The program should ask for guesses to this number, reject guesses that are malformed, then print the score for the guess.

The score is computed as:

  1. The player wins if the guess is the same as the randomly chosen number, and the program ends.
  2. A score of one bull is accumulated for each digit in the guess that equals the corresponding digit in the randomly chosen initial number.
  3. A score of one cow is accumulated for each digit in the guess that also appears in the randomly chosen number, but in the wrong position.

C.f: Bulls and cows/Player, Guess the number, Guess the number/With Feedback


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;

procedure Bulls_And_Cows is

  package Random_Natural is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Natural);
  Number : String (1..4);


  declare -- Generation of number
     use Random_Natural;
     Digit    : String   := "123456789";
     Size     : Positive := 9;
     Dice     : Generator;
     Position : Natural;
     Reset (Dice);
     for I in Number'Range loop
        Position := Random (Dice) mod Size + 1;
        Number (I) := Digit (Position);
        Digit (Position..Size - 1) := Digit (Position + 1..Size);
        Size := Size - 1;
     end loop;
  loop -- Guessing loop
     Put ("Enter four digits:");
        Guess : String  := Get_Line;
        Bulls : Natural := 0;
        Cows  : Natural := 0;
        if Guess'Length /= 4 then
           raise Data_Error;
        end if;
        for I in Guess'Range loop
           for J in Number'Range loop                  
              if Guess (I) not in '1'..'9' or else (I < J and then Guess (I) = Guess (J)) then
                 raise Data_Error;
              end if;
              if Number (I) = Guess (J) then
                 if I = J then
                    Bulls := Bulls + 1;
                    Cows := Cows + 1;
                 end if;
              end if;
           end loop;
        end loop;
        exit when Bulls = 4;
        Put_Line (Integer'Image (Bulls) & " bulls," & Integer'Image (Cows) & " cows");
        when Data_Error => Put_Line ("You should enter four different digits 1..9");
  end loop;

end Bulls_And_Cows;</lang>


Translation of: Python
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8-8d

<lang algol68>STRING digits = "123456789";

[4]CHAR chosen; STRING available := digits; FOR i TO UPB chosen DO

   INT c = ENTIER(random*UPB available)+1; 
   chosen[i] := available[c]; 
   available := available[:c-1]+available[c+1:]


COMMENT print((chosen, new line)); # Debug # END COMMENT

OP D = (INT d)STRING: whole(d,0); # for formatting an integer #

print (("I have chosen a number from ",D UPB chosen," unique digits from 1 to 9 arranged in a random order.", new line, "You need to input a ",D UPB chosen," digit, unique digit number as a guess at what I have chosen", new line));

PRIO WITHIN = 5, NOTWITHIN = 5; OP WITHIN = (CHAR c, []CHAR s)BOOL: char in string(c,LOC INT,s); OP NOTWITHIN = (CHAR c, []CHAR s)BOOL: NOT ( c WITHIN s );

INT guesses := 0, bulls, cows; WHILE

   STRING guess;
   guesses +:= 1;
       # get a good guess #
       print((new line,"Next guess [",D guesses,"]: "));
       read((guess, new line));
       IF UPB guess NE UPB chosen THEN
           BOOL ok;
           FOR i TO UPB guess WHILE
               ok := guess[i] WITHIN digits AND guess[i] NOTWITHIN guess[i+1:]
           DO SKIP OD;
           NOT ok 
       print(("Problem, try again. You need to enter ",D UPB chosen," unique digits from 1 to 9", new line))
  1. WHILE #
   guess NE chosen


   bulls := cows := 0;
   FOR i TO UPB chosen DO
       IF guess[i] = chosen[i] THEN
           bulls +:= 1
       ELIF guess[i] WITHIN chosen THEN
           cows +:= 1
   print(("  ",D bulls," Bulls",new line,"  ",D cows," Cows"))

OD; print((new line, "Congratulations you guessed correctly in ",D guesses," attempts.",new line))</lang> Output:

I have chosen a number from 4 unique digits from 1 to 9 arranged in a random order.
You need to input a 4 digit, unique digit number as a guess at what I have chosen

Next guess [1]: 


<lang autohotkey>While StrLen(Code) < 4 {

 Random, num, 1, 9
 If !InStr(Code, num)
   Code .= num

} Gui, Add, Edit, vGuess, Enter a guess... Gui, Add, Button, wp Default, Submit Gui, Add, ListBox, ym r8 vHistory Gui, Show Return


 Gui, Submit, NoHide
 If StrLen(Guess) != 4
 If Guess is not digit
 bulls:=0, cows:=0
 Loop, 4
   If (SubStr(Guess, A_Index, 1) = SubStr(Code, A_Index, 1))
   Else If InStr(Code, SubStr(Guess, A_Index, 1))
 GuiControl,, History, % Guess ": " bulls " Bulls " cows " Cows"





Works with: QBasic

<lang qbasic>DEFINT A-Z

DIM secret AS STRING DIM guess AS STRING DIM c AS STRING DIM bulls, cows, guesses, i


   c = CHR$(INT(RND * 10) + 48)
   IF INSTR(secret, c) = 0 THEN secret = secret + c


guesses = 0 DO

   INPUT "Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: "; guess
   guess = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(guess))
   IF LEN(guess) = 0 THEN EXIT DO
   IF LEN(guess) <> 4 OR VAL(guess) = 0 THEN
       PRINT "** You should enter 4 numeric digits!"
       GOTO looper
   bulls = 0: cows = 0: guesses = guesses + 1
   FOR i = 1 TO 4
       c = MID$(secret, i, 1)
       IF MID$(guess, i, 1) = c THEN
           bulls = bulls + 1
       ELSEIF INSTR(guess, c) THEN
           cows = cows + 1
       END IF
   NEXT i
   PRINT bulls; " bulls, "; cows; " cows"
   IF guess = secret THEN
       PRINT "You won after "; guesses; " guesses!"
       EXIT DO

looper: LOOP</lang>


Library: ncurses

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdarg.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <stdbool.h>
  4. include <curses.h>
  5. include <string.h>
  1. define MAX_NUM_TRIES 72
  2. define LINE_BEGIN 7
  3. define LAST_LINE 18

int yp=LINE_BEGIN, xp=0;

char number[5]; char guess[5];

  1. define MAX_STR 256

void mvaddstrf(int y, int x, const char *fmt, ...) {

 va_list args;
 char buf[MAX_STR];
 va_start(args, fmt);
 vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
 move(y, x);


void ask_for_a_number() {

 int i=0;
 char symbols[] = "123456789";
 move(5,0); clrtoeol();
 addstr("Enter four digits: ");
 while(i<4) {
   int c = getch();
   if ( (c >= '1') && (c <= '9') && (symbols[c-'1']!=0) ) {
     symbols[c-'1'] = 0;
     guess[i++] = c;


void choose_the_number() {

 int i=0, j;
 char symbols[] = "123456789";
 while(i<4) {
   j = rand() % 9;
   if ( symbols[j] != 0 ) {
     number[i++] = symbols[j];
     symbols[j] = 0;


The following function contains the code to check how many bulls and cows there are.

