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First perfect square in base n with n unique digits

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 18:25, 30 May 2019 by Nigel Galloway (talk | contribs) ({{header|F_Sharp|F#}}: Using[Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection)
First perfect square in base n with n unique digits is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Find the first perfect square in a given base N that has at least N digits and exactly N significant unique digits when expressed in base N.

E.G. In base 10, the first perfect square with at least 10 unique digits is 1026753849 (32043²).

You may use analytical methods to reduce the search space, but the code must do a search. Do not use magic numbers or just feed the code the answer to verify it is correct.

  • Find and display here, on this page, the first perfect square in base N, with N significant unique digits when expressed in base N, for each of base 2 through 12. Display each number in the base N for which it was calculated.
  • (optional) Do the same for bases 13 through 16.
  • (stretch goal) Continue on for bases 17 - ?? (Big Integer math)

See also


<lang fsharp> // Nigel Galloway: May 21st., 2019 let fN g=let g=int64(sqrt(float(pown g (int(g-1L)))))+1L in (Seq.unfold(fun(n,g)->Some(n,(n+g,g+2L))))(g*g,g*2L+1L) let fG n g=Array.unfold(fun n->if n=0L then None else let n,g=System.Math.DivRem(n,g) in Some(g,n)) n let fL g=let n=set[0L..g-1L] in Seq.find(fun x->set(fG x g)=n) (fN g) let toS n g=let a=Array.concat [[|'0'..'9'|];[|'a'..'f'|]] in System.String(Array.rev(fG n g)|>Array.map(fun n->a.[(int n)])) [2L..16L]|>List.iter(fun n->let g=fL n in printfn "Base %d: %s² -> %s" n (toS (int64(sqrt(float g))) n) (toS g n)) </lang>

Base 2: 10² -> 100
Base 3: 22² -> 2101
Base 4: 33² -> 3201
Base 5: 243² -> 132304
Base 6: 523² -> 452013
Base 7: 1431² -> 2450361
Base 8: 3344² -> 13675420
Base 9: 11642² -> 136802574
Base 10: 32043² -> 1026753849
Base 11: 111453² -> 1240a536789
Base 12: 3966b9² -> 124a7b538609
Base 13: 3828943² -> 10254773ca86b9
Base 14: 3a9db7c² -> 10269b8c57d3a4
Base 15: 1012b857² -> 102597bace836d4
Base 16: 404a9d9b² -> 1025648cfea37bd9

Using Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection

On the discussion page for Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection an anonymous contributor queries the value of Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection. Well let's see him use an inverse Knuth shuffle to partially solve this task. This solution only applies to bases that do not require an extra digit. Still I think it's short and interesting. <lang fsharp> // Nigel Galloway: May 30th., 2019 let fN n g=let g=n|>Array.rev|>Array.mapi(fun i n->(int64 n)*(pown g i))|>Array.sum

          let n=int64(sqrt (float g)) in g=(n*n)

let fG g=lN(g-1)|>Seq.map(fun n->lN2p n [|0..(g-1)|]) |> Seq.filter(fun n->Array.head n>0 && Array.last n>0 && fN n (int64 g)) printfn "%A" (fG 12|>Seq.head) // -> [|1; 2; 4; 10; 7; 11; 5; 3; 8; 6; 0; 9|] </lang>


This takes advantage of major optimizations described by Nigel Galloway and Thundergnat (inspired by initial pattern analysis by Hout) in the Discussion page and a minor optimization contributed by myself. <lang go>package main

import (



const maxBase = 27 const minSq36 = "1023456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" const minSq36x = "10123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

var bigZero = new(big.Int) var bigOne = new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)

func containsAll(sq string, base int) bool {

   var found [maxBase]bool
   for _, r := range sq {
       if r < 58 {
           found[r-48] = true
       } else {
           found[r-87] = true
   for i := 0; i < base; i++ {
       if !found[i] {
           return false
   return true


func sumDigits(n, base *big.Int) *big.Int {

   q := new(big.Int).Set(n)
   r := new(big.Int)
   sum := new(big.Int).Set(bigZero)
   for q.Cmp(bigZero) == 1 {
       q.QuoRem(q, base, r)
       sum.Add(sum, r)
   return sum


func digitalRoot(n *big.Int, base int) int {

   root := new(big.Int)
   b := big.NewInt(int64(base))
   for i := new(big.Int).Set(n); i.Cmp(b) >= 0; i.Set(root) {
       root.Set(sumDigits(i, b))
   return int(root.Int64())


func minStart(base int) (string, uint64, int) {

   nn := new(big.Int)
   ms := minSq36[:base]
   nn.SetString(ms, base)
   bdr := digitalRoot(nn, base)
   var drs []int
   var ixs []uint64
   for n := uint64(1); n < uint64(2*base); n++ {
       nn.SetUint64(n * n)
       dr := digitalRoot(nn, base)
       if dr == 0 {
           dr = int(n * n)
       if dr == bdr {
           ixs = append(ixs, n)
       if n < uint64(base) && dr >= bdr {
           drs = append(drs, dr)
   inc := uint64(1)
   if len(ixs) >= 2 && base != 3 {
       inc = ixs[1] - ixs[0]
   if len(drs) == 0 {
       return ms, inc, bdr
   min := drs[0]
   for _, dr := range drs[1:] {
       if dr < min {
           min = dr
   rd := min - bdr
   if rd == 0 {
       return ms, inc, bdr
   if rd == 1 {
       return minSq36x[:base+1], 1, bdr
   ins := string(minSq36[rd])
   return (minSq36[:rd] + ins + minSq36[rd:])[:base+1], inc, bdr


