User defined pipe and redirection operators
If the language supports operator definition, then:
- create "user defined" the equivalents of the Unix shell "<", "|", ">", "<<", ">>" and $(cmd) operators.
- Provide simple equivalents of: cat, tee, grep, & uniq, but as filters/procedures native to the specific language.
- Replicate the below sample shell script, but in the specific language
- Specifically do not cache the entire stream before the subsequent filter/procedure starts. Pass each record on as soon as available through each of the filters/procedures in the chain.
Alternately: if the language does not support operator definition then replace with:
- define the procedures: input(cmd,stream), pipe(stream,cmd), output(stream, stream), whereis(array), append(stream)
For bonus Kudos: Implement the shell "&" concept as a dyadic operator in the specific language. e.g.:
( head x & tail x & wait ) | grep test
Sample shell script: ¢ draft - pending a better (more interesting) suggestion ¢
head -4 < List_of_computer_scientists.lst;
cat List_of_computer_scientists.lst | grep ALGOL | tee ALGOL_pioneers.lst;
tail -4 List_of_computer_scientists.lst
) | sort | uniq | tee the_important_scientists.lst | grep aa
echo "Pioneer: $aa"
Input Records:
Name | Areas of interest |
Wil van der Aalst | business process management, process mining, Petri nets |
Hal Abelson | intersection of computing and teaching |
Serge Abiteboul | database theory |
Samson Abramsky | game semantics |
Leonard Adleman | RSA, DNA computing |
Manindra Agrawal | polynomial-time primality testing |
Luis von Ahn | human-based computation |
Alfred Aho | compilers book, the 'a' in AWK |
Stephen R. Bourne | Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler |
Kees Koster | ALGOL 68 |
Lambert Meertens | ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language) |
Peter Naur | BNF, ALGOL 60 |
Guido van Rossum | Python (programming language) |
Adriaan van Wijngaarden | Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL |
Dennis E. Wisnosky | Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF |
Stephen Wolfram | Mathematica |
William Wulf | compilers |
Edward Yourdon | Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method |
Lotfi Zadeh | fuzzy logic |
Arif Zaman | Pseudo-random number generator |
Albert Zomaya | Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems |
Konrad Zuse | German pioneer of hardware and software |
These records can be declared in any format appropriate to the specific language. eg table, array, list, table or text file etc.
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
See User defined pipe and redirection operators/ALGOL 68
File: Iterator_pipe_operators.a68
FILTER = PROC(GENLINE)GENLINE, # the classic shell filter #
MANYTOONE = PROC([]GENLINE)GENLINE; # eg cat, as in con[cat]enate #
PRIO =: = 5, << = 5, >> = 5;
OP < = (FILTER filter, PAGEIN page)GENLINE: filter(READ page),
< = (MANYTOONE cmd, PAGEIN page)GENLINE: cmd(READ page),
<< = (FILTER filter, PAGEIN page)GENLINE: filter(READ page),
> = (GENLINE gen, PAGEOUT page)VOID: gen(WRITE page),
>> = (GENLINE gen, PAGEAPPEND page)VOID: gen(APPEND page),
=: = (GENLINE gen, FILTER filter)GENLINE: filter(gen),
=: = (GENLINE gen, MANYTOONE cmd)GENLINE: cmd(gen);
File: Iterator_pipe_utilities.a68
# Sample ''utilities'' PROCedure declarations #
PROC cat = ([]GENLINE argv)GENLINE:~;
PROC tee = ([]YIELDLINE args filter)FILTER:~;
PROC grep = (STRING pattern, []GENLINE argv)GENLINE:~;
PROC head = (INT n, []GENLINE args)GENLINE:~;
PROC tail = (INT n, []GENLINE args)GENLINE:~;
File: Iterator_pipe_page.a68
# Sample ''pipe I/O'' OPerator declarations #
File: test_Iterator_pipe_page.a68
#!/usr/local/bin/a68g --script #
# First define what kind of record (aka LINE) we are piping and filtering #
FORMAT line fmt = $xg$;
PR READ "Iterator_pipe_page.a68" PR
PR READ "Iterator_pipe_operators.a68" PR
PR READ "Iterator_pipe_utilities.a68" PR
PAGE list of computer scientists = (
"Wil van der Aalst - business process management, process mining, Petri nets",
"Hal Abelson - intersection of computing and teaching",
"Serge Abiteboul - database theory",
"Samson Abramsky - game semantics",
"Leonard Adleman - RSA, DNA computing",
"Manindra Agrawal - polynomial-time primality testing",
"Luis von Ahn - human-based computation",
"Alfred Aho - compilers book, the 'a' in AWK",
"Stephen R. Bourne - Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler",
"Kees Koster - ALGOL 68",
"Lambert Meertens - ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language)",
"Peter Naur - BNF, ALGOL 60",
"Guido van Rossum - Python (programming language)",
"Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL",