<lang c>bool take_it_or_not() {

 int i;
 int cows=0, bulls=0;
 for(i=0; i < 4; i++) {
   if ( number[i] == guess[i] ) {
   } else if ( strchr(number, guess[i]) != NULL ) {
 move(yp, xp);
 addstr(guess); addch(' ');
 if ( bulls == 4 ) { yp++; return true; }
 if ( (cows==0) && (bulls==0) ) addch('-');
 while( cows-- > 0 ) addstr("O");
 while( bulls-- > 0 ) addstr("X");
 if ( yp > LAST_LINE ) {
   yp = LINE_BEGIN;
   xp += 10;
 return false;


bool ask_play_again() {

 int i;
 while(yp-- >= LINE_BEGIN) {
   move(yp, 0); clrtoeol();
 yp = LINE_BEGIN; xp = 0;
 move(21,0); clrtoeol();
 addstr("Do you want to play again? [y/n]");
 while(true) {
   int a = getch();
   switch(a) {
   case 'y':
   case 'Y':
     return true;
   case 'n':
   case 'N':
     return false;


int main() {

 bool bingo, again;
 int tries = 0;
 initscr(); cbreak(); noecho();
 number[4] = guess[4] = 0;
 mvaddstr(0,0, "I choose a number made of 4 digits (from 1 to 9) without repetitions\n"
               "You enter a number of 4 digits, and I say you how many of them are\n"
               "in my secret number but in wrong position (cows or O), and how many\n"
               "are in the right position (bulls or X)");
 do {
   move(20,0); clrtoeol(); move(21, 0); clrtoeol();
   do {
     bingo = take_it_or_not();
   } while(!bingo && (tries < MAX_NUM_TRIES));
   if ( bingo ) 
     mvaddstrf(20, 0, "You guessed %s correctly in %d attempts!", number, tries);
     mvaddstrf(20,0, "Sorry, you had only %d tries...; the number was %s", 

MAX_NUM_TRIES, number);

   again = ask_play_again();
   tries = 0; 
 } while(again);
 nocbreak(); echo(); endwin();



<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <string>
  2. include <algorithm>
  3. include <cstdlib>

bool contains_duplicates(std::string s) {

 std::sort(s.begin(), s.end());
 return std::adjacent_find(s.begin(), s.end()) != s.end();


void game() {

 typedef std::string::size_type index;
 std::string symbols = "0123456789";
 unsigned int const selection_length = 4;
 std::random_shuffle(symbols.begin(), symbols.end());
 std::string selection = symbols.substr(0, selection_length);
 std::string guess;
 while (std::cout << "Your guess? ", std::getline(std::cin, guess))
   if (guess.length() != selection_length
       || guess.find_first_not_of(symbols) != std::string::npos
       || contains_duplicates(guess))
     std::cout << guess << " is not a valid guess!";
   unsigned int bulls = 0;
   unsigned int cows = 0;
   for (index i = 0; i != selection_length; ++i)
     index pos = selection.find(guess[i]);
     if (pos == i)
     else if (pos != std::string::npos)
   std::cout << bulls << " bulls, " << cows << " cows.\n";
   if (bulls == selection_length)
     std::cout << "Congratulations! You have won!\n";
 std::cerr << "Oops! Something went wrong with input, or you've entered end-of-file!\nExiting ...\n";


int main() {

 std::cout << "Welcome to bulls and cows!\nDo you want to play? ";
 std::string answer;
 while (true)
   while (true)
     if (!std::getline(std::cin, answer))
       std::cout << "I can't get an answer. Exiting.\n";
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
     if (answer == "yes" || answer == "Yes" || answer == "y" || answer == "Y")
     if (answer == "no" || answer == "No" || answer == "n" || answer == "N")
       std::cout << "Ok. Goodbye.\n";
       return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     std::cout << "Please answer yes or no: ";
   std::cout << "Another game? ";



<lang csharp>using System;

namespace BullsnCows {

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           int[] nums = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
           KnuthShuffle<int>(ref nums);
           int[] chosenNum = new int[4];
           Array.Copy(nums, chosenNum, 4);
           Console.WriteLine("Your Guess ?");
           while (!game(Console.ReadLine(), chosenNum))
               Console.WriteLine("Your next Guess ?");
       public static void KnuthShuffle<T>(ref T[] array)
           System.Random random = new System.Random();
           for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
               int j = random.Next(array.Length);
               T temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = temp;
       public static bool game(string guess, int[] num)
           char[] guessed = guess.ToCharArray();
           int bullsCount = 0, cowsCount = 0;
           if (guessed.Length != 4)
               Console.WriteLine("Not a valid guess.");
               return false;
           for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
               int curguess = (int) char.GetNumericValue(guessed[i]);
               if (curguess < 1 || curguess > 9)
                   Console.WriteLine("Digit must be ge greater 0 and lower 10.");
                   return false;
               if (curguess == num[i])
                   for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                       if (curguess == num[j])
           if (bullsCount == 4)
               Console.WriteLine("Congratulations! You have won!");
               return true;
               Console.WriteLine("Your Score is {0} bulls and {1} cows", bullsCount, cowsCount);
               return false;

} </lang>


<lang clojure> (ns bulls-and-cows)

(defn bulls [guess solution]

 (count (filter true? (map = guess solution))))

(defn cows [guess solution]

  (count (filter (set solution) guess))
  (bulls guess solution)))

(defn valid-input?

 "checks whether the string is a 4 digit number with unique digits"
 (if (re-seq #"^(?!.*(\d).*\1)\d{4}$" user-input)

(defn enter-guess []

 "Let the user enter a guess. Verify the input. Repeat until valid.

returns a list of digits enters by the user (# # # #)"

   (println "Enter your guess: ")
   (let [guess (read-line)]
     (if (valid-input? guess)
       (map #(Character/digit % 10) guess)

(defn bulls-and-cows []

 "generate a random 4 digit number from the list of (1 ... 9): no repeating digits

player tries to guess the number with bull and cows rules gameplay"

 (let [solution ( take 4 (shuffle (range 1 10)))]
   (println "lets play some bulls and cows!")
   (loop [guess (enter-guess)]
     (println (bulls guess solution) " bulls and " (cows guess solution) " cows.")
     (if (not= guess solution)
       (recur (enter-guess))
       (println "You have won!")))))

(bulls-and-cows) </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun get-number ()

 (do ((digits '()))
     ((>= (length digits) 4) digits)
   (pushnew (1+ (random 9)) digits)))

(defun compute-score (guess number)

 (let ((cows  0)
       (bulls 0))
   (map nil (lambda (guess-digit number-digit)
              (cond ((= guess-digit number-digit) (incf bulls))
                    ((member guess-digit number)  (incf cows))))
        guess number)
   (values cows bulls)))

(defun number->guess (number)

 (when (integerp number)
   (do ((digits '()))
       ((zerop number) digits)
     (multiple-value-bind (quotient remainder) (floor number 10)
       (push remainder digits)
       (setf number quotient)))))

(defun valid-guess-p (guess)

 (and (= 4 (length guess))
      (every (lambda (digit) (<= 1 digit 9)) guess)
      (equal guess (remove-duplicates guess))))

(defun play-game (&optional (stream *query-io*))

 (do ((number (get-number))
      (cows   0)
      (bulls  0))
     ((= 4 bulls))
   (format stream "~&Guess a 4-digit number: ")
   (let ((guess (number->guess (read stream))))
     (cond ((not (valid-guess-p guess))
            (format stream "~&Malformed guess."))
            (setf (values cows bulls) (compute-score guess number))
            (if (= 4 bulls)
              (format stream "~&Correct, you win!")
              (format stream "~&Score: ~a cows, ~a bulls."
                      cows bulls)))))))</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.string;

void main() {

 int size = 4;
 char[] digits = "123456789".dup;
 char[] chosen = digits.dup;
 chosen = chosen[0 .. size];
 writefln("Guess a number composed of %d unique digits from" ~
          " 1 to 9 in random order.", size, size);
 int nguesses;
 while (true) {
   string guess;
   while (true) {
     writef("\nNext guess (%d): ", nguesses);
     guess = readln().strip();
     if (guess.length == size &&
         countchars(guess, digits.idup) == size &&
         guess.dup.sort.idup.squeeze().length == size)
     writefln("I need %d unique digits from 1 to 9, no spaces", size);
   if (guess == chosen) {
     writeln("\nYou guessed correctly in ", nguesses, " attempts");
   int bulls, cows;
   foreach (i; 0 .. size) {
     if (guess[i] == chosen[i])
     else if (indexOf(chosen, guess[i]) != -1)
   writefln("  %d Bulls\n  %d Cows", bulls, cows);

}</lang> Output:

Guess a number composed of 4 unique digits from 1 to 9 in random order.

Next guess (1): 123
I need 4 unique digits from 1 to 9, no spaces

Next guess (1): 1234
  1 Bulls
  1 Cows

Next guess (2): 5296
  2 Bulls
  0 Cows

Next guess (3): 5217

You guessed correctly in 3 attempts


Note: This example was deliberately written in an abstracted style, separating out the algorithms, game logic, and UI.