func main() {

   start := time.Now()
   var nb, nn big.Int
   for n, k, base := uint64(2), uint64(1), 2; ; n += k {
       if base > 2 && n%uint64(base) == 0 {
       sq := nb.Mul(&nb, &nb).Text(base)
       if !containsAll(sq, base) {
       ns := strconv.FormatUint(n, base)
       tt := time.Since(start).Seconds()
       fmt.Printf("Base %2d:%15s² = %-27s in %8.3fs\n", base, ns, sq, tt)
       if base == maxBase {
       ms, inc, bdr := minStart(base)
       k = inc
       nn.SetString(ms, base)
       if nb.Uint64() < n+1 {
           nb.SetUint64(n + 1)
       if k != 1 {
           for {
               nn.Mul(&nb, &nb)
               dr := digitalRoot(&nn, base)
               if dr == bdr {
                   n = nb.Uint64() - k
               nb.Add(&nb, bigOne)
       } else {
           n = nb.Uint64() - k



Timimgs (in seconds) are for my Celeron @ 1.6GHz and should therefore be much faster on a more modern machine.

Base  2:             10² = 100                         in    0.000s
Base  3:             22² = 2101                        in    0.000s
Base  4:             33² = 3201                        in    0.000s
Base  5:            243² = 132304                      in    0.000s
Base  6:            523² = 452013                      in    0.000s
Base  7:           1431² = 2450361                     in    0.001s
Base  8:           3344² = 13675420                    in    0.001s
Base  9:          11642² = 136802574                   in    0.001s
Base 10:          32043² = 1026753849                  in    0.001s
Base 11:         111453² = 1240a536789                 in    0.003s
Base 12:         3966b9² = 124a7b538609                in    0.011s
Base 13:        3828943² = 10254773ca86b9              in    0.025s
Base 14:        3a9db7c² = 10269b8c57d3a4              in    0.026s
Base 15:       1012b857² = 102597bace836d4             in    0.032s
Base 16:       404a9d9b² = 1025648cfea37bd9            in    0.045s
Base 17:      423f82ga9² = 101246a89cgfb357ed          in    0.339s
Base 18:      44b482cad² = 10236b5f8eg4ad9ch7          in    0.395s
Base 19:     1011b55e9a² = 10234dhbg7ci8f6a9e5         in    0.535s
Base 20:     49dgih5d3g² = 1024e7cdi3hb695fja8g        in   17.610s
Base 21:    4c9he5fe27f² = 1023457dg9hi8j6b6kceaf      in   18.595s
Base 22:    4f94788gj0f² = 102369fbgdej48chi7lka5      in   62.002s
Base 23:   1011d3el56mc² = 10234acedkg9hm8fbjil756     in   91.127s
Base 24:   4lj0hdgf0hd3² = 102345b87hfeckjnigmdla69    in   98.035s
Base 25:  1011e145fhghm² = 102345doeckj6gfb8liam7nh9   in  229.642s
Base 26:  52k8n53bdm99k² = 1023458lo6iemkg79fpchnjdba  in  935.014s
Base 27: 1011f11e37objj² = 1023458elomdhbijfgkp7cq9n6a in 1774.957s

It's possible to go beyond base 27 by using big.Int (rather than uint64) for N as well as N² though this takes about 14% longer to reach base 27 itself.

For example, to reach base 28 (the largest base shown in the OEIS table) we have: <lang go>package main

import (



const maxBase = 28

// etc

func main() {

   start := time.Now()
   var n, k, b, t, nn big.Int
   for base := 2; ; n.Add(&n, &k) { 
      if base > 2 && t.Rem(&n, &b).Cmp(bigZero) == 0 {
       sq := nn.Mul(&n, &n).Text(base)
       if !containsAll(sq, base) {
       ns := n.Text(base)
       tt := time.Since(start).Seconds()
       fmt.Printf("Base %2d:%15s² = %-28s in %8.3fs\n", base, ns, sq, tt)
       if base == maxBase {
       ms, inc, bdr := minStart(base)
       nn.SetString(ms, base)
       t.Add(&n, bigOne)
       if n.Cmp(&t) == -1 {
       if inc != 1 {
           for {
               nn.Mul(&n, &n)
               dr := digitalRoot(&nn, base)
               if dr == bdr {
                   n.Sub(&n, &k)
               n.Add(&n, bigOne)
       } else {
           n.Sub(&n, &k)