"Dennis E. Wisnosky - Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF",
"Stephen Wolfram - Mathematica",
"William Wulf - compilers",
"Edward Yourdon - Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method",
"Lotfi Zadeh - fuzzy logic",
"Arif Zaman - Pseudo-random number generator",
"Albert Zomaya - Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems",
"Konrad Zuse - German pioneer of hardware and software"
PAGE algol pioneers list, the scientists list;
PAGE aa;
# Now do a bit of plumbing: #
head(4, ) < list of computer scientists,
cat(READ list of computer scientists) =: grep("ALGOL", ) =: tee(WRITE algol pioneers list),
tail(4, READ list of computer scientists)
)) =: sort =: uniq =: tee(WRITE the scientists list) =: grep("aa", ) >> aa;
# Finally check the result: #
"Pioneer: ", aa, newline,
"Number of Algol pioneers: ", whole( UPB algol pioneers list, 0 ), newline,
"Number of scientists: ", whole( UPB the scientists list, 0 ), newline
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL Number of Algol pioneers: 5 Number of scientists: 13
Type Tubo
As String dato
As Integer idx
End Type
Function NewPipe() As Tubo
Dim As Tubo p
p.dato = ""
p.idx = 0
Return p
End Function
Function GetCh(p As Tubo) As Integer
If p.idx < Len(p.dato) Then
p.idx += 1
Return Asc(Mid(p.dato, p.idx, 1))
End If
Return -1
End Function
Function GetLn(p As Tubo) As String
If p.idx < Len(p.dato) Then
Dim As Integer start = p.idx + 1
p.idx = Instr(start, p.dato, Chr(10))
If p.idx = 0 Then p.idx = Len(p.dato) + 1
Return Mid(p.dato, start, p.idx - start)
End If
Return ""
End Function
Sub PutCh(Byref p As Tubo, ch As Integer)
p.dato &= Chr(ch)
End Sub
Sub PutLn(Byref p As Tubo, linea As String)
p.dato &= linea & Chr(10)
End Sub
Function ReadAll(p As Tubo) As String
Return p.dato
End Function
Function RawData(p As Tubo) As String
Return p.dato
End Function
Sub ToName(nombre As String, src As Tubo, Byref fs As String)
fs &= nombre & Chr(10) & src.dato & Chr(10)
End Sub
Sub ToNombre(nombre As String, src As Tubo, Byref fs As String)
fs &= nombre & Chr(10) & src.dato & Chr(10)
End Sub
Function FromNombre(nombre As String, fs As String) As Tubo
Dim As Tubo p = NewPipe()
Dim As Integer start = Instr(fs, nombre & Chr(10)) + Len(nombre) + 1
Dim As Integer endPos = Instr(start, fs, Chr(10) & Chr(10))
If endPos = 0 Then endPos = Len(fs) + 1
p.dato = Mid(fs, start, endPos - start)
Return p
End Function
Function Tee(pin As Tubo, nombre As String, Byref fs As String) As Tubo
Dim As String dato = pin.dato
fs &= nombre & Chr(10) & dato & Chr(10)
Dim As Tubo p = NewPipe()
p.dato = dato
Return p
End Function
Function Grep(pin As Tubo, pat As String) As Tubo
Dim As Tubo res = NewPipe()
Dim As String linea = GetLn(pin)
If Len(linea) = 0 Then Exit Do
If Instr(linea, pat) > 0 Then PutLn(res, linea)
Return res
End Function
Function MultiReader(pipes() As Tubo) As Tubo
Dim As Tubo res = NewPipe()
For i As Integer = 0 To Ubound(pipes)
res.dato &= pipes(i).dato
Return res
End Function
Function PipeHead(pin As Tubo, lines As Integer) As Tubo
Dim As Tubo res = NewPipe()
For i As Integer = 1 To lines
Dim As String linea = GetLn(pin)
If Len(linea) = 0 Then Exit For
PutLn(res, linea)
Return res
End Function
Function PipeTail(pin As Tubo, lines As Integer) As Tubo
Dim As String ring(lines - 1)
Dim As Integer i, rn = 0
Dim As Boolean full = False
Dim As String linea
linea = GetLn(pin)
If Len(linea) = 0 Then Exit Do
rn += 1
If rn > lines Then
rn = 1
full = True
End If
ring(rn - 1) = linea
Dim As Tubo res = NewPipe()
If full Then
For i = rn To lines - 1
PutLn(res, ring(i))
End If
For i = 0 To rn - 1
PutLn(res, ring(i))
Return res
End Function
Function SortUnique(pin As Tubo) As Tubo
Dim As String lines()
Dim As String linea
Dim As Integer i
Dim As Boolean found
linea = GetLn(pin)
If Len(linea) = 0 Then Exit Do
found = False
For i = 0 To Ubound(lines)
If lines(i) = linea Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
If Not found Then
Redim Preserve lines(Ubound(lines) + 1)
lines(Ubound(lines)) = linea
End If
Dim As Tubo res = NewPipe()
For i = 0 To Ubound(lines)
PutLn(res, lines(i))
Return res
End Function
Sub ShowCount(heading As String, nombre As String, fs As String)
Dim As Integer inicio = Instr(fs, nombre & Chr(10)) + Len(nombre) + 1
Dim As Integer final = Instr(inicio, fs, Chr(10) & Chr(10))
If final = 0 Then final = Len(fs) + 1
Dim As String dato = Mid(fs, inicio, final - inicio)
Dim As Integer i, cnt = 0
For i = 1 To Len(dato)
If Mid(dato, i, 1) = Chr(10) Then cnt += 1
cnt += 1
Print heading & ": " & cnt
End Sub
Sub SetD(nombre As String, dato As String, Byref fs As String)
fs &= nombre & Chr(10) & dato & Chr(10)