<lang e>def Digit := 1..9 def Number := Tuple[Digit,Digit,Digit,Digit]

/** Choose a random number to be guessed. */ def pick4(entropy) {

   def digits := [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].diverge()
   # Partial Fisher-Yates shuffle
   for i in 0..!4 {
       def other := entropy.nextInt(digits.size() - i) + i
       def t := digits[other]
       digits[other] := digits[i]
       digits[i] := t
   return digits(0, 4)


/** Compute the score of a guess. */ def scoreGuess(actual :Number, guess :Number) {

   var bulls := 0
   var cows := 0
   for i => digit in guess {
       if (digit == actual[i]) {
           bulls += 1
       } else if (actual.indexOf1(digit) != -1) {
           cows += 1
   return [bulls, cows]


/** Parse a guess string into a list of digits (Number). */ def parseGuess(guessString, fail) :Number {

   if (guessString.size() != 4) {
       return fail(`I need four digits, not ${guessString.size()} digits.`)
   } else {
       var digits := []
       for c in guessString {
           if (('1'..'9')(c)) {
               digits with= c - '0'
           } else {
               return fail(`I need a digit from 1 to 9, not "$c".`)
       return digits


/** The game loop: asking for guesses and reporting scores and win conditions.

   The return value is null or a broken reference if there was a problem. */

def bullsAndCows(askUserForGuess, tellUser, entropy) {

   def actual := pick4(entropy)
   def gameTurn() {
       return when (def guessString := askUserForGuess <- ()) -> {
           escape tellAndContinue {
               def guess := parseGuess(guessString, tellAndContinue)                
               def [bulls, cows] := scoreGuess(actual, guess)
               if (bulls == 4) {
                   tellUser <- (`You got it! The number is $actual!`)
               } else {
                   tellAndContinue(`Your score for $guessString is $bulls bulls and $cows cows.`)
           } catch message {
               # The parser or scorer has something to say, and the game continues afterward
               when (tellUser <- (message)) -> {
       } catch p {
           # Unexpected problem of some sort
           tellUser <- ("Sorry, game crashed.")
   return gameTurn()


REPL user interface

def replBullsAndCows() {
    when (
        bullsAndCows(fn {
            def [guess, env] := e`def guess; guess`.evalToPair(interp.getTopScope().nestOuter())
            println("Please type “ bind guess := \"your guess here\" ”.")
        }, println, entropy)
    ) -> {} catch p {

Graphical user interface

Works with: E-on-Java

(Java Swing)

<lang e>def guiBullsAndCows() {

   var lastGuess := ""
   def op := <unsafe:javax.swing.makeJOptionPane>
   return bullsAndCows(fn {
     lastGuess := op.showInputDialog(null, "Enter your guess:", lastGuess)
     if (lastGuess == null) {
       # canceled, so just fail to return an answer and let the game logic get GCed
     } else {
   }, fn msg {
     op.showMessageDialog(null, msg)
   }, entropy)



<lang Factor>USING: accessors assocs combinators fry grouping hashtables kernel

      locals math math.parser math.ranges random sequences strings
      io ascii ;

IN: bullsncows

TUPLE: score bulls cows ;

<score> ( -- score ) 0 0 score boa ;

TUPLE: cow ;

<cow> ( -- cow ) cow new ;

TUPLE: bull ;

<bull> ( -- bull ) bull new ;
inc-bulls ( score -- score ) dup bulls>> 1 + >>bulls ;
inc-cows ( score -- score ) dup cows>> 1 + >>cows ;
random-nums ( -- seq ) 9 [1,b] 4 sample ;
add-digits ( seq -- n ) 0 [ swap 10 * + ] reduce number>string ;
new-number ( -- n narr ) random-nums dup add-digits ;
narr>nhash ( narr -- nhash ) { 1 2 3 4 } swap zip ;
num>hash ( n -- hash )
   [ 1string string>number ] { } map-as narr>nhash ;
cow-or-bull ( n g -- arr )
       { [ n first g at n second = ] [ <bull> ] }
       { [ n second g value? ] [ <cow> ] }
       [ f ]
   } cond ;
add-to-score ( arr -- score )
  <score> [ bull? [ inc-bulls ] [ inc-cows ] if ] reduce ;
check-win ( score -- ? ) bulls>> 4 = ;
sum-score ( n g -- score ? )
   '[ _ cow-or-bull ] map sift add-to-score dup check-win ;
print-sum ( score -- str )
   dup bulls>> number>string "Bulls: " swap append swap cows>> number>string
   " Cows: " swap 3append "\n" append ;
(validate-readln) ( str -- ? ) dup length 4 = not swap [ letter? ] all? or ;
validate-readln ( -- str )
   readln dup (validate-readln)
   [ "Invalid input.\nPlease enter a valid 4 digit number: "
     write flush drop validate-readln ]
   when ;
win ( -- ) "\nYou've won! Good job. You're so smart." print flush ;
main-loop ( x -- )
   "Enter a 4 digit number: " write flush validate-readln num>hash swap
   [ sum-score swap print-sum print flush ] keep swap not
   [ main-loop ] [ drop win ] if ;
main ( -- ) new-number drop narr>nhash main-loop ;</lang>


<lang Fan>**

    • Bulls and cows. A game pre-dating, and similar to, Mastermind.

class BullsAndCows {

 Void main()
   digits := [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
   size := 4
   chosen := [,]
   size.times { chosen.add(digits.removeAt(Int.random(0..<digits.size))) }
   echo("I've chosen $size unique digits from 1 to 9 at random.
         Try to guess my number!")
   guesses := 0
   while (true) // game loop
     guesses += 1
     guess := Int[,]
     while (true) // input loop
       // get a good guess
       Sys.out.print("\nNext guess [$guesses]: ")
       inString := ?: ""
       inString.each |ch|
       { if (ch >= '1' && ch <= '9' && !guess.contains(ch)) guess.add(ch-'0') }
       if (guess.size == 4)
         break // input loop
       echo("Oops, try again. You need to enter $size unique digits from 1 to 9")
     if (guess.all |v, i->Bool| { return v == chosen[i] })
       echo("\nCongratulations! You guessed correctly in $guesses guesses")
       break // game loop
     bulls := 0
     cows  := 0
     (0 ..< size).each |i|
       if (guess[i] == chosen[i])
         bulls += 1
       else if (chosen.contains(guess[i]))
         cows += 1
     echo("\n  $bulls Bulls\n  $cows Cows")



Works with: GNU Forth

<lang forth>include random.fs

create hidden 4 allot

ok? ( str -- ? )
 dup 4 <> if 2drop false exit then
 1 9 lshift 1- -rot
 bounds do
   i c@ '1 -
   dup 0 9 within 0= if 2drop false leave then
   1 swap lshift over and
   dup 0= if nip leave then
 loop 0<> ;
   hidden 4 bounds do 9 random '1 + i c! loop
   hidden 4 ok?
 until ;
check? ( addr -- solved? )
 4 0 do
   over i + c@
   4 0 do
     dup hidden i + c@ = if     swap
       i j = if 8 else 1 then + swap
   loop drop
 loop nip
 8 /mod tuck . ." bulls, " . ." cows"
 4 = ;
guess: ( "1234" -- )
 bl parse 2dup ok? 0= if 2drop ." Bad guess! (4 unique digits, 1-9)" exit then
 drop check? if cr ." You guessed it!" then ;</lang>
init  ok
guess: 1234 1 bulls, 0 cows ok
guess: 1567 1 bulls, 1 cows ok
guess: 1895 2 bulls, 1 cows ok
guess: 1879 4 bulls, 0 cows
You guessed it! ok


