Yahoo! search interface

Revision as of 22:54, 14 May 2009 by rosettacode>Glennj (→‎{{header|Tcl}}: remove ugliness in first example)

Create a class for searching Yahoo results. It must implement a Next Page method, and read URL, Title and Content from results.

Yahoo! search interface
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;

class YahooSearch {

   private string query;
   private string content;
   private int page = 1;
   public YahooSearch(string query) {
       this.query = query;
       this.content = new WebClient().DownloadString("" + query);
   public YahooSearch(string query, int page) {
       this.query = query; = page;
       this.content = new WebClient().DownloadString(String.Format("{0}&b={1}", query, (( - 1) * 10) + 1));
   string Fix(string x) {
       x = x.Replace("", "").Replace("", "").Replace("", "").Replace("", "").Replace("...", "");

int i = x.IndexOf("</a>");

       if (i > 0) return x.Substring(0, i);
       else return x;        
   public YahooResult[] Results {
       get {
           ArrayList results = new ArrayList();

foreach (Match e in new Regex("<a class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\".+?\" >(.+?)</a>(?(




(.+?)").Matches(this.content)) {

               string rurl = Fix(e.Groups[3].Value);
               string rtitle = Fix(e.Groups[1].Value);
               string rcontent = Fix(e.Groups[2].Value);
               results.Add(new YahooResult(rurl, rtitle, rcontent));
           return (YahooResult[])results.ToArray(typeof(YahooResult));
   public YahooSearch NextPage() {
       return new YahooSearch(this.query, + 1);
   public YahooSearch GetPage(int page) {
       return new YahooSearch(this.query, page);


class YahooResult {

   public string URL { get; set; }
   public string Title { get; set; }
   public string Content { get; set; }
   public YahooResult(string url, string title, string content) {
       this.URL = url;
       this.Title = title;
       this.Content = content;


// Usage:

class Prog {

   static void Main() {
       YahooSearch x = new YahooSearch("test");
       foreach (YahooResult result in x.Results) {



<lang perl>package YahooSearch;

use Encode; use HTTP::Cookies; use WWW::Mechanize;

  1. --- Internals -------------------------------------------------

sub apply (&$)

{my $f = shift; local $_ = shift; $f->(); return $_;}
  1. We construct a cookie to get 100 results per page and prevent
  2. "enhanced results".

my $search_prefs = 'v=1&n=100&sm=' .

   apply {s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge}
   join '|',
   map {'!' . $_}
   qw(hsb Zq0 XbM sss dDO VFM RQh uZ0 Fxe yCl GP4 FZK yNC mEG niH);

my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new; $cookies->set_cookie(0, 'sB', $search_prefs, '/', '');

my $mech = new WWW::Mechanize

  (cookie_jar => $cookies,
   stack_depth => 0);

sub read_page

{my ($next, $page, @results) =
    ($mech->find_link(text => 'Next >')->url,
     decode 'iso-8859-1', $mech->content);
 while ($page =~ m


<a \s class="yschttl \s spt" \s href=" ([^"]+) " \s* > #" (.+?) </a> .+?
    {push @results, {url => $1, title => $2, content => $3};
     foreach ( @{$results[-1]}{qw(title content)} )
         $_ = encode 'utf8', $_;}}
 return $next, \@results;}
  1. --- Methods ---------------------------------------------------

sub new

{my $invocant = shift;
 my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
 $mech->get('' . apply
    {s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge;
     s/ /+/g;}
 my ($next, $results) = read_page();
 return bless {link_to_next => $next, results => $results}, $class;}

sub results


sub next_page

{my $invocant = shift;
 my $next = $invocant->{link_to_next};
 unless ($next)
    {$invocant->{results} = [];
     return undef;}
 ($next, my $results) = read_page();
 $invocant->{link_to_next} = $next;
 $invocant->{results} = $results;
 return 1;}</lang>


<lang python>import urllib import re

def fix(x):

   x =  x.replace("","").replace("","").replace("","").replace("","").replace("...","")
return x[:x.find("</a>


class YahooSearch:

   def __init__(self, query, page=1):       
       self.query = query = page
       self.url = "" %(self.query, (( - 1) * 10 + 1))
       self.content = urllib.urlopen(self.url).read()        

   def getresults(self):
       self.results = []

for i in re.findall("<a class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\".+?\" >(.+?)</a>"+\ "



           title = fix(i[0])
           content = fix(i[1])
           url = fix(i[2])

           self.results.append(YahooResult(title, content, url))

       return self.results

   def getnextpage(self):
       return YahooSearch(self.query,

   results = property(fget=getresults)
   nextpage = property(fget=getnextpage)

class YahooResult:

   def __init__(self,title,content,url):
       self.title = title
       self.content = content
       self.url = url

  1. Usage:

x = YahooSearch("test")

for result in x.results:

   print result.title</lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang tcl>package require http

proc fix s {

   string map {... ""  ""  ""  "" "" ""} \

[regsub "</a>.*" $s ""]