End Sub
Function GetD(nombre As String, fs As String) As String
Dim As Integer inicio = Instr(fs, nombre & Chr(10)) + Len(nombre) + 1
Dim As Integer final = Instr(inicio, fs, Chr(10) & Chr(10))
If final = 0 Then final = Len(fs) + 1
Return Mid(fs, inicio, final - inicio)
End Function
' Main program
Dim As String fs = ""
Dim As String lcs_txt = _
"Wil van der Aalst business process management, process mining, Petri nets" & Chr(10) & _
"Hal Abelson intersection of computing and teaching" & Chr(10) & _
"Serge Abiteboul database theory" & Chr(10) & _
"Samson Abramsky game semantics" & Chr(10) & _
"Leonard Adleman RSA, DNA computing" & Chr(10) & _
"Manindra Agrawal polynomial-time primality testing" & Chr(10) & _
"Luis von Ahn human-based computation" & Chr(10) & _
"Alfred Aho compilers book, the 'a' in AWK" & Chr(10) & _
"Stephen R. Bourne Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler" & Chr(10) & _
"Kees Koster ALGOL 68" & Chr(10) & _
"Lambert Meertens ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language)" & Chr(10) & _
"Peter Naur BNF, ALGOL 60" & Chr(10) & _
"Guido van Rossum Python (programming language)" & Chr(10) & _
"Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL" & Chr(10) & _
"Dennis E. Wisnosky Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF" & Chr(10) & _
"Stephen Wolfram Mathematica" & Chr(10) & _
"William Wulf compilers" & Chr(10) & _
"Edward Yourdon Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method" & Chr(10) & _
"Lotfi Zadeh fuzzy logic" & Chr(10) & _
"Arif Zaman Pseudo-random number generator" & Chr(10) & _
"Albert Zomaya Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems" & Chr(10) & _
"Konrad Zuse German pioneer of hardware and software" & Chr(10)
SetD("List_of_computer_scientists.lst", lcs_txt, fs)
Dim As String mainlist = "List_of_computer_scientists.lst"
Dim As Tubo pipes(2)
pipes(0) = PipeHead(FromNombre(mainlist, fs), 4)
pipes(1) = Tee(Grep(FromNombre(mainlist, fs), "ALGOL"), "ALGOL_pioneers.lst", fs)
pipes(2) = PipeTail(FromNombre(mainlist, fs), 4)
Dim As Tubo sortedPipes = SortUnique(MultiReader(pipes()))
Dim As Tubo importantScientists = Tee(sortedPipes, "the_important_scientists.lst", fs)
Dim As Tubo aa = Grep(importantScientists, "aa")
ToNombre("aa", aa, fs)
Print "Pioneer: " & GetD("aa", fs)
ShowCount("Number of ALGOL pioneers", "ALGOL_pioneers.lst", fs)
ShowCount("Number of scientists", "the_important_scientists.lst", fs)
- Output:
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL Number of ALGOL pioneers: 5 Number of scientists: 13
package main
import (
// fake file system
var fs = make(map[string]string)
type file struct{ name string }
func (f file) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
fs[] += string(p)
return len(p), nil
// role of > operator
func toName(name string, src io.Reader) {
io.Copy(file{name}, src)
// role of < operator
func fromName(name string) io.Reader {
return strings.NewReader(fs[name])
func tee(in io.Reader, name string) io.Reader {
return io.TeeReader(in, file{name})
func grep(in io.Reader, pat string) io.Reader {
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
bf := bufio.NewReader(in)
for {
line, readErr := bf.ReadString('\n')
if match, _ := regexp.MatchString(pat, line); match {
_, writeErr := io.WriteString(pw, line)
if writeErr != nil {
if readErr != nil {
return pr
func uniq(in io.Reader) io.Reader {
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
bf := bufio.NewReader(in)
var last string
for {
s, readErr := bf.ReadString('\n')
switch readErr {
case nil:
if s != last {
_, writeErr := io.WriteString(pw, s)
if writeErr != nil {
last = s
case io.EOF:
if s > "" && s+"\n" != last {
_, writeErr := io.WriteString(pw, s+"\n")
if writeErr != nil {
return pr
func head(in io.Reader, lines int) io.Reader {
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
if lines <= 0 {
lines = 10
for bf := bufio.NewReader(in); lines > 0; lines-- {
s, readErr := bf.ReadString('\n')
_, writeErr := io.WriteString(pw, s)
if writeErr != nil {
if readErr == nil {
if readErr == io.EOF {
if s > "" {
io.WriteString(pw, "\n")
return pr
func tail(in io.Reader, lines int) io.Reader {
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
if lines <= 0 {
lines = 10
ring := make([]string, lines)
rn := 0
full := false
bf := bufio.NewReader(in)
var readErr error
var s string
for {
s, readErr = bf.ReadString('\n')
if readErr == nil {
ring[rn] = s
if rn == lines {
rn = 0
full = true
if readErr == io.EOF && s > "" {
ring[rn] = s + "\n"
writeLines := func(start, end int) {
for i := start; i < end; i++ {
if _, err := io.WriteString(pw, ring[i]); err != nil {
if full {
writeLines(rn, lines)