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>module bac

 implicit none


 subroutine Gennum(n)
   integer, intent(out) :: n(4)
   integer :: i, j
   real :: r
   call random_number(r)
   n(1) = int(r * 9.0) + 1
   i = 2

outer: do while (i <= 4)

        call random_number(r)
        n(i) = int(r * 9.0) + 1

inner: do j = i-1 , 1, -1

          if (n(j) == n(i)) cycle outer
        end do inner
        i = i + 1
      end do outer

 end subroutine Gennum
 subroutine Score(n, guess, b, c) 
   character(*), intent(in) :: guess
   integer, intent(in) :: n(0:3)
   integer, intent(out) :: b, c
   integer :: digit, i, j, ind
   b = 0; c = 0
   do i = 1, 4
     read(guess(i:i), "(i1)") digit
     if (digit == n(i-1)) then
       b = b + 1
       do j = i, i+2
         ind = mod(j, 4)
         if (digit == n(ind)) then
           c = c + 1
         end if
       end do    
     end if
   end do  
end subroutine Score  

end module bac

program Bulls_and_Cows

  use bac
  implicit none
  integer :: n(4)
  integer :: bulls=0, cows=0, tries=0
  character(4) :: guess
  call random_seed
  call Gennum(n)
  write(*,*) "I have selected a number made up of 4 digits (1-9) without repetitions."
  write(*,*) "You attempt to guess this number."
  write(*,*) "Every digit in your guess that is in the correct position scores 1 Bull"
  write(*,*) "Every digit in your guess that is in an incorrect position scores 1 Cow"
  do while (bulls /= 4)
    write(*,*) "Enter a 4 digit number"
    read*, guess
    if (verify(guess, "123456789") /= 0) then
      write(*,*) "That is an invalid entry. Please try again."
    end if
    tries = tries + 1
    call Score (n, guess, bulls, cows)
    write(*, "(a, i1, a, i1, a)") "You scored ", bulls, " bulls and ", cows, " cows"
  end do
  write(*,"(a,i0,a)") "Congratulations! You correctly guessed the correct number in ", tries, " attempts"

end program Bulls_and_Cows</lang>


<lang go>package main

import ( . "fmt" "rand" "time" "os" "bufio" "strconv" "strings" )

func generateTarget() int { rand.Seed(time.Nanoseconds()) // loop until we find a number that doesn't have dupes for { target := rand.Intn(9000) + 1000 if !hasDupes(target) { return target } } panic("Crap.") }

func hasDupes(num int) bool { digs := make([]bool, 10) for num > 0 { if digs[num%10] { return true } digs[num%10] = true num /= 10 } return false }

func askForNumber() (int, os.Error) { in := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

for { Print("Give me a number: ") line, err := in.ReadString('\n')

if err != nil { return -1, err }

// Strip off the \n line = line[0 : len(line)-1] number, err := strconv.Atoi(line)

switch { case err != nil: Println("Give me a number fule!") case number < 1000: Println("Number not long enough") case number > 9999: Println("Number is to big") case hasDupes(number): Println("I said no dupes!") default: return number, nil } // Keep Asking } panic("Crap.") }

func bullsAndCows(number int, guess int) (bulls int, cows int) { bulls, cows = 0, 0 numberstr := strconv.Itoa(number) guessstr := strconv.Itoa(guess)

for i := range guessstr { s := string(guessstr[i]) switch { case guessstr[i] == numberstr[i]: bulls++ case strings.Index(numberstr, s) >= 0: cows++ } } return; }

func main() { attempts := 0

Print("I choose a number made of 4 digits (from 1 to 9) without repetitions\n" "You enter a number of 4 digits, and I say you how many of them are\n" "in my secret number but in wrong position (cows or O), and how many\n" "are in the right position (bulls or X)\n\n")

target := generateTarget()

for { guess, err := askForNumber() attempts++

// Handle err if err != nil && err != os.EOF { Print(err) } else if err == os.EOF { return }

// Check if target matches guess if guess == target { Printf("Congratulations you guessed correctly in %d attempts\n", attempts) return }

bulls, cows := bullsAndCows(target, guess) Printf("%d Bulls, %d Cows\n", bulls, cows) }

}</lang> Well shoot. I coded the following before checking if the task was already done. I'm new. I won't make the mistake again. Anyway, here's a different take: <lang go> package main

import (



func main() {

   fmt.Println(`Cows and Bulls

Guess four digit number of unique digits in the range 1 to 9. A correct digit but not in the correct place is a cow. A correct digit in the correct place is a bull.`)

   // generate pattern
   pat := make([]byte, 4)
   n, _, _ := os.Time()
   r := rand.Perm(9)
   for i := range pat {
       pat[i] = '1' + byte(r[i])
   // accept and score guesses
   valid := []byte("123456789")


   for in := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin); ; {
       fmt.Print("Guess: ")
       guess, err := in.ReadString('\n')
       if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("\nSo, bye.")
       guess = strings.TrimSpace(guess)
       if len(guess) != 4 {
           // malformed:  not four characters
           fmt.Println("Please guess a four digit number.")
       var cows, bulls int
       for ig, cg := range guess {
           if strings.IndexRune(guess[:ig], cg) >= 0 {
               // malformed:  repeated digit
               fmt.Printf("Repeated digit: %c\n", cg)
               continue guess
           switch bytes.IndexByte(pat, byte(cg)) {
           case -1:
               if bytes.IndexByte(valid, byte(cg)) == -1 {
                   // malformed:  not a digit
                   fmt.Printf("Invalid digit: %c\n", cg)
                   continue guess
           default: // I just think cows should go first
           case ig:
       fmt.Printf("Cows: %d, bulls: %d\n", cows, bulls)
       if bulls == 4 {
           fmt.Println("You got it.")

} </lang>


<lang haskell>import Data.List (partition, intersect, nub) import Control.Monad import System.Random (StdGen, getStdRandom, randomR) import Text.Printf

numberOfDigits = 4 :: Int

main = bullsAndCows

bullsAndCows :: IO () bullsAndCows = do

   digits <- getStdRandom $ pick numberOfDigits ['1' .. '9']
   putStrLn "Guess away!"
   loop digits
 where loop digits = do
           input <- getLine
           if okay input
                 let (bulls, cows) = score digits input in
                 if bulls == numberOfDigits then
                     putStrLn "You win!"
                 else do
                     printf "%d bulls, %d cows.\n" bulls cows
                     loop digits
             else do
                 putStrLn "Malformed guess; try again."
                 loop digits
       okay :: String -> Bool
       okay input =
           length input == numberOfDigits && 
           input == nub input &&
           all legalchar input
         where legalchar c = '1' <= c && c <= '9'
       score :: String -> String -> (Int, Int)
       score secret guess = (length bulls, cows)
         where (bulls, nonbulls) = partition (uncurry (==)) $
                   zip secret guess
               cows = length $ uncurry intersect $ unzip nonbulls

pick :: Int -> [a] -> StdGen -> ([a], StdGen) {- Randomly selects items from a list without replacement. -} pick n l g = f n l g (length l - 1) []

 where  f 0 _ g _   ps = (ps, g)
        f n l g max ps =
            f (n - 1) (left ++ right) g' (max - 1) (picked : ps)
         where (i, g') = randomR (0, max) g
               (left, picked : right) = splitAt i l</lang>


<lang j>require 'misc'

plural=: conjunction define

(":m),' ',n,'s'#~1~:m


bullcow=:monad define

 number=. 1+4?9
 while.-.guess-:number do.
   guess=.0 "."0 prompt 'Guess my number: '
   if. (4~:#guess)+.(4~:#~.guess)+.0 e.guess e.1+i.9 do.
     if.0=#guess do.
       smoutput 'Giving up.'
     smoutput 'Guesses must be four different non-zero digits'
   bulls=. +/guess=number
   cows=. (+/guess e.number)-bulls
   smoutput bulls plural 'bull',' and ',cows plural 'cow','.'
 smoutput 'you win'


For example:

<lang j> bullcow Guess my number: 7461 0 bulls and 1 cow. Guess my number: 3215 0 bulls and 3 cows. Guess my number: 2357 2 bulls and 0 cows. Guess my number: 1359 3 bulls and 0 cows. Guess my number: 1358 4 bulls and 0 cows. you win</lang>


<lang java5>import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner;

public class BullsAndCows{ public static void main(String[] args){ Random gen= new Random(); int target= 0; while(hasDupes(target= (gen.nextInt(9000) + 1000))); String targetStr = target +""; boolean guessed = false; Scanner input = new Scanner(; int guesses = 0; do{ int bulls = 0; int cows = 0; System.out.print("Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: "); int guess; try{ guess = input.nextInt(); if(hasDupes(guess) || guess < 1000) continue; }catch(InputMismatchException e){ continue; } guesses++; String guessStr = guess + ""; for(int i= 0;i < 4;i++){ if(guessStr.charAt(i) == targetStr.charAt(i)){ bulls++; }else if(targetStr.contains(guessStr.charAt(i)+"")){ cows++; } } if(bulls == 4){ guessed = true; }else{ System.out.println(cows+" Cows and "+bulls+" Bulls."); } }while(!guessed); System.out.println("You won after "+guesses+" guesses!"); }

public static boolean hasDupes(int num){ boolean[] digs = new boolean[10]; while(num > 0){ if(digs[num%10]) return true; digs[num%10] = true; num/= 10; } return false; } }</lang> Output:

Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 5834
2 Cows and 0 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 1234
1 Cows and 0 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 4321
1 Cows and 0 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 3421
0 Cows and 1 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 8412
0 Cows and 0 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 3560
1 Cows and 1 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 3650
0 Cows and 2 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 3759
2 Cows and 2 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 3975
2 Cows and 2 Bulls.
Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: 3957
You won after 10 guesses!