Base  2:             10² = 100                          in    0.000s
Base  3:             22² = 2101                         in    0.000s
Base  4:             33² = 3201                         in    0.000s
Base  5:            243² = 132304                       in    0.000s
Base  6:            523² = 452013                       in    0.000s
Base  7:           1431² = 2450361                      in    0.000s
Base  8:           3344² = 13675420                     in    0.001s
Base  9:          11642² = 136802574                    in    0.001s
Base 10:          32043² = 1026753849                   in    0.001s
Base 11:         111453² = 1240a536789                  in    0.003s
Base 12:         3966b9² = 124a7b538609                 in    0.012s
Base 13:        3828943² = 10254773ca86b9               in    0.028s
Base 14:        3a9db7c² = 10269b8c57d3a4               in    0.031s
Base 15:       1012b857² = 102597bace836d4              in    0.039s
Base 16:       404a9d9b² = 1025648cfea37bd9             in    0.054s
Base 17:      423f82ga9² = 101246a89cgfb357ed           in    0.389s
Base 18:      44b482cad² = 10236b5f8eg4ad9ch7           in    0.446s
Base 19:     1011b55e9a² = 10234dhbg7ci8f6a9e5          in    0.607s
Base 20:     49dgih5d3g² = 1024e7cdi3hb695fja8g         in   20.705s
Base 21:    4c9he5fe27f² = 1023457dg9hi8j6b6kceaf       in   21.797s
Base 22:    4f94788gj0f² = 102369fbgdej48chi7lka5       in   73.152s
Base 23:   1011d3el56mc² = 10234acedkg9hm8fbjil756      in  107.040s
Base 24:   4lj0hdgf0hd3² = 102345b87hfeckjnigmdla69     in  114.986s
Base 25:  1011e145fhghm² = 102345doeckj6gfb8liam7nh9    in  266.218s
Base 26:  52k8n53bdm99k² = 1023458lo6iemkg79fpchnjdba   in 1073.121s
Base 27: 1011f11e37objj² = 1023458elomdhbijfgkp7cq9n6a  in 2018.632s
Base 28: 58a3ckp3n4cqd7² = 1023456cgjbirqedhp98kmoan7fl in 3812.564s


Translation of: Python

<lang javascript>(() => {

   'use strict';
   // allDigitSquare :: Int -> Int
   const allDigitSquare = base => {
       const bools = replicate(base, false);
       return untilSucc(
           allDigitsUsedAtBase(base, bools),
               '10' + '0123456789abcdef'.slice(2, base),
   // allDigitsUsedAtBase :: Int -> [Bool] -> Int -> Bool
   const allDigitsUsedAtBase = (base, bools) => n => {
       // Fusion of representing the square of integer N at a given base
       // with checking whether all digits of that base contribute to N^2.
       // Sets the bool at a digit position to True when used.
       // True if all digit positions have been used.
       const ds = bools.slice(0);
       let x = n * n;
       while (x) {
           ds[x % base] = true;
           x = floor(x / base);
       return ds.every(x => x)
   // showBaseSquare :: Int -> String
   const showBaseSquare = b => {
       const q = allDigitSquare(b);
       return justifyRight(2, ' ', str(b)) + ' -> ' +
           justifyRight(8, ' ', showIntAtBase(b, digit, q, )) +
           ' -> ' + showIntAtBase(b, digit, q * q, );
   // TEST -----------------------------------------------
   const main = () => {
       // 1-12 only - by 15 the squares are truncated by
       // JS integer limits.
       // Returning values through console.log –
       // in separate events to avoid asynchronous disorder.
       print('Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-12:\n')
       print('Base      Root    Square')
   // GENERIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------
       ceil = Math.ceil,
       floor = Math.floor,
       sqrt = Math.sqrt;
   // Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
   const Tuple = (a, b) => ({
       type: 'Tuple',
       '0': a,
       '1': b,
       length: 2
   // digit :: Int -> Char
   const digit = n =>
       // Digit character for given integer.
       '0123456789abcdef' [n];
   // enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int]
   const enumFromTo = (m, n) =>
           length: 1 + n - m
       }, (_, i) => m + i);
   // justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
   const justifyRight = (n, cFiller, s) =>
       n > s.length ? (
           s.padStart(n, cFiller)
       ) : s;
   // print :: a -> IO ()
   const print = x => console.log(x)
   // quotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
   const quotRem = (m, n) =>
       Tuple(Math.floor(m / n), m % n);
   // replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
   const replicate = (n, x) =>
           length: n
       }, () => x);
   // showIntAtBase :: Int -> (Int -> Char) -> Int -> String -> String
   const showIntAtBase = (base, toChr, n, rs) => {
       const go = ([n, d], r) => {
           const r_ = toChr(d) + r;
           return 0 !== n ? (
               go(Array.from(quotRem(n, base)), r_)
           ) : r_;
       return 1 >= base ? (
           'error: showIntAtBase applied to unsupported base'
       ) : 0 > n ? (
           'error: showIntAtBase applied to negative number'
       ) : go(Array.from(quotRem(n, base)), rs);
   // Abbreviation for quick testing - any 2nd arg interpreted as indent size
   // sj :: a -> String
   function sj() {
       const args = Array.from(arguments);
       return JSON.stringify.apply(
           1 < args.length && !isNaN(args[0]) ? [
               args[1], null, args[0]
           ] : [args[0], null, 2]
   // str :: a -> String
   const str = x => x.toString();
   // untilSucc :: (Int -> Bool) -> Int -> Int
   const untilSucc = (p, x) => {
       // The first in a chain of successive integers
       // for which p(x) returns true.
       let v = x;
       while (!p(v)) v = 1 + v;
       return v;
   // MAIN ---
   return main();


Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-12:

Base      Root    Square
 2 ->       10 -> 100
 3 ->       22 -> 2101
 4 ->       33 -> 3201
 5 ->      243 -> 132304
 6 ->      523 -> 452013
 7 ->     1431 -> 2450361
 8 ->     3344 -> 13675420
 9 ->    11642 -> 136802574
10 ->    32043 -> 1026753849
11 ->   111453 -> 1240a536789
12 ->   3966b9 -> 124a7b538609


