
Revision as of 06:20, 19 November 2014 by rosettacode>Jezlove (About Me)
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Languages I use
Language Proficiency
C++ Advanced
C Advanced
Java Proficient
Pascal Proficient
QuickBasic Proficient
Visual Basic Proficient
JavaScript Proficient
HTML Proficient
XHTML Proficient
XML Proficient
CSS Proficient
PHP Proficient
Resource Script Intermediate
ASM x86 Beginner
C# x86 Beginner
Objective-C x86 Beginner
MySQL Beginner
Go Beginner
Languages I don't want to use
Languages Reasons
Brainf*** Not very practical

About Me

My name is Jez (Jeremy) Love, I am a software engineer and hobbyist programmer. I am enamored with the Rosetta Code and it's intentions.

Programming Languages

I am primarily a C++ programmer, I use it for all of my projects because 'things just make sense to me'. I enjoy tinkering around with other languages and I always enjoy seeing a different approach to my own. For web stuff I use a lot of PHP, JavaScript, XHTML and CSS.

Programming Style

Preferred language: C++

Braces always for conditionals and loops and braces always on same line as function.

Goto: to be avoided

Debugging method: write to console

Data structure: Linked List


Frequent use: - Windows from Windows 3.1 on up to Windows 7. I avoid using Windows 8. - iOS (iPhone 3S, 4S, 5S, iPad 4) - Chrome OS

Occasional use: - FreeDOS - Ubuntu Linux

Speaks::English (American)|