Works with: UCB Logo

<lang logo>to ok? :n

 output (and [number? :n] [4 = count :n] [4 = count remdup :n] [not member? 0 :n])


to init

 do.until [make "hidden random 10000] [ok? :hidden]


to guess :n

 if not ok? :n [print [Bad guess! (4 unique digits, 1-9)]  stop]
 localmake "bulls 0
 localmake "cows  0
 foreach :n [cond [
   [[? = item # :hidden] make "bulls 1 + :bulls]
   [[member?  ? :hidden] make "cows  1 + :cows ]
 (print :bulls "bulls, :cows "cows)
 if :bulls = 4 [print [You guessed it!]]



<lang Lua>function ShuffleArray(array)

  for i=1,#array-1 do
     local t = math.random(i, #array)
     array[i], array[t] = array[t], array[i]


function GenerateNumber()

  local digits = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
  return digits[1] * 1000 +
         digits[2] *  100 +
         digits[3] *   10 +


function IsMalformed(input)

  local malformed = false
  if #input == 4 then
     local already_used = {}
     for i=1,4 do
        local digit = input:byte(i) - string.byte('0')
        if digit < 1 or digit > 9 or already_used[digit] then
           malformed = true
        already_used[digit] = true
     malformed = true
  return malformed


math.randomseed(os.time()) math.randomseed(math.random(2^31-1)) -- since os.time() only returns seconds

print("\nWelcome to Bulls and Cows!") print("") print("The object of this game is to guess the random 4-digit number that the") print("computer has chosen. The number is generated using only the digits 1-9,") print("with no repeated digits. Each time you enter a guess, you will score one") print("\"bull\" for each digit in your guess that matches the corresponding digit") print("in the computer-generated number, and you will score one \"cow\" for each") print("digit in your guess that appears in the computer-generated number, but is") print("in the wrong position. Use this information to refine your guesses. When") print("you guess the correct number, you win."); print("")

quit = false


  magic_number = GenerateNumber()
  magic_string = tostring(magic_number) -- Easier to do scoring with a string
     io.write("\nEnter your guess (or 'Q' to quit): ")
     user_input =
     if user_input == 'Q' or user_input == 'q' then
        quit = true
     if not IsMalformed(user_input) then
        if user_input == magic_string then
           print("YOU WIN!!!")
           local bulls, cows = 0, 0
           for i=1,#user_input do
              local find_result = magic_string:find(user_input:sub(i,i))
              if find_result and find_result == i then
                 bulls = bulls + 1
              elseif find_result then
                 cows = cows + 1
           print(string.format("You scored %d bulls, %d cows", bulls, cows))
        print("Malformed input. You must enter a 4-digit number with")
        print("no repeated digits, using only the digits 1-9.")
  until user_input == magic_string
  if not quit then
     io.write("\nPress <Enter> to play again or 'Q' to quit: ")
     user_input =
     if user_input == 'Q' or user_input == 'q' then
        quit = true
  if quit then

until quit</lang>


<lang MUMPS>BullCow New bull,cow,guess,guessed,ii,number,pos,x Set number="",x=1234567890 For ii=1:1:4 Do . Set pos=$Random($Length(x))+1 . Set number=number_$Extract(x,pos) . Set $Extract(x,pos)="" . Quit Write !,"The computer has selected a number that consists" Write !,"of four different digits." Write !!,"As you are guessing the number, ""bulls"" and ""cows""" Write !,"will be awarded: a ""bull"" for each digit that is" Write !,"placed in the correct position, and a ""cow"" for each" Write !,"digit that occurs in the number, but in a different place.",! Write !,"For a guess, enter 4 digits." Write !,"Any other input is interpreted as ""I give up"".",! Set guessed=0 For Do Quit:guessed . Write !,"Your guess: " Read guess If guess'?4n Set guessed=-1 Quit . Set (bull,cow)=0,x=guess . For ii=4:-1:1 If $Extract(x,ii)=$Extract(number,ii) Do . . Set bull=bull+1,$Extract(x,ii)="" . . Quit . For ii=1:1:$Length(x) Set:number[$Extract(x,ii) cow=cow+1 . Write !,"You guessed ",guess,". That earns you " . If 'bull,'cow Write "neither bulls nor cows..." Quit . If bull Write bull," bull" Write:bull>1 "s" . If cow Write:bull " and " Write cow," cow" Write:cow>1 "s" . Write "." . If bull=4 Set guessed=1 Write !,"That's a perfect score." . Quit If guessed<0 Write !!,"The number was ",number,".",! Quit Do BullCow

The computer has selected a number that consists of four different digits.

As you are guessing the number, "bulls" and "cows" will be awarded: a "bull" for each digit that is placed in the correct position, and a "cow" for each digit that occurs in the number, but in a different place.

For a guess, enter 4 digits. Any other input is interpreted as "I give up".

Your guess: 1234 You guessed 1234. That earns you 1 cow. Your guess: 5678 You guessed 5678. That earns you 1 cow. Your guess: 9815 You guessed 9815. That earns you 1 cow. Your guess: 9824 You guessed 9824. That earns you 2 cows. Your guess: 9037 You guessed 9037. That earns you 1 bull and 2 cows. Your guess: 9048 You guessed 2789. That earns you 1 bull and 2 cows. Your guess: 2079 You guessed 2079. That earns you 1 bull and 3 cows. Your guess: 2709 You guessed 2709. That earns you 2 bulls and 2 cows. Your guess: 0729 You guessed 0729. That earns you 4 cows. Your guess: 2907 You guessed 2907. That earns you 4 bulls. That's a perfect score.</lang>


<lang ocaml>let rec input() =

 let s = read_line () in
   if String.length s <> 4 then raise Exit;
   String.iter (function
     | '1'..'9' -> ()
     | _ -> raise Exit
   ) s;
   let t = [ s.[0]; s.[1]; s.[2]; s.[3] ] in
   let _ = List.fold_left  (* reject entry with duplication *)
             (fun ac b -> if List.mem b ac then raise Exit; (b::ac))
             [] t in (fun c -> int_of_string (String.make 1 c)) t
 with Exit ->
   prerr_endline "That is an invalid entry. Please try again.";

let print_score g t =

 let bull = ref 0 in
 List.iter2 (fun x y ->
   if x = y then incr bull
 ) g t;
 let cow = ref 0 in
 List.iter (fun x ->
   if List.mem x t then incr cow
 ) g;
 cow := !cow - !bull;
 Printf.printf "%d bulls, %d cows\n%!" !bull !cow

let () =

 let rec mkgoal acc = function 4 -> acc
 | i ->
     let n = succ( 9) in
     if List.mem n acc
     then mkgoal acc i
     else mkgoal (n::acc) (succ i)
 let g = mkgoal [] 0 in
 let found = ref false in
 while not !found do
   let t = input() in
   if t = g
   then found := true
   else print_score g t
 print_endline "Congratulations you guessed correctly";


<lang oz>declare

 proc {Main}
    Solution = {PickNUnique 4 {List.number 1 9 1}}
    proc {Loop}
       Guess = {EnterGuess}
        {Bulls Guess Solution}#" bulls and "#
        {Cows Guess Solution}#" cows"}
       if Guess \= Solution then {Loop} end
    {System.showInfo "You have won!"}
 fun {Bulls Xs Sol}
    {Length {Filter { Xs Sol Value.'=='} Id}}
 fun {Cows Xs Sol}
    {Length {Intersection Xs Sol}}
    class TextFile from Open.file Open.text end
    StdIn = {New TextFile init(name:stdin)}
    fun {EnterGuess}
          {System.printInfo "Enter your guess (e.g. \"1234\"): "}
          S = {StdIn getS($)}
          %% verify
          {Length S} = 4
          {All S Char.isDigit} = true
          {FD.distinct S} %% assert there is no duplicate digit
          %% convert from digits to numbers
          {Map S fun {$ D} D-&0 end}
       catch _ then
 fun {PickNUnique N Xs}
    {FoldL {MakeList N}
     fun {$ Z _}
        {Pick {Diff Xs Z}}|Z
 fun {Pick Xs}
    {Nth Xs {OS.rand} mod {Length Xs} + 1}
 fun {Diff Xs Ys}
    {FoldL Ys List.subtract Xs}
 fun {Intersection Xs Ys}
    {Filter Xs fun {$ X} {Member X Ys} end}
 fun {Id X} X end