Runs in about 4 seconds with using occursin(). <lang julia>const num = "0123456789abcdef" hasallin(n, nums, b) = (s = string(n, base=b); all(x -> occursin(x, s), nums))

function squaresearch(base)

   basenumerals = [c for c in num[1:base]]
   highest = parse(Int, "10" * num[3:base], base=base)
   for n in Int(trunc(sqrt(highest))):highest
       if hasallin(n * n, basenumerals, base)
           return n


println("Base Root N") for b in 2:16

   n = squaresearch(b)
   println(lpad(b, 3), lpad(string(n, base=b), 10), "  ", string(n * n, base=b))



Base     Root   N
  2        10  100
  3        22  2101
  4        33  3201
  5       243  132304
  6       523  452013
  7      1431  2450361
  8      3344  13675420
  9     11642  136802574
 10     32043  1026753849
 11    111453  1240a536789
 12    3966b9  124a7b538609
 13   3828943  10254773ca86b9
 14   3a9db7c  10269b8c57d3a4
 15  1012b857  102597bace836d4
 16  404a9d9b  1025648cfea37bd9


Using an array of digits to base n, to get rid of base conversions.
Starting value equals squareroot of smallest value containing all digits to base.
Than brute force.
Try it online! <lang pascal>program project1; //Find the smallest number n to base b, so that n*n includes all //digits of base b {$IFDEF FPC}{$MODE DELPHI}{$ENDIF} uses



charSet : array[0..36] of char ='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';  


 tNumtoBase = record 
                ntb_dgt : array[0..31-4] of byte;
                ntb_bas  : Word;


 deltaNum  : tNumtoBase;                  

function Minimal_n(base:NativeUint):Uint64; //' 1023456789ABCDEFGHIJ...' var

 i : NativeUint;


 result := base;  // aka '10'
 IF base > 2 then 
   For i := 2 to base-1 do
     result := result*base+i;
 result := trunc(sqrt(result)+0.99999);        


procedure Conv2num(var num:tNumtoBase;n:Uint64;base:NativeUint); var

 quot :UInt64;
 i :NativeUint; 


 i := 0;
   quot := n div base;
   Num.ntb_dgt[i] := n-quot*base;
   n := quot;
 until n = 0;
 Num.ntb_cnt := i;
 Num.ntb_bas := base;
 //clear upper digits
 For i := i to high(tNumtoBase.ntb_dgt) do 
    Num.ntb_dgt[i] := 0;


procedure OutNum(const num:tNumtoBase); var

 i : NativeInt;


 with num do
   For i := 17-ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do 
     write(' ');
   For i := ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do


procedure IncNumBig(var add1:tNumtoBase;n:NativeUInt); //prerequisites //bases are the same,delta : NativeUint var

 i,s,b,carry : NativeInt;


 b := add1.ntb_bas;
 i := 0;
 carry := 0;
 while n > 0 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry+ n MOD b;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
   n := n div b;
 while carry <> 0 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then
   add1.ntb_cnt := i;


procedure IncNum(var add1:tNumtoBase;carry:NativeInt); //prerequisites: bases are the same, carry==delta < base var

 i,s,b : NativeInt;


 b := add1.ntb_bas;
 i := 0;
 while carry <> 0 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then
   add1.ntb_cnt := i;


procedure AddNum(var add1,add2:tNumtoBase); //prerequisites //bases are the same,add1>add2, add1 <= add1+add2; var

 i,carry,s,b : NativeInt;


 b := add1.ntb_bas;
 carry := 0;
 For i := 0 to add2.ntb_cnt-1 do 
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+add2.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 i := add2.ntb_cnt;
 while carry = 1 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   // remove of if s>b then by bit-twiddling
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then
   add1.ntb_cnt := i;


procedure Test(base:NativeInt); var

 n : Uint64;  
 i,j,TestSet : NativeInt;


 n := Minimal_n(base);
 deltaNum := num;
 i := 0;
   //count used digits
   TestSet := 0;
   For j := sqr2B.ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do
     TestSet := TestSet OR (1 shl sqr2B.ntb_dgt[j]);
   IF (1 shl base)=TestSet  then
   //next square number
 until false;



 T0: TDateTime;
 base :nativeInt;   


 T0 := now;
 writeln('base                 n        square(n)       Testcnt');
 For base := 2 to 16 do


base                 n        square(n)       Testcnt
    2               10              100             0
    3               22             2101             4
    4               33             3201             6
    5              243           132304            46
    6              523           452013           103
    7             1431          2450361           209
    8             3344         13675420           288
    9            11642        136802574          1156
   10            32043       1026753849            51
   11           111453      1240A536789         14983
   12           3966B9     124A7B538609         75713
   13          3828943   10254773CA86B9      12668112
   14          3A9DB7C   10269B8C57D3A4         17291
   15         1012B857  102597BACE836D4         59026
   16         404A9D9B 1025648CFEA37BD9        276865

proof of concept

I tested my program using precalculated start values to check Chai Wah Wu list on oeis.org/A260182
The runtime is by far faster."23 through 26 takes several hours" => 1 minute. <lang pascal>program project1; //Find the smallest number n to base b, so that n*n includes all //digits of base b {$IFDEF FPC}{$MODE DELPHI}{$ENDIF} uses



 ttestCaseData = string[31];
 tTestcase = record
                tc_sqr_n :ttestCaseData;


 charSet : array[0..36] of char ='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';  
 cTestCases : array[22..28] of tTestcase =


 tNumtoBase = record 
                ntb_dgt : array[0..31-4] of byte;
                ntb_bas  : Word;

var {$ALIGN 32}

 deltaNum  : tNumtoBase;                  
 T0,T1: TDateTime;

procedure OutNum(const num:tNumtoBase); var

 i : NativeInt;


 with num do
   For i := 30-ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do 
     write(' ');
   For i := ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do
 write(' ');


procedure conv2Num(base:NativeUint;var Num:tNumtoBase;const s:ttestCaseData); var

 i,j : NativeInt;


