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Anton J. Farmar, Computing student.



I made a little method that allowed me to replace "String".split(" ")[index] with "String".word index. I know that this is relatively simple, but I still found it kinda neat.

<lang ruby> class String

def word(index)
 return self.split(" ")[index] if index.class != Range
 return self.split(" ")[index].join(" ")

end </lang>

And here's it in action. Note that I also implemented a renamed version; String#w(index): <lang ruby> dummy = "Hello my deary, dearsome, deareary, dearlicious and dearful dearies!"

dummy.word 3 #=> "dearsome," dummy.w 3 #=> "dearsome,"

dummy.word 0..-1 #=>"Hello my deary, dearsome, deareary, dearlicious and dearful dearies!" dummy.w 0..2 #=>"Hello my deary," </lang>

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