<lang perl>use Data::Random qw(rand_set); use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);

my $size = 4; my $chosen = join "", rand_set set => ["1".."9"], size => $size;

print "I've chosen a number from $size unique digits from 1 to 9; you need to input $size unique digits to guess my number\n";

for ( my $guesses = 1; ; $guesses++ ) {

   my $guess;
   while (1) {
       print "\nNext guess [$guesses]: ";
       $guess = <STDIN>;
       chomp $guess;
       checkguess($guess) and last;
       print "$size digits, no repetition, no 0... retry\n";
   if ( $guess eq $chosen ) {
       print "You did it in $guesses attempts!\n";
   my $bulls = 0;
   my $cows = 0;
   for my $i (0 .. $size-1) {
       if ( substr($guess, $i, 1) eq substr($chosen, $i, 1) ) {
       } elsif ( index($chosen, substr($guess, $i, 1)) >= 0 ) {
   print "$cows cows, $bulls bulls\n";


sub checkguess {

   my $g = shift;
   return uniq(split //, $g) == $size && $g =~ /^[1-9]{$size}$/;


Perl 6

Translation of: Python
Works with: Rakudo Star version 2010-08

<lang perl6>my $size = 4; my @secret = pick $size, '1' .. '9';

for 1..* -> $guesses {

   my @guess;
   loop {
       @guess = (prompt("Guess $guesses: ") // exit).comb;
       last if @guess == $size and
           all(@guess) eq one(@guess) & any('1' .. '9');
       say 'Malformed guess; try again.';
   my ($bulls, $cows) = 0, 0;
   for ^$size {
       when @guess[$_] eq @secret[$_] { ++$bulls; }
       when @guess[$_] eq any @secret { ++$cows; }
   last if $bulls == $size;
   say "$bulls bulls, $cows cows.";


say 'A winner is you!';</lang>


<lang php><?php $size = 4;

$chosen = implode(array_rand(array_flip(range(1,9)), $size));

echo "I've chosen a number from $size unique digits from 1 to 9; you need to input $size unique digits to guess my number\n";

for ($guesses = 1; ; $guesses++) {

   while (true) {
       echo "\nNext guess [$guesses]: ";
       $guess = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
       if (!checkguess($guess))
           echo "$size digits, no repetition, no 0... retry\n";
   if ($guess == $chosen) {
       echo "You did it in $guesses attempts!\n";
   } else {
       $bulls = 0;
       $cows = 0;
       foreach (range(0, $size-1) as $i) {
           if ($guess[$i] == $chosen[$i])
           else if (strpos($chosen, $guess[$i]) !== FALSE)
       echo "$cows cows, $bulls bulls\n";


function checkguess($g) {

 global $size;
 return count(array_unique(str_split($g))) == $size &&
   preg_match("/^[1-9]Template:$size$/", $g);

} ?></lang>


<lang lisp>(de ok? (N)

  (let D (mapcar 'format (chop N))
     (and (num? N)
          (not (member 0 D))
          (= 4 (length D))
          (= D (uniq D))
          D )) )

(de init-cows ()

  (until (setq *Hidden (ok? (rand 1234 9876)))) )

(de guess (N)

  (let D (ok? N)
     (if D
        (let Bulls (cnt '= D *Hidden)
           (if (= 4 Bulls)
              " You guessed it!"
              (let Cows (- (cnt '((N) (member N *Hidden)) D) Bulls)
                 (pack Bulls " bulls, " Cows " cows") ) ) )
        " Bad guess! (4 unique digits, 1-9)" ) ) )



<lang PureBasic>Define.s secret, guess, c Define.i bulls, cows, guesses, i

If OpenConsole()

 While Len(secret) < 4
   c = Chr(Random(8) + 49)
   If FindString(secret, c, 1) = 0
     secret + c
   Print("Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: ")
   guess = Input()
   If Len(guess) = 0 
     Break   ;break from loop
   isMalformedGuess = #False
   If Len(guess) <> 4
     ;guess is too short
     isMalformedGuess = #True 
     For i = 1 To 4
       c = Mid(guess, i, 1)
       If Not FindString("123456789", c, 1) Or CountString(guess, c) <> 1
         ;guess contains either non-digits or duplicate digits
         isMalformedGuess = #True
         Break ;break from For/Next loop
   If isMalformedGuess
     PrintN("** You should enter 4 different numeric digits that are each from 1 to 9!")
     Continue ;continue loop
   bulls = 0: cows = 0: guesses = guesses + 1
   For i = 1 To 4
     c = Mid(secret, i, 1)
     If Mid(guess, i, 1) = c
       bulls + 1
     ElseIf FindString(guess, c, 1)
       cows + 1
   Print( Str(bulls) + " bull")
   If bulls <> 1
     Print( "s")
   Print( ", " + Str(cows) + " cow")
   If cows <> 1
     PrintN( "s")
   If guess = secret
     PrintN("You won after " + Str(guesses) + " guesses!")
     Break    ;break from loop
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")



<lang python>

Bulls and cows. A game pre-dating, and similar to, Mastermind.

import random

digits = '123456789' size = 4 chosen = .join(random.sample(digits,size))

  1. print chosen # Debug

print I have chosen a number from %s unique digits from 1 to 9 arranged in a random order. You need to input a %i digit, unique digit number as a guess at what I have chosen % (size, size) guesses = 0 while True:

   guesses += 1
   while True:
       # get a good guess
       guess = raw_input('\nNext guess [%i]: ' % guesses).strip()
       if len(guess) == size and \
          all(char in digits for char in guess) \
          and len(set(guess)) == size:
       print "Problem, try again. You need to enter %i unique digits from 1 to 9" % size
   if guess == chosen:
       print '\nCongratulations you guessed correctly in',guesses,'attempts'
   bulls = cows = 0
   for i in range(size):
       if guess[i] == chosen[i]:
           bulls += 1
       elif guess[i] in chosen:
           cows += 1
   print '  %i Bulls\n  %i Cows' % (bulls, cows)</lang>

Sample output:

I have chosen a number from 4 unique digits from 1 to 9 arranged in a random order.
You need to input a 4 digit, unique digit number as a guess at what I have chosen

Next guess [1]: 79
Problem, try again. You need to enter 4 unique digits from 1 to 9

Next guess [1]: 7983
  2 Bulls
  2 Cows

Next guess [2]: 7938

Congratulations you guessed correctly in 2 attempts


Works with: R version 2.8.1

<lang R>target <- sample(1:9,4) bulls <- 0 cows <- 0 attempts <- 0 while (bulls != 4)

 input <- readline("Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits or 0s: ")
 if (nchar(input) == 4)
   input <- as.integer(strsplit(input,"")1)
   if ((sum(>=1) | (length(table(input)) != 4)) {print("Malformed input!")} else {
     bulls <- sum(input == target)
     cows <- sum(input %in% target)-bulls
     cat("\n",bulls," Bull(s) and ",cows, " Cow(s)\n")
     attempts <- attempts + 1
   } else {print("Malformed input!")}

print(paste("You won in",attempts,"attempt(s)!"))</lang>


<lang rexx> /*REXX program to play the game of "Bulls & Cows". */

call getRand

 do forever
 call getN
 if n==? then call winner
 call scorer
 call sy "You got" bulls 'bull's(bulls) "and" cows 'cow's(cows)"."