writeLines(0, rn)
return pr
func sortPipe(in io.Reader) io.Reader {
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
go func() {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(in)
if len(b) > 0 {
if b[len(b)-1] == '\n' {
b = b[:len(b)-1]
list := strings.Split(string(b), "\n")
for _, s := range list {
if _, err := io.WriteString(pw, s+"\n"); err != nil {
return pr
func main() {
fs["List_of_computer_scientists.lst"] =
`Wil van der Aalst business process management, process mining, Petri nets
Hal Abelson intersection of computing and teaching
Serge Abiteboul database theory
Samson Abramsky game semantics
Leonard Adleman RSA, DNA computing
Manindra Agrawal polynomial-time primality testing
Luis von Ahn human-based computation
Alfred Aho compilers book, the 'a' in AWK
Stephen R. Bourne Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler
Kees Koster ALGOL 68
Lambert Meertens ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language)
Peter Naur BNF, ALGOL 60
Guido van Rossum Python (programming language)
Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
Dennis E. Wisnosky Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF
Stephen Wolfram Mathematica
William Wulf compilers
Edward Yourdon Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
Lotfi Zadeh fuzzy logic
Arif Zaman Pseudo-random number generator
Albert Zomaya Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems
Konrad Zuse German pioneer of hardware and software
toName("aa", grep(tee(uniq(sortPipe(io.MultiReader(
head(fromName("List_of_computer_scientists.lst"), 4),
tee(grep(fromName("List_of_computer_scientists.lst"), "ALGOL"),
tail(fromName("List_of_computer_scientists.lst"), 4)))),
"the_important_scientists.lst"), "aa"))
fmt.Print("Pioneer: ", fs["aa"])
showCount("Number of ALGOL pioneers", "ALGOL_pioneers.lst")
showCount("Number of scientists", "the_important_scientists.lst")
func showCount(heading, name string) {
if data, ok := fs[name]; ok {
lines := strings.Split(data, "\n")
n := len(lines)
if lines[n-1] == "" {
fmt.Printf("%s: %v\n", heading, n)
} else {
fmt.Println(name, "not found")
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL Number of ALGOL pioneers: 5 Number of scientists: 13
If we ignore the gratuitous complexity requirements of this task, it boils down to this:
Step 0: get the data. The task does not specify how to get the data, so here I use lynx, which is readily available on most unix-like systems, including cygwin. Note that lynx needs to be in the OS PATH when running j.
require 'task'
data=:<;._2 shell 'lynx -dump -nolist -width=999'
Step 1: define task core algorithms:
grep=: +./@E.S:0 # ]
Step 2: select and display the required data:
;'aa' grep 'ALGOL' grep data
* Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
As for the concept of a pipe that presents data one record at a time to a downstream function, that corresponds to the J operator @
and we could achieve the "left to right" syntax mechanism by explicitly ordering its arguments 2 :'v@u'
but it's not clear how to demonstrate that usefully, in this task. (And, I could write a lot of code, to accomplish what's being accomplished here with the two successive greps, but I find that concept distasteful and tedious.)
However, note also that J's sort (/:~
) and uniq (~.
) operations would work just fine on this kind of data. For example:
;'aa' grep 'ALGOL' grep data,data
* Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
* Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
;'aa' grep ~. 'ALGOL' grep data,data
* Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
That said, this implements most (perhaps all) of the required complexities:
declare=: erase@boxopen
tee=: 4 :0
if._1=nc boxopen x do.(x)=: '' end.
(x)=: (do x),y
grep=: 4 :'x (+./@E.S:0 # ]) y'
pipe=:2 :'v@(u"0)' NB. small pipe -- spoon feed one record at a time
PIPE=:2 :0 NB. big pipe -- feed everything all together
v u y
v (,x)"_ y NB. syntactic sugar, beware of tooth decay
head=: {.
tail=: -@[ {. ]
sort=: /:~
uniq=: ~.
cat=: ]
echo=: smoutput@;
declare;:'ALGOL_pioneers the_important_scientists'
aa=: ;do TXT=:0 :0 -.LF
4 head data
cat pipe
('ALGOL'&grep) pipe
4 tail data
)) ''PIPE
sort PIPE
uniq PIPE
('the_important_scientists'&tee) PIPE
echo 'Pioneer:';aa
This produces the result:
Pioneer: * Adriaan van Wijngaarden - Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
Uses Julia's Channels as asynchronous pipes. Note that the $( .. ) Unix command, which gathers stdin output into a single variable, is not used. Instead, a common output channel for various tasks is used to gather output. Sort() rather than sort() is used so as not to overload Base.sort().