 For i := 0 to high(tNumtoBase.ntb_dgt) do 
   Num.ntb_dgt[i] := 0;  
 i := length(s);
 with num do
   ntb_bas := base;
   ntb_cnt:= i;
   j := 1;
   while i > 0 do
     ntb_dgt[i] := Pos(s[j],charSet)-1;


procedure GetNum(base:NativeUint); Begin



procedure IncNumBig(var add1:tNumtoBase;n:Uint64); //prerequisites //bases are the same,delta < base var

 i,s,b,carry : NativeInt;


 b := add1.ntb_bas;
 i := 0;
 carry := 0;
 while n > 0 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry+ n MOD b;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
   n := n div b;
 while carry <> 0 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then
   add1.ntb_cnt := i;


procedure IncNum(var add1:tNumtoBase;carry:NativeInt); //prerequisites //bases are the same,delta < base var

 i,s,b : NativeInt;


 b := add1.ntb_bas;
 i := 0;
 while carry <> 0 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then
   add1.ntb_cnt := i;


procedure AddNum(var add1,add2:tNumtoBase); //prerequisites //bases are the same,add1>add2, add1 <= add1+add2; var

 i,carry,s,b : NativeInt;


 b := add1.ntb_bas;
 carry := 0;
 For i := 0 to add2.ntb_cnt-1 do 
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+add2.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 i := add2.ntb_cnt;
 while carry = 1 do
   s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry;
   carry := Ord(s>=b);
   s := s- (-carry AND b);
   add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s;
 IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then
   add1.ntb_cnt := i;


procedure Test(base:NativeInt); var

 i,j,TestSet : NativeInt;


 T0 := now;  
 deltaNum := num;
 i := 0;
   //count used digits
   TestSet := 0;
   For j := sqr2B.ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do
     TestSet := TestSet OR (1 shl sqr2B.ntb_dgt[j]);
   IF (1 shl base)=TestSet  then
   //next square number

// IF i AND ( 1 shl 24 - 1) = 0 then write(i,#13);// takes to much time

 until false;
 T1 := now;    
 Writeln(' testcount ',i:12,(T1-t0 )*86400:9:3,' seconds');



 T: TDateTime;
 base :nativeInt;   


 T := now;
 writeln('base                 n        square(n)       Testcnt');
 For base := 22 to 28 do
 writeln((now-T)*86400:10:3,' seconds');

end. </lang>{{out}

base                    n                square(n)     
{startvalue}       4F942523JK5         1023456789AF71694A3533
                   4F94788GJ0F         102369FBGDEJ48CHI7LKA5  testcount    583903946   25.960 seconds

                  1011D108L540        1023456789A9D49M46AHG00
                  1011D3EL56MC        10234ACEDKG9HM8FBJIL756  testcount    389624796   16.517 seconds

                  4LJ0HD4763F3      1023456789AB4D1EBNFKG6I9  <- Uups 0 is gone
                  4LJ0HD95KAE6      102345698LDKMCAF7EGBHJN2I  testcount     39347115    1.859 seconds

                 1011E109GHMMM      1023456789ABD5AHDHG370GC9
                 1011E145FHGHM      102345DOECKJ6GFB8LIAM7NH9  testcount    937105500   42.284 seconds

                 52K8N4MNP7AM9     1023456789ABCCJPGN3JNMK393
                 52K8N53BDM99K     1023458LO6IEMKG79FPCHNJDBA  testcount   2014612845   99.679 seconds

                1011F10AB5HL6I    1023456789ABCD7648K79DL2HC0
                1011F11E37OBJJ    1023458ELOMDHBIJFGKP7CQ9N6A  testcount  11896437628  577.726 seconds

                58A3CKOHN4IK4C   1023456789ABCD83A2GKO3BHLNH4
                58A3CKP3N4CQD7   1023456CGJBIRQEDHP98KMOAN7FL  testcount   6746337495  356.024 seconds

  1120.081 seconds


Library: ntheory

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use ntheory qw/fromdigits todigitstring/; use utf8; binmode('STDOUT', 'utf8');

sub first_square {

   my $n = shift;
   my $sr = substr('1023456789abcdef',0,$n);
   my $r  = int fromdigits($sr, $n) ** .5;
   my @digits = reverse split , $sr;
   TRY: while (1) {
       my $sq = $r * $r;
       my $cnt = 0;
       my $s = todigitstring($sq, $n);
       my $i = scalar @digits;
       for (@digits) {
           $r++ and redo TRY if (-1 == index($s, $_)) || ($i-- + $cnt < $n);
           last if $cnt++ == $n;
       return sprintf "Base %2d: %10s² == %s", $n, todigitstring($r, $n),
              todigitstring($sq, $n);


say "First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: "; say first_square($_) for 2..16;</lang>