/*─────────────────────────────────────GETN subroutine──────────────────*/ getN: bulls='[Bulls & Cows game] ' /*get a guess from the guesser. */

 do forever
 call sy bulls 'Please enter a four-digit guess  (or QUIT):'
 parse pull n _ .
 upper nu
 if nu=='QUIT' then exit
 if n== then do
               call ser 'no argument specified.'
 if _\== then do
                call ser 'too many arguments specified.'
 if _==0 then do
              call ser 'illegal digit: 0'
 if _\==0 then do
               call ser 'illegal character:' substr(n,_,1)
 if length(n)<4 then do
                     call ser 'not enough digits'
 if length(n)>4 then do
                     call ser 'too many digits'

/*─────────────────────────────────────GETRAND subroutine───────────────*/ getRand: ?=

 do until length(?)==4
 if pos(r,?)\==0 then iterate


/*─────────────────────────────────────S subroutine─────────────────────*/ s: if arg(1)==1 then return ; return 's'

/*─────────────────────────────────────SCORER subroutine────────────────*/ scorer: g=? bulls=0

 do j=1 for 4
 if _==0 then iterate
 g=overlay(' ',g,j)
 end   /*j*/


 do k=1 for 4


/*─────────────────────────────────────SER subroutine───────────────────*/ ser: call sy '*** error! ***'; call sy arg(1); return

/*─────────────────────────────────────SY subroutine────────────────────*/ sy: say; say arg(1); say; return

/*─────────────────────────────────────WINNER subrouting────────────────*/ winner: say say " ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐" say " │ │" say " │ Congratulations, you've guessed it !! │" say " │ │" say " └─────────────────────────────────────────┘" say exit </lang>


Inspired by Tcl

Works with: Ruby version 1.8.7+

<lang ruby>def generate_word(len)

 ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].shuffle)[0,len].join("")


def get_guess(len)

 while true
   print "Enter a guess: "
   guess = gets.strip
   err = case
         when guess.match(/\D/)                 : "digits only"
         when guess.length != len               : "exactly #{len} digits"
         when guess.split("").uniq.length != len: "digits must be unique "
         else nil
   break if err.nil?
   puts "the word must be #{len} unique digits between 1 and 9 (#{err}).  Try again."


def score(word, guess)

 bulls = cows = 0
 guess.bytes.each_with_index do |byte, idx|
   if word[idx] == byte
     bulls += 1
   elsif word.include? byte
     cows += 1
 [bulls, cows]


srand word_length = 4 puts "I have chosen a number with #{word_length} unique digits from 1 to 9." word = generate_word(word_length) count = 0 while true

 guess = get_guess(word_length)
 count += 1
 break if word == guess
 puts "that guess has %d bulls and %d cows" % score(word, guess)

end puts "you guessed correctly in #{count} tries."</lang>


<lang scala>import scala.util.Random

object BullCow {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     val number=chooseNumber
     var guessed=false
     var guesses=0
        Console.print("Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: ")
        val input=Console.readInt
        if(input>=1111 && input<=9999 && !hasDups(digits)){
           var bulls, cows=0
           for(i <- 0 to 3)
              else if(number.contains(digits(i)))
              println("%d Cows and %d Bulls.".format(cows, bulls))
     println("You won after "+guesses+" guesses!");
  def chooseNumber={
     var digits=List[Int]()
        val d=Random.nextInt(9)+1
        if (!digits.contains(d))
  def hasDups(input:List[Int])=input.size!=input.distinct.size



Works with: any R6RS Scheme

<lang scheme>

generate a random non-repeating list of 4 digits, 1-9 inclusive

(define (get-num)

 (define (gen lst)
   (if (= (length lst) 4) lst
       (let ((digit (+ (random 9) 1)))
         (if (member digit lst) ;make sure the new digit isn't in the
             (gen lst)
             (gen (cons digit lst))))))
 (string->list (apply string-append (map number->string (gen '())))))
is g a valid guess (that is, non-repeating, four digits 1-9

(define (valid-guess? g)

 (let ((g-num (string->number (apply string g))))
   ;does the same digit appear twice in lst?
   (define (repeats? lst)
     (cond ((null? lst) #f)
           ((member (car lst) (cdr lst)) #t)
           (else (repeats? (cdr lst)))))
   (and g-num
        (> g-num 1233)
        (< g-num 9877)
        (not (repeats? g)))))
return '(cows bulls) for the given guess

(define (score answer guess)

 ;total cows + bulls
 (define (cows&bulls a g)
   (cond ((null? a) 0)
         ((member (car a) g) (+ 1 (cows&bulls (cdr a) g)))
         (else (cows&bulls (cdr a) g))))
 ;bulls only
 (define (bulls a g)
   (cond ((null? a) 0)
         ((equal? (car a) (car g)) (+ 1 (bulls (cdr a) (cdr g))))
         (else (bulls (cdr a) (cdr g)))))
 (list (- (cows&bulls answer guess) (bulls answer guess)) (bulls answer guess)))
play the game

(define (bull-cow answer)

 ;get the user's guess as a list
 (define (get-guess)
   (let ((e (read)))
     (if (number? e)
         (string->list (number->string e))
         (string->list (symbol->string e)))))
 (display "Enter a guess: ")
 (let ((guess (get-guess)))
   (if (valid-guess? guess)
       (let ((bulls (cadr (score answer guess)))
             (cows (car (score answer guess))))
         (if (= bulls 4)
             (display "You win!\n")
               (display bulls)
               (display " bulls, ")
               (display cows)
               (display " cows.\n")
               (bull-cow answer))))
         (display "Invalid guess.\n")
         (bull-cow answer)))))

(bull-cow (get-num)) </lang>

Sample game play

Enter a guess: 1234
0 bulls, 1 cows.
Enter a guess: 2345
1 bulls, 0 cows.
Enter a guess: 2346
1 bulls, 1 cows.
Enter a guess: 2367
0 bulls, 1 cows.
Enter a guess: 2647
1 bulls, 1 cows.
Enter a guess: 2648
2 bulls, 1 cows.
Enter a guess: 2468
1 bulls, 2 cows.
Enter a guess: 1468
1 bulls, 2 cows.
Enter a guess: 2684
0 bulls, 3 cows.
Enter a guess: 6248
3 bulls, 0 cows.
Enter a guess: 6948
You win!


Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>Object subclass: BullsCows [

 BullsCows class >> new: secretNum [ |i|
   i := self basicNew.
   (self isValid: secretNum)
      ifFalse: [ SystemExceptions.InvalidArgument
                   signalOn: secretNum
                   reason: 'You need 4 unique digits from 1 to 9' ].
   i setNumber: secretNum.
   ^ i
 BullsCows class >> new [ |b| b := Set new.
    [ b size < 4 ]
      whileTrue: [ b add: ((Random between: 1 and: 9) displayString first) ].
    ^ self new: (b asString)
 BullsCows class >> isValid: num [
   ^ (num asSet size = 4) & ((num asSet includes: $0) not)
 setNumber: num [ number := num ]
 check: guess [ |bc| bc := Bag new.
    1 to: 4 do: [ :i |
      (number at: i) = (guess at: i)
        ifTrue: [ bc add: 'bulls' ]
        ifFalse: [
            (number includes: (guess at: i))
              ifTrue: [ bc add: 'cows' ]
    ^ bc


'Guess the 4-digits number (digits from 1 to 9, no repetition)' displayNl.

|guessMe d r tries| [

 tries := 0.
 guessMe := BullsCows new.
     'Write 4 digits: ' display.
     d := stdin nextLine.
     (BullsCows isValid: d)
   ] whileFalse: [
        'Insert 4 digits, no repetition, exclude the digit 0' displayNl
   r := guessMe check: d.
   tries := tries + 1.
   (r occurrencesOf: 'bulls') = 4
 ] whileFalse: [
   ('%1 cows, %2 bulls' % { r occurrencesOf: 'cows'. r occurrencesOf: 'bulls' })
 ('Good, you guessed it in %1 tries!' % { tries }) displayNl.
 'Do you want to play again? [y/n]' display.
 ( (stdin nextLine) = 'y' )

] whileTrue: [ Character nl displayNl ].</lang>


<lang tcl>proc main {} {

   fconfigure stdout -buffering none
   set length 4
   puts "I have chosen a number from $length unique digits from 1 to 9 arranged in a random order.