const LISTDATA = """
Wil van der Aalst business process management, process mining, Petri nets
Hal Abelson intersection of computing and teaching
Serge Abiteboul database theory
Samson Abramsky game semantics
Leonard Adleman RSA, DNA computing
Manindra Agrawal polynomial-time primality testing
Luis von Ahn human-based computation
Alfred Aho compilers book, the 'a' in AWK
Stephen R. Bourne Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler
Kees Koster ALGOL 68
Lambert Meertens ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language)
Peter Naur BNF, ALGOL 60
Guido van Rossum Python (programming language)
Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
Dennis E. Wisnosky Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF
Stephen Wolfram Mathematica
William Wulf compilers
Edward Yourdon Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
Lotfi Zadeh fuzzy logic
Arif Zaman Pseudo-random number generator
Albert Zomaya Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems
Konrad Zuse German pioneer of hardware and software
datafilename = "List_of_computer_scientists.lst"
stat(datafilename).size == 0 && (fd = open(datafilename, "a"); write(fd, LISTDATA); close(fd))
channelstream() = Channel{String}(200)
closewhenempty(c) = @async begin while !isempty(c) sleep(rand()) end; close(c); end
function head(filename, numlines, chan=channelstream())
fd = open(filename)
buffer = String[]
while !eof(fd)
push!(buffer, readline(fd, keep=true))
length(buffer) == numlines && break
@async begin
for line in buffer
put!(chan, line)
return chan
function cat(filename::AbstractString, chan=channelstream())
@async begin
fd = open(filename)
while !eof(fd)
put!(chan, readline(fd, keep=true))
return chan
function grep(inchan::Channel, target, outchan = channelstream())
@async begin
while isopen(inchan)
line = take!(inchan)
if occursin(target, line)
put!(outchan, line)
return outchan
grep(target) = (chan) -> grep(chan, target)
function tee(inchan::Channel, filename, outchan=channelstream())
fd = open(filename, "w")
@async begin
while isopen(inchan)
line = take!(inchan)
write(fd, line)
put!(outchan, line)
return outchan
tee(filename, outchan=channelstream()) = (inchan) -> tee(inchan, filename, outchan)
function tail(filename, numlines, chan=channelstream())
fd = open(filename)
buffer = String[]
while !eof(fd)
push!(buffer, readline(fd, keep=true))
length(buffer) > numlines && popfirst!(buffer)
@async begin
for line in buffer
put!(chan, line)
return chan
function Sort(inchan, outchan = channelstream())
buffer = String[]
while isopen(inchan)
push!(buffer, take!(inchan))
@async begin
for line in sort!(buffer)
put!(outchan, line)
return outchan
Sort() = (chan) -> Sort(chan)
function uniq(inchan, outchan = channelstream())
alreadyseen = Set{String}()
@async begin
while isopen(inchan)
line = take!(inchan)
if !(line in alreadyseen)
push!(alreadyseen, line)
put!(outchan, line)
return outchan
uniq() = (chan) -> uniq(chan)
function print_lines(chan)
@async begin
while isopen(chan)
line = take!(chan)
print_lines() = (chan) -> print_lines(chan)
const commonoutchan = channelstream()
head("List_of_computer_scientists.lst", 4, commonoutchan)
cat("List_of_computer_scientists.lst") |> grep("ALGOL") |> tee("Algol_pioneers.lst", commonoutchan)
tail("List_of_computer_scientists.lst", 4, commonoutchan)
Sort(commonoutchan) |> uniq() |> tee("the_important_scientists.lst") |>
grep("aa") |> print_lines()
- Output:
Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
Implementing only stream chaining, cat, grep and tee. Oddly enough, I don't feel the urge to implement all of the more-or-less-the-same features asked for by the task.
use strict;
use 5.10.0;
package IO::File;
sub readline { CORE::readline(shift) } # icing, not essential
package Stream;
use Exporter 'import';
# Only overload one operator. "file | stream" and "stream | stream"
# are not ambiguous like with shell commands.
use overload '|' => \&chain;
sub new {
my $cls = shift;
bless { args => [@_] }, ref $cls || $cls;
sub chain {
my ($left, $right, $swap) = @_;
($left, $right) = ($right, $left) if $swap;
if (!ref $left) {
my $h;
open $h, $left and $left = $h or die $left
if (!ref $right) {
# output file not implemented: don't know where I'd ever use it
my $h;
open $h, '>', $right and $right = $h or die $right
if (ref $left and $left->isa(__PACKAGE__)) {
$left->{output} = $right;
if (ref $right and $right->isa(__PACKAGE__)) {
$right->{input} = $left;
# Read a line and do something to it. By default it's this dummy
# pass-through function. Overriding it defines a subclass' behavior
sub transform { shift; shift }
sub readline {
my $obj = shift;
my $line;
return $line = <STDIN> unless defined $obj->{input};
while (1) {
$line = $obj->{input}->readline or return;
return $line if $line = $obj->transform($line);
package Cat;
use parent -norequire, 'Stream';
# Dummy, exactly the same as Stream. Except now we can invoke
# as Cat::ter, instead of Stream::ter, which is not even a word
sub ter { Cat->new(@_) }
package Grep;
use parent -norequire, 'Stream';
sub transform {
my ($obj, $line) = @_;
for (@{$obj->{args}}) {
return $line if ($line =~ $_)
sub per { Grep->new(@_) }
package Tee;
use parent -norequire, 'Stream';
sub er{
my $obj = Tee->new(@_);
@{$obj->{tees}} =
map { open my $h, '>', $_ or die $_; $h }
delete $obj->{args};
sub transform {
my ($obj, $line) = @_;
print $_ $line for @{$obj->{tees}};
package main;
my $chain =
'/etc/services' # head of chain; omit to use STDIN
| Cat::ter # don't really need this line
| Grep::per(qr/tcp/)
| Tee::er('/tmp/t1', '/tmp/t2')
| Grep::per(qr/170/)
| Tee::er('/tmp/t3')
print while $_ = $chain->readline;
You could of course do things more character-by-character or line-by-line, and/or farm things out to separate threads/tasks, but the latter would need some suspend/resume/scheduling, along with explicit eof markers. The distributed version also has a couple of alternatives for pipe_head() and pipe_tail(), along with a class-less version that is compatible with pwa/p2js.
