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User talk:IanOsgood

From Rosetta Code

Your user page looks corrupted to me. Can you see it/edit it fine? --Short Circuit 00:13, 13 October 2007 (MDT)

N/m. Fixed the problem; The page cache got corrupted somehow. --Short Circuit 01:30, 13 October 2007 (MDT)
Thought I'd fixed it, anyway. I can make changes to this talk page, but I can't see them. Not sure what's going on yet. --Short Circuit 01:32, 13 October 2007 (MDT)
No idea: it all looks good to me. --IanOsgood 09:53, 13 October 2007 (MDT)
Looks like the Bluehost machine Rosetta Code sits on perpetually runs with a load average of between 2 and 3. That's pretty high, even for a dual-core machine. The MediaWiki upgrade seems more resilient to these conditions; Instead of corrupted pages, we see 500 server misconfigured errors. These aren't problems with the MediaWiki configuration, just hiccups in MySQL, which they have running on the same box as the PHP machines. When I was on Dreamhost, a Slashdotting slowed the PHP box to a crawl, but I never had database issues. --Short Circuit 20:43, 4 December 2007 (MST)

By the way, have you seen Help:Similar Sites? --Short Circuit 01:30, 13 October 2007 (MDT)

Yeah, it is already linked from my page, and I've added a few more links to it. :) --IanOsgood 09:53, 13 October 2007 (MDT)

User spam

The reason you're seeing user spam is because, in order to present captchas to all anonymous editors without also presenting captchas to all logged-in editors, I needed to remove the captchas for all logged-in users. What you're seeing are bots that have, up until now, been blocked by the URL captcha trigger. Since the logged-in users no longer get captchas when they post URLs, logged-in bots are posting their linkspam. When the username looks random like that, it's probably autogenerated; Don't feel bad about blocking for six months or more. And please set the option for automatically blocking subsequent login IPs. --Short Circuit 21:35, 17 October 2007 (MDT)

Yes, that option is checked by default. --IanOsgood 23:16, 17 October 2007 (MDT)
Great. The nice thing is, the more times the bots try to log in using a banned account, the more bad IPs get blocked. (I'm fairly sure most of the bad IPs are from Tor nodes.) --Short Circuit 23:20, 17 October 2007 (MDT)


A discussion was moved to Talk:Sieve of Eratosthenes.

Would you be interested in writing a Forth implementation of RCBF? Mwn3d is working on a Java version. I'm hoping someone writes a version in Lisp or Haskell. --Short Circuit 20:11, 26 November 2007 (MST)

RCBF (Haskell) version done. --Dirkt 09:41, 28 November 2007 (MST)
There are already plenty of brainfuck interpreters in the world. If I were to do one, I'd do it in JavaScript so folks could run in their browser. I've already done this for a number of other obscure languages.
If I did do BF for Forth, I would use meta-compilation, directly compiling BF into one big Forth definition. --IanOsgood 10:32, 27 November 2007 (MST)
Those Javascript language interpreters are simply awesome. Last week, I was reminiscing about a screensaver I once had that showed the execution of cellular automata, and wondered if something like that would be educational. I didn't think to do it in JavaScript, though. --Short Circuit 12:07, 27 November 2007 (MST)
OK, that was easier than I thought.--IanOsgood 11:46, 27 November 2007 (MST)

Code moved to RCBF (Forth).

That's pretty cool. Mind if it's copied over to RCBF (Forth)? I'd still be interested in that Javascript version; Having on-site or at least in-browser environments for languages is something I've been looking into. --Short Circuit 11:57, 27 November 2007 (MST)
Sure. It could use some testing, and a word :bf-file to get the BF source from a file. I'll let you know if I ever get the JavaScript interpreter written. --IanOsgood 12:25, 27 November 2007 (MST)
The JavaScript version is now here. --IanOsgood 11:22, 29 November 2007 (MST)


Thanks for Sum and product of array. That's a lot of code in a lot of different languages! --Short Circuit 19:04, 3 December 2007 (MST)

Thanks for the theoretical stars on the table. It actually started as a mixture of three different tables from wikipedia, then that was scaled down a bit. The hardest part was mixing three wikitables together without using regular expressions (I don't know enough Perl or Ruby to make regular expressions that useful to me).--Mwn3d 17:08, 20 July 2008 (UTC)


Would you mind stopping by Rosetta Code:Wiki Wishlist, and leaving a few of your own thoughts? Also, do you still use IRC? I haven't seen you on #rosettacode in quite some time.--Short Circuit 12:50, 1 March 2008 (MST)

Related to your userbox wish: do you think we should have usergroups too? As in, a category for users that program in each language. --Mwn3d 16:09, 6 March 2008 (MST)


As a bureaucrat, you should now see a page under Special Pages called User Rights Management. Of interest is the "interwiki" group. Use your new powers wisely. :-) --Short Circuit 00:22, 22 March 2008 (MDT)

Deprecated array tasks

First, I think the {{task}} template should be removed, as if you remove the headers only then the page will still be considered a task, and added to everyone's unimplemented-tasks list. Second, I think the headers should be left, so that the remaining content for that language can be found.