} proc YahooSearch {term {page 1}} {

   # Build the (ugly) scraper URL

append re {<a class="yschttl spt" href=".+?" >(.+?)</a>} append re {

(.+?)} append re {


   # Perform the query; note that this handles special characters
   # in the query term correctly
   set q [http::formatQuery p $term b [expr {$page*10-9}]]
   set token [http::geturl$q]
   set data [http::data $token]
   http::cleanup $token
   # Assemble the results into a nice list
   set results {}
   foreach {- title content url} [regexp -all -inline $re $data] {
       lappend results [fix $title] [fix $content] [fix $url]
   # set up the call for the next page
   interp alias {} Nextpage {} YahooSearch $term [incr page]
   return $results


  1. Usage: get the first two pages of results

foreach {title content url} [YahooSearch "test"] {

   puts $title

} foreach {title content url} [Nextpage] {

    puts $title


Works with: Tcl version 8.6

With Tcl 8.6, more options are available for managing the global state, through objects and coroutines. First, an object-based solution that takes the basic YahooSearch functionality and dresses it up to be more Tcl-like: <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

oo::class create WebSearcher {

   variable page term results
   constructor searchTerm {
       set page 0
       set term $searchTerm
       my nextPage
   # This next method *is* a very Tcl-ish way of doing iteration.
   method for {titleVar contentsVar urlVar body} {
       upvar 1 $titleVar t $contentsVar c $urlVar v
       foreach {t c v} $results {
           uplevel 1 $body
   # Reuse the previous code for simplicity rather than writing it anew
   # Of course, if we were serious about this, we'd put the code here properly
   method nextPage {} {
       set results [YahooSearch $term [incr page]]


  1. How to use. Note the 'foreach' method use below; new "keywords" as methods!

set ytest [WebSearcher new "test"] $ytest for title - url {

   puts "\"$title\" : $url"

} $ytest nextPage $ytest for title - url {

   puts "\"$title\" : $url"

} $ytest delete ;# standard method that deletes the object</lang> However, the paradigm of an iterator is also interesting and is more appropriately supported through a coroutine. This version conceals the fact that the service produces output in pages; care should be taken with it because it can produce rather a lot of network traffic... <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

proc yahoo! term {

   coroutine yahoo![incr ::yahoo] apply {term {
       yield [info coroutine]
       while 1 {
           set results [YahooSearch $term [incr step]]
           if {[llength $results] == 0} {
               return -code break
           foreach {t c u} $results {
               yield [dict create title $t content $c url $u]
   }} $term


  1. test by getting first fifty titles...

set it [yahoo! "test"] for {set i 50} {$i>0} {incr i -1} {

   puts [dict get [$it] title]
   after 300  ;# Slow the code down... :-)


Another approach: uses a class as specified in the task. Also, uses an html parser (parsing html with regular expressions is a particular annoyance of mine).

Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6 package require http package require htmlparse package require textutil::adjust

oo::class create yahoosearch {

   method search {s} {
       my variable searchterm page baseurl
       set searchterm $s
       set page 1
       set baseurl {}
   method getresults {} {
       my variable state results current_data
       set results [list]
       set current_data [dict create]
       set state looking_for_results
       htmlparse::parse -cmd [list [self] html_parser_callback] [my gethtml]
   method nextpage {} {
       my variable page
       incr page 10
       my getresults
   method nextresult {} {
       my variable results page
       if { ! [info exists results]} {
           my getresults
       } elseif {[llength $results] == 0} {
           my nextpage
       set results [lassign $results result]
       return $result
   method gethtml {} {
       my variable searchterm page baseurl
       set url [format {%s?%s} $baseurl [::http::formatQuery p $searchterm b $page]]
       set response [http::geturl $url]
       set html [http::data $response]
       http::cleanup $response
       return $html
   method html_parser_callback {tag slash param textBehindTheTag} {
       my variable state results current_data
       switch -exact -- $state {
           looking_for_results {
               if {$tag eq "div" && [string first {id="main"} $param] != -1} {
                   set state ready
           ready {
               if {($tag eq "div" && [string first {class="res} $param] != -1) ||
                   ($tag eq "html" && $slash eq "/")
               } {
                   if {[dict size $current_data] > 0} {lappend results $current_data}
                   set current_data [dict create]
                   set state getting_url
           getting_url {
               if {$tag eq "a" && [string match "*yschttl spt*" $param]} {
                   if {[regexp {href="(.+?)"} $param - url]} {
                       dict set current_data url $url
                   } else {
                       dict set current_data url "no href in tag params: '$param'"
                   dict set current_data title $textBehindTheTag
                   set state getting_title
           getting_title {
               if {$tag eq "a" && $slash eq "/"} {
                   set state looking_for_abstract
               } else {
                   dict append current_data title $textBehindTheTag
           looking_for_abstract {
               if {$tag eq "span" && [string first {class="url} $param] != -1} {
                   set state ready
               } elseif {$tag eq "div" && [string first {class="abstr} $param] != -1} {
                   dict set current_data abstract $textBehindTheTag
                   set state getting_abstract
           getting_abstract {
               if {$tag eq "div" && $slash eq "/"} {
                   set state ready
               } else {
                   dict append current_data abstract $textBehindTheTag


yahoosearch create searcher searcher search "search text here"

for {set x 1} {$x <= 15} {incr x} {

   set result [searcher nextresult]
   dict with result {
       puts $title
       puts $url
       puts [textutil::adjust::indent [textutil::adjust::adjust $abstract] "  "]
       puts ""