First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: 
Base  2:         10² == 100
Base  3:         22² == 2101
Base  4:         33² == 3201
Base  5:        243² == 132304
Base  6:        523² == 452013
Base  7:       1431² == 2450361
Base  8:       3344² == 13675420
Base  9:      11642² == 136802574
Base 10:      32043² == 1026753849
Base 11:     111453² == 1240a536789
Base 12:     3966b9² == 124a7b538609
Base 13:    3828943² == 10254773ca86b9
Base 14:    3a9db7c² == 10269b8c57d3a4
Base 15:   1012b857² == 102597bace836d4
Base 16:   404a9d9b² == 1025648cfea37bd9

Alternative solution:

Library: ntheory

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use ntheory qw(:all); use List::Util qw(uniq);

sub first_square {

   my ($base) = @_;
   my $start = sqrtint(fromdigits([1, 0, 2 .. $base-1], $base));
   for (my $k = $start ; ; ++$k) {
       if (uniq(todigits($k * $k, $base)) == $base) {
           return $k * $k;


foreach my $n (2 .. 16) {

   my $s = first_square($n);
   printf("Base %2d: %10s² == %s\n", $n,
       todigitstring(sqrtint($s), $n), todigitstring($s, $n));


Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2019.03

As long as you have the patience, this will work for bases 2 through 36.

Bases 2 through 19 finish quickly, (about 10 seconds on my system), 20 takes a while, 21 is pretty fast, 22 is glacial. 23 through 26 takes several hours.

Use analytical start value filtering based on observations by Hout++ and Nigel Galloway++ on the discussion page.

Try it online!

<lang perl6>#`[

Only search square numbers that have at least N digits; smaller could not possibly match.

Only bother to use analytics for large N. Finesse takes longer than brute force for small N.


unit sub MAIN ($timer = False);

sub first-square (Int $n) {

   my @start = flat '1', '0', (2 ..^ $n)».base: $n;
   if $n > 10 { # analytics
       my $root  = digital-root( @start.join, :base($n) );
       my @roots = (2..$n).map(*²).map: { digital-root($_.base($n), :base($n) ) };
       if $root ∉ @roots {
           my $offset = min(@roots.grep: * > $root ) - $root;
           @start[1+$offset] = $offset ~ @start[1+$offset];
   my $start = @start.join.parse-base($n).sqrt.ceiling;
   my @digits = reverse (^$n)».base: $n;
   my $sq;
   my $now  = now;
   my $time = 0;
   my $sr;
   for $start .. * {
       $sq = .²;
       my $s = $sq.base($n);
       my $f;
       $f = 1 and last unless $s.contains: $_ for @digits;
       if $timer && $n > 19 && $_ %% 1_000_000 {
           $time += now - $now;
           say "N $n:  {$_}² = $sq <$s> : {(now - $now).round(.001)}s" ~
               " : {$time.round(.001)} elapsed";
           $now = now;
       next if $f;
       $sr = $_;
   sprintf( "Base %2d: %13s² == %-30s", $n, $sr.base($n), $sq.base($n) ) ~
       ($timer ?? ($time + now - $now).round(.001) !! );


sub digital-root ($root is copy, :$base = 10) {

   $root = $root.comb.map({:36($_)}).sum.base($base) while $root.chars > 1;


say "First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: "; say .&first-square for flat

  2 .. 12, # required
 13 .. 16, # optional
 17 .. 19, # stretch
 20, # slow
 21, # pretty fast
 22, # very slow
 23, # don't hold your breath
 24, # slow but not too terrible
 25, # very slow
 26, #   "
First perfect square with N unique digits in base N:
Base  2:            10² == 100
Base  3:            22² == 2101
Base  4:            33² == 3201
Base  5:           243² == 132304
Base  6:           523² == 452013
Base  7:          1431² == 2450361
Base  8:          3344² == 13675420
Base  9:         11642² == 136802574
Base 10:         32043² == 1026753849
Base 11:        111453² == 1240A536789
Base 12:        3966B9² == 124A7B538609
Base 13:       3828943² == 10254773CA86B9
Base 14:       3A9DB7C² == 10269B8C57D3A4
Base 15:      1012B857² == 102597BACE836D4
Base 16:      404A9D9B² == 1025648CFEA37BD9
Base 17:     423F82GA9² == 101246A89CGFB357ED
Base 18:     44B482CAD² == 10236B5F8EG4AD9CH7
Base 19:    1011B55E9A² == 10234DHBG7CI8F6A9E5
Base 20:    49DGIH5D3G² == 1024E7CDI3HB695FJA8G
Base 21:   4C9HE5FE27F² == 1023457DG9HI8J6B6KCEAF
Base 22:   4F94788GJ0F² == 102369FBGDEJ48CHI7LKA5
Base 23:  1011D3EL56MC² == 10234ACEDKG9HM8FBJIL756
Base 24:  4LJ0HDGF0HD3² == 102345B87HFECKJNIGMDLA69
Base 25: 1011E145FHGHM² == 102345DOECKJ6GFB8LIAM7NH9
Base 26: 52K8N53BDM99K² == 1023458LO6IEMKG79FPCHNJDBA


Works with: Python version 3.7

<lang python>Perfect squares using every digit in a given base.

from itertools import (count, dropwhile, repeat) from math import (ceil, sqrt) from time import time

  1. allDigitSquare :: Int -> Int -> Int

def allDigitSquare(base, above):

   The lowest perfect square which
      requires all digits in the given base.
   bools = list(repeat(True, base))
   return next(dropwhile(missingDigitsAtBase(base, bools), count(
       max(above, ceil(sqrt(int('10' + '0123456789abcdef'[2:base], base))))