-- demo\rosetta\Fake_Redirection.exw without js -- class (see other version in distro) constant fs = new_dict() -- fake file system class pipe -- fake pipe string data = "" integer idx = 0 function getch() if idx<length(data) then idx += 1 return data[idx] end if return -1 end function function getln() if idx<length(data) then integer start = idx+1 idx = find('\n',data,start) return data[start..idx] end if return -1 end function procedure putch(integer ch) data &= ch end procedure procedure putln(string line) data &= line end procedure function readall() return split(data,'\n',no_empty:=true) end function function rawdata() return data end function end class function joinup(sequence lines) return join(lines,"\n")&"\n" end function procedure toName(string name, pipe src) -- role of > operator setd(name,src.rawdata(),fs) end procedure function fromName(string name) -- role of < operator return new(pipe,{getd(name,fs)}) end function function tee(pipe pin, string name) string data = pin.rawdata() setd(name,data,fs) return new(pipe,{data}) end function function grep(pipe pin, string pat) pipe res = new() while true do object line = pin.getln() if atom(line) then exit end if if match(pat,line) then res.putln(line) end if end while return res end function function multireader(sequence pipes) pipe res = new() for i=1 to length(pipes) do pipe p = pipes[i] res.putln(p.rawdata()) end for return res end function function pipe_head(pipe pin, integer lines) pipe res = new() for i=1 to lines do object line = pin.getln() if atom(line) then exit end if res.putln(line) end for return res -- or, nicer/neater but potentially much wasted effort: -- return new(pipe,{joinup(head(pin.readall(),lines))}) end function function pipe_tail(pipe pin, integer lines) -- sequence ring = repeat("",lines) -- integer rn = 0, full = false -- while true do -- object line = pin.getln() -- if atom(line) then exit end if -- rn += 1 -- if rn>lines then {rn,full} = {1,true} end if -- ring[rn] = line -- end while -- ring = iff(full?ring[rn+1..$]:{}) & ring[1..rn] -- return new(pipe,{joinup(ring)}) return new(pipe,{joinup(tail(pin.readall(),lines))}) end function function sort_unique(pipe pin) return new(pipe,{joinup(unique(pin.readall()))}) end function procedure showCount(string heading, name) if getd_index(name,fs)=NULL then crash("not found") end if integer n = length(split(getd(name,fs), "\n")) printf(1,"%s: %d\n", {heading, n}) end procedure constant lcs_txt = """ Wil van der Aalst business process management, process mining, Petri nets Hal Abelson intersection of computing and teaching Serge Abiteboul database theory Samson Abramsky game semantics Leonard Adleman RSA, DNA computing Manindra Agrawal polynomial-time primality testing Luis von Ahn human-based computation Alfred Aho compilers book, the 'a' in AWK Stephen R. Bourne Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler Kees Koster ALGOL 68 Lambert Meertens ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language) Peter Naur BNF, ALGOL 60 Guido van Rossum Python (programming language) Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL Dennis E. Wisnosky Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF Stephen Wolfram Mathematica William Wulf compilers Edward Yourdon Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method Lotfi Zadeh fuzzy logic Arif Zaman Pseudo-random number generator Albert Zomaya Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems Konrad Zuse German pioneer of hardware and software """, mainlist = "List_of_computer_scientists.lst" setd(mainlist,lcs_txt,fs) toName("aa", grep(tee(sort_unique(multireader({pipe_head(fromName(mainlist), 4), tee(grep(fromName(mainlist), "ALGOL"), "ALGOL_pioneers.lst"), pipe_tail(fromName(mainlist), 4)})), "the_important_scientists.lst"), "aa")) printf(1,"Pioneer: %s", getd("aa",fs)) showCount("Number of ALGOL pioneers", "ALGOL_pioneers.lst") showCount("Number of scientists", "the_important_scientists.lst") ?"done" {} = wait_key() abort(0)
- Output:
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL Number of ALGOL pioneers: 5 Number of scientists: 13
#lang racket
(module racksh racket
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
(provide (except-out (all-from-out racket) #%app sort)
(rename-out [shell-app #%app]))
(define-syntax (shell-app stx)
(define (=? x y)
(eq? (if (syntax? x) (syntax-e x) x) (if (syntax? y) (syntax-e y) y)))
(define (err msg) (raise-syntax-error 'shell msg stx))
(define (make-call xs)
(cond [(null? xs) (err "empty form")]
[(string? (syntax-e (car xs))) #`(shell #,(car xs) #,@(cdr xs))]
[(eq? #\{ (syntax-property (car xs) 'paren-shape)) (cons #'void xs)]
[else xs]))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ x ...) (eq? #\{ (syntax-property stx 'paren-shape))
(let loop ([xs (reverse (syntax->list #'(\; x ...)))]
[form '()] [thunks '()] [I #f] [O #f] [seq '()])
(cond [(null? xs) #`(begin #,@seq)]
[(=? '\; (car xs))
(loop (cdr xs) '() '() #f #f
(if (and (null? form) (null? thunks)) seq
(let* ([form (make-call form)]
[r (if (null? thunks) form
#`(pipe (list (λ() #,form) #,@thunks)))]
[r (if I #`(#,@I (λ() #,r)) r)]
[r (if O #`(#,@O (λ() #,r)) r)])
(cons r seq))))]
[(=? '\| (car xs))
(loop (cdr xs) '() (cons #`(λ() #,(make-call form)) thunks) I O
[(or (=? '< (car xs)) (=? '<< (car xs)))
(cond [(null? form) (err "missing expression after < or <<")]
[I (err "duplicate < or << specified")]
[else (loop (cdr xs) (cdr form) thunks
(if (=? '< (car xs))
#`(with-input-from-file #,(car form))
#`(with-input-from-string #,(car form)))
O seq)])]
[(or (=? '> (car xs)) (=? '>> (car xs)))
(cond [(null? form) (err "missing expression after > or >>")]
[O (err "duplicate > or >> specified")]
[else (loop (cdr xs) (cdr form) thunks I
#`(with-output-to-file #,(cadr xs) #:exists
'#,(if (=? '> (car xs)) 'truncate 'append))
[else (loop (cdr xs) (cons (car xs) form) thunks I O seq)]))]
[(_ x ...) #'(x ...)]))