You need to input a $length digit, unique digit number as a guess at what I have chosen

   while true {
       set word [generateWord $length]
       set count 1
       while {[set guess [getGuess $length]] ne $word} {
           printScore $length $word $guess
           incr count
       puts "You guessed correctly in $count tries."
       if {[yn "Play again?"] eq "n"} break


proc generateWord {length} {

   set chars 123456789
   for {set i 1} {$i <= $length} {incr i} {
       set idx [expr {int(rand() * [string length $chars])}]
       append word [string index $chars $idx]
       set chars [string replace $chars $idx $idx]
   return $word
   # here's another way to generate word with no duplications
   set word ""
   while {[string length $word] < $length} {
       set char [expr {int(1 + 9*rand())}]
       if {[string first $char $word] == -1} {
           append word $char


proc getGuess {length} {

   puts -nonewline "Enter your guess: "
   while true {
       gets stdin guess
       if {[string match [string repeat {[1-9]} $length] $guess]} {
           return $guess
       if {[string tolower [string trim $guess]] eq "quit"} {
           puts Bye
       puts "The word must be $length digits between 1 and 9 inclusive.  Try again."


proc printScore {length word guess} {

   set bulls 0
   set cows 0
   for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} {
       if {[string index $word $i] eq [string index $guess $i]} {
           incr bulls
           set word [string replace $word $i $i +]
   puts "  $bulls bulls"
   for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} {
       if {[set j [string first [string index $guess $i] $word]] != -1} {
           incr cows
           set word [string replace $word $j $j -]
   puts "  $cows cows"


proc yn {msg} {

   while true {
       puts -nonewline "$msg \[y/n] "
       gets stdin ans
       set char [string tolower [string index [string trim $ans] 0]]
       if {$char eq "y" || $char eq "n"} {
           return $char



UNIX Shell

Works with: bash version 3

<lang bash>#!/bin/bash

rand() {

 local min=${1:-0}
 local max=${2:-32767}
 [ ${min} -gt ${max} ] &&
 min=$(( min ^ max )) &&
 max=$(( min ^ max )) &&
 min=$(( min ^ max )) 
 echo -n $(( ( $RANDOM % $max ) + $min ))


in_arr() {

 local quandry="${1}"
 local arr=( $@ )
 local i=
 for i in ${arr[*]}
   [ "${quandry}" == "${i}" ] && return 0 && break
 return 1


delete_at() {

 local idx="$(( $1 + 1 ))"
 local arr=( "sentinel" $@ )
 echo -n "${arr[@]:1:$(( idx - 1 ))} ${arr[@]:$((idx + 1)):$(( ${#arr[@]} - idx - 1))}"


delete_first() {

 local meanie="${1}"
 local arr=( $@ )
 local i=0
 for (( i = 0; i < ${#arr[@]} ; i++ ))
   [ "${arr[${i}]}" == "${meanie}" ] && arr=( $( delete_at ${i} ${arr[*]} ) )
 echo -n "${arr[*]}"


to_arr() {

 local string="${1}"
 local arr=()
 while [ "${#string}" -gt 0 ]
   arr=( ${arr[*]} ${string:0:1} )
 echo -n "${arr[*]}"


choose_idx() {

 local arr=( $@ )
 echo -n "$( rand 0 $(( ${#arr[@]} - 1 )) )"


locate_bulls() {

 local secret=( $( to_arr "${1}" ) )
 local guess=( $( to_arr "${2}" ) )
 local hits=()
 local i=0
 for (( i=0; i<4; i++ ))
   [ "${secret[${i}]}" -eq "${guess[${i}]}" ] && hits=( ${hits[*]} ${i} )
 echo -n "${hits[*]}"


bulls() {

 local secret="${1}"
 local guess="${2}"
 local bulls=( $( locate_bulls "${secret}" "${guess}" ) )
 echo -n "${#bulls[@]}"


cows() {

 local secret=( $( to_arr "${1}" ) )
 local guess=( $( to_arr "${2}" ) )
 local bulls=( $( locate_bulls "${1}" "${2}" ) )
 local hits=0
 local i=
 # Avoid double-counting bulls
 for i in ${bulls[*]}
   secret=( $( delete_at ${i} ${secret[*]} ) )
 # Process the guess against what's left of the secret
 for i in ${guess[*]}
   in_arr "${i}" ${secret[*]} && 
   secret=( $( delete_first "${i}" ${secret[*]} ) ) &&
   (( hits++ ))
 echo -n ${hits}


malformed() {

 local guess=( $( to_arr "${1}" ) )
 local i=
 [ ${#guess[@]} -ne 4 ] && 
 return 0
 for i in ${guess[*]}
   if ! in_arr ${i} 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
     return 0
 return 1


candidates=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) secret=

while [ "${#secret}" -lt 4 ] do

 cidx=$( choose_idx ${candidates[*]} )
 candidates=( $(delete_at ${cidx} ${candidates[*]} ) )


while read -p "Enter a four-digit guess: " guess do

 malformed "${guess}" && echo "Malformed guess" && continue
 [ "${guess}" == "${secret}" ] && echo "You win!" && exit
 echo "Score: $( bulls "${secret}" "${guess}" ) Bulls, $( cows "${secret}" "${guess}" ) Cows"


Vedit macro language

<lang vedit>Buf_Switch(Buf_Free)

  1. 90 = Time_Tick // seed for random number generator
  2. 91 = 10 // random numbers in range 0 to 9

while (EOB_pos < 4) { // 4 digits needed

   BOF Ins_Char(Return_Value + '0')
   Replace("(.)(.*)\1", "\1\2", REGEXP+BEGIN+NOERR)  // remove any duplicate


  1. 3 = 0

repeat (99) {

   Get_Input(10, "Guess a 4-digit number with no duplicate digits: ", NOCR)
   if (Reg_Size(10) == 0) { Break }                // empty string = exit
   Num_Eval_Reg(10)                                // check for numeric digits
   if (Chars_Matched != 4) {
       M("You should enter 4 numeric digits\n")
   Goto_Pos(4)                                     // count bulls
   Reg_Ins(10, OVERWRITE)
   #1 = Search("(.)...\1", REGEXP+BEGIN+ALL+NOERR)
   RS(10, "[", INSERT)                             // count cows
   RS(10, "]", APPEND)
   #2 = Search_Block(@10, 0, 4, REGEXP+BEGIN+ALL+NOERR) - #1
   NT(#1, NOCR) M(" bulls,") NT(#2, NOCR) M(" cows\n") 
   if (#1 == 4) {
       M("You won after") NT(#3, NOCR) M(" guesses!\n")

} Buf_Quit(OK) Return

//-------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate random numbers in range 0 <= Return_Value < #91 // #90 = Seed (0 to 0x7fffffff) // #91 = Scaling (0 to 0x10000)

  1. 92 = 0x7fffffff / 48271
  2. 93 = 0x7fffffff % 48271
  3. 90 = (48271 * (#90 % #92) - #93 * (#90 / #92)) & 0x7fffffff

Return ((#90 & 0xffff) * #91 / 0x10000)</lang>

Visual Basic .NET

<lang vbnet>Imports System Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Module Bulls_and_Cows

   Function CreateNumber() As String
       Dim random As New Random()
       Dim sequence As Char() = {"1"c, "2"c, "3"c, "4"c, "5"c, "6"c, "7"c, "8"c, "9"c}
       For i As Integer = 0 To sequence.Length - 1
           Dim j As Integer = random.Next(sequence.Length)
           Dim temp As Char = sequence(i) : sequence(i) = sequence(j) : sequence(j) = temp
       Return New String(sequence, 0, 4)
   End Function
   Function IsFourDigitNumber(ByVal number As String) As Boolean
       Return Regex.IsMatch(number, "^[1-9]{4}$")
   End Function
   Sub Main()
       Dim chosenNumber As String = CreateNumber()
       Dim attempt As Integer = 0
       Console.WriteLine("Number is chosen")
       Dim gameOver As Boolean = False
           attempt += 1
           Console.WriteLine("Attempt #{0}. Enter four digit number: ", attempt)
           Dim number As String = Console.ReadLine()
           Do While Not IsFourDigitNumber(number)
               Console.WriteLine("Invalid number: type four characters. Every character must digit be between '1' and '9'.")
               number = Console.ReadLine()
           Dim bulls As Integer = 0
           Dim cows As Integer = 0
           For i As Integer = 0 To number.Length - 1
               Dim j As Integer = chosenNumber.IndexOf(number(i))
               If i = j Then
                   bulls += 1
               ElseIf j >= 0 Then
                   cows += 1
               End If
           If bulls < chosenNumber.Length Then
               Console.WriteLine("The number '{0}' has {1} bulls and {2} cows", _
                   number, bulls, cows)
               gameOver = True
           End If
       Loop Until gameOver
       Console.WriteLine("The number was guessed in {0} attempts. Congratulations!", attempt)
   End Sub

End Module</lang>