  1. missingDigitsAtBase :: Int -> [Bool] -> Int -> Bool

def missingDigitsAtBase(base, bools):

   Fusion of representing the square of integer N at a given base
      with checking whether all digits of that base contribute to N^2.
      Clears the bool at a digit position to False when used.
      True if any positions remain uncleared (unused).
   def go(x):
       xs = bools.copy()
       while x:
           xs[x % base] = False
           x //= base
       return any(xs)
   return lambda n: go(n * n)

  1. digit :: Int -> Char

def digit(n):

   Digit character for given integer.
   return '0123456789abcdef'[n]

  1. TEST ----------------------------------------------------
  2. main :: IO ()

def main():

   Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-16
   start = time()
   print(main.__doc__ + ':\n\nBase      Root    Square')
   q = 0
   for b in enumFromTo(2)(16):
       q = allDigitSquare(b, q)
           str(b).rjust(2, ' ') + ' -> ' +
           showIntAtBase(b)(digit)(q)().rjust(8, ' ') + ' -> ' +
           showIntAtBase(b)(digit)(q * q)()
       '\nc. ' + str(ceil(time() - start)) + ' seconds.'

  1. GENERIC -------------------------------------------------
  1. enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int]

def enumFromTo(m):

   Integer enumeration from m to n.
   return lambda n: list(range(m, 1 + n))

  1. showIntAtBase :: Int -> (Int -> String) -> Int -> String -> String

def showIntAtBase(base):

   String representation of an integer in a given base,
      using a supplied function for the string representation
      of digits.
   def wrap(toChr, n, rs):
       def go(nd, r):
           n, d = nd
           r_ = toChr(d) + r
           return go(divmod(n, base), r_) if 0 != n else r_
       return 'unsupported base' if 1 >= base else (
           'negative number' if 0 > n else (
               go(divmod(n, base), rs))
   return lambda toChr: lambda n: lambda rs: (
       wrap(toChr, n, rs)

  1. MAIN ---

if __name__ == '__main__':

Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-16:

Base      Root    Square
 2 ->       10 -> 100
 3 ->       22 -> 2101
 4 ->       33 -> 3201
 5 ->      243 -> 132304
 6 ->      523 -> 452013
 7 ->     1431 -> 2450361
 8 ->     3344 -> 13675420
 9 ->    11642 -> 136802574
10 ->    32043 -> 1026753849
11 ->   111453 -> 1240a536789
12 ->   3966b9 -> 124a7b538609
13 ->  3828943 -> 10254773ca86b9
14 ->  3a9db7c -> 10269b8c57d3a4
15 -> 1012b857 -> 102597bace836d4
16 -> 404a9d9b -> 1025648cfea37bd9

c. 30 seconds.


The   REXX   language doesn't have a   sqrt   function,   nor does it have a general purpose radix (base) convertor,
so RYO versions were included here.

These REXX versions can handle up to base 36.

slightly optimized

<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds/displays the first perfect square with N unique digits in base N.*/ numeric digits 40 /*ensure enough decimal digits for a #.*/ parse arg n . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if n== | n=="," then n= 16 /*not specified? Then use the default.*/ @start= 1023456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*contains the start # (up to base 36).*/

                          w= length(n)          /* [↓]  find the smallest square with  */
   do j=2  to n;          beg= left(@start, j)  /*      N  unique digits in base  N.   */
      do k=iSqrt( base(beg,10,j) )  until #==0  /*start each search from smallest sqrt.*/
      $= base(k*k, j, 10)                       /*calculate square, convert to base J. */
      $u= $;              upper $u              /*get an uppercase version fast count. */
      #= verify(beg, $u)                        /*count differences between 2 numbers. */
      end   /*k*/
   say 'base'  right(j,w)   "   root="   right(base(k,j,10),max(5,n))    '   square='   $
   end      /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ base: procedure; arg x 1 #,toB,inB /*obtain: three arguments. */

     @l= '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' /*lowercase (Latin or English) alphabet*/
     @u= @l;     upper @u                       /*uppercase    "    "    "         "   */
     if inb\==10  then                          /*only convert if  not  base 10.       */
        do;  #= 0                               /*result of converted  X  (in base 10).*/
          do j=1  for length(x)                 /*convert  X:   base inB  ──► base 10. */
          #= # * inB + pos(substr(x,j,1), @u)-1 /*build a new number,  digit by digit. */
          end    /*j*/                          /* [↑]  this also verifies digits.     */
     y=                                         /*the value of  X  in base  B (so far).*/
     if tob==10  then return #                  /*if TOB is ten,  then simply return #.*/
        do  while  # >= toB                     /*convert #:    base 10  ──►  base toB.*/
        y= substr(@l, (# // toB) + 1, 1)y       /*construct the output number.         */
        #= # % toB                              /*      ··· and whittle  #  down also. */
        end    /*while*/                        /* [↑]  algorithm may leave a residual.*/
     return substr(@l, # + 1, 1)y               /*prepend the residual, if any.        */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; r=0; q=1; do while q<=x; q=q*4; end

       do while q>1; q=q%4; _=x-r-q; r=r%2; if _>=0 then do;x=_;r=r+q; end; end; return r</lang>
output   when using the default input:
base  2    root=           10    square= 100
base  3    root=           22    square= 2101
base  4    root=           33    square= 3201
base  5    root=          243    square= 132304
base  6    root=          523    square= 452013
base  7    root=         1431    square= 2450361
base  8    root=         3344    square= 13675420
base  9    root=        11642    square= 136802574
base 10    root=        32043    square= 1026753849
base 11    root=       111453    square= 1240a536789
base 12    root=       3966b9    square= 124a7b538609
base 13    root=      3828943    square= 10254773ca86b9
base 14    root=      3a9db7c    square= 10269b8c57d3a4
base 15    root=     1012b857    square= 102597bace836d4
base 16    root=     404a9d9b    square= 1025648cfea37bd9

more optimized

This REXX version uses a highly optimized   base   function since it was that particular function that was consuming the majority of the CPU time.