(define (pipe thunks)
(if (null? (cdr thunks)) ((car thunks))
(let-values ([(I O) (make-pipe)])
(parameterize ([current-output-port O])
(thread (λ() (dynamic-wind void (car thunks)
(λ() (close-output-port O))))))
(parameterize ([current-input-port I]) (pipe (cdr thunks))))))
(define (shell cmd . args)
(apply system* (find-executable-path cmd)
(map (λ(x) (if (string? x) x
(with-output-to-string (λ() (display x)))))
;; implements a common interface of reading a bunch of files; '- means
;; stdin; no files means just stdin
(define (call/files files proc)
(if (null? files) (proc (current-input-port))
(let-values ([(I O) (make-pipe)])
(λ() (for ([file (in-list files)])
(if (eq? '- file)
(copy-port (current-input-port) O)
(call-with-input-file file (λ(i) (copy-port i O)))))
(close-output-port O)))
(proc I))))
(define-syntax (define-io stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (name . xs) E ...)
(with-syntax ([io-name (format-id #'name "io-~a" #'name)])
#'(begin (provide (rename-out [io-name name]))
(define (io-name . xs) E ...)))]))
(define-io (echo . xs)
(for-each display (add-between xs " "))
(define-io (cat . files)
(call/files files (λ(I) (copy-port I (current-output-port)))))
(define-io (sort . files)
(display-lines (sort (call/files files port->lines) string<?)))
(define-io (head n . files)
(call/files files
(λ(I) (for ([l (in-lines I)] [i (in-range n)]) (displayln l)))))
(define-io (tail n . files)
(display-lines (take-right (call/files files port->lines) n)))
(define-io (grep rx . files)
(call/files files
(λ(I) (for ([l (in-lines I)] #:when (regexp-match? rx l)) (displayln l)))))
(define-io (uniq . files)
(call/files files
(λ(I) (let loop ([last #f])
(define line (read-line I))
(unless (eof-object? line)
(unless (equal? line last) (displayln line))
(loop line))))))
(define-io (tee file)
(call-with-output-file file #:exists 'truncate
(λ(O) (for ([l (in-lines (current-input-port))])
(displayln l O) (displayln l)))))
(provide $)
(define-syntax-rule ($ E ...)
(with-output-to-string (λ() E ...))))
(module sample (submod ".." racksh)
define file "List_of_computer_scientists.lst" \;
define aa ($
{{ head 4 < file \;
cat file \| grep "ALGOL" \;
tail 4 < file \;
} \| sort \| uniq \| tee "the_important_scientists.lst" \| grep "aa"
}) \;
echo "Pioneer:" aa}
(require 'sample)
(formerly Perl 6) Implementing cat, redirect(<), head, tail and tee. I share the same general lack of enthusiasm as the Perl example author to implement the other shell ops. Many of the ops already exist in some form in Raku, though they may have slightly different syntax and precedence as the shell ops. I didn't bother implementing pipe (|) as Raku pretty much has chaining semantics built in.
The less than '<' operator is very low level in Raku and would be troublesome to override, so is implemented as 'redirect'. The sort and unique directives don't really have any effect on the final result string, it would be the same without them, but it is following the task example.
This assumes that the data is in a tab separated file "List_of_computer_scientists.lst" in the current directory.