  • Specific proposal: Remove the task template; leave the header templates; and rename the pages to "oldtaskname (Deprecated)" so that it shows up that way in the languages' category pages and people will notice it.
  • Or, instead of leaving the header templates, for more cleanup-attention-getting, have a template like the Incorrect template which says "This example should be merged ..." and puts it in the language's Examples needing attention category.

I'll work on any of this you want me to; I just didn't want to change what you did without a discussion. --Kevin Reid 00:36, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, removing {task} makes sense. I wasn't going to bother with renames, since the pages will rapidly shrink and then turn into redirects to Arrays. An {Obsolete|newname} template would be a fine addition, but my wiki-fu is not strong enough to create it myself.
I'm happy this merge is finally happening. I suggested it almost two years ago! --IanOsgood 14:19, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

{obscure} tag

I actually like your idea of an {obscure} tag. Though some language communities may not like it, I still think it could be applied to languages whose communities don't oppose it. It could probably work like the needs-review template, but maybe with a check for languages whose communities oppose it? We may need a bot to clean up examples that have been tagged obscure when the language doesn't want to use the template. It may be too complicated to do stuff like that, but I think the idea is a good start. --Mwn3d 22:03, 14 October 2009 (UTC)

Maybe {please-explain} would be more constructive? The tag would be an invitation to explain the code further. The person taking up the invitation might add a few comments to the code, or a full explanation on a separate page (Talk or sub-page). --Tikkanz 22:56, 14 October 2009 (UTC)

Sure. Really, it is just another mechanism to improve examples and aid language learning, like our other maintenance templates. Maybe it would be better to put these kinds of templates on the Talk pages, since it is more like meta-discussion. --IanOsgood 23:19, 14 October 2009 (UTC)
"Please explain" definitely has a nicer (more diplomatic) feel to it. I think more communities would go for that. --Mwn3d 17:52, 15 October 2009 (UTC)


Hi, isn't there a problem with this exemple? The pointer starts at the dolar, then the first char is a lurd, so the pointer turns in the upper direction where there is nothing.

Fixed, thanks. --IanOsgood 15:33, 31 December 2009 (UTC)

PL/I vs PL/1


I don't really care, but changing my user page to correct "PL/1" to "PL/I" seems rather nit-picky to me. Especially when either usage is acceptable.


The Usenet newsgroup is, in fact, called "pl1". Answers.com allows for either.

Finally, the compiler I used at UMD was called @PL1 not @PLI.

Aren't there larger problems to be working on? Like, actually accomplishing some of the undone programming tasks?

Welcome back!

Good to see you back, sir. --Mwn3d (talk) 17:22, 7 May 2015 (UTC)

MSSQL v. Transact-SQL

MSSQL History reports you redirected MSSQL to Category:Transact-SQL. I don't use MSSQL, but I'm trying to understand Rosetta Code's structure.

As indicated, MSSQL redirects to Category:Transact-SQL. Both have "/Omit", "examples needing attention", "Implementations", and "User" pages in the Category: namespace. I'm trying to determine if all the Category:MSSQL* pages should be redirected to the equivalent Category:Transact-SQL* pages.
--GarveyPatrickD (talk) 16:14, 27 June 2021 (UTC)

I don't recall why I made this redirect twelve years ago! I can only guess that I thought MS SQL and Transact-SQL were synonymous since they are both Microsoft variants on SQL. Please don't take me as any authority on the matter. --IanOsgood (talk) 17:48, 27 June 2021 (UTC)
OK, you're not an authority on MSSQL v. Transact-SQL. How well do you understand Rosetta Code's copy of MediaWiki? If I were to replace, for instance, Category:MSSQL_User with a redirect to Category:Transact-SQL_User, would that change the result of LordMike's and Turtlezero's "My Favorite Languages" displayed list? --GarveyPatrickD (talk) 20:41, 27 June 2021 (UTC)
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