It is about   10%   faster. <lang rexx>/*REXX program finds/displays the first perfect square with N unique digits in base N.*/ numeric digits 40 /*ensure enough decimal digits for a #.*/ parse arg n . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if n== | n=="," then n= 16 /*not specified? Then use the default.*/ @start= 1023456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*contains the start # (up to base 36).*/ call base /*initialize 2 arrays for BASE function*/

                                                /* [↓]  find the smallest square with  */
   do j=2  to n;          beg= left(@start, j)  /*      N  unique digits in base  N.   */
      do k=iSqrt( base(beg,10,j) )  until #==0  /*start each search from smallest sqrt.*/
      $= base(k*k, j, 10)                       /*calculate square, convert to base J. */
      #= verify(beg, $)                         /*count differences between 2 numbers. */
      end   /*k*/
   say 'base'            right(j, length(n) )                    "   root="   ,
                  lower( right( base(k, j, 10), max(5, n) ) )    '   square='    lower($)
   end      /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ base: procedure expose !. !!.; arg x 1 #,toB,inB /*obtain: three arguments. */

     @= 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz    /*the characters for the Latin alphabet*/
     if x==  then do i=1  for length(@);   _= substr(@, i, 1);    m= i - 1;    !._= m
                    !!.m= substr(@, i, 1)
                    if i==length(@) then return /*Done with shortcuts?  Then go back.  */
                    end   /*i*/                 /* [↑]  assign shortcut radix values.  */
     if inb\==10  then                          /*only convert if  not  base 10.       */
        do;  #= 0                               /*result of converted  X  (in base 10).*/
          do j=1  for length(x)                 /*convert  X:   base inB  ──► base 10. */
          _= substr(x, j, 1);  #= # * inB + !._ /*build a new number,  digit by digit. */
          end    /*j*/                          /* [↑]  this also verifies digits.     */
     y=                                         /*the value of  X  in base  B (so far).*/
     if tob==10  then return #                  /*if TOB is ten,  then simply return #.*/
        do  while  # >= toB                     /*convert #:    base 10  ──►  base toB.*/
        _= # // toB;           y= !!._ || y     /*construct the output number.         */
        #= # % toB                              /*      ··· and whittle  #  down also. */
        end    /*while*/                        /* [↑]  algorithm may leave a residual.*/
     return !!.# || y                           /*prepend the residual, if any.        */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; r=0; q=1; do while q<=x; q=q*4; end

       do while q>1; q=q%4; _=x-r-q; r=r%2; if _>=0 then do;x=_;r=r+q; end; end; return r

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ lower: @abc= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; return translate(arg(1), @abc, translate(@abc))</lang>

output   is identical to the 1st REXX version.


<lang ruby>func first_square(b) {

   var start = [1, 0, (2..^b)...].flip.map_kv{|k,v| v * b**k }.sum.isqrt
   start..Inf -> first_by {|k|
       k.sqr.digits(b).freq.len == b


for b in (2..16) {

   var s = first_square(b)
   printf("Base %2d: %10s² == %s\n", b, s.isqrt.base(b), s.base(b))


Base  2:         10² == 100
Base  3:         22² == 2101
Base  4:         33² == 3201
Base  5:        243² == 132304
Base  6:        523² == 452013
Base  7:       1431² == 2450361
Base  8:       3344² == 13675420
Base  9:      11642² == 136802574
Base 10:      32043² == 1026753849
Base 11:     111453² == 1240a536789
Base 12:     3966b9² == 124a7b538609
Base 13:    3828943² == 10254773ca86b9
Base 14:    3a9db7c² == 10269b8c57d3a4
Base 15:   1012b857² == 102597bace836d4
Base 16:   404a9d9b² == 1025648cfea37bd9


Translation of: Julia

<lang zkl>fcn squareSearch(B){

  basenumerals:=B.pump(String,T("toString",B)); // 13 --> "0123456789abc"
  highest:=("10"+basenumerals[2,*]).toInt(B);   // 13 --> "10" "23456789abc"
  foreach n in ([highest.toFloat().sqrt().toInt() .. highest]){
    if(""==(basenumerals - ns) ) return(n.toString(B),ns);

}</lang> <lang zkl>println("Base Root N"); foreach b in ([2..16])

 { println("%2d %10s  %s".fmt(b,squareSearch(b).xplode())) }</lang>
Base     Root   N
 2         10  100
 3         22  2101
 4         33  3201
 5        243  132304
 6        523  452013
 7       1431  2450361
 8       3344  13675420
 9      11642  136802574
10      32043  1026753849
11     111453  1240a536789
12     3966b9  124a7b538609
13    3828943  10254773ca86b9
14    3a9db7c  10269b8c57d3a4
15   1012b857  102597bace836d4
16   404a9d9b  1025648cfea37bd9
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