sub cat ($fname) { lazy $fname.IO.lines };
sub head ($count, @positional) { @positional.head($count) }
sub redirect ($fname) { cat($fname) }
sub tail (Int $count, Str $fname) { $fname.IO.lines.tail($count) }
sub infix:<tee> ($stream, $fname) {
# need to reify the lazy list to write to a file
my @values = @$stream[^Inf].grep: *.defined;
# meh. not really going to write the files
# $fname.IO.put @values.join("\n")
# just pass the reified values along
my $aa = ((
(head 4, redirect 'List_of_computer_scientists.lst'),
cat('List_of_computer_scientists.lst') .grep( /'ALGOL'/ ) tee 'ALGOL_pioneers.lst',
tail 4, 'List_of_computer_scientists.lst'
).flat .sort .unique tee 'the_important_scientists.lst') .grep: /'aa'/;
say "Pioneer: $aa";
- Output:
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
The syntax of redirections is slightly out, as they're inserted as explicit pipeline elements, and standard Tcl syntax is used to pull in results from sub-pipelines (because it is vastly simpler):
package require Tcl 8.6
# Helpers
proc aspipe {input cmd args} {
tailcall coroutine pipe[incr ::pipes] eval {yield [info coroutine];} \
[list $cmd $input {*}$args] {;break}
proc forpipe {input var body} {
upvar 1 $var v
while {[llength [info commands $input]]} {
set v [$input]
uplevel 1 $body
# Pipeline framework; parses, collects results as newline-separated lines
proc pipeline args {
if {![llength $args]} {error "no pipeline components"}
set p [aspipe {} eval {while {[gets stdin line]>=0} {yield $line}}]
set oi -1
foreach ni [lsearch -all [lappend args "|"] "|"] {
set cmd [lrange $args [expr {$oi+1}] [expr {$ni-1}]]
set p [aspipe $p {*}$cmd]
set oi $ni
set accum {}
forpipe $p line {
lappend accum $line
return [join $accum \n]
# Pipeline implementations - redirections
proc << {in args} {
foreach string $args {
foreach line [split $string "\n"] {
yield $line
proc < {in filename} {
set f [open $filename]
while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
yield $line
close $f
proc > {in filename} {
set f [open $filename w]
forpipe $in line {
puts $f $line
close $f
proc >> {in filename} {
set f [open $filename a]
forpipe $in line {
puts $f $line
close $f
# Pipeline implementations - "commands"
proc cat {in args} {
foreach filename $args {
if {$filename eq "-"} {
forpipe $in line {
yield $line
} else {
set f [open $filename]
while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
yield $line
close $f
proc head {in count} {
forpipe $in line {
if {[incr i] <= $count} {
yield $line
proc tail {in count} {
incr count -1
set accum {}
forpipe $in line {
set accum [lrange [lappend accum $line] end-$count end]
foreach item $accum {yield $item}
proc grep {in RE} {
forpipe $in line {
if {[regexp $RE $line]} {yield $line}
proc sort {in} {
set accum {}
forpipe $in line {
lappend accum $line
foreach line [lsort $accum] {yield $line}
proc uniq {in} {
forpipe $in line {
if {![info exists prev] || $prev ne $line} {
yield $line
set prev $line
proc wc {in {type "words"}} {
set count 0
switch $type {
words { set RE {\S+} }
lines { set RE {.*} }
forpipe $in line {
incr count [regexp -all $RE $line]
yield $count
proc tee {in filename} {
set f [open $filename w]
forpipe $in line {
puts $f $line
yield $line
close $f
Sample pipeline:
set file "List_of_computer_scientists.lst"
set aa [pipeline \
<< [pipeline < $file | head 4] [pipeline < $file | grep ALGOL | tee "ALGOL_pioneers.txt"] [pipeline < $file | tail 4] \
| sort | uniq | tee "the_important_scientists.lst" | grep aa]
puts "Pioneer: $aa"
Although Wren supports operator overloading, there are a number of restrictions which would make simulating the Unix shell operators awkward or even imposible. As in the Phix (and Go) examples, I've therefore used named methods instead.
import "./seq" for Lst
var FS = {} // fake file system
var JoinUp = { |lines| lines.join("\n") + "\n" }
class Pipe { // fake pipe
static fromName(name) {[name]) } // role of < operator
static multireader(pipes) {
var res ="")
for (i in 0...pipes.count) {
var p = pipes[i]
return res
construct new(data) {
_data = data
_idx = -1
getln() {
if (_idx < _data.count-1) {
var start = _idx + 1
_idx = _data.indexOf("\n", start)
return (_idx >= 0) ? _data[start.._idx] : ""
return ""
putln(line) { _data = _data + line }
readAll() { _data.split("\n").where { |s| s != "" }.toList }
rawData { _data }
toName(name) { FS[name] = _data } // role of > operator
tee(name) {[name] = _data) }
grep(pat) {
var res ="")
while (true) {
var line = getln()
if (line == "") break
if (line.indexOf(pat) >= 0) res.putln(line)
return res
head(lines) { }
tail(lines) {
var t = readAll()
if (t.count >= lines) t = t[-lines..-1]
sortUnique { }
var showCount = { |heading, name|
if (!FS[name]) Fiber.abort("not found")
var n = FS[name].split("\n").count { |s| s != "" }
System.print("%(heading): %(n)")
var lcsTxt = """
Wil van der Aalst business process management, process mining, Petri nets
Hal Abelson intersection of computing and teaching
Serge Abiteboul database theory
Samson Abramsky game semantics
Leonard Adleman RSA, DNA computing
Manindra Agrawal polynomial-time primality testing
Luis von Ahn human-based computation
Alfred Aho compilers book, the 'a' in AWK
Stephen R. Bourne Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler
Kees Koster ALGOL 68
Lambert Meertens ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language)
Peter Naur BNF, ALGOL 60
Guido van Rossum Python (programming language)
Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
Dennis E. Wisnosky Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF
Stephen Wolfram Mathematica
William Wulf compilers
Edward Yourdon Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
Lotfi Zadeh fuzzy logic
Arif Zaman Pseudo-random number generator
Albert Zomaya Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems
Konrad Zuse German pioneer of hardware and software
var mainList = "List_of_computer_scientists.lst"
FS[mainList] = lcsTxt
var p = Pipe.fromName(mainList)
var pipes = [p.head(4), p.grep("ALGOL").tee("ALGOL_pioneers.lst"), p.tail(4)]
var p2 = Pipe.multireader(pipes).sortUnique.tee("the_important_scientists.lst").grep("aa").toName("aa")
System.write("Pioneer: %(FS["aa"])")"Number of ALGOL pioneers", "ALGOL_pioneers.lst")"Number of scientists", "the_important_scientists.lst")
- Output:
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL Number of ALGOL pioneers: 5 Number of scientists: 13